Bialystok in Press
Bialystok in Press
Bialystok in Press
Ellen Bialystok
York University
Ellen Bialystok
Department of Psychology
York University
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, Ontario, M3J 1P3
Consequences of bilingualism 2
development has found mixed results when seeking effects in domains such as language ability
and intelligence. The approach in the research reported in this chapter is to investigate the effect
that bilingualism might have on specific cognitive processes rather than domains of skill
development. Three cognitive domains are examined: concepts of quantity, task-switching and
concept formation, and theory of mind. The common finding in these disparate domains is that
bilingual children are more advanced than monolinguals in solving problems requiring the
development of a general cognitive function concerned with attention and inhibition, and that
facilitating effects of bilingualism are found on tasks and processes in which this function is
most required.
Consequences of bilingualism 3
A significant portion of children in the world enter the realm of language learning being
exposed to multiple languages, required to communicate using different systems and proceed to
school where the instructional discourse bears no resemblance to the language at home.
Normally, few questions are asked and few concerns are expressed by parents, teachers, or
politicians. In many cultures, this quiet acceptance indicates that the experience is either so
common that it is not detected as anomalous or so crucial for survival that it is futile to challenge
it. Yet, an experience as broad in its impact as the way in which language is learned and used in
the first years may well impact on the child’s cognitive development. This chapter explores
research that has addressed itself to identifying whether childhood bilingualism alters the typical
course of cognitive development, either favorably or deleteriously, for children whose language
The cognitive effect of the linguistic environment in which children are raised appears on
underlying dimension that is explosively political. Children who are recipients of this
experience, for better or worse, are not randomly chosen, nor are they randomly distributed
through the population. They tend to belong to specific ethnic groups, occupy particular social
positions, and be members of communities who have recently immigrated. It is not surprising,
then, that historically some attempts to investigate the psychological and educational questions
that follow from this situation have failed to meet standards of scientific objectivity. Instead, the
judgment about the effect of bilingualism on children’s development in early studies was
sometimes used to reflect societal attitudes towards such issues as immigration and to reinforce
In some nontrivial way, bilingual minds cannot resemble the more homogenous mental
landscape of a monolingual. Although there is debate about the precise manner in which
uncontroversial that the configuration is more complex than that of a monolingual for whom
Monolinguals may have multiple names for individual concepts, but the relation among those
alternatives, as synonyms for example, does not invoke the activation of entire systems of
meaning, as the alternative names from different languages is likely to do. From the beginning,
therefore, bilingualism has consequence. What is not inevitable, however, is that one of these
to such issues as the nature of bilingual populations tested, their facility in the language of
testing, or the interpretation of the tests used. As an apparent default, cognitive ability was taken
Gould, 1981). For example, Saer (1923) used the Stanford Binet Test and compared Welsh
children who were bilingual with monolingual English children and reported the inferiority and
“mental confusion” of the bilinguals. Darcy (1963) reviewed many subsequent studies of this
type and pointed to their common finding that bilinguals consistently scored lower on verbal
tests and were often disadvantaged on performance tests as well. Although Darcy cautioned that
multiple factors should be considered, a more salubrious account of this research is offered by
Hakuta (1986) who attributes the inferior results of the bilinguals in comparison to their new
native-speaking peers to the tests being conducted in a language they were only beginning to
Consequences of bilingualism 5
The antidote to the pessimistic research was almost as extreme in its claims. In a
watershed study, Peal and Lambert (1962) tested a carefully selected group of French-English
bilingual children and hypothesized that the linguistic abilities of the bilinguals would be
superior to those of the monolinguals but that the nonverbal skills would be the same. Even the
expectation of an absence of a bilingual deficit was radical departure from the existing studies.
Not only was the linguistic advantage confirmed in their results, but they also found an
reorganization. Their conclusion was that bilingualism endowed children with enhanced mental
flexibility and that this flexibility was evident across all domains of thought. Subsequent
research has supported this notion. Ricciardelli (1992), for example, found that few tests in a
large battery of cognitive and metalinguistic measures were solved better by bilinguals, but those
that were included tests of creativity and flexible thought. In addition, balanced bilinguals have
been found to perform better on concept formation tasks (Bain, 1974), divergent thinking and
creativity (Torrance, Wu, Gowan, & Alliotti, 1970), and field independence and Piagetian
(1977) reported bilingual advantages on both verbal and nonverbal measures, in spite of a
significant bilingual disadvantage in vocabulary. Her explanation was that the mutual
interference between languages forces bilinguals to adopt strategies that accelerate cognitive
development. Although she did not develop the idea further, it is broadly consistent with the
Researchers such as Hakuta, Ferdman, and Diaz (1987), MacNab (1979), and Reynolds
(1991) challenged the reliability of many of those studies reporting felicitous cognitive
consequences for bilingualism and argued that the data were not yet conclusive. MacNab (1979)
Consequences of bilingualism 6
was the most critical, but conceded that bilinguals consistently outperformed monolinguals in
generating original uses for objects, an ability compatible with the claim of Peal and Lambert for
requirement that evidence for bilingual superiority should be presented in the context of an
explanation for why such effects occur. The purpose of the present review is to describe some
selected cognitive processes and evaluate the evidence for bilingual influences on their
development and to interpret those effects within an explanatory framework. Peal and Lambert’s
idea that bilingualism would foster flexibility of thought has persisted, often accompanied by
supporting evidence. Their explanation was that the experience of having two ways to describe
the world gave bilinguals the basis for understanding that many things could be seen in two
ways, leading to a more flexible approach to perception and interpretation. We shall return to
The majority of the more recent literature has focused on the consequences of
entirely plausible that learning two languages in childhood could alter the course of these
Bilingualism is often (but not consistently) found to promote more rapid development of
vocabulary development, is usually delayed for bilingual children. Reading and the acquisition
of literacy is less well studied, but the existing evidence gives little reason to believe that
bilingualism itself significantly impacts on the manner or ease with which children learn to read.
The effect of bilingualism on all these language-related developments are discussed elsewhere
and will not be reviewed here (e.g., Bialystok, 2001, 2002). This chapter will examine only the
Consequences of bilingualism 7
The possibility that bilingualism can affect nonverbal cognitive development is steeped
domain-general representational system and can influence each other. In some theoretical
conceptions of language, language representations and processes are isolated from other
cognitive systems (e.g., Pinker, 1994). Although it may be possible in these views to understand
imagine that the effect of constructing two languages would extend beyond that domain.
Therefore, to even pose the possibility that bilingualism influences nonverbal cognitive growth
requires accepting that linguistic and nonlinguistic functioning converge on some essential
cognitive mechanism. Such cognitive models typically incorporate an executive function, one
that includes the limitations of working memory and representational processes and is limited by
a central resource responsible for selective attention, inhibition, and planning (e.g., Norman &
development, then it might well be through its impact on such a generalized executive function.
determine if they are acquired differently, or on a different time scale, by bilingual children. The
three areas are concepts of quantity and arithmetic ability, hierarchical classification in a task
switch paradigm, and theory of mind. Following this, the common pattern from the three
Quantitative concepts and mathematical abilities were one of the early areas investigated
Consequences of bilingualism 8
Macnamara (1966, 1967) raised the possibility that bilingualism might interfere with children’s
competence in these areas. Based on the research available at the time, he concluded that there
was no evidence that bilingualism handicapped children’s computational ability for mechanical
arithmetic but that it did impair children’s ability to solve mathematical word problems. His own
large-scale study of English-speaking children in Irish language schools confirmed this pattern.
He attributed the deficit to what he considered the inevitable language handicap that followed
from bilingualism but did not discount the logical possibility that bilingualism itself was to
inadequate to the task. The culprit was not bilingualism but rather the use of a language for a
complex educational purpose that exceeded the children’s proficiency in that language.
the deficit is neither inevitable nor pervasive. Therefore, bilingualism itself may not have been a
Macnamara concluded that the mechanical abilities to carry out arithmetic operations
were equivalent in monolinguals and bilinguals, but others have presented a different view.
Some researchers have reported weak but consistent evidence that adult bilinguals take longer to
solve mental arithmetic problems than monolinguals, particularly in their weaker language
(Magiste, 1980; Marsh & Maki, 1976; McClain & Huang, 1982). Geary, Cormier, Goggin, and
Lunn (1993) speculated that this difference arose because these mechanical problems were
solved verbally, by mediating the operations in one of the language, so they developed a task that
bypassed the possibility of verbal mediation. They presented arithmetic problems with a solution
and participants only needed to judge whether the solution was correct. If verbal mediation were
Consequences of bilingualism 9
required, participants would conduct these computations in their stronger language, eliminating
the burden of the weak language effect. With the language component of the task removed, they
found no overall differences in reaction times to solve these problems. In a more detailed
follow-up study, they divided the reaction time between time spent encoding and retrieving and
time spent computing the operations. Here they found no group difference in encoding but a
significant monolingual advantage in the computing. Their interpretation was that both groups
had the same automated access to the stored arithmetic facts but that monolinguals could perform
computations on these facts more rapidly than bilinguals. They interpreted this as indicating
Frenck-Mestre and Vaid (1993) reported that bilinguals verified simple arithmetic
problems most quickly and accurately when the problems were presented as digits, slower when
presented in word format in their first language, and slower again in their second language. They
point to other studies that indicate that number processing itself is not slower in a second
language and so conclude that the explanation for their data is that it is arithmetic ability that is
compromised for the bilinguals in their second language. This result may reflect the same
difference reported by Geary et al. (1993) regarding the computation aspect of solving these
problems in a weak language. Frenck-Mestre and Vaid (1993) conclude that arithmetic is
sensitive to the language in which it is learned and that the ability to carry out arithmetic
operations is impaired in a second language. However, their bilingual participants were late
language learners who had weaker proficiency in their second than in their first language, so it is
still possible that the effect was signaling a weakness in language competence.
In an interesting study, Spelke and Tsivkin (2001) trained bilinguals to perform new
arithmetic operations in each of their languages and then tested them in both languages. For
Consequences of bilingualism 10
computations involving accurate access to large numbers, performance was better in the
language in which that problem was trained, suggesting that the coding of that information was
specific to the language. This effect even generalized to numerical information about time and
space, indicating a general encoding process for quantities in which language is part of the
representation. These results extend the work of Frenck-Mestre and Vaid (1983) regarding the
language specificity of these operations. Additionally, there was a main effect of language in
which participants always performed better in their first language, replicating earlier work on this
The differences reported in these studies can also be found in the simplest numerical
procedures, namely, counting. In a small-scale study in our laboratory, we compared the speed
with which bilingual adults could count forwards and backwards in their two languages. The
participants were highly fluent speakers of English and Portuguese. They were first asked to
recall a list of words in each language to assure some rough equivalence on a verbal task. Then
they were timed as they counted in both directions in both languages. The relevant measure was
the ratio of the time required to count backwards over the time required to count forwards in the
same language. Backward counting would inevitably be slower, and the more effort required
would increase its difference from forward counting. Furthermore, by computing this time as a
ratio of the time needed to count forwards in each language, possible differences in the time
required simply to recite the number sequence in the two languages were eliminated. The results
showed no difference between languages on the verbal task but a significant increase in time
These studies indicate that bilingual adults generally take longer to solve mathematical
problems than monolingual adults do, particularly when the problems are posed in their weak
Consequences of bilingualism 11
language. The studies also confirm, however, that language itself has a role to play in these
mathematical operations. Therefore, it is still conceivable that bilingual children who are
initially learning these skills may be compromised in their acquisition, and that the deficit may
be greater if instruction takes place in the weaker language. This, in fact, was the point that
Macnamara was arguing in his early studies on this issue. Therefore, research with children is
Secada (1991) studied Hispanic children solving word problems in both English and
Spanish. There were two main findings. First, children could solve the problems equally well in
both languages. Second, children who were more balanced in their language abilities for the two
languages demonstrated higher overall achievement in the problem solving tasks. He concluded
that the problem solving ability of the bilingual children was equivalent to that of their
monolingual peers. Although his study did not include an explicit comparison with monolingual
children solving the same problems, it showed that lower levels of language proficiency did not
interfere with the ability of these children to solve the problems in their weaker language.
Similarly, Morales, Shute, and Pellegrino (1985) hypothesized that if language proficiency were
not an issue, then bilingual children should perform just as well as monolingual children on
problem solving tasks. In their study, there were no differences between monolingual and
bilingual groups when math problems were presented to each in the dominant language.
This conclusion is different from the one reached by Mestre (1988). He claimed that
bilinguals with mathematical skills comparable to monolinguals tended to solve math word
problems incorrectly because of language deficiency. His argument is based on studies with
bilingual children who were studying in English but for whom English was their weaker
language, a situation similar to that in which Macnamara (1966) predicted grave results for
Consequences of bilingualism 12
bilinguals. Mestre identified the diverse forms of language proficiency that are required to solve
these problems, such as literacy, vocabulary, and syntactic knowledge, and argued that all of
them are compromised for bilingual children. These results are different from those reported by
Secada, but the children in Mestre’s study were not as fully bilingual. In Secada’s study, the
children were in bilingual education programs with most of their instruction conducted in
English, and English was the dominant language for most of the children at the time of the study.
In Mestre’s study, the children lacked some minimal level of competence in the weaker language
to proceed through the process of understanding and solving mathematical word problems.
Comparisons in terms of first and second, or stronger and weaker languages help to
interpret the results when comparing monolinguals and bilinguals performing arithmetic tasks,
but the language itself also contributes importantly to the explanation. In a series of studies
examining both children and adults who were Welsh-English bilinguals or English or Welsh
monolinguals, Ellis (1992) showed that the longer word names for numbers in Welsh increased
working memory demands and reduced the availability of working memory for calculation. This
effect of increased time needed to perform in Welsh was independent of the participants’ level of
A general result from all these studies is that solving mathematical problems in a weak
language is more difficult for bilinguals than it is either for monolinguals or for bilinguals in
their strong language. The effect is expressed as longer reactions times in adults and increased
errors in children. Some studies have shown that adult bilinguals produce increased reaction
time when solving these problems in both their languages so there may also be some costs
involved in having two systems to manipulate. But the main finding is that weakness in
language proficiency can affect the ability to carry out problem solving in other domains and
Consequences of bilingualism 13
interfere with children’s ability to master these problems. This is entirely reasonable, but it may
not speak to bilingualism so much as to the necessity for having sufficient language skills to
carry out basic cognitive activities in any domain. Studies examining bilingual children in their
mathematical problems. These results show that bilingualism does not alter children’s ability to
construct the necessary mental representations for mathematics relative to monolinguals, but that
problems framed in a verbal context that exceeds their linguistic sophistication imposes a barrier
accessing those representations and interferes with their performance. In that sense, language
limitations weaken children’s ability to learn concepts and to solve mathematical problems
relative to monolinguals.
Prior to the time when arithmetic operations can be carried out, children must establish
the concepts of invariant quantity as a system of relational meanings. These concepts include
understanding various aspects of the number system and its operations, including rules for
correspondence and rules for counting. This knowledge develops gradually as children piece
together the system and learn the symbolic and notational indicators of that system. The primary
principle that children must internalize is cardinality, the idea that numbers have quantitative
significance (Fuson, 1988; Gelman & Gallistel, 1978; Wynn, 1992). If this concept is learned
differently by bilinguals and monolinguals, then that could set the stage on which further
We tested children’s understanding of cardinality using two problems (Bialystok & Codd,
1997). In the towers task, we showed children piles of Lego blocks and piles of Duplo blocks.
The Duplo blocks are identical in every to the Lego blocks except they are twice as large on each
dimension. We told children that each block was an apartment that one family could live in,
Consequences of bilingualism 14
even though some apartments are big and some are small. We were going to build apartment
buildings out of the blocks and they had to count the apartments (blocks) and tell us which
building had more families living in it. Children were shown pairs of towers and reminded each
time to count the blocks. The relevant trials were those that compared a Lego tower and a Duplo
tower, but in which the higher Duplo tower had fewer blocks. The height is a compelling,
although misleading cue, and children need to ignore that height and report that the tower that
resulted in a higher number when counting was the tower with more blocks. Children found this
difficult, but the bilingual children performed significantly better than the monolinguals in their
ability to resist focusing on the height of the tower and attend only to the counting operation.
The second problem was the sharing task. Children were shown two identical dolls and a
set of candies that they were asked to divide equally between them. When the candies had been
divided and the child agreed that both dolls had the same number of candies, they were asked to
count the candies in the pile of the first doll and then to say, without counting, how many candies
were in the second doll’s pile. Like the towers task, the problem required counting a small set of
items and making a statement about quantity based on the counting procedure. The difference
was that the towers task contained misleading information that appeared to give them the answer
but the sharing task did not. The sharing task was difficult, but both groups performed to the
same level. Although these were the same children solving similar problems, the bilingual
Both the towers task and the sharing task are based on the cardinal principle that the last
number counted indicates the quantity of the set. The difference between the problems is that the
towers task assesses this principle in the context of misleading information, specifically designed
to distract the child by presenting a plausible but incorrect alternative to the cardinal principle.
Consequences of bilingualism 15
Bilingual children were better able than monolinguals to focus on the counting operation and not
In both these domains, bilingual children (and adults) were equivalent to monolinguals on
direct assessments of mathematical ability. For problem solving, bilinguals were sometimes
hampered by inadequate linguistic competence and performed less well or less efficiently,
especially when tested in their weaker language. For children learning basic arithmetic concepts,
however, bilinguals performed better than monolinguals when the problem was presented in a
misleading context. In this case, the bilingual children demonstrated superiority in their ability
to focus attention and ignore misleading cues. These attentional abilities translated into superior
A surprising but consistent deficit in young children’s performance has been shown on a
task that requires children to follow a simple rule to sort a set of cards and then reverse that rule
to sort the same cards in a different way. In a series of studies, Zelazo and his colleagues (Frye,
Zelazo, & Palfai, 1995; Jacques, Zelazo, Kirkham, & Semcesen, 1999; Zelazo & Frye, 1997;
Zelazo, Frye, & Rapus, 1996) have demonstrated children’s failure to reverse a rule that has been
established for a particular set. In the task, children are shown a container consisting of two
sorting compartments, each indicated by a target stimulus, for example, a red square and a blue
circle. They are then given a set of cards containing instances of shape-color combinations that
reverse the pairings, in this case, blue squares and red circles. Children are first told to sort by
one dimension, for example, color, and place all the blue squares in the compartment indicated
by the blue circle and all the red circles in the compartment indicated by the red square.
Children can perform this classification essentially without errors. When they have completed
Consequences of bilingualism 16
that phase, they are asked to re-sort the same cards by the opposite dimension, shape. In this
case, the blue squares must be placed in the box indicated by the red square and the red circles
must be placed in the box indicated by the blue circle. The finding is that preschool children
persist in sorting by the first dimension (color), continuing to place the blue squares with the blue
circle, even though they are reminded of the new rule on each trial. Bilingual children, however,
adapt to the new rule and solve this problem earlier than monolinguals (Bialystok, 1999;
There are different possibilities for why children perseverate on the first set of rules. The
explanation proposed by Zelazo and Frye (1997) is called the cognitive complexity and control
theory. They argue that children cannot solve the problem until they acquire sufficiently
complex rule systems and reflective awareness of those rules. According to this interpretation,
the task requires children to construct complex embedded representations of rules in which
instructions concerning specific dimensions are embedded under a more general representation
that classifies the stimuli. The ability to switch the sorting criterion depends on representing the
relation between the dimensions in terms of the higher order rule that unifies the specific lower
order rules. Young children are unable to do this, and because they represent only the individual
rules, they fail the task. By 5-years old, children have the ability to represent a hierarchical
structure and can pass the task, seeing the cards as, for example, simultaneously a red thing and a
round thing.
There is no doubt that the representational demands of this task are difficult. Children
must appreciate the dual nature of the sorting task and recognize that either dimension can be
used as a classification criterion. This explanation places much of the burden on the
development of adequate representations of the problem. However, the task also imposes high
Consequences of bilingualism 17
demands on children’s ability to control selective attention: Children must inhibit attention to a
perceptual dimension that was previously valid and refocus on a different aspect of the same
stimulus display.
Our explanation for the difficulty presented by the problem and for the reason for the
bilingual advantage comes from the need to selectively attend to and recode specific display
features. Children code the target stimuli according to the first rule system, in this case, the red
thing and the blue thing. When the second rule system is explained, those descriptions become
obsolete and must be revised, re-coding the targets as the square thing and the round thing.
Having already represented the targets in one way, however, it is difficult for children to now
think of the items as a square thing and a round thing. This re-interpretation of the targets
requires inhibition of their original values, and that is difficult because the colors remain
Two recent studies provide converging support for this interpretation of the primary
source of difficulty in this task. Typically, the experimenter names each card when passing it to
the child to be sorted, but children persist in sorting it according to the obsolete dimension.
Kirkham, Cruess, and Diamond (in press) revised the procedure by requiring the child to name
each card before placing it into the sorting box. The modification produced significantly better
Furthermore, instructing children to place the cards in the container face up instead of face down
as in the standard version made the task more difficult as it increased children’s distraction to the
obsolete feature. Similarly, Towse, Redbond, Houston-Price, and Cook (2000) presented a test
card to children who had made post-switch errors and asked them to name the card. More than
half of these children described the card by naming the pre-switch dimension; they continued to
Consequences of bilingualism 18
see the card as a blue thing even though they had just been taught the shape game. Both these
studies indicate that children persist in mentally encoding the cards according to the description
relevant in the pre-switch phase. Correct performance in the post-switch phase requires that they
inhibit those descriptions so they can reinterpret the card in terms of the post-switch feature.
The conclusion from these studies is that the primary difficulty children face in the post-
switch phase of the card sort task is in ignoring the continued presence of the cue that indicated
the rule for the pre-switch sorting and re-interpreting that target stimulus in a new way. If the
obsolete feature from that target stimulus is removed, children easily reassign the values and sort
correctly on the post-switch phase (Bialystok & Martin, submitted, Study 2). In the standard
version, however, the problem is difficult because of its demands on control of attention, and
bilingual children consistently solve this problem earlier than comparable monolinguals.
Theory of Mind
monolingual and bilingual children is one that has been intensively investigated in the past
several years. Researchers have been interested in the emergence of children’s understanding of
theory of mind, the knowledge that beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions are constructed by
individual minds that have a particular (literal or metaphorical) point of view (e.g., review in
Wellman, 1990). The breadth and pervasiveness of this understanding across cognitive domains
Explanations for children’s success on theory of mind tasks at the age of about 4 years
have varied. One view, called the “theory theory”, considers that theory of mind is a holistic
construct that exists independently of other cognitive achievements and emerges with maturation
(Astington, 1993; Perner, 1991). Other explanations take a more processing view by considering
Consequences of bilingualism 19
the memory and executive functioning demands built into these tasks and demonstrate a
correlation between success on these executive tasks and theory of mind problems (Carlson,
Moses, & Hix, 1998; Carlson & Moses, 2001; Hala & Russell, 2001; Hughes, 1998). In a
reversal of that position, Perner, Stummer, and Lang (1998) argue that it is competence with
theory of mind that brings children to higher levels of executive functioning, thereby reversing
In the standard paradigms for assessing theory of mind, children are given information
about a situation or an object, the information is then modified, and the child is required to
predict whether another person, not present when the amendments were described, would know
the updated information. In situation-based tasks, a toy is hidden in a location and then moved;
in false contents task, a container that is assumed to hold one kind of item actually holds another;
in appearance-reality tasks, an object that looks to be one thing turns out to be a different kind of
thing. The question asked of the child is whether another child who was not shown the truth
about the location, contents, or identity would know what the correct values were. Children who
fail the theory of mind task respond by saying that the novice child would have full access to the
information that the experimental child had and be able to answer the questions properly.
Although the modularized view of these abilities is compelling and consistent with much
evidence, the tasks nonetheless incorporate complex processing demands. If bilingual children
were precocious in the development of at least one of these component processes, then it is
possible that they would solve theory of mind tasks earlier than monolinguals. The kinds of
tasks for which bilingual children have shown an advantage are those that include misleading
information, a situation characteristic as well of these theory of mind tasks. The tasks are based
on conflict between two states – real and altered, appearance and reality – and the child must
Consequences of bilingualism 20
understand which possible configuration will provide the correct answer. The difficulty is that
the original state of the display, namely, the appearance of the object or the initial hiding place,
remains visible during the questioning, potentially misleading the child into the original
response. Therefore, children must resist basing their answers on these previously correct and
items that appeared to be one thing but were found on inspection to be something else were
shown to monolingual and bilingual children who were 4-years old. The three items were an
object that looked like a rock but was actually a sponge, a crayon box that had Lego inside
instead of crayons, and a plastic snowman that opened up and was really a book. Following the
standard procedure for these tasks, the experimenter showed the child each item and discussed
what it looked like. When children agreed on the appearance of each object, the experimenter
The testing phase consisted of three questions. The first two questions are called the
appearance questions because they are based on the original expectation of the object from first
looking at it: What did you think this was when you first saw it? What will Tigger (a stuffed toy
participating in the initial interaction but hidden during the revelation) think it is when we bring
him back? The third question is called the reality question because it assesses the actual identity
of the item that is not revealed by its outward appearance: What is it really? There was no
difference between responses to the two appearance questions, so they were combined into a
single score for appearance questions that was compared to performance on the reality question.
Monolingual and bilingual children exhibited different patterns for the two questions.
Both groups performed the same on the appearance question, but the bilingual children
Consequences of bilingualism 21
outperformed the monolinguals on the reality question. The answers to the appearance question
are supported by the continued presence of the objects during questioning. The reality question,
in contrast, requires children to go beyond the appearance of the display and state the actual
identity or function of the object. Because the appearance conflicts with the correct answer to
the reality question, the solution requires children to actively ignore that appearance and state
On the theory of mind task used in this study, bilingual children outperformed
monolinguals on questions that place high demands on the ability to control attention and inhibit
misleading perceptual information. Consistently, this is the kind of process that bilingual
advantage that comes to children who are bilingual. They do not display mathematical precocity
and are compromised on certain mathematical computations and problems presented in their
weaker language, they do not demonstrate superior skill in monitoring and updating
classification problems, and they are not consistently more advanced than monolinguals in
establishing the basic concepts for theory of mind. However, in all three domains, problems in
which conflicting information, especially perceptual information, interferes with the correct
solution and requires attention and effort to evaluate and ultimately ignore one of the options are
processing advantage, but other aspects of cognitive development are impaired for bilingual
Bilingual children generally score lower than respective monolinguals in each of their languages.
This result has been replicated in almost every study that has compared monolingual and
bilingual children in the preschool and sometimes early school years (review in Bialystok, 2001).
It is this weak competence in the language of schooling that led Macnamara (1966) to caution
that bilingual children were disadvantaged both educationally and cognitively, and it was
undoubtedly this compromised verbal proficiency that was responsible for his conclusion that
subsequent research showed, bilingual and monolingual children who were equated for language
ability solved mathematical problems to exactly the same level of competence. In many
domains, therefore, bilingual children develop cognitive skills in the same manner and on the
same schedule as do monolinguals. While this may not seem to be newsworthy, early
eradicated by the declaration that the bilingualism might instead have no effect at all on
children’s development.
its persistence across verbal and nonverbal domains of problem solving. This selectivity of
attention is an aspect of executive functioning that develops gradually through childhood. Tipper
and his colleagues (Tipper, Bourque, Anderson, & Brehaut, 1989; Tipper & McLaren, 1990)
components. Three of these components are inhibition, selection, and habituation. Two of them,
selection and habituation, are as well-formed in childhood and function for children as
essentially the same as they do for adults. In contrast, inhibition develops slowly, changing
Other researchers, too, have documented the development of inhibition in young children and
connected it to important changes in problem solving (Dagenbach & Carr, 1994; Dempster,
1992; Diamond, in press; Diamond & Taylor, 1996; Harnishfeger & Bjorklund, 1993).
Inhibition is the essential factor in distinguishing the performance of the bilingual children, so it
may be that bilingualism exerts its effect primarily on the inhibition component of attention.
Inhibition and control of attention are carried out in the frontal lobes (Stuss, 1992).
Patients with damage to the frontal lobes experience difficulty in tasks that require switching
attention (e.g., Wisconsin Card Sorting Test) and selecting relevant features in the presence of
distracting information (e.g., Tower of London) (Burgess & Shallice, 1996; Kimberg,
D’Esposito, & Farah, 1997; Luria, 1966; Perrett, 1974). Even automated tasks, like Stroop tests,
are difficult for these patients because they have inadequate control over their attention to the
irrelevant features of the Stroop stimuli, normally the color word. This performance profile is
the reverse of that obtained with bilingual children: What is difficult for frontal patients develops
Cognitive control of attention declines in healthy older adults with normal aging. Hasher
and Zacks (1988) elaborate a model of attention that includes both the excitatory mechanisms
that are triggered by environmental stimuli and the inhibitory mechanisms that are required to
memory becomes cluttered with irrelevant information and decreases the efficiency of cognitive
processing (Hasher, Zacks, & May, 1999). Dempster (1992) proposes a similar description but
describes the rise and fall of these inhibitory processes over the entire lifespan, rather than just
their decline with aging. The consequence of aging in these views is that older adults have less
control over the contents of working memory than do younger adults, a situation that is
Consequences of bilingualism 24
functionally similar to the difference between monolingual and bilingual children solving
Duncan (1996) uses selective attention and inhibitory control to integrate research from
several areas of cognitive processing. He demonstrates that the effects of frontal lobe lesions,
Spearman, 1927), and divided attention, are evidence of the same processes that distinguish
between active or passive control of attention. These processes are situated in the frontal lobes,
making the frontal structures the seat of highly generalized forms of intelligence. This analysis
supports the association between the processes that are enhanced for bilingual children and the
processes that are damaged through frontal lobe injury and decline with normal aging.
standardized tests. This line of reasoning that includes intelligence, or g, in the equation
potentially carries profound implications for claims about the effect of bilingualism on
intelligence, but such conclusions are vastly premature, as any relevant or detailed research
examining the logical steps in this argument does not exist. But bilingualism clearly alters
specific cognitive processes that are part of the underpinnings to this broader view of
Current research on the organization of two languages in the mind of adult bilinguals
shows convincingly that both languages remain active during language processing in either
language. This view is in contrast to earlier models that posited a “switch” that activated only
the relevant language (Macnamara & Kushnir, 1971). Evidence for shared processing comes
from both psycholinguistic and neuroimaging studies. Psycholinguistic models differ on whether
the word level of representation for the two languages is separate (Brauer, 1998; Durgunoglu &
Consequences of bilingualism 25
Roediger, 1987; Van Hell & de Groot, 1998) or common (Chen & Ng, 1989; Francis, 1999a;
Grainger, 1993; Guttentag, Haith, Goodman, & Hauch, 1984; Hermans, Bongaerts, de Bot, &
Schreuder,1998) but agree that these lexical representations are connected through a common
conceptual system (review in Smith, 1997). Some of the contradiction between the positions on
how words are represented is resolved when proficiency levels are included in the analysis
(Francis, 1999b; Kroll & de Groot, 1997; Kroll & Stewart, 1994). Higher levels of proficiency
in the second language produce lexical-semantic (conceptual) configurations that more closely
resemble those constructed in the first language, whereas second languages with low proficiency
levels require mediation of the first language. In fact, below some threshold of proficiency, it
becomes debatable whether the individuals are bilinguals or second-language learners. The
only bilinguals who are reasonably proficient in both languages, thereby assuming some
approach to balanced proficiency. This is the situation, then, for bilinguals in studies that have
demonstrated shared representations that are mutually active during language processing in
either language.
on this issue by attempting to identify the regions of cortical activation. Studies by Chee, Tan, &
Thiel (1999) and Illes et al. (1999) using fMRI, Klein and colleagues (Klein, Milner, Zatorre,
Zhao, & Nikelski, 1999; Klein, Zatorre, Milner, Meyer, & Evans, 1995) using PET, and
Pouratian et al., (2000) using iOIS (intraoperative optical imaging of intrinsic signals) found no
disparity in the activated regions when performing tasks in either the first or second language
(although Pouratian et al., 2000 did additionally find some areas unique to each language in a
naming task). Conversely, studies by Kim, Relkin, Lee, and Hirsch (1997) and Dehaene et al.
Consequences of bilingualism 26
(1997) using fMRI found some evidence of separate activation when using each of the
languages, at least for some bilinguals on some kinds of tasks. Again, part of the conflict can be
attributed to the level of proficiency in the second language (e.g., Perani et al., 1998). As in the
behavioral studies, high proficiency in both languages was associated with more complete
If two languages are mutually active (psycholinguistic evidence) and share common
functionally distinct. Without procedures for separating the languages, any use of one language
would evoke unwanted intrusions from the other. Green (1998) addresses this question with a
model based on inhibitory control, an executive system for activating or inhibiting linguistic
representations (lemmas). The model has three components: a hierarchy of language task
system, modeled after Shallice’s (1988) supervisory attentional system (SAS), controls levels of
activation by regulating the language task schemas. This makes the model responsive to the
demands of each individual situation. The task schemas determine output by controlling the
activation levels of the competing responses from the two languages and inhibiting the lemmas
that belong to the language incorrect for that situation. The basic notion is that each of a
(cf., Grosjean, 1997; Paradis, 1997), and not through a binary switch as earlier models had
posited. The central mechanism of this model is inhibition of competing lexical representations.
Green cites evidence showing that PET studies of translation indicate increased activity in the
anterior cingulate, an area activated during Stroop tasks and associated with the inhibition of
prepotent responses (Posner & DiGirolamo, 2000), whereas comparable scans of performance
Consequences of bilingualism 27
while reading (but not translating) do not invoke activity in this area. This pattern was
confirmed in a study by Price, Green, and von Studnitz (1999) who showed separate brain
activation patterns for switching and translating, with translating again activating the anterior
negotiating the language used in specific contexts, and independent evidence has supported the
Iglesias, 1994) have shown that language deterioration in the elderly is attributable to declines in
attentional abilities, and that bilinguals suffer loss in attentional processing on both their
languages. They attribute the changes to problems with inhibition mechanisms and demonstrate
Studies by Hernandez and colleagues, also examining aging and bilingualism, provide
further evidence for the role of inhibitory control mechanisms in language processing for
bilinguals (Hernandez & Kohnert, 1999; Hernandez, Dapretto, Mazziotta, & Bookheimer, 2001;
Hernandez, Martinez, & Kohnert, 2000). They presented older and younger Spanish-English
bilinguals with a switching task in which the participant was required to name simple line
drawings in one or the other language. A cue preceding each trial indicated the language in
which the response was required. The interesting results come from mixed block presentations
in which the two languages were combined into a single block, requiring rapid monitoring and
switching between languages. These conditions were more difficult for the older bilinguals than
the younger ones, evidenced by a significant increase in the reaction time. More interesting,
however, is that an fMRI study of a small number of (young) bilingual individuals performing
this task showed that switching between languages was accompanied by activation in the
Consequences of bilingualism 28
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, an area involved in task switching and control of attention.
Finally, a study by Rodriguez-Fornells, Rotte, Heinze, Nosselt and Munte (2002) used fMRI to
locate the ability of bilinguals to prevent interference from the other language through an
If the inhibitory control model of Green is correct, then bilingualism, by its very nature,
results in greater use of inhibitory control because it is invoked every time language is used.
Bilingual children, therefore, experience extensive practice of this executive function in the first
few years of life, at least once both languages are known to a sufficient level of proficiency to
offer viable processing systems. If this practice in inhibiting linguistic processing carries over to
processing in disparate cognitive domains, then bilinguals should be more able than
monolinguals to perform tasks that require the inhibition of irrelevant information (see Meuter
and also Michael & Gollan, this volume, for related discussion concerning adult bilingual
The prefrontal cortex is the last brain area to mature in development, a possible reason
that many of the tasks that require switching attention or ignoring conflicting information are
difficult for young children to solve. The bilingual experience of negotiating two language
representations, switching attention between them on a constant basis, and selecting subtle
features of linguistic input to guide performance in choosing the correct response language may
accelerate the development of the responsible cortical areas. Thus, bilingualism may provide the
occasion for a more rapid development of an essential cortical center, and the consequence of
This explanation is based on the assumption that cortical organization is plastic and that it
can be altered with experience. Both presumptions are supported in neuroscience research.
Consequences of bilingualism 29
Studies by Recanzone, Merzenich, Jenkins, Grajski, and Dinse (1992) comparing finger
sensitivity in monkeys that did or did not receive a stimulating learning experience, and Ebert,
Pantev, Wienbruch, Rockstroth, and Taub (1995) comparing finger sensitivity in violin players
and non musicians, reported cortical reorganization and enhancement in the representation area
responsible for those fingers. In both cases, an environmental experience that offered massive
rehabilitation research, Taub (2001) has been successful in reestablishing motor control in areas
paralyzed through stroke. Patients who lose control over some area, for example, an arm, have
the spared arm immobilized and are trained to use the paralyzed arm through massive practice,
an experience which results in the motor control for that arm being transferred to an undamaged
cortical region. Bilingualism may provide another example of this kind of reorganizational
process. The environmental experience of using two languages from childhood provides
massive practice in the attention and inhibition centers of the prefrontal cortex and promotes
their development.
functioning are rarely couched in terms of detailed processes like control of attention and
inhibition. Instead, the descriptions are pitched at the level of overall intelligence, claiming
enhancements (e.g., Peal & Lambert, 1962) or deficits (e.g., Saer, 1923), but broad in their
implications. How can the processing descriptions proposed here be reconciled with the claims
crystallized forms. Fluid intelligence declines with aging and is correlated with a range of
Consequences of bilingualism 30
frontal tasks (Kray & Lindenberger, 2000; Salthouse, Fristoe, McGuthry, & Hambrick, 1998). In
contrast, crystallized intelligence remains relatively stable across the lifespan, if anything
increasing with the accretion of knowledge and experience, and does not correlate with those
tasks that demand on-line processing and attention. In Duncan’s (1996) model, described above,
he posits a relation between g and performance in a variety of frontal tasks, but it is possible that
his equation could be made more precise by considering only fluid intelligence rather than the
general form of intelligence, then based on the performance on specific tasks, it is likely that the
executive control. There is, of course, no evidence that bilingualism does affect intelligence.
The claim here is more simply that the specific cognitive processes that do appear to be enhanced
by bilingualism would most likely impact upon only one aspect of general intelligence, namely
fluid intelligence.
The most general aspect of cognition that Peal and Lambert (1962) identified as the locus
of bilingual influence was creative thinking and flexibility of thought, a conclusion shared by
others as well (cf. MacNab, 1979). The usual explanation for this advantage is that having two
linguistic systems and two names for things endows bilinguals with the capacity to see things
from different perspectives, in both aspects, and switch between these designations. For
example, creativity tasks, such as requiring the participant to generate unusual uses for common
objects, requires individuals to suppress the usual use or appearance of these objects, freeing
oneself to entertain alternatives. The nonverbal tests in which Peal and Lambert’s (1962)
concept formation or computation. These measures are aspects of fluid intelligence. Moreover,
Consequences of bilingualism 31
they frequently require the ability to ignore misleading information, such as the usual use of a
common object, in order to attend to a more subtle feature and propose a novel function. If
indeed bilinguals perform these tasks better than monolinguals, it would be attributable to
precisely the same processes that ensured their advantage in the other executive function tasks
Bilingualism changes something fundamental about the way cognitive processes are
shaped by young children. How extensive these changes are in either cognitive space or
developmental time are questions that are still being investigated. Even if these advantages
prove to be more transient or more fragile than some of the more optimistic data suggests they
might, their role in discarding old fears that bilingualism confuses children and retards their
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Author Notes
The preparation of this chapter and the research reported in it was supported by a grant from the
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.