Recommendation Form Texas University

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Please complete the initial portion of this recommendation form and then provide this recommendation
form to three people, at least two of whom know you professionally. Have the recommender complete the
form, place it in an envelope, provide a signature over the seal, and return it to you. You will collect all
materials and send the entire application packet to the Professional Counseling Program per the application

YOUR FULL NAME: _______________________________________________________________

EMAIL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________

STREET ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________

CITY/STATE/ZIP: ____________________________________________________________________

TELEPHONE NUMBER: _______________________________________________________________


I hereby waive my rights to read this recommendation.

____ yes ____ no

_______________________________________ _______________

Signature Date


The person whose name appears above is applying for admission to the Graduate Professional
Counseling Program at Texas State University. The applicant is required to obtain three complete
Recommendation Forms as part of their admissions portfolio. This applicant has requested that your
recommendation be included as part of their portfolio. We request that the applicant waive rights to read
this recommendation (see above). The following directions are important to a) properly evaluate the
applicant, and b) consider the file complete to advance to a full review.

1) Complete the form in its entirety, leaving no blank spaces. Additional information via a letter
may be attached, but this form must be complete for the file to advance for review.
2) Put the completed form in an envelope, seal it, and then sign your name across the seal.
3) Please return the recommendation form to the applicant so that s/he can include it in their
complete application packet.

Name of Recommender: ________________________________________________

Position or Title: ________________________________________________

Agency or Institution: ________________________________________________

1. How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity?




2. What characteristics do you consider to be talents and strengths of the applicant?




3. What characteristics do you consider to be limitations of the applicant?




4. How thoroughly do you think the applicant has considered plans for graduate study?




Please provide any additional comments that you believe would be helpful in assessing the candidate’s
application for graduate work in counseling at Texas State University. Please use the back if necessary.





Please evaluate the applicant’s qualifications by checking the appropriate column. Check the group to
which you are comparing the applicant’s abilities:

____Undergraduates ____Graduate Students ____Professional Educators

____ Other (Please specify) ___________________________________________

Qualifications Superior Good Average Poor No

Sensitivity to and awareness of cultural and gender diversity
Intellectual ability
Oral expression
Written expression
Interpersonal skills
General ethical behavior
Potential for counseling profession
Commitment to counseling profession
Ability to tolerate ambiguity
Interest in welfare of others
Awareness of strengths
Awareness of limitations
Willingness to be open and vulnerable
Sense of humor
Ability to receive and integrate feedback
Ability to form effective interpersonal individual relationships
Ability to form effective interpersonal small group
Demonstrated ability for personal self-development
Demonstrated ability for professional self-development
Potential to conduct and interpret research
Technological competence & computer literacy

This space is provided for you to write your personal evaluative statement about the applicant’s potential to
pursue graduate study in counseling. Please provide whatever relevant information you feel may be helpful
to the Admission Committee.










Do you recommend this applicant to Texas State University?

____ Highly recommend

____ Recommend

____ Recommend with reservation

____ Do not recommend

Name of Recommender: ________________________________________________

Street Address: ________________________________________________

City/State/Zip: ________________________________________________

Email (optional): ________________________________________________

___________________________________________________ _________________

Signature of Recommender Date

(Revised July 2014)

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