MSC Organic Chemistry
MSC Organic Chemistry
MSC Organic Chemistry
Department of
Chemistry 43
Prospectus 2021-22 Department of Chemistry
Head of the Department Chemistry is one of the fundamental subjects in science and is the
Dr Atul Makwana heart of many major industries like fine chemicals, dyes,
pigments, pharmaceu cals, petroleum, paints etc. Hence a
Members degree in chemistry leads to innumerable choices in career.
Dr Nirmal D Desai
Mr Dinesh V Katara The Department of Chemistry was established in 1956 and is one
of the largest and most prolific Departments of the College. It has
Dr Francis A Christy
an illustrious history in nurturing the SXCA tradi on of excellence
Dr Bijal A Shah
and has provided regional leadership in chemical educa on and
Dr Mallika Sanyal
research. Most recently the Department has earned pres gious
Dr Pranav M Trivedi DST-FIST sponsorship for the College.
Dr Devang R Pandya
The Department's teaching and research program spans the
Management Appointee length and breadth of Chemistry. General areas covered in the
Ms Deesha Khetani curriculum include Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry,
Dr Uma Harikrishnan Physical and Analy cal Chemistry. The Department also offers
Dr Divya Gangal two master's programmes with Analy cal and Organic Chemistry
Dr Divya Buha as specializa ons.
Dr Angel Mary Joseph
The Department of Chemistry seeks to be recognized as one of the
Laboratory Personnel
best Chemistry Department with acknowledged excellence in
Mr Sunil Macwan
teaching, learning, research, and outreach.
Mr Shailesh Mistry
Ms Hetal Makwana Mission
Mr Ramesh Kalal The faculty is dedicated to the crea on and dissemina on of
knowledge in all aspects of the chemical sciences. We strive to
Degree Programmes enable students to make meaningful contribu ons to our diverse,
Bachelor of Chemistry technological society and to improve the lives of the ci zens. The
Bachelor of Chemistry with goals of the department focus on improving the educa onal
Voca onal Industrial Chemistry experience in Chemistry at the undergraduate and postgraduate
levels and leading to research and service to the society and
na on at large.
Graduate Programmes
Masters in Chemistry (Analy cal)
Undergraduate Programme in Chemistry
Masters in Chemistry (Organic) Chemistry is offered as a part of several subject combina ons.
The thrust is in developing a strong founda on in the basic
Number of Seats concepts. The curriculum covers every area of Chemistry,
BSc. Chemistry : 30 comprising Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Physical and
BSc. Chemistry with Analy cal Chemistry. These basics are supplemented with some
Voc. Industrial Chemistry : 30 current and environmentally relevant topics like Green Chemistry,
MSc. Chemistry (Organic) : 30 Soil Chemistry and Everyday Chemistry as elec ves.
MSc. Chemistry (Analy cal) : 30
Undergraduate Programme in Chemistry with Voca onal
Admission Procedure Industrial Chemistry
In 1995 the Department also began offering a voca onal course
Vide Page - 40
in Industrial Chemistry. Keeping in view our goal of making
students self-reliant and industrious the voca onal course has
Contact been designed with entrepreneurship as a basic flavor. The
Prospectus 2021-22 Department of Chemistry
students enrolling in this program have Chemistry as UV-Vis, IR, flame photometry, separa on techniques
their core subject with addi onal papers of subjects in using column chromatography etc.
Industrial Chemistry. This helps them to learn and train in
the area of some of the core industrial aspects. Gujarat is an industrial hub having some of the largest
pharmaceu cal manufacturers and other industries. To
Under the entrepreneurship skill development program make our PG students more equipped for the industrial
the voca onal IC students run an in-house industrial job opportuni es, we offer a full credit course on
training unit (ITU) wherein they are trained in industrial training and disserta on in the last semester.
purchasing raw materials, manufacturing products such
as soap solu on, candles and creams; promo ng and Laboratory facili es
selling these products in the market. This training There are two types of facili es: one is Departmental
contributes immensely in making the students Laboratory and the other one is Centralized Laboratory
enterprising and self-sustaining. which is currently managed by Department of
Chemistry.The Department has five well-equipped
Post graduate Programme in Chemistry (Organic) laboratories wherein students can perform a variety of
M Sc Organic Chemistry was the first PG program of the chemical experiments including organic and inorganic
college, started in the year of 1979-80. prepara ons, qualita ve and quan ta ve analysis as
well as physical experiments using latest equipments .
This PG programme that involves the study of structure,
proper es and reac ons of organic compounds. The All Labs are well equipped with basic infrastructures and
applica on of M.Sc Organic Chemistry is found in various instruments like Chromatograph, Spectrometer,
fields as most of the products we use in our daily to day Colorimeter, Flame photometer, Karl Fischer trator,
life are made of organic compounds. It includes drugs, Conduc vity meter, pH meter, Poten ometer,
polymers, Dyes, intermediate, Pes cides. insec cides Refractometer, Polarimeter etc.
etc. Which is useful to understand the chemical synthesis
of Various Organic products. It involves various The Centralized Laboratory facility is u lized by
laboratory work for prac cal understanding of organic postgraduate students and research scholars. It is
concepts This Master's Program offers an exci ng range equipped with high end instruments like HPLC, UV -
of educa onal opportuni es, which strengthens in both Visible spectrophotometer, auto trator, IR, scien fic
the fundamental area of the discipline, and in significant balance etc.
new areas and applica ons.
Key areas of research in the department
Post graduate Programme in Chemistry (Analy cal) Majority of the faculty members are doctorates, with
In June 2018, a non-granted post graduate course in several of them having PhD guideship; hence the
Analy cal Chemistry was started in the Chemistry department has contributed towards many students
Department to provide be er career opportuni es to ge ng their Ph Ds. The Department has a wide variety of
the student and to strengthen the Department. In research areas, which makes it vibrant and compe ve.
today's world Analy cal Chemistry has become an Key Areas of research in the Department are:
integral part of chemical sciences, life sciences and • Organic Chemistry: Synthe c heterocyclic chemistry,
biosciences. Analy cal chemistry deals with quan ta ve Medicinal Chemistry, Phase transfer catalysis
and qualita ve analysis of ma er based on classical, wet • Chemistry of Graphene, Polymer Science, Nano
chemical methods and modern instrumental methods to Materials and Nano Composites
separate, iden fy and quan fy it. • Analy cal Chemistr y, Conductometric and
Thermodynamic study of complexes
The course is designed to cover all the important aspects • Analy cal Chemistr y, Conductometric and
of modern analy cal chemistry, spanning from Thermodynamic study of supramolecules with
theore cal knowledge on analy cal spectroscopy, different metal ion
electroanaly cal techniques, modern instrumenta on • Thermodynamics and stability of metal ion-crown
techniques, pharmaceu cal chemistry and ether interac on, Quan ta ve Bioanalysis
environmental chemistry, and extending to prac cal • Photo-chemistry, Nano par cles, Nano medicines
learning of various spectroscopic techniques including
• Coordina on Chemistry (Metal Based Drug).