Course Outline

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Heat Transfer

College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Course Outline
1st Semester 2023/2024
[MEng4103 Heat Transfer ] Course Outline

Table of Contents
1. Course Information................................................................................. 3
2. Instructor Information ............................................................................. 3
3. Course Overview.................................................................................... 3
4. Course Objectives .................................................................................. 4
5. Course Learning Outcomes ................................................................... 5
6. Course Schedule and Instructional Method ........................................... 5
7. Assessment Tasks ................................................................................. 7
Feedback on Assessments ........................................................................... 8
8. Learning Resources ............................................................................... 8
Textbook .................................................................................................... 8
References................................................................................................. 8
9. Grading Policy ........................................................................................ 8
Pass requirements ..................................................................................... 8
10. Attendance.......................................................................................... 8
11. Academic Integrity, Referencing and Plagiarism ................................ 9
Academic Integrity ..................................................................................... 9
Referencing................................................................................................ 9
Referencing Style....................................................................................... 9

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[MEng4103 Heat Transfer ] Course Outline

1. Course Information

Course Code MEng4103

Course Name Heat Transfer
Year/Semester IV /I
Academic Year 2023/2024
Pre-requisite(s) MEng3101-Engineering Thermodynamics II
Math2042- Applied Mathematics III
Co-requisite(s) Nill
Credit Hour / ECTS 3/5
Course schedule Sec Lecture [Monday|1:30-4:20PM: B507-04-003]
2 Tutorial [Wednesday| 8:30-10:20 AM: B57-04-001]

Sec Lecture [Monday|9:30AM-12:20PM: B58-04-010]

3 Tutorial [Friday| 10:30AM-12:20PM: B58-04-002]

2. Instructor Information

Course Instructor
Name Bonsa Reta
Consultation hour Wednesday [10:20 AM -12:30PM]
Friday [10:30AM-12:20PM]
Office (64/304)

3. Course Overview

The course is designed to familiarize the students with the basic principles of heat
and mass transfer mechanisms and applications. Students will learn in detail
(i) the basic concepts of heat transfer, conduction, convection and radiation,
(ii) how their combinations contribute in any heat transfer process, and how a
heat transfer process can be made more efficient and how to reduce heat losses.
It would also address various types of heat exchangers, their analysis, selection
and sizing; basics of natural and forced convection, black body radiation, estimation
of radiative heat exchange between two hot black and gray bodies. The mass
transfer mechanism which, from analysis point of view is very similar to heat transfer
mechanism but very different applications has also been included in the paper
discussed. Basic concepts related to mass transfer through diffusion and mass
convection have been dealt in details. Application of mass transfer simultaneously
along with heat transfer in various unit processes of evaporation, distillation,
absorption, adsorption, humidification, dehumidification, drying etc. has also been

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[MEng4103 Heat Transfer ] Course Outline

4. Course Objectives

 Solve steady and Transient, one-dimensional conduction heat transfer

 analytically
 Use Numerical/finite difference approaches to numerically solve two
 conduction and transient heat transfer problems
 Understand fins and analyze heat transfer from extended surfaces
 Use methods available for analysis of transient heat transfer problems
 Understand the important of dimensionless parameters to convection heat
 and basic principles underlying convection heat transfer
 Understand thermal and viscous boundary layer heat transfer phenomena
for laminar and turbulent flows
 Analyzing heat transfer in various flow conditions (internal and external
flows) by
 determining convention coefficient for a flow in/on a particular geometry.
 Understand, select, size and analyze the performance of various types of
heat exchangers

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[MEng4103 Heat Transfer ] Course Outline

5. Course Learning Outcomes

Up on successful completion of this course, students should be Program

able to: learning
CLO 1 Define fundamental heat transfer terminologies and PLO1
equations in Cartesian, Cylindrical
and Spherical Coordinates.
CLO 2 Apply numerical techniques for spatial discretization: [PLO2]
finite difference method
CLO 3 Employ thermal analysis to elementary problems in [PLO3]
engineering practice and compare
results with experimental results.
CLO 4 Develop the abilities to design and develop thermal [PLO3]
systems for specific applications
in group

Graduate Attributes
PLO1 Engineering Knowledge PLO7 Environment and sustainability
PLO2 Problem Analysis PLO8 Ethics
PLO3 Design/development of PLO9 Individual and teamwork
PLO4 Investigation PLO10 Communication
PLO5 Modern tool usage PLO11 Project management and
PLO6 The engineer and PLO12 Lifelong learning

6. Course Schedule and Instructional Method

This course consists of 5 hours of class contact hours per week. You are expected to
take an additional 5 hours of non-class contact hours to complete assessments,
readings and exam preparation.

Week Topic [Module] Learning and Teaching Activity CLO

Guided Guided Independent

learning Learni Learning
(F2F) ng (NF2F)
Week 1 Chapter 1: Introduction to heat 2 3 - 1 1 CLO1
& mass transfer.

 Conduction heat transfer.

 Convective heat transfer.
 Radiation heat transfer.
 Diffusion mass transfer.

Week 2 Chapter 2: One dimensional 4 4 - 1 3 CLO2

steady state conduction. CLO3

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[MEng4103 Heat Transfer ] Course Outline

 The heat diffusion equation

 The plane wall.
Week 3
 Thermal resistance and the
Week 4 overall heat transfer
 Radial systems
 Conduction with thermal
 generation
 Heat transfer from
extended surfaces

Week 5 Chapter 3: Two-dimensional 2 3 - 1 2 CLO2

steady state conduction. CLO3

 Mathematical analysis
 Finite difference method

Week 6 Chapter 4: Unsteady-state 2 3 1 2 CLO3

condition. CLO4
Week 7
 The lamped capacitance
Week 8
 Transient heat flow in a
semi-infinite solid
 Convective boundary
 Multidimensional systems

Week 9 Chapter 5: Convection heat 4 4 2 1 2 CLO1

transfer. CLO2
Week 10
 The convection boundary CLO3
layers. CLO4
 Laminar and turbulent flow.
 Laminar boundary layer in
a flat plate.
 Energy equations of the
boundary layer.
 The relation between fluid
friction and heat transfer.
 Turbulent -boundary layer
heat transfer and boundary
layer thickness.
 Heat transfer in laminar
tube flow.
 Turbulent flow in a tube.
 Forced – convection heat

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[MEng4103 Heat Transfer ] Course Outline

 Free convection.

Week 11 Chapter 6: Radiation heat 2 3 1 1 2 CLO1

transfer CLO2
 Fundamental concepts
 Black body radiation
 Surface emission,
absorption, reflection and
 Kerchief‟s law

Week 12 Chapter 7: Heat exchangers 4 4 2 1 3 CLO3

Week 13  Types of heat exchangers.
 Fouling factors.
Week 14
 Heat exchanger analysis:
use of the log-mean
temperature difference.
 Heat exchanger analysis:
use of the effectiveness-
NTU method.
 Compact heat exchangers.
 Analysis for variable
 Heat exchangers deign
 considerations.

Week 15 Chapter 8: Condensation and 4 6 1 3 CLO1

Week 16 boiling heat transfer. CLO2
 Boiling modes
 Condensation mechanisms

7. Assessment Tasks

No Assessment Method Weight Week Due CLO

1 Assignment 1 2.5 % Week 4 CLO2, CLO3
2 Quiz 1 5% Week 4 CLO2, CLO3
3 Assignment 2 2.5% Week 7 CLO3,CLO4
4 Quiz 2 5% Week 7 CLO3,CLO4
5 Test 1 10% Week 9 All
6 Assignment 3 2.5% Week 10
7 Assignment 4 2.5%
8 Test 2 10% Week 15
9 Project 10% Week 16
10 Final Exam 50%

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[MEng4103 Heat Transfer ] Course Outline

Submission of Assessment Tasks

Late project reports/assignments will result in a grade reduction of 10% per 24 hours
late (or portion thereof).

Feedback on Assessments

All Assessment’s feedback given to the students timely via face to face and virtually

8. Learning Resources

1. Frank P. Incropera, David P. DeWitt, Theodore L. Bergman, and
Adrienne S. Lavine, Introduction to Heat Transfer, April 7, 2011.
1. Yunus A. Cengel, Heat and Mass Transfer: A Practical Approach w/
EES CD,Jan 4, 2006
2. Holman J P, Heat Transfer, Oct 10, 2020

9. Grading Policy

Grading of courses will be according to the university’s rules and regulation.

Examinations are graded and the letter grading system with corresponding points
shown below.

Marks Grade Grade Points

[90,100] A+ 4.00
[85,90) A 4.00
[80,85) A- 3.75
[75,80) B+ 3.50
[70,75) B 3.00
[65,70) B- 2.75
[60,65) C+ 2.50
[50,60) C 2.00
[50 F 0.00

Pass requirements
To pass this course a student must:

 attempt all assessments.

 achieve a minimum of 40% in the final exam.

10. Attendance

As per university guideline, a minimum 80% during lecture and 100% during practical
work sessions except for some unprecedented mishaps. Filure to fulfil this
requirement result in barring.

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[MEng4103 Heat Transfer ] Course Outline

11. Academic Integrity, Referencing and Plagiarism

Academic Integrity
AASTU values academic integrity. Therefore, all students must understand the
meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offenses
under the Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures. Work submitted must
be your own, and others’ ideas should be appropriately acknowledged. If you don’t
follow these rules, plagiarism may be detected in your work using plagiarism detection
tool 'Turnitin'.

Referencing is a way of acknowledging the sources of information that you use to
research your assignments. You need to provide a reference whenever you draw on
someone else's words, ideas or research. Not referencing other people's work can
constitute plagiarism.

Referencing Style
The University advises students to use the "IEEE Referencing Style" for written work
and oral presentations.

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