CH 01
CH 01
CH 01
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs): Health Hazards and Challenges for their
Bioremediation in Environment
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All content following this page was uploaded by Vineet Kumar on 07 May 2016.
Edited by:
Ram Naresh Bharagava
Gaurav Saxena
Educationist Press
an imprint of
Write & Print Publications
New Delhi-110 015
© 2016 Editors
ISBN: 978-93-84649-60-9
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Preface v
List of Contributors ix
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) have become a
great concern due to their toxicity, transformation and
bioaccumulation property. Therefore, this book chapter
highlights the types, sources, classification, health hazards and
mobility of organochlorine pesticides, industrial chemicals
and their by-products. Moreover, with the signing of Aarhus
Protocol and Stockholm Convention on POPs, there is an
increased demand to identify and characterise such chemicals
from industrial wastes and environment, which are toxic in
nature or to existing biota. Due to their long life and persistent
nature, they enter into body through food chain and transfer
to all tropic levels of ecological unit. In addition, POPs are
lipophilic in nature and accumulate in lipid containing tissues
and organs, which further indicates the adverse symptoms
after the threshold limit. Though, several potential enzymes
are reported from various categories of microorganisms and
Due to industrialization and urbanization, it is very difficult for modern
society to imagine their life without chemicals. Many industries like distillery
industry, pulp and paper industry, leather industry, pharmaceutical industry
etc. all are contributing to our modern standard of living. However,
increase in consumption of chemicals lead to the increase in pollution of
the environment. Pollution in terms of chemicals refers to the harmful
effects caused by the hazardous chemicals. Source of pollution can be both
natural and anthropogenic. The natural activities includes volcanic activity,
vegetation fires etc. whereas, the extensive use of chemical substances
pesticides, heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and
rapid industrialization the anthropogenic sources have also risen. Out of
a large number of above mentioned anthropogenic sources, toxicological
manifestation caused by them are highly damaging.
Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
(PAHs), poly chlorinated biphenyls (PCB), dioxins and dibenzofurans are the
major pollutants that bring about the POPs contamination (Érseková et al.,
2014). These compounds remain intact with the environment exceptionally
for a long period of time due to non-biodegradable nature because they
are resisting to photolytic, chemical and biological degradation. In addition,
these compounds are of great concern because of long range transport,
persistence nature and bioaccumulation propensity, once they enter into
the food chain they get accumulated in the fatty tissue of human body
and poses a risk to cause adverse effects to the environment and human
health (Kallenborn et al., 2012, Venkatesan and Halden, 2014).
Traditional established treatment methods like incineration, solvent
extraction, and gas phase chemical reduction, alkali metal reduction, land
filling and stabilization/solidification are used for the eradication/removal
of POPs from soil and sediments (Perelo, 2010). However, they suffer from
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs): Health Hazards and Challenges.... 3
Table 1: POPs mentioned in different annexure regulated under the Stockholm Convention (2001).
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) Half-life (yrs) Partition Uses/sources
Aldrin >5 5.17-7.4 Soil pests control
Chlordane 1 6.00 Agricultural insecticide and fungicide
Dieldrin 5 3.692-6.2 Soil pest control
Endrin Up to 12 Yrs 3.209-5.339 Insect and rodent control
Annex A:
Substances for Heptachlor Up to 2 4.40-5.5 Kill termites and insects
elimination of HCB 2.7-22.9 3.03-6.42 Wood preservative and fungicide
production and use
Mirex Up to 10 N/A Control fire ants and other ants
Polychloronated biphenyls 10days-1.5yr 4.3-8.26 In electrical industry, additives in paints and
(PCBs) carbon less copy paper
Toxaphene 100days- 3.23-5.50 Insect control
Lindane 14 days insecticide on fruit and vegetable crops
Hexa and penta --- --- ---
bromodiphenyl ethers
Tetra- and penta --- --- ---
bromodiphenyl ethers
α-and βHCCH 1-7Yrs Kill insects
Annex B: DDT, perluorooctane 10-20 Yrs Kill insects
Substances sulfonic acid and
scheduled for Perfluorooctane sulfonyl
restriction on use fluoride (PFOSF)
Bioremediation of Industrial Pollutants
Dioxins 10-12 4.75-8.20 Formed during manufacture of certain
Annex C: pesticides , paper bleaching and waste
Furans 10-12 5.44-8.0
Substances for incineration
For which emission
Polychloronated biphenyls 10days-1.5yr 4.3-8.26 In electrical industry, additives in paints and
must be reduced
(PCBs) carbon less copy paper
Pentachlorobenzene (PCB) 10days-1.5yr 4.3-8.26 In electrical industry, additives in paints and
carbon less copy paper
Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) 2- 4.2 Yrs -- Used as a fungicide for seed treatment
Chemicals currently Hexabromocyclododecane -- --- used as thermal insulation in the building
under review (HBCD), short-chained industry. Other uses are upholstered furniture,
chlorinated paraffins, automobile interior textiles, car cushions and
chlorinated naphthalenes, insulation blocks in trucks, packaging material
hexachlorobutadiene, etc.
soil, through hydrogen bond and Vander Waals forces some of its portion
is rapidly sorbed by the soil components while the remaining one are
slowly sorbed. Similarly, when the organic contaminants are desorbed,
it follows the same pathway i.e. it first rapidly (weak surface chemical
interaction) desorbed and then slowly (strongly bound) and very slowly
(covalently or physically trapped) (Lohmann et al., 2007). In a similar manner
to soil, the organic pollutant from natural (forest fires, volcanic activities)
and anthropogenic source (pesticides, hydrocarbons, industrial waste)
contaminate the surface and ground water. Due to the presence of hydrogen
bond its various properties, it absorbs and binds many pollutants.
As described above, POPs are semi-volatile in nature, this property may
permit these compounds to occur either in the vapour phase or adsorbed
on atmosphere particles. It is a two step process by which chemicals are
transferred from land to atmosphere (Toose et al., 2004): 1) Change from
liquid or solid state to vapours and 2) Turbulent mixing for subsequent
dispersion. Besides this, there are different pathways through which
POPs are transported in the atmosphere: single hop pathway and multi
hop pathway or grasshopper effect. Both the pathways are temperature
dependent in former one the pollutant never returns to the atmosphere
after deposition while in latter one the deposited pollutant re-enters into
the environment for further transport via subsequent multiple atmospheric
hopes. The organic pollutants are exchanged through volatilization between
air and terrestrial surfaces under high temperature, which results in the
deposition and re-emission of POPs before reaching to final destination (Fig.
4) (Smaranda and Gavrilescu, 2008). As soon as the organic contaminants
comes in contact with soil surface, various phenomena happens, which
includes leaching of contaminants in groundwater, photodecomposition
or/and volatilization, uptake of contaminants by roots and physical and
chemical interaction organic contaminants to the soil components (Loffredo
and Senesi, 2006). Humic substances are the main components, which are
present in soil and help in the adsorption of organic pollutants in the
soil through specific physical and chemical binding mechanism, nature,
properties and forces with varying degree and strengths of organic pollutants
and humic substances. These properties include size, shape, molecular
structure, hydrogen and covalent bonding, ionic strength, redox potential,
dipole-dipole and Vander Waals forces of POPs (Loffredo and Senesi,
but several studies showed that the most of the organic pollutants binds to
aryl hydrocarbon receptor and induce harmful effects by forming reactive
oxygen species (ROS) and induce apoptosis (Selvakumar et al., 2013, Zhao
et al., 2012). The mechanism of AhR and ROS induced apoptosis by the
influence of POPs as shown in Fig. 5.
Organochlorine Pesticides
Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) are of greatest concern as they
are composed of carbon, hydrogen and chlorine. These compounds are
hydrophobic in nature and having high octanol-water partition coefficient
(Kow), long half-life, high bioaccumulation propensity and strong tendency
to sorb to soil (Koc). OCPs not only show their harmful effects on human
beings but also on animals, birds and fishes. As hydrophobic in nature,
OCPs accumulates in the brains, adipose tissue, liver and human milk
because of rich lipid content. OCPs primarily affect the central nervous
system in humans and interfere the fertility and reproduction directly or
indirectly in animals (Yang, 2007).
It is produced by the Diels-Alder reaction of hexachlorocyclopentadiene
with excess of bi-cycloheptadiene at 100■C. It was first synthesised in 1948
and manufactured as a pesticide (corn rootworm, wireworms, rice water
weevils and grasshoppers) in 1950. Aldrin residues are rarely present in
animals because aldrin is readily metabolised to dieldrin in both plants
and animals (Ritter et al., 1995).
No level of aldrin has been considered to be harmless or useful to
the human being. In addition, the lethal dose of aldrin for an adult has
been estimated to be about 83mg/kg of the body weight. Upon exposure,
it affects the adipose tissue of different sites or organs. Exposure of aldrin
to humans may cause fatal consequences like headache, dizziness, nausea,
vomiting, convulsions, myoclonic jerks and general malaise. Aldrin has
showed the low phytotoxicity towards some plants like tomato, cucumber.
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs): Health Hazards and Challenges.... 17
Many studies were done on cauliflower, tomato plant and cabbage seedlings,
the inhibited growth rate, root development was found in these plants.
In all these plants, the dose was given at the rate of 16kg/ha (Edwards,
1965, Hagley, 1965).
It is a two-step reaction; first chlordane is produced by reacting
hexachlorocyclopentadiene with cycloheptadiene and second is chlorination
step in which chlordane is formed. It is semi-volatile in nature and high
partition coefficient and readily binds to the aquatic sediments and
accumulates in the fat of the organisms. In 1945, it was first introduce as an
insecticide that has been used on agricultural crops (Ritter et al., 1995).
It may cause many adverse health effects by suppression of antibody
and humoral immune responses, effect endocrine function and reproductive
system. Upon exposure, various symptoms include: ataxia, cough, abdominal
pain, nausea, vomiting, convulsions and confusion. Phytotoxicity of chlordane
is not available but it showed toxicity towards earthworm (Holsapple et
al., 1991).
It is given credit for saving millions of lives from malaria, typhus and
other vector born disease, but its stability, persistent nature, accumulation
in the adipose tissue and its estrogenic properties elevate concern about its
possible long term unpleasant consequence (Turusov et al., 2002). No living
organism is considered to be free from DDT, which stored in all tissue with
higher concentration present in fat. DDT residues persist in the environment
predominantly in the form of DDT; 1,1,1-trichloro-2-o-chlorophenyl-2-
pchloro-phenylethane (o,p-DDT); 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethane
(o,p-DDD);1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethylene (p,p-DDE).
The half-life of DDT is 10 to 20 year provided that its consumption is
totally ceased while its main metabolite 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(4-chloropehnyl)
ethane (DDD) and 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(4-chloropehnyl)ethylene (DDE) would
persist throughout the life span as they are more persistent than parent
compound. After 1945, it was used a pesticide in agriculture (70-80%) and
forest. The absorptive capacity of DDT in all soil is very strong (Ritter et
al., 1995). DDT affects the lifeÊs present in fresh and marine water, humans
and wildlife. In birds, such as falcons, an eggs of fish eating bird, causes
a considerable thinning of eggshell, which results in severe decline in
population due to difficulties in hatching. DDT also induces feminism and
altered sex ratio in western Gull population off the coast of southern California
and Herring Gull population in the Great Lakes (Marion et al., 2011).
18 Bioremediation of Industrial Pollutants
It was manufactured in 1948 and commercialized in 1950 by the
epoxidation of aldrin with per-acid (e.g. per-acetic acid). It may be
synthesized through condensation of hexacholorocyclopentadiene with the
epoxide of bicycloheptadiene. Due to its volatile and persistent nature, its
residues have been detected in air, water, soil, fish, birds and mammals
(including breast milk). Moreover, it is resistant to leach out into ground
water as it strongly binds to the soil, which shows its hydrophobic property
(Ritter et al., 1995). Initially, it was used an insecticide in agriculture (control
termites, textile pests and wood borer) but latter it has been banned in
many countries due to its environmental concerns. It is toxic to humans
like aldrin and showed the same sign and symptoms upon exposure. In
addition, it may show lethal effect at 10mg/kg of body weight. By varying
the dose of dieldrin, it shows the variable effect on different plants such
as when dose >22kg/ha, it showed the greater phytotoxicity in tomato and
cucumber while dose <11kg/ha no effect on soybean emergence, growth,
yield and chemical composition.
It is an endostereoisomer and foliar insecticide, which was used mainly
on the field of cotton and grains. It is produced by reaction of vinyl chloride
and hexachlorocyclopentadiene and the product (dehydrochlorinated)
obtained is then condensed with cycloheptadiene to produce isodrin. This
isodrin is epoxidized with peracetic to yield endrin (Ritter et al., 1995).
The acute exposure of endrin leads to dizziness, weakness of the
legs, abdominal discomforts and nausea while chronic symptoms are
semi-consciousness, coma and repeated, violent epileptiform convulsions
lasting several minutes. Unlike other persistent organic pollutants, it is less
accumulated in fats but it is rapidly metabolise in animals. In addition, it
is highly toxic to fish (Dikshith, 2010).
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs): Health Hazards and Challenges.... 19
It is first synthesised in 1946, in the presence of aluminium chloride
by the dimerization of hexachlorcyclopentadiene with half-life of up to 10
years. It is resistant to breakdown and insoluble in water, which makes it
to strongly bind to the aquatic sediments. It is a stomach insecticide and
used as a fire retardant in plastic, rubber, paint, paper and electrical goods
(Ritter et al., 1995).
Its harmful effects were observed on plants, which showed several
symptoms like reduction in seed and emergence. As lipophilic in nature,
mirex is not taken up by plants, so it deposited on the aerial parts on
the plants through volatilization from the surface of soil. Mirex affects the
larval and juvenile stages of crustaceans in aquatic organisms. Moreover,
it also affects the fish by changing the fish behaviour.
It is prepared by chlorination of chlordane with half-life of up to 2
year in temperate soil having high partition coefficient. In addition, it is
volatile in nature and readily metabolises in animals to heptachlor epoxide
and stored in animal fats. Similar to other organic compounds, it is readily
binds to the aquatic sediments (Ritter et al., 1995).
Heptachlor is banned in many countries as it is a non-systemic and
contact insecticide, chiefly used against soil insects and termites and after
that is has been used to kill grasshoppers and insects present on cotton
plants. Moreover, it also has been accustomed combat malaria. There is
no data on accidental or unsafe intoxication of heptachlor in humans. The
heptachlor induced toxicity leads to symptoms like tumour and convulsions
in animals. In 1992, Brown et al observed that heptachlor and endrin
production plant significantly increase the bladder cancer, which leads to
death small number of death and makes interpretation of those finding
tough. No deaths from liver or biliary tract cancer were determined, though
mortality from cerebrovascular disease was on top of expected (Pohanish,
2011). Studies on wild birds showed the decline in population of several
birds (Canada geese and the American kestrel) in the Columbia Basin in
the USA as it is transferred through the food chain. Heptachlor reduces
the reproductive success and adult mortality in the Canada geese (Li et
al., 2011).
Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) a ubiquitous organic pollutant that is having
low water solubility, high stability and semi volatility with estimated half
life in soil from aerobic and anaerobic degradation range from 2.7 to 22.9
20 Bioremediation of Industrial Pollutants
The gamma isomer of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) is known as
lindane. Lindane is used as an insecticide on fruit and vegetable crops. The
use of lindane had been banned in more than 50 countries and restricted in
33 countries (Humphreys et al., 2008). Further, in 2006, the US EPA cancelled
agricultural uses of lindane (ATSDR, 2005). Lindane has a half-life of about
two weeks in soil and water. Once in the soil, lindane adsorbs strongly to
organic matter and is therefore relatively immobile in the soil.
It is quite toxic to humans. The acute (short-term) effects of lindane
through inhalation exposure in humans consist of irritation of the nose and
throat and effects on the blood. Chronic (long-term) exposure to lindane by
inhalation in humans has been associated with effects on the liver, blood,
and nervous, cardiovascular, and immune systems. Animal studies indicate
that lindane causes reproductive effects, while developmental effects have
not been noted. Oral animal studies have shown lindane to be a liver
Industrial Chemicals
Polychlorinated Biphenyls
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a class of compounds where the
aromatic biphenyl rings carry one to ten chlorine atoms. Due to their non-
flammability, chemical stability, high boiling point and electrical insulating
properties, PCBs have been used for hundreds of industrial and commercial
purposes (Pieper, 2005). Commercial PCB mixtures contain between 20 and
70 of the 209 theoretically possible congeners. The half life of PCB is from
10 days to 1.5 years depending upon the increase in chlorination (Borja
et al., 2005).
The sources of PCB in the environment are poorly released of hazardous
waste that contains PCB, illegal dumping of waste, burning of waste that
contains PCB and accidental spills or leakage during transport (Gioia et
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs): Health Hazards and Challenges.... 21
al., 2013). The PCB can enter into the body through various means, which
could be inhalation, ingestion and dermal contact. Once it enters the body,
it changed into different metabolites in the body itself. In addition, some
of its metabolites have the potential to be as harmful or some may remain
unchanged, which remains in the body and stored in the fat and liver or
other part of the organs (Mackova et al., 2010). PCB induced toxicity affects
the nervous system, reproductive system and immune system. Moreover,
it also shows some systemic effects on human beings, which include
respiratory, cardiovascular, haematological (decreased polymorphonuclear
neutrophil (PMN) and increased lymphocytes, monocytes and eosinophils),
renal and endocrine effects (Borja et al., 2005).
Dioxins & Furans
These are produced as by-products of various industrial and all
combustion processes. The term „dioxin‰ and „furans‰ are frequently used
to refer the 75 congeners of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs)
and 135 congeners of polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) respectively.
PCDD/Fs are formed unintentionally from human activities. One of the main
sources of PCDD/Fs is municipal waste incinerators. PCDD/PCDFs formed
are absorbed on the fly ash, and then enter into the environment. Therefore,
the fly ash has been considered as a harmful waste causing environmental
pollution. In northern hemisphere during the summer, in vapour phase the
lower congeners of PCDD/PCDF are found. While those are in vapour phase
undergo photochemical transformation with dechlorination process leading
to more toxic congeners (Fiedler and Borja-Aburto, 2003). The PCDD/PCDF
can be deposited on plants by different ways in terrestrial food chain via wet
deposition or via dry or diffusive transport. Dry particle bound deposition
and dry gaseous deposition plays an important role for accumulation of
lower chlorinated PCDD/PCDF and uptake of PCDD/PCDF with six and
more chlorine atoms respectively.
The most toxic of the PCDD/PCDF congeners are 2,3,7,8-
tetrachlorodibenzo-para-dioxin (2,3,7,8-Cl4DD) classified as carcinogenic to
human. These organic compounds have low vapour pressure, extremely
low solubility in water, high solubility in organic/fatty matrices and
strongly bind to the organic matter in soil and sediments. Because of these
properties these compounds gets concentrated into fatty tissue, exists in both
gaseous phase and bound to particles. The congenerÊs vapour pressure and
ambient air temperature are the two key parameters, which administers the
partitioning between gaseous phase and particles. Clinical manifestation of
dioxins induced toxicity are increased risk of hyperpigmentation, altered
liver function and liver metabolism, general weakness related with severe
22 Bioremediation of Industrial Pollutants
Microorganisms play an important role in the fate of DDT (1,1,1-Trichloro-
2,2-di(p-chlorophenyl)-ethane) in natural and controlled environments. A
range of bacteria and white rot fungi, such as Eubacterium limosum (Yim et
al., 2008), Alcaligenes eutrophus A5 (Nadeau et al., 1994), Boletus edulis (Huang
et al., 2007), Fusarium solani (Mitra et al., 2001) and Phanerochaete chrysosporium
(Bumpus and Aust, 1987) have been demonstrated to degrade DDT in
both pure culture and natural soil. Fungus uses lignin peroxidises for the
mineralization of DDT and in some fungal strains the rate of mineralization
is depend upon the carbon source. The rate and extent of mineralization of
DDT is lesser as compared to its analogs (dicofol and methoxychlor). DDT
can be biodegraded by two distinct microbial processes, aerobic oxidative
degradation and anaerobic reductive dechlorination.
Anaerobic Degradation
In anaerobic conditions, DDT transformation commonly follows
a pathway of reductive dechlorination (You et al., 1996). Reductive
dechlorination is the major mechanism for the microbial conversion of
both the o,p -DDT and p,p -DDT isomers of DDT to DDD. Proteus vulgaris
was one of the first pure cultures of bacteria observed to reduce DDT to
DDD under reducing conditions. The anaerobic transformation pathway
of DDT in bacteria is shown in Fig. 8. In this pathway DDD undergoes
reductive dechlorination to 2,2-bis (4-chlorophenyl) ethylene (DDNU), which
is successively oxidized to 2,2-bis (4-chlorophenyl) ethanol (DDOH) and
2,2-bis (4-chlorophenyl) acetic acid (DDA). DDA is decarboxylated to 2,2-
bis (4-chlorophenyl) methane (DDM), which is oxidized to DBP, which is
not further metabolized under anaerobic conditions. Recent studies have
shown that 4-chlorobiphenyl- Degrading Gram-negative bacteria primarily
transform DDT to DDD, which is then dehydrogenated to DDE, followed
by dechlorination to DDMU under aerobic conditions.
Polychlorinated Biphenyls
The ability to degrade polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) in found in
several genera of Gram-positive and Gram-negative aerobic and anaerobic
bacteria. Since the pioneering studies of Lunt and Evans (1970), Catelani
et al. (1971) and Ahmed and Focht (1973), several bacterial strains such as
Pseudomonas, Burkholderia, Comamonas, Cupriavidus, Sphingomonas, Acidovorax,
Rhodococcus and Bacillus able to use biphenyl as a sole source of carbon and
energy have been isolated and their capability to transform PCB congeners
has been evaluated. Burkolderia xenovorans LB400 is able to degrade a broad
range of PCBs (Seeger et al., 2001) and is a model bacterium for PCB
degradation. The degradation of biphenyl and transformation of PCBs is
usually catalyzed by enzymes encoded by the so-called biphenyl upper
(bph) pathway.
compared to the traditional one because these methods lack the capacity to
define global changes and unexpected events during metabolism and also
exploring or engineering new catabolic pathway to study the primary and
secondary metabolites for production of effective bioremediation reaction
(Chen and Kim, 2013). Metagenomics and proteo-metabolomics would
create a system wide approach to studying site specific microorganisms
during active mineralization process. In addition, the new generation
sequencing technology i.e. next generation sequencing with its ability to
sequence thousands of sequences concurrently and reduce the cost and
time as compared to conventional sequencing method. The workflow of
metagenomics, metaproteomics and metabolomics approach expression
profiling experiment as shown in Fig. 11.
Phase I reactions involve hydrolysis, reduction, and oxidation of POPs.
These reactions expose or introduce a functional group (ăOH, ăNH2, ăSH,
or ăCOOH) and usually result in only a small increase in the hydrophilicity
of xenobiotics. In general, phase I biotransformation is often required for
subsequent phase II biotransformation as shown in Fig. 12.
Phase II biotransformation is catalyzed often by the „transferase‰
enzymes that perform conjugating reactions. Included in the phase II
reaction schemes are glucuronidation, sulfonation (more commonly called
sulfation), methylation, acetylation, glutathione conjugation, and amino acid
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs): Health Hazards and Challenges.... 39
Phase I
In this phase, the addition of reactive functional groups like oxidations,
reductions, or hydrolysis occurs. These groups are catalysed by membrane
bound protein MFO i.e. Cyt P450 and Cyt b5, which transforms the lipophilic
xenobiotics into water soluble compounds and NADPH cytochrome P450
40 Bioremediation of Industrial Pollutants
reductase. The phase one is further divided into various steps: (1) Binding
of substrate to the prosthetic heme ferric iron group of the enzyme. (2)
Reduction of iron by flavoprotein P450 reductase. (3) The release of product
by the formation of substrate radical after the addition of second electron
by Cyt b5. Subsequently the peroxides are formed and O-O bond get
Phase III
In photosynthetic organisms phase III, is often characterised by
compartmentation of the exported xenobiotics in the cell wall fraction or
in vacuole (Torres et al., 2008).
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs): Health Hazards and Challenges.... 41
Phytoremediation of POPs
Phytoremediation is an eco-sustainable, non-invasive, green technology
for In-situ remediation of environmental pollutants, accomplished by the
use of plants and their associated microbiota for the uptake, sequestration,
detoxi cation, or volatilization of pollutants from soils, water, sediments,
and possibly air. These techniques use plants to extract, degrade, contain or
immobilise pollutants in soil, groundwater, surface water and other polluted
media. Although information on the phytoremediation of POPs rather scanty,
very recent literature has indicated that some plants (primarily those belong
to the Cucurbitaceae family) are capable for taking up significant amount
of POPs and accumulate them in their tissue. However, there are several
mechanisms used to treat contaminated sites that take place outside, inside,
or through plant systems.
Ć Phytovolatilization: In this process, water-soluble pollutants are
taken up by the plant roots, pass through the plant or are modified
by the plant, are transported to the leaves, and volatised into the
atmosphere through the stomata.
Ć Phytostabilization: It is In-situ inactivation or immobilisation of
pollutants by plant roots and is primarily used for the remediation
of soil, sediment and sludge.
Ć Phytodegradation: It is the degradation or transformation of highly
toxic organic pollutants into less toxic forms via the action of plant
Ć Phytoextraction: This is also known as phytoaccumulation,
phytoabsorption and phytosequestration process. Pollutant
accumulating plants to remove pollutants from soil via root
absorption and concentrates them in aboveground harvestable plant
Ć Rhizofiltration: Rhizofiltration or phytofiltration, is a subset
technique of phytoremediation which refers to the approach of using
plant biomass for removing contaminants from polluted water. It
is a root-zone technology of terrestrial and aquatic plants, which
interact with the pollutants, present in wastewater.
Ć Rhizodegradation: It is also known as phytostimulation. In this
process, it is the contaminants are degraded in the rhizosphere by
means of microbial activity, which is enhanced by the presence of
plant roots.
42 Bioremediation of Industrial Pollutants
Fig. 14: Schematic diagram of major regulatory authorities for control of POPs
in environment.
Table 7: Detail of annexure D, E & F of Stockholm Convention (2001) regarding POPs screening and monitoring.
POPs are becoming a great concern due to increased industrial usage
causing their accumulation, persistence in living beings and environment.
Through, its exposure causes several fatal consequences to organs and
tissues such as oxidative stress and finally leading to cell death. Several
international treaties have been made to overcome the usage and complete
elimination of POPs but still many developing countries across the world are
not following the guidelines comes under Aarhus convection and Stockholm
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs): Health Hazards and Challenges.... 47
Adeola FO. 2004. Boon or Bane? The environmental and health impacts of persistent
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