Modeling Streamflow and Sediment Using SWAT in
Modeling Streamflow and Sediment Using SWAT in
Modeling Streamflow and Sediment Using SWAT in
5 51
Abstract: The coincidence of intensive rainfall events at the beginning of the rainy season and unprotected soil conditions after
extreme dry spells expose the Ethiopian Highlands to severe soil erosion. Soil and water conservation measures (SWC) have
been applied to counteract land degradation in the endangered areas, but SWC efficiency may vary related to the heterogeneity
of the landscape. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model was used to model hydrology and sediment dynamics
of a 53.7 km2 watershed, located in the Lake Tana basin, Ethiopia. Spatially distributed stone bund impacts were applied in
the model through modification of the surface runoff ratio and adjustment of a support practice factor simulating the trapped
amounts of water and sediment at the SWC structure and watershed level. The resulting Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) for
daily streamflow simulation was 0.56 for the calibration and 0.48 for the validation period, suggesting satisfactory model
performance. In contrast, the daily sediment simulation resulted in unsatisfactory model performance, with the NSE value of
0.07 for the calibration and –1.76 for the validation period and this could be as a result of high intensity and short duration
rainfall events in the watershed. Meanwhile, insufficient sediment yield prediction may result to some extent from daily based
data processing, whereas the driving runoff events and thus sediment loads occur on sub-daily time scales, probably linked with
abrupt gully breaks and development. The calibrated model indicated 21.08 Mg/hm2 average annual sediment yield, which is
far beyond potential soil regeneration rate. Despite the given limits of model calibration, SWAT may support the scaling up
and out of experimentally proven SWC interventions to encourage sustainable agriculture in the Ethiopian Highlands.
Keywords: SWAT, streamflow, sediment dynamics, soil erosion, soil and water conservation, watershed hydrology
DOI: 10.3965/j.ijabe.20160905.2483
Citation: Addis H K, Strohmeier S, Ziadat F, Melaku N D, Klik A. Modeling streamflow and sediment using SWAT in the
Ethiopian Highlands. Int J Agric & Biol Eng, 2016; 9(5): 51-66.
alarming consequence of droughts and low crop concerning the usability of the semi-distributed
productivity, initiated governmental rethinking eco-hydrological model for remote landscapes. In fact,
concerning rural land management . The Ethiopian large areas of the Ethiopian Highlands are still under
government responded with large scale rehabilitation investigated and therefore proper model input and
measures and the establishment of various soil and water particularly calibration data (such as streamflow and
conservation (SWC) interventions across the country to sediment yield) are scarce, which might impede proper
counteract the ongoing soil depletion . model calibration and validation in many cases. Various
From the beginning of agricultural activities different studies have shown that advanced erosion models
SWC techniques have been developed mainly to retain suffer from the lack of available input data especially for
soil fertility and thus crop productivity. Various SWC large scale application. Conclusively, there remains
techniques and their variable impacts have been extensive need to evaluate semi-distributed
intensively discussed in the literatures [7] and [9]. In eco-hydrological watershed modeling in the Ethiopian
particular for the Ethiopian Highlands SWC management Highlands.
through stone bunds was found as sound practice for soil The study reported here was performed in the context
erosion control . Stone bunds are elevated structures of a multidisciplinary international research project that is
intersecting a hillslope in specific intervals , resulting in being conducted within the Gumara-Maksegnit watershed
decreased surface runoff and sediment yield through which is located in the Lake Tana basin in the Amhara
slope length reduction and the creation of a small region of Ethiopia. Integrated watershed research is
retention area . However, SWC interventions are being conducted, including several soil, crop, hydrology
often uniformly applied across landscapes but may only and agro-environmental related analyses, to gain a deeper
be reasonable for certain field conditions. In fact, field insight into watershed scale hydrology and land
conditions are often highly variable in the Ethiopian degradation issues, evaluate various soil and water
Highlands . Therefore, site specific assessment of the conservation interventions and to aim for an improved
most influential watershed processes may be crucial for livelihood of stakeholders living in the watershed. The
the development of efficient conservation measures. spatial assessment of surface runoff and sediment yield
At present, many models with a broad spectrum of within Gumara-Maksegnit study site using SWAT is a
concepts, which were classified as spatially lumped, key component of the overall research project. The
spatially distributed, empirical, regression, model case study was conducted: (1) to assess the
semi-distributed eco-hydrological model and factorial applicability of SWAT for simulating the key watershed
scoring models, are in use for modelling the processes of a remote and mountainous agricultural
rainfall-runoff-soil erosion and sediment transport watershed, and (2) to evaluate the impact of spatially
processes at different scales[13]. The Soil and Water distributed soil and water conservation (SWC) structures
Assessment Tool (SWAT) is a semi-distributed on surface runoff and soil erosion. Eventually, the study
eco-hydrological model. SWAT is one of the most aims for the establishment of a well-calibrated
widely used watershed models, which was developed by semi-distributed eco-hydrological model as a tool for
the United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural evaluating multiple land management practices suitable
Research Service (USDA-ARS)[14] and can be used to for reduction of sediment transport, which can be scaled
predict agricultural land management impacts on the up to assess proper SWC strategies and to counteract
hydrological regime of a watershed through simulation of ongoing land degradation at a broader scale.
variable soil, land use and management conditions over
long periods[14,15]. In Ethiopia, SWAT has been used in 2 Materials and methods
a number of studies to predict streamflow and sediment 2.1 Description of the study watershed
yield with different outcomes and recommendations The Gumara-Maksegnit watershed, is located in the
September, 2016 Addis H K, et al. Modeling streamflow and sediment using SWAT in the Ethiopian Highlands Vol. 9 No.5 53
2.3.4 Soil 100 cm) were taken for physical and chemical analysis.
SWAT requires multiple soil physical and chemical Undisturbed soil core cylinder samples were taken from
attributes for various soil depths such as soil texture, bulk the topsoil layer to determine bulk density following
density, stone content, organic carbon, hydraulic previously developed procedures[34]. Soil texture was
conductivity, soil erodibility, etc. At least one measured based on an earlier published method[35], and
software package is available which can be used to organic carbon was determined by a wet oxidation
calculate the spatial distribution of various soil properties method[36]. Available water content and hydraulic
for environmental modeling using selected input conductivity for each layer as well as bulk density for the
parameters . Nevertheless, good quality field second and third layer were assessed using a
sampling data may be used preferentially. In this study, pedo-transfer function developed by Saxton and Rawls .
an intensive field sampling campaign was carried out to Nevertheless, the most important soil data impacts were
determine various soil properties in a 500 m by 500 m manually determined based on the previously described
grid over the entire watershed. A total of 234 soil intensive field sampling results. The soil map that
samples were collected using a bucket auger. At each describes the distribution of different soil textural classes
location approximately 2 kg bulk soil samples from of the study watershed is presented in Figure 3c.
different soil layers (0-25 cm), (25-60 cm) and (60-
a. Spot satellite image b. Three major land cover categories c. Soil textural class maps
effects that occur at each structure. In the course of the landuse type interactions, however, a coarse DEM mesh
Gumara-Maksegnit watershed study, different plot level as used as an input for this study was one of the limitation.
well as sub-basin level experiments were carried out to The study watershed is composed of a rugged topography
investigate the effects of stone bunds on surface runoff and with different management practices; thus, the 234 soil
soil loss, and moreover, to enable the implementation of sampling points are considered totally different and the
SWC impacted in SWAT modeling. SWAT provides study did not set a threshold that eliminates minor soil
various options to consider SWC impacts including: (1) types. Therefore, every HRU for the study watershed
surface runoff may be modified through the adjustment of corresponds with an average area of 1.9 hm2. Similarly,
the runoff ratio (Curve Number) and/or the consideration Zabaleta et al.[40] used 165 HRUs for a 4.8 km2 watershed
of a micro-pond (pothole) at the related HRU level, which in Spain, which averaged about 2.9 hm2 per HRU.
will also impact soil erosion, and (2) impacts on sediment The impact of stone bund SWC structures was
yield levels via adjustment of the support practice factor simulated through reduction of the Curve Number (CN_2)
(P-factor) and/or the slope length factor (LS) of the for surface runoff ratio modification as well as the
MUSLE . The ideal factors that describe the effect of adjustment of the support practice factor (P-factor) to
stone bunds are the USLE support practice factor account for the amount of trapped sediments at the stone
(P-factor), the Curve Number and average slope length bunds. The effect of stone bunds on runoff and soil
(SLSUBBSN). In this study, the SLSSUBSN value was erosion was initially assessed during the erosion plot
modified by editing the HRU (.hru) input table, whereas experimental campaigns in 2012 and 2013, based on the
the P-factor and Curve Number values were modified by comparison of treated and untreated sub-basins located in
editing Management (.mgt) input table. the watershed (this activity is still ongoing). Based on
the plot experiments carried out in 2013 , stone bund
structures were found to reduce surface runoff by
approximately 60% to 80% and sediment yield between
40% to 80%. This is consistent with other plot
experimental findings reported by Adimassu et al.[42],
where stone bunds reduced sediment yield by roughly
50% compared to untreated plots. However, plot
a experiments tend to reflect optimized stone bund
conditions for just a very limited area. In fact, the stone
bund plot experiments carried out in Gumara-Maksegnit
do not account for cumulative hillslope lengths or the
overall length of the stone bund walls and thus how much
total area those affect, which may lead to considerably
lower SWC impacts at a farm or sub-basin level. For
the sub-basin level experiment (Figure 2b), where the
b area of each sub-basin is approximately 30 hm2, the
Figure 4 Stone bund treated fields (a) and the small channel difference of measured surface runoff between treated
above the stone bund (b) and untreated sub-basins was around 30%. However,
The 53.7 km Gumara-Maksegnit watershed was the measured sediment yield declined by only
discretized into 15 sub-basins and 2799 HRUs for the approximately 10% during the 2012 rainy season, which
SWAT simulations. The highest numbers of HRUs for is not consistent with the results reported by
the study watershed occurred as a result of the 234 user [43]
Gebremichael et al. These results include a large
defined soil names, the 3 slope classes as well as the 9 range of uncertainty particularly for sediment yield, but
September, 2016 Addis H K, et al. Modeling streamflow and sediment using SWAT in the Ethiopian Highlands Vol. 9 No.5 57
also due to only a few synchronically recorded rainfall However, automated calibration is more efficient for
events in the treated and untreated sub-basins (Figure 2b). some applications[46], especially for complex hydrologic
Moreover, the comparability of different sub-basins is models. Different datasets may be required to evaluate
limited as a result of the inherent landscape and rainfall model performance for different environmental
related variability, even though the sub-basins border conditions . However, the number of attributes and
each other and the soil, slope, and land use conditions are the observation period required for proper consideration
generally homogenous. However, the current SWC of the driving watershed processes may vary from site to
impact research is ultimately designed to provide site. Long term and good quality data is especially rare
comprehensive SWC assessment and conclusive for the Ethiopian Highlands. In the present study, the
modeling parameters. Hence, as an early stage entire simulation period is limited to field observation
assessment, the CN_2 was reduced for agricultural HRUs data from 2011 to 2012 (calibration) and 2013
in the treated areas with the target to achieve overall (validation). The calibration/validation model run was
surface runoff reduction of about 30% on treated HRU’s performed with a warm-up period of seven years to
compared to untreated conditions. The P-factor was set minimize the effect of non-equilibrium initial conditions
equal to 0.85, because: (1) the CN_2 reductions already such as soil moisture or residue cover[47]. In this
leads to reduced soil erosion on the treated areas, and (2) research, daily streamflow and sediment yield recorded at
as a compromise between plot and sub-basin level the outlet of the watershed were used for both calibration
sediment yield ratio outcomes. A small range of and validation of the model.
variability was assigned to the defined CN_2 and P-factor Streamflow was obtained by converting
parameter sets during the calibration procedure, which quasi-continuous water level (m) records (using pressure
allowed additional minor adjustments during the transducer) into flow (m/s) based on an experimentally
automated model optimization. These assumptions developed water level and discharge rating curve[48]
result in the stone bunds essentially replicating the effects (Figure 5). The respective rating curve was established
of terraces[16], in terms of how the average slope length based on water level and manual flow velocity
(SLSUBBSN) is modified to represent terrace effects in measurements using a one-dimensional flow velocity
cropped landscapes. device analyzing several runoff events. The outlet of the
2.4 Calibration and validation data watershed was constructed as a fixed cross section, which
Different calibration approaches can be used in was built from stones, concrete and gabions to ensure an
SWAT with respect to frequency and quantity of explicit and constant relationship between water level and
observation data available for model calibration. discharge. Hysteresis effects related to the different
Nevertheless, the most powerful calibration is usually stages of a peak wave (arriving and leaving) were found
achieved through following a specific calibration order as to have negligible impact on the calculation of the daily
suggested by Arnold et al.[44] In particular, streamflow discharge, considering various sources of uncertainty
data at the sub-basin or watershed level are required to (such as measurement errors and gaps). Moreover, a
perform accurate model hydrologic balance and turbidity sensor was installed at the side wall of the fixed
streamflow calibration, followed by calibration of cross section to gain insight into sediment dynamics of
different pollutants such as sediment load, nutrient yields the main stream. The turbidity meter was calibrated in
and other water quality variables. The calibration the laboratory using on-site sediments to assess the
procedure is typically based on initial sensitivity analysis fraction of suspended soil (g/L) in water related to
results (using a set of sensitive parameters) and is indirect light signal measurement. However,
executed either manually or automatically . considerable data uncertainty has to be taken into account
Calibrations can be performed manually, which can be and the derived sediment concentrations may be used to
important for clearly understanding some processes . describe general sediment dynamics solely. According
58 September, 2016 Int J Agric & Biol Eng Open Access at Vol. 9 No.5
to this, quasi-continuous turbidity readings were reveal the challenging monitoring conditions that exist at
controlled and adjusted based on manual bottle sampling the site.
throughout the runoff monitoring period. Streamflow
and sediment yield, which were derived through
multiplying sediment concentration with the according
flow volume, were compiled on a daily basis usable for
SWAT calibration. Figure 6 shows the derived
hydrograph for the main outlet during approximately the
four month rainy season in 2013. However, several
unmeasured sediment concentration and streamflow data, Figure 5 Established rating curve at the outlet of
mainly due to sensor failures or power supply errors, Gumara-Maksegnit Watershed[48]
Figure 6 Hydrograph at the main outlet and precipitation data of the four rain gauge stations in Gumara-Maksegnit watershed
2.5 Model efficiency assessment (R2). However, during the SWAT-CUP calibration
Efficiency criteria are defined as a mathematical multiple simulations are executed accounting for the
measure of how well a model simulation matches user-adjusted set of parameters and related parameter
corresponding observed data . SWAT calibration ranges. This procedure can result in a very large set of
procedures, including the SWAT-CUP calibration tool, simulations, depending on the number of parameters
provide multiple model efficiency criteria to be used as selected for calibration, the user-adjusted range for
an objective function for model calibration and parameter variation and the selected calibration
validation . The ‘Sequential Uncertainty Fitting 2’ methodology (including the number of iterations,
(SUFI-2) procedure, available within SWAT-CUP parameter range discretization etc.).
software, was used to perform model sensitivity analysis, 2.5.1 Root mean square error (RMSE)
calibration and validation procedures through iterative The root mean square error (RMSE) has been used as
variation of user defined parameter sets. The SUFI-2 a standard statistical metric to measure model prediction
algorithm accounts for various sources of uncertainty error in meteorology, air quality, and climate research
such as input data uncertainty, conceptual model studies; a smaller RMSE value indicates better model
uncertainty and parameter uncertainty . In the present performance[51]. Although RMSE is sensitive to outliers
study, the goodness of the model fit related to streamflow as it places a lot of weight on large errors, it has been
and sediment yield was assessed based on root mean developed to confirm the reliability of models[52]. The
squared error (RMSE), Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE), RMSE does not provide information about the relative
percent bias (PBIAS) and coefficient of determination size of the average difference and the nature of
September, 2016 Addis H K, et al. Modeling streamflow and sediment using SWAT in the Ethiopian Highlands Vol. 9 No.5 59
differences comprising them[53]. The RMSE is predicted value[55]. A value of 1 means the predicted
calculated with the following equation: value is equal to the observed value, where a value of
⎡1 n ⎤
1/ 2 zero means there is no correlation between the predicted
RMSE = ⎢ ∑ i =1 ( Ei − Oi ) 2 ⎥ (1)
⎣ n ⎦ and observed values.
optimal value of PBIAS is 0.0, with low-magnitude expected to exceed this amount several times. In
values indicating accurate model simulation[45]. PBIAS contrast, the SWAT model derives maximum mean daily
is calculated with the following equation: discharges of less than 10 m³/s for the whole calibration
period of the 2011 rainy season. This may be due to the
⎡ ∑ n (Oi − Ei ) × 100 ⎤
PBISA = ⎢ i =1 n ⎥ (3) daily based runoff computation which can’t adequately
⎣ ∑ i =1
(Oi ) ⎥
⎦ account for intense storms of short duration. Rainfall
2.5.4 Coefficient of determination (R ) records for the Aba-Kaloye weather station (2011-2013);
The coefficient of determination R2 is defined as the located in the lower central part of the watershed,
squared value of the coefficient of correlation . It is suggests that more than 50% of the annual maximum
calculated as follows: daily rainfall occurs within 30 min time periods during
2 intense storms (Table 1).
⎡ ⎤
∑ i =1 (Oi − O)( Ei − E )
counter for individual observed and predicted values. Note: Durations in the table range from 15-min (15 m*) to 72 h (72 h**).
The range of R2 lies between 0 and 1, and describes Considering the relatively small watershed area,
how much of the observed value is explained by the Gumara-Maksegnit flood events are characterized by
60 September, 2016 Int J Agric & Biol Eng Open Access at Vol. 9 No.5
relatively short time periods (sub-daily) and distinct peak showed that 48% of the precipitation becoming ET[58],
flows. Based on a simulation of the whole period of while, Gebremicael et al.[59] reported that 53% of the
available climate input data (1997-2013), the calibrated precipitation becoming ET.
model estimates 352 mm of average annual surface runoff, 3.1 Model sensitivity analysis
whereas recharge to the deep aquifer is approximately Sensitivity analysis supports the determination of the
19 mm, and entirely, more than 31% (373 mm) of driving watershed processes and thus the identification of
rainwater balance is used for evapotranspiration. This the most sensitive parameters through the assessment of
low amount of ET in the study watershed was found to the rate of change of model outputs with respect to defined
be attributable to land use/land cover change, mainly changes of model inputs[44]. Fourteen hydrological
from expanding agricultural activities, as it was (Table 2) and eight sediment-related (Table 3) parameters
described by Alemu et al. Generally, from field were selected for the subsequent SWAT calibration on
observation more water is drained out of the watershed the bases of the sensitivity analysis. In this study, the
as a result of the minimum soil conservation coverage, CN_2 and channel cover factor were found to be the most
land use change and the steep slope nature of the study sensitive parameters with respect streamflow and
watershed. In contrast, similar study by Yesuf et al. sediment yield, respectively.
Table 2 List of model parameters sensitive to streamflow and fitted values in order of ranking
Adjusted or fitted
Parameter name Description Ranking
parameter value
Table 3 Model parameters sensitive to sediment yield and fitted values in order of ranking
Parameter name Description Fitted parameter value Ranking
3.2 Model calibration and validation predicted for the validation period (Figure 7). Some of
The automated calibration (SWAT-CUP) for the previously published SWAT studies for smaller
streamflow (Figure 7, top) leads to adequate daily watersheds in the northeast and northwest of Ethiopia
calibration results, and validation (Figure 7, bottom) tend to show weaker hydrologic results[18,21], which is an
indicates satisfactory model fit according to the indication that it may be difficult to accurately represent
assessment criteria suggested by Moriasi et al. For processes and thus obtain better results for smaller
the calibration period NSE=0.56, PBIAS=6%, R =67 and watersheds. Nevertheless, obvious correspondence of
RMSE=0.62, while for the validation period NSE=0.48, the hydrographs of observed and simulated streamflow
PBIAS=18%, R =53 and RMSE=3.4. Meanwhile, the (Figure 7) for both, the calibration and validation period,
measured peak flows on the same day often indicates that SWAT is capable to simulate the
over-predicted for the calibration period and under- hydrological regime of Gumara-Maksegnit watershed.
Figure 7 Observed and simulated daily streamflow hydrograph at the outlet of Gumara-Maksegnit watershed, calibration (top) and
validation (bottom)
In contrast, the sediment simulation results were streamflow about 39% of the data and during the
unsatisfactory, especially during the validation period, validation period about 31% of the data were bracketed
which is shown by the low or even negative NSE values by 95PPU, while during daily sediment yield simulation
(i.e. 0.07 for the calibration period and –1.76 for the around 18% of the data were bracketed for the calibration
validation period). The low sediment yield fit is not period and 13% of the data were bracketed for the
surprising, particularly in highly erosive regions, where validation period by 95PPU. The calculated R-factors
abrupt gully development may affect daily loads for the daily streamflow were 0.51 for the calibration
significantly. However, Betrie et al. reported that the periods and 0.49 for the validation period, whereas the
fit between the model daily sediment predictions and the R-factors for the daily sediment yield were 0.23 for the
observed concentrations showed good agreement as calibration periods and 0.18 for the validation period.
indicated by very good values of the NSE=0.88 for the The daily sediment data show exceptionally large
calibration period and NSE=0.83 for the validation period prediction uncertainties as compared to stream flow
at El Diem gauging station. During the calibration of prediction. This model uncertainties might be as a result
62 September, 2016 Int J Agric & Biol Eng Open Access at Vol. 9 No.5
of some errors in the data input sources, data preparation more than 65 Mg/hm2.
and parameterization[62]. Moreover, the uncertainties
might also be as a result of human and instrumental errors
during data processing[63]. Even though kinematic wave
runoff routing is used in the model, peaks of erosional
forces of the channel runoff might be underestimated,
especially in gully regions of changing flow directions
because of gully meanders and/or locally changed flow
conditions. Some of the potential reasons for such
unsatisfactory sediment yield simulations could probably
be, the length of overall measured data, which is quite
Figure 8 Scatterplot of discharge and sediment concentration of
short, strong hydrological heterogeneity and poor
the manual bottle sampling at the main outlet, where dashed lines
monitoring data as well as the use of USLE (or similar)
indicate the lower and upper defined limit of the expected relation
equations in areas where rainfall happens under the form between discharge and sediment concentration
of short intense rainfall events. Nevertheless,
calibration (and validation) of sediment yield on a
monthly basis may give much better results, but due to
plenty of gaps within the observed data, monthly
balancing is not possible for this study. The trends as
well as the order of magnitudes of sediment yield seem to
be achieved through modeling, and therefore, the model
may be able to describe long-term soil erosion Figure 9 Comparison of the observed range of daily sediment
characteristics, even if the event based predictions are yield (manual bottle sampling) and the simulated daily sediment
uncertain. In this study, sediment concentration was yield at the main outlet of the watershed
also manually sampled at three stages of various flood Although stone bunds reduce the slope length, and
events. Although selectively sampled sediment data decrease overland flow and sheet erosion, the calibrated
may not be suitable for daily based model calibration, model still predicted average annual sediment yields
sediment data was used to establish a relation between which were higher than the potential soil regeneration
runoff and sediment concentration (Figure 8). Based on rate. This indicates a need for expanding SWC practices
the manual bottle sampling upper and lower boundaries in the Gumara-Maksegnit watershed to further mitigate
of the expected sediment yield for certain discharge was soil erosion problems.
defined. Though it is commonly accepted that observed Compared to other studies from the literature, Gumara-
data are inherently uncertain , simulated sediment yield Maksegnit watershed study may provide conclusive
was compared to the expected sediment yield (Figure 9), results, for example, SWAT was applied for streamflow
and the observed sediment yield ranged from 2.9 Mg/hm2 simulation of Gedeb catchment, located at the upper Blue
to 27.6 Mg/hm , whereas the calibrated model predicted Nile River basin[12], which resulted in unsatisfactory
10.0 Mg/hm2 sediment yield for the observed period and model performance for both calibration and validation
21.08 Mg/hm annually.2
Similarly, Setegn et al. [19]
used period. However, Koch[12] pointed out various reasons
SWAT to simulate the sediment yield simulations for the for unsatisfactory model results, which seem also valid
Anjeni, a small watershed in the northern highlands of for the Gumara-Maksegnit case study; i.e., poor
Ethiopia, using different slope classifications and the monitoring data, strong hydrological heterogeneity and a
results showed a very high spatial variability for the difficult and remote terrain. In contrast, Setegn et al.[19]
obtained annual sediment yields, which ranged from 0 to reported very good SWAT model performance (NSE
September, 2016 Addis H K, et al. Modeling streamflow and sediment using SWAT in the Ethiopian Highlands Vol. 9 No.5 63
equal to 0.81 during calibration) for monthly based runoff ratio (Curve Number) and support practice factor
sediment yield of Anjeni-gauged watershed. This may (P-factor) modification. Model calibration executed
indicate a well performing model on one hand, but on the through the SWAT-CUP software resulted in satisfactory
other hand the reasonable calibration result also model performance regarding streamflow. However,
demonstrates typical increasing accuracy of sediment poor agreement between daily observed and simulated
yield prediction for monthly based assessment. sediment yield resulted as indicated by the NSE=0.07 for
Typically, model simulations show a much better fit as the calibration period and –1.76 for the validation period.
the comparison time scale increases . There are Nevertheless, overall sediment dynamics and the order of
also a number of previous SWAT studies in Ethiopia, magnitude of various erosion events may be achieved
which documented satisfactory streamflow results through SWAT simulation. Because of acceptable
including studies that report daily comparisons within the streamflow simulation (NSE=0.56 for the calibration
Lake Tana drainage area . However, these are for period and 0.48 for the validation period), but
larger systems with longer overall observed data versus considerable imprecise daily sediment yield prediction at
the smaller Gumara-Maksegnit watershed analyzed in this the same time, it is possible that fluctuating sediment
study with quite short measured data. processes are influenced by abrupt gully bank breaks and
Generally, this study documented insufficiencies for gully network development. Highly variable sediment
matching daily based sediment yield simulation with transport in the main stream may be also a result of
observed data; this might be a result of poor monitoring distinct sub-daily runoff characteristics of the
data (e.g. short observation period, uncertain data Gumara-Maksegnit River, and therefore, daily based
inherent of the measurement technique, occasional data rainfall and streamflow processing may be limited to
gaps, etc.). Moreover, missing records inhibit the model describe variable sub-daily peak wave characteristics,
assessment on a larger time scale (such as monthly or inherently linked with variable sediment yield
yearly), which typically increases the goodness of the characteristics.
model fit. Hence, especially remote watershed Based on the calibrated SWAT model, the long-term
modeling suffers from lack of continuous and good average annual runoff at the main outlet was predicted to
quality data, which has to be considered for be 352 mm, while approximately one third of annual
semi-distributed eco-hydrological based modeling rainfall amount (373 mm) becomes evapotranspiration.
approaches for such areas. The model predicts 21.08 Mg/hm2 as an average annual
sediment yield, which is still alarming and far beyond the
4 Conclusions
potential soil regeneration rate, especially for the situation
In this research, SWAT watershed modeling was of largely applied SWC structures (mainly stone bunds)
performed to describe the driving hydrological and within the watershed. Thus, rethinking of performed
sediment transport related processes of a 53.7 km land management strategies and intensification of SWC
watershed in the Ethiopian Highlands. The collected interventions may be needed to achieve sustainable
model input data, either from remote earth observation or agriculture. The Ethiopian Highlands are a fragile
direct field sampling, are supposed to match SWAT ecoregion worthy of protection and physically-based
requirements, but limited monitoring data, strong modeling may be one method to guide scaling up of
hydrological heterogeneity and poor monitoring data as efficient measures to counteract ongoing land degradation.
well as the use of USLE (or similar) equations in areas Eventually, advanced SWC impact assessment may be
where rainfall happens under the form of short intense needed to satisfyingly consider the interaction between
rainfall events are inevitably connected with a large various SWC structures and heterogenic landscape
model uncertainty. Another source of uncertainty is the conditions to support proper decision making in the
simulated stone bund impacts applied through the surface future.
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