Nuts & Bolts 11-23-11
Nuts & Bolts 11-23-11
Nuts & Bolts 11-23-11
KUDOS - To Christina Froehlich and Mary Kate Englat for their willingness to serve on the District SQR Review team. As you will remember, an initial school quality review (SQR) was completed in the SINI review process. The second step in this labor intensive process is for a district team to review the completed SQR. This district team is composed of several people including Mr. Corr, Ms. Skeals, Beth Bonville, Annette Tripini, Dave Semo, Ginny McQuade, Dawn Savery, Mike Mitchell, yours truly and two very important members, Mary Kate and Christina. Mary Kates and Christinas perspectives are much appreciated as they bring to the discussion accurate information about our instructional program. Their perspectives will lead to relevant and helpful suggestions/revisions to our instructional program. Thanks, Mary Kate and Christina, for your willingness to give up time to contribute to this very valuable process. - To our Climate Committee, chaired by Phil Coughlin, for the 8th Annual Staff Appreciation Continental Breakfast that was enjoyed by all this morning. Phil was the lead food gatherer for this annual positive kick off for the Thanksgiving break. He had a lot of help from other colleagues who are interested in providing an upbeat climate and all of us were able to take advantage of bagels, fruit and juice this morning; some of us might have eaten 2 bagels. Thanks, Phil and the Climate Committee, for your efforts and for this nice climate boost! - To our Builders Club, co-advised by Erin Mailloux and Trina Schanz, for the very successful Yam Drive! This annual event to benefit Equinox House has become a great kick-off to the giving spirit time of the year. Our goal was 400 cans we collected a total of 584!!! Great job by all!!
Thanks, and have fun!!! CALENDAR OF EVENTS Mon. Nov. 28 No Special Events Scheduled Tues. Nov. 29 1:00 pm Administrators Counselors 2:30 pm Guidance Department Mtg Wed. Nov. 30 2:30 pm PST Perfect Pals Canine Activity Thurs. Dec. 1 1:30 pm Administrative Counsel 7:30 pm Concert #1 Fri. Dec. 2 9:15 am Buss Drill History Club Field Trip to Harlem, NY
NWEA TESTING: ROUND 2 An initiative undertaken by our district to help us assess our students with disabilities regarding math and ELA skills is the implementation of NWEA testing. On Monday and Tuesday, November 28 and 29, we will be administering the second round of tests, an online test on mathematic skills, to all of our special education students as well as regular education students who are involved in our G program. We will have a quick turn around on the assessment; data will be available to us in the very near future to analyze and help focus our instruction. This Data Driven Instruction (DDI) is a new and important way to analyze our instructional practices. There is no clearer way to see whether or not instruction is effective then to assess students and analyze the results. The analysis, however, has to be followed up by indicated changes to instructional practice. One of the requirements of the NWEA testing is to have a classroom teacher present during the testing periods in the computer lab. We will have substitutes available and we have set up a schedule so that a G level teacher will be in the computer lab for each of the testing periods. We will be conducting 4 testing periods, each 1 hour in length, during each of the two days of testing. The names of the students who will be tested each of those periods will be posted on Infinite Campus. Teachers should check the list as you will be missing students from various classes throughout the remaining two days of testing. CHARACTER TRAIT ASSIGNMENT Nov. 28 Dec. 2 Math Dec. 5 9 Art/Tech/H&C Dec. 12 16 Foreign Language Jan. 3 6 PE/Health/Music Jan. 9 13 English Jan. 23 27 Social Studies Feb. 6 10 Science Feb. 13 17 Math Feb. 27 Mar. 2 Art/Tech/H&C Gracious Ambitious Courageous Resourceful Joyful Kind Patient Tolerant Honest
PM BUS SUPERVISION ZONE #1 ZONE #2 ZONE #3 ZONE #4 CAF K. Sheridan T. Lyng M. Brandt G. Sirianno J. Slyer People are reminded to be on duty on a daily basis to make sure that supervision is provided.
LONG-TERM CALENDAR OF EVENTS Nov. 24 Nov. 25 No School Thanksgiving Holiday Wed. Nov. 30 2:30 pm Perfect Pals Activity Thurs. Dec. 1 7:30 PM Concert #1 Fri. Dec. 2 Bus Drills History Club Field Trip to Harlem NY Mon. Dec. 5 Bus Drills Wed. Dec. 7 7:00 PM PTA/PAC Meeting - Library Thurs. Dec. 8 7:30 PM Concert #2@ SHS Fri. Dec. 9 Newsletter Posted Tues. Dec. 13 7:30 PM Concert #3 Thurs. Dec. 15 7:00 PM Studio Art Show 7:30 PM Concert #4 Fri. Dec. 16 5-Week Interim Point Performing Groups Gr. 8 Field Trip to Colonie Center 7:00 pm Dodge Ball Tournament Mon. Dec. 19 7:30 PM BOE Meeting @ SJSH Library Tues. Dec. 20 Hall Geography Bees Select Chorus to Our Lady of Hope Thurs. Dec. 22 2:30 pm Annual Staff Holiday Party Fri. Dec. 23 Annual Holiday Concerts Mon. Dec. 26 Mon. Jan. 2 No School Holiday Break DODGE BALL TOURNAMENT!!! On Friday, December 16, the Student Council will be holding a Dodge Ball Tournament for both faculty and students!! How the tournament will work is as follows: Faculty and students will form a team of eight people, four males and four females (it doesn't matter how many teams we have!) The faculty teams will play each other while the students watch. Students will then play one another, and once a winner is determined, that student team will play the winner of the faculty team! We encourage creativity with this event, by coming up with a team name, a captain, and making team t-shirts. We will also have a dj and will be selling concessions. There will be a $5.00 fee for students playing on teams, and for those who will be coming to watch. We are really excited about this event, and think it will be a great time for everyone!! Start thinking about your team, and once your team is formed, please let Kristina or Melissa know your team name, captain, and members! We want to start promoting this event early!
ZIP IT PLEDGE PLEASE EVERYONE NEEDS TO DO THIS!!!!! You can do this ONCE for EVERY email address you have!!!! Most of us have school and a personal account! Do Both! Encourage spouses and family members-it does not matter where we live! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Go to this website: Scroll down to TO PLEDGE Fill in all pertinent information-choose Shaker Jr. High School and submit. Log onto your emailand click the link to activate your pledge. Adirondack extreme website will pop up indicating that your pledge has been activated.
YEARBOOKS Final orders for yearbooks must be turned in by Wednesday, November 23rd. The cost is $25 now, and limited extras will be sold in the spring for $30. If you have collected any more orders in homeroom, please put them in Mary Lancasters mailbox my Wednesday afternoon. Thanks for your help. CHOREAGRAPHER NEEDED We have an opening still in our musical personnel list for a choreographer. If you are interested in either or both of these position please contact Mr. V. and/or Dianne Hobden for information and let R. Moore know.
BUS DRILLS SCHEDULED During Friday and Monday, December 2 and 5, bus drill instruction will be provided for two halls of students beginning at 9:15. At 9:15 each morning there will be eight buses (identified #1 - #8) lined up at the curb. At that time, homerooms will be taken to an assigned bus, the students seated, and instructions will be provided. Teachers are asked to remain with their homeroom students on the bus for the duration of the drill. As soon as the instruction is completed for the first group, students will be dismissed to follow their regular schedule and the next group will report. Teachers are asked to remain with their homeroom students on the bus for the duration of the drill. Friday, December 2 9:15 AM Calhoun 7 & 8 #1 B206 C. Patenaude #2 B202 D. Walllingford #3 B204 D. Howard #4 B209 J. Gara #5 A208 J. Berti #6 B203 A. Favro #7 B205 J. Beach #8 B210 S. Dunbar 9:15 AM Houston 7 & 8 #1 C101 T. Lyng #2 C104 S. Harris #3 C106 A. Peluso #4 C109 J. Slyer #5 C102 E. Mailloux #6 C103 P. Coughlin #7 C105 S. Rossi #8 C110 A. Bisnett 9:30 AM Norris 7 & 8 #1 C205 J. Basile #2 C203 C. Myer #3 C202 H. Lindhurst #4 C209 W. Salvi #5 C208 J. Edgar #6 C204 M. Kerr #7 C206 E. Carroll #8 C210 L. Bullis 9:30 AM Clay 7 & 8 B104 B. Bedell B103 K. Rizzo B105 M. Moffre B109 S. Strouse B102 C. Froehlich B106 K. Peterson B108 K. Matthews B110 D. Jaffe
FOUNDATION If the Friday after Thanksgiving is known as Black Friday, consider the Saturday after as Shaker Blue Saturday. The North Colonie/Shaker Community School Foundation will be holding a mixer on Saturday, November 26 at 7:30 p.m. at Scarborough's Restaurant, located at 497 Old Niskayuna Road, Latham. The evening is intended to highlight the North Colonie/Shaker Community School Foundation and the charitable work it does to support opportunities for the district and scholarships for students. The entry fee will be $10.00 at the door. All Shaker High School alums , as well as any and all friends of Shaker, are invited to meet and mix with old friends. All proceeds will go directly to the Foundation to help support activities. CONCERT SCHEDULES Our Holiday Concert season is fast approaching!! We hope you will mark these dates on your calendar and plan to join us at 7:30 PM on the following evenings. All concerts will be held at Shaker Junior High except the December 8th concert, which will be held at Shaker High School. DATE Dec. 1 GROUPS Grade Band 8th Grade Orchestra Select Band TIME 7:30 p.m.
Monday, December 5 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8
Dec. 8
8th Grade Chorus 7:30 p.m. @ SHS 7th Grade Chorus (A & B day) Syncopella Jazz Ensemble 7th Grade Orchestra 7th Grade Band (B day) Treble Makers 7th Grade Band (A day) Select Chorus Scherzo 7:30 p.m.
Dec. 13
Dec. 15 TECHNOLOGY LITERACY ASSESSMENT As part of the planning for instructional technology this year, we are implementing an online survey of students technology literacy- their ability to use software tools, make good decisions about Internet resources, and make creative decisions about resources for projects. We piloted the online assessment tool last June in many classes. The students enjoyed taking the test online in the computer lab, and were able to complete the questions in about 2 periods, depending on their reading speed and fluency. The online test asks them to actually use the computer to demonstrate how to select web sites, save files, and other similar tasks, and also asks multiple choice questions about the ethical uses of technology. The assessment is designed to be given to students in the eighth grade, once in the Fall as a pre-test, or baseline measure, and once in the late Spring as a post-test, or indicator of additional knowledge and skills. If you didnt have an opportunity to preview the test last Spring, you can see a demo at We are using the 21st century test version, and will be administering it to both fifth and eighth graders this Fall. ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT TO VISIT As part of the SINI improvement process Kathy Skeals, our Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, will be spending a significant amount of time in our building. Kathy is visiting to refamiliarize herself with our school structure, practices, programs, instructional approaches, etc. She will be visiting a variety of classes during each one of her visits to our school. Yesterday Kathy spent 2 hours plus in our school dropping in on various classrooms. Her future visits are: Date Tuesday, November 29 Tuesday, December 6 Tuesday, December 13 Tuesday, December 20 Time 8:00 am 11:30 am 11:00 am 2:30 pm 8:00 am 11:30 am 8:00 am 11:30 am
7:30 p.m.
13 Studio Art 11 am-2 pm 20 Foreign Lang. 7/8 In Class 27 End of 2nd Quarter QUIZ BOWL
MUSIC PERFORMANCE & DRESS REHEARSAL SCHEDULE DATE GROUPS TIME/PERIOD Nov. 28 8th Grade Orchestra DR Period 2 th Nov. 30 8 Grade Band DR Period 2 Dec. 5 7th Grade Chorus Combined DR Period 4 Dec. 7 8th Grade Chorus DR Period 2 Dec. 12 7th Grade B-day Band Period 4 Dec. 13 7th Grade Orchestra Period 4 Dec. 15 7th Grade Band A-day Period 4 Dec. 16 8th Grade Perf. Groups to Colonie Ctr Per. 2-8 Dec. 20 Select Chorus Our Lady of Hope FT Per. 5-8 Dec. 23 In-School Assemblies Per. 2,3,4,8 *All dress rehearsals are during each groups regularly scheduled class time. *Attendance is mandatory for all members of the ensemble. *All dress rehearsals will take place in the assembly room.
ADOPT A FAMILY UP AND RUNNING Again this year, as we have done for many years now, SJHS has officially adopted 2 families to provide a more positive holiday season for these families. We need to reach out to all of our faculty and staff; as we have done in the past years many people have stepped up and purchased one or more items for our adopted families. You can help this year, as well. Stop by the faculty room, you will see the needed items listed on the wall. Feel free to take as many as you would like. When you purchase the items please attach the ornament to the items so we will know which family and which member of the family it will be provided to. Thanks in advance to everyone for helping out. Thanks especially to Dawn Savery, who organizes this on an annual basis.
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Ive got my faults, but living in the past isnt one of them. Theres no future in it. Sparky Anderson