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If not delivered: Locked Bag 7834 Canberra Bc, ACT 2610


Reference: 404 997 168B

Miss Elizabeth Ann Mitchell

U 8 61 Para Rd


30 October 2023

Changes to Your Reporting


Information about your Parenting Payment - Single

• As your circumstances have changed, you are no longer required to report every two weeks
to get paid unless you start working again. If you start working again you must notify us
within 14 days.
• You must tell us within 14 days about events or changes in circumstances affecting your
payment (see the enclosed form ’Changes you must tell us about’ for details).
• If your family income has changed from what you previously told us, please call 136 150 to
provide a new estimate for Family Tax Benefit.

You can access your Centrelink letters online through the myGov Inbox. Please go to to
sign in to your account. If you do not have a myGov account, you will need to create one first and then
link it to Centrelink.

Our service centres have computers available for you to use if you do not have access at home.

Enclosed in this letter

Changes you must tell us about

This form lists the changes that you must tell us about.

Continued on the back

For online services For more information For complex enquiries 136 150
ExpressPlus mobile apps

Continued from previous page

If you do not understand or agree with a decision we have made

• You can contact us and we will explain the decision. We may be able to resolve your concerns without
a formal review.
• You can apply for a formal review of the decision. We can change the decision if it is wrong. This
review is free.

It’s important to apply for a formal review within 13 weeks of being notified about the decision. You can
still apply after this time. However if we change the decision, it may only take effect from the date you
applied for the formal review.

There is no time limit for a review of a decision about money you owe us. However, we may ask you to
start making repayments while we review the decision.

Go to for more information.

If you don’t agree with the outcome of the formal review, you can apply to the Administrative Appeals
Tribunal (AAT). The AAT is an independent body which can review a range of decisions made by
Services Australia. The AAT can only review a decision that we have reviewed. For more information
about applying to the AAT, please go to

To make a complaint or give us feedback

We aim to resolve your concerns as quickly as possible. If you want to make a complaint or give us
feedback you can:
• call our feedback and complaints line on 1800 132 468 or
• go to for other options.
If we are not able to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, you can contact the Commonwealth
Ombudsman by going to their website or calling them on 1300 362 072

Privacy and your personal information

The privacy and security of your personal information is important to us, and is protected by law. We
collect this information to provide payments and services. We only share your information with other
parties where you have agreed, or where the law allows or requires it. For more information, go to

Information provided by you to us may be used for data-matching with other government agencies to
detect and prevent incorrect payments and fraud.

We share data reported through Single Touch Payroll (STP), to deliver payments and services. We
follow tax, social security and privacy laws to keep customers safe and secure. For example, we don’t
get all the data reported about our customers through STP. We only get what we need to deliver our

We use payroll information reported through STP to streamline employment income reporting and other
contacts we have with customers. You can read about how we collect and manage information in our
Privacy Policy. Our data matching protocols have technical details about the information we collect
through STP.

Job Plan and mutual obligation requirements

A Job Plan is an Employment Pathway Plan under the Social Security Act 1991.
Mutual obligation requirements means the same as Activity Test or participation requirements under the
Social Security Act 1991.

Parenting Payment, like wages and salaries is part of your taxable income. If tax is not deducted from
your payment, and your total income is over the tax threshold, you may have to pay tax in a lump sum at
the end of the financial year. The Tax Office can tell you how much this may be. You can ask us to take
tax out of your payments at any time.

231101 BCH - 145441 1 BL- 2

Locked Bag 7834 Canberra Bc, ACT 2610


Reference: 404 997 168B

Issue date: 30 October 2023

Changes to Your Reporting

Changes you must tell us about

This information notice is given under social security law by a Commonwealth entity. You have an
obligation to provide us with all the information that is relevant to your payment. Giving false or
misleading information is a serious offence. Information provided by you may be checked under our
data-matching programs.
You must tell us within 14 days (28 days if residing outside Australia) if any of the following happens to
you, or you become aware that any of the following is likely to occur.
• You can tell us about these changes via self service (online or phone), in writing (fax or post) or by
visiting one of our Service Centres.
If you don’t tell us about any changes, you could have a debt. If you have a debt you may have
to pay all or some of the money back.

• start, stop, recommence or change work in any form of profession, trade business or self-employment
• income from employment changes (the amount you are paid goes up or down)
To help us pay you the right amount you should bring your payslips with you.
Accommodation and Rent
• change address, or move into a retirement village, or are admitted to a nursing home or hostel
• start or stop sharing accommodation with another person or the amount of rent you pay changes
• start or stop paying rent to a State, Territory or Commonwealth Housing Authority

Continued on the back

For online services For more information For complex enquiries 136 150
Indigenous Services
ExpressPlus mobile apps FreecallTM 1800 136 380

Your reference number is 404 997 168B
Family circumstances
• you become partnered, separate from your partner or your partner passes away. For more information,
go to
• have a change in the number of children in your care or start sharing the care of a child
• if sharing the care of a child, the amount of time the child spends with you changes
• receive maintenance/child support for yourself or your children (whether periodic lump sum or capital
transfer) including any regular support similar to maintenance/child support (such as payments made to
another person on your behalf for mortgage, rent, and school fees) or the amount of maintenance/child
support changes
• a dependent child leaves home, is granted a pension, benefit or allowance, leaves Australia, or stops
full-time study and starts working
Income, Assets and Investments
• buy, sell, change, get any money from, or receive a bonus from any shares or managed investments
• get money from a superannuation or rollover fund or get any leave entitlements
• income stream payments/investments change, e.g. annuities or superannuation pensions
• sell your house/buy another home or the income you receive from an investment property changes
• become involved in a business, company or trust
• the value of your assets or financial investments changes by more than $1,000
• gift assets or sell them for less than their value
• get any money from any other source
• You must tell us within 7 days if you (or your partner) have received compensation or become aware
that you will receive compensation
• change or close the account we send your payments to
• plan to leave Australia (including holidays)
• have a change in visa status
• are sent to prison or charged with an offence and are in custody on remand
• are admitted to an institution
• if you have a Job Plan and you would like to discuss or change your mutual obligation requirements.
If you are planning to travel outside Australia
For information about how your payments or concession card may be affected when travelling outside
Australia and when you should contact us, go to
What is income
Income has a very broad meaning for social security purposes. Income includes, but is not limited to
earnings from employment (including fringe benefits), business income (including farms), income from
rental properties, deemed income from financial investments, income from superannuation pensions
and other income streams, income paid from overseas including pensions and most compensation
payments. If you have a partner, their income may affect your payment.
What are Assets
Assets include the value of goods, cars, boats, furniture, money, investments, real estate, personal
property, any interest in any property, any debt owing to you and any other right or interest. Assets do
not include the value of the home in which you live or special aids for people with disabilities.

231101 BCH - 145441 1 BL- 4

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