SPHR00713A Draft Kontrak - Exh-A2
SPHR00713A Draft Kontrak - Exh-A2
SPHR00713A Draft Kontrak - Exh-A2
Perusahaa Kontraktor
List of Company’s Specifications, Standards and Procedures
Perusahaa Kontraktor
List of Company’s Specifications, Standards and Procedures
Perusahaa Kontraktor
List of Company’s Specifications, Standards and Procedures
Perusahaa Kontraktor
List of Company’s Specifications, Standards and Procedures
Perusahaa Kontraktor
List of Company’s Specifications, Standards and Procedures
Perusahaa Kontraktor
List of Company’s Specifications, Standards and Procedures
Perusahaa Kontraktor
List of Company’s Specifications, Standards and Procedures
Perusahaa Kontraktor
List of Company’s Specifications, Standards and Procedures
1.1 The specifications, standards and 2.1 Spesifikasi, standar dan prosedur yang
procedures provided by Company, disediakan Perusahaan, termasuk yang
including those listed in Exhibit A2, may dimasukkan di dalam Lampiran A2,
not be complete in every detail. mungkin tidak lengkap terperinci.
Contractor shall comply with their true Kontraktor harus memenuhi maksud
intent and general purpose, taken as a sebenarnya dan fungsi umum yang
whole, and shall not make use of any diperuntukkannya secara keseluruhan dan
errors or omissions therein to the tidak boleh memanfaatkan kesalahan-
detriment of the work. Should any kesalahan atau ketidaklengkapan di
Maintenance Road And WaterWays Services North Area No SPHR
Exhibit A2
Perusahaa Kontraktor
List of Company’s Specifications, Standards and Procedures
1.2 In addition, Contractor will be requested 2.2 Sebagai tambahan, Kontraktor akan
to update Company standards currently diminta untuk melakukan perbaikan
being used. terhadap standar Perusahaan yang saat ini
sedang digunakan.
1.3 Below is a list of organizations whose 2.3 Di bawah adalah daftar organisasi pemilik
codes, standards and recommended standar dan praktis yang sangat
practices (the latest revision) are to be dianjurkan (revisi terakhir) yang akan
used during the performance of Services, digunakan dalam pelaksanaan Jasa-jasa:
but not limited to:
(B) ACI (American Concrete Institute) (B) ACI (American Concrete Institute)
(C) ASCE (American Society of Civil (C) ASCE (American Society of Civil
Engineer) Engineer)
(D) AISC (American Institute of Steel (D) AISC (American Institute of Steel
Construction) Construction)
(E) ANSI (American National Standard (E) ANSI (American National Standard
Institute) Institute)
(F) API (American Petroleum Institute) (F) API (American Petroleum Institute)
(G) ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, (G) ASHRAE (American Society of Heating,
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Engineers) Engineers)
(H) ASME (The American Society of (H) ASME (The American Society of
Mechanical Engineers) Mechanical Engineers)
(I) ASTM (American Society for Testing and (I) ASTM (American Society for Testing and
Materials) Materials)
(J) AWS (American Welding Society) (J) AWS (American Welding Society)
Perusahaa Kontraktor
List of Company’s Specifications, Standards and Procedures
(L) IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic (L) IEEE (Institute of Electrical and
Engineers) Electronic Engineers)
(M) ISA (International Society for Automation) (M) ISA (INsternational Society for
(O) NEC (National Electrical Code) (O) NEC (National Electrical Code)
(Q) NESC (National Electrical Safety Code) (Q) NESC (National Electrical Safety Code)
(R) NFPA (National Fire Protection (R) NFPA (National Fire Protection
Association) Association)
(S) SSPC (Steel Structures Painting Council) (S) SSPC (Steel Structures Painting
(T) IBC (International Building Code)
(T) IBC (International Building Code)
(U) ISO (International Organization for
Standardization) (U) ISO (International Organization for
(V) OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health
Administration) (V) OSHA (Occupacional Safety and Health
(W) TEMA (Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers
Association) (W) TEMA (Tubular Exchanger
Manufacturer Association)
(X) AGA (American Gas Association)
(X) AGA (American Gas Association)
(Y) ASNT (American Society for
Nondestructive Testing) (Y) ASNT (American Society for
Nondestructive Testing)
(Z) UL (Underwriters Laboratories)
(Z) UL (Underwriter Laboratories)
1.4 If Contractor identifies, during the 2.4 Jika pada saat pelaksanaan Jasa-jasa,
performance of Services, any other Kontraktor menemukan kode-kode
organizations codes, standards and organisasi, standar-standar dan praktik
recommended practices that need to be yang direkomendasikan lain yang perlu
employed for the Services, these shall be diterapkan untuk Jasa-jasa, hal ini harus
Maintenance Road And WaterWays Services North Area No SPHR
Exhibit A2
Perusahaa Kontraktor
List of Company’s Specifications, Standards and Procedures
1.5 In the event of conflict among such 2.5 Jika terjadi konflik antara standar-
standards, codes and regulations, standar, kode-kode dan peraturan-
Contractor shall obtain Company peraturan tersebut, Kontraktor harus
instruction on the applicable ones. mendapatkan petunjuk Perusahaan
mengenai yang dapat dipakai.
1.6 In the absence of any specific Company 2.6 Jika tidak ada petunjuk Perusahaan
instruction on the conflict as mentioned mengenai konflik seperti yang
above, Contractor shall Fcomply with the disebutkan di atas, Kontraktor harus
most stringent standards, codes and memenuhi standar-standar, kode-kode
regulations. dan peraturan-peraturan yang paling
Perusahaa Kontraktor