Assignment 5
Spring 2024
MinHeap Implementation
CS261 Data Structures Assignment 5: MinHeap Implementation
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CS261 Data Structures Assignment 5: MinHeap Implementation
General Instructions
1. Programs in this assignment must be written in Python 3 and submitted to
Gradescope before the due date specified on Canvas and in the Course Schedule. You
may resubmit your code as many times as necessary before the due date (this is
encouraged). Gradescope allows you to choose which submission will be graded. We
will grade the currently activated submission.
2. In Gradescope, your code will run through several tests. Any failed tests will provide
a brief explanation of testing conditions to help you with troubleshooting. You earn
points as you pass tests. There are no hidden Gradescope tests and you will know
your maximum possible score with each submission.
3. We encourage you to create your own test cases (such as with Python’s unittest unit
testing framework, which is more powerful and efficient than “print statement
debugging”), even though this work doesn’t have to be submitted and won’t be
graded. Gradescope tests are limited in scope and may not cover all edge cases. We
reserve the right to evaluate your submission with additional methods beyond
4. Unless indicated otherwise, we will test your implementation with different types of
objects, not just integers. We guarantee that all such objects will have the correct
implementation of:
i. __eq__()
ii. __lt__()
iii. __gt__()
iv. __ge__()
v. __le__()
b. __str__()
6. You will be provided with a starter “skeleton” code, on which you will build your
implementation. Methods defined in the skeleton code must retain their names and
input/output parameters. Variables defined in the skeleton code must also retain
their names. We will only test your solution by making calls to methods defined in
the skeleton code, and by checking values of variables defined in the skeleton code.
You can add more helper methods and variables, as needed.The MinHeap skeleton
code file includes a suggested helper method.
if __name__ == "__main__":
However, certain classes and methods cannot be changed in any way. Please
see the comments in the skeleton code for guidance. The content of any methods
pre-written for you as part of the skeleton code must not be changed.
All points will be deducted from build_heap() for the incorrect time complexity. 25%
of points will be deducted from all other methods with the incorrect time complexity.
7. The skeleton code and code examples provided in this document are part of the
assignment requirements. They have been carefully selected to demonstrate
requirements for each method. Refer to them for detailed descriptions of expected
method behavior, input/output parameters, and handling of edge cases. Code
examples may include assignment requirements not explicitly stated elsewhere.
8. For each method, you are required to use an iterative solution. Recursion is
not permitted.
9. You may not use any imports beyond the ones included in the assignment source
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CS261 Data Structures Assignment 5: MinHeap Implementation
2. The MinHeap must be implemented with a DynamicArray as per the skeleton code.
You are to use your existing DynamicArray for the implementation.
3. You may wish to augment your existing DynamicArray to assist you in this
assignment. For instance, a method similar to Python’s pop()function for lists, that
removes the last item in your DynamicArray, may be helpful. Alternatively, you may
implement this functionality inline in your heap implementation, if you prefer.
4. The number of objects stored in the MinHeap will be between 0 and 1,000,000
5. RESTRICTIONS: You are NOT allowed to use ANY built-in Python data structures
and/or their methods. Your solutions should not call double underscore (“dunder”)
You are NOT allowed to directly access any variables of the DynamicArray class. All
work must be done only by using class methods.
6. You do not need to write any getter or setter methods for the MinHeap class.
Example #1:
h = MinHeap()
print(h, h.is_empty())
for value in range(300, 200, -15):
HEAP [] True
HEAP [300]
HEAP [285, 300]
HEAP [270, 300, 285]
HEAP [255, 270, 285, 300]
HEAP [240, 255, 285, 300, 270]
HEAP [225, 255, 240, 300, 270, 285]
HEAP [210, 255, 225, 300, 270, 285, 240]
Example #2:
h = MinHeap(['fish', 'bird'])
for value in ['monkey', 'zebra', 'elephant', 'horse', 'bear']:
HEAP ['bird', 'fish']
HEAP ['bird', 'fish', 'monkey']
HEAP ['bird', 'fish', 'monkey', 'zebra']
HEAP ['bird', 'elephant', 'monkey', 'zebra', 'fish']
HEAP ['bird', 'elephant', 'horse', 'zebra', 'fish', 'monkey']
HEAP ['bear', 'elephant', 'bird', 'zebra', 'fish', 'monkey', 'horse']
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CS261 Data Structures Assignment 5: MinHeap Implementation
Example #1:
h = MinHeap([2, 4, 12, 56, 8, 34, 67])
Example #2:
h = MinHeap()
Example #1:
h = MinHeap(['fish', 'bird'])
print(h.get_min(), h.get_min())
HEAP ['bird', 'fish']
bird bird
For the downward percolation of the replacement node: if both children of the node have
the same value (and are both smaller than the node), swap with the left child.
Example #1:
h = MinHeap([1, 10, 2, 9, 3, 8, 4, 7, 5, 6])
while not h.is_empty() and h.is_empty() is not None:
print(h, end=' ')
HEAP [1, 3, 2, 5, 6, 8, 4, 10, 7, 9] 1
HEAP [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 7] 2
HEAP [3, 5, 4, 7, 6, 8, 9, 10] 3
HEAP [4, 5, 8, 7, 6, 10, 9] 4
HEAP [5, 6, 8, 7, 9, 10] 5
HEAP [6, 7, 8, 10, 9] 6
HEAP [7, 9, 8, 10] 7
HEAP [8, 9, 10] 8
HEAP [9, 10] 9
HEAP [10] 10
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CS261 Data Structures Assignment 5: MinHeap Implementation
The runtime complexity of this implementation must be amortized O(N). If the runtime
complexity is amortized O(N log N), you will not receive any points for this portion of the
assignment, even if your method passes Gradescope.
Example #1:
da = DynamicArray([100, 20, 6, 200, 90, 150, 300])
h = MinHeap(['zebra', 'apple'])
print("Your MinHeap:")
if h.get_min() == 500:
print("Error: input array and heap's underlying DA reference same object
in memory")
HEAP ['apple', 'zebra']
HEAP [6, 20, 100, 200, 90, 150, 300]
Example #1:
h = MinHeap([100, 20, 6, 200, 90, 150, 300])
Example #2:
h = MinHeap([])
Example #1:
h = MinHeap(['monkey', 'zebra', 'elephant', 'horse', 'bear'])
HEAP ['bear', 'elephant', 'monkey', 'zebra', 'horse']
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CS261 Data Structures Assignment 5: MinHeap Implementation
You may assume that the input array will contain one or more homogeneous elements
(either all numbers, or strings, or custom objects, but never a mix of these). You do not
need to write checks for these conditions.
The runtime complexity of this implementation must be O(N log N). If the sort uses an
algorithm other than Heapsort, you will not receive any points for this portion of the
assignment, even if your function passes Gradescope.
Example #1:
da = DynamicArray([100, 20, 6, 200, 90, 150, 300])
print(f”Before: {da}”)
print(f”After: {da}”)
Before: DYN_ARR Size/Cap: 7/8 [100, 20, 6, 200, 90, 150, 300]
After: DYN_ARR Size/Cap: 7/8 [300, 200, 150, 100, 90, 20, 6]
Example #2:
da = DynamicArray(['monkey', 'zebra', 'elephant', 'horse', 'bear'])
print(f”Before: {da}”)
print(f”After: {da}”)
Before: DYN_ARR Size/Cap: 5/8 [monkey, zebra, elephant, horse, bear]
After: DYN_ARR Size/Cap: 5/8 [zebra, monkey, horse, elephant, bear]