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Pearson Test of English
Tips and Tricks.
Read Aloud Tips and Tricks
1. Use the time before the microphone opens up to become familiar with the text. 2. Chunk the text before you speak by breaking it at punctuation marks. 3. Pick some words that you can emphasize on. 4. Read some starting text aloud just to get in the right state of mind. 5. Start reading as soon as the microphone opens us. 6. Don’t stop too much when you are reading the text. 7. Raise and lower your voice at the right places. 8. Understand the pace at which you should speak. 9. Go to the next question if you finish early. 10. Practice reading aloud by starting with small sentences and gradually going up to longer sentences. 11. Learn the most common academic vocabulary and its usage in sentences. 12. Record yourself and try to understand how you sound. Repeat sentence Tips and Tricks 1. Be ready to start speaking as soon as the microphone opens up 2. Understand the tone of the speaker and try to reproduce that in your response 3. Listen carefully and note which words are more important 4. Try to understand what the speaker is saying 5. Form a picture corresponding to the audio in your mind as you listen 6. Keep in mind that there is no tone before the microphone opens up 7. Speaking anything if you have forgotten a word 8. Speak each word clearly and with full confidence 9. Copy only the speaker’s tone and meaning, not the accent 10. Speak at your natural pace 11. Expose yourself to audio with different accents and different contexts 12. Review the academic word list and become familiar with the common words 13. Learn how to memorize short audio clips 14. Learn basic grammar so that you can fill up the parts of sentence that you don’t remember 15. Try to say the words in the right sequence 16. Practice listening to audio and repeating after it every day 17. Group the words as the speaker does
Describe Image Tips and Tricks
1. Understand what type of image you are dealing with. 2. Prepare a template and structure for most common types of images. 3. Identify the key points in the image and note them down. 4. Decide the order in which you will describe the points. 5. Always begin with an introduction. 6. Don’t forget to make a conclusion. 7. Focus on key points together. 8. Club similar points together. 9. Keep an eye on the timer to complete in a given time. 10. Practice by studying graphs, images, pie charts, newspapers etc. 11. Learn the right vocabulary. 12. Don't hesitate and stuck anywhere in your response. Retell Lecture Tips and Tricks 1. Look at the image given alongside to guess what the lecture might be about. 2. Change the volume if needed. 3. Take notes as you listen to the lecture. 4. Listen to understand, not just to memorize. 5. Draw an image in mind as you listen. 6. Organize the notes in 10 seconds once the audio lecture ends. 7. Be ready with some templates just in case you are not able to understand the lecture much. 8. Introduce the theme in the opening sentence of your response. 9. Make a good conclusion in the end. 10. Learn to identify the key points in an audio by daily practice and by listening for guiding words or so called signpost words. 11. Expose yourself to different accents and topics and not just one. 12. Don’t hesitate too much while speaking. 13. Understand the pace at which you should speak and follow that in your exam. 14. Move to the next question immediately if you finish your response before time. Answer short questions Tips and Tricks 1. Answer as soon as the microphone opens, don’t wait for the tone. 2. Maintain your focus while listening. 3. Don’t try to take notes in PTE Answer Short Questions. 4. Don’t be nervous when giving your answer. 5. Don’t stay silent while you think about the question. 6. Feel free to correct yourself if you make a mistake. 7. Practice common questions before the exam. 8. Don’t attempt to give a smart answer. 9. Speak clearly and pronounce the words correctly. 10. Practice a rapid fire round with a friend.
Summarize Written Text Tips and Tricks
First read the passage quickly to understand the main theme 1. Find the main points to include in summary in the second reading 2. Take notes when you are reading 3. Pick the main sentences and paste them in your answer window 4. Don’t write a summary that is either too long or too short 5. Connect the sentences properly as you can only write one sentence in your response 6. Don’t use the exact same words or sentence structure as the main text 7. Review your grammar and vocabulary in the last couple of minutes 8. Don’t write in all capital letters 9. Plan how to use the 10 minutes before the exam 10. Learn proper reading techniques 11. Do the common-sense test in the end 12. Make reading a part of your everyday routine to develop your overall English skills 13. Don’t include details in the summary Write Essay Tips and Tricks. 1. Don’t start writing the essay immediately. 2. Write according to a well-defined structure. 3. Make sure to understand the topic clearly and what is expected of you in the essay. 4. Decide your position on the essay topic in the first couple of minutes. 5. Write down some ideas before you start developing them. 6. Don’t repeat the same point again and again. 7. Don’t leave any point half baked. 8. Do not consider your personal opinions (except in agree or disagree questions). 9. Use academic language in your PTE Essays. 10. Show your variety and diverse vocabulary in your essay responses. 11. Always write a proper introduction and conclusion. 12. Try to write about 250 words in your PTE Write Essay task. 13. Turn off the spell checker and grammar checker if you are practicing on your computer. 14. Spend some time reviewing the basic grammar concepts. 15. Practice writing essays on a variety of topics. Listening Summarize Spoken text Tips and Tricks. 1. Be attentive and be ready to listen. 2. Take good notes while listening to the audio. 3. Don’t jump into writing immediately after the audio ends. 4. Stick to the word limit of 50 to 70 words. 5. Don’t make unnecessarily complex sentences. 6. Review what you have written in the end. 7. Use your time effectively. 8. Answer based on your notes. 9. Don’t put unnecessary details in your summary. 10. Practice listening to a wide variety of academic audios. Fill in the blanks Tips and Tricks. 1. Read the text before the audio begins 2. Place your cursor at the first blank 3. Move your eyes along with the audio and always follow the transcript 4. Decide whether to take notes or write directly in the blank 5. Review what you have typed at the end 6. Use grammar and logic to fix any mistakes 7. If a word is difficult to understand make your best guess 8. Practice listening to English language audio every day 9. Learn common collocations 10. Become familiar with the academic word list Highlight correct summary Tips and Tricks. 1. Quickly glance at the four summary options before the audio begins 2. Take notes while listening 3. Keep an eye on the various options as you listen to the audio 4. Treat this like a multiple choice question 5. Review all options one by one 6. Make your final selection on the basis of your notes and what you remember 7. Visualize while you are listening 8. Eliminate options that have information that is not based on the audio 9. Select the most complete summary 10. Don’t spend too much time on any one question 11. Do some listening and reading practice every day
Multiple choice- choose single answers.
1. Read the question and options before the audio starts. 2. Keep an eye on options while listening to the audio. 3. Take notes of important points. 4. Validate all options one by one. 5. Don’t spend too much time on any one question. 6. Visualize while listening for better understanding. 7. Practice with a variety of authentic audios every day. 8. Answer based on the notes you have taken. 9. Don’t use your general knowledge. 10. Eliminate the wrong answers before finalizing your response. Multiple choice- choose multiple answers. 1. Read the question and options before the audio beings. 2. Visualize while listening for better understanding. 3. Take notes of important points. 4. Validate all options one by one. 5. Don’t spend too much time on any one question. 6. Beware of negative marking. 7. Keep an eye on the options while listening to the audio. 8. Practice with a variety of authentic audios every day. 9. Answer based on your notes. 10. Don’t use your general knowledge. 11. Validate answers exactly against what is explicitly mentioned in the audio. Select Missing Words Tips and Tricks. 1. Read the instructions to understand the theme of the audio. 2. Check the options before the audio begins. 3. Take notes while you listen to the audio. 4. Pay extra attention to the last part of the audio before the beep. 5. Combine all options with the last sentence one by one. 6. Eliminate options that don’t make logical sense. 7. If confused make the best guess and pick an option related to the theme of the audio. 8. Don’t get stuck on any one part of the audio, keep listening and be attentive. 9. Manage your time wisely. 10. Visualize while listening to the audio. Highlight incorrect words Tips and Tricks. 1. Read the text before the audio begins. 2. Place your cursor at the first word. 3. Move you hand along with the audio. 4. Don’t change your selections in the end. 5. Make sure you don’t fall behind the audio. 6. Don’t make random guesses as there is negative marking in this question type. 7. Practice with a variety of authentic audio clips. 8. Make logical guesses if required.
Write from dictation Tips and Tricks
1. Be ready to start listening and writing or typing 2. Decide your approach beforehand – write or type 3. Listen with the goal of understanding 4. Type words in correct order and use your English knowledge to decide the correct order 5. Review for spelling mistakes 6. Review for grammatical mistakes 7. Type whatever you remember if not the whole 8. If confused make your best guess about that part of dictation 9. Practice listening to a variety of audios 10. Improve your typing skill.