6.system Overview

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The sprinkler system is the best form of extinguishing fire, since it directly attacks

the seat of fire. One important aspect of this system is that it acts to detect and

extinguish the fire. The water is directly spread on the seat of fire, hence

unnecessary floor wettings and spreading of fire to other areas is eliminated.

The sprinkler system is always kept under pressure. The sprinkler bulbs are rated

to fuse at 68oC. Hence in case of fire, due to the rapid increase in temperature of

the liquid inside the bulb, it fuses and sprays a fine jet of water over the fire, thus

totally quenching it. The bursting of these bulbs and water spraying in case of

fire causes the line pressure to drop, which brings the fire pumps into operation

supplying the required quantity of water to the system.

The coverage area of the sprinkler bulb to extinguish the fire is designed as per

light hazard category of fire given in NFPA and based on APSFES regulations.

Flow switches are provided for each sprinkler network to detect & notify operation

of sprinklers in case of a fire.

The purpose of this system is to provide a reasonable degree of protection for life

and property from fire through standardization of design, installation and testing.

Requirements for sprinkler systems, based on sound Engineering principles, test

data and field experience. The system standard endeavors to continue the

excellent records that have been established by sprinkler systems while meeting

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the needs of changing technology. Nothing in this system is intended to restrict

new technologies or alternate arrangements, provided the level of safety

prescribed by this is not lowered. This standard provides the requirements for the

design and installation of automatic fire sprinkler systems and exposure

protection sprinkler systems. Sprinkler systems for fire protection purposes are a

integrated system of piping designed in accordance with fire protection

Engineering standards. The portion of the sprinkler system is a network of

specially sized and designed piping installed in a building to which sprinklers are

attached in a systematic pattern. The valve controlling each system riser is

located in the system riser or its supply piping. Each sprinkler system riser

includes a device for actuating an alarm when the system is in operation. The

system is usually activated by heat from fire and discharges water over the fire


The responsibility for properly maintaining a sprinkler system is that of the owner

or manager, who should understand the sprinkler system operation. A minimum

monthly maintenance program should include the following:

1) Visual inspection of all sprinklers to ensure against obstruction of spray.

2) Inspection of all valves to ensure that they are open.

3) Testing of all water flow devices.

4) Testing of the alarm system, where installed.

NOTE: Where it appears likely that the test will result in a fire department

response, notification to the fire department should be made prior to the test.

5) Operation of Pumps, where employed.

6) Checking of water level in tanks.

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7) Special attention to ensure that sprinklers are not painted either at the time of

installation or during subsequent maintenance.

8) When sprinkler piping or areas next to sprinklers are being painted, the

sprinklers should be protected by covering them with a bag, which should be

removed immediately after painting if finished.

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Fire extinguishers are very valuable in dealing with fire situations, if used properly

and efficiently in the early stages of a fire. The greatest advantage lies in its

portability and mobility. In addition, their immediate availability and easy usage

by one or two persons is another advantage.

The usefulness of these extinguishers is limited, as it is entirely dependent upon

the presence of persons having knowledge to operate them. Further, the

capacity is also limited and the operational value largely depends upon the initial

charge being sufficient to overcome and extinguish the fire. For example,

depending upon the type and capacity of the extinguisher the discharge time may

be 10 seconds to 90 seconds and the range of jet may be 3 to 10 meters.

Thus, these extinguishers are not expected to deal with a large fire, as all these

are essentially first-aid fire fighting appliances. Routine inspection and periodical

testing of fire extinguishers is necessary to ensure that these extinguishers are

maintained in good working conditions.

As fire extinguishers are intended only for the use of incipient fires, they will be of

little value if the fire is not extinguished or brought under control, in the early


Hence, all the employees shall be imparted periodical training in the operation

and use of fire extinguishers.

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The following type of fire extinguishers are deployed throughout the building

1. CO2 Type Extinguishers : 4.5 Kg. Capacity

2. ABC Type Extinguishers : 5.0 Kg. Cap

3. Water FoamType Extinguishers : 9.0 Ltr. Cap


Class ‘A’ Fire:
1. Fire in ordinary combustibles like Gas expelled water type
wood, paper, rubber, plastics etc.
Class ‘B’ Fire:
Chemical extinguishers of CO2
2. Fire in flammable liquids, paints,
and DCP type
grease, solvents etc.
Class ‘C’ Fire:
3. Fire in gaseous substances under - Do -
pressure including liquefied gases
Class ‘D’ Fire:
Special type of dry powder
4. Fire in reactive chemicals, active
metals etc.

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The system consists of An EST-3, (2 Loop) Panel for Each Floor and

connected to Networking Panel. Intelligent Fire Detection and Alarm Control

Panel with Addressable Fire detectors, Manual Call Points, Control Modules,

Hooters, etc. at strategic locations.

The purpose of Fire Alarm System is to detect fire or smoke at the earliest

practicable moment and give an alarm so that appropriate action can be taken to

prevent outbreak of Fire. The system can be used for alarming & evacuation of

people, remote alarm generation at fire stations.

Fire Detectors detect the presence of Smoke generated during the early stages

of fire and give an alarm signal to the Controller.

The fire alarm system mainly consists of the following components:

 Fire detection & alarm control panel

 Graphic Software

 Multisensor detectors

 Response Indicator

 Isolator Module

 Manual call points

 Control modules (For AHU & Hooter/Strobe)

 Hooter

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A properly designed and engineered fire detection alarm system can effectively

generate an alarm at the early stages and can be useful in controlling the fire.


Intelligent Fire Alarm System consists of an Intelligent Addressable detectors

connected over a 2 Core cable to an Intelligent Fire Alarm Controller. Every

individual detector communicates with the panel and transmits a value of the

surrounding Smoke (smoke detectors) content along with the address, type of

detector. The panel receives those information and depending on the address,

the panel reports the condition such as Alarm, Pre-alarm, Trouble. The threshold

value for the Alarm, Pre-alarm and Trouble can be set for individual detectors.

The controller monitors and controls individually all the addressable fire devices.

Each Loop can monitor 125 Intelligent addressable detector devices and 125

Intelligent addressable Monitor / Control modules (signature series).

The advantages of Intelligent Fire Alarm System over the Conventional system


1. Alarms are verified and hence reduce or virtually eliminate false alarms.

2. In the normal operations also, detectors are monitored for their status and

healthy condition are replaced.

3. Since the detectors are addressable, in case or alarm trouble, the exact

location of outbreak can be known.

4. The advance on-line diagnostics helps the operator to know the current state

of each and every detector.

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5. The detector sensitivity can be adjusted so as to suit the environmental




EST – 3 is a modular system uniquely designed to easily meet the needs of

stand-alone single mode systems or multimode network systems. A powerful

system definition utility programmer helps define system operations in a fraction

of time required by previous methods. Virtually, all EST-3, operating features are

Software controlled. This gives EST-3 great site flexibility and ensures

operational changes and up grades will be possible after initial installation.

EST-3 uses distributed data base technology, designed to survive the vigor’s of

fire and fire fighting. In Class-A configuration a single break or short on the

network wiring caused the system to isolate the fault network communication

continues uninterrupted.

If multiple faults occur, the network i.e., the system continues to respond to

activations from every mode that can transmit and receive network messages.


The CPU (3 CPU-1) is the heart of the Est-3 panel. The 3 CPU-1 controls all local

panel responses to automatic; user initiated or network reported events. Each 3

CPU-1 provides connectors for mounting network, RS 232 and memory

expansion cards.

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The 3 SSDC / 3 SDDC signature driver control module provides an intelligent

interface between the 3 CPU-1 module and signature series fire alarm and

security devices. Each module consists its own micro processor, which co-

ordinates process and interpret information received from and sent to signature

devices with decentralized intelligence, much of the decision making moves from

the Loop controller to the devices advances fire detection algorithms processed

within the signature devices effectively and unwanted alarms. Environmental

compensation, multiple sensing element decision making, and stand-alone mode

operation are resident in the devices.

Intelligent devices allow the signature controller to execute communication and

system function with greater speed and low band rates. This increases the

accuracy of information transmitted between Loop controller and devices.


Local power and communications are reviewed and transmitted through the

control panel rail assembly.


The 3-LCD module mounts to the local rail over the node’s central processing

unit module (3 CPU-1). The 3-LCD module is optional in any network node.

The 3-LCD uses a backlit high contrast; back lit super twist graphical display.

Eight lines of 121 characters provide the room needed to convey emergency

information in a meaningful way.

The 3-LCD always displays the last highest priority event even when the used is

viewing other message queues.

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The Est-3 system configures for proprietary, local or EN-54 market operations.

The mode of operation is selected through the system definition utility program



EST-3 Control display module provides the emergency user with the simplest of

interfaces: lights and switch controls. Control display modules install over local

rail modules. There are five types of modules available.

The first module supports simple zone annunciation; the second zone

annunciation with zone disable; the third, alarm and trouble zone annunciation;

the fourth, alarm and trouble zone annunciation with zone disable. Typically,

alarm zone annunciation appears on any of these module types.

The fifth module is very adaptable to system requirements for audio or remote

equipment control. Each contains 18 LEDS and 18 switches. And each group of

three switches has a latching-interlock to support operations that must be kept

separated. The interlock is under Software control so only one switch is active at

a given time.


Use EST-3 remote annunciators whenever a compact system status display is

needed. Annunciator configurations include: LCD only display, LED only display,

or combination LED and LCD display in a single enclosure. Display and control is

provided by the 3-LCD and control display modules. Control / display modules

install over any Annunciator support module, maximizing Annunciator design

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flexibility. A lamp test feature can program to any spare control switch. If a 3-LCD

display is installed in the Annunciator, simply operate the alarm silence and

trouble silence switches simultaneously to lamp test all LEDs.


EST-3 Power supplies consist of two assemblies, a high-efficiency switch mode

power supply card and a power supply monitor module. Up to four power

supplies combine in a single enclosure providing up to 28 Amps of available

current. All four power supplies can be backed up by a single 24-volt battery set.

This reduces battery maintenance costs substantially.

The power supply comes in two styles: a primary supply and a booster supply.

Each power supply produces 7 Amps of filtered and regulated power. The

primary power supply provides the system with battery charging and voltage

regulation. Software configures the charger to 10-24 AH batteries and controls

the high / low charges rates.

EST-3 power supplies monitor batteries for load deficiencies, short circuits and

insufficient voltage levels and report any troubles back to the 3-CPU-1. The 3-

LCD will display the power supply’s address, a specific trouble code, and a text

message describing the specific trouble.


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any one of five sensitivity between 0.67 to 3.77 % per foot. Mounts to separate

Standards, Relay, Isolator, or Sounder detector base.


The Isolator Module is an intelligent device that allows part of the signature data

Loop to continue operating in the event of short circuit. The module can be wired

into a Class-A data Loop at any point. A maximum of 96 Isolator modules can be

installed on one circuit. If a fault occurs, the Isolator cuts the power to all devices

beyond the Isolator on the Loop. Once activated, the line fault Isolator

continuously checks the faulted side of the Loop to determine if the short still

exists. When the fault is cleared, the module automatically restores the entire

data Loop to its normal condition.

SIGNAL INPUT MODULE (SIGA-CC1): The signal module is used to connect,

upon command from the loop controller, supervised Class-B signal to telephone

circuits to their respective power inputs. Models are available with one or two

power inputs.

These may be either polarized 24 Vdc to operate audible and visual signal

appliances, or 25 and 70 VRMS to operate audio evacuation speakers and fire

fighter’s telephones. The actual function of this module is determined by the

“Personality Code” selected by the installer. A total of three personalities are


CONTROL RELAY MODULE (SIGA-CR): The Control relay module provides

Form-C dry relay contact external appliances such as door closers, fans,

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dampers, etc. This device does not provide supervision of the state of the relay

contact. Instead, the on-board microprocessor ensures that the relay is in the

proper ON / OFF state.

Upon command from the loop controller, the relay activates the normally open or

normally closed contact. This module supports only one personality: no user

configuration is required.


A single Input module mounted intelligent addressable Manual call point Pull

Station type unit used to initiate alarm manually.


Signature detector base provides room side wiring terminals. Mounts to North

American one-gang box, 31/2 or 4-inch octagon boxes, or 4-inch square electric


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The speakers are getting different signals through the different sources by switching

circuits. The speakers in the building are divided into zones. The zones are switched

on through the control console.


The control console is the heart of the Public Addressing System. The inputs can be

switched on to the PA System through the console. The normal inputs are Music and

Announcement. The control console is provided with a set of feather touch keypad

switches. By operating the MUSIC Key, music is connected to the PA System one /

more Zones an be switched on by pressing the respective zone number and those

zones will get the music. (Under fire condition the music gets switched off and

firestone is automatically switched on to all zones. Whether the zones are selected

or not) To make the announcement press the PIT (Press To Talk) switch and the

zone number key. The announcement will be heard in that particular zone. To play

the music in all zones or to make the announcement in all the zones press ALL

CALL switch and MUSIC or PIT switch.


From each zone one pair of cable (Two-core-cable) shall run to the Main Distribution

Box. Switching circuit is provided through which the signal can be transmitted. From

the amplifier two-core cable has to be laid to the main distribution box. Twenty core

cable carrying the zone signal to be laid between the console and the main

distribution box. One microphone shield cable to be laid between the music source

and the main distribution box, microphone shielded cable laid between the console

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