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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town



“Municipality information management system for Arba Minch Town”

Group Members:

1. AbonehGobu RAMIT/1287/05
2. Amare Abraham RAMIT/1306/05
3. GizachewAyen RAMIT/1408/05
4. SimegnYosef RAMIT/T/1642/05
5. Tegegn Oro RAMIT/1563/05

Advisor’s Name
Mr.Amin T.

Final Year Project

Submitted to Department of Computer Science and IT, ArbaMinch Institute of Technology,

AMIT, and ArbaMinch University in partial fulfillment for the requirement of the Degree of
Bachelor Science in Information Technology.

ArbaMinch, Ethiopia

June, 2016

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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

First of all we would like to thank our God for keeping us safe and healthy thenwe would like to
express our special thanks of gratitude to our advisorMr. Amin and Our friends for giving us
such important advice, attention and time to do our project effectively. However, it would not
have been possible without the kind support and help of Arba Minch municipality office
Employers who gave us the golden opportunity to do this system by giving us important and
continuous information without any complain.

We would like to extend our sincere thanks to Arba Minch University for providing necessary
resources and guidance as well as information regarding the project. We would like to express
our gratitude towards our parents and friends for their kind cooperation and encouragement
which help us in completion of this project. Lastly, our thanks and appreciation also goes to
AMIT, Department of Computer Science and Information Technology in developing the project
and people who have willingly helped us by sharing their deepest knowledge and experience.

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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

Chapter One................................................................................................................................................9
1.1 Introduction of the whole project process............................................................................................9
1.2 Background of Arba Minch town Municipality....................................................................................10
1.3.Background of the Project...................................................................................................................10
1.4. Statement of the Problem..................................................................................................................11
1.5.Objectives of the project.....................................................................................................................12
1.5.1 General objectives........................................................................................................................12
1.5.2 Specific objectives.........................................................................................................................12
1.6.Feasibility Analysis...............................................................................................................................12
1.6.1.Technical Feasibility......................................................................................................................13
1.6.2.Operational Feasibility..................................................................................................................13
1.6.3. Economic Feasibility....................................................................................................................13 benefits...................................................................................................................13 benefits.................................................................................................................14
1.6.4.Political feasibility.........................................................................................................................14
1.6.5.Schedule feasibility.......................................................................................................................14
1.7 Scope of the Project.........................................................................................................................15
1.8.Significance of the Project...................................................................................................................16
1.9Target Beneficiaries of the System.......................................................................................................17
1.10.Methodology for the project.............................................................................................................17
1.11 Fact finding technique...................................................................................................................17
1.11.3 Document Analysis............................................................................................................18
1.12Systems Analysis and Design..............................................................................................................18
1.13Development Tools.............................................................................................................................18

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1.13.1 Case Tools...................................................................................................................................18

1.13.2 Front End....................................................................................................................................18
1.13.3 Back End.....................................................................................................................................19
1.14. Required Resources with Cost..........................................................................................................19
1.14.1Hardware Cost.............................................................................................................................19
1.14.2 Software Cost..............................................................................................................................20
1.14.3Summary of the development.....................................................................................................20
1.14.3 Testing procedures.........................................................................................................................20 testing:.............................................................................................................................20 Testing:.................................................................................................................21 Testing:.........................................................................................................................21 Testing:..................................................................................................................21 testing–.......................................................................................................................21 Beta testing..........................................................................................................................21
1.15Implementation (Parallel/Partial/Direct)............................................................................................21
1.16Risk Assumptions and Contingency....................................................................................................21
1.16.1 Risk.............................................................................................................................................21
1.16.2 Contingency................................................................................................................................22
CHAPTER TWO...........................................................................................................................................22
2.1 Introduction of the existing system.....................................................................................................22
2.2.Players in Existing System....................................................................................................................22
2.2.1 .Land manager..............................................................................................................................22
2.2.2.City sanitation and Entertainment service manager.....................................................................23
2.2.3.House manager.............................................................................................................................23
2.2.4.Land and property registration manager......................................................................................23
2.2.5.Employerspower standardization manager..................................................................................23
2.3 .Major Functions/Activities in the Existing System..............................................................................24
2.4. Business Rules....................................................................................................................................24
2.5.Report generated in the Existing System.............................................................................................24
2.6 .Bottlenecks of the Existing System.....................................................................................................25
2.6.1.Performance (Response Time)......................................................................................................25
2.6.2. Input (Inaccurate/redundant/flexible) and Output (Inaccurate).................................................25

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2.6.3. Security and Controls...................................................................................................................25
2.7.Practices to be preserved....................................................................................................................26
2.8.Proposed solution for the new system that address problems of the existing System.......................26
2.9.Requirements of Proposed System.....................................................................................................26
2.9.1 Functional Requirements..............................................................................................................26 Process Requirements...........................................................................................................26 .Output Related Requirement...............................................................................................27 Related Requirements..............................................................................................27
2.9. Non Functional Requirements........................................................................................................27 Requirements...................................................................................................27 Interface........................................................................................................................27 Security and Access Permission.............................................................................................28 Backup and Recovery.............................................................................................................28
Chapter Three............................................................................................................................................29
System Analysis.........................................................................................................................................29
3.1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................................29
3.2 System Requirement Specifications (SRS)............................................................................................29
3.2.1 Hardware Requirements...............................................................................................................29
3.2.2 Software Requirements................................................................................................................29
3.3 Use Case Diagrams..........................................................................................................................30
3.2.2 Use case Documentation (for each use case identified)...............................................................30
Sequence diagram......................................................................................................................................45
Activity diagram........................................................................................................................................57
Class level diagram................................................................................................................................65
User interface prototype........................................................................................................................66
3.2.7 .Supplementary specification...........................................................................................................67

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List of Tables
TABLE 1 TEAM COMPOSITION....................................................................................................................................10
TABLE 2. GANTT CHART SCHEDULE...........................................................................................................................14
TABLE 3.TARGET BENEFICIARIES...............................................................................................................................16
DEVELOPMENT TOOLS................................................................................................................................................19
TABLE 4 DEVELOPMENT TOOLS..................................................................................................................................19
TABLE 5 HARDWARE COST........................................................................................................................................19
TABLE 6 SOFTWARE COST..........................................................................................................................................19
TABLE 7 SUMMARY OF THE DEVELOPMENT COST......................................................................................................20
TABLE 3.1 USE CASE DOCUMENTATION FOR LOGIN..................................................................................................30
TABLE 3.2 MANGE LAND USE CASE............................................................................................................................31
TABLE 3.2 USE CASE DOCUMENTATION FOR HOUSE MANAGEMENT.........................................................................32
TABLE 3.4 USE CASE DOCUMENTATION FOR POST INFORMATION.............................................................................34
TABLE 3.5 USE CASE DOCUMENTATION FOR MANAGE LAND....................................................................................35
TABLE 3.6 USE CASE DOCUMENTATION FOR HOUSE MANAGEMENT.........................................................................38
TABLE 3.12 USE CASE DOCUMENTATION FOR VIEW INFORMATION..........................................................................43

FIGURE 3.1 USE CASE DIAGRAM................................................................................................................................30
FIGURE 3. 2 SEQUENCE DIAGRAM FOR LOGIN............................................................................................................45
FIGURE 3.3: SEQUENCE DIAGRAM FOR MANAGE LAND.............................................................................................46
FIGURE 13.6: SEQUENCE DIAGRAM FOR MANAGE HOUSE..........................................................................................49
FIGURE 3.9: SEQUENCE DIAGRAM FOR UPDATE INFORMATION..................................................................................52
FIGURE 3.10: SEQUENCE DIAGRAM FOR VIEW INFORMATION....................................................................................53
FIGURE 3.14: ACTIVITY DIAGRAM FOR LOGIN...........................................................................................................57
FIGURE 3.15: ACTIVITY DIAGRAM FOR MANAGE LAND.............................................................................................58
FIGURE 3.18: ACTIVITY DIAGRAM FOR MANAGE INFORMATION................................................................................61
FIGURE 3.19: ACTIVITY DIAGRAM FOR POST INFORMATION......................................................................................62
FIGURE 3.20: ACTIVITY DIAGRAM FOR VIEW INFORMATION......................................................................................63
FIGURE3.21: ACTIVITY DIAGRAM FOR UPDATE INFORMATION...................................................................................64
FIGURE 3.22 CLASS DIAGRAM..................................................................................................................................65
FIGURE 3.23 USER INTERFACE PROTOTYPE................................................................................................................66

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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town


Municipalities give different kind information’s for citizens and manage common resources
within town and provide reliable information for citizens. Actually a citizen wants to get
important information about the town, in order to do this the citizen should go to municipal
office and collect the necessary information, and after that they can able to get access of the
organization. This is not an easy to get the services in the municipality. For that purpose we will
develop this web based municipality information management system for Arba Minch town. It
gives detail information about city building detail, house details, Residentinformation, Register
resident, Request and Generate for birth and Death certificate, Request for land and house and it
stores this all data in to system database.

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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

Chapter One

1.1Introduction of the whole project process

Now days it is important to solve manual problems using computerized system. A municipality
provides important information’s for the citizens. A citizen wants to know different information
about Arba Minch town’s building details, area and street details and Municipality house details,
tourist sites, city dust control and recommended places. In order to do this the citizen should go
to municipal office and collect the necessary information’s. This is not an easy job to get all
these information in different authorities now days. For that purpose we are developing this
system, which can provide all information for the citizens based on their questions and interest.

Through the project “municipality information management system for ArbaMinch

town” we need to solve the entire problems of Arba Minch town municipality and to develop a
system for Arba Minch town municipality users to give a better service for a customer’s.
This project is used to simplify many tasks of the citizen and the employers of
municipality office by minimizing very complicated and boring tasks that is done manually by
converting in to computerized system. Because of highly increasing rate of population in the
world manually giving service for all this population is very difficult so in order to solve this
problem and give efficient service for the citizen it is better to use computerized web based
system. The automated system will provide to the employees for reliable services. The
proposed system is going to develop using web services by sending a request to the particular
authority via web service we can get all the information regarding these issues.

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1.2 Background of Arba Minch town Municipality

Arba Minch town is administratively located in GamoGofa zone of the Southern Nations,
Nationalities and Peoples Region at about 500 km south of Addis Ababa (capital city of the
Ethiopia) while 275 kmsouth of Hawassa (capital city of Southern Nations, Nationalities and
Peoples Region). In this city there are many nation nationalities living together by making a good
relationships with each other. In this city municipality office has the responsibility of giving
sustainable service for the citizen regarding controlling and managing Building issues, street and
area issues and also many different activities.

1.3. Background of the Project

The current system of Arba Minch town municipality is working manually till today, however
the population is increasing rapidly at high growth rate so it is very difficult to serve the citizens
by satisfying their respective need by using this manual system. The citizens are wastes their
time by going municipality offices many times for information gathering. Since there is lack of
man power so it takes long time to give services for the customers and increases organization’s
overhead. The customers are waiting for long time to get service from the organizations.

Currently our world is highly concentrated in using Information technology products because
today availability of internet access is increasing and this also leads the world to use Information
technology products so we are aimed to make Arba Minch town municipality part of this
technology and by developing web based system that improve the overall performance,
consistency, security and efficiency of the organizations data. This project is proposed to give
many services for the municipality customers and organizations employees.

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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

Table 1 Team Composition

Municipality information management for Arbaminch town

Prepared S.No. Name ID. No. Email/Mobile Responsibility

1 AbonehGobu RAMIT/1287/05 Project Leader,
m Designer &Programmer

2 SimegnYosef RAMIT/1642/05 simegnyosef@gmail.c Project Leader,

om Designer&Programmer

3 Tegegn Oro RAMIT/1563/05 Analyst And Tester

4 Amare Abraham RAMIT/1306/05 ameraabreham44@yah Designer And Tester

5 GizachewAyane RAMIT/1408/05 gizachewayen@gmail.c Project manager



Advisor Mr. Amin

1.4. Statement of the Problem

The current system of Arba Minch municipality has a different problem that hinders/effect the
effective and efficient service for their customers. The existingArba Minch town Municipality
system is still now working in a manual way. Since, the users of manual system of the
ArbaMinch town municipality increased from time to time and the service they gave is not good
and well organized for the customer or users. The manual system of Arba Minch municipality
has so many problems such asless security for saving data, loss of data due to its management
and not well organized. The manual system is not easily accessed and it’s limited for the users.
In the existing system citizen get all information manually, in various authorities like building
managers, and building house information area and land management information. Since the
Existing system is manual as we mentioned above so it is very difficult to manage all the
information’s manually and it increases overhead to the employers of the organization. Since we

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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

are living within the era of technology, we need to use computerized system to get more
knowledge. Generally, the problem which occurs in Arba Minch town municipality such as
difficulty to manage the information, difficulty of easily accessing the current information about
the municipality, problem of giving systematic service to the customers, difficulty to notice thus
old way of managing data or no well-organized data about the customer and availability of
information in the Arba Minch municipality. So to solve the above problem we proposed web
based Arba Minch town Municipality Information Management system.

1.5. Objectives of the project

1.5.1 General objectives
The overall objective of this project is to develop the web based Municipality Information Management
system for Arba Minch Town to improve the service of the current system of that organization.

1.5.2 Specific objectives

Enabling online municipal information management system.
Making easy access of Municipality information
Improving the customer service
Minimize cost
Managing the data on the database in well-organized ways
Increasing consistency of the information
Increasing availability of information

1.6. Feasibility Analysis

Preliminary investigation examine project feasibility, the likelihood the system will be useful to
the organization. The main objective of the feasibility study is to test the Technical, Operational,
Economic, political and schedule feasibility for adding new modules and debugging old running
system. All system is feasible if they are unlimited resources and infinite time. The following are
some feasibility we are going to study.

Technical Feasibility
Operation Feasibility
Economic Feasibility

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Schedule feasibility
Political/behavioral feasibility

1.6.1. Technical Feasibility

Its purpose is to gain an understanding of the organizations ability to construct the proposed
system. To improve problems in the system we are technically active participant in our project.
All team members participate actively in the project by using deferent techniques. Earlier no
system exists to handle the needs of Secure Infrastructure Implementation System. The current
system developed is technically feasible. It is a web based user interface. Thus it provides an
easy access to the users. The work for the project is done with the current equipment and existing
software technology. Necessary bandwidth exists for providing a fast feedback to the users
irrespective of the number of users using the system.

1.6.2. Operational Feasibility

Its purpose is to gain an understanding of the degree to which the proposed system will likely
solve the business problems. This system will operates easily by using computer. We implement
different methods which are important for our system.

1.6.3. Economic Feasibility

The purpose of assessing economic feasibility is to identify the financial benefits and costs
associated with the development project. The system enables us to improve economic problems
by reducing their cost. Thesystem is economically feasible because it does not require any
addition hardware or software. Since the interface for this system is developed using the existing
resources and technologies available and it is accessed over the web. There is minimum
expenditure and it is economically feasible. Tangible benefits: - the municipality information management system has tangible
benefits in terms of saving resources that we spent for material like paper, pen due to an online
registration system. Intangible benefits: - In this proposed system also intangible benefit like satisfaction of
the developer and the users.

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1.6.4. Political feasibility

Attempt to gain an understanding of how key stakeholders within the organization view the
proposed system. If the proposed system is developed and implemented it has no any political
effect on the society so it is politically feasible. The project must be developed in respect of the
fundamental rule of the country. Since the project is developed to improve the performance of
the organization so it is very comfortable and goes parallel to the rule and regulations of the
country and organization.

1.6.5. Schedule feasibility

The proposed system can be implemented in an acceptable timeframe and as we have scheduled
in the following Gantt chart. It is the responsibility of project manager and group leader to
control and manage the group members in order to accomplish the project according to the time

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Table 2. Gantt chart schedule
Gantt Chart Project Schedule

S.No Phases 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Quarter

Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter
1stDec- 17thDec- 18thJan- 19thMar- 20thMay- Jun15
th th th th st
16 Dec 17 Jan 18 Mar 19 May 1 Jun
1 Project proposal

2 Requirement

3 Design

4 Coding
5 Installation &

6 Project Closure


Shows starting date

The process is going on

Shows ending date

1.7 Scope of the Project

The scope of this system is to develop Municipality Information management system for Arba
Minch Town, which can improve the current manual system that the Municipality is using to
give services for the citizen. In order to achieve the objectives, due to the time the scope of the
system highly focused on the following functionalities.

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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

This proposed system is applicable only in Arba Minch tow.

Show municipality house detail.
Request for birth and Death certificate.
Generate birth and Death certificate.
View requests
View residents
Request for house.
Request for land.
Register resident
Management of land and land related issues.

1.8. Significance of the Project

The development of this new system contains the following significance which tries
To automate the entire process keeping in the view of database integration approach
It saves the cost
User Friendliness is provided in the application with various controls provided by
system Rich User Interface.
The system makes the overall project management much easier and flexible. .
Freedom of data frailer risk since the system is web based and accessed through the
Give reliable services.
Avoiding data loss because of improper data storage.
Reduce manpower.
Avoid improper resource consumption

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1.9Target Beneficiaries of the System

Table 3.Target Beneficiaries
Concerned bodies Advantage from the system

Government It tells the development of the country where the

country reached in the terms of technology
Arba Minch city administrator To control and manage different resources related
to municipality
Arba Minch Municipality employer Reduce the work load of whoever concerned by
providing different information over the internet
Resident Timely and Accurate Information available will
help in performing their duties efficiently &

1.10. Methodology for the project

To extract out the data which is the main input for our project, we have been used primary and
secondary data collection techniques. We select and used interview and observation data
collection methods because it’s easy to get full and exact information about their existing system.

Data collection is one of the important tasks in determining and analyzing the existing system.
The data that need to develop the new system are obtained from Arba Minch town municipality
employers and manager of the organization

1.11 Fact finding technique

The team members used the following techniques to collect different data that is used to develop
the proposed system.

1.11.1. Interview:-To obtain basic information and background information about the existing
system, the team will interview the concerned bodies from Arba Minch municipality office

1.11.2. Observations:-To obtain necessary information the team members observed the existing
system that is important for analysis and design.

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1.11.3 Document Analysis we have analyzed some documents from the Municipality office to
obtain business rule of the Organization

1.12Systems Analysis and Design

Selecting system analysis and design methodology should give a particular attention, since it is
the foundation for the project to meet up its goal. Otherwise, the final output of our work will be
worthless. Taking this in to consideration, the team members meet and discussed and decided to
go through the object oriented system analysis and design method. This method is the most
recent and widely used approaches which have so many advantages comparing to that of the
structured. Among the many merits the followings are mentioned: -

It creates an opportunity for the project team members to work closely with the system users
and develop an effective and efficient automated system.
It accelerates the requirement analysis and design phases through an iterative construction
Reduces the amount of time until the users begin to see a working system.
Part of the developed system phase will be available for comment by the users, where some
others are still on developing.
Reusability of resources is possible.

1.13Development Tools
1.13.1 Case Tools
This is a software programs that automate or support the drawing and analysis of system model
and provide for the translation of system model into application programs, so according to our
requirement we will use the case tools like MySQL SERVER 2008,, MS Project,
Edraw and the like.

1.13.2 Front End

Since we are going to develop a web based system we prefer to use the latest version of JS with
ASP.NET. The main reason basis behind this is that it supports object oriented features in which
all the group members are familiar with and they can participate on the development and

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maintenance activities. Object oriented feature reduce lines of code in addition to the advantage
we got by reduce overhead of maintenance cost.

1.13.3 Back End

To be more attractive, the project members have selected database software and we will try to
implement the backend using MySQL Server 2008. We select MySQL because this database
software is Secure and better to create database for the new system.

Development Tools

Table 4 Development tools

Activities Tools/Programs
Platform MS Windows Version 7
Database server MySQLSERVER 2008
Coding language
Client browser
Documentation MS Word 2010
User Training and Presentation MS PowerPoint
Modeling and scheduling Edraw
User interface C# with ajax

1.14. Required Resources with Cost

1.14.1Hardware Cost
Table 5 Hardware Cost

Item Unit Quantity *Unit Price(ETB) Total Price(ETB)

Computer Number 2 3000.00 7000.00
Printer Number 1 4000.00 4000.00
Paper Pack 1 200.00 200.00
Pen Pack 1 4.00 4.00
UPS Number 1 50.00 50.00
N/W In 10 meter 7 for 1 meter 70.00
cables meter
Total Cost 11324.00

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1.14.2 Software Cost

Table 6 software Cost

Item * Price(ETB)
Windows 7 50.00
Microsoft office 2010 Free
MySQL Free
Edraw Max 7 Free
Visual studio Free
Adobe Photoshop 50.00
.NET frame work free
Total cost 100.00

1.14.3Summary of the development

Table 7 Summary of the development cost

Cause for expense Total Price (Birr)

Hardware 11,324.00
Software 100.00
Labor cost

Total 11,324.00

1.14.3 Testing procedures

The municipality information management system will be tested according to the following
system testing procedures. Unit testing: - Each module will be test separately and often performed by the
coder himself simultaneously along with the coding of the module. It is used to minimize the
load of debugging all the codes together by testing individually. Integration Testing: - The modules will be gradually integrated into subsystems,
which are then integrated to eventually to the entire system. Integration testing will be done to
detect design errors by focusing on testing the interconnection between modules.

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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town Testing: - After the system is put together, it will be performed. The system
will be tested against the system requirement to see whether the entire requirements meet and
whether the system performs as specified by the requirement. Testing: - will be carried out by the by citizens to ensure that the
delivered system meets the requirement and works as the customer expected. It includes testing– it is the responsibility of the user to ensure that they accept the system
with sample data. Beta testing– it is the responsibility of the user to ensure that they accept the system
with real data, not sample data to test data.

1.15Implementation (Parallel/Partial/Direct)
Regarding to implementation procedures, the team members suggest to use parallel
implementation approach in some days up to the users will be familiar with the new system
confidently. Ultimately, the existing system will be wholly substituted by the new system.
Parallel implementation helps us to go the old system and the new system simultaneously. If the
new system fails to operate, the old system will continue working with no fatal interruption.

1.16Risk Assumptions and Contingency

During the development of the project there may be different problems that are expected.

1.16.1 Risk
Since the system is web based there may be risk of security problem. If a team member leave the
project or faces an issues.

While we are doing our project we would encounter different problems.

1. Computer viruses and failures
Action Taken: scanning with anti-viruses and recovering the system.
2. Power fluctuation and loss in the laboratory.
Action Taken: Using additional Laptops and working when the power is available.

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1.16.2 Contingency
The team member covers all the activities by replacing the group member unable to go with us
doe to different member We will develop this system using three tire architecture no security


2.1Introduction of the existing system

This chapter gives a detail description of the existing system all the way through various
mechanisms in which it improves our understanding much better about the current system. There
are several issues that will be undertaken in this chapter. Initially we will be a little more precise
about major functions of the existing system then we will identify the actors. Furthermore this
chapter will demonstrate the jobs done by the system with their clear input, process and output.

Municipality is one of the most important organizations for the development of the city. The
Arba Minch municipality is going to perform different tasks by organizing the municipality in to
many main departments and other supportive departments which are found in the municipality.
The municipality is aimed to give effective and efficient service for its customers. The current
existing system of Arba Minch municipality performs all the entire processes manually and there
is no any computerized system to do those tasks efficiently and effectively, so it is very difficult
to achieve these all tasks manually.

2.2. Players in Existing System

2.2.1 .Land manager

This department has the responsibility to prepare land for different purpose like for Investment
for construction for house building and it should have to prepare comfortable land for different

Giving land for the customers and controlling their overall activity for they should have to begin
their work as soon as they get acceptance. Give recognition for the owners of the land. Preparing
and providing land for micro enterprises and coordinating their work. Preparing and providing

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land for governmental and non-governmental Organizations, religious institutions and for other
Organization that have important and efficient advantage for the country.

2.2.2. House manager

Solving different house conflicts between individuals and solving house problems in the city by
reconstructing old houses and new house. By Giving technical support for house builders and it
tries to solve house problems in the city. Provide different projects that are related to house.

2.2.3. Land and property registration manager

Giving awareness creation for the citizens, Investors, Leaders and technicians to register their
property specially property that are related to Lands. Register land both in quality and quantity in
the form of softcopy that presented in the city.

2.2.4. Resident

It is a person who is a resident in a specified town and who need to register on the system
database and get the necessary service he need and the resident may become an applicant

2.3 .Major Functions/Activities in the Existing System

(Inputs, Processes and Outputs)

 The main activities in the existing system are organizing and management of land and
land related issues, solving problems of the city by registering lands and houses found in
the city, view the different types of request sent by the resident and generating death and
birth certificate for residents.

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2.4. Business Rules

 The business rules are as follow:

All users must obey the rule and regulations of municipality.
Investors must begin their work in the given time frame according to agreement.
Effective and efficient service should be given for the citizen without any partiality.
Providing accountable and transparent service for all users equally.
Resident must give document that clearly identify them
Every applicant must be a member of the town
The resident must have one of the following
o a renewed id card with full information
o Refugee resident paper which can describe the nationality.

Present evidence document from hospital, workers social affairs and court decision with

2.5. Report generated in the Existing System

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Birth Certificate form

2.6 .Bottlenecks of the Existing System

The municipality information management system is not effective because all activities in the
municipality is done manually this problem can be specified in many perspective like
performance, Information, economic, control, efficiency and service given by existing
System to the intended users.

2.6.1. Performance (Response Time)

The response time of the existing system is too slow because there is no any automated system in
which municipality information is managed. Retrieving information takes too much time and it is
done manually generally the overall activity is tiring and time consuming.

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2.6.2. Input (Inaccurate/redundant/flexible) and Output (Inaccurate) Input
Receive incorrect/redundant information about the citizen. The exact or accurate information
about the land, houses, and tourism areas does not display their full information on the output
paper. Output
If information is not properly organized and correct information is not available it’s very difficult
to display the required data.

2.6.3. Security and Controls

Since the recorded information are stored manually on the paper so there is high risk to lose data
and there is high probability in which data will be damaged. The system does not provide enough
protection to the documentation and manipulation of the records associated with the system,
therefore the data in the municipality may be lost easily.

2.6.4. Efficiency
In manual operation, most of the activities are prone to wastage of resources like papers,
manpower, time etc. to generate the corresponding outputs. This makes the current system
inefficient while utilizing resources. There should be a mechanism that reduce wastage of
resources and that make the system to be efficient.

2.7. Practices to be preserved

In the existing system all the documents are organized manually on the shelf, there is no any
mechanism that is used to give information about the municipality for the users. Currently the
municipality uses file and forms to perform the business rules, describethe operations,
definitions and constraints that apply in the maintenance and deployment of system. Team
members preserve the following practices form the existing systemCitizen’s information is
registered and stored manually. Land, building, and street information is registered and stored

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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

2.8. Proposed solution for the new system that address problems of the
The new proposed system tries to address the problems of the existing system. Some of the
problems found in the existing system and this proposed system tries to solve these problems.

The proposed system makes all the activities in the municipality more effective.
The proposed system stores all the information about resident, land, and on separate
database rather than paper file.
Since this proposed system is web based application so it enables resident, investors, and
different users of the municipality to get access for the service through the internet.
It solves the resident’s problem by giving birth and death certificates according to their

2.9. Requirements of Proposed System

2.9.1 Functional Requirements Process Requirements
The system receives information from the citizens and stores information permanently on
the separate database.
All the users must use computer to get full privilege for the service through the internet.
All the information related to the municipality are stored on the database and managed by
system administrator.
When new investors want land for investment first he/she should have to register their
personal information.
Land and house detail should have to register on the database and it is going to be
accessed on the internet. .Output Related Requirement

 The system shall provide municipality information to the intended users over the internet.
 It is possible to post different information on this system by the system administrator for
the citizens and municipality information users.
 The proposed system enables most areas in the city for the visitors from different

Final Year Project Page 26

Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town Storage Related Requirements

 The system shall store all the data related with all the tasks performed into a database and
enables access from the database.

2.9. Non Functional Requirements Performance Requirements
Performance requirements define acceptable response times for system functionality. Response
time refers to the time taken while the system accesses, queries and retrieves the
information from the databases in effective ways.

There is high availability which means the system is available all the time 24 /7
All registration process shall be easy and take minimum time.
The system is able to serve multiple users at a time without any damage.
Retrieving and searching information shall be effective and simple. User Interface

The system shall be user friendly. The developed system shall be compatible with all
Like fire fox, Google chrome, internet explorer and etc.
The developed web application shall be easily accessible over the internet.
User interface design shall be simple for the users to access our web page. Security and Access Permission

When user is going to access the web page he/she should have to use valid user name and
password else it is impossible to get access in to the system. Backup and Recovery

Faller may happen due to different problem like power fluctuation, natural disaster and etc.

In the case of systems database failure, the system back up the database to recover all the
data from the reserved server.
In the case of power fluctuation use uninterruptable power supply (UPS) to control
power fluctuation.

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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

Chapter Three

System Analysis

3.1 Introduction
Object oriented analysis describes the system from the actor point of view and serves as the
communication between the client and developer.

The team member used an object oriented methodology to analyze the requirements that
are needed to model the functionality of the proposed system. And also we have used different
types of UML diagrams which include use case diagram, sequence diagram, activity diagram,
user interface prototyping and analysis level class diagram to model the proposed system. Every
diagram has documentation to show their functionality and how they are operated. System
Requirement Specifications (SRS), Use case diagrams, Use case documentation (for each use
case identified), and Sequence diagram, Activity Diagram, User Interface and Prototyping.

3.2 System Requirement Specifications (SRS)

System requirements are divided in to two these are Hardware and software requirements

3.2.1 Hardware Requirements

Web Server

3.2.2 Software Requirements

E-draw Max
Microsoft Windows
Microsoft-Office 2010
Visual Studio 2010

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3.3 Use Case Diagrams

The major actors that plays major role out of the system are: -Administrator, Land manager,
House manager, and Resident. The use cases incorporated in the system are: - login , manage
land, manage house, post information, view request, generate certificate

manage user

view request
manage resident
manage land
Land Manager information

view land birth certficate

request request

view resident <<include>> deathcertificate

login request
view house view resident
information info
manage house
information <<include>> <<include>>
house request
House Manager <<include>>
view resident land request

view house Resident

view land info

Figure 3.1 Use case Diagram

3.2.2 Use case Documentation (for each use case identified)

The following successive tables show the use case documentation for each of the use cases that
has been identified in the above use case diagram. Each table contains the use case name, the
actor which initiates and interacts with the use case, description of each use case and typical
course of events that show the interaction between the actor and the use case which enable the
team to easily depict the functions of the proposed system.

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Table 3.1 Use Case Documentation for Login

Use Case ID :- Muni _01

Use Case Name:- Login
Actor(s): Administrator, Land manager, House manager, and Resident.

Description : This use case describes the process of managing and controlling the log
in process. To authenticate the user using valid username and password.
Typical case event : Actor Action System Response

Step 1. This use case initiated by the

Administrator, Land manager, House Step 2. The user is validated
manager, Resident by clicking the log in when its match is found on the
button by selecting their status and fills database.
their username and password. Step 3. If users are not in the
database record this use case
allow the users to enter their
username and password again.
Step 4. If the username and
password is valid,
The home page will be
Precondition: The user must have a username and password that has been given from
the office.
Post condition : User record has to store on the data base.
Alternative courses: Post condition is not succeeding, and then the system will display an
error message and return back to check the existence of pre-condition.

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Table 3.2 Manage User Account use case

Use Case ID Muni _02

Use Case Name Manage User account
Actor(s): Administrator
Description : This use case describes the process of managing and controlling user
Typical case event : Actor Action System Response

Step 1. These use cases initiated by

the Administratorby clicking admin Step 3. The system will list
login. out all theusers.

Step 2. The Administrator will

perform what type of operation he

Step 4. The Administrator will select

theuser’stype he wants.
Step 5.Use case end.
Precondition: The user type the Administrator want to manage present on the data base

Post condition : The user in the town must be on the control of law
Alternative courses: Post condition is not succeeding, and then the system will display an
error message and return back to check the existence of pre-condition.

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Table 3.2 View Resident use case

Use Case ID Muni _02

Use Case Name View Request
Actor(s): Administrator
Description : This use case describes the process of viewing request
Typical case event : Actor Action System Response

Step 1. These use cases initiated by

the Administratorby clicking admin Step 3. The system will list
login out all theusers.

Step 2. The Administrator will select

therequest type he wants.

Step 4.Use case end.

Precondition: The request type the Administrator want to view present on the data base
Post condition : The request waits for system administratorvalidation
Alternative courses: Post condition is not succeeding, and then the system will display an
error message and return back to check the existence of pre-condition.

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Table 3.2 View Resident use case

Use Case ID Muni _02

Use Case Name View Resident
Actor(s): Administrator, Land Manager, House Manager
Description : This use case describes the process of viewing resident
Typical case event : Actor Action System Response

Step 1. These use cases initiated by

the Administrator, Land manager, Step 3. The system will list
House managerby clicking login out all theresidents
Step 2. The Administrator, Land
manager, House Manager will select
view resident info link

Step 4.Use case end.

Precondition: The resident type the Administrator want to view present on the data
Post condition : The resident waits for system administer validation
Alternative courses: Post condition is not succeeding, and then the system will display an
error message and return back to check the existence of pre-condition.

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Table 3.8 Use Case Documentation for Generate Certificate

Use Case ID :- Muni _011

Use Case Name Generate Certificate
Actor(s): Admin
Description : This use case describes the process of generating certificate
Typical case event : Actor Action System Response

Step 1. These use cases initiated by the

administrator by clicking generate
Step 2.The administrator can see all
Step 3.The system display
certificate Information

Step 4.use case end

Precondition: This action must be managed by Administrator
Post condition : The system must display information and it is visible by the user
Alternative courses: Post condition is not succeeding, and then the system will display an
error message and return back to check the existence of pre-condition

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Table 3.2 Use Case Documentation for Mange land info

Use Case ID Muni _02

Use Case Name Manage land information
Actor(s): Land Manager
Description : This use case describes the process of managing and controlling landand
land related information in the city.
Typical case event : Actor Action System Response

Step 1. These use cases initiated by

the land manager Step 3. The system will list
out all the lands.
Step 2. The land manager will register
land in the town.

Step 4. The land manager will select

the land type he wants.

Step 5.Use case end.

Precondition: The lands type the land manager want to manage present on the data
Post condition : The lands in the town must be on the control of law
Alternative courses: Post condition is not succeeding, and then the system will display an
error message and return back to check the existence of pre-condition.

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Table 3.2 Use Case Documentation for View Land Request

Use Case ID Muni _02

Use Case Name View Land Request
Actor(s): Land Manager
Description : This use case describes the process of managing and controlling viewing
land request process
Typical case event : Actor Action System Response

Step 1. These use cases initiated by

the land manager Step 3. The system will list
the request
Step 2. The land manager will select
the request type of land

Step 4. The land manager will

perform operations

Step 5.Use case end.

Precondition: The request the land manager want to view present on the data base

Post condition : The certificate waits for system administer validation

Alternative courses: Post condition is not succeeding, and then the system will display an
error message and return back to check the existence of pre-condition.

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Table 3.2 Use Case Documentation for View House Manager

Use Case ID Muni _02

Use Case Name View House manager
Actor(s): Land Manager
Description : This use case describes the process of managing and controlling viewing
house manager
Typical case event : Actor Action System Response

Step 1. These use cases initiated by

the land manager Step 3. The system will list
house manager info
Step 2. The land manager will select
house manager they wants to view

Step 4. The land manager will view at


Step 5.Use case end.

Precondition: The house manager info the land manager want to view present on the
data base
Post condition : The process waits for system login validation
Alternative courses: Post condition is not succeeding, and then the system will display an
error message and return back to check the existence of pre-condition.

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Table 3.2 Use Case Documentation for House Manager Info

Use Case ID Muni _03
Use Case Name Manage house info

Actor(s): House manager

Description : This use case describes the process of managing and controlling the houses that
are in the town.
Typical case event : Actor Action System Response

Step 1. These use cases initiated by the

House manager by clicking house
management Step2.Display form of
registering house information
Step 3. The House manager will register
house information.

Step 4. The House manager will store

house information on data base.

Step 5. The system will list

out all the house information.


Step 6.Use case end.

Precondition: The house type must present to manage

Post condition : The house information store in the data base and information should display for
the user
Alternative courses: Post condition is not succeeding, and then the system will display an error
message and return back to check the existence of pre-condition.

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Table 3.3 Use Case Documentation for View House Request

Use Case ID :- Muni _04

Use Case Name:- View house request
Actor(s): House Manager
Description : This use case describes the process of viewing house request process
Typical case event : Actor Action System Response

Step 1. These use cases initiated by

the house manager

Step 2. The house manager will select

Step4. The system will list
request they wants to view
out all the request

Step 4. The house managerwill view
the request Step 5.Use case end.

Precondition: The request type must present on the data base

Post condition : The process waits for system login validation
Alternative courses: Post condition is not succeeding, and then the system will display an
error message and return back to check the existence of pre-condition

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Table 3.2 Use Case Documentation for View Land

Use Case ID Muni _02

Use Case Name View Land
Actor(s): House manager
Description : This use case describes the process of managing and controlling viewing
land manager
Typical case event : Actor Action System Response

Step 1. These use cases initiated by

the House manager Step 3. The system will list
land info
Step 2. The House managerwill select
land they wants to view

Step 4. The House managerwill view

at last

Step 5.Use case end.

Precondition: The land info which the House managerwant to view present on the data
Post condition : The process waits for system login validation
Alternative courses: Post condition is not succeeding, and then the system will display an
error message and return back to check the existence of pre-condition.

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Table 3.4 Use Case Documentation for Post Information

Use Case ID Muni _05

Use Case Name update information
Actor(s): Administrator
Description : This use case describes the process of posting useful information for the
Typical case event : Actor Action System Response

Step 1. This use case initiated by

Administrator by clicking update
Step 3.The system will
information button after logging in.
display information updated
Step 2.The user will write the successfully.
information on the text box and select Step 4.Use case end.
the information target finally clicks

Precondition: To perform this operation the user must be the administrator

Post condition : The target must be able to view the posted information
Alternative courses: Post condition is not succeeding, and then the system will display an
error message and return back to check the existence of pre-condition

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Table 3.8 Use Case Documentation for Request certificate

Use Case ID Muni _012

Use Case Name Request certificate
Actor(s): Resident
Description : This use case describes the process of requesting certificate
Typical case event : Actor Action System Response

Step 1. These use cases initiated by the

Resident by clicking request certificate

Step 2.Resident would write reason to

request certificate
Step 3.The system will
display information’s
Precondition: Resident information must be registered
Post condition : The system display information’s and that information is view by the
Alternative courses: Post condition is not succeeding, and then the system will display an
error message and return back to check the existence of pre-condition

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Table 3.10 Use Case Documentation for Birth certificate

Use Case ID Muni _01

Use Case Name Birth certificate request
Actor(s): Resident
Description : This use case describes the process of requesting birth certificate
Typical case event : Actor Action System Response

Step 1. These use cases initiated by the

Resident by clicking request certificate

Step 2.resident would write reason to

request birth certificate Step 3.The system display
information of certificate
Precondition: Birth date of the resident must be registered
Post condition : In formations visible for the users
Alternative courses: Post condition is not succeeding, and then the system will display an
error message and return back to check the existence of pre-condition

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Table 3.11 Use Case Documentation for death certificate

Use Case ID Muni _014

Use Case Name death certificate request
Actor(s): Resident
Description : This use case describes the process of managing and controlling
certificate request process
Typical case event : Actor Action System Response

Step 1. These use cases initiated by the

Resident by clicking request certificate

Step 2.Resident would write reason to

request death certificate Step 3.The system display
information of certificate
Precondition: Birth date of the resident must be registered
Post condition : In formations visible for the users
Alternative courses: Post condition is not succeeding, and then the system will display an
error message and return back to check the existence of pre-condition

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Sequence diagram

A sequence diagram in a unified modeling language (UML) is a kind of interaction diagram that
shows how processes operate with one another and in what order. A sequence diagram shows
object interactions arranged in time sequence. It depicts the objects and classes involved in the
scenario and the sequence of operations exchanged between the objects needed to carry out the
functionality of the scenario. Sequence diagrams typically are associated with use case
realizations in the Logical View of this web based system under development.

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Database web page

Home page security
login User <<UI>>

send login info

Check Invalid





Figure SequenceDiagram for Login

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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

web page Land

Home page security Database register land registration form
Manage <<UI>>
land Admin
Click login
send login info

Check Validity
click register

fill land info

resend information

Click submit



Figure 3.3: SequenceDiagram for Manage Land

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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

Manage house Home Page security Database Web Page about municipality
Type of house
Click login
send login info

Check Validity

manage citizen

Valid Check citizens

has home or not


: Figure 3.3: SequenceDiagram for Manage House

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birth day Home page security Database cerificate
certificate certificate

Admin Click login

send login info

select certificate
Check Validity
Invalid type

click generate
Valid certificate


Display() successful

Figure 3.3: SequenceDiagram for generate certificate

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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

Register registration
Web page security Database Home page
Registratio Interpreners form
n Admin
Click login
send login info

Check Validity
click register

fill Interpriners
Valid information
interested in
group or



Figure 1.8: SequenceDiagram for Resident Registration

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Update home page security Database web page Update
Click login
send login info

Check Validity

click update
click save button

seccessfully Updated


Figure 3.9: SequenceDiagram for update information

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View Home page Database Web Page

security View Info
Information User UI

send login info

Check Invalid



Include View

Figure 3.10: SequenceDiagram for View information

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Resident Actor page Requestcontroller ResidentPage
Resident Actor

Fill Info()




Figure sequenceDiagram for request certificate

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Home page security Database cerificate
death certificate certificate
Click login
send login info

select certificate
Check Validity
Invalid type

click generate


successfully generated

Figure 3.13: sequence diagram for death certificate

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birth day Birth

Home page security Database cerificate
certificate certificate

Admin Click login

send login info

select certificate
Check Validity
Invalid type

click generate
Valid certificate


Display() successful

Figure 3.14: sequence diagram for birth certificate

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Activity diagram
The purpose of the activity diagram is to model the procedural flow of actions that are part of a
larger activity. In the “Arba Minch municipality information management system” we have used
different activity diagrams to model Specific use case to describe a use case in better ways.

hit login button

Enter user name

and password

Enter user name and

check validation

Web Page

Figure 3.14: Activity diagram for login

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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

hit login button

Enter user
name and

check Enter user name

validation and password

Web Page

click on
Fill land Click register Successfully
Information button registered

Figure 3.15: Activity diagram for Manage Land

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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

hit login button

Enter user
name and

check Enter user name

validation and password

Web Page

click on
view House Manage House
Details Information

Figure 3.18: Activity diagram for Manage information

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hit login button

Enter user name

and password

Invalid Password
Enter user name and
check validation

Valid Password

Web Page

Write Events Write Events

going to be going to be
Post Information
posted then Click posted then Click
post post

Figure 3.19: Activity diagram for post information

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hit login button

Enter user name

and password

Invalid Password
Enter user name and
check validation

Valid Password

Web Page

View Information

Figure 3.20: Activity diagram for view information

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hit login button

Enter user name

and password

Enter user name and

check validation

Web Page

Manage Urban Register Events In Update Urban
Information the City Information

Figure3.21: Activity diagram for update information

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Analysis Level Class Diagram (Conceptual modeling)

Class level diagram

Class diagram are the mainstay of object oriented analysis and design .Class diagram show the
classes of the system, their inter relationships (including, inheritance, aggregation and
association) and the operations and attributes of the classes. Class diagrams are used for wide
variety of purposes, including both conceptual/domain modeling and detailed design modeling.

Land Resident
Adminstrator 1 *
First Name:
User Name: Last Name:
Location: Age :
Password: landtype: Sex:
LAndCatagory: Marriage Status:
ownername: Citizen House Information:
login() kebele:
logout() Registration Date:
manageAccount() ViewLandRequest() RequestCertificate()
Viewresident() ViewResident() ViewInformation()
Uploadinformation() requestHouse()
1 1 ViewComment() RequestLand()
1 1 sendComment()

* *
House 1

houselocation Password
User Name
UploadInformation() login()
ViewComment() Resit()

Figure 3.22 class diagram

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User interface prototype

The user interface prototype is used to explore suitable user and system interface design. It helps
us to test the user inter face design for municipality information management system.

Home page

Home Admin House Manager Land Manager Resident Contact us About us

login as login as
login as Land
login as Resident
House Manager
manage land Manage
View Request manage Information Resident
house info
View Land Birth
View Resident Certificate
View Request
Generate Birth View Death
Certificate Resident Certificate
View Request
land info
Generate Death View house View Resident
Certificate View information information
SignOut SignOut
SignOut Land Request

House Request


User Interface Prototyping

Figure 3.23 user interface prototype

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3.2.7 .Supplementary specification

The Supplementary Specifications capture the system requirements that are not readily captured
in the use cases of the use-case model. Such requirements include:-

Legal and regulatory requirements and application standards

Quality attributes of the system to be built, including usability, reliability,
performance, and supportability requirements.
Other requirements such as operating systems and environments, compatibility
requirements, and design constraints.

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Chapter Four
System Design
This section consists of the design goals and proposed system model. Functional requirements
are grouped in such a way that they could be constructed as sub systems and the non-functional
requirements defined in the analysis are transformed into design goals.

Design goal

The new system is considered to be successful if it meets the following sets of criteria’s.

User Interface: The user interface of the system should be easy to use by each user of the system with
little training.
Documentation: System administrators and other users are provided with proper documentation about
the software’s features.
Performance: The system should be able to serve a number of users which are expected to access it
Error Handling and Extreme conditions: The system should be robust enough to handle error
conditions and continue with normal operations.
Availability: The system should be available at all times.
Security: The system should prevent the sensitive data from unauthorized access.
Modifiable: The system should be designed in Object Oriented language so that modification to some
part of the system could not affect other parts.

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Class Type Architecture

Class type architecture provides a strategy for layering the classes of the system to distribute the
functionality of the software among classes. Furthermore, class type architectures provide
guidance as to what other types of classes a given type of class will interact with, and how that
interaction will occur. This increases the maintainability and portability of the system

User Interface Layer

Process Layer

System Layer

Domai n Layer

Persi stence Layer

Data Source

Fig 1: class type diagram

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User interface layer

This Layer is the form which provides the application to either programmer or end user.
Process layer This Layer implements business logic that involves collaborating with several
domain classes oreven other process classes

Domain layer

This layer is used to transfer data from application layer or presentation layer to data layer. This
layer is also used when a class variables are declared corresponding to the fields of the database
which can be required for the application and make the properties. So that, the team can gets or
sets the data using these properties into the variables.
Persistence layer
This layer encapsulates the capability to store, retrieve, and delete objects/data permanently
without revealing details of the underlying storage technology. This layer is also a class to get or
set data to the database queries back and forth.
System layer

This Layer provides operating-system-specific functionality for our applications, isolating our
software from the operating system (OS) by wrapping OS-specific features, increasing the
portability of our application.

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State Chart Modeling

In this part the team used to model the behaviors of the objects by drawing the state diagram.
The state diagram depicts the state of objects as their attributes change from one state to the other
state. State chart modeling is used to show the sequence of states that an object goes through, the
events that cause the transition from one state to the other and the actions that result from a state
change. The following figure shows the state of the objects of the corresponding use cases. Some
of them are:-

inter use
click login Web Page
rname and is correct
button UR

username and

Figure 4.2: state diagram for login

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Enter Click
Web page Correct
Home page Click login UserName and Is Correct RegisterLand Fill Land Info
Password Button

Incorrect Click
UserName and Register
Password Button


Figure 4.3statediagrams for Manage land

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Web page Click Manage Register
Home page Click Login UserName Is Correct
UR house Button House Info
and Password

UserName and
enter again Password


Figure 4.5: state diagrams for manage house

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Enter Account
Web page Click Manage Modify
Click login Username and Is Correct Managed
UR Account Account
password Successful y

UserName and

Figure4.6state diagrams for manage account

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Enter UserName Web Page click geenrate

Home Page Click Login Is Correct
and Password <<UI>> certificate

Incorrect certificate

Figure4.7: state diagrams for birth certificate

Enter UserName Web Page click geenrate

Home Page Click Login Is Correct
and Password <<UI>> certificate

Incorrect deathcertificate

Figure4.8: state diagrams for death certificate

Final Year Project Page 72

Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

Enter UserName Web Page

Home Page Click Login Is Correct click view info
and Password UR

Incorrect view information

Figure 4.9: state diagrams for view information

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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

Collaboration Diagram

This is used to show some data flows between objects and the interaction caused between them.
Some of the data flows among objects were explained below.

Enter log in
Click Message
login ReturnInfo
User Web page Security
Return Message


Return Message
Return Message


Click View
Return Message web page
View Information

Figure 4.10 Collaboration Diagram for login

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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

Enter log in
Administrator Click login Home Page Info Security



Valid Managed

Web Page
click generate birthday
generated generate birthday
birthday crtificate

Figure 4.13: Collaboration Diagram for generate certificate for birth day

Final Year Project Page 75

Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

Enter log in
Administrator Click login Home Page Info Security



Valid Managed

Web Page
click generate death
generated generate death
death certificate

Figure 4.14: Collaboration Diagram for generatedeath certificate

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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

Enter log in
Click login Info
House Manager Home Page Security




Web page
View Citizen
Check House Information
Type Of House information Municipality House

Figure 4.15 Collaboration Diagram for house

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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

Enter log in
Click login Info
Administrator Home Page Security




Web Page

Click Manage

Manage Account Modify Account Manage Account

Figure4.16 Collaboration Diagram for Manage Account

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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

Enter log in
Click Message
login ReturnInfo
User Home Page Security
Return Message


Return Message Municipality

Return Message


Click View
Return Message web page
View Information

Figure4.17 Collaboration Diagram for view information

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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

Component Modeling
In this modeling components of the system will be wired showing that there is relation among
components, this in some extent shows which components or objects will be accessed by whom.
The diagram is simulated below.


System ture>>
Administrator search info

Manage persistence
Citizen Account <<infrustruct




Fig.18: component diagram

Final Year Project Page 80

Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

Deployment Model
Deployment modeling used to show the hardware of the system, the software that is installed in
the hardware and also the middleware that is used to connect the disparate machines to one and
other. It also shows how the software and the hardware components work together.

system n

search Info
Land ty
Manager Database

Manager Manage

Resident request

land and

Figure 4.19 deployment diagram

Persistence Model
Final Year Project Page 81
Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

1 11 Resident * 1* Birth certificate

DeathCertificate *
FirstName RId
RId MiddleName reason
ResidentNo. LastName type
FirstName MotherName date
Lastname MotherCitizenShip
reason FatherName
dateofdeath HouseType
requestdate DateOfBirth
PlaceOfBirth 1* 1 SystemAdmin

1 *
* Username

1 * * *
* 1 1 1 Comment
House *
OFirstname LID CID
OlastName OwnerFname Name
OwnerKebele OwnerLname From
Housetype Ownerkebele To
houselocatio landCategory Subject
Status landlocation message
Electricconnectivity Registrationdate date
Registrationdate purpose

Figure 4.19 Persistence diagram


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Resident registration

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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

Chapter Five

Implementation and Testing

Implementation refers to the Coding of the all documents gathered starting from requirement analysis to
the Design phase. So now the team is in a position of converting all documents gathered and designed
into the code as a system. So that the system will be implemented for the user to be used for the purpose
it developed. To implement it the user must have a server on which the system will be hosted because this
system can run on intranet site with connection availability with the Ethernet system.

The physical design specification created by the designers is turned in to working computer code.

Coding for Login

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Security.Cryptography;

publicpartialclassLogin : System.Web.UI.Page
SqlConnection conn = newSqlConnection("Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|
DataDirectory|\\Municipality.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True");
publicvoid Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

if (Request.QueryString["var"] == "Admin")
Lnksignup.Enabled = false;

Session["s"] = Request.QueryString["var"];

Final Year Project Page 88

Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

privatestring Encrypt(string clearText)
string EncryptionKey = "MAKV2SPBNI99212";
byte[] clearBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(clearText);
using (Aes encryptor = Aes.Create())
Rfc2898DeriveBytes pdb = newRfc2898DeriveBytes(EncryptionKey, newbyte[] { 0x49, 0x76,
0x61, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x4d, 0x65, 0x64, 0x76, 0x65, 0x64, 0x65, 0x76 });
encryptor.Key = pdb.GetBytes(32);
encryptor.IV = pdb.GetBytes(16);
using (MemoryStream ms = newMemoryStream())
using (CryptoStream cs = newCryptoStream(ms, encryptor.CreateEncryptor(),
cs.Write(clearBytes, 0, clearBytes.Length);
clearText = Convert.ToBase64String(ms.ToArray());
return clearText;

privatestring Decrypt(string cipherText)

string EncryptionKey = "MAKV2SPBNI99212";
byte[] cipherBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(cipherText);
using (Aes encryptor = Aes.Create())
Rfc2898DeriveBytes pdb = newRfc2898DeriveBytes(EncryptionKey, newbyte[] { 0x49, 0x76,
0x61, 0x6e, 0x20, 0x4d, 0x65, 0x64, 0x76, 0x65, 0x64, 0x65, 0x76 });
encryptor.Key = pdb.GetBytes(32);
encryptor.IV = pdb.GetBytes(16);
using (MemoryStream ms = newMemoryStream())
using (CryptoStream cs = newCryptoStream(ms, encryptor.CreateDecryptor(),
cs.Write(cipherBytes, 0, cipherBytes.Length);
cipherText = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(ms.ToArray());
return cipherText;
protectedvoid Lnksignup_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

protectedvoid LnkChange_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

protectedvoid LnkForgot_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


publicvoid Login1_Authenticate(object sender, AuthenticateEventArgs e)


if (Request.QueryString["var"] == "Admin")
SqlCommand cmd = newSqlCommand("select * from admin where username='" + Login1.UserName +
"' and Password='" + Login1.Password + "' ", conn);
SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
if (dr.Read() == true)

if (Request.QueryString["var"] == "LandManager")
SqlCommand cmd = newSqlCommand("select * from newuser where username='" + Login1.UserName
+ "' and Password='" + Login1.Password + "' and userstatus='LandManager'", conn);
SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
if (dr.Read() == true)

if (Request.QueryString["var"] == "HouseMnager")
SqlCommand cmd = newSqlCommand("select * from newuser where username='" + Login1.UserName
+ "' and Password='" + Login1.Password + "' and userstatus='HouseMnager'", conn);
SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
if (dr.Read() == true)
if (Request.QueryString["var"] == "Resident")
SqlCommand cmd = newSqlCommand("select * from newuser where username='" + Login1.UserName
+ "' and Password='" + Login1.Password + "' and userstatus='Resident'", conn);
SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
if (dr.Read() == true)

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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town



Coding for New User

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

publicpartialclassNewuser : System.Web.UI.Page
SqlConnection conn = newSqlConnection("Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|
DataDirectory|\\Municipality.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True");
protectedvoid Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
user.Text = Session["s"].ToString();

protectedvoid CreateUserWizard1_CreatedUser(object sender, EventArgs e)

SqlCommand cmd = newSqlCommand("insert into newuser values('" +
CreateUserWizard1.UserName + "','" + CreateUserWizard1.Password + "','" +
CreateUserWizard1.Email + "','" + CreateUserWizard1.Question + "','" +
CreateUserWizard1.Answer + "','" + user.Text + "')", conn);
protectedvoid CreateUserWizard1_ContinueButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (user.Text == "LandManager")

if (user.Text == "HouseManager")

Final Year Project Page 91

Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

if (user.Text == "Resident")


Coding for Generate Birth Certificate

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms;
using System.Windows.Forms;
publicpartialclassGenerateBrithCertificet : System.Web.UI.Page

SqlConnection conn = newSqlConnection("Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|

DataDirectory|\\Municipality.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True");
SqlDataAdapter da = newSqlDataAdapter();
BindingSource bs = newBindingSource();
DataSet ds = newDataSet();
string connn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString2"].ToString();
protectedvoid Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

SqlConnection conn = newSqlConnection("Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|

DataDirectory|\\Municipality.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True");
string checkuser = "select count(*) from request where reason='not seen'";
SqlCommand com = newSqlCommand(checkuser, conn);
int temp = Convert.ToInt32(com.ExecuteScalar().ToString());
if (temp >= 1)
Button4.Text = temp.ToString();

if (Session["new"] == null)
Response.AddHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-
Response.AddHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");

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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

protectedvoid Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

SqlDataAdapter da = newSqlDataAdapter("select * from Registerresident where
Registernum='" + TextBox1.Text + "'", connn);
DataSet ds = newDataSet();

ReportDataSource rdc = newReportDataSource("DataSet1", ds.Tables[0]);

ReportViewer1.Visible = true;

protectedvoid Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

GridView1.Visible = true;

protectedvoid LinkButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


protectedvoid GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

Te.Text = GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells[2].Text;
int employeeCount = 0;
protectedvoid GridView2_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
employeeCount += 1;
elseif (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Footer)

TableCell tableCell = newTableCell();
tableCell.ColumnSpan = 4;
tableCell.Font.Bold = true;
tableCell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center;
tableCell.Text = "Total family member Count=" + employeeCount.ToString();


Coding for Generate Death Certificate

using System;

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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms;
using System.Windows.Forms;

publicpartialclassGenerateDeathCertificet : System.Web.UI.Page
SqlConnection conn = newSqlConnection("Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|
DataDirectory|\\Municipality.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True");
SqlDataAdapter da = newSqlDataAdapter();
BindingSource bs = newBindingSource();
DataSet ds = newDataSet();
string connn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString2"].ToString();
protectedvoid Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlConnection conn = newSqlConnection("Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|
DataDirectory|\\Municipality.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True");
string checkuser = "select count(*) from request where reason='not seen'";
SqlCommand com = newSqlCommand(checkuser, conn);
int temp = Convert.ToInt32(com.ExecuteScalar().ToString());
if (temp >= 1)
Button4.Text = temp.ToString();

if (Session["new"] == null)
Response.AddHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-
Response.AddHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");

protectedvoid Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

SqlDataAdapter da = newSqlDataAdapter("select * from Registerresident where
Registernum='" + TextBox1.Text + "'", connn);
DataSet ds = newDataSet();

ReportDataSource rdc = newReportDataSource("DataSet1", ds.Tables[0]);

ReportViewer1.Visible = true;

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protectedvoid Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

GridView1.Visible = true;

protectedvoid LinkButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


protectedvoid GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

Te.Text = GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells[2].Text;
int employeeCount = 0;
protectedvoid GridView2_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
employeeCount += 1;
elseif (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Footer)

TableCell tableCell = newTableCell();
tableCell.ColumnSpan = 4;
tableCell.Font.Bold = true;
tableCell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center;
tableCell.Text = "Total family member Count=" + employeeCount.ToString();


Code for Resident Registration

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Configuration;

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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

using Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms;
using System.Windows.Forms;

publicpartialclassGenerateDeathCertificet : System.Web.UI.Page
SqlConnection conn = newSqlConnection("Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|
DataDirectory|\\Municipality.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True");
SqlDataAdapter da = newSqlDataAdapter();
BindingSource bs = newBindingSource();
DataSet ds = newDataSet();
string connn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString2"].ToString();
protectedvoid Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlConnection conn = newSqlConnection("Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|
DataDirectory|\\Municipality.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True");
string checkuser = "select count(*) from request where reason='not seen'";
SqlCommand com = newSqlCommand(checkuser, conn);
int temp = Convert.ToInt32(com.ExecuteScalar().ToString());
if (temp >= 1)
Button4.Text = temp.ToString();

if (Session["new"] == null)
Response.AddHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-
Response.AddHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");

protectedvoid Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

SqlDataAdapter da = newSqlDataAdapter("select * from Registerresident where
Registernum='" + TextBox1.Text + "'", connn);
DataSet ds = newDataSet();

ReportDataSource rdc = newReportDataSource("DataSet1", ds.Tables[0]);

ReportViewer1.Visible = true;

protectedvoid Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

GridView1.Visible = true;

protectedvoid LinkButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

protectedvoid GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

Te.Text = GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells[2].Text;
int employeeCount = 0;
protectedvoid GridView2_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
employeeCount += 1;
elseif (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Footer)

TableCell tableCell = newTableCell();
tableCell.ColumnSpan = 4;
tableCell.Font.Bold = true;
tableCell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center;
tableCell.Text = "Total family member Count=" + employeeCount.ToString();


Final Testing of The system

Black box testing: -To test our system, the tester may use black box testing, if he/she has not
enough time to check internal modules or codes. By looking only input/output or user interface,

Final Year Project Page 97

Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

the tester can test our systems functionalities without looking the internal code. We used this
testing technique for the following reasons:-

 This testing type is more effective on larger units of code

 Tester needs no knowledge of implementation, including specific programming
 Tester and programmer are independent of each other
 Tests are done from a user's point of view

White box testing: -

In this type of testing, skilled man in different programming languages tries to test the logic of
our system. If the person who tests the system is not skilled, it is difficult to understand our
systems functionality. If any failures occur while testing the system in all of the above testing
methods, the team will take immediate correction where this fault occurred before jumping to
next work. So, that it will meet the goal.

Unit Testing:-

Every module of the System is separately tested. I.e. the team tests every module by applying some
selection mechanism. Through this mechanism every modules gets tested. If an error occurs
correction will be taken without affecting another module.

Integrated Testing: -

In this testing part, all the modules will be combined together and tested it for its fitness with each
other and with the systems functionality. If error occurs in combining them, the module with problem
will be identified and recombined.

Functional (Black Box Testing) and System Testing: -

In this testing, the team performs over all functional testing by checking whether it meets or not
meets the required target.

Test case
Test Case 1: Login

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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

Test case objective : To login to the system

Test case description: user enters Username and Password, then presses login button. Client
program contacts with server, server contacts with the database, and database checks for
authentication and displays user page.

Requirements Verified: Yes

Test Environment: Sql server must be in running state, Database Should contain appropriate
table and link must be established between server and client program.
Test Setup/Pre-Conditions: Sql server should be in running state and User name and
Password fields should be filled correctly.

Actions Expected Results

The user should enter the correct user name and password to Displays user page.

If user name and password are not filled correctly the system display to fill the user name and
password again.

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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

Authentication login

Test case id = TEST CASE 02

Unit to Test =Residentregistration

Assumption = Resident successfully registerd.

Test Data = Register ID(Valid id, empty)

FirstName(valid fname, empty)

Midle Name(valid MName, empty)

Last Name (Valid LName, empty)

Mather Name(Valid math ,empty)

Date Of Birth(valid i, empty)

Age(Valid , empty)

Phone No(valid , empty)

Place of birth (Valid , empty)

Sex(Valid Sex, empty)

Job(Valid Job, empty)

Kebele(Valid Kebele, empty)

Town(Valid Town, empty)

Region(Valid Region, empty)

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Municipality Information Management System for Arba Minch Town

Steps to be Executed Data Expected Results

Empty register id and all others Any valid data for the other
“Error: id is required”
filled and Click submit button fields

Invalid First name and Click submit “Error: first name is

First name =xxx
button required.”

Enter valid data for other “Error: midle name is

Empty midle name
fields. required.”

Enter valid data for other “Error: last name is

Empty last name
fields. required.”

Enter all valid filled And Empty Any valid data for the other “Error:Kebele is
Kebele and Click submit button fields Kebele = “ ” required.”

Enter all valid fields And Empty “Error: Date of Birth is

Any valid data for the other
Date of Birth and Click submit requried.”
fields Date of Birth = “ ”

Enter all valid fields And Empty Any valid data for the other “Error: Phone No is
Phone No and Click submit button fields Phone No = “ ” requried.”

Enter all valid fields And Empty Any valid data for the other “Error: Age is requrid.”
Age and Click submit button fields Age = “ ”

Enter all valid Registered is seccesfull.

All valid data
filled and Click submit button

Table 5.2 Test case 2: Resident registration

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Hardware and Software Acquisitions

For the project implementation; the following Software and hardware tools are used.

Hardware Tools:-

 Server: for connection to the client computer(to host the system)

 Computers

 Network connection

 Printer: For printing Documentation

Software Tools

For the System implementation the following software’s are used.

E-draw Max
Microsoft Windows
Microsoft-Office 2010
Visual Studio 2010
C# with

5.4 User Manual Preparation

No more manual preparation is needed for users, because the system developed is not software and it is
not installed on a client computer. After the implementation has been completed, it is directly hosted on
Network (server).

5.5 Training
During the deployment of the system, the project group members will give short time training for the
system administrators and clerks explaining how the system works and in what way they can manage the
system developed.

5.6 Installation
Since the project is a web based System, there is no need to install it on a particular machine rather it will
be hosted on a server.

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5.7 Startup Strategy

Once the system has been published, the user can start and access his/her authorized page by entering
the correct Username and Password with proper authentication and authorization processes.

Chapter 6:

Conclusions and Recommendations

This is a system development project which two phases; the first phase deals with the analysis
phase of the life cycle, and the next phase addresses the Design phase. As the end of the first
phase, we need to review that we have covered in accordance with what we have planned at the
beginning. We began our work by identifying the significance of automated system for the store
and the overall techniques to be used in the development process. This involved defining the
system development methodology, identifying process, and setting the deliverable and scheduled
for the project. The business area Analysis helps the team to truly understand the major
functional areas and processes of the system. Through this we evaluate the existing system
weakness and strength. After that, we performed requirements elicitation to discover user and
system requirements. This phase consisted of drawing the functional as well as non-functional
requirements of the system. Then we have undertaken a major phase in system development
process: object oriented Analysis. Here, we tried to model the new system we proposed using
UML diagrams: Use case, sequence, and activity and class diagrams. Also we designed the new
system user interface prototype.

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6.2 Recommendation

The need for transformation of organizational practice from manual system to computerized
system is felt all over the world for various reason discussed in chapter 1 and chapter 2.
Technology is surely the key component of all future organizational success and efficiency. But
we need to rethink how we use such technology within the environment which is not easily
adopted with. However, the literature throws light in several challenges in the integration of
technology for municipality information management appealing to those residents who may
literate or illiterate, and not to others. Therefore there should studies: on how to motivate all
residents as well as administrators at data base to adopt innovative and creative that will help the
acquire skills interact with the proposed system. The system that we are designed to implement
does not include or perform other functionality, so other project team who are interested can
build similar system with additional feature and more functionality.


Final Year Project Page 104

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