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Задания По Видео 2

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Tasks on video lectures.

Semantic analysis

Икоева Ирина

1. What is the main task of general\cognitive\formal approaches?

These approaches seek to solve two issues: the description of the relationships
between words and concepts on the one hand, and the formalization of sense relations
on the other

2. What is word\semantic fields?

A "word" is a basic unit of language representing a specific meaning, while "semantic

fields" refer to groups of words that share a common theme or topic, forming
interconnected categories based on their shared meanings or concepts.

3. Semantic fields are based on paradigmatic relations where linguistic units

are contrasted or related in a particular environment
4. Give your own examples of syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations

Syntagmatic Relations: In the phrase "chocolate chip cookies," the words "chocolate,"
"chip," and "cookies" form a syntagmatic relation as they appear together in a
sequential and meaningful order. The combination of these words creates a
syntagmatic structure, contributing to the overall meaning of the phrase.

Paradigmatic Relations: Considering the word "sweet," its paradigmatic relations

include other words that could substitute for it in a similar context, such as "sugary,"
"dessert," or "candy." These words share a paradigmatic relation as they are potential
substitutes within the same linguistic category, providing alternative choices for
expressing a similar concept.

5. Describe the methods of contrast as the main way for the lexeme to be defined

Lexemes are often defined by contrasting them with synonyms, which are words that
share similar meanings. By pointing out the differences between the target lexeme and
its synonyms, a more precise understanding of the lexeme's specific meaning is
achieved. Another method involves contrasting the lexeme with its antonyms, which
are words with opposite meanings. This method helps to elucidate the boundaries of a
word's meaning by emphasizing what it is not.

6. Why are the semantic fields constantly expanding?

The relationships among the items in a semantic field can cover a whole range of
sense relations. Changes in the meaning of one lexeme may affect the meanings of
other lexemes which it is related through the network of semantic relationships within
the field. Thus, semantic fields are not static constructs, but constantly expanding.

7. Briefly describe the componential analyses.

Componential analysis is a linguistic approach that breaks down the meaning of words
into distinct features or components. This method seeks to identify the essential
features that differentiate the meanings of words within a semantic field.

8. What is a semantic primitive?

Componential analysis attempts to describe word meanings as complexes composed

from a finite set of components which are called semantic primitives.

9. Can the notions as “you, I, do, happen, move, because” be defined as semantic

No. Semantic primitives are the most basic, irreducible units of meaning that cannot
be defined in terms of more basic concepts.

10.What is semantic networks?

Semantic networks are graphical representations that illustrate the relationships

between words or concepts in a structured and interconnected manner. In a semantic
network, nodes represent individual words or concepts, and links (edges) indicate the
relationships between them. These networks are used to model the organization of
semantic knowledge and the connections between various elements in a language.

"isa" signifies "is a". It acts as a relation between an object and a type, and specifies that the
object is a member of the type. For example, Fido isa dog signifies that the object Fido is a
member of the set of all dogs.
"ako" signifies "a kind of". It acts as a relation between two types of things, and specifies
that one is a subset of the other. For example, chair ako furniture signifies that the concept of
chair is a subconcept of the concept of furniture, or to put it another way, the set of all chairs
is a subset of the set of all furniture.

11.Make up the semantic network to the word “shop”

[ Shop ]
↓ ↓
[ Products ] ← [ Activities ]
↓ ↓

[ Clothing ] [ Buying ]
↓ ↓

[ Electronics ]

[ Books ]

12.Give a definition of frames.

Frames are conceptual structures that provide a background of beliefs, experiences or

practices against which the meaning or words can be understood, they organize
stereotype knowledge about an entity, about an event, or about a situation in a
container structure consisting of attribute value pairs.

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