CRUXv 24 N 3
CRUXv 24 N 3
CRUXv 24 N 3
3. Prove that
1 + 41 + 19 + : : : + n1 < 2:
= 2 , (kk+ 1) , k = 2 , k + k + 1
2 2
(k + 1) 2 k(k + 1)2
k ( k + 1)
< 2 , k(k + 1) = 2 , k + 1 : 1
Advance Notice
At the summer 1999 meeting of the Canadian Mathematical Society, to
be held in St. John's, Newfoundland, there will be a Mathematics Education
Session on the topic \What Mathematics Competitions do for Mathematics".
Invited speakers include Edward Barbeau, Toronto; Tony Gardner, Birm-
ingham, England; Ron Dunkley, Waterloo; and Rita Janes, St. John's. Any-
one interested in givinga paper at this session should contact one of the orga-
nizers, Bruce Shawyer or Ed Williams, at the Department of Mathematics and
Statistics, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland,
email addresses:
+1 2
1 1
bers. This chessboard is called an \Incaican Board" if, for each square the
number written on the square is the di erence between two of the numbers
written on two of the neighbouring squares (sharing a common edge). For
which values of n can one obtain Incaican Boards?
4. Let ABC be a given acute triangle. Give a ruler and compass con-
struction of an equilateral triangle DEF with D on BC , E on AC , and F
on AB such that the perpendiculars to BC at D, to AC at E , and to AB
at F , respectively, are concurrent.
Next we give the Third and Fourth Grade problems of the 38 Mathe- th
38 Mathematics Competition
for Secondary School Students
April, 1994
Third Grade
1. Let n be a natural number. Prove: if 2n + 1 and 3n + 1 are perfect
squares, then n is divisible by 40.
2. Show that cos(sin x) > sin(cos x) holds for every real number x.
3. The polynomial p(x) = x + ax + bx + c has only real roots. Show
3 2
4. Let the point D on the hypotenuse AC of the right triangle ABC
be such that jAB j = jCDj. Prove that the bisector of \BAC , the median
through B , and the altitude through D, of the triangle ABD have a common
Fourth Grade
1. Prove that there does not exist a function f : Z ! Z, for which
f (f (x)) = x + 1 for every x 2 Z.
2. Put a natural number in every empty eld of the table so that you
get an arithmetic sequence in every row and every column.
As a nal contest for your puzzling pleasure in this number, we give the
VIII Nordic Mathematical Contest. Again my thanks go to Richard Nowakowski,
Canadian Team leader to the IMO in Hong Kong, for collecting this contest
and forwarding it to me.
th March 17 , 1994
Time: 4 hours
1. Let O be a point in the interior of an equilateral triangle ABC with
side length a. The lines AO, BO and CO intersect the sides of the triangle
at the points A , B and C respectively. Prove that
1 1 1
D 0
4. Determine all positive integers n < 200 such that n 2
+ (n + 1) is
a perfect square.
= xi 4
i xj 5 j
i=0 j =0
m,X ,1 n , r + 1r , 1
r+1 rX
= i j xi+ j
i=0 j =0
The coecient of xr is
r n , r + 1r , 1
n , r + 1r , 1 = X
d=0 d r,d d d
4. [1995:151{152; 1997: 9{13] Sixth Irish Mathematical Olympiad.
Let x be a real number with 0 < x < . Prove that, for all natural
numbers n, the sum
sin x + sin33x + sin55x + + sin(2 n , 1)x
2n , 1
is positive.
Alternate solution by Mohammed Aassila, UFR de Mathematique et
d'Informatique, L'Universite Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France.
We know that
2 sin x sin(2k , 1)x = cos(2k , 2)x , cos 2kx:
2 sin x sin x + sin3 x + + sin(2n , 1)x
3 2n , 1
= 1 , cos 2x + cos 2x ,3 cos 4x + + cos(2n ,2n2),
x , cos 2nx
= 1 , cos 2x 1 , 3 , cos 4x 3 , 5 , , 2n ,nx1
1 1 1 cos 2
1 , 1 , 13 + 13 , 15 + + 2n1, 1 = 0:
+ cos m (x +2 y) sin x +2 y :
cos x = cos y () cos x , cos y = 0
() ,2 sin x +2 y sin x ,2 y = 0 (1)
sin x = , sin y () sin x + sin y = 0
() 2 sin x +2 y cos x ,2 y = 0 : (2)
Squaring each of (1) and (2) and adding, we nd
4 sin x +2 y sin (x ,2 y ) + cos (x ,2 y ) = 0:
2 2 2
| {z }
Hence sin x y = 0.
maxfx ; x ; x g 3 > 1:7 = 17
1 2 3
10 :
By the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality we have
1Xn !n Y n n
n x i xi = xi;
i=1 i=1 i=1
and thus i=1 xi nn=(n,1).
Without loss of generality, we may assume that maxfxi : i = 1; 2; : : : ; ng =
xn . Then nxn Pni xi nn= n, from which xn n = n, follows.
( 1) 1 ( 1)
X 1
i x x
:1: :2x^i : : : xn = 1;
where x^i indicates that the factor xi is missing. Hence for some j we have
1 1 or n x x : : : x^ : : : x :
x x : : : x^j : : : xn n j1 2 n
1 2
Solution by Zun Shan and Edward T.H. Wang, Wilfrid Laurier Univer-
sity, Waterloo, Ontario.
We solve the more general problem of nding all solutions of the Dio-
phantine equation 1! + 2! + 3! + + n! = mk in natural numbers, n, m,
and k. For convenience, let Sn = 1! + 2! + 3! + + n!.
When k = 1 clearly m = Sn is the only solution for any n.
When k = 2 we claim that the equation Sn = m has exactly two 2
there are no solutions if n 8. On the other hand, direct checking shows that
for n = 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7, Sn = 3; 9; 33; 153; 873, and 5913, none of which is a
perfect k power for any k 3. Finally, it is trivial to see that n = m = 1
is a solution.
Remark: The special case of this problem when k = 2 was proposed by
E.T.H. Wang as Quicky Q657 in the Mathematics Magazine, 52 (1979), p. 47.
The general case was also proposed by him as problem #4203 in Mathmedia
(in Chinese) 4(2), 1980; p. 64 with solution in 4(3), 1980, p. 49. This is a
journal published by the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, Taipei,
5. There are 1994 employees in the oce. Each of them knows 1600
others of them. Prove that we can nd 6 employees, each of them knowing
all 5 others.
Solution by Zun Shan and Edward T.H. Wang, Wilfrid Laurier Univer-
sity, Waterloo, Ontario.
Let E denote the set of these 1994 employees. For each x 2 E , let S (x)
denote the set of all employees whom x does not know. Then by assumption,
jS(x)j = 393 for all x 2 E. Let a and b be any two employees who know
each other. Since
jS(a) [ S(b)j 2 393 = 786 < 1992;
9c 2 E such that a, b, and c form a triple of mutual acquaintances. Since
jS(a) [ S(b) [ S(c)j 3 393 = 1179 < 1991;
9d 2 E such that a, b, c, and d form a quadruple of mutual acquaintances.
jS(a) [ S(b) [ S(c) [ S(d)j 4 393 = 1572 < 1990;
9e 2 E such that a, b, c, d, and e form a quintuple of mutual acquaintances.
Finally, since
jS(a) [ S(b) [ S(c) [ S(d) [ S(e)j 5 393 = 1965 < 1989;
and y = 26.
(a) Find another solution in positive integers.
(b) Are there in nitely many solutions in positive integers? Is so, de-
scribe all of them.
1. It is given that 0 xi 1, i = 1; 2; : : : ; n. Find the maximum of
the expression
x x xn
+ + + x x : : : xn, + 1 :
1 2
x x : : : xn + 1 x x x : : : xn + 1
2 3 1 3 4 1 2 1
Lemma. Suppose that the xi 's are reals such that 0 xi 1 for all
i = 1; 2; : : : ; n, where n 2. Then x + x + + xn n , 1+ x x xn
with equality holding if and only if xi 6= 1 for at most one i, i = 1; 2; : : : ; n.
1 2 1 2
x + x + + xn + xn n , 1 + x x xn + xn
1 2 +1 1 2 +1
n , 1 + x x xn xn + 1 1 2 +1
= n + x x xn : 1 2 +1
(ii) either xn = 1 or x x xn = 1.
+1 1 2
2 1 2 1 1 2
2 1 2
+ x x xn n , 1:
xn + 1
1 2
n 1 2 1 2
that xi = 0 for at least one i. Hence xi = 0 for some i and xj = 1 for all
1 2 1 2
i = 1; 2; : : : ; n, is given in [1].
[1] M.S. Klamkin, USA Mathematical Olympiads 1972{1986, M.A.A.,
Washington D.C., 1988, p. 82.
3. A triangle ABC is given. From the vertex B, n rays are constructed
intersecting the side AC . For each of the n +1 triangles obtained, an incircle
with radius ri and excircle (which touches the side AC ) with radius Ri is
constructed. Prove that the expression
r r : : : rn
1 2 +1
R R : : : Rn
1 2 +1
2 = tan 180
tan 2
2 2
rn = tan 180 , n,1 tan n
n 2
180 , n C 2
Rn+1 = tan 2 tan 2 :
Multiplying these equalities, we observe that the product of all the
right hand members is
tan tan
tan n cot n
2 cot 2 tan 2 cot 2 2 tan 2
1 1 2 2
2 2
= tan A2 tan C2 ;
and we get
r r rn, A C
R R Rn = tan 2 tan 2
1 2 1
1 2 +1
A 1 2 n C
Let M be the midpoint of BC . Since U is the midpoint of AB , we get
UM ? AC , so that UM ? BD. Similarly we have V M ? AC .
Since AC ? BD and M is the midpoint of BC , by Brahmagupta's
Theorem we have MO ? AD. (See: H.S.M. Coxeter and S.L. Greitzer,
Geometry Revisited, p. 59).
Thus the lines through O, U and V , perpendicular to AD, BD and AC
respectively, are concurrent at M .
Case 3. AD is a diameter.
V q
Let S be the intersection of AB and CD. Since AB ? BD and
CD ? AC , S is the orthocentre of OAD. Thus SO ? AD.
Hence the lines through O, U and V , perpendicular to AD, BD and
AC respectively, are concurrent at S.
That completes this number of the Olympiad Corner. Send me your
nice solutions and suggestions for future issues.
Edited by ANDY LIU
Vita Mathematica
edited by Ronald Calinger,
published by the MAA, Notes and Reports Series, 1996,
ISBN# 0-88385-097-4, softcover, 350+ pages, $34.95.
Reviewed by Maria de Losada, Bogota, Colombia.
This collection of papers read at the August 1992 Quadrennial Meet-
ing of the International Study Group on the Relations between History and
Pedagogy of Mathematics at the University of Toronto and the Seventh Inter-
national Congress on Mathematical Education at Universite Laval in Quebec,
edited and refereed, begins with a somewhat ponderous re ection on the dif-
ferent tendencies in research in the history of mathematics, contrasting the
approaches of cultural and mathematical historians.
Looking at the role of problems in the history and teaching of mathe-
matics, Evelyne Barbin reminds us that \one of the perverse e ects of edu-
cation : : : [is] that answers are given to questions that have not been asked.
The history of mathematics shows us that questions must come rst, and
[that] it is through questions that we make sense of mathematical concepts."
In the historical studies (from antiquity to the Scienti c Revolution)
can be found intriguing material that is not of easy access. Swetz's paper on
the enigmas of Chinese mathematics is informative as it strives to provide a
balanced presentation and Katz's treatment of medieval Hebrew and Islamic
mathematics provides useful and little known information in a concise and
well ordered manner.
Noteworthy among the more recent historical studies is Judith
Grabiner's paper which contrasts historical perspectives of the calculus, the
geometric (McLaurin) and algebraic (Lagrange), linking these naturally with
education and culture and suggesting that \progress in mathematics is made
by those who sharpen their thinking by exercising the courage of their some-
times idiosyncratic convictions". On an entirely di erent note, the detailed
history given by Ronald Calinger of the University of Berlin Mathematics
Seminar examines every facet of that paradigmatically successful structuring
of a research tradition, in which many of the recurrent themes of this book,
such as starting from problems and learning from the masters, were put into
The third section of the collection, devoted to the integration of history
with mathematics teaching recounts many valuable experiences, two titles of
note being Mathematical Masterpieces: Teaching with Original Sources and
A History of Mathematics Course for Teachers, Based on Great Quotations.
Although they are presented as summaries and have catchy titles, these ar-
ticles refer to teaching experiences that are both substantive and well struc-
tured. In the rst of these, Reinhard Laubenbacher and David Pengelley
reveal not only a polished list of original sources that can be used with un-
dergraduates, but also aspects of their pedagogical approach. In the second,
Israel Kleiner begins with quotations addressing the question \What is math-
ematics?" that are arranged in \antagonistic" pairs to bring across the un-
derlying message of mathematics as an activity whose history is susceptible
to chronological, thematical, topical and biographical study, as long as sight
is not lost of Lakatos' remark: \The history of mathematics, lacking the guid-
ance of philosophy [is] blind, while the philosophy of mathematics, turning
its back on the most intriguing phenomena in the history of mathematics,
[is] empty."
It is unfortunate that the book has so many typos! Not only are foot-
note numbers routinely formatted incorrectly, but there are also plenty of
errors in the text.
In general, this is good formative reading for those with an appetite
for historical material, but especially useful in its treatment of interrelations
between history and pedagogy.
r X
X n
ai(r; `) ;
ar + ar + + arn =
1 2
` (1)
`=1 i=1
n = k nn,k ; if 0 k n ,
k 0; if k > n 1 ,
!( )!
and for w 1 let Smr (w) denote the set of r-dimensional \cubes" with faces
( )
w + m; w + m; ; w + r m;
1 2 1 ; ; ;
2 r 0;
0 1 m , w; 0 m , w; ;
0 r m , w; 1 w m ; (3)
so the number of cubes in Smr (w) is ( )
2 3
r n` 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 1 0 0 0 0 0
2 1 2! 0 0 0 0
3 1 6 3! 0 0 0
4 1 14 36 4! 0 0
5 1 30 150 240 5! 0
.. .. .. .. .. .. ..
. . . . . . .
Since there are m,w`
ways of choosing the sequence ( ) satisfying
(4) we nd that
Xr m , w + 1
(m , w + 1) = (r; `); 1 w m; 1 ` r;
`=1 `
and setting a = m , w + 1 1
X a (r;`); a 1; r 1 :
ar = `
Summing over a set of a's we have (1). Taking ai = a + (i , 1)d,
i = 1; 2; ; n in (1), we have
X r X
n a + (i , 1)d
ar + (a + d)r + + (a + (n , 1)d)r = ` (r; `) ;
` i =1 =1
Xr n + 1
r r r
s (n) = 1 + 2 + + n = r
` + 1 (r; `) ;
( )
` =1
X i = n + 1 .
i=1 ` `+1
The display below exhibits s r (n) for r = 1; 2; 3; 4; 5:
( )
(n) 1,n +1
1n + 2! n
, ,
(n) +1
(n) 1,n + 6,n + 3!,n
1n + 14 n + 36 n + 4! n
, , , ,
(n) +1
(n)1,n + 30,n + 150,n + 240,n + 5!,n
1. [1] Moser, W., Sums of d powers. Math. Gazette 75 (1991) 332.
2. [2] Paul, J.L., On the sum of the k powers of the rst n integers.
4. A store o ered triple the GST in savings. A sales clerk calculated the
selling price by rst reducing the original price by 21% and then adding the 7%
GST based on the reduced price. A customer protested, saying that the store
should rst add the 7% GST and then reduce that total by 21%. They agreed on
a compromise: the clerk just reduced the original price by the 14% di erence.
How do the three ways compare with one another from the customer's point
of view?
(a) The clerk's way is the best. (c) The compromise is the best.
(b) The customer's way is the best. (d) All three ways are the same.
(e) The compromise is the worst while the other two are the same.
5. If m and n are integers such that 2m , n = 3, then what will m , 2n
(a) ,3 only (b) 0 only (c) only multiples of 3
(d) any integer (e) none of these
6. If x is x% of y, and y is y% of z, where x, y and z are positive real
numbers, what is z ?
(a) 100 (b) 200 (c) 10; 000 (d) does not exist (e) cannot be determined
7. About how many lines can one rotate a regular hexagon through
some angle x, 0 < x < 360 , so that the hexagon again occupies its original
(a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 6 (e) 7
8. AB is a diameter of a circle of radius 1 unit. CD is a chord perpen-
dicular to AB that cuts AB at E . If the arc CAD is 2=3 of the circumference
of the circle, what is the length of the segment AE ?
(d) 2
(e) none of these
9. One of Kerry and Kelly lies on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays,
and tells the truth on the other days of the week. The other lies on Thursdays,
Fridays and Saturdays, and tells the truth on the other days of the week. At
noon, the two had the following conversation:
Kerry : I lie on Saturdays.
Kelly : I will lie tomorrow.
Kerry : I lie on Sundays.
On which day of the week did this conversation take place?
(a) Monday (b) Wednesday (c) Thursday (d) Saturday (e) Sunday
(d) x y
3 + +
(e) none of these
14. A game is played with a deck of ten cards numbered from 1 to 10.
Shue the deck thoroughly.
i) Take the top card. If it is numbered 1, you win. If it is numbered k,
where k > 1, go to (ii).
ii) If this is the third time you have taken a card, you lose. Otherwise,
put the card back into the deck at the k position from the top and go to (i).
In the last number we gave the problems of the Final Round of the
British Columbia Colleges Junior High School Mathematics Contest 1997.
Here are the ocial solutions. My thanks for sending the materials to me go
to John Grant McLoughlin, now of the Faculty of Education, Memorial Uni-
versity of Newfoundland, who participated in formulating the exams while
he was at Okanagan College.
Junior High School Mathematics Contest
Final Round 1997 | Part A
1. The buttons of a phone are arranged as shown at the right. If the
buttons are one centimetre apart, centre-to-centre, when you dial the num-
ber 592-7018 the distance, in centimetres, travelled by your nger is:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
4. In the diagram below the upper scale AB has ten 1 centimetre divi-
sions. The lower scale CD also has ten divisions but it is only 9 centimetres
long. If the right hand end of the fourth division of scale CD coincides ex-
actly with the right hand end of the seventh division of scale AB , what is the
distance, in centimetres, from A to C ?
Solution. Let E be the right hand end of the fourth division of scale
CD (which is also the right hand end of the seventh division of scale AB).
The distance AE is 7 cm. The distance CE is 4 0:9 = 3:6 cm. Thus the
distance AC = AE , CE = 3:4 cm. Answer is (E)
5. Triangle ABCpis equilateral with sides tangent to the circle with
centre at O and radius 3. The area of the quadrilateral AOCB , in square
units, is:
Solution. First join the points B and O. Since an intersecting tangent
and radius of a circle are perpendicular, this produces 2 congruent right an-
gled triangles, namely BOA and BOC , each of which is a 30 , 60 , 90
triangle, which means that side BO is twice the length of side AO. Using
the Theorem of Pythagoras we have
p 2
BA = (2 3) , ( 3) = 12 , 3 = 9:
10. How many positive integers less than or equal to 60 are divisible
by 3, 4, or 5?
Solution. There are 20 integers between 1 and 60 which are divisible by
3, 15 divisible by 4, and 12 divisible by 5. If we simply add up these numbers
to get 20 + 15 + 12 = 47, we will have counted those integers divisible by at
least two of 3, 4, or 5 more than once. Thus we must subtract from this total
the number of integers between 1 and 60 divisible by both 3 and 4 (that is,
divisible by 12), namely 5; the number divisible by both 3 and 5, namely 4;
and the number divisible by both 4 and 5, namely 3. Thus our accumulated
total is now 47 , (5 + 4 + 3) = 35. However, the integer 60, which is the
only positive integer in our range divisible by all of 3, 4, and 5 was at rst
counted 3 times, and now is not counted at all. Thus we must add 1 back
into the total. So our total is 36.
Alternate method: Simply enumerate all the numbers between 1 and
60 and test each one. Those that are divisible by 3, 4, or 5 are: 3, 4, 5, 6, 8,
9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 39, 40, 42,
44, 45, 48, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57 and 60. There are 36 numbers in this
list. Answer is (C)
Final Round 1997 | Part B
1. (a) The pages of a thick telephone directory are numbered from 1
to N . A total of 522 digits is required to print the pages. Find N .
Solution. From 1 to 9 inclusive there are 9 single digit numbers, which
uses up 9 digits. From 10 to 99 inclusive there are 90 2-digit numbers, which
uses up a further 180 digits. So far we have used up 189 digits before we
get to 3-digit numbers leaving us with 522 , 189 = 333 digits still to be
accounted for. With this many digits we can make up 111 3-digit numbers.
Starting at 100 and proceeding for 111 numbers brings us to page 210. Thus
N = 210.
(b) There are 26 pages in the local newspaper. Suppose that you pull a
sheet out and drop it on the oor. One of the pages facing you is numbered
19. What are the other page numbers on the sheet?
Solution. Since the newspaper has 26 pages, the outer sheet has pages
1, 2, 25, and 26. The next outermost sheet has pages 3, 4, 23, and 24. The
next sheet has 5, 6, 21, and 22. Finally the sheet we are interested in has
pages 7, 8, 19, and 20. So the other page numbers are 7, 8, and 20.
2. Create expressions for the numbers 1; 2; 3; : : : ; 10 by using each of
the digits 1, 9, 9, and 7. Note that the digits must appear separately; that is,
numbers like 17 are not allowed. Only the basic operations +, ,, , and
brackets (if necessary) may be used. Other mathematical symbols such as p
are not allowed. Every expression must include one 1, two 9's, and one 7, in
any order.
Solution. There are several acceptable answers for this question. Here
are some:
1 7 (9 , 9) + 1
2 (9 + 7) (9 , 1)
3 9 (9 + 1 , 7)
4 (9 , 1) (9 , 7)
5 (9 + 1) (9 , 7) = 7 , (9 9) , 1
6 9,9+7,1
7 9 , 9 + 7 1 = (9 , 9) 1 + 7
8 9,9+7+1
9 99+7+1
10 9+9,7,1
3. (a) Decide whichpis greater: p6 + p8 or p5 + p9.
p p p
Solution. Let x = 6 + 8 and y = 5 + 9. Then
x = 6 + 8 + 2 48 = 14 + 2 48
p p
y = 5 + 9 + 2 45 = 14 + 2 45
p p
Since 48 > 45, we see that x > y and thus it follows that
2 2
p x >py since
both are positive real numbers. Therefore, the larger value is 6 + 8.
(b) Show that x2x 2 for any real number x > 0.
given x > 0 we can divide both sides of the inequality by x and preserve the
direction of the inequality to get
x + 1 2:
4. In the plane gure shown below, ABCD is a square with AB =
12. If A0 , B0 , C 0 , and D0 are the midpoints of AO, BO, CO, and DO,
respectively, then:
A 0
B 0
D 0
C 0
in part (a); that is, 9 square units. Thus, triangle BA0 B 0 has area 9 and we
4 4
5. The gure below shows the rst three in a sequence of square arrays
of dots. The numbers of dots in the three arrays are 1, 5, and 13.
r r r
r r r r
r r r r r
r r r r
r r r
(a) Find the number of dots in the next array in the sequence.
Solution. There are several ways of looking at the arrays. One way is to
notice that in going from one array to the next we build around the outside
of the array a new set of dots. That is, we add 4 dots to the single dot to get
relation from part (d) above, and since it coincides with the rst few values
of an , this must be the solution for an .
(d) If an is the number of dots in the n array in the sequence, nd a
an = an + 4n:
That completes the Skoliad Corner for this number. I need contest
materials suited to this feature, so please send me your materials, as well as
comments and suggestions for the future of the Skoliad Corner.
Mathematical Mayhem began in 1988 as a Mathematical Journal for and by
High School and University Students. It continues, with the same emphasis,
as an integral part of Crux Mathematicorum with Mathematical Mayhem.
All material intended for inclusion in this section should be sent to the
Mayhem Editor, Naoki Sato, Department of Mathematics, Yale University,
PO Box 208283 Yale Station, New Haven, CT 06520{8283 USA. The electronic
address is still
The Assistant Mayhem Editor is Cyrus Hsia (University of Toronto).
The rest of the sta consists of Adrian Chan (Upper Canada College), Jimmy
Chui (Earl Haig Secondary School), Richard Hoshino (University of Waterloo),
David Savitt (Harvard University) and Wai Ling Yee (University of Waterloo).
Mayhem Problems
The Mayhem Problems editors are:
Richard Hoshino Mayhem High School Problems Editor,
Cyrus Hsia Mayhem Advanced Problems Editor,
David Savitt Mayhem Challenge Board Problems Editor.
Note that all correspondence should be sent to the appropriate editor |
see the relevant section. In this issue, you will nd only problems | the
next issue will feature only solutions.
We warmly welcome proposals for problems and solutions. We request
that solutions from this issue be submitted by 1 February 1999, for publica-
tion in issue 4 of 1999. Also, starting with this issue, we would like to re-open
the problems to all CRUX with MAYHEM readers, not just students, so now
all solutions will be considered for publication.
We regret to report that the High School porblems in volume 24, issue 1
[1998: 42], were mislabelled. Instead of H223, H224, H225 and H226,
they should have been labelled H233, H234, H235 and H236 respectively.
We kindly ask readers to respect the new labelling when submitting solutions.
down, r units right, r units up, and continues the same pattern inde -
4 5
H239. Find all pairs of integers (x; y) which satisfy the equation
y (x + 1) + x (y + 16) = 448.
2 2 2 2
Let p be an odd integer with exactly n prime divisors. Show that there exist
exactly 2n, primitive Pythagorean triples where p is the rst element of
the triple. For example, if p = 15, then (15; 8; 17) and (15; 112; 113) are the
primitive Pythagorean triples with rst element 15.
Advanced Problems
Editor: Cyrus Hsia, 21 Van Allan Road, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada.
M1G 1C3 <>
A213. Show that the number of non-negative integer solutions to the
equation a + b + c + d = 98, where a b c d, is equal to the number
of non-negative integer solutions to the equation p + 2q + 3r + 4s = 98.
A214. Show that any rational number can be written as the sum of
a nite number of distinct unit fractions. A unit fraction is of the form n , 1
where n is an integer.
A215. For a xed integer n 2, determine the maximum value of
k + + kn, where k , : : : , kn are positive integers with k + + kn 7n.
1 1
F = 1. (Then F = 2, F = 3, F = 5, etc.)
1 2 3 4
(a) Prove that each positive integer is uniquely expressible in the form
Fa1 + + Fak , where the subscripts form a strictly increasing sequence of
positive integers, no pairpof which are consecutive.
(b) Let = (1 + 5), and for any positive integer n, let f (n) equal
Tips on Inequalities
Naoki Sato
graduate student, Yale University
x + x + + xn pn x x x ;
1 2
n 1 2n
with equality if and only if x = x = = xn .
1 2
These are usually found through using the classic inequalities, and by manip-
ulating terms until we get what we want. As anyone who has worked with
inequalities knows, this takes great care; one constantly has to make sure
that the estimates are not too crude, and that the inequality signs are going
the right way. In this kind of approach, there are several things one should
keep in mind:
1. Is the inequality sharp or strict?
An inequality is sharp if equality occurs at a point, and strict if equal-
ity never occurs. It is always a good idea to check which type it is, though
it is usually given or obvious. A strict inequality may allow for generous
estimates, but not always. A sharp inequality leaves no such allowance.
2. If equality does occur, when/where does it occur?
Copyright c 1998 Canadian Mathematical Society
The points where equality occurs are points you must work around. In
the chain above, each intermediate inequality must become an equality at
these points. This is a good check of whether your intermediate expressions
are the right ones.
Pairing and Grouping
In inequalities where several terms are involved, it might be possible
to group terms together and prove \smaller" inequalities.
Problem 1.
(a) Prove that x + y + z xy + yz + zx for all x, y , z 2 R.
2 2 2
then add the other two corresponding inequalities, and then divide by 3.
Problem 2. For all a, b, c, d > 0, show that
a3 + b3 + c3 + a3 + b3 + d3 + a3 + c3 + d3 + b3 + c3 + d3 a2 + b2 + c2 + d2 :
a+b+c a+b+d a+c+d b+c+d
Solution. We claim that
a +b +c a +b +c :
3 3 3 2 2 2
a+b+c 3
Then, the problem follows by symmetry. Our inequality is equivalent to
3a + 3b + 3c (a + b + c )(a + b + c) ;
3 3 3 2 2 2
= (a , b) (a + b) + (a , c) (a + c) + (b , c) (b + c) 0 ;
2 2 2
which is true. Note that this inequality also follows from Chebyshev's in-
The Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality
The Cauchy-Schwarz inequality is a good way to deal with squares and
especially fractions.
Problem 3. For x , x , : : : , xn > 0, show that
1 2
+ xx + + xn x + x + + xn :
1 2
x +x x +x
1 2 xn + x
2 23 1
Solution. By CSB,
[(x + x ) + (x + x ) + + (xn + x )]
1 2 2 3 1
x x+ x + x x+ x + + x x+n x
2 2 2
1 2
1n 2 2 3 1
(x + x + + xn) : 1 2
(a + a + + an ) a + a + + an :
1 2
1 2
2(a + a + + an ) a + a a + a
2 a +a 2 3 3 4 1 2
(a + ,a + + an ) 2
pa + pa + + pan ,a pa + a pa + + anpan :
1 2
1 2 1 1 2 2
(a + a + + an) a + a + + an :
1 2
Finally, setting xi = ai + ai , yi = ai+1aiai+2 , we obtain
+1 +2 +
, pa + pa + + pan
1 2
a a a n
2 (a + a + + an) a + a + a + a + + a + a : 1 2
1 2
2 3 3 4 1 2
so that
1 + x1 + y1 + 1z + xy
1 + 1 + 1 + 1
xz yz xyz
1+ 3 3 + 1
p3 xyz 3 x y z
+p 2 2 2 xyz
= 1 + p3 xyz
4 = 64 :
0 x; y;z 1, ,1 2x , 1; 2y , 1; 2z , 1 1, so ,1 P . Now, if
27 27
one of the variables, say x, was greater than 1=2, then the other two would
be less than 1=2, and we would have 1 , 2x < 0, 1 , 2y , 1 , 2z > 0, and
P < 0 < . Otherwise, x, y, and z are at most 1=2, and all factors of P
P 1 , 2 x
+ 1 , 2 y + 1 , 2 z
= 1:
3 27
Introducing and Removing Constraints
Inequalities often come with constraints on the variables. Removing
these constraints can simplify the problem. Alternately, introducing them
may help as well. The most common way of removing a constraint is to
\homogenize" the given inequality. For example, suppose we are given the
expression x + xy , 2, where xyz = 1. Then
x + xy , 2 = x + xy p3 xyz , 2xyz:
3 3
This new expression is homogeneous of degree 3. It's not pretty, but for
the expressions given in problems, most of the time it will be nice and much
easier to work with.
At this point, we introduce an inequality that is not well-known, but
that seems to pop up from time to time.
Schur's Inequality. For all x, y , z 0 and non-negative integers n,
xn(x , y)(x , z) + yn(y , z)(y , x) + zn(z , x)(z , y) 0 :
For n = 1, this becomes
x + y + z + 3xyz x y + xy + x z + xz + y z + yz ;
3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2
to eliminate the xyz term). Hence, to prove the above inequality, we must
show that x y 2 x , which is left as an exercise for the reader (it has
P 2
P 3
for all 2 R.
Going back to the original problem,
p(x; y; z) = (yz + zx + xy)(x + y + z) , 2xyz :
If x + y + z = 0, then all three variables must be 0, and the inequality
follows. Otherwise, we can set = x y z , and so we must show
+ +
0 p x + xy + z ; x + yy + z ; x + zy + z 27 7:
1. Prove that if x, y , and z are non-negative real numbers such that
x + y + z = 1, then
2(x + y + z ) + 9xyz 1 :
2 2 2
most entry of each row as the 0 entry, even though it may seem a little
awkward at rst.
Let us show that this table is the same as the following table:
,1 0 ,1
,2 0 ,2 1 ,2
,3 0 ,3 1 ,3 2 ,3
,4 0 ,4 1 ,4 2 ,4 3 ,4
,5 0 ,5 1 ,5 2 ,5 3 ,5 4 ,5
0 1 2 3 4 5
In this table, k is determined by the formula k nn,k . Thus, we
show that the k element of the n row of Pascal's Triangle equals, k ,for
th th
all integers
, , ,
n and k . Each of these elements in the triangle, namely , , 0 1
n + n = n+1
k k,1 k
for all n and k. Note that the right side denotes the number of ways we may
select a k-member committee from a class of n girls and one boy (we choose
k members from , a set of (n +1) people). Now, if the boy is on the committee,
then we have k,n ways of selecting the,remaining k , 1 members. And if he
is not on the committee, then there are nk ways of selecting the committee.
n + n = n+1 :
k k,1 k
This is known as Pascal's Identity.
Since 0
= 1, the table of binomial coecients corresponds directly
to Pascal's Triangle { since the initial element is the same and, like Pascal's
Triangle, each element is the sum of the two directly above it. Thus, we can
determine any element in Pascal's Triangle with this formula. For example,
the thirty- fth element in the seventy-ninth row of Pascal's Triangle is . 79
We now prove that the entries in the n row of Pascal's Triangle are
0 1 2 k n
for some n. Then
)n = (1+ x)n(1 + x)
(1 + x +1
= 0 + 1 x + 2 x + + nn xn (1 + x)
n n n
0 1 0 n n,1 n
Since n = n = nn = nn = 1, and using Pascal's Identity for
, ,
, , +1
Theorem 1.
(i) The sum of the coecients in the n row of Pascal's Triangle is 2n .
(ii) If we alternately add and subtract the digits in the n row of Pascal's th
0 1 k n
substituting x = 1 into this expression yields
2n = n0 + n1 + + nn :
(ii) The second part of the theorem is left as an exercise. It is the same
technique as above; just substitute a di erent value for x. Can you guess
which value of x we ought to substitute?
Theorem 2. If the binary representation of n contains p ones, then there
are 2p odd numbers in the n row of Pascal's Triangle. For example, since
and so it is also true for n = k + 1. Hence, by induction, the claim has been
veri ed.
Here is an example for a speci c case. Let n = 50. Then 50 = 2 + 1
2 + 2 = 2 + 16 + 32. Hence,
4 5
(1 + x) 50
= (1 + x) (1 + x) (1 + x)
2 16 32
(1 + x )(1 + x )(1 + x )
2 16 32
1 + x + x + x + x + x + x + x (mod 2):
2 16 18 32 34 48 50
Hence, there are eight odd entries in the 50 row of Pascal's Triangle, th
, , , , , , , ,
namely , , , , , , , and . Since 50 = 11010 ,
50 2
this veri es that there are exactly 2 = 8 odd terms in this row.
where 0 a < a < < ap and the ai digit of the binary representation
(1 + x a1 )(1 + x a2 ) (1 + x ap )
2 2 2
modulo 2, and when we expand the right side, we will arrive at an expression
with 2p terms. Note that there must be exactly 2p terms, since each exponent
xk can be formed in only one way by multiplying coecients from the set
fx a1 ; x a2 ; : : : ; x ap g. This is a direct result from the binary representation
2 2 2
Theorem 3. (The Fibonacci sequence is the sequence, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,
13, 21, 34, : : : , where each element in the sequence is the sum of the two
before it. More formally, we say that the Fibonacci sequence fFn g satis es
the conditions F = 1, F = 1, and Fn = Fn, + Fn, for all n > 1.)
0 1 1 2
We can derive the Fibonacci sequence from Pascal's Triangle in the following
F =1 - 1
=1 - 1 : 1:
F - 1: 2
=2 1
=3 - 1
: 3 :
3 1
F - 1
: 4 6
=5 4 1
5 =8 - 1 5 10 10 5 1
n ,
F n = 0 + 1 + 2 + + nn
n 1
2 n , 2
2 n + 1
2 n ,
F n = 0 + 1 + 2 + + n :
2 +1
n + 1
For example,
F = 70 + 61 + 52 + 43 = 1 + 6 + 10 + 4 = 21:
2 +1
F k = 2k 0+ 2 + 2k 1+ 1 + 22k + + kk + 1;
2 +2
that is, the right side is equal to the (2k + 2) Fibonacci number. But
F k = F k + F
2 +2 2 k
2 +1
is symmetric about the vertical line that separates the triangle into two
equal halves.
2. For which n is nn odd?
, 2
the coecients a , b , c , and d are even integers and the other co-
1 2 3 4
ecients are odd integers. Prove that the only solution in integers is
x = y = z = u = 0.
4. The non-negative integers p, q , r, and s satisfy the equality
(p + q ) + p = (r + s) + r:
2 2
8a 2 8b
2. Find the least natural number such that if the rst digit is placed last,
the new number is 7=2 times as large as the original number. (The
numbers are written in the decimal system.)
3. A, B , and C are three points on a circle with radius r, and AB = BC .
D is a point inside the circle such that the triangle BCD is equilateral.
The line through A and D meets the circle at the point E . Show that
DE = r.
4. The polynomial p(x) of degree n has real coecients, and p(x) 0 for
all x. Show that
p(x) + p0(x) + p00(x) + + p n (x) 0:
( )
Problem proposals and solutions should be sent to Bruce Shawyer, De-
partment of Mathematics and Statistics, Memorial University of Newfound-
land, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. A1C 5S7. Proposals should be ac-
companied by a solution, together with references and other insights which
are likely to be of help to the editor. When a submission is submitted with-
out a solution, the proposer must include sucient information on why a
solution is likely. An asterisk (?) after a number indicates that a problem
was submitted without a solution.
In particular, original problems are solicited. However, other inter-
esting problems may also be acceptable provided that they are not too well
known, and references are given as to their provenance. Ordinarily, if the
originator of a problem can be located, it should not be submitted without
the originator's permission.
To facilitate their consideration, please send your proposals and so-
lutions on signed and separate standard 8 "11" or A4 sheets of paper.
the Editor-in-Chief, to arrive no later than 1 November 1998. They may also
be sent by email to (It would be appreciated if
email proposals and solutions were written in LATEX). Graphics les should
be in epic format, or encapsulated postscript. Solutions received after the
above date will also be considered if there is sucient time before the date
of publication. Please note that we do not accept submissions sent by FAX.
an = an , an, + aan ; n 3 :
+1 1
n +n+1 2
F (i) =
n + 22
n + i + 1 F (i , 1) .
n +n+i 2
Find F (n).
Some readers have pointed out that problem 2287 [1997: 501] is the
same as problem 2234 [1997: 168], and that problem 2288 [1997: 501] is
the same as problem 2251 [1997: 299]. Also part (a) of problem 2306 [1998:
46; 175] is the same as the rst part of 2296 [1997; 503]. The editors missed
these duplications. Proposers are asked not to submit the same problem
more than once.
No problem is ever permanently closed. The editor is always pleased to
consider for publication new solutions or new insights on past problems.
y , 1 = (u , 1)(v + 1)
y , 1 = (u , 1)(v + 1) = 4n + 4n + n , 1:
2 4 3 2
(u , 1)(v + 1) = s , (t , 1) = t + 2t = (t + 1) , 1 = y , 1.
2 2 2 2 2
above. However, the next solution, (22; 38; 482; 2) is not obtainable from
any of the families given in I, II and III.
M r
r r
E r X F
B r
2 0(mod 4). Thus, an 3(mod 4). But a positive integer is a
n 1
1 2
= n(F (n + 2; m) , (n + 4)) ;
g(n;m) = F (n;m)n+ n + 2 g(n + 2; m) :
if and only if
(Sn , 2)(Sn + 2) = (2n , 1)Sn : +1
s r q p
Un = 4 + 4 + 3 (2n , 3) 4 + (2n , 1)(2n + 3) = 3 :
Clearly Tn Un and the latter is identically
equal to 3. Therefore,
using the
fact that B A > 0 implies that (4 + A)=(4 + B ) A=B ,
+ (2n , 1)p2n + 3
T n Tn 4 +
1 3 = U = q p
n 4 + (2n , 1))(2n + 3)
+ (2n , 1)p2n + 3 s
qp 2 2n1+ 3
+ (2n , 1)(2n + 3)
= 1 ,! 1
(2n + 3) 21 n+1( )
Bradley notes that the solution appeared in the March 1997 issue where the
value of the continued root was proved to be 2, and to be \well-de ned".
He also adds that the editor of the Problems section of the Gazette con-
cludes \Clearly, the problem raises some deep questions about the meaning
of `well-de ned'." Along the same lines as this editorial comment, Murray
S. Klamkin, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta adds that \the value
can be anything since there is no de nition regarding the continuation of the
root". Klamkin refers to A. Herschfeld, On In nite Radicals, Amer. Math.
Monthly, 42 (1935) 419-429 where Herschfeld notes that Ramanujan's so-
lution for r
1 + 2 1 + 3p1 + = 3
too small, unworthy of the respect showed to his late father. Ah yes, if u 4
3w u + v + w = (u , 1)(v , 1)(w , 1) 3 3(w , 1)
giving 9 6w, which cannot be, since then w = 1, but then he would
take the entire herd, inciting hatred in the thoughts of the other two, as
forewarned by the incontestable cadi."
\So we must have u 3. Let us then see what happens if u = 3. Here
w v u = 3 gives
3 + 2w u + v + w = (u , 1)(v , 1)(w , 1) 2 2(w , 1) ;
\Thus the total number of camels in the original herd is 41. One camel
is left over for our guest, which he can have back, as it is not counted in
the 41. The shares are 21, 14, and 6 respectively," concluded the calculator
Everybody applauded the sagacity of this artful manipulator of numbers
whose eurhythmic mind interpreted the inheritance laws with the infallible
ways of the mathematician.
The distinguished problem solver smiled to himself. He had succeeded
again. In a true Socratic manner he led the dialogue by giving imperceptible
hints, the CRUX of the matter, to his counterpart who then discovered the
truth that had been known to the problem solver from the very beginning.
He saddled his camel, thanked for the hospitality and the knowledge he ac-
quired, savoured a sip of water and left for the next stage of his Promethean
Also solved or answered by SAM BAETHGE, Nordheim, Texas, USA;
CHAMORRO, I.B. Leopoldo Cano, Valladolid, Spain;
MANSUR BOASE, student, St. Paul's School, London, England;
student, Upper Canada College, Toronto, Ontario; CHARLES R. DIMINNIE,
Angelo State University, San Angelo, TX, USA; IAN JUNE L. GARCES, Ateneo
de Manila University, The Philippines and GIOVANNI MAZZARELLO, Fer-
rovie dello Stato, Florence, Italy; DAVID HANKIN, Hunter College Campus
Schools, New York, NY, USA; FLORIAN HERZIG, student, Perchtoldsdorf,
Austria; JOHN G. HEUVER, Grande Prairie Composite High School, Grande
Prairie, Alberta; D. KIPP JOHNSON, Beaverton, Oregon, USA; GERRY
LEVERSHA, St Paul's School, London, England; GOTTFRIED PERZ, Pesta-
lozzigymnasium, Graz, Austria; REZA SHAHIDI, student, University of Wa-
terloo, Waterloo, Ontario; D.J. SMEENK, Zaltbommel, the Netherlands;
DAVID STONE and VREJ ZARIKIAN, Georgia Southern University, States-
boro, Georgia; PANOS E. TSAOUSSOGLOU, Athens, Greece; PAUL YIU,
Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida, USA; and the proposer.
There were two incomplete solutions.
Lambrou also considers the general problem where the number of camels
is p , 1, and u, v , w all divide evenly into p. In addition to the solution
given above he nds 13 other solutions (u; v;w; p), where w v w:
(2; 3; 8; 24), (2; 3; 9; 18), (2; 3; 10; 15), (2; 3; 12; 12), (2; 4; 5; 20),
(2; 4; 6; 12), (2; 4; 8; 8), (2; 5; 5; 10), (2; 6; 6; 6), (3; 3; 4; 12),
(3; 3; 6; 6), (3; 4; 4; 6), (4; 4; 4; 4):
whenever (x; m) = 1.
Let n be a positive integer. If mjn +1, prove that the sum of all divisors
of n is divisible by m.
(b) Find all possible values of m.
Solution by Kee-Wai Lau, Hong Kong (modi ed by the editor).
(a) We rst show that n cannot be a perfect square.
Suppose that n = k . Then k ,1(mod m). But kjn, mjn + 1 and
2 2
Thus 1 ,1(mod m), which is false since m > 2. Therefore, all the di-
visors of n can be grouped into pairs (s; t), where st = n and s 6= t. It
then suces to show that mj(s + t). As above, (s; m) = 1 implies
that s 1(mod m). Adding st ,1(mod m), we have that
then 7 1(mod m), or mj48, which is impossible since 5jm. Thus 7jm.
Part (a) only was solved by JIMMY CHUI, student, Earl Haig Sec-
ondary School, North York, Ontario; WALTHER JANOUS, Ursulinengym-
nasium, Innsbruck, Austria; SEAN MCILROY, student, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, BC; JOEL SCHLOSBERG, student, Hunter College High
School, New York, NY, USA; and the proposer.
Regarding the solution to (b), the Bonse Inequality was also used, ex-
plicitly or implicitly, by Boase, Bradley, Herzig and Sei ert. This inequality
is an easy consequence of Bertrand's Postulate as shown by Herzig and Seif-
fert. Johnson gave a solution using Bertrand's Postulate directly.
Crux Mathematicorum
Founding Editors / Redacteurs-fondateurs: Leopold Sauve & Frederick G.B. Maskell
Editors emeriti / Redacteur-emeriti: G.W. Sands, R.E. Woodrow, Bruce L.R. Shawyer
Mathematical Mayhem
Founding Editors / Redacteurs-fondateurs: Patrick Surry & Ravi Vakil
Editors emeriti / Redacteurs-emeriti: Philip Jong, Je Higham,
J.P. Grossman, Andre Chang, Naoki Sato, Cyrus Hsia