Blender Handouts

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Printable Handouts for your Students

Printable Hotkey Map Guide
Learning hot keys will help increase your speed and e ciency. This translate to less time needed to learn
and build your creations within Blender.

General Hot Keys Modeling Hot Keys

LMB - select 1,2,3 in Edit Mode - vertex, edge and face select

RMB - context menu E - extrude

A, Alt+A - select, deselect all I - inset

X / Delete - delete Ctrl B - bevel

Shift A - add F - make face

G,R,S - grab, rotate, scale J - connect vertices

Tab - toggle edit mode G - (double tap) - edge slide

X,Y,Z (while transforming) - constrain to axis Ctrl V - vertex menu

Z - viewport shading menu Ctrl E - edge menu

Ctrl S - save U - UV unwrapping menu

T - toggle toolbar

N - toggle sidebar

Shift RMB - set 3D cursor

Ctrl (Holding while transforming) - toggle snapping

F12 - render image

Sculpting / Painting Hot Keys Animation Hot Keys

F - change brush size I - insert keyframe

Shift F - change brush strength Space - play / pause animation

Right / Left Arrow - next / previous frame

Up / Down Arrow - next / previous keyframe

Shift Right / Left Arrow - jump to start / end
Glossary of key Blender terms
Similar to space traveling astronauts, 3D artists ( Yes I compared 3D artists to astronauts 😎 ) have
developed a few terms along the way that are speci c to our eld.

A Polygon is a 2D plane shape with a nite number of straight sides and angles, but at least three.

A Vertex is a single point in 3D space with a location and the end point of edges. More than one Vertex is
known as Vertices, you may hear this term shortened to “vert” or “verts.”

An Edge, simply put, is a straight line connecting two Vertices

Not the type with eyes, a nose and a mouth. A Face in Blender is an element that de nes a part of the
surface of an object. A Face can only have a minimum of three vertices. The three types of Face you will
encounter are Tri , Quad and N-gon.

• Tri aka Triangle, is a Face with only 3 edges connecting only 3 vertices.
• Quad, think Quadruple, meaning four. You guessed it, a Face with four vertices and four edges.
• N-gon, combining the word polygon and the mathematical symbol 'n', meaning natural numbers, to
form N-gon. Theoretically, this could mean any Face, but in Blender and Computer Graphics in
general, only Faces with 5 or more Edges are called N-gons.

A 3D object in Blender is constructed of vertices, edges and faces. Combined together they are known as
a Mesh, or Mesh object.

A Primitive is a starting object before any modi cations, not necessarily a basic or simple object. The
Suzanne monkey head in Blender is a Primitive object, every object in its default state is a Primitive when
rst added into the 3d viewport.
A single vertex that is the end point of three, ve or more edges is known as a Pole. If it connects to one,
two or four edges, that vertex is NOT a pole.

A rather complex term, but the main thing to take away from the start, is that a Normal can be used to
distinguish between the front and back of a Face.
The direction perpendicular to a face is often referred to as the Normal direction.

The Transform (of an Object), tells you where something is (Location), what it is looking at (Rotation) and
how big it is (Scale).

UV is the letters designated to the coordinates of a at 2D image. 'U' being the horizontal direction of the
image and 'V' the vertical direction. These coordinates are used to map 2D textures onto 3D objects
through a process called UV Mapping.

Parent / Child
A Parent will take their Child wherever they go, A Child may wander o on their own.
Applying this in 3D modeling, you would preferably model di erent parts of a complex model separately.
For example, when modeling a car, model the wheels as separate objects from the main body of the car.
Then Parenting each wheel to the car, with the car as the parent and each wheel as a child means
wherever the car goes the wheels go to. However the wheels can be removed from the car.

Render is the process of producing a 2D image from a 3D scene.

The process of computing some time-consuming calculations is known as Baking, the result can be
stored as a le, known as a Bake. The reason we Bake is to avoid calculating over and over again.
A little box of tricks, a Node contains a set of calculations within, by adjusting some parameters on the
Node we can achieve a desired output. When connected together correctly some really complex
calculations can be achieved.

Blender Speci c Terms

3D Cursor
The 3D Cursor is a point in Space represented by three small axes drawn through a red and white circle,
that has many uses, but one important one, is that it indicates the Location, where a new object will be
added. Users can place the 3D Cursor wherever they like.

World Origin
In Blender, the World is de ned as the entire 3D space. The World Origin is the point at the centre of 3D
space, represented by the point at which the red (x), green (y) and blue (z) reference grid lines intersect and
the grid location (x)0, (y)0 and (z)0.

Object Origin
The Object Origin is the point that represents where the object is in 3D space. It is represented by an
orange dot and it appears when you select an object.

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