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An Enhanced Inverse Filtering

Methodology for Drive-By
Frequency Identification of Bridges
Using Smartphones in Real-Life

Nima Shirzad-Ghaleroudkhani and Mustafa Gül

Special Issue
Feature Papers for Smart Cities
Edited by
Prof. Dr. Pierluigi Siano
smart cities

An Enhanced Inverse Filtering Methodology for Drive-By
Frequency Identification of Bridges Using Smartphones in
Real-Life Conditions
Nima Shirzad-Ghaleroudkhani and Mustafa Gül *

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 1H9, Canada;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +1-780-492-3002

Abstract: This paper develops an enhanced inverse filtering-based methodology for drive-by fre-
quency identification of bridges using smartphones for real-life applications. As the vibration
recorded on a vehicle is dominated by vehicle features including suspension system and speed
as well as road roughness, inverse filtering aims at suppressing these effects through filtering out
vehicle- and road-related features, thus mitigating a few of the significant challenges for the indirect
identification of the bridge frequency. In the context of inverse filtering, a novel approach of construct-
ing a database of vehicle vibrations for different speeds is presented to account for the vehicle speed
effect on the performance of the method. In addition, an energy-based surface roughness criterion
is proposed to consider surface roughness influence on the identification process. The successful
performance of the methodology is investigated for different vehicle speeds and surface roughness

 levels. While most indirect bridge monitoring studies are investigated in numerical and laboratory
conditions, this study proves the capability of the proposed methodology for two bridges in a real-life
Citation: Shirzad-Ghaleroudkhani,
scale. Promising results collected using only a smartphone as the data acquisition device corroborate
N.; Gül, M. An Enhanced Inverse
Filtering Methodology for Drive-By
the fact that the proposed inverse filtering methodology could be employed in a crowdsourced
Frequency Identification of Bridges framework for monitoring bridges at a global level in smart cities through a more cost-effective and
Using Smartphones in Real-Life efficient process.
Conditions. Smart Cities 2021, 4,
499–513. Keywords: inverse filtering; frequency identification; acceleration signal; indirect bridge monitor-
10.3390/smartcities4020026 ing; smartphone

Academic Editor: Pierluigi Siano

Received: 17 March 2021 1. Introduction

Accepted: 13 April 2021
Rapid urban growth in recent decades has created many challenges in terms of city
Published: 15 April 2021
management including pollution and traffic congestion. The sustainability of these urban
systems and cities is contingent upon the adequate performance of their infrastructure [1,2].
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
Meanwhile, recent technology developments have provided reliable and efficient means
with regard to jurisdictional claims in
published maps and institutional affil-
for monitoring city infrastructures through smart sensing, computing and communication
technologies, defining the new term of Smart City [3–5].
The transportation system is at the core of the city infrastructure and the sustainability
of a city relies on its proper operation [6]. The economic development of a city depends
on the proper performance of its transportation system [7]. However, in many developed
countries, much of the transportation infrastructure has reached its life cycle and is in need
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors.
of monitoring and maintenance. For instance, a recent report [8] concludes that almost
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
40% of roads and bridges in Canada are in fair, poor or very poor condition with roughly
This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and
80% with an age of more than 20 years. Hence, the monitoring of the transportation
conditions of the Creative Commons
infrastructure has become the topic of many research projects.
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
Meanwhile, many studies have investigated applications of modern technologies for the monitoring of the transportation system [9,10]. These studies demonstrated that modern
4.0/). technologies significantly improve the efficiency of transportation management. With rapid

Smart Cities 2021, 4, 499–513.

Smart Cities 2021, 4 500

technology development, there are more data sources available through crowdsourcing
methods, which can be employed for the monitoring and management of cities [11].
Nowadays, smartphones are the most popular smart devices in the world. These
devices are not only a means of communication but also compromise many different
sensors. These sensors provide data that could be employed at a local and global level to
increase the efficiency of the management and decision making in a smart city through
crowdsourced frameworks. With regard to the transportation system, many studies have
investigated such crowdsourced methods for traffic monitoring and management [12,13].
Monitoring bridge structures as key components of the transportation infrastructure
is a popular topic among researchers. Most conventional monitoring methods focus on
using fixed sensors including accelerometers and strain gauges to collect data from bridge
structures [14–17]. Despite their effectiveness, the efficiency of employing these methods
for a population of bridges at a global level is a major concern. To address this issue,
indirect bridge monitoring methods [18] were introduced that focused on using a moving
sensor inside a vehicle as the data collector. As such, one mobile sensor can collect data
from many bridges with no fixed instrumentation required, leading to a more efficient
and cost-effective bridge monitoring. Furthermore, previous studies [19] have shown that
smartphones can systematically be utilized as fixed sensors to collect vibration data from
bridge structures for dynamic analysis. Hence, recorded vibrations on the smartphones of
the vehicle passengers can potentially be collected through a crowdsourced framework
and analyzed for bridge monitoring purposes.
The application of crowdsourced methods for monitoring transportation infrastructure
has recently become the subject of many studies [20–22]. For instance, Mei and Gül [23]
presented a damage detection-based framework using smartphone data through laboratory
experiments. They showed the potential of using crowdsourced methods for detecting
damage on a bridge. In addition to damage detection, the frequency identification of
the bridges through crowdsourced methods was investigated. For instance, Matarazzo
et al. [24] conducted real-life research on the possibility of using smartphone data for the
frequency identification of bridges.
From a bridge damage assessment point of view, many studies have been dedicated
to identifying bridge dynamic properties, representing the structure state. The main idea
was based on the fact that a damaged structure would have different dynamic features
in comparison with the healthy one. These studies could be classified into detecting
bridge natural frequencies [25], identifying bridge mode shapes [26], focusing on bridge
damping [27] and considering bridge deflection and strain responses [28]. Regarding the
natural frequencies of the bridge, a few studies conducted a full modal analysis of the
bridge to detect all natural frequencies using ambient vibration tests [29] while others
focused on detecting the fundamental frequency of the bridge through controlled free
vibration tests [30]. Due to the complexity of the indirect monitoring of bridges in real-life
conditions, this study will focus on detecting only the fundamental frequency of the bridge
using ambient vibrations.
In the authors’ research group, first the robustness of the frequency identification of
the bridge against vehicle features was investigated [31]. In that study, a lab-scale experi-
ment was conducted to investigate the potential of detecting the bridge frequency using
vibrations recorded on a smartphone in vehicles with different features. The identification
process in that study was solely based on raw vibrations of the vehicle without considering
the operational effects that dominate real-life applications. Later, a novel methodology of
an inverse filtering technique was proposed and put into practice in a controlled laboratory
experiment [32]. That methodology significantly improved the identification of the bridge
frequency through filtering out vehicle-related features from vibrations. However, major
limitations were considered in that experiment including the constant speed of the vehicle
and also similar surface roughness level throughout the entire test.
In this study, as the next step, the limitations of the inverse filtering methodology
are addressed through a new framework and a real-life investigation of the proposed
Smart Cities 2021, 4 501

enhanced approach is conducted for two bridges in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. In the
following, first the methodology of inverse filtering is explained and the real-life data
analysis process and its challenges are addressed. Next, the results for the two target
bridges are provided. Finally, the addressed methods for real-life conditions and their
effect on the inverse filtering performance are discussed.

2. Methodology
In this section, first the concept of the vehicle-bridge coupled relationship as the main
notion behind indirect bridge monitoring and the idea of inverse filtering will be explained.
Afterwards, the process of data collection and analysis as well as the inverse filtering
application will be discussed.

2.1. Concepts
2.1.1. Vehicle-Bridge Interaction
A moving vehicle acts as an exciter for a bridge structure. Meanwhile, the bridge
itself affects the vehicle vibration as well. This system of vibration is governed through a
coupled equation known as the vehicle-bridge interaction. One of the first studies on this
concept was Yang and Yau [33]. They employed a simple 2D problem where the bridge
was modeled using a beam model and a moving mass-spring system represented vehicle
model. The resulting dynamic equation derived in that study clearly proves the interaction
between the bridge and vehicle vibrations:
 ′′ ′′′
m( x )ub ( x, t) + E( x ) I ( x )ub ( x, t) = c( x, t)
′′ . (1)
mv uv (t) + k v [uv (t) − ub ( x, t)] = 0

In Equation (1), these parameters represent the features of the vehicle model: x as
the position along the bridge, v as the speed, mv and kv as the mass and stiffness and uv
as the vertical displacement relative to the initial condition. The parameters representing
bridge features are: m as the distributed mass per unit length, E as the elastic modulus,
I as the moment of inertia of the section and ub as the vertical displacement relative
to the equilibrium position. In addition to these parameters, t represents the time, c is
the contact force between the vehicle and the bridge and prime notation denotes the
time-derivative function. In fact, this system of equations comprises governing dynamic
equilibrium equations of the bridge and the vehicle, respectively. Equation (1) demonstrates
that any solution for the vehicle vibration will have bridge dynamic characteristics as
well and vice versa. As a result, the recorded vibrations of a vehicle moving over the
bridge contains dynamic features of the bridge, which can be extracted through signal
processing techniques. This notion was later investigated by many other studies [28,34] in
the literature.

2.1.2. Inverse Filtering

The main idea of inverse filtering lies behind the fact that there are a few persistent
sources in the signal mix that could be filtered out in order to capture the features of a
transient source. This idea was first introduced in audio signal processing [35,36], which
later expanded to image processing [37]. In terms of indirect bridge monitoring, vibrations
recorded on a moving vehicle comprise many different sources including suspension
system, engine vibrations and surface roughness, which are persistent during car travel.
However, when the vehicle moves over a bridge, a new transient source, i.e., bridge
vibration, is added to the recorded vehicle vibrations. As a result, any filter with the
capability of suppressing all persistent vibrational features would then magnify the bridge
features. In this study, the focus is on identifying the fundamental frequency of the bridge.
The inverse filter is constructed using the acceleration signals recorded on the vehicle while
moving off the bridge, i.e., off-bridge signals. These acceleration signals are transformed
Smart Cities 2021, 4 502

into the frequency domain and then the filter shape is defined using the inverse of this
off-bridge spectrum using the equation below:

F [k] = (2)
X [k]

where X denotes the magnitude spectrum of the discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT)
of the off-bridge acceleration signals and F represents inverse filter shape. Later, the filter
will be applied to the recorded signal while the vehicle is moving over the bridge, i.e., an
on-bridge signal, and the bridge frequency will be extracted from the resulting inverse
filtered spectrum. The filtered spectrum will be calculated as follows:

Y [k]
Y f [ k ] = F [ k ]Y [ k ] = (3)
X [k]

In Equation (3), Y[k] and Yf [k] denote the unfiltered and filtered on-bridge spectra,
respectively. This process is illustrated in Figure 1. for a sample of real-life data collected
from the Walterdale Bridge described in the following sections. In Figure 1a, the off-bridge
spectrum and its constructed inverse filter shape are illustrated with black and blue curves,
respectively, while Figure 1b represents the on-bridge spectrum and the inverse filtered
spectrum through black and blue curves, respectively. Note that the fundamental frequency
of the bridge is shown with the dashed red line. As seen, Figure 1a demonstrates that the
inverse filter suppresses the frequencies with higher amplitudes in the off-bridge spectrum,
representing the major frequencies with the vehicle-related sources while amplifying lower
amplitudes, yielding a clearer detection of an external vibrational source. The successful
performance of the filter in Figure 1b shows the advantage of employing an inverse
filtering methodology for bridge frequency detection. However, many factors may affect
the performance of the filter, which are discussed in more detail in the next sections.
Acceleration [m/s2]

Bridge frequency

Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz]

(a) (b)
Figure 1. A sample of (a) an off-bridge spectrum (black) and its inverse filter shape (blue) and (b) an on-bridge spectrum
(black) and its inverse filtered spectrum (blue).

2.2. Data Collection

The required data for the proposed methodology consist of the vertical acceleration,
as the main vibrational signal, and GPS, which will be used to determine the location of the
vehicle and its speed. In this research, an academically developed smartphone application
called phyphox [38], which was created at the 2nd Institute of Physics of the RWTH Aachen
University, is employed. This application provides recordings of all of the smartphone
sensors of which the accelerometer and GPS recordings are used in this study. The user
interface of the application is shown in Figure 2a,b. In addition, the smartphone device
used in this research is a Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus with the sampling frequency of
400 Hz for the accelerometer and 1 Hz for the GPS sensor and the vehicle where all of
Smart Cities 2021, 4 503

the recordings were conducted is a Honda Civic sedan. The placement of the smartphone
inside the vehicle is also shown in Figure 2c.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2. User interface of the phyphox [38] application while recording (a) acceleration and (b) GPS data together with (c)
the placement of the smartphone in the vehicle.

2.3. Data Analysis

This section explains the procedure of the data analysis in the proposed methodology.

2.3.1. On-Bridge Data Extraction

The first step in the data analysis is to extract on-bridge segments of the acceleration
signal. Based on the GPS coordinates of the start and end points of the target bridges, the
time frames where the vehicle was moving on the bridge are determined. The correspond-
ing on-bridge acceleration signals are then extracted according to those time frames. In
Figure 3, one sample of GPS data and the captured bridges in Edmonton are shown on the
map. The red line represents the target on-bridge segments and the green lines are the rest
of the data, considered as off-bridge in the analysis.

2.3.2. Speed Categorization

In order to account for the effect of the speed variations on the inverse filtering process,
a database of the acceleration signals for different speeds is created. As the speed variation
is continuous, the procedure of speed categorization is applied to create the database for
discrete speed values. In the first step, the continuous values are changed to discrete speeds.
In this study, equal speed bins of 2.5 km/h wide with the centers of multiples of 2.5 km/h
are considered and the center values are assigned to all speeds that lie within the range of a
bin. Furthermore, as the sampling frequency of the GPS sensor and hence that of the speed
data is 1 Hz, i.e., one data point per second, there could be a chance of a speed change
between the two consecutive data points. To account for this possibility, the minimum
constant speed threshold is considered as the minimum consecutive time steps where the
discretized speed is constant. Therefore, the possibility of a sudden speed change between
the data points is reduced. The minimum constant speed threshold used in this study is
three seconds. Hence, only the time frames where at least four consecutive discretized
Smart Cities 2021, 4 504

speed values are equal will be stored in the database. The process of speed categorization
for a sample of speed data is illustrated in Figure 4. As seen, the shaded area in Figure 4b
represents the selected constant speed segments, which are stored in the database to be
later employed in the inverse filtering process.

(a) (b)
Figure 3. Detecting on-bridge (red line) and off-bridge (green line) segments using GPS history for two samples of (a) the
High Level Bridge and (b) the Walterdale Bridge in Edmonton. The map is the courtesy of

2.3.3. Roughness Level Estimation

In addition to the effect of speed variations, the roughness level of the road has a
significant effect on the performance of the inverse filtering method. In order to account
for the variation in the roughness level, a roughness level criterion is proposed in this
study, which is defined based on the average energy level of the vertical acceleration signal.
It is expected that when a car is moving over a rough surface, the average energy level
of the vertical acceleration would be higher in comparison with a smooth surface. In
this study, the mean square of the acceleration values is employed as a measure of the
energy level and therefore the surface roughness criterion (SRC). This criterion is later
used for matching the off-bridge and on-bridge signals required for the inverse filtering
application. This idea is presented in Figure 5, which consists of two columns. In each
column, the upper plot shows the on-bridge acceleration signal recorded on the High Level
Bridge and the lower one represents the corresponding off-bridge signal with a similar
estimated roughness level, all recorded at the same speed of 50 km/h. In column (a),
which represents a relatively low roughness level, the SRC is close to 0.3 (m/s2 )2 while
this criterion is close to 0.64 (m/s2 )2 for column b representing a relatively high roughness
level. As seen, employing the proposed SRC makes it possible to account for the effect
of the surface roughness. The advantage of the SRC in increasing the performance of the
inverse filter in terms of selecting the corresponding on-bridge and off-bridge signals will
be discussed in more detail in the Discussion Section.
Smart Cities 2021, 4 505

Speed [km/h]

Speed [km/h]

Time [min]
Figure 4. A sample of (a) the continuous raw speed data and (b) the categorized constant speed time frame selection for
the database.
Acceleration [m/s2]

Acceleration [m/s2]

Time [sec] Time [sec]

(a) (b)

Figure 5. A sample of on-bridge and corresponding off-bridge acceleration signals for two different surface roughness
levels of (a) low and (b) high, recorded under the same speed of 50 km/h.
Smart Cities 2021, 4 506

Unlike on-bridge acceleration data, which are limited due to the length of a bridge,
there are more off-bridge data recorded in the database per each vehicle speed. Thus,
instead of considering all speed categorized off-bridge data as one signal, different windows
are considered in order to find the best matching surface roughness level. In this study,
windows of three seconds long with a 25% overlap are considered, which are applied to the
off-bridge database and the best matching SRC window is selected for the inverse filtering
step. This process is illustrated in Figure 6 where a sample of off-bridge acceleration data
is shown and two windows with a relatively large SRC difference are shown. As a result,
based on the on-bridge data, the closest SRC, i.e., best matching roughness level, is selected
for the inverse filtering process.
Acceleration [m/s2]

Time [sec]
Figure 6. A sample of an off-bridge signal and two selected windows with surface roughness criterion (SRC) values of 2
(m/s2 )2 (left) and 0.3 (m/s2 )2 (right) recorded under the vehicle speed of 50 km/h.

2.3.4. Inverse Filtering Application

In the final step, the inverse filtering technique will be applied to detect the bridge
frequency. To this end, first the bridge detection is performed and all acceleration data are
divided into on-bridge and off-bridge classes. All of the off-bridge acceleration signals will
then go through the speed categorization process to extract constant speed acceleration
signals and build the database of the off-bridge signals. Afterwards, the speed categoriza-
tion of the on-bridge signals will be conducted. In the next step, for each constant speed
segment of the on-bridge signals, the SRC will be calculated. The similar speed categorized
segments of the off-bridge acceleration data are then recalled from the database and the
SRC will be calculated for different windows of the signals and the off-bridge segment with
the closest roughness level will be selected. If the difference between the on-bridge and
off-bridge SRCs is more than 5%, that on-bridge segment will be dropped out of the process.
In other words, if an on-bridge signal is recorded on a vehicle moving on a surface with
a specific roughness level that is not previously experienced by the same vehicle during
its off-bridge history, that on-bridge signal will not be suitable for the inverse filtering
analysis and will be neglected. Finally, the corresponding on-bridge and off-bridge signals
will be transformed to a frequency domain using a discrete Fourier transform and the
inverse filtering technique will then be employed to capture the amplified bridge frequency.
The flowchart of the proposed method is presented in Figure 7. The real-life result of the
method for the two real-scale bridge cases will be discussed in the next section.
Smart Cities 2021, 4 507

Raw Raw
acceleration location
signal (GPS) data


On-bridge Off-bridge
acceleration acceleration
signal signal

Speed Speed
Categorization Categorization

Speed categorized Speed categorized

on-bridge signals off-bridge signals





Target on- Target off-

bridge bridge
signal signal

Applying Applying


Repeat Repeat Detect

for all for all bridge
speeds bridges frequency

SRC: Surface Roughness Criterion

DFT: Discrete Fourier Transform

Figure 7. Flowchart of the proposed enhanced inverse filtering methodology for bridge frequency detection in real-
life conditions.
Smart Cities 2021, 4 508

3. Results
In this section, the proposed methodology was tested in real-life practice for two
different bridges in Edmonton, i.e., the High Level Bridge, a steel truss bridge with a
length of 777 m built in 1913 and the Walterdale Bridge, a through-arch steel bridge
with a total length of 214 m built in 2017, shown in Figure 8. Both bridges span over
North Saskatchewan River that passes through the city. The fundamental frequencies of
the bridges were captured through a frequency analysis of the recorded vibration under
normal loading conditions. In that test, one minute long acceleration signals of bridge
vibrations were recorded at one quarter, one third and one half of the length of the bridge
using a standalone wireless accelerometer under the sampling frequency of 512 Hz and
the first peak among all of those spectra was detected as the fundamental frequency. The
identified frequencies were 2.8 Hz for the High Level Bridge and 2.1 Hz for the Walterdale
Bridge. The spectra representing the middle point vibrations of the two bridges are shown
in Figure 9. Note that these vibrational data were collected on a sunny summer day under
the temperature of 20–26 ◦ C. It is expected that the fundamental frequency of the bridges
would slightly change in different environmental conditions, the effect of which is not
in the scope of this study. However, these effects will be implemented in future studies
through integrating artificial intelligence methods [39–41].

(a) (b)
Figure 8. (a) The High Level Bridge and (b) the Walterdale Bridge that are considered in this study.
Acceleration [m/s2]

Bridge frequency = 2.8 Hz Bridge frequency = 2.1 Hz

Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz]

(a) (b)

Figure 9. A sample of the ambient vibration spectrum of (a) the High Level Bridge and (b) the Walterdale Bridge recorded
at the middle point of the bridges.

The inverse filtered spectra for the High Level Bridge and the Walterdale Bridge are
presented in Figures 10 and 11, respectively. Each figure consists of four plots organized
in two rows representing different speed ranges of 40 to 50 and 50 to 60 km/h and two
columns representing different surface roughness levels with the SRC ranges of 0 to 0.5
and 0.5 to 1 (m/s2 )2 . In each plot, the original unfiltered on-bridge spectrum is illustrated
Smart Cities 2021, 4 509

with the blue color while the black color represents its inverse filtered spectrum. Note that
the dashed red line denotes the fundamental frequency of the bridge. As seen, in most
on-bridge cases, it was impossible to detect the bridge frequency with the raw unfiltered
data due to the presence of vehicle vibrational features as well as the road roughness effect.
However, the inverse filtering methodology together with the proposed speed database
and surface roughness criterion was successful in detecting the fundamental frequency
of the bridge. It should be noted that these data were collected on different days and
the variations of environmental conditions, specifically the temperature, would cause a
slight difference in the detected frequency of the bridge. It is expected that after applying
the environmental adjustment methods to the proposed inverse filtering technique, these
effective factors will also be addressed.

0 < SRC < 0.5 [(m/s2)2] 0.5 < SRC < 1 [(m/s2)2]
Acceleration [m/s2]
40 < V < 50 [km/h]

Acceleration [m/s2]
50 < V < 60 [km/h]

Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz]

Figure 10. On-bridge spectra (blue) and their corresponding inversed filtered spectra (black) for the High Level Bridge
considering different vehicle speeds and surface roughness conditions.

0 < SRC < 0.5 [(m/s2)2] 0.5 < SRC < 1 [(m/s2)2]
Acceleration [m/s2]
40 < V < 50 [km/h]

Acceleration [m/s2]
50 < V < 60 [km/h]

Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz]

Figure 11. On-bridge spectra (blue) and their corresponding inversed filtered spectra (black) for the Walterdale Bridge
considering different vehicle speeds and surface roughness conditions.
Smart Cities 2021, 4 510

4. Discussion
Following the successful performance of the proposed methodology in the previ-
ous section, its effectiveness against two major factors in the indirect bridge frequency
identification, i.e., vehicle speed and road roughness, is investigated in this section.

4.1. Effect of the Speed

As mentioned before, vehicle speed is one of the significant factors affecting the
recorded vertical acceleration and its spectrum. To investigate this effect, a pair of off-
bridge spectra recorded on a similar surface roughness level but at different speeds of
55 km/h and 52.5 km/h are presented in columns (a) and (b) of the first row of Figure 12,
respectively. In addition, their corresponding inverse filter was designed and applied to
a sample of on-bridge data recorded on the Walterdale Bridge in a vehicle with a speed
of 55 km/h and their resulting inverse filtered spectra are presented in the second row
of Figure 12. All of these spectra were recorded on a similar vehicle and under similar
surface conditions with an SRC value of 0.7 (m/s2 )2 . Note that the fundamental frequency
of the bridge is shown with a dashed line. As seen, the slight difference between the
vehicle speeds had a significant effect on the vibrational data and major irrelevant peaks
occurred in the speed variant inverse filtered spectrum. This was due to the fact that major
vibrational sources including the moving frequency of the vehicle and engine vibrations
were all speed-dependent and a slight change in the speed of the vehicle changed the
position of the major peaks in the spectrum, which was magnified in the inverse filtering
process. This substantiates the fact that creating a speed-dependent database of the off-
bridge signals is crucial in the successful performance of the inverse filtering for frequency
identification of bridges.
Acceleration [m/s2]
Inverse filtered on-bridge

Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz]

(a) (b)

Figure 12. Two samples of off-bridge data recorded on the vehicle with a speed of (a) 55 km/h and (b) 52.5 km/h together
with their resulting inverse filtered spectra using a sample of on-bridge data recorded with a speed of 55 km/h on the
Walterdale Bridge under a similar surface roughness level.

4.2. Effect of the Surface Roughness

Surface roughness was the other important factor in the performance of the inverse
filtering. The proposed energy-based SRC discussed in Section 2.3.3 played a significant
role in the successful performance of the inverse filtering. In order to assess its influence, a
pair of off-bridge spectra recorded under similar speeds but with different surfaces with
Smart Cities 2021, 4 511

SRCs of 0.7 (m/s2 )2 and 0.42 (m/s2 )2 , respectively, are presented in columns (a) and (b)
of the first row of Figure 13. In addition, their corresponding inverse filter was designed
and applied to a sample of on-bridge data recorded on the Walterdale Bridge on a surface
with an SRC of 0.7 (m/s2 )2 and their resulting inverse filtered spectra are presented in the
second row of Figure 13. All of these spectra were recorded on a similar vehicle moving at
a speed of 50 km/h. Note that the fundamental frequency of the bridge is shown with a
dashed line. As seen, although the speed of the vehicle in both the on-bridge and off-bridge
spectra was similar, the difference in the surface roughness levels made it impossible for
the inverse filtering to extract the bridge frequency. In fact, the surface roughness was
one of the sources that significantly affected the frequency content and hence the shape of
the spectrum of the recorded acceleration signals. As a result, any comparison between
the frequency content of on-bridge and off-bridge spectra needs to be under similar or
close surface roughness conditions. The successful performance of the inverse filtering
in the previous section demonstrated that the proposed SRC was efficient in detecting
these similar surface conditions. Note that the results in Figure 13 demonstrated that the
methodology worked properly for relatively high surface roughness levels as well although
the vehicle features dominate vibrations over such surfaces making the bridge frequency
identification challenging.
Acceleration [m/s2]
Inverse filtered on-bridge

Frequency [Hz] Frequency [Hz]

(a) (b)

Figure 13. Two samples of off-bridge data recorded on surfaces with SRCs of (a) 0.7 (m/s2 )2 and (b) 0.42 (m/s2 )2 together
with their resulting inverse filtered spectra using a sample of on-bridge data recorded on a surface with an SRC of 0.7 (m/s2 )
on the Walterdale Bridge under a car speed of 50 km/h.

5. Conclusions
This paper proposed an enhanced inverse filtering methodology for the real-life
applications of the drive-by frequency identification of bridges using smartphones through
a new framework. Two major limitations of the previously proposed methodology were
addressed here. First, it was proposed that through developing a database of off-bridge
acceleration signals per different vehicle speeds, it would be possible to consider speed
variations between off-bridge and on-bridge signals. In addition, a novel surface roughness
criterion was defined based on the average energy level of the acceleration signal. Thus, the
challenge of discrepancies between surface roughness levels of off-bridge and on-bridge
conditions was also eliminated. The successful performance of the proposed approach
for two real-scale bridges demonstrated the capability of the application for future bridge
Smart Cities 2021, 4 512

monitoring purposes. As all of the required data including the acceleration signals and the
GPS data were collected from a smartphone, the implementation of the proposed method
through a crowdsourced framework would significantly reduce the cost of monitoring a
plethora of bridges in future smart cities. It should be noted that such methods can easily
be extended to the embedded sensors in autonomous and connected vehicles.
It is worth noting that that the proposed methodology focused on detecting the
fundamental frequency of the bridge only and further improvement is needed to detect
higher modes of vibrations. Moreover, there were other important factors affecting the
identification process specifically environmental effects such as temperature changes. These
factors can drastically change the bridge frequency and should be considered for health
monitoring purposes. In future studies and through further developments of the proposed
methodology, a higher accuracy of frequency detection could be achieved, which is more
suitable for damage detection purposes.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.G.; Data curation, N.S.-G.; Formal analysis, N.S.-G.;
Funding acquisition, M.G.; Investigation, M.G.; Methodology, N.S.-G.; Project administration M.G.;
Resources, M.G.; Supervision, M.G.; Validation, (N.S.-G.; Visualization, N.S.-G.; Writing—original
draft, N.S.-G.; Writing—review and editing, M.G.). All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the corresponding author’s Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grant.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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