Shreeyash College of Engineering and Technology (Polytechnic), Chh. Sambhajinagar
Shreeyash College of Engineering and Technology (Polytechnic), Chh. Sambhajinagar
Shreeyash College of Engineering and Technology (Polytechnic), Chh. Sambhajinagar
Seal of Institute
We wish to express our profound gratitude to our guide PROF: P. D.
TANGDE who guided us endlessly in framing and completion of Micro-Project.
She guided us on all the main points in that Micro-Project. We are indebted to
her constant encouragement, cooperation and help. It was her enthusiastic support
that helped us in overcoming of various obstacles in the Micro-Project.
We are also thankful to our Principal S. S. KHANDAGALE & HOD
A. C. NAIK, Faculty Members and classmates for extending their support and
motivation in the completion of this Micro-Project.
Title of Micro-Project
3.0 Proposed Methodology (Procedure in brief that will be followed to do the micro-
project) in about 100 to 200 words).
In this project we have develop computer hospital management system project and shows you how
they apply to a everything in the hospital. We searched the micro project topics related to subject. Then
selected micro project title. After selection of topic searched and collected information related to selected
topic and we make proposal of the project.
4.0 Action Plan (Sequence and time required for major activity. The following is for Reference, The
Activities can be Added / reduced / Modified )
Name of
Sr. Planned Planned Responsible
Details of activity
No. Week Start Finish Team Members
date date
1 1 &2 Discussion & Finalization of 15/01/2024 17/01/2024 All Members
2 3 Preparation of the Abstract 20/01/2024 22/01/2024 Krushna Kale
3 4 Literature Review 25/01/2024 27/01/2024 Krushna Kale
4 5 Submission of Microproject 29/01/2024 31/01/2024 All Members
Proposal ( Annexure-I)
5 6 Collection of information about 01/02/2024 03/02/2024 Sumit Joshi
6 7 Collection of relevant content / 05/02/2024 07/02/2024 Vishal Kolte
materials for the execution of
7 8 Discussion and submission of 10/02/2024 12/02/2024 All Members
outline of the Microproject.
8 9 Analysis / execution of 20/02/2024 22/02/2024 All Members
Collected data / information and
preparation of Prototypes /
drawings / photos / charts /
graphs / tables / circuits / Models
/ programs etc.
9 10 Completion of Contents of 01/03/2024 03/03/2024 Sumit Joshi
Project Report
10 11 Completion of Weekly progress 10/03/2024 12/03/2024 Vishal Kolte
11 12 Completion of Project Report ( 11/04/2024 11/04/2024 All Members
12 13 Viva voce / Delivery of
5.0 Resources Required (major resources such as raw material, some machining facility,
software etc.)
Micro-Project Report
Format for Micro-Project Report (Minimum 4 pages)
Title of Micro-Project:-
The main objective of the VB.Net Project on Hospital Management System is to manage the
details of Doctors, Hospitals, Patient, Appointments, Medicines. It manages all the information –
about Doctors, Nurses, Medicines, Doctor.
3.0 Course Outcomes Achieved (Add to the earlier list if more Cos are addressed)
a) Use Visual Studio IDE to design application.
b) Develop GUI Application using Form Controls and its events.
c) Apply Object Oriented concepts in GUI Application.
d) Use Data access controls to store data in Database and retrieve it.
e) Use Data Binding in GUI Application.
1.1 Literature Review:- ( you can include all the resources which you have used to gather the information
for the Micro-project)
5.0 Actual Methodology Followed (Write step wise work done, data collected and its analysis
(if any).The contribution of individual member may also be noted.)
In this project we have develop computer hospital management system project and shows you how
they apply to a everything in the hospital. We searched the micro project topics related to subject. Then
selected micro project title. After selection of topic searched and collected information related to selected
topic and we make proposal of the project.
6.0 Actual Resources Used (Mention the actual resources used).
Name of Resource/material Specifications Qty Remarks
1 Bridge 2
PC Windows 11 4
Smart Phones Android 13 2
1) IDENTIFYING : identifying the problem and course of problem in the area related and prepare
project proposals before starting the project.
2) SERIVE : Derive different possible solutions creatively.
3) DATA COMMUNICATION : Collect relevant data from different sources (books/the internet/the
market/suppliers/experts and other through survey/interviews).
4) DESIGNING : Designing micro project with minimum required resources (low cost).
5) DEVELOPING : Develop the prototype/model/ of the desired equipment/ machine part etc.
6) TEAMWORK : Learn to work in a team and boost individual confidence.
7) TIME MANAGEMENT : Timely completion of micro project as scheduled.
8) DATA ANALYSIS : Interpretation of data, drawing and analysis of laboratory calculations etc.
9) PROBLEM-SOLVING : Develop good problem-solving skills.
10) SAFETY : Incorporate safety features in products.
11) TECHNICAL WRITING : Prepare a report of the proposed plan and final report.
12) PRESENTATION AND COMMUNICATION SKILLS : Giving working model presentation of
the micro project.
13) CONFIDENCE : Confidently, answer the questions asked about the project.
14) ACKNOWLEDGEMTNT : Acknowledge the help rendered by others in the success of the project.
A hospital management system (HMS) can be used in a GUI application to help users perform functions
such as: Admin login, Patient details, Doctor details, Room details, and Services.
(A) Process and Product Assessment (Convert Below total marks out of 6Marks)
1 Relevance to the course
2 Literature
3 Completion of the Target
as Per project proposal
4 Analysis of Data and
Quality of Prototype/Model
6 Report Preparation
(B) Individual Presentation/Viva(Convert Below total marks out of 4 Marks)
7 Presentation
(A) (B)
Process and Product Individual Presentation/ Total Marks
Assessment (6 marks) Viva (4 marks) 10
Dated Signature:-__________________