Geomorphology Revision Lectures Notes 2021
Geomorphology Revision Lectures Notes 2021
Geomorphology Revision Lectures Notes 2021
which holds
the key to
our future.
Michael Palin
▪ Groundwater: Rainwater infiltrates (seeps) into the soil and permeable rocks
and becomes groundwater which flows as base flow.
▪ The upper level of the saturated rock underground is called the water table.
▪ River mouth: The water of the main river leaves the drainage basin when it is
discharged into an inland lake or the sea.
Inputs: Run-off
Stream network
Drainage basin
• All the characteristics of a drainage basin can be seen in the Amazon River drainage
basin (photograph below).
Barbara Hughes
Barbara Hughes
Barbara Hughes
1.2.4. Exotic Streams
• Exotic streams have their origin in an area with a high rainfall.
• The lower course of the river flows through an arid region with extremely low
• The Gariep River (Orange) and the Nile River.
Barbara Hughes
All SOURCE streams (start of the When a 1st order stream meets another
river) are labelled with a 1 (called 1st 1st order stream, it becomes a 2nd
ORDER streams) ORDER stream from the confluence
(where streams meet)
• On the way from a river’s source to its mouth, a river is separated into three courses:
Upper Course, Middle Course and Lower Course.
• Each course has its own particular characteristics determined by a number of factors,
which will be studied under Fluvial Processes.
• A river uses energy to do its work of erosion, transportation and deposition.
• Energy moves the river’s water and its sediment load from the source to the mouth.
• The total energy at a stream’s disposal depends on:
▪ the difference in height between the source and the mouth and
▪ the volume of the stream.
2.2.1. Floodplains
• A flood plain of a river absorbs the flood waters of a river after heavy rain or snow
• Floodplains are found in the lower course of the river where the valley is widened by
lateral erosion.
• During flooding the water spreads out across the floodplain and deposition occurs in
the shallower water.
• Each time the river floods a layer of silt is added.
• This silt increases the fertility of the soil.
2.2.2. Meanders
• The water does not flow as fast and the river starts to curve/ meander as deposition
• The water flows fastest on the outer bend
(cut bank) of the river, eroding
(undercutting) it at this point.
• Deposition occurs on the inside bend (slip-
off slope) as water is flowing slower here.
• The river changes from a straight channel
to a channel that starts to curve, like a
• This is called a meander.
Soft B
A rock Hard rock
2.2.7. Waterfalls
• A waterfall develops when a river, flowing over resistant rock such as a sill, meets a
band of softer rock.
• Occur in the upper course of the river which is steep and where erosion happens
• The river erodes the softer rock faster than the harder rock.
• The hard rock will create a waterfall with a plunge pool.
• In time the overhanging hard rock will break off and collapse.
• The deep plunge pool forms because of the hydraulic action of the water and
abrasion by the rocks swirling around in the plunge pool.
2.2.8. Deltas
• Large rivers have the energy to carry huge amounts of material to the sea.
• A river's velocity is checked when it flows into the still waters of the sea or a lake.
• Deposition occurs and a delta is formed if the other necessary conditions are
• Layer upon layer of sediment is deposited until it builds upwards and outwards to
form a roughly triangular delta.
• The river divides into smaller channels, called distributaries, which cross the delta
to reach the sea.
Steep gradient
Concave longitudinal
profile Gentle gradient
2.4. Hjulström Curve: erosion, transportation and deposition (only for IEB learners)
• The Hjulström Curve is a graph shows the relationship between the size of sediment
and the velocity required to erode (lift it), transport it and deposit it.
2.4.1. Definitions
• Erosion: This is the lifting or loosening of a particle by the water.
• Transportation: This is the transport of the particle in the stream. This can only
occur if the velocity of the stream is high enough to transport the particle.
• Deposition: This is the deposition of a particle on the streambed. This occurs
when the velocity of the stream is no longer sufficient to carry the particle.
• The mean critical erosion velocity curve shows the minimum velocity needed to
lift up and transport a particle.
• The mean settling velocity curve shows the minimum speed that particles of
different sizes will be deposited by the river.
• In between the two curves there is the transportation of particles.
• A big gap between the erosion velocity curve and the settling velocity curve implies
that sediments will be transported further, the opposite happens for a small gap
where a relative drop in velocity (critical fall velocity) causes sediments to be
• As an example, a river flowing at 10cm/sec will transport clay, silt and sand particles
but will deposit gravel, pebble and boulder particles.
• Conversely, a river flowing at 100cm/sec will transport clay and lift up (erode) and
transport large clay particles, silt particles, sand particles and most gravel particles.
• It will transport some of the of pebbles and deposit all of the cobbles and boulders.
• The easiest way to read the curve is to draw a horizontal line from the velocity
you’re trying to read and seeing which shaded area it crosses the particle size
you’re interested in in. This will tell you whether that particle is eroded, transported
or deposited at that velocity.
2.5. Rejuvenation
• Stream flow ends when a river enters a standing water mass such as a lake or the
• This water represents the lowest level to which a stream can erode - the stream’s
base level of erosion.
• If it is a lake then it is a temporary base level.
• The sea is the ultimate or permanent base level.
• Any change in base level will have an influence on the gradient of the river’s profile
– an important source of energy.
• If sea level has effectively dropped then the river will have more energy – it will have
been rejuvenated.
• River rejuvenation takes place when geomorphic processes cause an increase in
the river’s speed and erosive power.
• The river erodes a new valley into an old one.
b) Terraces
• When a river that was flowing in a wide valley floor experiences rejuvenation a
new valley is carved into its own floodplain.
• This produces steps or terraces on either side of the valley.
Barbara Hughes
2.6. River Capture / Stream Piracy
2.6.1. Abstraction
• During stream capture the headwaters of a more energetic stream headward
erodes through the watershed (this process is called abstraction) and captures the
water of the slower flowing river.
• Abstraction refers to the lowering and moving of the watershed (position 1 to 5 on
diagram on the next page) in the direction of the less energetic stream through
headward erosion.
2.6.2. The process of capture
• Stream Capture or Stream Piracy occurs when a tributary stream with a high
capability for erosion cuts through its watershed and intercepts a stream in a
neighbouring drainage basin which is on a higher level.
• The captured river loses the water from the captured tributary and conducts less
water to the sea.
• The water from C2 will now flow into S and then into C1.
• This will rejuvenate C1as it has more energy.
• C1 will start to incise its valley.