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To develop a braille based ATM machine using RFID card
which is useful for blind people inorder to attain financial access


The Blind people often have difficulty accessing ATM machines

to withdraw money and have to go to the bank. It wastes their
time, which makes them uncomfortable. Therefore, to overcome
this problem, other ways to access ATM machines should be
explored. This project proposes a module that provides Braille
facility and audible instructions to access an Automatic Teller
Machine (ATM) so that a blind person will be empowered to
access the ATM machine independently. After inserting RFID
card, their name is spelt aloud and their name letters are vibrated
and verified with the help of braille keypad. Once verified, it
asks them either to select check balance or to withdraw cash
using buttons. When they select to check balance , the balance
would be heard through MP3 speaker. And when they select to
withdraw cash from atm, it asks for password and amount want
to withdraw from them and cash is dispensed with the help of
servo motor.

The blind people have problem for money transaction. Since

ATMs lack Braille systems keypad support, the blind person
finds it difficult of keying in PIN numbers. It is necessary to
help the blind people for access to banking services. Since many
of the blind people usually are not comfortable with internet or
mobile banking. They prefer an assistant who is a normal person
to help them complete their banking activity. They tell their PIN
to assistant who can complete the transactions for them. The
banking sector should work towards improving accessibility to
banking services for blind person. There is a need to develop
blind friendly ATMs that can be used effectively by the blinds
without the assistance of normal people who may take
advantage of their visually challenged status. It is an essential to
provide Braille facility to blind customers. As we know Money
is one of the important things in life to fulfill his basic needs.
For a normal person it is easy to access any ATM machine, but
it is not same for visually impaired people, so in this proposed
work any visually impaired people can easily access the ATM
machine to transact their money.

1. Dr. S Prabhavathi , Dikshitha V N , S Vidhya

USING ARDUINO”, International Journal of Computer
Engineering and Technology (IJCET) ,Volume 13, Issue 2,
May – August 2022
The prototype of a voice-based ATM for visually impaired
using Arduino is to help people who are blind. This uses RFID
cards which contain users fingerprint encrypted on it and
interacts with the users through voice commands. ATM operates
when sensor detects the presence of one person in the cabin.
After scanning the RFID card, it will ask to select the mode like
–normal or blind. User can select the respective mode through
voice input, if blind mode is selected the balance check or cash
withdraw can be done through voice input. Normal mode
procedure is same as the existing ATM.
2.Ankita Yadav, Dr.Manasi Dixit,”ATM MODULE FOR
June 2019, Volume 6, Issue 6

This paper proposes design of a module that provides Braille

facility and audible instructions to access an Automatic Teller
Machine (ATM) so that a blind person will be empowered to
access the ATM machine independently. In this project
implementation of a ATM module is completed by using voice
command and face detection. User can select their respective
demand through voice command. After inserting the RFID card,
camera captures the user’s photo and store into the database.
The blind people can even choose whether to check balance or
to withdraw cash by voice command using Braille supported
keypad. Normal person can select the processes is same as that
of existing ATM.
3.Mrs. A. Sathya, Mrs. K.Valarmathi and Mr.
M.Arun,”ATM System Availability for People with Visual
Impairments using RFID Technology”,Australian Journal of
Basic and Applied Sciences, 10(1) January 2016

The Embedded Technology is proving its remarkable

achievement in all fields. Embedded System is a combination of
hardware and software. Embedded technology plays a major
role in integrating the various functions associated with it. This
needs to tie up the various sources of the department in a closed
loop system. This proposal greatly reduces the manpower, saves
time and operates efficiently without human interference.
Recently it has been investigated the potential applications on
Radio Frequency Identification Devices (RFID) for particular
problems. This paper puts forth the first step in achieving the
desired target with some of its applications being developed.
With the advent in technology, the existing systems are
developed to have in built intelligence. A Talking ATM is a type
of automated teller machine (ATM) that provides audible
instructions, so that persons who cannot read an ATM screen
can independently use the machine. All audible information is
delivered privately through a standard ATM Machine. This
technology helps the visually impaired people to withdraw the
money from the bank by giving voice as input
FOR THE BLIND”,International Journal of Advances in
Science Engineering and Technology 2016, ISSN: 2321-9009

In the existing system all audible information is delivered

privately through a standard headphone jack. In this project we
have included a fixed reciever i.e attached telephone handset
and PIR sensors that would detect undesirable person in the
ATM center. RFID card is used to distinguish between a normal
and blind user and works efficiently for both. The instructions
given by ATM is been followed by the blind. The user should
enter his original password first and will receive an OTP (one
time password) that should be entered to access the account.
Thus the blind user can follow further instructions and withdraw
cash conveniently and safely.
5.Shilpa Sonawani, “Designing a Secure Interactive ATM
for Visually Impaired People”, Grenze International
Journal of Engineering and Technology GIJET 2022

ATM(Automated Teller Machine) is among the most important

tools for financial transactions. Nevertheless, for years, the
visually impaired have been denied various banking facilities,
especially ATM cards. The most common arguments presented
by banks are 'someone might misuse your card or cheat you, you
might be stalked by miscreants and robbed'. Therefore, an ATM
interface should be made which allows the visually impaired to
do transactions safely, independently, and efficiently. This work
aims to implement an ATM interface that has all these qualities.
In this interface, the user will hear audio instructions from the
interface about various facilities in the ATM, implemented
using text-to-speech conversion. Moreover, the ATM will also
notify the breakup of dispensed cash and directions for the cash
dispenser via audio instructions. The user will also be able to
give voice instructions to the interface for speeding up the
transactions, implemented using NLP(Natural Language
Processing). For avoiding the snooping of ATM PIN(Personal
Identification Number), a distance detection algorithm will be
used, to ensure that there is no one else present in the ATM.

The existing technique involves to help the blind people for

access to banking services, a person assistant is needed. Since
many of the blind people usually are not comfortable with
internet or mobile banking. They prefer an assistant who is a
normal person to help them complete their banking activity.
They tell their PIN to assistant who can complete the
transactions for them.


The proposed project incorporates rfid card, rfid reader, mp3

speaker, vibration mootor, buttons, braille keypad and servo
motor. After inserting RFID card,it is read through RFID
reader,and their name is spelt aloud and their name letters are
vibrated when the blind people touch the braille keypad (6
vibration motor connected) inorder to check whether their card
is inserted. Once verified, it asks them either to select check
balance or to withdraw cash using buttons. When they select to
check balance , the balance would be heard through MP3
speaker. And when they select to withdraw cash from atm, it
asks for password and amount want to withdraw which they
enter both through keypad and cash is dispensed from the atm
with the help of servo motor and each and every tarnsaction
detail is also heard through MP3 speaker.



 ESP32


ESP 32:

ESP32 is a low-powered,
low-cost microcontroller (MCU) board, with both Wi-Fi and
Bluetooth built in, and is based on a dual-core processor
mechanism. The first one is a powerful processor, such as a
Xtensa LX6 (~240 MHz) with 512 KiB memory and the second
an ultra-low coprocessor (ULP) with only 8 KiB memory
designed to run when ESP32 is in deep-sleep mode.
Other components include around 48 I/O pins (variable); an
array of peripheral interfaces including temperature, hall effect,
and capacitive touch sensors; and an 8-centimeter LCD panel,
prominently visible here in an ESP32-WROVER board by
Espressif Systems..
 ESP32 has built-in integration of both WiFi and Bluetooth

 ESP32 has 34 programmable GPIOs present on the chip.

 ADC is of 12-bit SAR and can support up to 18 channels.

 DAC is 8-bit and it has 2 DAC channels.

 ESP32 also has 10 touch sensors embedded in it.

 ESP32 also has a Hall sensor in it.

 It supports 4 SPI channels.

 It supports 4 SPI channels.

 It also has 2 I²S channels.

 ESP32 has 2 I²C ports in it.

 It supports 3 UART channels.

 It also has 1 host(SD/eMMC/SDIO) and 1


 ESP32 also supports the Ethernet MAC

interface with dedicated DMA and IEEE 1588 support.

 It supports Two-Wire Automotive Interface (TWAI®,

compatible with ISO11898-1)
 IR (TX/RX)

 Motor PWM

 LED PWM up to 16 channels

ESP32 WiFi Key Features

 Wireless Networking Standard: 802.11 b/g/n

 Wireless Standard: 802.11 n (2.4 GHz), up to 150 Mbps

 WiFi Multimedia(WMM)

 WiFi Aggregation: TX/RX A-MPDU, RX A-MSDU

 Immediate Block ACK: suitable for high bandwidth &

low latency traffic.

 Automatic Beacon monitoring (hardware TSF)

 Simultaneous support for SoftAP, Infrastructure Station

and Promiscuous modes.

 Diverse Antenna

 Defragmentation to smoothen the data.

 Supports 4 virtual WiFi Interfaces.

ESP32 Bluetooth Key Features

 Compliant with Bluetooth v4.2 BR/EDR

 Class-1, Class-2 and Class-3 transmitter without external

power amplifier

 Increased Power Control

 Transmission Power: +12 dBm

 BLE sensitivity: –94 dBm (NZIF receiver)

 Adaptive Frequency Hopping (AFH)

 Standard HCI supports SDIO/SPI/UART

 High-speed UART HCI, up to 4 Mbps

 Bluetooth 4.2 BR/EDR BLE dual-mode controller

 CVSD and SBC for audio codec

 Classic BT and BLE support Multiple connections.

 It can advertise and scan simultaneously.

 Bluetooth Piconet and Scatternet

ESP32 Microcontroller Key Features

 ESP32 uses an Xtensa® single-/dual-core 32-bit LX6

 It supports data rate up to 600 MIPS (200 MIPS

for ESP32-S0WD/ESP32-U4WDH)

 It has a Flash Memory of 448 KB.

 It has an SRAM memory of 520 KB.

 16 KB SRAM in RTC

 QSPI supports multiple flash/SRAM chips

ESP32 Clocks & Timers Key Features

 ESP32 has a calibrated 8MHz crystal oscillator(internal)

 Calibrated RC oscillator(internal)

 External 2 MHz ~ 60 MHz crystal oscillator (40 MHz

only for Wi-Fi/BT functionality)

 External 32 kHz crystal oscillator for RTC with


 Two timer groups, including 2 × 64-bit timers and 1 ×

main watchdog in each group

 ESP32 also has one RTC timer.

 RTC watchdog is also present in ESP32.

ESP32 Pinouts

We have seen above that ESP32 has evolved first into ESP32-
WROOM-32 and then its further upgraded into ESP32-
DevKitC. So, let's have a look at the pinout of all these boards,
one by one:

Pinout Of ESP32 IC

 ESP32 IC in its pure form consists of 48 pins in total.

 ESP32-WROOM-32 is a breakout board of ESP32 and
consists of 38 pins in total.
 ESP32-DevKitC is a development board based on the
ESP32 microcontroller and it has 36 pins in total.

pinout diagram of ESP32 DevKitC:

 Power: Power is applied through Micro-USB, 3.3V pin, 5V
pin, and GND. Regulated 5V is supplied to this pin which is
further regulated to 3.3V to power up the board. And 3.3V pin
directly supplies the 3.3V regulated to the board. And the
ground is connected to GND.

 Enable: The enable pin is represented by ‘En’ on the board and

is used to reset the microcontroller.

 Analog Pins: Analog pins are represented as ADC1_0 to

ADC1_5 and ADC2_0 to ADC2_9 on board. These pins are
used to measure the analog voltage in the range from 0-3.3V
which is a 12-bit 18 channel ADC.

 DAC pins: Two pins DAC1 and DAC2 are used for digital to
analog conversion.

 I/O Pins: I/O pins are represented as GPIO0 to GPIO39 on

board which projects there are total of 39 I/O pins on board.
All of them can be used as an input or output but pins from 34
to 39 are used for input only.
 Capacitive Touch Pins: These pins are represented as T0 to
T9 on board. These are a total of 10 pins which are touch pins
that are normally used for capacitive pads.

 RTC GPIO pins: These pins are represented as RTCIO0 to

RTCIO17 on board which is a total of 18 pins. These pins are
employed to wake up the ESP32 from deep sleep mode.

 Serial: Two serial pins are represented on boards

as Tx and Rx. The Tx is used to transmit serial data while Rx
is used to receive serial data.

 External Interrupts: All GPIO pins can be used as external


 PWM: Any GPIO pin can be used as a PWM pin. These

GPIO pins are activated through software.
 VSPI: These pins are represented as GPIO23 (MOSI),
GPIO19 (MISO), GPIO18 (CLK) and GPIO5 (CS) which
are used for SPI-1 communication.

 HSPI: These pins are represented as GPIO13 (MOSI),

GPIO12 (MISO), GPIO14 (CLK) and GPIO15 (CS) which
are used for SPI-2 communication.

 IIC: These pins are marked as GPIO21 (SDA), GPIO22

(SCL) which are used for I2C communication.

 AREF: It is marked as AREF which is used to provide a

reference voltage for input voltage.


 Used in Network projects.

 Employed for beginner-level DIY projects.

 Employed in the prototyping of IoT devices.

 Used in cloud-based smart security projects.

 Used in low-power battery-operated applications


 Must be a DC adapter (i.e. it has to put out DC, not

 5v DC power supply is used for this circuit.

RFID tags are a type of tracking system that uses radio

frequency to search, identify, track, and communicate with
items and people. Essentially, RFID tags are smart labels that
can store a range of information from serial numbers, to a short
description, and even pages of data. Some RFID tags include
cryptographic security features for a high level of verification
and authentication. RFID tags are usually identified by their
radio frequencies: low frequency (LF), high frequency (HF), and
ultra-high frequency (UHF).
LF systems have a range between 30 and 300 KHz and a read
range up to 10 cm. These systems are more frequently used in
applications like access control and livestock monitoring.
HF systems have a range between 3 and 30 MHz and a read
range from 10 cm to 1 m (3 ft). These systems are commonly
used for electronic tickets, payments, or user experience
UHF systems have a range between 300 MHz and 3 GHz and a
read range up to 12 m (39 ft). These are the systems most
commonly used in retail inventory tracking, parking garages,
door access, and asset management.


A radio frequency identification reader (RFID reader) is a

device used to gather information from an RFID tag, which is
used to track individual objects. Radio waves are used to
transfer data from the tag to a reader.

 Remotely power tags
 Establish a bidirectional data link
 Inventory tags, filter results
 Communicate with networked server(s)
 Can read 100300 tags per second


 Low frequency, or LF, (125 – 134 kHz)

 High frequency, or HF, (13.56 MHz)
 Ultra-high frequency, or UHF, (433, and 860-960 MHz)

Radio waves behave differently at the various frequencies, so

it is imperative to select the right frequency for your

For example, low-frequency tags have a long wave-length and

are better able to penetrate thin metallic substances.
Additionally, LF RFID systems are ideal for reading objects
with high-water content, such as fruit or beverages, but the
read range is limited to centi-meters or inches. Typical LF
RFID applications include access control and animal tagging.

High-frequency tags work fairly well on objects made of

metal and can work around goods with medium to high water
content. Typically, HF RFID systems work in ranges of
inches, but they can have a maximum read range of about
three feet (1 meter). Typical HF RFID applications include
tracking library books, patient flow tracking, and transit

UHF frequencies typically offer much better read range

(inches to 50+ ft. depending on the RFID system setup) and
can transfer data faster (i.e. read many more tags per
second) than low- and high-frequencies. However, because
UHF radio waves have a shorter wavelength, their signal is
more likely to be attenuated (or weakened) and they cannot
pass through metal or water. Due to their high data transfer
rate, UHF RFIDare well suited for many items at once, such
as boxes of goods as they pass through a dock door into a
warehouse or racers as they cross a finish line. Also, due to
the longer read range, other common UHF RFID applications
include electronic toll collection and parking access control.
Country of Deployment

Different countries allocate different bands of the radio

spectrum for RFID, so no single technology optimally
satisfies all the requirements of existing and potential
markets. The industry has worked diligently to standardize
three main RF bands – low frequency, high frequency,
and ultra-high frequency. Most countries have assigned the
125 or 134 kHz areas of the spectrum for low-frequency RFID
systems, and 13.56 MHz is generally used around the world
for high-frequency RFID systems.

UHF RFID systems have only been around since the mid-
1990s and countries have not agreed on a single area of the
UHF spectrum for RFID. Accordingly, different countries
have different bandwidth and power restrictions for UHF
RFID systems. Across the European Union, UHF
RFID ranges from 865 to 868 MHz with RFID readers able to
transmit at maximum power (2 watts ERP) at the centre of
that bandwidth (865.6 to 867.6 MHz).

In North America, the UHF RFID frequency ranges from 902

to 928 MHz with readers able to transmit at maximum power
(1 watt ERP) for most of that bandwidth. Most other countries
have either adopted the European Union or North America
standard, or they are using a subset of one of the two
bandwidths. Many non-RFID devices use the UHF spectrum,
so it may take years for all governments to agree on a single
UHF band for RFID.

Manufacturing and Processing
 Inventory and production process monitoring
 Warehouse order fulfillment

Supply Chain Management

 Inventory tracking systems
 Logistics management

 Inventory control and customer insight
 Auto checkout with reverse logistics
 Access control
 Counterfeiting and Theft control/prevention
Location Tracking
 Traffic movement control and parking management
 Wildlife/Livestock monitoring and tracking

Servo implies an error sensing feedback control which is
utilized to correct the performance of a system. It also requires a
generally sophisticated controller, often a dedicated module
designed particularly for use with servomotors. Servo motors
are DC motors that allow for precise control of the angular
position. They are DC motors whose speed is slowly lowered by
the gears. The servo motors usually have a revolution cut off
from 90° to 180°. A few servo motors also have a revolution
cutoff of 360° or more. But servo motors do not rotate
constantly. Their rotation is limited between the fixed angles.


 Industries, they uses in the machine tools, packaging,

factory automation, material handling, printing converting,
assembly lines. In many other demanding applications
robotics, CNC machinery or automated manufacturing.
 uses in radio controlled airplanes to control the positioning
and movement of elevators.
 In robots because of their smooth switching on and off and
accurate positioning.
 In the aerospace industry to maintain hydraulic fluid in their
hydraulic systems.
 uses in many radio controlled toys.
 used in electronic devices such as DVDs or Blue ray Disc
players to extend or replay the disc trays.
 used in automobiles to maintain the speed of vehicleS.

Push Button

Push Button Features

 Prevent flux rise by the insert-molded terminal

 Snap-in mount terminal
 Contact Bounce: MAX 5mS
 Crisp clicking by tactile feedback
 Dielectric Withstanding Voltage 250V AC for 1 minute
Technical Specifications

 Mode of Operation: Tactile feedback

 Power Rating: MAX 50mA 24V DC
 Insulation Resistance: 100Mohm at 100v
 Operating Force: 2.55±0.69 N
 Contact Resistance: MAX 100mOhm
 Operating Temperature Range: -20 to +70 ℃
 Storage Temperature Range: -20 to +70 ℃

Where to use push button?

Push Buttons are normally-open tactile switches. Push buttons

allow us to power the circuit or make any particular connection
only when we press the button. Simply, it makes the circuit
connected when pressed and breaks when released. A push
button is also used for triggering of the SCR by gate terminal.
These are the most common buttons which we see in our daily
life electronic equipment’s.

Vibration motor is a DC motor in a compact size that is used to
inform the users by vibrating on receiving signals. It has no
sound.The foremost feature that has to be noted in this is its
magnet coreless DC motor which is permanent where it means
that it possesses magnetic properties (performs like a magnet
only when the electric current is passed through the device).

Mostly, vibration motors are designed as two types:

 Coin or flat-sized vibration motor

 Cylinder or bar sized vibration motor

Vibration Motor Working

Coin or Flat-Sized

A Coin or flat-sized motor works with the help of ring magnet,

power supplied brushes connected to ring magnet, weight and a
rotor with the commutation points connected at the front side
and the coils connected on the backside. The commutation
points and the brushes end are connected together. This
construction will strengthen the rotor electrical coils. This will
generate a magnetic field, and this is as much as necessary to
interrelate with the ring magnet and causes rotation. A force is
produced because of a magnetic field. This force allows the
weight to get transferred. The continual movement of weight
generates a changing force so that it is felt as a vibration. The
commutation points are utilized in altering the polarity pairs;
thus, the rotor rotates, and the coils are perpetually switching the

Cylinder or Bar Sized

Here, it has an improperly balanced vibrating motor. It means

that the shaft is connected to an off-centered weight so that a
centrifugal force is developed while its rotation. The improperly
balanced force causes a high-level speed displacement in the
motor and this creates vibration. The generated centrifugal force
creates vibration in the motor and allows the motor to vibrate in
the X and Z axis.
DC 12V 4×3 Matrix 12 keys Membrane Switch Keypad

The DC 12V 4×3 Matrix 12 keys Membrane Switch Keypad is high-

quality soft touch feeling button keypad with 100 million life-stroke
lifespans and good resistance to environmental conditions.This DC 12V
4×3 Key Matrix Membrane Switch Keypad is a high-quality product at
very low cost for your application needs.
This 12-button keypad provides a useful human interface component for
microcontroller projects. Convenient adhesive backing provides a simple
way to mount the keypad in a variety of applications.

The Keypad 4×3 features a total of 12 buttons in Matrix form. This is a

membrane keypad with no moving parts. A female 7-pin berg connector
is require for interfacing it with your microcontroller circuits.

Features :

 Ultra-thin design & adhesive backing provides easy integration to any

 Excellent price-performance ratio
 Easy communication with any microcontroller
 5 pins 2.54mm pitch connector, 4×3 type 12 keys.
 Sticker can peel off for adhesive mounting.
 Used widely in industrial and home electronic equipments,
instrument, etc.

Voltage(V) DC 35V

Operating 0.1
Current (A)

Contact 500Ω

Insulation 100

Dielectric 250VRms

Length (mm): 70

Width (mm) 70

Height (mm) 1

Weight (gm) 7

Ribbon cable 90
length (mm)

Shipping 0.01 kg

Shipping 9 × 8 × 4 cm

Impedance is a measure of the opposition a device presents to

the flow of alternating current (AC). It is similar to resistance in
direct current (DC) circuits but takes into account both
resistance and reactance (the effect of capacitance and
inductance). In audio systems, impedance is important because
it affects how much power the speaker draws from the amplifier
and how efficiently it converts electrical signals into sound.

An MP3 speaker doesn’t necessarily refer to a specific type of

speaker. Instead, it generally means a speaker that can play
audio from MP3 players or other audio sources. MP3 is a
common audio format that compresses audio files to reduce
their size while maintaining decent audio quality.


 Power: 5 watts
 Resistance: 8 ohms
 Magnet Diameter : 50 mm / 1.97 inch
 Fixing Hole Dia : 4.5mm
 Fixing Hole Distance : 52 x 52mm / 2 x 2 inch (L*W)
 Overall Size (Approx.): 66 x 66 x 30mm / 2.6 x 2.6 x 1.18


Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based

on easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduino boards are
able to read inputs - light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or
a Twitter message - and turn it into an output - activating a
motor, turning on an LED, publishing something online. You
can tell your board what to do by sending a set of instructions
to the microcontroller on the board. To do so you use the
Arduino programming language (based on Wiring), and the
Arduino Software (IDE), based on Processing.

Over the years Arduino has been the brain of thousands of

projects, from everyday objects to complex scientific
instruments. A worldwide community of makers - students,
hobbyists, artists, programmers, and professionals - has
gathered around this open-source platform, their contributions
have added up to an incredible amount of accessible
knowledge that can be of great help to novices and experts
Arduino was born at the Ivrea Interaction Design Institute
as an easy tool for fast prototyping, aimed at students without
a background in electronics and programming. As soon as it
reached a wider community, the Arduino board started
changing to adapt to new needs and challenges, differentiating
its offer from simple 8-bit boards to products for IoT
applications, wearable, 3D printing, and embedded
environments. All Arduino boards are completely open-
source, empowering users to build them independently and
eventually adapt them to their particular needs. The software,
too, is open-source, and it is growing through the
contributions of users worldwide.

Why Arduino?

The Arduino software is easy-to-use for beginners, yet

flexible enough for advanced users. It runs on Mac, Windows,
and Linux. Teachers and students use it to build low cost
scientific instruments, to prove chemistry and physics
principles, or to get started with programming and robotics.
Designers and architects build interactive prototypes,
musicians and artists use it for installations and to experiment
with new musical instruments. Makers, of course, use it to
build many of the projects exhibited at the Maker Faire, for
example. Arduino is a key tool to learn new things. Anyone -
children, hobbyists, artists, programmers - can start tinkering
just following the step by step instructions of a kit, or sharing
ideas online with other members of the Arduino community.

There are many other microcontrollers and

microcontroller platforms available for physical computing.
Parallax Basic Stamp, Netmedia's BX-24, Phidgets, MIT's
Handyboard, and many others offer similar functionality. All
of these tools take the messy details of microcontroller
programming and wrap it up in an easy-to-use package.
Arduino also simplifies the process of working with
microcontrollers, but it offers some advantage for teachers,
students, and interested amateurs over other systems:

 Inexpensive - Arduino boards are relatively inexpensive

compared to other microcontroller platforms. The least
expensive version of the Arduino module can be assembled
by hand, and even the pre-assembled Arduino modules cost
less than $50
 Cross-platform - The Arduino Software (IDE) runs on
Windows, Macintosh OSX, and Linux operating systems.
Most microcontroller systems are limited to Windows.
 Simple, clear programming environment - The
Arduino Software (IDE) is easy-to-use for beginners, yet
flexible enough for advanced users to take advantage of as
well. For teachers, it's conveniently based on the Processing
programming environment, so students learning to program in
that environment will be familiar with how the Arduino IDE
 Open source and extensible software - The Arduino
software is published as open source tools, available for
extension by experienced programmers. The language can be
expanded through C++ libraries, and people wanting to
understand the technical details can make the leap from
Arduino to the AVR C programming language on which it's
based. Similarly, you can add AVR-C code directly into your
Arduino programs if you want to.
 Open source and extensible hardware - The plans of
the Arduino boards are published under a Creative Commons
license, so experienced circuit designers can make their own
version of the module, extending it and improving it. Even
relatively inexperienced users can build the breadboard
version of the module in order to understand how it works and
save money.
Embedded c is a set of language extension for the C
Programming language by the C Standards committee to
address commonality issues that exist between C extensions
for different embedded systems. Historically embedded C
programming requires nonstandard extensions to the C
language in order to support exotic features such as fixed-
point arithmetic, multiple distinct memory banks,and basic
I/O operations. Embedded C uses most of the syntax and
semantics of standard C, e.g., main() function, variable
definition, data type declaration, conditional statements(if,
switch, case),loops(while, for),functions, arrays and strings,
structures and union, bit operations, macros, etc. During
infancy years of microprocessor based systems, programs
were developed using assemblers and fused into the
EPROMs. There used to be no mechanism to find what the
program was doing. LEDs, switches, etc. were used to check
for correct execution of the program .But they were too costly
and were not quite reliable as well .As time progressed, use of
microprocessor-specific assembly-only as the programming
language reduced and embedded systems moved onto C as the
embedded programming language of choice. C is the most
widely used programming language for embedded

 The atm keypad is composed of braille characters.

 This project is implemented in different countries like US,
european countries etc inorder to help blind people for atm


Blind people face many problems in their lives. One of them

would be being dependent on someone else for financial
transactions. Thus this project Braille supported ATM module
using RFID is provided to the blind people which is a
gamechanger and hence, with the help of this system the blind
people complete their banking functions independently.

The future scope of RFID-based Braille ATM machines holds

significant potential for further enhancing accessibility and
usability for individuals with visual impairments involving
enhanced security features, integration with smart cities
infrastructure, Iot technology , advanced accessibility features
etc.Continued innovation and collaboration between technology
developers, financial institutions, and advocacy groups will be
essential to realize the full potential of these advancements.


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