Name.: Jacquiline
Name.: Jacquiline
Name.: Jacquiline
1. Design mindset
The ability to present and develop tasks and work processes for desired
outcomes. eg:designing a new recipe to bake a bread /make use of mind maps.
2. Sense-making
Determine deeper meaning. eg:relate concepts to everyday expiriences and
3. Social intelligence
Ability to connect to others in a deep and direct in groups
on a task or a role play.
4. Novel and adaptive thinking
Proficiency at thinking and coming up with solutions and responses beyond
that which is rote or rule-based. eg:practical scientific task that can be done by
using own expiriences to prove a point.
5. Cross-culture competency
Eg:Doing a task where they do research on a culture other than their own to
ensure that uses/traditions within their culture is understood.
6. Virtual collaboration
The ability to work productively, drive engagement and demonstrate
presence as a member of virtual team. eg:work on a life-orientation task with
learners from other schools using, social media such as Facebook and skype.
7. Cognitive load management
The ability to discriminate and filter information for importance, and to
understand how to maximize cognitive functioning using a variety of tools
and techniques. eg: creating study plan for some subjects /time management
8. Transdisciplinary
Literacy in and ability to understand concepts across multiple disciplines.
eg: to be able to write a report /essay on a research done in several subjects by
applying the basic language rules of writing – introduction, body, conclusion.
9. New media literacy
The ability to critically assess and develop content that uses new media
forms. eg: using e-mails to exchange ideas on tasks to be done in a group/online
10. Computational thinking
The ability to translate vast amounts of data into abstract concepts.
eg: using a questionnaire to accumulate data on food preferences and the plot it
on a graph in food groups.
South Africa embarked on a radical transformation of education and training
between 1989 and 1994, and subsequently on reviews of the curriculum.
One of the most challenging aspects of the initial transformation has been
the adoption of an OBE approach that underpins the introduction of C2005
has tried to capture aspects of all three of the approaches discussed above,
but just as there were tensions between the three different approaches of
Tyler, Stenhouse and Freire so there are tensions between different aspects
of policy. Tyler used the narrow definition of curriculum, while Stenhouse
argued for a broader definition and Freire just assumed a broader definition.
But that was only their starting point. The main focus of their debate was
on what should go into a curriculum and how it should be approached. For
this reason, these different approaches become useful tools for sharpening
our understanding and interpretation of C2005, both its revisions and the
amended NCS, referred to as the Curriculum and Assessment Policy
Statement (CAPS).
Approaches to curriculum planning according to Tyler, Stenhouse and Freire: a
See curriculum as a See curriculum as a Thinks about the
product process with objectives purpose of a curriculum-
(objectives/instrumental not set at the start, but it must serve to liberate
approach). Has a linear changing in the teaching learners to make links
focus on the end process. Focus on and understand
product; cannot branch descriptiveness language, experiences
off in the middle. knowledge must be and their daily struggle.
Objective, content, Guidelines and Intellectual, social and
methods and sequence professional political liberation-how
questions. development are learners feel about
important. Learners knowledge and whether
should know what to do experiences can be used
with content. in everyday life.
Understanding and
criteria are central to the
Educational purposes, Carry out research while The way in which we
experiences etc. are teaching, evaluate while teach may change
important. researching, and change learners-it is always
the process of reaching political (empowers or
goals. domesticates the
learners). Negotiate
understanding with
Do research to find the Test, adapt and evaluate Learners should be ape
best content to include the process to see if it’s to reflect on the value of
in curriculum/evaluate enlightening. Learners learning.
content. should “change” in the
learning process.
*Allows for the creation of a dialogue between learners and teachers.
Encourages learners to go beyond answering questions. Two-way
communication in the classroom.
Teacher and learners take turns leading small group discussions on a
reading task. After modeling four reading strategies. Learners assume the
teaching role.
The teacher leads the students in the discussion and introduces the four
main strategies: summarizing, questioning, clarifying, and predicting. (Booyse
& Du Plessis, 2014:36-37).
5.2 Cognitively guided instruction
*Cognitively guided instruction is a strategy for using both listening and
language as part of the learning process. The strategy uses learner’s prior
knowledge and builds on that through discussion and dialogue. By listening to
learners thinking about the subject and topic, the educator can direct or
guide their thinking and there by emphasize knowledge acquisition.
*It is best to use cognitively guided instruction when critical thinking is
required. Leaners need to have experience and knowledge of the subject
matter and be confident enough to take part actively.
*The method helps learners to experience real-life situations without the
possibility of serious repercussions. Learners can experiment and find
solutions in a safe manner-true to life. The educator can get learners
emotionally involved in a situation in an interactive and enjoyable way.
*The method takes a lot of time, and learners can get over emotional and
involved in imaginary solutions. Examples Computer-aided simulation and
*Computer-aided simulation and role-play
5.3 Scaffolding
* Is the process of creating a framework around prior experience to assist
learners to build new knowledge.
*It is best to use scaffolding when learners have personal, social or
academic obstacles to learning.
*The educator can gradually guide the learners and build confidence and
motivation scaffolding uses teacher’s guidance and peer support and
encourage interaction and collaboration.
*In the case of the over simplification of tasks, learners will not reach the
educational objectives. The differing opinions of learners could require teacher
intervention. Language and socio-economic problems, attitudes and low
levels of motivation might be problematic.
*Questioning, collective enquiry into a topic and dialogue.
5.4 Simulation
*Is the controlled re-enactment or imitation of situations using technology
and includes real-life enactment by learners. Learners practice problem
solving skills.
*It is best to use simulation to demonstrate real-life situations to learners.
*The method helps learners to experience real-life situations without the
possibility of serious repercussions. Learners can experiment and find
solutions in a safe manner-true to life.
*The method takes a lot of time, and learners can get over emotional and
involved in imaginary situations.
*Computer-aided simulation and role-play
5.5 Problem solving
*Problem solving allows learners to build skills such as self-management and
teaches them to approach problems in a balanced way.
It is best to us problem solving when learners have a clear understanding of
the subject related to the problem, are motivated to learn and love
acquired a measure of problem-solving ability.
* The educator actively involves learners by challenging them to make
judgments, applying the knowledge they were taught and to think about their
own learning processes
*Learner’s fear of failure may restrict participation. This method requires
the consuming and in-depth preparation from the educator.
*Context-based teaching, case studies and word sums.
Authors : Celia Booyse, Elize Du Plessis and Mncedisi Maphalala
UNISA Edition : Fourth (2020)
ISBN-9780627 037504
Name : Ramphisa Jacquiline
Student No : 64145476
Module Code : CUS3701
Assignment No : 02
Unique no. : 843465
I declare that this assignment is my own original work. Where secondary
material has been used (either from a printed source or from the internet),
this has been carefully acknowledged and referenced in accordance with
department requirements. I understand what plagiarism is and am aware of
the department policy in this regard. I have not allowed anyone else to copy
my work.
Signature: J Ramphisa
Q1 = 10
Q2 = 10
Q3 = 16
Q4 = 20
Q5 = 26