Unit 11 Sas

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Introduction to Design
Philosophies for RC Structures

Introducion- Stress strain behavior of concrete and steel, Behavior of RCC,

Permissible stresses in steel and concrete, Different design philosophies, various limits
states, Characteristic strength and Characteristic load, Load factor, Partial safety

1.1 introduction to VariousDesign Philosophies of R.C. Structures :

Concrete is strong in compression but weak in tension.
Steel is reinforced suitable at the place where concrete is wealk in tension.
Such combination of steel and concrete is called as reinforced conerete.
The purpose of R.C. structure is increase strength of concrete section and to
reduce the size of structural members.
Reinforced concrete is used to construct various structures

(1) Buildings (2) Bridges

(3) Flyovers (4) Water Tanks

(6) Retaining Walls (6) BunkerS and silos

(7) Chimney (8) Towers

(9) Concrete roads
Design of Concrete Structure-I(SU) 1-2 Intro. to Design Philosoghles for RC Strucdures

Building flyover

Water tank silos chimney

Fig. 1,1.1: Various concrete structures

1.1.1 Advantages of Reinforced Cement Concrete

Advantages of Reinforced concrete is as follows
1, Strength :It has very good Tensile as well as compressive strength.
2. Ductility : Ductility of structures is increase due to steel reinforcement
3. Durability :R.C. structures are more durable.
4. Mouldability : The flexibility of reinforcement and the fluidity of concrete
makes the R.C, member to be moulded in any shape. Hence it is suitable for
architectral requirement.
5. Permeability : R.C. members are impermeable to mosture.
6. Fire resistance : R.C. structures are more fire resistance than other
materials such as steel and wood.
7. Economy : R.C.C. is cheaper than steel and prestressed concrete.
Design of Concrete Structurê -I(SU) 1-3 Intro. to Design
Philosophies for RC Structures
1.1.2 Disadvantages of R.C.C.

R.C.C. has followed disadvantages

1. Weight of R.C. structuresare more than other materials.
2. Heavy formwork is required for R.C. members
3. R.C. structures take more times to0 attain its full strength.
1.1.3 Reinforced Concrete Building Elements :
Main elements of the RCbuilding are
(1) Slab (2) Beam (3) Column (4) Footing
Design of each elements is depends on load on structure and structure action
of nember subjected to this load.
Load transfer mechanism in R.C. building is load from slab is transferred to
the supporting beams, and from beam to column and from columnn tofooting
ultimately, footing transferred the loads to soi strata.
Siabs :Slab is the two dimensional element i.e. plate element because the
depth of slab is so smaller than its length in x and y direction. It is a
flexural member subject to transverse load.
Beams : Beam is the one dimensional element which is subjected to
transverse loading. Beam carries load from slabs, from masonry walls and
their selff weights. Beams may be supported on another beam or may be on
supported on columns. Failure of beam wil1 be local failure, which may leads
tofailure of that floor only.
COlumns:Columns are generally the vertical member subjected to axial or
eccentric loads. The load carries by column is comes from beams and from
pper coumns, if any. The column is very important structural member
Decause failure of column leads to collapse of whole structure.
Footings: Footing is the strong base to the structures. It helps to transmit
une loads iYrom structure uniformly to the large area beneath.
Dosign of Concrete Structure - (SU) AC Structures
1-4 Intro. to Design Philosophies for

Gravity load



Fig, 1.1.2

1.2 Study of Structural Properties of Concrete

Following are the important structural properties of concreta according to
structural designers.
Properties based on strength
1) Compressive strength 2) Tensile strength
3) Stress-strain relation 4). Modulus of elasticity
Properties based on serviceability
1) Creep 2) Shrinkage

1.2.1 Compressive Strength:

The structural quality of concrete is mainiy depend on its compressive
strength, Compressive strength of concrete. 18 determine by con cube test or
cylinder test sample concrete,
Characteristic strength of concrete 1s obtaned aYter 28 day curing of test
specimen. The Cylindrical strength is equal to 0.8 times the cube
high, and aleo
In R.C. flexure member, height to side ratio (ha) is quite
to 0.67 times the hs
subjected to bending the strength of concrete 1s takern equal
Design of Conorete Structure - I (SU) 1-5 Intro. to Deslgn Philosophies for RC Structures

Compressive strength of concrote incrcases in bio and triaxial compression,

it prevents cracking amd transverse tensile stress.
1.2.2 Tenslle Strength of Concrete :

Concrete is weak in ternsion and its ultimate tension strength is very low as
compare to compressive strength.
Tensile strength is greatly affects the width of crack in structure.

Tensile length of concrete in direct tension can be obtained by split-cylinder

test in laboratory.
Theflexural tensile strength fr is obtained from the relation
fer = 0.7/ fok
the split tensile strength varies
In general reinforced concrete construction,
1 strength.
between g to 12 the cube compressive
for Concrete:
1.2.3 Stress -$train Relatíonship Behaviour
concrete is non-linear
The stress-strain relationship of
strength of concrete, ultimate duration of loading and rate
It is depends on
ofloading. in strain.
stress is less than that of increase
The rate of increase in
Idealized ouve
The ultimate strain Actual curve
axial compression and
bending compression Parabollc
Curve Charaoteristio ourve
from 0.001 to Stress
tok. 0.67 fck
0.003 and 0.003 to 0.08 DesignÇurve 0.57 ck0.45 fek
upon the
depending COncrete
strength of
For design purpose, 0,0035
ultimate strain in axial Strain [.
compression is adopted
0.002 and in bending Fig. 1.2.1
compression is adopted
Design of Concrete Structure -I (SU) 1-6 Intro. to Doelgn Phllosophlos for RC

1.2,4 Modulus of Elastlclty :

concrete is an elastic - plastic material, the stress-strain reiation i%
As the

Modulus of elasticity of concrete changes from point + point.

IS456 : 2000gives the following empirical formula
Eç = 5000 / fik
concrete N/mm'.
Where, fk = characteristics strength of
1.2.5 Poisson's Ratio :
0.15 for design based on strength and
The Poisson ratiofor concrete is taken
0.2 for design based on serviceability.
Poission's ratio is generally neglected.
1.2.6 Creep:
under constant load T Stress
The plastic deformation of a concrete member
is called as creep.
Creep affects the serviceability of structure a great
1.3 Permissible Stresses in Steel and
gives the permissible
As per annex B table 21 and 22 of I8456 : 2000
stresses of concrete and steel.

1.3.1 Permissible Stresses for Different Grades of Concrete:

G r a d e o f i P KShess Permis8ible stress in
Concrete ONpesstons bond Average) for plain
o D I r e c t oc bars in tension(T)
M10 3.0 2.5
M15 5.0 4.0 0.6
M20 7.0 5.0 0.8
M25 8.5 6.0 0.9
M30 10.0 8.0 1.0
M35 11.5 9.0 1.1
M40 13.0 10.0 1.2
M45 14.5 11.0 1.3
M50 16.0 12.0 1.4
Design of Concrete Structure -I (SU)
1-7 Intro. to Design Philosophies for RC
Note Bond' strêss shali be increased by 25 percent for bars. in compression

1.3.2 Permissible Stresses in Steel in Tension:

. 5i:2
Permissible stresses in N/am
Mld steel bar High yieldstrengtha
Reinforcement grade 1 deformed
Reinforcement up to 140
230 275
and including 20 mm
Reinforcement Over 130
20 mm

1.4 Design Philosophies used in R.C.C. :

Various design philosophies of R.C. structures are

) Working stress method (WSM)
(i) Ultimate Load method (ULM)
(iii) Limit state method (LSM)
1.4.1 Working Stress Method (WSM):
It is one of the oldest method of design suitable for all structures. Through
S-300-2007 insists for the limit state design. permits use of this method wherever
LSM cannot beconveniently adopted.
With the development of linear elastic theory in the 19uh century, the stress
strain behaviour of material is considered as linear till the yield stress. 1o take
care of uncertainties in the desiom. permissible or Allowable stress is kept 2s a
v Or yield stress by the ratiokngun as factor of safety. So that the members
desigaed are to keep the stresses within the permissible value.
Yield stress
Allowable or permissible stress = Ractor of sarey
Permissible or Yield
Here, Working stress due Allowable stress stress
to working loads
(a) For beams FOS = 1.67 (b) For long column FOS = 1.92
Design of Congrote Structure-1(SU) Philosophies for RC Structures
1-8 Intro.to Design
FOS = 2.5-3
(c) For short column FOS = 1.67 (d) For connections
Aset of load combinations is given below. which are unlikely to act on

(Stress due to DL + LL) SAllowable stress

(Stress due to DIL+ WL) Alowable stress
(Stress due to DIL + WL+LL)<1.33 Allowable stress
Advantages :
1) This method is simple.
2) This is reasonably reliable.
3) As the working stresses are low, the serviceability requirements are
satisfied automatically.
Limitations :
1) Assumption of linear elastic behaviour and the stresses under working loads
can kept within the permissible stresses are not found to be realistic.
2) Many factors like the effect of stress concentrations, creep, shrinkage,
residual stresses and other secondary effect are not considered.
3) This method does not consider material non-linearity and non-linearity of
structural members.
4) This method does not provide a realistic measure of the actual factor of
safety for the design.
5) It gives uneconomical sections.
1.4.2 Ultimate Load Method :

The limitation of the working stress method to determine actual load

carrying capacity, made researchers to develop ultimate load method, which is
also known as plasticdesign method.
In this method, a section is said to have formed a plastic hinge when all
fibres yield, But the structure continues to resists lo¡d until sufficient nmber f
plastic hinges are formed to transforn the structure in to a collapse mechanism.
At this state the load is known as ultimate load.Satety measres are introduced
by using load factor. which is defined as the ratio or design load to working lne
given in table,
This load factors as per IS800-1984 are
Ultimate load
Thus, E (Working load + Load factor (LF))s
P Design of Concrete Structure 1(SU) 1-9 Intro. to Design Philosophles for RC Structures
Table 1.7.1

SrNoMorking load.. Miiimtin load

01 DL 1.7
02 DL + IL 1.7
03 DL + WL or EL 1.7
04 DI + IL + WL or EL 1.3

Advantages :
(i) Due toplastic hinge concept, redistribution of internal forces is accounted.
(iü) Itallows varied selection of loadfactors.
Limitations :

(1) Limitation on deflection and also it does not guarantee other serviceability
imits like instability and fatigue.
() This method is more comprehensive method to take care of strength.
(ii) It does notguarantee of serviceability performance.
1.4.3 Limit State Method:
The limit state methodensures the safety at ultimate load and
at working load making the structure fit for its indeed
during the entire loading
(i) It considers the actual behaviour of the structure
uptothe collapse.
(i) The method is based on statistical probabilistic principles.
(i) It defines quantitatively the margin of safety.
1.5 Types of Limit States :

1.5.1 Limit State of Collapse :

strength of the structure. Design to this
ltrelates to stability and ultimate
limit state ensures safety of structre from colapse.
P Design of Concrete Structure -1(SU) 1-10 Intro. to Design Philosophies for RC

The structure failure can be any of the following types :

(a) Collapse of one or more members above to the forces acting:
(i) Failure,
(ii) Buckling
(b) Excessive displacements due to lack of equilibrium :
(i)slicing (ii) overturning (iüi) sinking.
1.5.2 Limit State of Serviceability :
It relates to performance or behaviour of structure at working loads.
They are subdivided into :
(A):Limit State of deflection
(B): Limit State of cracking
(C):Other Limit states
(ii) Fire resistance
(iü) Durability
1.6 Characteristic Values:

A collapse of a structure is related to

simultaneous occurrence of overload
and under strength, the value to be assigned to the load has to be that value
which has min. acceptable probability of not being exceeded during the life time of
the structure and the material strength has to be that value which
has maximun
reliability, The values assigned to Loads and material strength on this basis are
k.a "characteristic values".
1.6.1 Characteristic Strength :
The characteristic strength of
below which not more than 5% of testmaterial is that value of material
results are expected to fall, This it strength
reliability. has 95%

Strucure -I (SU) 1-11 Intro, to Design Phlosophles for RC
P Design of Concrete Structuree

ean strÙngth

Frequeny fck= frm1.645

5% Rsults
belo fck

fck fm
Strength ’
Fig, 1.6.1 :Frequency Dist. Curve for strength

1.6.2 Characteristic Load:

A Characteristic load is defined as that value of load which has 95%
probability of not being exceeded during the service ife of the structure.
Characteristics load

Mean load 1.645

Frequency tk= fm + t.845

5 % Results
below tk


Fig, 1.6.2: Frequency dist, Curve for load

1.7 Concept of Safety or Partial Safety Factors :

important factors affects the
vaus and material strengths are the two
safety of the structure.
P Design of Concrete Structure - I
(SU) 1-12 Intro. to Design Philosophies for RCStructuros

1aere 1s no function relation betwean Joads and

single factor of safety cannot be material strengths, hence a
Separate factor of safety for losd and material must be used as
contributes partially to safety, Such safety factor is called as partial ean satety
1.7.1 Partial Safety Factor for Loads :
Partial safety factor for loads îs the ratioof design loads for a
characteristic load structure to its

Partial safety for loads dependsupon
(1) Nature by loads or their combination
(iü) type of limit state
IS456 : 2000 recommends the use of partial safety factors for loads (Y) as
shown in Table 1.7.1(a)

Table 1.7.1(a) : Partial safety factors (Y) for loads table 18 of IS456 : 2000

imit statë of collapse imitstate ofserviceability

s ':4+w:;:a: tw.:
Load conbinatiön !.

1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0

1.5 or 0.9 1.5 1.0 1.0
1.2 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.8
DL + IL + WL 1.2

Notes;tWhile.consjdetingearthguake effects sabstitute ELfor WL

vali: ot h)given in tho table ara applicable:fo
3TFor:limit:state of servieabililfy the ue:.io reer,Ahe dead
effectsWhle assesstng theongtein effocls:
short term Jjiveload ikay 9P PEanentmav:only be considered
cadiand thatbatofhe
oaao beconsidered. when stability.againstovetunig orstress reversa
9 nthis yalúeisito
Design of Concrete Structure - I(SU) 1-13 Intro.to Deslgn Philosophies for RC Structures

1.7.2 Partial Safety Factor for Materials :

Characteristic strength of material is the strength of that material below
which not more than of text results are expected to fal.
Charactcristic strength may differ from material to sample.
To rectify this variation in characteristic strength, a partial safety factor is
used for materials.
Partial safety factor for material is the ratio of characteristic strength to
design strength of material.

IS456 : 2000 recommends the use of partial safety factors for
strengths (Ym) as shown in Table 1.7.1(b).
Table 1.7.1(b) : Partial safety factors for material strength (y)
Golla1seefiectio LOcal:dàmage

Concrete 1.50 1.00 1.00

1.15 1.00 1.00

method ?
lirmit state method considered more desirable than working stress
Q. 1 Why is
significance ?
Q.2 What is ultimate load theory ? What is its
difference between singiy reinforced ad doubly reintorced section?
Q. 3 What is called
factor used in the design of RCC seclion? Why they
Q. 4 what is partial satety for stresses in steel and
the partial safety factor
partial? Give according to the assumptions in limit
relationship for concrete
Q. 5 Explain the stress strain
state of collapse in flexure. significance in the design of flexure
of resistance' and its
Q. 6 Explain the term morment
WSM from consideration of material behavior.
LSM with depin is
Q.7 Cormpare
beam, 300 mm wide and 565 mm effective
Q. 8 A rectangular, singly an effective span of 6m. The
supported beam over carries a load of
Used as simply at tension fac. If the beam
ConsistS of 4 bars of 20
mm diameter
determine the stress developed in concrete and
self weight.
15 kN/m inclusive of itsM20 concrete and Fe415 steel.
Steelusing WSM, Use

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