Esi 180 LoadPRO Manual

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April 2011 Version 1.

Protected by U.S. Patent 6,356,853
EU Patent 1,203,202
Japan Patent Pending
Caterpillar P/N 275-9936
UPS P/N 3023348
Volvo P/N 85107792

#180 LOADpro Watch our product

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Using LOADpro Dynamic Meter Leads

with your digital voltmeter
This is NOT a special tool. This is a set of normal VOLTmeter leads that
has a special function of locating high resistance in wiring by applying a
40mA/V dynamic load with EVERY VOLTAGE TEST. Remove your normal
voltmeter leads and install these. Works with any digital voltmeter with
standard banana plugs.

Electronic Specialties Incorporated P/N 180

139 Elizabeth Lane
Genoa City, WI 53128
800-227-1603 • 262-279-1400 • fax 262-279-1300
General Information
LOADpro Voltmeter Leads are designed to 6. Do not use positive LOADpro probe (positive)
replace the load in an electrical circuit so a in the negative side of the circuit. Use the
load test (voltage drop test) can be made with BLACK lead on ground with LoadPRO
the component removed. This is the best way probe energized (powered “test light”
to make the initial test. mode - see page 3)
The normal drop in a clean circuit varies, and 7. Use only with the DIGITAL VOLTMETER
you’ll need to develop a sense of how much 8. LOADpro will not function with AMMETER or
drop constitutes a fault. A drop of 0.5V in a OHMMETER
12V system is an effective resistance of 5Ω.
See page 5 for more information. How To Calculate LOADpro Amp Draw
1. Measure your LoadPRO voltage
Things To Consider 2. Divide by 100 - this is the mA draw
The digital VOLTmeter function in the 3. Example - 5VDC ÷ 100 = 50mA
multimeter is the best diagnostic tool you can
use. The system voltage is more powerful How To Calculate Your Actual Circuit
than the 3V the ohmmeter supplies. Testing Resistance See chart on Page 5
with voltage drop is more accurate and (Advanced Testing)
easier. 1. Measure your actual system voltage
Don’t use the LOADpro Probe (positive) in 2. Measure LOADpro voltage
the negative side of the circuit. You may 3. Divide LOADpro Voltage by 100 - this is the
inadvertantly operate a component switched LOADpro Amperage
in ground. 4. Subtract voltage 2 from voltage 1 — this is
the resistance voltage drop
Testing your LoadPRO Leads 5. Divide resistance voltage drop by LOADpro
Install your LOADpro Leads into your digital Amperage — this is the circuit resistance
meter, and set the meter to measure (Ω). V÷A=Ω
Ohms (Ω). DO NOT TOUCH LEADS Together. 6. Multiply the circuit resistance (Ω) by your
Depress the LOADpro button. Your meter normal circuit amperage — this is the actual
should read approx 25Ω. If the reading voltage drop.
is outside of this range, or reads 0Ω or
OLΩ, your LOADpro Leads are not working.
Contact us for warranty service - 800-227-1603. USE LOADpro! It finds problems
Warnings and Cautions you might normally miss!
1. Primarily designed as a replacement for the
component. 1. Read VOLTAGE like you normally do.
2. Don’t use the LOADpro Probe (positive)
in the negative side of the circuit. You
2. Push button.
may inadvertantly operate a component 3. Read VOLTAGE again.
switched in ground. Know where you are! 4. Did VOLTAGE drop? If yes
3. Use up to 28.5V (DC or AC) only. Max 5-8 - you have a problem in the wire.
seconds per test - prolonged use may
overheat/damage LOADpro.
5. Did VOLTAGE NOT drop?
4. Not for computer (ECM) INPUT circuits. This - Wire is clean.
tool has been tested successfully and 6. See next page for specific instructions
will test computer (ECM) sensor driver and see page 5 for resistances
circuits (B+ and Gnd/Return).
5. Not designed for high voltage circuits.
if you need to.
Here’s How Simple The Process Can Be....



Basic System Test Procedure:

1. Disconnect the load component (light bulb, etc.) from the wiring harness.

2. Insert both the LOADpro probe and the negative probe into the wiring
Harness connector. See diagram below for polarity.

3. Read system voltage and compare to manufacturer’s specifications.

Zero (0.000) volts, is a SHORT-TO-GROUND in the positive circuit.
GHOST voltage, is an OPEN circuit in either the positive or negative circuit.
To determine if the OPEN is on the positive or negative circuit:
Move the black lead to a known good ground.
If voltage rises to mfr. specs, the OPEN is
in the ground side of the circuit.
If the ghost voltage remains, then the
OPEN is in the positive side.
System voltage, the circuit is complete, but may
have HIGH RESISTANCE (see next step)

To test for HIGH RESISTANCE in the positive

or negative circuit:

4. Depress LOADpro probe button

(maximum of 5 to 8 seconds).
If system voltage does not change or drops very little,
the wiring is good
If the voltage drops, there is HIGH
RESISTANCE in the wiring circuit.

To determine if the HIGH RESISTANCE

is on the positive or negative circuit;

5. Move the black probe to a

known good ground and
repeat step #4.
If the voltage drops, then the resistance
is in the positive side of the circuit.
If system voltage is present, then the
resistance is in the ground side of the Circuit.

Ghost Voltage- When the DMM is set to the lowest DC Millivolts scale, the reading appears to float around and
shows random readings. This happens because the test circuit is “open”. Touch your test probes together and the
DMM reading will ZERO itself. When you touch the DMM test probes together, you have “closed” the test circuit.
Using this characteristic of your DMM can help you find open circuits.
1. Use the positive LOADpro Probe in the RED side of the circuit
2. Use the LOADpro Leads just like a test light - black to ground, and test with the
LOADpro Probe.
3. Break the circuit at connectors as needed to test each segment
4. Depress the LOADpro button with each voltage test
5. Any drop in voltage indicates a problem (high resistance) in the circuit.

Think of LOADpro Voltmeter Leads as

a “powered test light”. If you are looking
for a big resistance problem (corrosion)
in positive, clip the black lead to ground
and check the positive wires with the
LOADpro probe. If you’re looking for a
ground problem, clip the LOADpro
probe to a clean voltage source, and
check the ground connections and
wires with the black probe.


1. Use the LOADpro Leads just like a
POWERED test light - connect the
LOADpro probe to a clean voltage supply.
2. Use the black probe in the ground circuit
to check for a “bad ground”. Break the
circuit as needed to test each segment
3. Depress the LOADpro button with each
voltage test
4. A constant voltage means the ground is
5. A drop in voltage means the ground has
high resistance (corrosion).

Use the RED lead in the RED side

(positive) and the BLACK lead in the
BLACK (negative) side.

Using the LOADpro Probe (positive) in

ground wires doesn’t work.

Attach the LOADpro Probe to a clean

voltage supply.
Your Ω (Corrosion) for Your System Voltages
LOADpro Voltage is read with LOADpro button depressed
5 V Sensor 8 V Sensor 12V System 14.5V System 24V System 28.5V System
Fault Fault Fault Fault Fault Fault
LOADpro V Resistance LOADpro V Resistance LOADpro V Resistance LOADpro V Resistance LOADpro V Resistance LOADpro V Resistance
4.95V .2Ω 7.9V .3Ω 11.8V .4Ω 14.3V .3Ω 23.75V .2Ω 28.2V .2Ω
4.9V .5Ω 7.8V .6Ω 11.6V .8Ω 14.1V .7Ω 23.5V .5Ω 27.9V .5Ω
4.85V .7Ω 7.7V .9Ω 11.4V 1.3Ω 13.9V 1Ω 23.25V .8Ω 27.6V .8Ω
4.8V 1Ω 7.6V 1.3Ω 11.2V 1.7Ω 13.7V 1.4Ω 23V 1Ω 27.3V 1Ω
4.75V 1.3Ω 7.5V 1.6Ω 11V 2.2Ω 13.5V 1.8Ω 22.75V 1.3Ω 27V 1.3Ω
4.7V 1.5Ω 7.4V 2Ω 10.8V 2.7Ω 13.3V 2.2Ω 22.5V 1.6Ω 26.7V 1.6Ω
4.65V 1.8Ω 7.3V 2.3Ω 10.6V 3.3Ω 13.1V 2.6Ω 22.25V 1.9Ω 26.4V 1.9Ω
4.6V 2.1Ω 7.2V 2.7Ω 10.4V 3.8Ω 12.9V 3.1Ω 22V 2.2Ω 26.1V 2.2Ω
4.55V 2.4Ω 7.1V 3.1Ω 10.2V 4.4Ω 12.7V 3.5Ω 21.75V 2.5Ω 25.8V 2.6Ω
4.5V 2.7Ω 7V 3.5Ω 10V 5Ω 12.5V 4Ω 21.5V 2.9Ω 25.5V 2.9Ω
4.45V 3Ω 6.9V 3.9Ω 9.8V 5.6Ω 12.3V 4.4Ω 21.25V 3.2Ω 25.2V 3.2Ω
4.4V 3.4Ω 6.8V 4.4Ω 9.6V 6.2Ω 12.1V 4.9Ω 21V 3.5Ω 24.9V 3.6Ω
4.35V 3.7Ω 6.7V 4.8Ω 9.4V 6.9Ω 11.9V 5.4Ω 20.75V 3.9Ω 24.6V 3.9Ω
4.3V 4Ω 6.6V 5.3Ω 9.2V 7.6Ω 11.7V 5.9Ω 20.5V 4.2Ω 24.3V 4.3Ω
4.25V 4.4Ω 6.5V 5.7Ω 9V 8.3Ω 11.5V 6.5Ω 20.25V 4.6Ω 24V 4.6Ω
4.2V 4.7Ω 6.4V 6.2Ω 8.8V 9Ω 11.3V 7Ω 20V 5Ω 23.7V 5Ω
4.15V 5.1Ω 6.3V 6.7Ω 8.6V 9.8Ω 11.1V 7.6Ω 19.75V 5.3Ω 23.4V 5.4Ω
4.1V 5.4Ω 6.2V 7.2Ω 8.4V 10.7Ω 10.9V 8.2Ω 19.5V 5.7Ω 23.1V 5.8Ω
4.05V 5.8Ω 6.1V 7.7Ω 8.2V 11.5Ω 10.7V 8.8Ω 19.25V 6.1Ω 22.8V 6.2Ω
4V 6.2Ω 6V 8.3Ω 8V 12.5Ω 10.5V 9.5Ω 19V 6.5Ω 22.5V 6.6Ω
3.95V 6.6Ω 5.9V 8.8Ω 7.8V 13.4Ω 10.3V 10.1Ω 18.75V 7Ω 22.2V 7Ω
3.9V 7Ω 5.8V 9.4Ω 7.6V 14.4Ω 10.1V 10.8Ω 18.5V 7.4Ω 21.9V 7.5Ω
3.85V 7.4Ω 5.7V 10Ω 7.4V 15.5Ω 9.9V 11.6Ω 18.25V 7.8Ω 21.6V 7.9Ω
3.8V 7.8Ω 5.6V 10.7Ω 7.2V 16.6Ω 9.7V 12.3Ω 18V 8.3Ω 21.3V 8.4Ω
3.75V 8.3Ω 5.5V 11.3Ω 7V 17.8Ω 9.5V 13.1Ω 17.75V 8.8Ω 21V 8.9Ω
3.7V 8.7Ω 5.4V 12Ω 6.8V 19.1Ω 9.3V 13.9Ω 17.5V 9.2Ω 20.7V 9.4Ω
3.65V 9.2Ω 5.3V 12.7Ω 6.6V 20.4Ω 9.1V 14.8Ω 17.25V 9.7Ω 20.4V 9.9Ω
3.6V 9.7Ω 5.2V 13.4Ω 6.4V 21.8Ω 8.9V 15.7Ω 17V 10.2Ω 20.1V 10.4Ω
3.55V 10.2Ω 5.1V 14.2Ω 6.2V 23.3Ω 8.7V 16.6Ω 16.75V 10.8Ω 19.8V 10.9Ω
3.5V 10.7Ω 5V 15Ω 6V 25Ω 8.5V 17.6Ω 16.5V 11.3Ω 19.5V 11.5Ω
3.45V 11.2Ω 4.9V 15.8Ω 5.8V 26.7Ω 8.3V 18.6Ω 16.25V 11.9Ω 19.2V 12.1Ω
3.4V 11.7Ω 4.8V 16.6Ω 5.6V 28.5Ω 8.1V 19.7Ω 16V 12.5Ω 18.9V 12.6Ω
3.35V 12.3Ω 4.7V 17.5Ω 5.4V 30.5Ω 7.9V 20.8Ω 15.75V 13Ω 18.6V 13.3Ω
3.3V 12.8Ω 4.6V 18.4Ω 5.2V 32.6Ω 7.7V 22Ω 15.5V 13.7Ω 18.3V 13.9Ω
3.25V 13.4Ω 4.5V 19.4Ω 5V 35Ω 7.5V 23.3Ω 15.25V 14.3Ω 18V 14.5Ω
3.2V 14Ω 4.4V 20.4Ω 4.8V 37.5Ω 7.3V 24.6Ω 15V 15Ω 17.7V 15.2Ω
3.15V 14.6Ω 4.3V 21.5Ω 4.6V 40.2Ω 7.1V 26Ω 14.75V 15.6Ω 17.4V 15.9Ω
3.1V 15.3Ω 4.2V 22.6Ω 4.4V 43.1Ω 6.9V 27.5Ω 14.5V 16.3Ω 17.1V 16.6Ω
3.05V 15.9Ω 4.1V 23.7Ω 4.2V 46.4Ω 6.7V 29.1Ω 14.25V 17.1Ω 16.8V 17.4Ω
3V 16.6Ω 4V 25Ω 4V 59Ω 6.5V 30.7Ω 14V 17.8Ω 16.5V 18.1Ω
2.95V 17.3Ω 3.9V 26.2Ω 3.8V 53.9Ω 6.3V 32.5Ω 13.75V 18.6Ω 16.2V 18.9Ω
2.9V 18.1Ω 3.8V 27.6Ω 3.6V 58.3Ω 6.1V 34.4Ω 13.5V 19.4Ω 15.9V 19.8Ω
2.85V 18.8Ω 3.7V 29Ω 3.4V 63.2Ω 5.9V 36.4Ω 13.25V 20.2Ω 15.6V 20/6ω
2.8V 19.6Ω 3.6V 30.5Ω 3.2V 68.7Ω 5.7V 38.5Ω 13V 21.1Ω 15.3V 21.5Ω
2.75V 20.4Ω 3.5V 32.1Ω 3V 75Ω 5.5V 40.9Ω 12.75V 22Ω 15V 22.5Ω
2.7V 21.2Ω 3.4V 33.8Ω 2.8V 82.1Ω 5.3V 43.3Ω 12.5V 23Ω 14.7V 23.4Ω
2.65V 22.1Ω 3.3V 35.6Ω 2.6V 90.3Ω 5.1V 46Ω 12.25V 23.9Ω 14.4V 24.4Ω
2.6V 23Ω 3.2V 37.5Ω 2.4V 100Ω 4.9V 48.9Ω 12V 25Ω 14.1V 25.5Ω
5 V Sensor 8 V Sensor 12V System 14.5V System 24V System 28.5V System
Fault Fault Fault Fault Fault Fault
LOADpro V Resistance LOADpro V Resistance LOADpro V Resistance LOADpro V Resistance LOADpro V Resistance LOADpro V Resistance
2.55V 24Ω 3.1V 39.5Ω 2.2V 111.3Ω 4.7V 52.1Ω 11.75V 26Ω 13.8V 26.6Ω
2.5V 25Ω 3V 41.6Ω 2V 125Ω 4.5V 55.5Ω 11.5V 27.1Ω 13.5V 27.7Ω
2.45V 26Ω 2.9V 43.9Ω 1.8V 141.6Ω 4.3V 59.3Ω 11.25V 28.3Ω 13.2V 28.9Ω
2.4V 27Ω 2.8V 46.4Ω 1.6V 162.5Ω 4.1V 63.4Ω 11V 29.5Ω 12.9V 30.2Ω
2.35V 28.1Ω 2.7V 49Ω 1.4V 189.2Ω 3.9V 67.9Ω 10.75V 30.8Ω 12.6V 31.5Ω
2.3V 29.3Ω 2.6V 51.9Ω 1.2V 225Ω 3.7V 72.9Ω 10.5V 32.1Ω 12.3V 32.9Ω
2.25V 30.5Ω 2.5V 55Ω 1V 275Ω 3.5V 78.5Ω 10.25V 33.5Ω 12V 34.3Ω
2.2V 31.8Ω 2.4V 58.3Ω .8V 350Ω 3.3V 84.8Ω 10V 35Ω 11.7V 35.8Ω
2.15V 33.1Ω 2.3V 61.9Ω .6V 475Ω 3.1V 91.9Ω 9.75V 36.5Ω 11.4V 37.5Ω
2.1V 34.5Ω 2.2V 65.9Ω .4V 725Ω 2.9V 100Ω 9.5V 38.1Ω 11.1V 39.1Ω
2.05V 35.9Ω 2.1V 70.2Ω .2V 1475Ω 2.7V 109.2Ω 9.25V 39.8Ω 10.8V 40.9Ω
2V 37.5Ω 2V 75Ω 2.5V 120Ω 9V 41.6Ω 10.5V 42.8Ω
1.95V 39.1Ω 1.9V 80.2Ω 2.3V 132.6Ω 8.75V 43.5Ω 10.2V 44.8Ω
1.9V 40.7Ω 1.8V 86.1Ω 2.1V 147.6Ω 8.5V 45.5Ω 9.9V 46.9Ω
1.85V 42.5Ω 1.7V 92.6Ω 1.9V 165.7Ω 8.25V 47.7Ω 9.6V 49.2Ω
1.8V 44.4Ω 1.6V 100Ω 1.7V 188.2Ω 8V 50Ω 9.3V 51.6Ω
1.75V 46.4Ω 1.5V 108.3Ω 1.5V 216.6Ω 7.75V 52.4Ω 9V 54.1Ω
1.7V 48.5Ω 1.4V 117.8Ω 1.3V 253.8Ω 7.5V 55Ω 8.7V 56.8Ω
1.65V 50.7Ω 1.3V 128.8Ω 1.1V 304.5Ω 7.25V 57.7Ω 8.4V 59.8Ω
1.6V 53.1Ω 1.2V 141.6Ω .9V 377.7Ω 7V 60.7Ω 8.1V 62.9Ω
1.55V 55.6Ω 1.1V 156.8Ω 6.75V 63.8Ω 7.8V 66.3Ω
1.5V 58.3Ω 1V 175Ω 6.5V 67.3Ω 7.5V 70Ω
1.45V 61.2Ω .9V 197.2Ω 6.25V 71Ω 7.2V 73.9Ω
1.4V 64.2Ω .8V 225Ω 6V 75Ω 6.9V 78.2Ω
1.35V 67.5Ω .7V 260.7Ω 5.75V 79.3Ω 6.6V 82.9Ω
1.3V 71.1Ω .6V 308.3Ω 5.5V 84Ω 6.3V 88Ω
1.25V 75Ω .5V 375Ω 5.25V 89.2Ω 6V 93.7Ω
1.2V 79.1Ω 5V 95Ω 5.7V 100Ω
1.15V 83.6Ω 4.75V 101.3Ω 5.4V 106.9Ω
1.1V 88.6Ω 5.1V 114.7Ω
1.05V 94Ω 4.8V 123.4Ω
1V 100Ω Warranty Information 4.5V 133.3Ω
.95V 106.5Ω 4.2V 144.6Ω
.9V 113.8Ω This product is warranted to be free from defects for 3.9V 157.6Ω
.85V 122Ω 3.6V 172.9Ω
one year. If this product fails during the first 12 months
.8V 131.2Ω 3.3V 190.9Ω
.75V 141.6Ω
due to faulty materials or workmanship, it will be 3V 212.5Ω
.7V 153.5Ω repaired or replaced free of charge, at the discretion
.65V 167.3Ω of the manufacturer.
.6V 183.3Ω
.55V 202.2Ω For warranty and service coverage, please return this
.5V 225Ω product to your dealer for processing and evaluation.
.45V 252.7Ω OR, return it directly to:
.4V 287.5Ω
.35V 332.1Ω Electronic Specialties, Inc.
.3V 391.6Ω
139 Elizabeth Ln.
.25V 475Ω
Genoa City, WI 53128
262-279-1400 Fax 262-279-1300
Defective units being returned to your dealer or to the factory should include
proof of purchase date.
Any testers that do not function due to misuse or abuse will be subject to “out
of warranty service charges.

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