Excel Formulas and Functions For Beginners 2024
Excel Formulas and Functions For Beginners 2024
Excel Formulas and Functions For Beginners 2024
A Practical Guide with illustrations on How to use Microsoft Excel
Formulas and Functions with Ease
John Shipman
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior
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While the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of
publication, neither the authors nor the editors nor the publisher can accept any legal responsibility
for any errors or omissions that may be made. The publisher makes no warranty, express or implied,
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Printed on acid-free paper.
Checking a formula
- When you enter a formula inside a cell, you will also see the
formula appearing in the formula bar. The space highlighted in red
below is the formula bar.
To make it especially easier to build and edit formulas while at the same
time minimizing syntax and typing error, you can enter an = (equal sign)
and starting letters of an errors, use Formula AutoComplete . After
function, Excel will bring a dynamic drop-down list of arguments, valid
functions, and names that match those letters. You can then choose one
from the drop-down list and it will be entered for you by Excel.
1. The SUM and the AVERAGE functions are nested within the IF function.
Valid returns : When you use a nested function as an argument, the nested
function must be able to return the exact type of values that the argument
uses. For instance, the nested function must send back a TRUE or FALSE
value. If the function is unable to do this, then Excel will bring a #VALUE!
error value.
Nesting level limits : One formula can have up to 7 levels of nested
functions. When a particular function, say function B, is deployed, as an
argument in another function say Function A, we will say that the function
B is acting as a second level function. For instance, the SUM function and
the AVERAGE Function are considered to be second-level functions if
they are deployed as arguments of the IF function. A function that is nested
within the nested AVERAGE function will now be considered as a third-
level function, and so on.
Click Enter.
Define names from a selected range
Choose the range that you wish to name, including the column or
row labels.
Choose Formulas, and tap Create from Selection.
From the dialog box of the Create Names from Selection , assign
the location containing the labels by clicking on the Left column,
Top row , Bottom row , or the Right column check box.
Click OK .
Excel will assign names to the cells based on the labels in the designated
Use names in formulas
Choose a cell and input a formula.
Position your cursor exactly where you plan to deploy the name in
the formula.
Enter the first letter of the name, and choose the name from the
displayed list.
Or, choose Formulas , select Use in Formula and choose the name that
you wish to use.
Click Enter.
Managing names in your workbook with Name Manager
On the Ribbon, navigate to Formulas, click on Defined Names and select
Name Manager . From there, you can create, delete, edit and locate all the
names deployed in the workbook.
Naming a cell (For macOS users)
Choose a cell.
Enter a name inside the Name Box.
Click Enter.
Excel will assign names to the cells based on the labels in the designated
Or, choose Formulas , select Use in Formula and choose the name that
you wish to use.
Click Enter.
6. Select OK .
- Click Ctrl+V, or navigate to the Home tab, and click Paste from
the Clipboard group category.
By default, you will see the Paste Options button once you paste
the data you copied.
- Select the Paste Options button, and then select Paste Link .
To create a cell reference if you are using the Excel for Web, follow the
prompts below;
- Click on the cell where you wish to enter your formula.
- Inside the formula bar , enter the = (equal sign).
- Carry out any of the actions below;
▪ Reference a single or more cells : Click on a cell or range of cells
available on the same worksheet to create a reference.
The border of the cell selection can be dragged in order to move the
selection, or expand selection by dragging the edge of the border.
▪ Reference a defined name : You can create reference to a specific
name by carrying out any of the action below;
▪ Enter the name.
▪ Click F3, choose the name inside the Paste name box, and
then tap OK.
- Perform any of the actions below;
- Click Enter if a reference is being created in a single cell.
- Use the Ctrl + Shift + Enter when you are creating a reference in an
array formula (such A1:G4.
The reference can actually be a range of cells or a single cell, and the array
formula can also be a formula that can calculate multiple or single results.
If the said formula is an array formula,all the cells in the range of cells that
contain the array formula should be selected first.
Select a cell from the array formula.
From the Home tab, under the Editing group, select Find &
Select , and then tap Go To .
Select Special .
Choose Current array .
3. Select Home , click on the arrow below Paste and choose Paste
Values .
Avoiding broken formula in Excel
When Excel is unable to resolve any formula you are trying to create, you
will most often get an error prompts below;
- Ensure that you are evaluating a nested formula one after the
Evaluating a formula allows you to see how a nested or complex formula
com-putes the final result.
1. Choose the formula that you wish to evaluate.
2. Click Formulas , and select Evaluate Formula .
The Step In button will not be available the second time the reference
shows in the formula—or if the formula refers to a cell in another
5. Continue until every part of the formula has been completely
The Evaluate Formula tool will not necessarily indicate why your formula
is actually broken, but it can actually help to point out where the formula is
broken. This can be a very useful tool in larger formulas where it can seem
very difficult to troubleshoot the problem.
The “IF” function
The “IF” is among the most common functions in Excel, and it enables users to
carry out logical comparisons between expectations and a specific value.
In essence, an IF statement can contain two results. The first result being when the
comparison is true, and the second result being when the comparison is false.
For instance, =IF(B3=”Yes”,1,2) says IF(B3 = Yes, then return a 1, else output a
▪ =IF(C2=”Yes”,1,2)
In the case above, the cell D2 implies: IF(C2 = Yes, then return a 1, else output a
▪ =IF(C2=1,”Yes”,”No”)
In this instance, the formula in the cell D2 implies: IF(C2 = 1, then output Yes,
otherwise output No). It then becomes obvious that the “IF” function can be
deployed to evaluate both values and texts. The “IF” function can as well be used
to evaluate errors. With the “IF” function, you are not only limited to confirming if
one term is equal to another term and outputting a single result, in fact you can
deploy mathematical operators and carry out extra calculations depending on what
you want. Multiple “IF” functions can also be nested together if you plan to do
multiple comparisons.
▪ =IF(C2>B2,C2-B2,0)
In the example above, rather than returning a text result, mathematical
computations will be returned instead. The formula in E2 above implies IF(Actual
is Greater than Budgeted, then Subtract the Budgeted amount from the Actual
amount, else return nothing).
▪ =IF(E7=”Yes”,F5*0.0825,0)
In the case above, the formula in F7 implies IF(E7 = “Yes”, then compute the
Total Amount in F5 * 8.25%, otherwise no Sales Tax is due so return 0)
Note: If you want to have texts inside a formula, the text should be wrapped in
quotes. One exception to this is using the TRUE or FALSE, which Excel actually
In a case like this, you can deploy the IF with the ISBLANK function:
▪ =IF(ISBLANK(D2),"Blank","Not Blank")
Which means that IF(D2 is blank, then return "Blank", else return "Not Blank") .
You can as well decide on your own formula to be used for the "Not Blank"
condition. In the following case, we will be using "" instead of ISBLANK. The ""
actually means "nothing".
=IF(D3="","Blank","Not Blank")
The above formula implies IF(D3 is nothing, then return "Blank", else "Not
Blank") . See below for a common means of using "" to prevent your formula from
calculating if a dependent cell is actually blank:
▪ =IF(D3="","",YourFormula())
IF(D3 is nothing, then return nothing, else calculate your formula).
Simple syntax
Generally, the IFS function has a syntax that looks like the one below;
=IFS([Something is True1, Value if True1,Something is True2,Value if True2,
Something is True3,Value if True3)
Please note that the IFS function can actually allow users the chance to test up to
127 different conditions. However, it is not advisable to nest too many conditions
with the IFS or IF statement. This is actually because we don't recommend nesting
too many conditions with IF or IFS statements. This is because multiple conditions
need to be entered in the correct order, and can be very difficult to build, test and
Example 1
You will be able to combine the Alt key with the Key Tips letters to produce the
Access Keys shortcuts for the ribbon options. For instance, click Alt+H to access
the Home tab, and click on Alt+Q to scroll to the Search field or Tell me field.
Click on the Alt key once again again to access the KeyTips for the options for the
selected tab.
In the Office 2013 and the Office 2010, some of the old Alt key menu shortcuts
will still work, too. Nonetheless, you will still have to know the complete shortcut.
For instance, click Alt, and then click on one of the old menu keys E for (Edit), V
for (View), I for (Insert), and so on. You will receive a notification pops up telling
you that you are using an access key from an earlier version of Microsoft Office. If
you know the entire key sequence, go ahead and use it. If you don't know the
sequence, press Esc and use Key Tips instead.
▪ Data
This tab will be used to import data from different sources, sort the data and filter
it, and also enjoy data tools like the “remove duplicate rows” tools.
▪ Review
Check the spelling and accessibility of your worksheet, and collaborate with others
using comments and notes.
▪ View
Select a view such as Normal View or Page Layout view, and set the page zoom
▪ Help
This tab is used to access the Microsoft Excel Help, contact support, and drop
In addition to the ribbon tabs, you will also need to access the File menu for some
other important commands. To open the File menu, use the Alt+F shortcut.
The File menu will be launched in a new pane. To explore the main commands,
deploy the Down and the Up arrow keys, then utilize the Tab key and the Up and
Down arrow keys to explore the various options for that particular command.
From the File menu, a new workbook can be initiated, save a file, launch an
existing workbook, share or print the document you are working on currently, and
also access Excel options. To dismiss the File menu and get back to your
worksheet, click on the Esc button.
Navigate the ribbon
After successfully navigating to the right ribbon tab as said previously, click the
Tab key to scroll to the ribbon and to explore its options and commands. You can
click Shift+Tab to go backwards. Click Enter to choose or click on the Esc button
to leave the ribbon and go back to the worksheet.
Navigate the worksheet
On opening an Excel sheet workbook, the focus is often on the worksheet table
grid. If the focus has been moved out of the worksheet, click F6 until the screen
announces the location of the table grid cell. See below for how to navigate inside
worksheet and between the other workbooks and sheets;
▪ The arrow keys can be used to navigate between the cells in the grid table.
The screen reader will announce the row and column of each cell including the
content of the cell.
▪ Use the Shift+F10 shortcut to access the context menu for the active cell.
Deploy the Down and Up arrow keys to explore the menu, and click Enter to
choose or click Esc to go back to the worksheet.
▪ To navigate to the previous or next worksheet in your workbook, use F6 until
the name of your active sheet tab is heard, deploy the right and the Left arrow
keys to locate the right sheet, and click Enter to choose it.
▪ To move to the next available workbook when there are more than one opened
workbook, simply press Ctrl+F6. The name of the workbook will be announced
by the screen reader.
Use Search
To navigate through an option or to quickly carry out a particular action, utilize the
Search field. To do this, follow the prompts below;
1. Select the place or the item in your Excel spreadsheet where you plan to
carry out an action. For instance, click on a range of cells in your
2. Use the Alt+Q shortcut to navigate to the Search field.
3. Fill in the search words for the exact action that you wish to carry out. For
instance, if you wish to insert a bulleted list, simply type bullets.
4. Deploy the Down arrow key to navigate through the results.
5. Once you have seen the result that you need, click Enter to select the result
and to carry out the action.
Use the Vlook up when you need to locate items in a table or range by rows.
1. Choose a cell.
2. Input =VLOOKUP( and then choose the value that you want Excel to
3. Enter a comma (,) and then choose the table or range to look for that value.
4. Enter a comma (,) and the exact number of the column where that lookup
value is actually located.
5. Enter ,FALSE) to locate an exact match.
6. Click Enter.
1. The table that contains common fields should be copied onto a new
worksheet. The table should be assigned a name.
2. Click on Data , select Data Tools and choose Relationships to launch
the Manage Relationships dialog box.
3. For each relationship listed, you should note the following:
▪ The field that links the tables (this will be listed for you in parentheses in the
dialog box): This is actually the lookup_value for the VLOOKUP formula.
▪ The Related Lookup Table name: This will represent the table_array in the
VLOOKUP formula.
▪ The field (column) from the Related Lookup Table that features the data you
need in your new column: You will not be able to see this information inside
the “Manage Relationships” dialog – as you will have to look at the Related
Lookup Table to know which field you actually want to retrieve. You may
decide to note the column number of that column (A=1) - this will be
the col_index_num in your formula.
4. If you wish to add an extra field to the new table, fill in your VLOOKUP
formula inside the first empty column by using the information that you
have gathered in step 3.