Animation Program
Animation Program
Animation Program
Animation refers to the movement on the screen of the display device created by displaying a sequence
of still images. Animation is the technique of designing, drawing, making layouts and preparation of
photographic series which are integrated into the multimedia and gaming products. Animation connects
the exploitation and management of still images to generate the illusion of movement. A person who
creates animations is called animator. He/she use various computer technologies to capture the pictures
and then to animate these in the desired sequence. Animation includes all the visual changes on the
screen of display devices. These are:
1. Education and Training: Animation is used in school, colleges and training centers for education
purpose. Flight simulators for aircraft are also animation based.
2. Entertainment: Animation methods are now commonly used in making motion pictures, music videos
and television shows, etc.
3. Computer Aided Design (CAD): One of the best applications of computer animation is Computer Aided
Design and is generally referred to as CAD. One of the earlier applications of CAD was automobile
designing. But now almost all types of designing are done by using CAD application, and without
animation, all these work can't be possible.
4. Advertising: This is one of the significant applications of computer animation. The most important
advantage of an animated advertisement is that it takes very less space and capture people attention.
5. Presentation: Animated Presentation is the most effective way to represent an idea. It is used to
describe financial, statistical, mathematical, scientific & economic data.
Animation Functions
1. Morphing: Morphing is an animation function which is used to transform object shape from one form
to another is called Morphing. It is one of the most complicated transformations. This function is
commonly used in movies, cartoons, advertisement, and computer games.
The process of Morphing involves three steps:
1. In the first step, one initial image and other final image are added to morphing application as
shown in fig: Ist & 4th object consider as key frames.
2. The second step involves the selection of key points on both the images for a smooth transition
between two images as shown in 2nd object.
3. In the third step, the key point of the first image transforms to a corresponding key point of the second
image as shown in 3rd object of the figure.
2. Wrapping: Wrapping function is similar to morphing function. It distorts only the initial images so that
it matches with final images and no fade occurs in this function.
3. Tweening: Tweening is the short form of 'inbetweening.' Tweening is the process of generating
intermediate frames between the initial & last final images. This function is popular in the film industry.
4. Panning: Usually Panning refers to rotation of the camera in horizontal Plane. In computer graphics,
Panning relates to the movement of fixed size window across the window object in a scene. In which
direction the fixed sized window moves, the object appears to move in the opposite direction as shown
in fig:
If the window moves in a backward direction, then the object appear to move in the forward direction
and the window moves in forward direction then the object appear to move in a backward direction.
5. Zooming: In zooming, the window is fixed an object and change its size, the object also appear to
change in size. When the window is made smaller about a fixed center, the object comes inside the
window appear more enlarged. This feature is known as Zooming In. When we increase the size of the
window about the fixed center, the object comes inside the window appear small. This feature is known
as Zooming Out.
6. Fractals: Fractal Function is used to generate a complex picture by using Iteration. Iteration means the
repetition of a single formula again & again with slightly different value based on the previous iteration
result. These results are displayed on the screen in the form of the display picture.
Write a Program to draw animation using increasing circles filled with different colors and patterns.
1. #include<graphics.h>
2. #include<conio.h>
3. void main()
4. {
5. intgd=DETECT, gm, i, x, y;
6. initgraph(&gd, &gm, "C:\\TC\\BGI");
7. x=getmaxx()/3;
8. y=getmaxx()/3;
9. setbkcolor(WHITE);
10. setcolor(BLUE);
11. for(i=1;i<=8;i++)
12. {
13. setfillstyle(i,i);
14. delay(20);
15. circle(x, y, i*20);
16. floodfill(x-2+i*20,y,BLUE);
17. }
18. getch();
19. closegraph();
20. }