Go to zotero.org
Download the software and install it.
https://www.zotero.org/You'd also want to install the Zotero browser extension.
Now open Google Scholar, and look up "World Literature" or whatever is relevant to your work.
Because I'd name the collection "World Literature," it is automatically saving the search results in that collection.
Go to Zotero and click on "World Literature" collection.
It will show you all the sources you just selected from Google Scholar.
You'd also need to install Zotero connector for whatever word processor you use.
Type the name of the author in the search bar, "Damrosch" in this case.
Zotero will give you the list of sources from "World Literature" collection.
Select the relevant source.
Zotero will prepare the in-text citation for insertion. It will also give you the option to edit the citation.
Here I am editing the citation to include the page number.
Press Enter and Zotero will insert the citation for you.
Open Zotero and select all the sources you used in your paper.
A right click will open a dialog box.
Choose the one appropriate to your field/discipline. Here I am using MLA 9th edition.
(Zotero will copy the text to clipboard)
Go to your paper in Google Docs and Paste.
This will paste a list of all the works that you cited in your preferred referencing style.
And that's how you use Zotero for citations and referencing.
As @zotero pointed out, the correct and much more convenient way to create bibliography is to use the Google Docs/MS Word
A bibliography thus inserted will stay updated automatically based on the citations you have added to your document.