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can be considered as a matured industry in nd ‘Blane ny E-commerce ty Botaen macy Feeney Y CORRECTANSWER Expinaton! vrs tay oe tough along pte -Plneeing sage Som sae Mahe stg, eceing tae a Reto ae ei ured stage! Tennyson names caster wh can ane rot a eng From be abv four pon, ae assy mate ny hasnt very ang [As par Section 230 of Companies Act, ich of the followings TRUE about Scheme of Arrangement? Schoo Arangarot js xr mors salon roossbtwoen he company 2 cede ‘Schamo ot Arango the calamari ologal sss wi ho roma fay ta he daria of the promter ‘Shame ot Arangeret sth proses fag e substi wi ih aang copay Scare of Atangarent aly a agrenment tf oapreon yal he cpr an oy Y CORRECTANSWER Explanation ae sean 25 ot Campane Act 201, Sanus ot sragunar an be 245 he congy rcs | mabe The pron cng he shen of rngement sh pprcah he ater _SSnpary ta NOL esl en ae Mee Eaten Sepa scree ener manar Wave 8 Canoe ange.‘The Market captasaton ofa company is Rs 8.0.00 ts Price to Book vale ratios 0 andthe Book Value sR. 14 Calculate the Net Worth of he company. "ee 0000, Re. 0000 Re. 69000, \/ CORRECTANSWER “Expionaon” Pc tobek voir = Market apie Nee ‘Wihen do businesses panto increase capacity? Inte Sion Dow phase ot economic oe ‘nite Boon asa fear ele ‘nha Rocoser’ ato of econo eyeo ‘nto Doposoon pho of corms eyo parson | oun pase of Eamon Cc : The expann i rari by essed conamgtn of gods and serves ven Oy ge ncn, owt as an gh evel eben ‘Seance Hgh come or rosie rerun Higher Saxon nagar omsaymer anima aes te emer ce cneunston Pgh Beaming eeotany ereses conumerausines confines Tan busrshs Ban caw xarson a rns plant eae ans erase,‘Who can be a part of committe reviewing salaries of research analyst as per Regulation 17 -Code of conduct for Research Analyst? Vieadot researc don Head ot mestrat basing dvion Head ofthe breyten Dayne oe atove a ee decsan fhe MD of be company CORRECT ANSWER ‘exianeton! Feputon Companion ot sech ras {Be compara of tnd emo recech ant hale vw documerad nd moore nny by board of recortomme pod by oud factor of te each ty, [MES Se ntcontofteoeton som earch nkgorneoant arena bea sere ae. ‘Rami sove ge oops dh aaa sn ad teat ang en at vi i nahn Tt, ed tn on gt ot he transaction hich wil be considers Capt account wansscton? "Aout osaed by an nen oor {noe when eared on venetian ents enstances by te tious \/ CORRECT ANSWER ‘Exiancton Inari a aes ha Yael curry Sous wh cots ne et AEs Ela xt Satr shoin sac oa buy ih the wa ace pyar star bron de noo Scns mama he Cr cea tw Capa scout. The carr accu as dt of arson on rv un We Mpa [teapot seve cap scout copra ep ows ne FL Ps a ne. ane tne nove conte eCopt acount anactonIn ich of thas stations is Free Cash Flows othe Fim (FCF used for valuation? When the Fee Gash Flow fr Egy (CFE hyo be negate When to Figo Cath Fw far Equly(°CFE hy obo posto ‘When e sap! rst ofa sey tenange sean he re Bat opt a3 above CORRECT ANSWER Expionaon” EPP ioammasiement ota congan/s roby afte alexpesesanrenvestnes “he Fres cath Fw model aot nth ch ows ae ageve a becomes ae tte the oth aes nem tin ‘Aste tayo tang sgieanyn th ry, ohooh re wl lhe ines, PP eral ‘Acompany has Book Value per share of RS. 18s Market captalzation so Rs, 0 lakhs and Networth of R.10 lakhs. Cause the Prieto Book value rato of this company. are 0 ° 2 CORRECT ANSWER Explanation”‘nity which of hese is permitted under the research analyst code of conduct? “The prance rang he Rescarch at sociedBy he sales and ara a ‘Thaeis a cneen sparor oft sland eng tna ane Resse rae ‘Tha arpbyonein esl ta can ge oedock th Fog Toa oo eset opot ‘Motte above CORRECT ANSWER Epi ‘spr Sl Reser Ana Regusbne, 214 -Raguton 1 Linton on ua enue perp pperne an cont of bse, ‘eseacheuy sere te nen eye anc ant we ent Rom ct ene wh we perming ses ar, eal cto anc do) fab acy at SSS Se Sen par ae en hy sy ace eh ah soy ome Wha ns ates (ote ne Go rie CORRECTANSWER Explanaton! nce of apatinunane aust arn he Metal arto nae and cole of deprcton meo can cae mr eaeepncy he meh een, Trt, rs ‘Soin pees os EVEBTDR, Fv oter nae EVEBT Is preen an be consiored as an Entry Barer oa new nant na busines. Tonsleeeaing recurs ‘Spal compen! sa ogied siete to Y CORRECTANSWER Explnation rey baron nan inst web gh 1 ar ae it of ering ree nthe bist _2. pans and cops prevent new enn Mage evesinets speed sats poe chlenge 4, ong Brn, song aon ‘rene apes nea seein, stones lay wines sieeve n te bss Aforeig investor has invested inthe existing financial instruments of cour. This is known 35. Frag Det nose Feral Preto vesmort Feragn A Fore Phanca Pacoakn Y CORRECTANSWER xpinaton Fri plows ta corr can arin ate fom ino a Frign Bret Inactnen FD or pases orm nn ae Frign Prtlnacter FI. Ince of Oe, vetng ete tate cen mating a ene nese Hower Foto mesenetaae cae nverinen nB esg nael nturet eyo bane Siar Porton) thot a maagenaparptn,All tse held constant. a stock with a relatively low PE ls considered as __ stock, ‘Seer valed Expense Y CORRECTANSWER Explanation ‘ne Pato nena amount many an mista rece 6 vesto rea {nt rote ng the cent are re ane ES. ‘A ebeeconetr tock tiger ae compare othe per op names cosieed be expensive tock Sy a tok wth athe low Pe consid dealin oc, "96s par the SEB stanards of corporate governance, independent rectors should constut atleast ___of he board the chairman san execu decor Be oe on Y CORRECTANSWER Epiantion 80 reuatenstuntes at iepen ects Sl craton 0% the ea alan an eet eon eck, eqs df Bar be ompied o na© hich ofthese isa Curent Asset? "Geos Irvnry Innate asst unser dealooren Prt on Equpree ‘cuore att eprens asets ate ty bes pana non operating eye, Nor curn assess ass ts ayo bees oe ong om 9 fC artery Curent ari act Bar lace, verte got ton cuentas - oper Pan aunt apn wr ors, Good anghi asets e Ine cewokdaon cnpare combine otro fam company nth merged compris a oe (marge he acaba up he rs of expt conga an bres sh aquting company an ess oe. an Eqn or heone aqung company AeqaE or ‘onan soon ine stax tne get company heme Spey comme eat ter sea)entity which of these ia deeply yeti industy? ‘Consumes Duatios ny eat Carty Food ae Borage rdty Cantal Goods us Y CORRECTANSWER, Explanation: ‘ee jal: Tebndtes ts exes Ie vere shy early en by eonome ye and ammo cy, Cpt gin inary ex sich beau ‘arng sera onions, tr see op scaly ant amp pt he apc expr plans on hl Howe, endure maven athe ef anem ‘eons petapcoman rec hire ser ‘Te Debtto Equity ato ofan organizations 2:1. The det onthe balance sheet RS 800,000 andthe Retumn on Equly s 25%. Calculate the Net Poff the company eco e200 200000 100.000 Y CORRECTANSWER. Explanation: ‘he Debt Eay tne 2. heh mane Egy art ha Dat amou Someugaty emt Regancans Reo et Prot Reon y= 25%.2% hich ofthese risks should be discussed ina good research ropot? Busnes Fk Poti Risk ‘ote oe Y CORRECTANSWER Explanation! ‘Agpodserhrapr wt over hee fa pe of ih th in compan ta ata sound orchaon ime goverment ots country changes is expansionary ical policy fo contactionary Mal ple, he eqully markets ar ay fo go Up Down Fea pices have oimpacton uty marks Nano ote above Y CORRECTANSWER Explanation: contacto pot inde dow these ecanomy tough eon me mere suppose eens money capi anes nth inet ae ine cone hid tyr Se eae won nuh ton canine ne nck may ot te eee deen ne epenang Mey serenng he Ino m crcuson Rowe porte repute ec of sch Poy nang cabs sm morn era argh eanporant es wh a one ret on sey(Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015, deemed to be connected person includes, ‘atthe above “/ CORRECTANSWER ‘Explanation: |Acper SEB oben ot eer Pag Repo, ene be connected prance “anoéng company saben excctecrany we nese moan Bo” ‘Wien the capa nlows are more than te eapitloutows, the county willhavea_. ‘Cure Account Supls ‘urers Account Deo ‘Capa account Supls Capt Account Ota “/ CORRECTANSWER Explanation sac ot eymet sano county roy hens osc ramet carr aot ap count. Te caren cout hes ih ac aaron ven ou Ions endcrparet goo: on covert ca seco se aa ow ne FP oa on ara apa ccourt wtb n suru ows moretan ots ann Ste aon ar mare than oso cpa accuSERRE REECE EEE SEE SEE SEE SEE SEE SEEE SEE SEEE SEER SEE EEE Eee EEE eee ‘Rahul invests Rs. 75000 at the rate of 6% p.2. Calculate the future value of his investments after 10 years, Re 12500 Re a5) \/ CORRECTANSWER xplenion! ‘Teformaa for caladatng Fare aie le SP Pe set va; Fy neta (8) 98 pfs ve rs0n( «0°10 Fv 7500(106)+10 ‘ont Sour eestor your compute pes 1.06 x 1 = 1.7084 Fv Tso irae stato 2°" tn Be mati, business segments na fst rowing markt, but having ow marketshare are known 35. ‘hoston make sen Come ‘Soe os “1 CORRECTANSWER Explention ‘ston Marks - susie segment na feat going are. tt hg ow martha The ht ets nd nveeerts can lp te areca esse gow Bt yarn tek of ‘SSnemng cach inn proces cirassng mse se nant en ern sb eraughaeh oan,| ‘ta Hane cam conahered as an example fs queton mart, wi ot mood hare oe Paar my be conser at an cea fx quntlon mark pode wich sumeeeded.‘Ste igh Court Nasoral Company Law Tb Se \ CORRECTANSWER Expianaton! hems of wrangmert cot mone seme ree bee the company aces emer, paren cing he chem fwrngen sh apoach th Nao Campany Le Sure ‘etrbnal te ree meng ene te company ects ander amber tava compro er arangentAshare is currenty trading at fs 40.50 with a PE ratio of 13.50. The company has a policy of 70% dividend payout ratio. Calculate the dividend per share. Reso Re2io as Y CORRECT ANSWER xpinaton ‘ne end Payot Rate GPR he acu tends pla shares neta oh emu tna he empress. thr we, vn pon menses he Paceriag tnt neometnt astarestoohwenaers nthe to Sse Festi te Earn Pt Se) on Prat Ra Din Por Sa PS‘wnat wil be the Maly Beta of stock which 's more volte than the markt? ‘Zo sow 200 Beton 20 and ‘reser one CORRECT ANSWER Explnaton ti eit pe tt a ett ae th cy naan ma nt sa ce a ey Fareampi tats bts. erty 2% moe voit te marta eth np na som moe bas, ivesors lok for evidence of some ther investors buying specie secures ‘Tanta alocy ‘Santmaten ora Meaty ecg CORRECT ANSWER Explnation er rye om er esng oemny, T mu ce n t a e y Brorn h neri awe ‘Salers ep watching terrace cntematnandhan end pet we te mrt a tthe ah pela corecen‘What is insider information? ognlodge abou te nunbar of employees working an cransaton Dats of unpbtahed ematn tout te gat [ste pte saetvo formation abo! he company which ol rable ote goer pte Ish poreonal tecal propery of tho organisation andi et vali eure Y CORRECTANSWER Exptanaton! ‘As per SEB ronan fdr Tan] oguatons, nl” any pron a conse cn roe in poco fo havg asso unpub ie sre normaon. ‘Tre roguatons cee urpubtsna presence ntmaton at fete canpany os saci as test et grea ease a Eh can many Met pe te secu “Wc of these tems is included nan Income Statement? Depreon ans Aneraaton ‘esate echo to em ett ‘Guerre nd Curent abies Y CORRECTANSWER ‘xptanston! ‘ype cepenee anced nt nome ote Pot ands Shtemet Doprecatonand aneriaton ae apencro corp. Depecton eta to gradual and permanent ecto nv of set on cout of agg, ue and cbeeeencAmertaton lr oral riff argues vette ped ot ee, ‘econ ecole Long tm eb Caress ond Curt nites we inca nee Baar Set of congaIn pase othe eye we are most tt wines ow consumer conten. ere Espen om Reoesson \ CORRECTANSWER Explanaton" ‘nine acess phase of conoi yhe tation ie oe own he mance own ane ier expansion pas ‘nit nce upon ene ame an nen rae sumo, aera comon exes cee nent eign ow comme ic ote nutes a mosey to be nega acted bya reession ne economy? birnee Fed ae Bevan Heather \ CORRECTANSWER Eciaston! \araeein, hs unampmene. dees n nso el nd nt eens cansmpson Dung sh ne, mmorpg plans low cary nthe rnastey tesa cosy te aims may‘Which of these toms is included in an Income Statement ? Caiconse st ng om doe ‘ CORRECTANSWER “Expianaton! ‘Tecest of goods sls homme costs Wo proaice your ee ‘Anincone statement ao ese al ype ot expeves ina mance company. line ne oot rw mtr hate se take she oped ‘some cost good al wibe apart ote cone Sart Accounts ecaie Long im el ar Fed eer ccd nte Bac ht th compen. Which of these franca instruments donot have a deft ick? Invesmont Gave Carport Bonds Eury Saree Fain Cuteoy Bonde High isd Carport Bonds CORRECT ANSWER ‘Expianaton! re ko etm ners ot poss aa preur bond ave wnt we oma explains al pares aor ip epae ‘eat numa ae une stat ek hy hae pre-amp. uy Shes ot vey Salk he erst raquo repay he amet.2°" whats the advantage of Merger and Acquistion activity? ‘Sheraton hon oats Y CORRECTANSWER “Epionston" one oft notes btn Mgr an Acuna _syregy Ese company may have tnt care a un cnn og may en utr conic ets ‘nctemedevem an arate to compet go rough wlan nceaadrwenu and markt char forth seq ty, Seca fe dnieaon Acq Campari iter raphy ef compara ances pice my oe sia compative warn othe ate “Imation Apotate camry can by ass making conga oy el apt theese he ge cman ruts he mone mare egnet sce mae a athe manage nan vero oroui ot Se (Commerce Mis \ CORRECTANSWER ‘Expianeton" -eserve Baon (A te cei an ne cure wh hs he respons of ams he monetary Foy. ‘eps te one mets alee manage of orrmenBorowng esta.a gies review ofthe company’ sources and uses of cash ove the year Ta bg trae esting Capt Sime {CORRECT ANSWER seh ow ete poi suman f he ar secs ans ah. °° eign pr nn ong EXCEPT eden of anata En CORRECT ANSWER Eplenston ‘na aa ott esearch opr sy seule rece or Mangus, phe a ranma err are aceWiich section ofthe research reports kely to Include the analysts opinion? Indy Aes Fenced Freasing ‘slorne soe \/ CORRECT ANSWER “Explonaton” ‘Trerceach antl hei opine mal ce mater: ‘tthe company ty ve ovr or nee ved 2 Hom compat th company int init 24 company has 1 millon shares curenty trading at Rs 20. The company has assets worth Rs 100 mitlon and abies of Rs 30min. Calculate the Price to Book value aio. 3 \/ CORRECT ANSWER “Expionaton” ‘mrt apieton the cmpany i No.of re KMart prc = 1 millon XR 2 R20 monWich commits respon Masset, Nernatonconmites \Y CORRECTANSWER ‘epienaton -Auatinepencince cf he ere pets of crore governance for reviewing the nancial statements of the company and for nominating the autors 7 ‘Te aut commits responsi fo revewng anal atts the company at emia te a8 Which ofthese bonds are issued at discount? “unk Bone ate Bonde ‘Ze Copan Boe \ CORRECTANSWER Explanation onde ne ot pay coupon hee tr tno Ze Copon Bon Such end ae sued secu eae vate nara ‘us ,he retaron hs ons notte fmf per payee tite! tin them fetes betwen esse pce ancestor ae‘Aspe the rules of SEB. the chairman ofthe Remuneration Commitee should be. ‘CORRECT ANSWER Explanation “Te remunraon conte dee te emurraont recess zanermanagenert ely th crite sauder ely inept rece su: rpsaon cet stent a members shoul be arene dacs nt chara of ce shod endow ec ‘dont the approach to determine the bonus payable oa research analyst ands owed as por eguation 17 of Code of conductor esearch analyst. 'Bonts can be daria bad ent trcerap eens erased by ang in sock ey corr ‘onus can be dean based one gofeenanee oth socks they hve ecammeed ‘Bonus cn be detained bod one vst barking revenue anal recormened by be research nat ‘Bonus can be tarred bad one ovral ven fo rkarago von especie of te sacorocks eves ‘1 CORRECT ANSWER Explenator [AS par Ruan 17 - ese sha not py any bus. aay ater om of congesaon 6 any iil employed 2 strc ast te dines ease on ny Sade chant ‘Sakingolnesear bain safe sas wean ‘Memes src pay areench ras ect of han! cents pasa.‘The competing technology for itl cameras is_. Tapio OFT atoms ‘Sat ponae nie serpin Y CORRECT ANSWER Eplnaton amare martring an xan at shows changin tring anny, asp of cae gn carr were aon pod. ower, he emergence of mit ail tenes Wath In camer, 8 of ney pt meat sted eng he sles hae pro “Wnatis the meaning of Pricing Power? means ale marsacng eos te conpary oon Iimeans ha supers have igh bam powers means tate custonors havea gh prcaarg powee means tate cgay hes ha city ooo bo pas ls produ tout ecg te domand CORRECT ANSWER Explnatin Pang pone rts a compan nyt nse amine th hr th pc pee, Companies wah tong ring poe wid sl eso yeaa nina cat storey cone ener prs we seme on ean owe mia(n which ator dows the earings for an investor tom the business depend upon? ‘One pormanos abe cry CORRECT ANSWER Explnaton “Treats oan ives ar ase daa on vais tb he ext mort ata te prone fe compan ‘The bargaining power ofthe buyer il be hgh when "Compete ans ne matey i seo ‘loo cubes oo posit ait nd euthirg can be dono easly. Prose ate andar wt ie diteertaten ‘ote sore Y CORRECT ANSWER Explnaton Buyer canon ot of precede pis, ae ger of sles sin eden, ‘ue being power woe Nah |. compete ety new nay ong 5. lose ubsnas f proucterve t and ewsig costo castors wor‘The EBIT % of a business is 50% with EBIT levels of Rs 200000, The Net Profit margin of this company is 20%. No. of shares outstanding are 20000. The Retention Ratio is 60%. Calculate ‘he Origend Por Share "ae'390 e050 CORRECT ANSWER Explanation: Ssosaes ene ats ptno' 3910) mt cg 8 20% 20% Sas Rs 0009 aterm Rat wich mash rd Pay ale (100-00) “aang paaton ne eine.‘Tne Return on Capital Employed (ROCE) of company Ms, Hightech Industries Lids 8% and the cost of debt is 10%, What willbe the most kay Return OE hfe bln 3 FOE ote above 1% ROE wilto 2 OE wilt betwson 610 10% ity (ROE)? Y CORRECT ANSWER Explnston has tobe used ab 2 decountat fr cleulting the Free ash Flows to Flim. Fax Free erect ae al rttenoe at eh rrge stt cpa CORRECT ANSWER Explnaton ntertn Fe cen oto rm od FOF me et ot una cre by acaing he FF ‘nce FOF isthe cash ow maint sore cata scours tno wie trae os faa a ats sore cp and ests expected a0 aneInwpicn manos nator came mesure she appre ncane of dium the economy? Expenaire Methoe Non te above CORRECT ANSWER ‘Explanation ‘onincome fan ezenomy cane meses eeu ee meh) Pret the nae thos ai Exentre Mtod ‘ne ncome met atonleoneiseaumdsh aye inc fini omy Acampany has ele 20% ded, Te ae vl of hae Sand tedden payouts tk. Te cre maa pe ofthe shar R18 Calelte he arg * ie ‘CORRECT ANSWER “Expisnton” ‘Tecompary at cre20% viendo Rs ace ale Sot die Ret (at) Divs Pyotr sidan Stare EPS 15 tang Pe Sor)? aeing in = PS Suck Pin 10 100 02%‘meapanslonary ca policy, the Goverment ues excess income to repay debs or argue aes State Tus or Fale? Y CORRECT ANSWER Eplnaton ‘Acovsmant balance en ions a oui ae baton sate el poy an be catered 6 [ietelonay el poy - Res mers wen govrnont’ peg ects een, Tk ply nse ly nda ig eweenhow ng oe. onaconary a poy Fatal maar whan govtnmans png se hn enema, overeat es exer neo py Don or aout es, entity the action which SEB 's NOT empowered to take? “To appa resus tPrendal aligns Unt To utpand anos oer ta SEB epetorad iiemedary To suspend veanpin asoeuty iod on acoxk oxtarge Iocand arden the proceeds ection epont layWansoton wich sin vidabon erin an vat of SEI egultons Y CORRECT ANSWER Esplnation ana regence Unt na (FUND) asst he Cova nnn 20 ane alos aeney repos fr cing, roca, nang th ening tao rag ‘ome rane vamactone ‘he etre of FU reppin Cota Goverment by SEL‘As perth Structure Conduct Perfomance (SCP analysis, FMCG is an example of which typeof business? Found be eat Seasonal Poste paca ‘/ CORRECT ANSWER, Explanation Sucre Conduct Peromanae SCP) Anas ooks th nasty SuE (meno, GPP on (orModed speed seston rune yer, Ce none end May eprom fot Roe WAC. oy ‘each oft ry a cece shove lef te conduct of te buinee spect uc ac ing a poet north ny wl have pal beh Unbeta t {Mncoas wb seo sueses an PHC Fst vig Conse Gea ne rape st) ra Panma abe eames oes ‘company has Net worth of Rs 200000 and debt Rs. 20000, The maret capitalization iso Re, 60000 and the ROCE eof 6%, Calculte the Price to Book Value Rao? 2 as \/ CORRECT ANSWER:‘What are the important factor(s) for 4 research analyst while examining the quality of independent directors? ow mary Std mestngs ey ae allen? ‘nate ne ratory promoter hati ee atta anderen 4 goanecranenen pont ‘nots locus one quateston an exer of nse meapndet aac, Pow any Mngt en nd wat tha cnruons ote Beek. Tey ORIG wha ‘Sel teers el ncptnar oo tare ond ens ote ple esc raat, he mecting te mangement ol companies cn se inematn wich al aden an atin pe don Sie Wao Fae? CORRECT ANSWER Explanation tei cb ticton wh orem at righ sch ane ten nb phn el eae tha gach, Thani hs ad on ‘omaton nd tad by persoainntons. Al, mt maka lr wh manager's aval rmaton we i aan pu aman Hows the Free Cash Flows for EQUITY aleated? nate yen on eau fe subacad fom Fes ath ows tem ad ne barovinge ate dade Kom & ites yn on det eo ren cath wo etm an et oomings se Gece Wen intrest yn on det sabes Fee ean tows ob fr aot Drowns ade a intrest ey n seule stared to es ath Nowe ote nen et oronge eed 1 Y CORRECT ANSWERfeta a etter Eee eee eae eee Ee Eee ‘Alow price to book value indicates that _. Tho assets ae oxpansve tho asst are cheap Pi Ret osu gs alaeston \ CORRECTANSWER Explain, Pre toboo ae ets Maret apaeaon Book va tegiyerrtaeh ‘Ws. nates, ow eh we pig buy ee Roba va oy ower Ps rato means st raya ceap ans igh hs rant ses expe 2 pie to Eamings ao exeuated as Earings pot shat (EPS) Cuter pce oT ring a’ sha (EPS) Cute! peek ‘arn pie fsck! Exige pa share EPS) ‘Sarr ie fsck X Earn pa hae EPS) Pie anne Rao Pi) = Cueto tech Bang Pe Share PS) ‘ne Pe atoripraset ne va psa te maratoncacnipe tang tn company 2 Todo good investing one requed to Dotporus ere ras erate vet oper. Actes Y CORRECTANSWER Esptna [Eneetng reqarve adequie efor terma of research and understanding the inveetment options aval, eteining thor sultabity forthe reed of ivetes and har appropiate vlanRe abiae Reais Y CORRECTANSWER: Explanabon: rrp ts Mra capenzaton +t lof bce an cashequrs Pret a ut art Coptatton Prion ang Pros Mart Pie arin Pa Shar (PS) ara Caption Mare Pc hat hres = 7x1o100 «7002080 rape vats Mra copnzton + Mat al of ht aon naan esate ‘Traces of _can vo exhngng eb orgy, entrsin nts payment etn fant and eton inert, (en reacting Share swap More Y CORRECTANSWER (Cine art ovtuctiingl mestrian seal conparie anc tes wo reunion lone ath ence reece ety medi one mae fe ao ‘Selah pyle amour an weet te meae ofpoyret ara: eye pay on ew a hoon nett eae cogaon swe pen‘In a business, Cash Inflows arse from _assets .. Ireteong nweaong reas Ferengi docoaehg Gecoseng.heeasng. nce ‘heceseng cena, oreonh \/ CORRECT ANSWER Expienaton ‘he cath flows aca ction ney bas a many comes na monty oe, abilities and _stockholders's equity. |Lcrsnnton wat hgpen nan et otf ltt chine ld 2 Stanonowwsinppan ann tos nreacateptting io 1 Stent asingpenanonequy ir resed fore mar ey shee ldots na IPO vesting cash fous ~ Cash ows on account of asses. Bvying assets le negative cash fw and seling assets epost cash ow. [Financing Eash Rows ~ Cash Nows on account of abies. Borrowing money or isung/epandng equi positive cash ow ad redeeming debt ano equity is negative cash fom) ‘na company the total aszateare of Re £30000 athe fot! bite re of Rs. 410000, Calcul he Asse to Equity Rabo. le a Su \/ CORRECTANSWER Explanation” “Tacmennce etme act nn Fiabe iow ay ‘So guty Ace -Litie ‘Asset ety Ro Assayin Technical Analysis, ‘ora me pot paris ‘olume arg "arr apaaton CORRECTANSWER, ‘Thi pat io oie inom tense tan and actin ‘The hee at na pce maven pov mt rch eanrting seen ne wend {Taine spr ovr uc rcs vue esas arse ptt cor os a rr ape oi [ARescrch Analyst gles his views and recommendations on a company based on, Porurl Uaecandg af be bist. Peer Understanding he ey oom win roan CORRECTANSWER ‘Explanation be torston ra Rearend Conmunston th mangement Fran! Undetstanng oth anne ncnay. om |s responsible fr regulating the unctoning ofthe Compras Sector as per the law. ‘orate ry Noho Fane eye Capoe aes \ CORRECTANSWER ‘Explanation! Tainan fC a ay ich Wnt he Capi A a lad A te uo Rana aren many eres Ron 4Which ofthe ftowing options do investors look for in ther investments? Beatintaton (reset heme Thm pei arnt rose shoul safe ‘ottse soo V CORRECTANSWER ‘Te EDIT (Eanings before nome and Tx) ofa Business is SO wit EBIT evel of RS 20000. The Net Pro margin of his company s 20%. No. of shares oustanding ae 20000, etttte the earning po share (EPS), Re? Rea CORRECT ANSWER Expianaten ssn tctno ote 50x16 at Prot margin 20% 2% ofS Ronco 2s ot Reoten = 000Price to eamiags rat (Pi) ofa business sie to book value rao of this busines 5000, Re S00 Re. 000 \/ CORRECTANSWER Explanation Book valu per share Rs. 10 and outstanding numberof shares are 10,00. alelt theWhich of these factors are useful for making companies strong and success? ical manage Monpat pe mara share Prsare rea ants ‘lots above Preset et rt enence ot orp le, toy ocean oa ethic maagen, eave oor an ts money ge mat sae et xecuon apse at ‘Scrbuton tren goa customer ply aoe sao ibe uaa apes wich areas oman om os wat ta ne om abo eds nati the general imceaen res ee fonds and series nh econo know a7 ‘Saglaon Recession Y CORRECTANSWER Eptnat ‘tions esa gee ness nice elo nde ane serene nthe conn ago anton of pachasing power of ene anna sents yep apt How hing ai prin rin ie wif 8 rd ee Arr a an“Te er “secures” has been define in the Section 2h of Secures Contracts (Reguation) Act, 1958 and tinct. “resi ils (Govereont Seures) one uty shares ‘Alot e sore YCORRECTANSWER “Expianson [Aer Som tects te {See fe sch trae re et ther mrt th ee at ey ea ean br eel {LSet ence ietamer enya cle vetmetacbrme to inet nauch chan ne 1 Sochome secre may dere ye caro! Goverment be secure nd 4 Ros oravntncecurete ‘Secures Contract (Regulation) Act 158 covers which ofthe following issues? ‘Caporstzaien a daraaustaten sock exchanges Pero suspend busar ol ected stack xchonges Fe nuda os CORRECT ANSWER “expiant ‘re Secu conratsReputon) 156 ovr arty is 4. grant recoonten to ctaorexnanee, 2 Sopoctanon on entason Sox achanges ‘Tu power oni tome or anand aye ins fear suck onoges 1 Thom ott Cantal overt nace SEs} ocapesed te governing of: copie stock exchange {Tas fowmr to seprdbanese oregano ontanges 1 Toepomerts ron anrane peouaon‘The Net Profits of company ae Rs, 80000 and he markt capasaton is Rs 200000. alu the Earring Per Share (EPS). ‘eet Rea2t Rees Deis nat sting ti probe Y CORRECTANSWER Explain. Fr caoing ta BS, a0 a tno nara ares (PS at Frm, Shares) ‘hs ct et wn act dre on get tet ne company’s share pric in various ways, Bete tov Y CORRECTANSWER spanation: se orc sn nec neste ts i et pe ere sos iy et it ent. copy enn te at oe‘nich of te folowing s NOT TRUE about NVESTING 7 Rak anlar re a rel pt len Invsimots bans i ara eng oto: “Alivosments cary toe eat! ‘Ayo oftvestmont wil ecut napa apeecietn re along pogo tno Y CORRECTANSWER Explanton! capt aprecatn uty gps oe ana pte ete buts ntact. Terecoulsbe ses aso inte ng tem, ‘whats the risk called when 2 company which had lsued bonds goes INSOLVENT and is unable to make he payments of principal and intrest? Laity Rsk ‘Cat ise \/ CORRECT ANSWER Explanation rai or deta eee tte pose ha clr boe re inet alo mt pce net te pment anor pel epee, ‘a typeof isk wil be erated Fs pul out their money rom an economy? sya Systran Crest Irret rt ik Y CORRECTANSWER Explanation. Sproat irae howe rks whose pact se oF nese cate. These ks re Urea es Daca ey cana be emt rough evra,What typeof isk wl be ereted it Fils pul ut thelr money rom an economy? Unsystenat rs Satie nwo ok {CORRECT ANSWER Explanabon, [tenet testo one os one mpl eats etmek tei, Te rhe we cane ake, een ty anal te res ough erento ‘ne oa Franca irs Fn aol emery Rom eanomyinanel ete specv iwesinerts eo fa Thais sen whch cat vied Syston ik cud ae ont hat ma act eenomymats as wh, uch at anes in govern ol xara ats as fa lanes. aon keane a ok, ‘SOSRMG Sennett ko ae fe iow the ssuer to redeem the Bonds pir to thelial maturity date, alae Sonce Paymetin ing (PH) Bonds Zarocaupon bone ‘CORRECT ANSWER “Expionatons ‘atte Boc ve ito ur fe hbo back allow euro deem ne ond roth rg matty le, ren asta tat aur woe na poston ah same aout oa, tne ‘neat Stent ea no he eras rcromtne amoutané race ese ano oat lower eeeom wit suspend the riceaue tought rom the mind ofthe customers. Bie ova ‘Good Senos {Good Quay Prosucts “CORRECT ANSWER Explanation rc. tpt mons ha haogh wen consumer as eu the prc pf tee ine ets Rohe rods one. input very ona const rol ta ae el ot mint pean ll gn eve because he eed Fre. a person Bue SONY The wl pay Nha ce ot ‘hdbtee has aka gos peat vents eter Daas mo} or eer poss slows ls. ‘iy are yietson Government bonds usualy lowe than that of Corporate bonds? “Tho Gaverar bonds cr es markt ek fan Crete bonds ‘Tho Goveror bars car ls et tik han Copa tars Govarmente shen Pett iaon oer wer rea as x ‘ecveirnons cary stk nan Crate nde ‘Ere at rat rials to he postlytatapericarbond ue wl lable mat erected erate payer anor pric ep ‘ dormant an ietstons azo thie gore dont have cre ek deta ek roc wt he baring because goverment ity torah py te it ‘rouge ‘shee Govrnet ans i es cc km crgred compere aro es Capea boc veo fet ger yi att nesorsWich of hese exc om Una Tad rations? vi mse ‘cveconaaneet nn ayia aon \ CORRECTANSWER ‘Explanaton! re an eormaon now publi eet emis aye ae ress Good carprate govermance doesnot involve the aspects of honesty and ansparencyin operations ofthe busines State Tre or False? se \ CORRECTANSWER Explanaton" ovrmanea, nsnpet eas, rs tllng he anal aspect te ores Govrmee banca es ro cote ety and vnepncy supe te manner‘Mss Megha purchases MF uns at NAV. Ater 40 days, she redeem It at NAV Rs 1280, What ss compounded annual ate of retun ? Bea aren ‘azoaeor 37 pero aspect ¥ CORRECTANSWER: ‘Explanaton! ‘Te fomaa tothe AER - Compound Aa! owt Rt olig pd ean (nd ieee ae 4 se ysnsany nos + mesonare additional shares are given to the shareholders, without any consideration. anavons Y CORRECTANSWER Explanation ‘Sock viendo Bonu tre ae tna tres egret tte, wou cnarton in toparnctnehldge ycnlenoncfevenerecee ion of the Below options ire considered as Price Sense infomation? “akeover ane _Anaigaraton pane reer eb unde ig eeeWhich ofthe below options is NOT a component of the curent account ofa county? ere \/ CORRECTANSWER Explenston llc of pnymert atone bey die ro wo eects nay te aan a ns hcp cout Te cre acu hs ah tas frat near cen vi mp ‘ips otgonstnasrvce nea secu sae ca! ows ha FOL Pah on rs o-Lonne inet component CurantAcout te wcompornt apa Acai “Tae expected rate of return at the tne of valuation ot secuty frown a. "wet faie “1 CORRECTANSWER Explanation ea dnote ch low prochain nes roi each onsen reign wh {Som nse car owe oe {Epona a rye entre coun Rae‘An agent or a dealer who buys and sells shares in a registered stock exchange fs known as. \Usterer, Share tans apee Soctroke Y CORRECTANSWER Explanaton ‘sores rr wea anor tee hao aay el vance an Al edna aac os gn uty ao aval haa wen uy ols rong haben ae Shretewectanps coo 2t CORRECTANSWER Explanation! $key oe nga igrman by ry any me chr. Th sey when mrt Other ig ma py toe aneetororamis eh stay "aig lhe" ne eoramy Wha misonconomia ose on india Moos an ims, merase et wn cana ae hoe ocoecnams naps suerte geal a oft enemy - Domes: Paaiton ones Cnsimpton Graal Pes evals, rowe, Guy 8 ‘Wich o these sections frm spat of «company research report? ‘Conary uncamentas ey ater ad ey concen ‘Sharer pat ‘latins soo \/ CORRECTANSWER Expionaton ele eto ot awe nc Coney ssp a ra hal tr a Hoey rw ty ovary eer ey Bare axeWhich ofthe teow mentioned actions i NOT inched in the powers of Securities and Exchange Bodo ini (SEBI? "oso he crease Financia etigece Ura (1 ‘Stepan an fer 3 SEB! ogee Soo rar. Ingen aol ho proto of soins espa of any rasan which sn vdtion of opans ‘Steps bring os eed seay on road Hk xchange “/ CORRECT ANSWER xplnaton ‘lean inept ty repaint ote conan netgese Conc (BC) eddy he Prac Mk ‘Themain fucton(s) of Reserve Banko naa sare ‘oben agua an span tte fnanoa and NN ye {Sb te maou Foran Sxoange ‘bee baer of oency ‘te swe \/ CORRECT ANSWER, ey anabon Federer ct (RI incr bank of ect wine sponta famine money poly Ie nctonsins ale bot pons te‘8° A company has declared 60% dividend. The face value ofthe share is Rs § and the dividend payout ratio is 50%. The current market price of the share is Rs. 180. Calculate the Earning oe 15 am 21% ‘/ CORRECT ANSWER spination: ‘Tee company ae care leno Rs aca, Sot dene R38) non Pyare Denar Shae EPS (aring Par sh) ring ld 8 Seek Pin 10 fon, Ananayss of an industry wl consider which of te following factors? Gone havea ‘Competen nb uty Feuliyenaomen prevalent in theinisty ‘sth above \/ CORRECT ANSWER Explanation, Dire ns ae drat categs and oppor, Th row rs aul gen ent Asoc, Reach ays neo drt rou heap soonnent ‘povar nt ny usar moses coneeon oper or sent of emer o pce anger, cnet eracur oe
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