Potassium Tetraborate

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Product Data Sheet

Potassium Tetraborate
K2B4O7 · 4H2O
Potassium Tetraborate Tetrahydrate
Dipotassium Tetraborate Tetrahydrate

Technical Grade: Granular and Powder

CAS Number 12045-78-2

Potassium tetraborate is a product resulting from the controlled Lubricating oil additives
reaction of potassium hydroxide, water and boric acid. It is an Potassium borates dispersed in a very finely divided state, improve
alkaline salt with excellent buffering properties and consists of the load-carrying, anticorrosion, and antiwear properties of industrial
white crystalline granules. Potassium tetraborate replaces borax and automotive gear lubricants. Under extreme conditions,
where an alkali borate is needed but sodium salts cannot be used. potassium borates interact with metal load-bearing surfaces to form
Potassium tetraborate is also more soluble in water than borax. a film of extraordinary resilience. This tenacious film provides
outstanding load-carrying capacity and wear protection.

Applications and benefits Diazotype developer

A light-sensitive composition can be produced by combining a
Buffering agent nonionic aromatic diazo compound and a cationic dye-borate anion
When dissolved in water, potassium tetraborate hydrolyzes to give complex. Potassium tetraborate can be used as the source of borate
a mildly alkaline solution. It is thus capable of neutralizing acids. It anion.
also combines with strong alkalis to lower their pH. The pH of a
2% (wt) solution of potassium tetraborate is 9.2. The value Nuclear
increases very slightly with increasing concentration, and Being a good absorber of thermal neutrons and having a high
diminishes very slightly with increasing temperature. The aqueous solubility, potassium tetraborate is used for emergency
relatively constant pH of potassium tetraborate solutions makes shutdowns in nuclear-powered ships.
them excellent buffering agents, and these are often
recommended as primary standards in analytical procedures.

Welding/soldering/brazing fluxes
Potassium tetraborate is an excellent solvent for metallic oxides
at high temperatures. In the field of metallurgy, it is used in the
preparation of special welding, soldering and brazing fluxes of
stainless steel or various non-ferrous metals to avoid the “glare”
associated with sodium borate.

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Product Data Sheet

Potassium Tetraborate

Chemical and physical properties

Theoretical composition Characteristics

Boric oxide, B2O3 45.58% Molecular weight 305.5
Potassium oxide, K2O 30.83% Specific gravity 1.92
Water of crystallization, H2O 23.59% Onset of water loss 100°C (212°F)
Anhydrous equivalent, K2B4O7 76.41%

Stability Hydrogen ion concentration

Potassium tetraborate shows little tendency to cake except after Aqueous solutions of potassium tetraborate show a slight decrease
prolonged storage or if it becomes severely wetted by rain or followed by a moderate increase in pH with increasing concentration:
substantial water penetration. It is also capable of absorbing moisture
if exposed to a humid environment. When stored under normal Potassium tetraborate (wt) pH @ 20°C (68°F)
conditions of temperature and humidity, potassium tetraborate is
unlikely to change chemically or cake. It is, of course, essential to 0.1% 9.18
maintain the integrity of the packaging. 0.5% 9.14

Melting point 1.0% 9.15

Heated in a vacuum, the crystalline salt begins to dissolve in its own 2.0% 9.20
water at about 100°C (212°F), losing two molecules of water. The
anhydrous salt is formed at about 400°C (752°F), and fuses to a clear 5.0% 9.20
glass at 815°C (1500°F).

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Product Data Sheet

Potassium Tetraborate

Solubility in water, as K2B4O7 · 4H2O

Temp °C (°F) % by weight

0 (32) 8.2
5 (41) 10.0
10 (50) 11.8
15 (59) 13.6
20 (68) 15.8
25 (77) 17.8
30 (86) 20.4
35 (95) 22.7
40 (104) 25.4
45 (113) 28.4
50 (122) 31.4
55 (131) 34.3
60 (140) 37.2
65 (149) 40.6
70 (158) 43.6
75 (167) 46.8
80 (176) 50.0
85 (185) 53.6
90 (194) 56.5
95 (203) 60.1
100 (212) 63.3

Notice: Before using these products, please read the Product Specifications, the Safety Data Sheets and any other applicable product literature. The descriptions of potential uses for these products are
provided only by way of example. The products are not intended or recommended for any unlawful or prohibited use including, without limitation, any use that would constitute infringement of any applicable
patents. Nor is it intended or recommended that the products be used for any described purposes without verification by the user of the products’ safety and efficacy for such purposes, as well as ensuring
compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and registration requirements. Suggestions for use of these products are based on data believed to be reliable. The seller shall have no liability resulting from
misuse of the products and provides no guarantee, whether expressed or implied, as to the results obtained if the products are not used in accordance with directions or safe practices. The buyer assumes all
responsibility, including any injury or damage, resulting from misuse of the product, whether used alone or in combination with other materials. THE SELLER MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES

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