Method-505 7
Method-505 7
Method-505 7
METHOD 505.7
METHOD 505.7
Paragraph Page
1. SCOPE......................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 PURPOSE. ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 APPLICATION. ............................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 LIMITATIONS. ................................................................................................................................................ 1
METHOD 505.7
CONTENTS - Continued
Paragraph Page
6. REFERENCE/RELATED DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................ 15
6.1 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS .......................................................................................................................... 15
6.2 RELATED DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................................................ 15
TABLE 505.7-I SPECTRAL POWER DISTRIBUTION................................................................................................... 7
TABLE 505.7-II TEST PARAMETER TOLERANCES .................................................................................................. 12
FIGURE 505.7-1 PROCEDURE I - CYCLING TEST ....................................................................................................... 4
FIGURE 505.7-2 PROCEDURE II - STEADY STATE TEST ............................................................................................ 5
5. MEASUREMENTS ................................................................................................................................A-2
5.1 MEASUREMENT OF SPECTRAL DISTRIBUTION ........................................................................................... A-2
5.2 MEASUREMENT OF TEMPERATURE ............................................................................................................A-2
METHOD 505.7
CONTENTS - Continued
Paragraph Page
TABLE 505.7A-I TEST PARAMETER TOLERANCES ............................................................................................. A-3
TABLE 505.7B-I INSTRUMENT ACCURACY........................................................................................................ B-2
TABLE 505.7C-I SPECTRAL ENERGY DISTRIBUTION AND PERMITTED TOLERANCE .......................................... C-1
TOLERANCE ............................................................................................................................ C-6
PLANE..................................................................................................................................... C-2
FIGURE 505.7C-2 EXAMPLE 1 - FLAT SURFACE EXPOSURE ................................................................................ C-3
FIGURE 505.7C-3 EXAMPLE 2 - TEST ITEM SURFACE SHAPE EXPOSURE ............................................................. C-4
FIGURE 505.7C-4 EXAMPLE 3 - MULTIPLE SOLAR SURFACE TARGET PLANES ................................................... C-5
HOUR STEPS ........................................................................................................................... C-7
HOUR STEPS ........................................................................................................................... C-8
METHOD 505.7
METHOD 505.7
METHOD 505.7
NOTE: Tailoring is essential. Select methods, procedures, and parameter levels based on the
tailoring process described in Part One, paragraph 4.2.2, and Annex C. Apply the general
guidelines for laboratory test methods described in Part One, paragraph 5 of this standard.
1.1 Purpose.
This method has two purposes:
a. To determine the heating effects of solar radiation on materiel.
b. To help identify the actinic (photo degradation) effects of exposure to solar radiation.
1.2 Application.
Use this method to evaluate materiel likely to be exposed to solar radiation during its life cycle in the open in hot
climates, and when heating or actinic effects are of concern. This Method is valuable in evaluating the effects of direct
exposure to sunlight (solar spectrum and energy levels at sea level). Procedure I is useful in determining the
temperature increase (over ambient) of materiel caused by solar loading. Although not intended for such, Procedure
II may be used to simulate the ultraviolet effect of solar radiation at different locations and altitudes by using various
radiation sources that allow reasonable comparison to measurements of these natural solar radiation conditions.
In addition to using Procedure I to evaluate the effects of direct sunlight (actinic effects as well as directional and non-
uniform heating for exposed materiel), use Procedure I for determining the heating effects (response temperature) for
materiel enclosed within an outer container.
Use Procedure II to evaluate the actinic effects on materiel exposed to long periods of sunshine. The spectrum of the
solar array must be measured and conform to the spectrum identified in Table 505.7-I. Deviations from this table may
be justified if the test requirements are based on the tailoring process, or if a specific frequency band is of concern.
Detail and justify any deviation.
1.3 Limitations.
a. This test Method does not consider all of the effects related to the natural environment (see Annex A,
paragraph 7.2) and, therefore, it is preferable to test materiel at appropriate natural sites.
b. If the installed environment for an item is within an enclosure, the enclosure must be provided in order to
characterize the environment and properly address the heating effects. Once the enclosed environment has
been characterized, further testing could be done using Method 501.7.
c. This Method is not intended to be used for space applications due to the change in irradiance.
2.1 Selecting this Method.
After examining requirements documents, review of the LCEP, and applying the tailoring process in Part One of this
Standard to determine where solar radiation effects are foreseen in the life cycle of the test item, use the following to
confirm the need for this Method and to place it in sequence with other methods.
2.1.1 Effects of Solar Radiation Environments. Heating Effects.
The heating effects of solar radiation differ from those of high air temperature alone in that solar radiation generates
directional heating and thermal gradients. In the solar radiation test, the amount of heat absorbed or reflected depends
primarily on the absorptive or reflective surface properties (e.g., roughness, color, etc.) on which the radiation is
incident. If a glazing system (glass, clear plastic, or translucent media, e.g., windshield) is part of the test item
configuration, and the component of concern is exposed to solar energy that has passed through the glazing system,
use a full spectrum source. In addition to the differential expansion between dissimilar materials, changes in the
METHOD 505.7
intensity of solar radiation may cause components to expand or contract at different rates that can lead to severe
stresses and loss of structural integrity. In addition to those identified in Method 501.7, consider the following typical
problems to help determine if this Method is appropriate for the materiel being tested. This list is not intended to be
a. Jamming or loosening of moving parts.
b. Weakening of solder joints and glued parts.
c. Changes in strength and elasticity.
d. Loss of calibration or malfunction of linkage devices.
e. Loss of seal integrity.
f. Changes in electrical or electronic components.
g. Premature actuation of electrical contacts.
h. Changes in characteristics of elastomers and polymers.
i. Blistering, peeling, and de-lamination of paints, composites, and surface laminates applied with adhesives
such as radar absorbent material (RAM).
j. Softening of potting compounds.
k. Pressure variations.
l. Sweating of composite materials and explosives.
m. Difficulty in handling. Actinic Effects.
In addition to the heating effects of paragraph, certain degradation from solar energy may be attributable to
other portions of the spectrum, particularly the ultraviolet. Since the rate at which these reactions will occur generally
increases as the temperature rises, use the full spectrum to adequately simulate the actinic effects of solar radiation.
The following are examples of deterioration caused by actinic effects. The list is not intended to be comprehensive.
a. Fading of fabric and plastic color.
b. Checking, chalking, and fading of paints.
c. Deterioration of natural and synthetic elastomers and polymers through photochemical reactions initiated by
shorter wavelength radiation. (High strength polymers such as Kevlar are noticeably affected by the visible
spectrum. Deterioration and loss of strength can be driven by breakage of high-order bonds (such as pi and
sigma bonds existing in carbon chain polymers) by radiation exposure.)
2.1.2 Sequence Among Other Methods.
a. General. Use the anticipated life cycle sequence of events as a general sequence guide (see Part One,
paragraph 5.5).
b. Unique to this Method. Generally, consider applying the solar radiation test at any stage in the test program.
However, high temperatures or actinic effects could affect material's strength or dimensions that could affect
the results of subsequent tests such as vibration.
2.2 Selecting Procedures.
This Method includes two test procedures: Procedure I (Cycling for heating effects) and Procedure II (Steady State
for actinic effects). Determine the procedure(s) to be used.
2.2.1 Procedure Selection Considerations.
When selecting procedures, consider:
a. The operational purpose of the test item. Physical degradation that occurs during exposure may produce
adverse effects on materiel performance or reliability. Based on the purpose of the materiel, determine
functional modes and test data needed to evaluate the performance of the test item during and after exposure
to solar radiation.
METHOD 505.7
Caution: When temperature conditioning, ensure the total test time at the most severe temperature
does not exceed the life expectancy of any material (see Part One, paragraph 5.19).
METHOD 505.7
METHOD 505.7
(200 ft/min) can cause a reduction in temperature rise of over 20 percent as compared to still air. To ensure test
repeatability, the air speed must be measured and recorded in the test report.
For Procedure II, use the minimum required airspeed required to maintain the thermal response as measured in the
natural environment or Procedure I. This implies that before this test can be performed, the maximum temperature
response the materiel would experience under natural conditions (by using field/fleet data or as determined by running
Procedure I) must be known. However, do not use so much cooling air that it produces unrealistic cooling. Similarly,
if multiple and identical test items are to be tested, use one or more of the items for the preliminary test to determine
the maximum temperature response. Since actinic effects are highly dependent upon the solar radiation spectrum (as
well as intensity and duration), the spectrum must be as close as possible to that of natural sunlight (see Table 505.7-
2.4 Test Item Operation.
When it is necessary to operate the test item, use the following guidelines for establishing test operating procedures.
METHOD 505.7
METHOD 505.7
METHOD 505.7
(1) Tests conducted for degradation and deterioration of materials due to actinic effects as well as heat
buildup within the test items must satisfy the full spectrum of Table 505.7-I and may use one of the
following acceptable radiation sources:
(a) Metal halide lamps (designed for full spectrum application).
(b) Xenon arc or mercury xenon arc (used singularly) with suitable reflector.
(c) Combination of high pressure sodium vapor and improved mercury vapor with suitable reflectors.
(d) High-intensity multi-vapor, mercury vapor (with suitable reflectors), and incandescent spot
NOTE: Use other combinations of the lamps listed above and below if it is proven that the combination
produces the spectrum of Table 505.7-I.
(2) Use the appropriate lamps from the following list for tests conducted to assess heating effects alone
(and not actinic effects).
(a) Mercury vapor lamps (internal reflector type only).
(b) Combination of incandescent spot and tubular-type mercury vapor lamps w/ external reflectors.
(c) Combination of incandescent spot lamps and mercury vapor lamps with internal reflectors.
(d) Metal halide.
(e) Xenon arc or mercury xenon arc lamps with suitable reflectors.
(f) Multi-vapor (clear or coated bulb) with suitable reflectors.
(g) Tungsten filament lamps.
(h) Any other heat producing lamp.
4.2 Controls.
a. Temperature. Maintain the chamber air temperature (as specified in the test plan) in accordance with Part
One, paragraph 5.2a. In order to adequately measure the temperature of the air surrounding the test item,
measure it (with adequate shielding from radiated heat - see Annex A, paragraph 5.2) at a point or points in
a horizontal reference plane at the approximate elevation of the upper surface of the test item, and as close
as possible to the test item, making adequate provision for shielding from the effects of radiant heat from the
test item. This is one way to ensure reasonable control of the envelope of air surrounding the test item. The
temperature sensors used to measure the thermal response of the test item will also be affected by direct
radiation of the light source. When practical, mount these sensors to the inside surface of the external case
(upper surface) of the test item.
b. Test Sensors and Measurements. Use a pyranometer, pyrheliometer or other suitable device to measure the
total radiated energy imposed on the test item. Use a pyranometer with suitable filters or a spectroradiometer
to measure the spectral distribution of the radiation imposed on the test item. A filtered pyranometer can
only provide an approximate measurement of the spectral distribution. However, a spectroradiometer,
although more delicate to employ, can provide a precise measurement of the spectral distribution. Use other
measuring instruments only if they can satisfy the required specifications. See Annex B for the required
measurement accuracy of these commonly used instruments. Test parameter tolerances appear in Table
METHOD 505.7
(2) Overtest interruption. Follow any overtest conditions by a thorough examination and checkout of the
test item to verify the effect of the overtest. Since any failure following continuation of testing will be
difficult to defend as unrelated to the overtest, use a new test item and restart the test at the beginning.
NOTE: When evaluating failure interruptions, consider prior testing on the same test item
and consequences of such.
METHOD 505.7
Step 3. Conduct a visual examination of the test item with special attention to stress areas, such as corners of
molded cases, and document the findings.
Step 4. Conduct an operational checkout in accordance with the test plan and record the results.
Step 5. If the test item operates satisfactorily, place it in its test configuration (if other than operational) and
proceed to the first test as identified in the test plan. If not, resolve the problem and restart the checkout
4.4.2 Procedure I - Cycling.
Step 1. Adjust the chamber temperature and stabilize the test item to the conditions shown in the appropriate
climatic category (zone A1 or A2) for time 0000.
Step 2. Expose the test item to continuous 24-hour cycles of controlled simulated solar radiation and dry-bulb
temperature as indicated on Figure 505.7-1 or as identified in the requirements document, measuring and
recording test item temperatures throughout the exposure period. If the test facility is unable to perform
the continuous curve of Figure 505.7-1, increase and decrease the solar radiation intensity in a minimum
of eight levels (see Annex C, Figures 505.7C-5 and C-6 for the stepped levels) for each side of the cycle,
provided the total energy of the cycle as well as the spectral power distribution is maintained. Perform at
least three continuous cycles. If the maximum of the peak response temperature of the previous 24-hour
cycle is not reached (+2 C (+3.6 F)) during three cycles, continue the cycles until repeated peak
temperatures are reached, or for seven cycles, whichever comes first.
Step 3. Based on the requirements document, the test item may or may not be operated continuously throughout
the test. If operation is required, operate the test item when the peak response temperature occurs. For
some single-use items (e.g., rockets), use thermocouples affixed to critical portions of the test item to
determine the time and value of peak temperature. Conduct the operational checkout of the test item as
in paragraph, Step 5. Document the results as well as the peak temperature. If the test item fails
to operate as intended, follow the guidance in paragraph 4.3.2 for test item failure.
Step 4. Adjust the chamber air temperature to standard ambient conditions and maintain until temperature
stabilization of the test item has been achieved.
Step 5. Conduct a complete visual examination of the test item and document the results. For comparison
between pre- and post test items, photograph the test item and take material samples (if required).
Step 6. Conduct an operational checkout of the test item as in paragraph, Step 5. See paragraph 5 for
analysis of results.
Step 7. Compare these data with the pretest data.
4.4.3 Procedure II - Steady State.
NOTE: If Procedure I has not been previously performed and no field/fleet data are available, conduct a
preliminary test carried out in accordance with Procedure I (absolute minimum of three complete cycles)
to determine the approximate maximum response temperature of the test item.
Step 1. Adjust the chamber air temperature to the max temperature shown in the appropriate climatic zone (zone
A1 or A2) as indicated on Figure 505.7-2 or the temperature identified in the test plan.
Step 2. Adjust the solar radiation source to a radiant energy rate of 1120 47 W/m2 or as identified in the test
plan. Use sufficient air speed to maintain the test item temperature to the peak response temperature
obtained in procedure I or obtained from field data.
Step 3. Maintain these conditions for 20 hours, measuring and recording the test item temperatures. If required,
conduct operational checks during the last four hours of each 20-hour exposure when test temperatures
are maximized. If the test item fails to operate as intended, follow the guidance in paragraph 4.3.2 for
test item failure.
Step 4. Turn off the solar radiation source for four hours.
Step 5. Repeat Steps 1 through 4 for the number of cycles identified in the test plan.
METHOD 505.7
Step 6. At the end of the last radiation cycle, allow the test item to return to standard ambient conditions.
Step 7. Conduct a visual examination and an operational check as in Steps 3 and 5 of paragraph, and
document the results. Take photographs of the test item and material samples (if required) for
comparison between pre- and post-test items. See paragraph 5 for analysis of results.
In addition to the guidance provided in Part One, paragraphs 5.14 and 5.17, the following information is provided to
assist in the evaluation of the test results. Analyze any failure of a test item to meet the requirements of the materiel
a. Procedure I. Do not alter the performance characteristics either at the peak temperature or after return to
standard ambient conditions to the extent that the test item does not meet its requirements. Record as
observations only those actinic effects that do not affect performance, durability, or required characteristics.
b. Procedure II. Do not alter the performance and characteristics (such as color or other surface conditions) of
the test item to the extent that the test item does not meet requirements. Record actinic effects that do not
affect performance, durability, or required characteristics as observations only. The fading of colors could
result in higher heating levels within the test item.
6.1 Referenced Documents.
a. MIL-HDBK-310, Global Climatic Data for Developing Military Products.
b. NATO STANAG 4370, Allied Environmental Conditions and Test Publication (AECTP) 230; Climatic
c. “Ultraviolet Radiation,” L.R. Koller; Wiley, 2nd Edition, 1965.
d. ISO 9060, “Solar Energy – Specification and Classification of Instruments for Measuring Hemispherical Solar
and Direct Solar Radiation,” 1990-11-01.
e. ISO-9847 “Solar Energy – Calibration of Field Pyranometers by Comparison to a Reference Pyranometer,”
f. ASTM E824-05, Standard Test Method for Transfer of Calibration from Reference to Field Radiometers,
g. The Photonics Dictionary, 2002 48th edition; Laurin Publishing.
6.2 Related Documents.
a. AR 70-38, Research, Development, Test and Evaluation of Materiel for Extreme Climatic Conditions.
b. Synopsis of Background Material for MIL-STD-210B, Climatic Extremes for Military Equipment. Bedford,
MA: AF Cambridge Research Laboratories, January 1974. DTIC number AD-780-508.
c. Egbert, Herbert W. “The History and Rationale of MIL-STD-810 (Edition 2),” January 2010; Institute of
Environmental Sciences and Technology, Arlington Place One, 2340 S. Arlington Heights Road, Suite 100,
Arlington Heights, IL 60005-4516.
d. NATO STANAG 4370, Allied Environmental Conditions and Test Publication (AECTP) 300, Climatic Test
Methods, Method 305, Solar Radiation.
e. “Ultraviolet Spectral Energy Distribution of Natural Sunlight and Accelerated Test Light Sources,” R.C. Hirt,
R.G. Schmitt, N.D. Searle and A.P. Sullivan; Journal of the Optical Society of America, July 1960, vol. 50,
p. 706.
f. “Studies of Spectral Energy Distribution of Different Light Sources in Connection with Solar Simulation,” D.W.
Gibson and J. Weinard; Institute of Environmental Sciences 1962 Proceedings, p. 453. Institute of
Environmental Sciences and Technology, Arlington Place One, 2340 S. Arlington Heights Road, Suite 100,
Arlington Heights, IL 60005-4516.
g. “An Artificial Sunshine Solarium,” G.F. Prideaux, Illuminating Engineering, 1946, Vol. 12, p.762.
METHOD 505.7
h. “'Project Assess - a Report of a Long Term Solar Simulation Test,” R. Kruger, Institute of Environmental
Sciences 1966 Proceedings, p. 271. Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology, Arlington Place
One, 2340 S. Arlington Heights Road, Suite 100, Arlington Heights, IL 60005-4516.
i. “Spectral Distribution of Typical Daylight as a Function of Correlated Color Temperature,” D.B. Judd, D.L.
MacAdam and G. Wyszecki; Journal of the Optical Society of America, August 1964, vol. 54, p. 1031.
j. “Simulating the Solar Spectrum with a Filtered High-pressure Xenon Lamp,” E.A. Boettner and L.J. Miedler,
Applied Optics, 1963, vol. 2, p. 105.
k. “Modular Xenon Solar Simulation of Large Area Application,” J.A. Castle, Institute of Environmental
Sciences, 1967 Proceedings, p. 687. Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology, Arlington Place
One, 2340 S. Arlington Heights Road, Suite 100, Arlington Heights, IL 60005-4516.
l. “Four-foot Solar Simulation System,” R.N. Harmon, Institute of Environmental Sciences 1966 Proceedings
p. 531. Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology, Arlington Place One, 2340 S. Arlington Heights
Road, Suite 100, Arlington Heights, IL 60005-4516.
m. “Radiation Instruments and Measurements,” International Geophysical Year Manual, Part VI, 1958,
Pergamon Press.
n. “Deterioration of Materials,” G.A. Greathouse and C.J. Wassel, Reinhold, New York, 1954.
o. “The Simulation of Solar Radiant Energy,” P.W. Baker, Environmental Engineering Quarterly June 1963, p.
17-19 and Sept 1963, p. 14-17.
p. “Measurement of Spectral Irradiance,” J. Arveson, Handbook of Solar Simulation for Thermal Vacuum
Testing, Section 9B Institute of Environmental Sciences, 1968. Institute of Environmental Sciences and
Technology, Arlington Place One, 2340 S. Arlington Heights Road, Suite 100, Arlington Heights, IL 60005-
q. “The Solar Constant and the Solar Spectrum Measured from a Research Aircraft,” M.P. Thekaekara, NASA
TR R-351, Washington, DC, Oct 1970.
4.2 Filters.
Liquid filters have certain disadvantages such as the possibility of boiling, the temperature coefficient of spectral
transmission, and long term drift in spectral characteristics. The present preference is for glass filters to be used,
although the characteristics of glass filters are not as accurately reproduced as those of a chemical solution filter.
Some trial and error may be necessary to compensate for different optical densities by using different plate thicknesses.
Glass filters are proprietary articles and manufacturers should be consulted concerning the choice of filters suitable
for particular purposes. The choice will depend on the source and its methods of use. For example, a xenon source
may be test-compensated by a combination of infrared and ultraviolet absorbing filters. Some glass infrared filters
may be prone to rapid changes in spectral characteristics when exposed to excessive ultraviolet radiation. This
deterioration may be largely prevented by interposing the ultraviolet filter between the source and the infrared filter.
Interference type filters, that function by reflecting instead of absorbing the unwanted radiation, (thus resulting in
reduced heating of the glass), are generally more stable than absorption filters.
4.3 Uniformity of Irradiance.
Owing to the distance of the sun from the Earth, solar radiation appears at the Earth's surface as an essentially parallel
beam. Artificial sources are relatively close to the working surface and means of directing and focusing the beam
must be provided with the aim of achieving a uniform irradiance at the measurement plane within specification limits
(i.e., 1120 W/m2 (see Table 505.7-I)). This is difficult to achieve with a short-arc xenon lamp with a parabolic reflector
because of shadows from the lamp electrodes and supports. Also, the incandescence of the anode can produce
considerable radiation at a much lower color temperature, slightly displaced from the main beam, if only the arc itself
is at the focus of the reflector. Uniform irradiation is more readily achieved with a long arc lamp mounted in a
parabolic 'trough' type reflector. However, by employing very elaborate mounting techniques, it is possible to
irradiate, with some degree of uniformity, a large surface by a number of short arc xenon lamps. It is generally
advisable to locate radiation source(s) outside the test enclosure or chamber. This avoids possible degradation of the
optical components, e.g., by high humidity conditions, and contamination of test items by ozone that has been
generated by xenon and other types of arc lamps. Precise collimation of the radiation beam is not normally required
except for testing special materiel such as solar cells, solar tracking devices, etc. However, some of the simulation
techniques developed for space research purposes could be adapted for Earth surface solar radiation studies.
5.1 Measurement of Spectral Distribution.
Total intensity checks are readily made, but detailed checks on spectral characteristics are more difficult. Major
spectral changes can be checked by inexpensive routine measurements, using a pyranometer in conjunction with
selective filters. For checking the detail spectral distribution characteristics of the facility, it would be necessary to
employ sophisticated spectroradiometric instrumentation. However, there seems to be no practical instrumentation
obstacle to prevent this calibration being done either as a service by the facility manufacturer or by a visit from a
national calibration center. Achieve correlation between the filter/pyranometer and spectroradiometric methods at
regular intervals. Changes in the spectral characteristics of lamps, reflectors and filters may occur over a period of
time that could result in the spectral distribution being seriously outside the permitted tolerances. Manufacturing
tolerances may mean that lamp replacement could result in unacceptable changes in both the level of irradiation and
spectral distribution compared with that initially set up. Regular monitoring is therefore essential, but monitoring of
the detailed spectral distribution within the test facility may not be possible while an item is undergoing test. A method
of measuring the intensity of radiation below 320 nm based on the exposure of polysulphone film and that would
permit the monitoring of this wavelength range within the test facility is now established. Lower cost commercially
available spectrometers provide reasonable results, however extreme care must be taken when measuring the
ultraviolet range. Unless properly calibrated and evaluated, values in the ultraviolet range may be unreliable.
5.2 Measurement of Temperature.
Because of the high level of radiation, it is essential that temperature sensors are adequately shielded from radiant
heating effects. This applies both to measuring air temperatures within the test enclosure, and monitoring test item
temperatures. When monitoring test item temperatures, sensors, e.g., thermocouples, should be located on the inside
surfaces of the external case and should not be attached to the outside surfaces, unless the surface temperature is of
concern. Temperature-indicating paints and waxes are unsuitable for monitoring the temperature of irradiated
surfaces, since their absorption characteristics will not be the same. Commercially available self-adhesive surface
mount thermocouples can be used if properly insulated from the source radiation.
a. Measurement of Irradiance. The type of instrument considered most suitable for measuring/monitoring the
irradiance during test set up and test operation is the pyranometer. The pyranometer is designed for
measuring the irradiance (radiant-flux, watts/m2) on a plane surface that results from direct solar radiation
and from the diffuse radiation incident from the hemisphere above. ISO-9060 (paragraph 6.1, reference d),
provides additional information regarding definitions, design criteria, and proper use.
b. Pyranometer Classifications.
(1) Referring to ISO-9060, the pyranometer used for testing should be critically selected based on the
specific internal requirements for internal tractability/calibration certification, and the ability of the
selected pyranometer to meet the requirements of the test and test process (see ISO 9060, Table 1 for
classification details, paragraph 4.3.2, “Classification Criteria”).
(2) In tests where a direct traceability chain is required, recommend a pyranometer meeting the classification
of “secondary standard.” For typical test set-up and operation, a classification of “First Class
Instrument” is generally sufficient. As a minimum, calibrate all instruments on an annual basis.
c. Pyranometer Use Guidelines.
(1) Pyranometers are used for validating irradiance values during test set-up, for pre-test, during the test,
and post test to confirm the specified radiant energy values are maintained. Recommended the interval
used for radiant energy level verification during a test be once per day, OR as required based on historical
statistical charting showing test compliance for longer periods. For Procedure I, in addition to recording
the pretest calibration, it is recommended to record the intensity level at a sufficient interval to verify the
proper radiation intensity is achieved throughout the cycle. For Procedure II, in addition to recording
the pretest calibration, it is recommended to record the intensity once per-cycle and verify the UVa and
UVb portions of the spectrum every seventh cycle.
(2) If pyranometers are continuously exposed to the solar radiation source, consider thermal drift of the
radiant energy values provided by the pyranometer. Some pyranometers require a thermal offset value
based on temperature, while others have internal offset characteristics that minimize thermal drift.
(3) Periodic calibration certification of pyranometers is required, typically once per-year or as specified by
the pyranometer manufacturer. The pyranometer calibration is to be certified in accordance to ISO-
9847, paragraph 6.1, reference e, or ASTM E-824, paragraph 6.1, reference f.
(4) Proper mounting, mounting location, and horizontal placement of the pyranometer are critical to
achieving proper evaluation of the test item. The testing parties must agree to the mounting of the
pyranometer for the test, with mounting location and method recorded as part of the permanent test
d. Evaluation of Spectral Power Distribution (SPD). Measuring and monitoring spectral power distribution of
the lamp demonstrates compliance with Table 505.7-I. Ensure the SPD measurement system is calibrated
and operating properly for accuracy, especially in the ultraviolet range. Instrument accuracy can be found in
Table 505.7B-I. Spectral power distribution evaluation guidelines:
(1) SPD measurements are critical for simulated solar testing. The pre and post test results should be
documented in the final test report.
(2) Often SPD measurement devices are limited to a maximum range of 800 nm or 1100 nm, and the
pyranometer reading is used to algebraically calculate the energy in the infrared range (780 nm-3000
NOTE: Grid size is typically unique to the chamber dimensions and solar simulator design.
Figure 505.7C-1. Example of establishing target and uniformity levels over surface target plane.
The second criteria is a uniform irradiance across a test item surface area (target plane). Method 505 uses the term
“uniformity”, other documents may reference “non-uniformity”. Both terms define a deviation between measured
and desired irradiance across positions on a measurement grid. A test item may have multiple grids or intensity
requirements, but the basic evaluation is the same. The uniformity evaluation can be performed with an imaginary
surface prior to placement of the test item in the chamber. Alternatively, measurements can be performed on the test
item if pre-test irradiance exposure is acceptable. In either case, documentation of measurement grid points and
irradiance is required to validate the test setup uniformity.
The central 3 x 4 target plane in Figure 505.7C-1 represents the Figure 505.7C-2 vehicle top surface. Each
pyranometer represents one portion of the target plane area, additional pyranometers are distributed around the
target plane. Figures 505.7C-3 and 505.7C-4 illustrate additional test configurations and target planes. Accurate
uniformity for the vehicle antenna and lower electronics enclosure is best represented by a multiple target plane
configuration. The upper plane receives irradiance from the main overhead array, and an auxiliary array is needed to
provide irradiance to the lower plane. Screen mesh or other material above higher components can also be used to
attenuate irradiance. The test configurations are for illustration only, actual testing must to be performed according
to the test plan and as agreed between the contractual parties.