Background: Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome (NBS) Is A Combined Primary Immuno

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Original Research

published: 24 July 2017

doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2017.00807

Prospective study of a cohort of

russian nijmegen Breakage
syndrome Patients Demonstrating
Predictive Value of low
Kappa-Deleting recombination
excision circle (Krec) numbers and
Beneficial effect of hematopoietic
Edited by:
stem cell Transplantation (hscT)
Andrew Gennery,
Newcastle University, Elena Deripapa1, Dmitry Balashov1, Yulia Rodina1, Alexandra Laberko1,
United Kingdom
Natalya Myakova1, Nataliia V. Davydova1,2, Maria A. Gordukova2, Dmitrii S. Abramov1,
Reviewed by: Galina V. Pay1, Larisa Shelikhova1, Andrey P. Prodeus1,2, Mikhail A. Maschan1,
Anders Fasth, Alexey A. Maschan1 and Anna Shcherbina1*
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Qiang Pan-Hammarström, 1
Dmitry Rogachev National Research and Clinical Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology, Moscow,
Karolinska Institutet, Sweden Russia, 2 Speransky Children’s Hospital, Moscow, Russia
Anna Shcherbina
Background: Nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS) is a combined primary immuno-
deficiency with DNA repair defect, microcephaly, and other phenotypical features. It
Specialty section: predominantly occurs in Slavic populations that have a high frequency of carriers with
This article was submitted to the causative NBN gene c.657_661del5 mutation. Due to the rarity of the disease in the
Primary Immunodeficiencies,
a section of the journal rest of the world, studies of NBS patients are few. Here, we report a prospective study
Frontiers in Immunology of a cohort of Russian NBS patients.
Received: 19 April 2017
Accepted: 26 June 2017
Methods: 35 Russian NBS patients of ages 1–19 years, referred to our Center between
Published: 24 July 2017 years 2012 and 2016, were prospectively studied.
Deripapa E, Balashov D, Rodina Y,
results: Despite the fact that in 80% of the patients microcephaly was diagnosed at
Laberko A, Myakova N, birth or shortly thereafter, the average delay of NBS diagnosis was 6.5 years. Though
Davydova NV, Gordukova MA,
80% of the patients had laboratory signs of immunodeficiency, only 51% of the patients
Abramov DS, Pay GV, Shelikhova L,
Prodeus AP, Maschan MA, experienced significant infections. Autoimmune complications including interstitial lym-
Maschan AA and Shcherbina A phocytic lung disease and skin granulomas were noted in 34%, malignancies—in 57%
(2017) Prospective Study of a Cohort
of Russian Nijmegen Breakage
of the patients. T-cell excision circle (TREC)/kappa-deleting recombination excision circle
Syndrome Patients Demonstrating (KREC) levels were low in the majority of patients studied. Lower KREC levels correlated
Predictive Value of Low
with autoimmune and oncological complications. Fifteen patients underwent hemato-
Kappa-Deleting Recombination
Excision Circle (KREC) Numbers and poietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), 10 of them were alive and well, with good graft
Beneficial Effect of Hematopoietic function. Three patients in the HSCT group and five non-transplanted patients died;
Stem Cell Transplantation (HSCT).
Front. Immunol. 8:807.
tumor progression being the main cause of death. The probability of the overall survival
doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2017.00807 since NBS diagnosis was 0.76 in the HSCT group and 0.3 in the non-transplanted group.

Frontiers in Immunology | 1 July 2017 | Volume 8 | Article 807

Deripapa et al. Prospective Study of NBS Patients

Keywords: Nijmegen breakage syndrome, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, T-cell excision circle, kappa-
deleting recombination excision circle, malignancy, granuloma


Nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS) is a combined primary Patients
immunodeficiency, additionally characterized by a DNA repair Between 2012 and 2017, 35 patients from 33 unrelated families
defect and syndromic features (1). NBS is caused by recessively with preliminary diagnosis of NBS have been referred to our
inherited mutations of NBN (formerly NBS1) gene (2), which Center. Included were seven previously described patients, with
encodes nibrin protein—a member of the Mre11/Rad50/NBN updated clinical information. There were 16 males and 19 females,
multiprotein nuclear complex involved in detection and cor- median age at referral was 13.4 years (range 1–19 years). The
rection of physiological and pathological double-stranded DNA diagnosis of NBS was based on ESID diagnostic criteria for NBS
breaks (3). NBS has variable prevalence in various parts of the and was confirmed in all patients by detection of homozygous
world, with highest being in Slavic countries (Poland, Russia, deletion 657_661 delACAAA in the NBN gene.
Ukraine, etc.). Several truncating mutations on NBN have been
described, c.657_661del5 in exon 6 being the most frequent Clinical Analysis
due to the founder effect in Slavic population, in which carrier Clinical symptoms of each patient were analyzed retrospectively
frequency as high as 1:154 has been reported (4). from birth and prospectively during the follow-up. Types, sever-
Syndromic features in NBS include microcephaly present- ity and frequency of infections, autoimmune complications and
ing at birth (or even in utero), bird-like facial features, variable malignancies, treatment protocols, and outcomes were analyzed.
growth delay and mental retardation, hyper- or hypopigmented Infectious complications were qualified in two categories
skin lesions, various organ malformations (poly-syndactyly, according to their severity. Severe infections were defined as more
kidney anomalies, hypospadias, cryptorchidism) [summarized than two episodes of pneumonia per year, any infection requiring
in Ref. (5)]. intravenous antibiotics use, oxygen or intravenous fluids supple-
Immune defects in NBS vary in severity and affect both mentation and\or clearly linked to death within two weeks.
humoral (low B cells, hypoagammaglobulinemia) and cellular
(low T cells, low naïve T cells) compartments (6). It has been
demonstrated that at least some NBS patients can be detected Laboratory Analysis
via neonatal T-cell excision circles (TRECs) screening (7). B and T lymphocytes subsets were analyzed by standard flow
Also, low kappa-deleting recombination excision circle (KREC) cytometry methods. Patients who had less than 1,000 T cells
numbers have been reported in NBS (8). Yet, T-cell excision and less than 200 B cells were reported. IgG, IgM, and IgA levels
circle (TREC)/KREC data in NBS are scarce and require further were assayed by standard nephelometry assay. Patients who had
investigation. significant decrease of one or more immunoglobulin classes (by
Symptoms of the disease include bacterial and viral infec- 2 or more SDs from mean) were reported.
tions, autoimmune complications, including skin sarcoid-like
granulomas. Yet, the most prominent feature of the disease is Rubella PCR Detection
predisposition to malignancies. In opposite to other primary Rubella virus was assayed by standard PCR method in DNA extracted
immunodeficiencies not only lymphoreticular but also an array of from granulomatous skin lesions’ biopsies using «AmliSense®
solid tumors have been reported in NBS. There is no consensus on Rubella virus-FL» kit (InterLabservice, Russia) according to
tumor treatment protocols for NBS, though most centers omit or manufacturer’s instructions.
reduce doses of alkylating agents (according to individual toler-
ability) and avoid irradiation (9). TREC/KREC Detection
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) in NBS is The TREC/KREC levels were assayed in whole blood samples
controversial, since there is no evidence it reduces the risk of as described previously (11). Briefly, DNA was extracted from
malignancies. If HSCT is attempted, reduced conditioning regi- 100 µl EDTA anticoagulated whole blood by using RIBO-prep
ments are usually used (10). nucleic acid extraction kit (Amplisense®, Russia).
Here, we report clinical and laboratory features of 35 NBS The Real-time qPCR for TRECs and KRECs was performed
patients referred to our Center between years 2012 and 2016. by using T&B PCR kit (ABV-test, Russia) on CFX 96 Real-Time

Frontiers in Immunology | 2 July 2017 | Volume 8 | Article 807

Deripapa et al. Prospective Study of NBS Patients

PCR System (Bio Rad, USA). Amplification of ALB was used to The median time of NBS diagnosis was 5.0 years (1–16 years),
assess correct sampling and quality of DNA extraction and to the average diagnosis delay was 6.5 years. All patients received
determine of TRECs and KRECs levels. The number of copies of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) therapy upon NBS diagno-
TRECs (KRECs) was calculated per 105 white blood cells, taking sis irrespective of immunoglobulin levels.
into account the quantity of ALB using formula: [The number of Seventeen patients (49%) had mild to moderate infectious
copies TRECs (KRECs)/the number of copies ALB] × 200,000. episodes, 18 (51) patients suffered from severe recurrent bacte-
The normal/cutoff levels of TRECs and KRECs of 1,000 cop- rial infections, which were the cause of death in three patients
ies/105 cells were used. (Table 1).
Twelve patients (34%) developed autoimmune complications
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation with median age of onset 10.5 years (4–14 years) (Table 1).
Nijmegen breakage syndrome patients underwent HSCT in Autoimmune complications included arthritis in one, thyroiditis
accordance with institutional protocol (12). The source of stem in two, interstitial lymphocytic lung disease (ILLD) in four, skin
cells was bone marrow (n = 2) or peripheral blood (n = 13) granulomas in five (Figure 1A). Skin biopsies were performed in
of matched related (n = 4) or unrelated (n = 11) donors. All all cases of granulomatous skin lesions (median age of manifesta-
peripheral blood stem cells were TCRαβ/CD19 depleted via tion 9.4 years). Upon biopsy, all of them demonstrated signs of
immunomagnetic method in accordance with manufacture’s epithelioid granulomas with foci of necrosis (Figures 1C,D).
instructions (Miltenyi Biotec, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany). Retrospectively, in three out of five skin granuloma biopsies,
Conditioning consisted of Busulfan (4 mg/kg), Fludarabine Rubella virus was detected by PCR. Precluding treatment of skin
(150 mg/m2), Cyclophosphamide (40 mg/kg, n = 12; 30 mg/ lesions included topical and systemic antibiotic, antifungals, and
kg, n = 1; 20 mg/kg, n = 1), and ATG (rabbit) (5 mg/kg) (total topical steroids with little effect. In two patients, lesion completely
dose given over several days). On day-1, most patients (14 out of resolved upon chemotherapy, which was part of HSCT condi-
15) received low-dose rituximab 100 mg/m2 in order to reduce tioning or lymphoma treatment (Figure 1B).
the risk of Epstein–Barr virus-related post-transplantation
lymphoproliferative disease. GVHD prophylaxis consisted of Oncological Manifestations
tacrolimus in 10 cases, tacrolimus, and a short course of metho- Twenty of our 35 NBS patients (57%) developed onco-
trexate in 5 cases. logical complications, with the median age of onset 6.0 years
(2–18 years) (Table 1). Four patients consecutively developed
Statistical Analysis two malignancies.
Demographic, disease-related, or transplant-related character- Majority of patients had tumors of lymphoid origin: 11
istics were described with frequencies for categorical variables, mature B cell lymphomas [diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
and median and range for quantitative variables. Probability of (DLBCL)-10, Burrkit’s lymphoma-1], 4 T cell lymphomas (2
overall survival was estimated by the Kaplan–Meier product limit lymphoblastic, 2 peripheral not otherwise specified), 7 T and B
and were expressed as percentage ± SD. Patients were censored lymphoblastic leukemias and 1 patient had T-prolymphocytic
at the time of death, survivors on March 30, 2017. The two-sided leukemia. Patients with mature B-cell lymphomas were treated
log-rank test was used for comparisons. For the comparison of
TREC and KREC levels, the Mann–Whitney test was used. For
the analysis of correlation between TREC and KREC levels and Table 1 | Infectious, autoimmune, and oncological complications in 35 patients
with Nijmegen breakage syndrome.
age, the linear regression method was used. The time of NBS diag-
nosis was chosen as a starting point for survival estimation, since Symptoms Number of Age of Cause of
it is the time when the decision about overall treatment strategy patients manifestation, death
(i.e., HSCT vs not HSCT) is made. TREC and KREC levels were years, median
expressed as mean ± SEM. p-values less than 0.1 were considered
statistically significant. Statistical analysis was performed using Infections
XLSTAT, Addinsoft, 2015 software. No/mild 17 5.8 (1–11)
Severe 18 7.1 (2–17) 3
Autoimmune complications
RESULTS Arthritis 1 14
Thyroiditis 2 10 (6–14)
Demographics and Non-Oncological Skin granulomas
Interstitial lymphocytic
9.4 (4–13)
9.75 (6–13)
Clinical Manifestations lung disease
In our cohort of 35 patients, 32 considered themselves Russians, Malignancies
two Ukranians, and one Gypsy. In three patients, microcephaly B cell lymphoma 10 8.7 (5–13)
and/or syndromic features were noted during prenatal ultra- T cell lymphoma 4 9.5 (4–18) 3
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia 7 7.0 (2–12) 1
sound, in 20—at birth. Five patients were followed by neurologist T-prolymphocytic leukemia 1 6
due to microcephaly and cognitive impairment since the first year Ganglioglioma 1 15 1
of life. Yet, in 15 patients, the diagnosis of NBS was made only by Other
hematologist/oncologists at the time of malignant complication. Lymphomatoid granulomatosis 3 13 (8–17)

Frontiers in Immunology | 3 July 2017 | Volume 8 | Article 807

Deripapa et al. Prospective Study of NBS Patients

signs of immunodeficiency. Twenty four out of 35 patients

had T lymphocyte concentration below 1,000 cells/μl, 20 had
B lymphocyte concentration below 200 cell/μl. Significant
decrease (more than two SDs from mean) of IgG only was noted
in five patients, two or more immunoglobulin classes—in 17.
Twenty eight patients had TRECs/KRECs assayed. Twenty
two patients had low (below 1,000/105 cells) TREC and 24
had low (below 1,000/105 cells) KREC numbers (Figure 2).
When groups of NBS patients with or without severe infectious
episodes were compared, TREC numbers were not different
between the groups (mean 293.2 ± 178 vs 581.1 ± 301, p = 0.8).
Yet, KREC numbers were much lower in the group with severe
infections (168.4 ± 143 vs 6,316.3 ± 4,955, p = 0.07). The same
trend was noted when patients with or without autoimmune
complications were compared: there was no difference in TREC
numbers between the groups (430.7 ± 192 vs 431.4 ± 329,
p = 0.6), but KREC levels were lower in the group with autoim-
munity, though the difference did not reach statistical signifi-
cance (2.7 ± 0.4 vs 782 ± 546, p = 0.15). In the groups with and
without oncological complications, KREC levels were lower in
the first group (53.5 ± 27 vs 5,588.3 ± 5,142, p = 0.05), TREC
levels were not different (420 ± 187 vs 440 ± 312.6, p = 0.7)
(Figure 2).
When analyzed in the context of patients’ age, TREC levels
varied independent of it, whereas KREC numbers decreased with
age (Figure 2).

Figure 1 | Macroscopic and microscopic images of granulomatous lesion Hematopoietic Stem Cell
in a boy with Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome: (A) at referral, after multiple
courses of antibiotics and topical steroids, (B) after conditioning for Transplantation
hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, (C) skin histology demonstrating Fifteen patients received HSCT. According to the Institutional
perivascular and diffuse, mixed-cell infiltrate in superficial and deep dermis. protocol, indications for HSCT were frequent and severe
H&E stain, 40× magnification, (D) skin histology demonstrating palisaded
infections in 5, oncological complications in 8, lymphomatoid
inflammatory infiltrates consisting of histocytes, lymphocytes, and
neutrophils, associated with basophilic alterations of collagen. H&E stain,
granulomatosis in 2. All patients with maligancies were in
400× magnification. complete remission of their oncological disease at the time of the
HSCT, median time of remission before HSCT was 20.8 months
(2.4–52.5). Four patients were transplanted from HLA matched
according to modified BFM-NHL 2010 core protocol chemo- (10/10, n = 3; 9/10, n = 1) siblings, 11 from HLA matched unre-
therapy and rituximab (13), peripheral T-cell lymphomas were lated donors (10/10, n = 10; 9/10, n = 1) The median follow-up
treated according to individual schemes, leukemias were treated period was 8.5 months after transplantation (1.0–43.0 months).
according to approved MB-ALL2008 or ALL-BFM-2005 proto- None of the 15 patients developed GVHD 2–4 grade and severe
cols. A reduction of doses was implemented in seven patients, the visceral toxicity after conditioning. Three patients rejected graft
majority (13 patients) received non-reduced chemotherapy with (median 6.0 months after HSCT; range 2.0–10.7); one of them
no significant toxicity. Two of the patients were irradiated (prior died 17 months after transplantation from newly developed high-
to NBS diagnosis), with no unexpected toxicity or second tumor grade lymphoma. One patient died from relapse of lymphoma
development. Relapse of lymphomas occurred in two patients 2.7 months after HSCT, and one more patient died of fulminant
(one in DLBCL without HSCT and one in T cell lymphoma after ADV hepatitis. Currently, 12 (81.3%) of 15 patients are alive, 10
HSCT), no leukemia relapses were noted. One patient developed (62.5%) of them in good clinical condition and with a functioning
a solid tumor—ganglioglioma, she received palliative treatment graft. The two remaining patients with graft rejection are being
only and eventually died. Overall tumor progression was a cause prepared for the second HSCT.
of death in five patients.
Lymphomatoid granulomatosis has been diagnosed in three Survival
patients (two grade II and one grade III), it was successfully Twenty-seven patients (74%) were alive at the time of analysis,
treated in all. with a median age of surviving patients 10 years (from 1 to 19).
In the group of patients who underwent HSCT, 12 out of 15 were
Laboratory Data and TREC/KREC Assay alive. Causes of death were fulminant ADV hepatitis in one and
T, B lymphocytes subsets and immunoglobulins levels were malignancies in the other two: one patient had relapse of T cell
assayed in all patients. Most patients (28 patients) had laboratory lymphoma on day +60 after HSCT, one rejected graft 11 months

Frontiers in Immunology | 4 July 2017 | Volume 8 | Article 807

Deripapa et al. Prospective Study of NBS Patients

Figure 2 | T-cell excision circle (TREC) and kappa-deleting recombination excision circle (KREC) levels in various groups of Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome (NBS)
patients. (A,B) TREC and KREC levels in NBS patients with and without infection. (C,D) TREC and KREC levels in NBS patients with and without autoimmune
complications. (E,F) TREC and KREC levels in NBS patients with and without malignancies. (G,H) Age-dependent distribution of TREC and KREC levels in NBS
patients. Asterisk indicates statistically significant difference between the groups. TREC/KREC levels are expressed per 105 cells. Note logarithmical scale of the

Nijmegen breakage syndrome is a unique primary immunodefi-
ciency that has very uneven distribution in the world, with highest
prevalence in Eastern European countries. Several cohorts from
Poland and other eastern European countries have been described
(14, 15). The largest and recent study by Wolska-Kuśnierz et al.
contained retrospective analysis of 149 NBS patients registered in
the ESID database (6). Our prospective study reports 35 predomi-
nantly pediatric patients followed in one center, which provides
the advantage of a uniform approach to laboratory investigations
and treatment. Both studies have similar demographics of the
patients’ cohorts (Table 2).
As expected, most of our patients were Russians or Ukranians.
Interestingly, one girl comes from consanguineous gypsy fam-
Figure 3 | The probability of the overall survival since Nijmegen breakage ily living in Russia. NBS is one of the most frequent combined
syndrome (NBS) diagnosis in 15 patients who underwent hematopoietic stem primary immunodeficiencies in Russia, and considering typical
cell transplantation (HSCT) and in 20 non-transplanted patients (expressed syndromic features, it should be readily recognized in infancy.
as percentage ± SD). Probability of overall survival was estimated by the
Kaplan-Meier product limit and were expressed as percentage ± standard
However, the average delay of the NBS diagnosis was 6.5 years.
deviation. The two-sided log-rank test was used for comparisons. Most patients were diagnosed by hematologist/oncologist at
the time of oncological manifestation, and in some cases even
after HSCT and simultaneously developed high-grade fatal T cell The main causes of morbidity in our study group were
lymphoma. oncological and autoimmune complications. Among the latter,
From the time of NBS diagnosis, probability of overall survival there were four patients with ILLD—recently recognized PID
in this group was 0.76 (follow-up 0.5–14 years) (Figure 3). complication (16, 17), which has not been described in NBS
In non-transplanted patients, 15 out of 20 are alive. Causes to date. ILLD in PID often mimics interstitial and/or fungal
of death in the deceased non-transplanted patients were sepsis pneumonia, the diagnosis requires high level of awareness and
in one, sepsis during lymphoma treatment in one, and tumor lung biopsy, which, to our knowledge, is not easily available in
progression in three. From the time of NBS diagnosis, probability some clinics. Therefore, we think that lack of ILLD in patients
of overall survival in this group was 0.3 (follow-up 0.3–13 years) in Wolska-Kuśnierz et al. study reflects hypodiagnostics of this
(Figure 3). debilitating condition.

Frontiers in Immunology | 5 July 2017 | Volume 8 | Article 807

Deripapa et al. Prospective Study of NBS Patients

Table 2 | Comparison of clinical and laboratory findings in two studies of effective in the treatment of hypertrophic herpes-associated skin
Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome patients: current (Deripapa et al.) and Wolska-
lesions in DOCK8-deficient patients (24). It would be interesting
Kusˊ nierz et al. (6).
to use a similar approach in skin granulomas in NBS.
Categories Current study by Wolska-Kusˊ nier The high prevalence of malignancies is a known feature of
Deripapa et al. et al. (6) DNA repair genetic defects. Wolska-Kuśnierz et al. report 42%
Number of patients 35 149 frequency of tumors in NBS, with 44% mortality (6). We observed
M/F ratio, % 46/54 51/49 an even higher frequency of oncological complications (57%),
Median age, years 13.4 14.3 yet, the mortality rate was much lower—25% (Table 2). This
Infections might be partially explained by the fact that our patients were
Mild 49 34
mostly under 18 years of age, and pediatric tumors frequently
Severe 51 66
Opportunistic infections, % 0 5
have better prognosis. Yet, in our opinion, the main contribut-
Immunoglobulin substitution, % 100 68 ing factor to the better survival rate in our patients’ cohort with
Correlation of T cell defect with severity No correlation of No correlation lymphoid tumors was the delivery of full-dose chemotherapy
of infections infections and T-cell of infections and according to appropriate protocols (along with IVIG treatment),
excision circles CD3+ lymphocyte
despite the theoretically elevated hazard of intolerable toxicity in
Laboratory predictors of severe Low kappa-deleting Low Igg chromosome-repair defect syndromes (9, 25).
infections recombination The majority of studies demonstrating chemotherapy-
excision circles associated toxicity in patients with DNA repair defects have
(KRECs) involved predominantly AT patients or mixed AT and NBS
Autoimmune complications, % 34 10
groups (9, 26, 27). It has been shown that NBS patients carrying
Interstitial lymphocytic lung disease, % 11 No/not reported
Malignancies, % 57 42 the c.657_661del5 mutation have residual NBN activity due to
Median age of first malignancy 6.0 10.3 the function of two truncated proteins—p26 and p70 (28), which
Solid tumors, % of all malignancies 4 11 makes DNA repair in NBS less affected that in AT. In most of
Died from malignancy, % 25 44 our patients (65%), conventional unmodified regimens were used
Reduced chemotherapy protocols, % 35 “Mostly reduced”
Underwent hematopoietic stem cell 43 10
and were well tolerated, suggesting that immediate tolerance of
transplantation (HSCT), % chemotherapy is not necessarily affected in NBS patients at least
HSCT age 8.8 in Slavic population. Considering the high rate of tumor relapses
Alive after HSCT, % 80 71 in NBS, the actual tolerability of standard chemotherapy proto-
Relapse of malignancy after HSCT, % 7 0
cols and correlation with secondary tumor occurrences require
Deceased patients, % 26 39
Median age of death, years 9.5 11.1
further investigation in large and homogenous groups of NBS
Cause of death patients.
Malignancy and complications, % 75 59 The combined nature of immunodeficiency in NBS has been
Infections, % 12.5 14 described in details before. In our cohort, 22 patients (62%) had
Infections during HSCT, % 12.5 5 decreased levels of one or more classes of immunoglobulins, 20
Other, % 22
Poor prognosis predictors, clinical No HSCT Severe infections
(57%) had low B lymphocytes, and 24 patients (68%) had low
malignancy T lymphocytes subsets. Even though many of our patients were
Poor prognosis predictors, laboratory Low KRECs Not found started on immunoglobulin and antimicrobial prophylaxis dur-
ing late childhood due to a delayed diagnosis, they all received
IVIG at the time of the study, irrespective of IgG levels. This fact
might explain a somewhat lower rate of severe and lethal infec-
Interestingly, in contrast to other PIDs, where immune tions in our cohort by comparison with that of Wolska-Kuśnierz
cytopenias are the main autoimmune complication, they were et al. (Table 2), and the fact that we did not register opportunistic
observed only in 0% (our study) to 3.6% (Wolska-Kuśnierz et al.) or fungal infections in our patients. Since NBS is a combined
of NBS patients. immunodeficiency, we postulate that most (if not all) patients
Previously, skin sarcoid-like granulomatous lesions have been require IVIG substitution, and this decision should be made
reported in two patients with NBS (18, 19), as well as in other based on antibody-specific responses.
PIDs, with large predominance of patients with ataxia-telangiec- T-cell excision circles and KRECs evaluation has become a
tasia (AT) (20–22). Not surprisingly, in our group of patients with widely used assay for PID screening and follow-up. Low TREC and
another DNA repair defect, five NBS patients developed granulo- KREC numbers have been demonstrated in several NBS patients
mas. The RA27/3 vaccine strain of rubella virus has been found in before (7, 8). Since TRECs are known to correlate with naïve and
some of PID granulomas before (21–23). We detected the rubella not peripherally expanded T lymphocytes numbers, they are
virus in homogenized granuloma tissue samples from three out of better predictors of immunodeficiency severity that total T cell
five of our patients. In our experience and according to other case numbers. We studied TREC and KREC numbers in a subgroup
reports theses, granulomas are quite resistant to various modes of 28 NBS patients and found that 78% had TRECs and 85% had
of therapy and in our patients have resolved only after intensive KRECs below cutoff level (Figure 2). This reflects a higher pro-
chemotherapy conducted as part of the tumor treatment or HSCT portion of patients with abnormal T and B immunity compart-
conditioning. Interferon-alpha-2b therapy has been shown to be ment than when lymphocyte phenotyping and immunoglobulin

Frontiers in Immunology | 6 July 2017 | Volume 8 | Article 807

Deripapa et al. Prospective Study of NBS Patients

levels were used as a marker of immunodeficiency. These findings information that TREC and especially KREC levels can be used
also provide a background for possible NBS detection by neonatal as predictors of these complications, as well as a tool for neonatal
screening. screening of NBS. HSCT is a viable treatment option in NBS
Low KREC numbers (in contrast to TREC numbers) seem and should be especially considered in patients with low TREC/
to be predictors of severe infections, oncological, and possibly KREC numbers early on, before they develop life-threatening
autoimmune complications (Figure 2) and, therefore, predictors complications.
of severe course of the disease. Interestingly, though TREC levels
varied in patients independent of age, KREC levels progressively
decreased with age (Figure 2) in opposite to normal subjects in ETHICS STATEMENT
whom KRECs stay around the same level through life. Of note, This study was carried out in accordance with the institutional
even though Wolska-Kuśnierz et al. did not study TRECs/KRECs, guidelines with written informed consent from all subjects/their
they also demonstrated that disease severity in NBS correlates parents. The protocol was approved by the Dmitry Rogachev
with B, but not T cell defect (6). Overall, these findings confirm National Research Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology
the significant role of B cell defect in NBS pathogenesis and and Immunology Ethics Committee.
suggest that, in NBS, KREC numbers are reliable predictors of
disease severity.
Previously, HSCT in NBS was considered dangerous due to AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
risks of conditioning-related toxicity and the fact that immune
reconstitution is not able to fully correct malignant predisposi- ED was responsible for the design of the study, patient
tion in this group of patients. Hence, there are only few reports of recruitment and data acquisition, analysis, interpretation,
successful HSCT in NBS (29–32), describing less than the total of and drafting of the manuscript. YR and AL were involved
30 patients transplanted worldwide. The reported HSCT survival in the study design, interpretation, and drafting of the
in them is above 70%. manuscript. DB and LS were involved in HSCT protocol and
Of 15 NBS patients who underwent HSCT in our center to data analyses, helped revise the manuscript, and approved
date, 12 are alive and 10 have good chimerism and immune the final version of the manuscript. NM was involved in
reconstitution. According to our current Institutional protocol, malignancies treatment protocol and data analyses, helped
only NBS patients with life-threatening complications (malig- revise the manuscript, and approved the final version of the
nancies, severe infections, etc.) are eligible for HSCT. In our study, manuscript. ND, MG, DA, and GP were involved in analysis
one out of three deceased patients in HSCT group died of tumor of laboratory data, were involved in revising the manuscript,
relapse. When probability of survival since NBS diagnosis (when and approved the final version. AP, MM, AM, and AS involved
presumably a decision about HSCT is made) was analyzed in our in study design, revising the manuscript, and approved the
group, it was much more favorable in the group of transplanted final version.
patients (Figure 3). Since HSCT in NBS should reduce, but not
completely cure, predisposition to malignancies, longer post- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
transplant follow-up is needed. However, the success of HSCT in
NBS reported by us and others raises the question of indications We thank all the doctors who referred their patients to us, espe-
for stem cell transplantation in NBS before malignancy or severe cially Drs. Sergei B. Zimin and Natalya V. Zinovieva (Speransky
infection occurrence. Children’s hospital #9, Moscow, Russia) for the long-standing
In conclusion, our prospective study demonstrates high rate collaboration. We also thank Kirill A. Voronin for assistance with
of non-infectious complications in NBS. We provide preliminary statistical analysis.

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Frontiers in Immunology | 8 July 2017 | Volume 8 | Article 807

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