Silergy-Corp-SY8088AAC C79313

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Application Notes: AN_SY8088

High Efficiency 1.5MHz, 1A

Synchronous Step Down Regulator

General Description Features

SY8088 is a high efficiency 1.5MHz synchronous step Low RDS(ON) for internal switches (top/bottom)
down DC/DC regulator IC capable of delivering up to 260m /170m
1A output current. It can operate over a wide input 2.5~5.5V input voltage range
voltage range from 2.5V to 5.5V and integrate main
switch and synchronous switch with very low RDS (ON) 40 A typical quiescent current
to minimize the conduction loss. High light load efficiency
High switching frequency 1.5MHz minimizes the
Ordering Information external components
SY8088 ( ) Internal soft-start limits the inrush current
Temperature Code 100% dropout operation
Package Code
Optional Spec Code RoHS Compliant and Halogen Free
Temperature Range: -40°C to 85°C Compact package: SOT23-5

Ordering Number Package Type Note

SY8088AAC SOT23-5 1A
ortable Navigation Device
Set Top Box
USB Dongle
Media Player
Smart phone

Typical Application

Figure1. Schematic Diagram Figure2. Efficiency

AN_SY8088 Rev. 0.1 Silergy Corp. Confidential- Prepared for Customer Use Only 1
Pinout (Top View)


Top Mark: LD (device code: LD,

Pin Name Pin Number Pin Description

EN 1 Enable control. Pull high to turn on. Do not float.
GND 2 Ground pin.
LX 3 Inductor pin. Connect this pin to the switching node of the inductor.
IN 4 Input pin. Decouple this pin to the GND pin with at least 4.7uF ceramic
FB 5 Output Feedback Pin. Connect this pin to the center point of the output resistor
divider (as shown in Figure 1) to program the output voltage:
VOUT=0.6*(1+R1/R2).Add optional C1 (10pF~47pF) to speed up the transient

Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1)

Supply Input Voltage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.0V
Enable, FB Voltage---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VIN + 0.6V
Power Dissipation, PD @ TA = 25°C, SOT23-5--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.6W
Package Thermal Resistance (Note 2)
JA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 170°C/W
JC ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----130°C/W
Junction Temperature Range ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------125°C
Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 260°C
Storage Temperature Range ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -65°C to 150°C
Recommended Operating Conditions (Note 3)
Supply Input Voltage ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.5V to 5.5V
Junction Temperature Range ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -40°C to 125°C
Ambient Temperature Range ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -40°C to 85°C

AN_SY8088 Rev. 0.1 Silergy Corp. Confidential- Prepared for Customer Use Only 2
Electrical Characteristics
(V IN = 5V, VOUT = 2.5V, L = 2.2uH, COUT = 10uF, TA = 25°C, unless otherwise specified)

Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit

Input Voltage Range VIN 2.5 5.5 V
Quiescent Current IQ IOUT=0, VFB=VREF 105% 40 µA
Shutdown Current ISHDN EN=0 0.1 1 µA
Feedback Reference Voltage VREF 0.588 0.6 0.612 V
PFET Current Limit ILIM 1.3 A
EN rising threshold VENH 1.5 V
EN falling threshold VENL 0.4 V
Input UVLO threshold VUVLO 2.5 V
UVLO hysteresis VHYS 0.1 V
Oscillator Frequency FOSC 1.5 MHz
Min ON Time 80 ns
Max Duty Cycle 100 %
Soft Start Time TSS 1 ms
Thermal Shutdown Temperature TSD 160 °C
Thermal Shutdown Hysteresis THYS 15 °C

Note 1: Stresses beyond the “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are
for stress ratings. Functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the
operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for
extended periods may remain possibility to affect device reliability.

Note 2: JA is measured in the natural convection at TA = 25°C on a low effective single layer thermal conductivity
test board of JEDEC 51-3 thermal measurement standard. Exposed Paddle of DFN package is the case position for
JC measurement.

Note 3: The device is not guaranteed to function outside its operating conditions.

AN_SY8088 Rev. 0.1 Silergy Corp. Confidential- Prepared for Customer Use Only 3
Typical Performance Characteristics

AN_SY8088 Rev. 0.1 Silergy Corp. Confidential- Prepared for Customer Use Only 4

AN_SY8088 Rev. 0.1 Silergy Corp. Confidential- Prepared for Customer Use Only 5
where Fsw is the switching frequency and Iout,max is
Operation the maximum load current.
The SY8088 is a high-efficiency 1.5MHz synchronous The SY8088 regulator IC is quite tolerant of different
step-down DC-DC converters capable of delivering up ripple current amplitude. Consequently, the final choice
to 1A output current. It operates over a wide input of inductance can be slightly off the calculation value
voltage range from 2.5V to 5.5V and integrates main without significantly impacting the performance.
switch and synchronous switch with very low RDS(ON) 2) The saturation current rating of the inductor must
to minimize the conduction loss. be selected to be greater than the peak inductor
current under full load conditions.
Applications Information ISAT, MIN IOUT, MAX
Because of the high integration in the SY8088 IC, the 2 FSW L
application circuit based on this regulator IC is rather 3) The DCR of the inductor and the core loss at the
simple. Only input capacitor C IN, output capacitor COUT, switching frequency must be low enough to achieve the
output inductor L and feedback resistors (R1 and R2) desired efficiency requirement. It is desirable to choose
need to be selected for the targeted applications an inductor with DCR<50mohm to achieve a good
specifications. overall efficiency.

Feedback resistor dividers R1 and R2: Short Circuit Protection:

Choose R1 and R2 to program the proper output SY8088 integrates hic-cup mode hard short protection
voltage. To minimize the power consumption under function. If output voltage is below 40% of the
light loads, it is desirable to choose large resistance regulation voltage, the internal soft-start node and the
values for both R1 and R2. A value of between 100k error amplifier output will be reset immediately. IC
and 1M is highly recommended for both resistors. If works in hic-cup protection mode. The hiccup
R2=120k is chosen, then R1 can be calculated to be: frequency is about 250Hz, and the hic-cup duty is 50%.
(VOUT 0.6V) R2 If the hard short condition is removed, IC will go back
R1 to normal operation.

Input capacitor CIN: Load Transient Considerations:

A typical X7R or better grade ceramic capacitor with The SY8088 regulator IC integrates the compensation
6V rating and greater than 4.7uF capacitance is components to achieve good stability and fast transient
recommended. To minimize the potential noise responses. In some applications, adding a 22pF ceramic
problem, place this ceramic capacitor really close to the cap in parallel with R1 may further speed up the load
IN and GND pins. Care should be taken to minimize transient responses and is thus recommended for
the loop area formed by CIN, and IN/GND pins. applications with large load transient step requirements.

Output capacitor COUT: Layout Design:

The output capacitor is selected to handle the output The layout design of SY8088 regulator is relatively
ripple noise requirements. Both steady state ripple and simple. For the best efficiency and minimum noise
transient requirements must be taken into consideration problems, we should place the following components
when selecting this capacitor. For the best performance, close to the IC: CIN, L, R1 and R2.
it is recommended to use X7R or better grade ceramic
capacitor with 6V rating and greater than 4.7uF 1) It is desirable to maximize the PCB copper area
capacitance. connecting to GND pin to achieve the best thermal and
noise performance. If the board space allowed, a
Output inductor L: ground plane is highly desirable.
There are several considerations in choosing this
inductor. 2) CIN must be close to Pins IN and GND. The loop
1) Choose the inductance to provide the desired area formed by CIN and GND must be minimized.
ripple current. It is suggested to choose the ripple
current to be about 40% of the maximum output 3) The PCB copper area associated with LX pin must
current. The inductance is calculated as: be minimized to avoid the potential noise problem.

AN_SY8088 Rev. 0.1 Silergy Corp. Confidential- Prepared for Customer Use Only 6
4) The components R1 and R2, and the trace is connected directly to a power source such as a LiIon
connecting to the FB pin must NOT be adjacent to the battery, it is desirable to add a pull down 1Mohm
LX net on the PCB layout to avoid the noise problem. resistor between the EN and GND pins to prevent the
noise from falsely turning on the regulator at shutdown
5) If the system chip interfacing with the EN pin has a mode.
high impedance state at shutdown mode and the IN pin

AN_SY8088 Rev. 0.1 Silergy Corp. Confidential- Prepared for Customer Use Only 7
SOT23-5 Package outline & PCB layout design
2.80 - 3.10

0.95 TYP 0.30 - 0.50

Recommended Pad Layout

1.0 - 1.3

0.95 TYP

0.3 - 0.6 1.90 TYP

Notes: All dimensions are in millimeters.

All dimensions don’t include mold flash & metal burr.

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Taping & Reel Specification

1. SOT23-5 taping orientation

3.9/4.1 1.45/1.55

Feeding direction

2. Carrier Tape & Reel specification for packages

Package Tape width Pocket Reel size Reel Trailer Leader length Qty per
types (mm) pitch(mm) (Inch) width(mm) length(mm) (mm) reel

SOT23-5 8 4 7" 8.4 280 160 3000

3. Others: NA

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