Garcia-Perez. Are The Steps On Likert Scales
Garcia-Perez. Are The Steps On Likert Scales
Garcia-Perez. Are The Steps On Likert Scales
Their Distances
Miguel A. Garcı́a-Pérez1
A recurring question regarding Likert items is whether the discrete steps that this
response format allows represent constant increments along the underlying conti-
nuum. This question appears unsolvable because Likert responses carry no direct
information to this effect. Yet, any item administered in Likert format can identically
be administered with a continuous response format such as a visual analog scale
(VAS) in which respondents mark a position along a continuous line. Then, the oper-
ating characteristics of the item would manifest under both VAS and Likert formats,
although perhaps differently as captured by the continuous response model (CRM)
and the graded response model (GRM) in item response theory. This article shows
that CRM and GRM item parameters hold a formal relation that is mediated by the
form in which the continuous dimension is partitioned into intervals to render the
discrete Likert responses. Then, CRM and GRM characterizations of the items in a
test administered with VAS and Likert formats allow estimating the boundaries of
the partition that renders Likert responses for each item and, thus, the distance
between consecutive steps. The validity of this approach is first documented via
simulation studies. Subsequently, the same approach is used on public data from
three personality scales with 12, eight, and six items, respectively. The results indi-
cate the expected correspondence between VAS and Likert responses and reveal
unequal distances between successive pairs of Likert steps that also vary greatly
across items. Implications for the scoring of Likert items are discussed.
Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Miguel A. Garcı́a-Pérez, Departamento de Metodologı́a, Facultad de Psicologı́a, Universidad
Complutense, Campus de Somosaguas, Madrid 28223, Spain.
92 Educational and Psychological Measurement 84(1)
Likert scales, visual analog scales, item response theory, continuous response model,
graded response model
Most psychometric tests and questionnaires are currently administered with a Likert
format in which respondents mark their position along a discrete range with some-
where between four and seven levels of gradation. Depending on the item content,
this gradation may represent levels of agreement with a statement, levels of severity
of some symptom, or temporal frequency of occurrence of that symptom. Such
response levels are regarded as ordinal steps along a presumed continuous dimension
and the Likert format is generally preferred over a simpler yes–no format that forces
respondents to express only all–or–none positions. Thus, switching from just two
(i.e., yes–no) to more response alternatives per item is regarded as allowing for finer
granularity that, in turn, might result in more precise measures or more ability to dis-
criminate respondents from one another (see, for example, Alan & Kabasakal, 2020;
Donnellan & Rakhshani, 2023; Maydeu-Olivares et al., 2009; Müssig et al., 2022;
Shi et al., 2021). In the limit, a continuous response format can be implemented via a
visual analog scale (VAS) on which respondents mark any position along a continu-
ous line, limited only by the resolution with which the mark can be made and subse-
quently read off. This should provide the largest possible precision on the assumption
that respondents can actually use this response format consistently and in full, which
does not seem to be the case (see, for example, Furukawa et al., 2021; Gideon et al.,
2017; Krosnick, 1991; Preston & Colman, 2000).
Digital technology allows administering tests with VAS or Likert formats equally
easily (see, for example, Kinley, 2022; Reips & Funke, 2008) and some studies have
investigated the classical psychometric properties (i.e., reliability, validity, factor
structure, etc.) of the same tests administered under each response format (see, for
example, Kuhlmann et al., 2017; Preston & Colman, 2000; Simms et al., 2019).
Generally, these studies have not found any evidence that a potentially limited ability
of respondents to use the VAS format in full has deleterious effects on those proper-
ties but, at the same time, the continuous VAS format does not seem to improve
those properties beyond what a discrete Likert format provides.
Then, in principle, psychometric instruments administered with Likert or VAS
formats might be considered equivalent as regards their global properties, but it is
not immediately obvious that this is the result of analogous response processes on
the part of the respondents. Justification for a VAS format arises from consideration
that respondents may feel that their position lies somewhere between any two con-
secutive discrete landmarks in a Likert scale. Then, because the VAS format allows
respondents to express their position with higher resolution, a seemingly reasonable
surmise is that a Likert response is simply a quantization of the corresponding VAS
response. Thus, one may surmise (a) that the VAS continuum is partitioned into a
discrete number of exhaustive and mutually exclusive intervals and (b) that the
Garcı́a-Pérez 93
Likert response is that associated with the interval on which the VAS response would
had fallen. Analyzing VAS and Likert data produced by a sample of respondents in
consecutive administrations of the same test with each format would reveal whether
or not this is the case and it could additionally illustrate how the VAS continuum is
partitioned, with direct attention to the issue of whether or not the partition involves
intervals of the same width within and across items.
Several studies have addressed in various forms the question of whether the steps
in a Likert format involve jumps of the same magnitude. For instance, Knutsson
et al. (2010) had respondents indicate the perceived magnitude with which they felt
that typical category labels on a Likert item express severity of symptoms, frequency
of symptoms, or level of agreement. Their results indicated that progressive grading
via labels does not map onto constant increases in perceived magnitude. Toland et al.
(2021) administered a four-item instrument with the VAS format and subsequently
discretized the responses into 10, five, or four discrete categories by partitioning the
VAS continuum into intervals of equal size. They argued that if the equal-interval
assumption held for the VAS scale, analysis of the discretized responses via polyto-
mous item response theory (IRT) models would render category location parameters
that are equispaced. Their results indicated otherwise and they rejected the equal-
interval assumption. An analogous approach based on checking for equidistant cate-
gory threshold parameters in polytomous IRT accounts of Likert data was used by
Sideridis et al. (2023) and they concluded that their results ruled out the equal-
interval assumption.
The work described in this article addressed this question differently and using
publicly available data collected by Kuhlmann et al. (2017) in a study involving dual
administration of three personality scales, once with a VAS format and once with a
5-point Likert format. IRT allows obtaining separate characterizations for Likert data
via the graded response model (GRM; Samejima, 1969) and for VAS data under the
continuous response model (CRM; Samejima, 1973). A comparison of both IRT
characterizations reveals the similarities and differences between VAS and Likert
response processes, including a quantitative description of how Likert responses may
arise from partitioning the VAS continuum into a number of intervals whose bound-
aries are implicitly indicated by GRM and CRM item parameter estimates. Estimates
of these boundaries allow a direct test of the equal-interval assumption.
Theoretical justification for the specific form of our analysis is given in the next
section, which shows that CRM item parameters can be transformed into equivalent
GRM item parameters under arbitrary assumptions about the discretization process
by which continuous (VAS) responses map onto discrete (Likert) responses. This the-
oretical analysis also indicates how CRM and GRM item parameter estimates should
be used to estimate the boundaries of the discretization intervals by which VAS
responses are mapped onto Likert responses on each individual item. A simulation
study then checks out the accuracy with which these relations hold in finite samples,
also looking at the corresponding item and test information functions and at the accu-
racy of estimation of respondents’ trait levels under each response format. Finally, an
94 Educational and Psychological Measurement 84(1)
where aj is the item discrimination parameter, bj,k is the threshold parameter between
categories k and k + 1, and F is the unit-normal cumulative distribution function.
Thus, a K-category item is described by K parameters with values varying across
items. By subtraction, the category response function (CRF) describing the probabil-
ity pj,k of observing a response in category k (1 k K) on item j varies with trait
level u according to
< 1 F aj (u bj,1 ) for k = 1
pj, k (u) = Pr (Xj = k ju) = Faj (u bj, k1 ) F aj (u bj, k ) for 1\k\K : ð2Þ
F aj (u bj, K1 ) for k = K
Note that the (discrete) response Xij2 {1, 2, . . ., K} to item j by the ith respondent
with trait level ui is a multinomial random variable with parameters (1, pj,1(ui),
pj,2(ui), . . ., pj,K(ui)).
Samejima (1973, 2005) defined the CRM to be the limiting case of the NO-GRM
as the number of categories approaches infinity. Then, the expression in Equation 2
invariably yields pj,k(u) = 0 because the response Yj to item j is a continuous random
variable bounded, without loss of generality, in [0, 1]. The CRM posits that Yj has
the conditional distribution (see, for example, Ferrando, 2002; Wang & Zeng, 1998;
Zopluoglu, 2013):
" #
aj 1 2 ln (Yj ) ln (1 Yj ) 2
f (Yj ju) = pffiffiffiffiffiffi exp aj u bj , ð3Þ
2p aj Yj (1 Yj ) 2 aj
Garcı́a-Pérez 95
where aj, bj, and aj are item parameters. Despite the putative infinite number of
response categories, an item is described under the CRM with fewer parameters than
those necessary to describe the same item administered in Likert format with K . 3
response categories. The reason is immediately obvious by inspection of Figure 1,
which shows the conditional distributions in Equation 3 at trait levels ranging from
23 to 3 in steps of 0.5 for an item with a = 2, b = 0, and a = 1 (Figure 1A) and an
item with a = 4, b = 0.5, and a = 1.8 (Figure 1B). The red sigmoid on the bottom
plane depicts the expected item score, that is, how the expected value of Y, E(Y|u),
varies with u. Item parameter b is the value of u at which E(Y|u) = 0.5. On the other
hand, item parameters a and a jointly determine the slope of this sigmoidal curve
and how the variance of the conditional distribution of Y varies with u.
Although NO-GRM and CRM parameterizations appear incommensurate at first
glance, a simple relation between them can be formally derived under the assumption
that Likert responses arise by quantization of the continuous response dimension.
This assumption is often made when VAS responses are discretized into K categories
for analysis or for comparison with actual Likert responses (see, for example, Flynn
et al., 2004; Toland et al., 2021; van Laerhoven et al., 2004; Vickers, 1999). This
approach to discretization partitions the bounded VAS continuum into K exhaustive
and mutually exclusive intervals of the same width, with the original VAS response
96 Educational and Psychological Measurement 84(1)
Y placed into the applicable interval to render the Likert response X. More generally,
consider a partition of the interval [0, 1] into K regions with arbitrary boundaries y1,
y2, . . ., yK21 subject to the order constraint y0 \ y1 \ y2 \ . . . \ yK21 \ yK, with
y0 = 0 and yK = 1. Then, for 1 k K,
aj = aj , ð5Þ
ln (yk ) ln (1 yk )
bj, k = bj + : ð6Þ
Note that bj, 0 in Equation 6 goes to 2N and, thus, the right-hand side of Equation
4 reduces to 1 F(aj (u bj, 1 )) for k = 1; analogously, bj, K in Equation 6 goes to N
and the right-hand side of Equation 4 reduces to F(aj (u bj, K1 )) for k = K. Thus,
Equation 4 matches Equation 2, which is the CRF for category k in the NO-GRM for
a K-category Likert item. Discretization of continuous responses for an item with
CRM parameters aj, bj, and aj thus results in discrete responses conforming to an
NO-GRM characterization with item parameters aj and bj, k from Equations 5 and 6,
for 1 k K2 1. This process is illustrated in Figure 2 for a five-category discretiza-
tion of the item in Figure 1A using boundaries (y1, y2, y3, y4) = (0.26, 0.42, 0.54, 0.85).
Three aspects of this formal equivalence are worth pointing out. First, the number
and locations of the boundaries yk do not affect the validity of Equation 4 although
variations in these locations affect the resultant bj, k and, thus, the shapes that the
CRFs under the NO-GRM characterization can describe for the exact same CRM
item. Second, boundary locations may vary across items and, then, they are more
appropriately denoted yj,k. Importantly, the location of these boundaries can be esti-
mated by rearranging Equation 6, that is,
yj, k = , ð7Þ
1 + exp aj bj bj, k
for 1 k K2 1. Note that bj, k in Equation 6 has been replaced with bj,k in Equation
7 to emphasize the fact that practical use of Equation 7 involves CRM and NO-GRM
item parameters independently estimated from VAS and Likert data, respectively,
provided by the same sample of respondents. Finally, discretization boundaries for
any given item might also vary across respondents, but these variations are much
harder to model and virtually impossible to estimate. Strictly speaking, discretization
Garcı́a-Pérez 97
0 el
0. 2
0. 6
0 el
Figure 2. Transformation of Continuous VAS Responses Into Discrete Likert Responses Over
K = 5 Categories for the Item in Figure 1A, With CRM Parameters a = 2, b = 0, and a = 1.
Dashed Lines at (y1, y2, y3, y4) = (0.26, 0.42, 0.54, 0.85) in Panel (A) Indicate How the
Continuous VAS Dimension is Partitioned into K = 5 Exhaustive and Mutually Exclusive
Intervals. By Equation 4, the Probability of a Response Falling in Each Interval at any Given Trait
Level is Given by the Area Under the Corresponding Conditional Distribution of Y Within the
Corresponding Interval, Indicated with a Different Color for Each Interval. Panel (B) Plots
These Probabilities as a Function of Trait Level, Yielding the Item CRFs Under the NO-GRM.
Small Vertical Arrows Along the Trait Level Axis Indicate the Resultant NO-GRM Threshold
Parameters via Equation 6, Namely, (bj, 1 , bj, 2 , bj, 3 , bj, 4 ) = ( 1:046, 0:323, 0:160, 1:735).
Note. VAS = visual analog scale; CRM = continuous response model; CRF = category response function;
NO-GRM = normal-ogive graded response model.
boundaries whose locations vary across respondents are tantamount to item para-
meters that vary across respondents.
The formal relation in Equation 4 allows expressing the operational characteristics
of the same item under both the CRM and the NO-GRM. This, in turn, permits a the-
oretical comparison of the potential of the two response formats in practical applica-
tions, particularly as regards the accuracy of estimation of respondents’ trait levels.
In IRT, this is captured by the item information function (IIF). Under the CRM,
Samejima (1973) showed that
j (u) = aj , ð8Þ
that is, the IIF is constant and independent of u. In contrast, the IIF under the
98 Educational and Psychological Measurement 84(1)
A 15
Continuous format
Likert format
Item information
9 9
6 6
3 3
0 0
–4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4
Trait level, θ Trait level, θ
Figure 3. Item Information Functions for the Items in Figures 1A (Left Panel) and 1B (Right
Panel) Under the Continuous Response Format (Green Horizontal Lines), the Likert Response
Format After Discretization With (y1, y2, y3, y4) = (0.26, 0.42, 0.54, 0.85) (Red Curves), and the
Likert Response Format After Discretization With (y1, y2, y3, y4) = (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8). Colored
Arrows Along the Horizontal Axis in Each Panel Indicate the Location of the NO-GRM
Category Threshold Parameters bj, k That Result From Each Type of Discretization of Each Item.
Note. NO-GRM = normal-ogive graded response model.
d 2
K j u; b , 1=a
du pj, k (u)
j, 1 j
j (u) = =
p j, k (u)
F aj (u bj, 1 )
2 2
K1 j u; b
X , 1=a
j u; b
, 1=a
j u; b
, 1=a
j, k1 j j, k j j, K1 j
+ + ,
k = 2 F aj (u bj, k1 ) F aj (u bj, k ) F aj (u bj, K1 )
with item parameters from Equations 5 and 6, and where j(u; m, s) denotes the
probability density function of a normally-distributed random variable with mean
m and standard deviation s. Figure 3 shows the IIFs for the two CRM items in
Figure 1 and their corresponding NO-GRM versions obtained with discretization
boundaries (y1, y2, y3, y4) = (0.26, 0.42, 0.54, 0.85) (red curves) or with a uniform
partition into intervals of identical width via (y1, y2, y3, y4) = (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8)
(blue curves). At least for these two sample items, the Likert response format
seems superior in the central range of trait levels and the continuous response for-
mat only seems superior at extreme trait levels. These differences may have impor-
tant implications for trait estimation that will be assessed in subsequent sections of
this article. On the other hand, equispaced boundary locations for discretization of
the response continuum results in Likert items with symmetric IIFs centered on the
value of the CRM parameter b.
Garcı́a-Pérez 99
Simulation Study
This proof-of-concept simulation assesses the feasibility of a quest for common pro-
cesses underlying VAS responding and Likert responding in finite samples. Initial
data sets were generated by simulating continuous responses to CRM items; Likert
responses were created either by discretization of continuous responses with arbitrary
boundaries or by independent simulation of responses to equivalent NO-GRM items.
Estimates of item parameters and respondents’ trait levels were obtained from CRM
and NO-GRM data sets and compared according to the theoretical relations presented
earlier. Results are presented in detail for the main (and representative) simulation
run; results for other runs are summarized at the end of this section.
Data Generation
The simulation run described here in detail involved a 15-item test and 10,000
respondents. True trait levels were randomly drawn from a unit-normal distribution.
For direct comparison with estimates of trait levels (see below) the resultant values
were rescaled to zero mean and unit standard deviation. True CRM item parameters
were randomly drawn from uniform distributions in the range [1.5, 2.5] for a, [21.2,
1.2] for b, and [1, 2] for a. This strategy intentionally avoids Shojima’s (2005) deci-
sion to keep in a simulation the ratio of a to a at unity for each item and the average
b across items at zero.
Continuous responses Yij in the range [0, 1] were generated by randomly drawing
deviates from the conditional distributions in Equation 3, using the ith respondent’s
trait level and the jth item parameters for each Yij. For this purpose, normal deviates
zij with mean aj (ui bj ) and standard deviation aj =aj were first obtained, subse-
quently converted into Yij via
exp (zij )
Yij = , ð10Þ
1 + exp (zij )
3 2 4
A B C 3 D
1 1.8
1.6 1
2 0 0
1.4 –1
–1 1.2
1 1 –4
1 2 3 –1 0 1 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4
True a True b True α True θ
Figure 4. Scatter Plots of Estimated CRM Parameters Against True CRM Parameters for
Continuous Data in the Simulation Involving 15 Items and 10,000 Respondents. Each Symbol
in Panels (A)–(C) Stands for an Individual Item. Each Symbol in Panel (D) Stands for an
Individual Respondent. A Diagonal Identity Line is Plotted for Reference in Each Panel.
Note. CRM = continuous response model.
Parameter Estimation
CRM parameters were estimated from VAS data with the R package EstCRM
(Zopluoglu, 2012) using default options. This package returns item parameter esti-
mates plus estimates of respondents’ trait levels scaled to have zero mean and unit
standard deviation. Maximum-likelihood estimates of NO-GRM parameters from
Likert data were obtained with custom software written to estimate item parameters
under this model and to return estimates of respondents’ trait levels scaled to have
zero mean and unit standard deviation.
CRM Data
Figure 4 shows scatter plots of estimated against true CRM item and respondent
parameters from the simulation involving 15 items and 10,000 respondents. All data
points lie almost on the diagonal identity line in each panel, particularly for item
parameters (Figure 4A, 4B, and 4C), and reporting measures of agreement (e.g., root
mean square error (RMSE)) seems unnecessary. Of particular interest is the fact that
trait estimates are no less accurate at extreme true trait levels than they are at cen-
trally located true trait levels (Figure 4D). Simulation runs in which the numbers of
respondents were smaller resulted in less accurate item parameter estimates; simula-
tion runs in which the numbers of items were smaller resulted in less accurate esti-
mates of trait levels.
3 4
2 b*j,1 3
b*j,2 2
1 b*j,3
2 0 0
–2 –3
1 –4
1 2 3 –2 –1 0 1 2 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4
Predicted a*j Predicted b*j,k True θ
each continuous response had been generated. In other words, this transformation of
continuous data mimics what respondents would do if they reported the continuous
response analyzed earlier alongside the interval k into which it falls when discretiza-
tion boundaries are (y1, y2, y3, y4) = (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8).
NO-GRM item parameter and trait level estimates obtained from discretized data
are shown in Figure 5 against their counterparts. For item parameters, the counter-
parts are the NO-GRM item parameters aj and bj, k predicted by Equations 5 and 6
from the original CRM parameters; for respondent parameters, the counterparts are
the true trait levels that were used to generate the original continuous responses.
Item discrimination parameters (Figure 5A) appear to be estimated properly except
for a scale factor whereas category threshold parameters (Figure 5B) are estimated at
their predicted values. A comparison of Figures 4D and 5C reveals that trait levels at
both ends of the continuum are estimated with substantially less precision from dis-
cretized data (Figure 5C) than they were from continuous data (Figure 4D). This is
easily understandable because respondents with very low (alternatively, very high)
trait levels will likely attain the lowest (alternatively, highest) possible score on the
Likert version of the test and, then, their trait level estimates will be identical irre-
spective of differences in their true trait levels. In contrast, the granularity of the con-
tinuous response format allows these respondents to obtain different VAS scores that
render different trait level estimates for them.
Yet, it is not immediately obvious why true trait levels in the central range are no
more accurately estimated from discretized data (Figure 5C) than they were from
102 Educational and Psychological Measurement 84(1)
80 1.0
Test information
Standard error
60 Likert, true
0 0.0
–4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4
Trait level, θ Trait level, θ
Figure 6. Test Information Functions (A) and Standard Error of Estimation (B) for the
Continuous Version of the Test (Green Horizontal Lines) and for the Discretized Version of
the Test Using Either Estimated NO-GRM Item Parameters (Red Curves) or True Item
Parameters Predicted From True CRM Item Parameters Via Equations 5 and 6 (Blue Curves).
Note. NO-GRM = normal-ogive graded response model; CRM = continuous response model.
continuous data (Figure 4D). As shown in Figure 3, the IIFs of Likert items are higher
in the central range than the IIFs of their continuous counterparts. This should hold
analogously for the 15 items on this test and it should show in the test information
function (TIF), which is the sum of the IIFs. Then, within the central range of trait
levels, the standard error of estimation (SE), defined as the inverse of the square root
of the TIF, should also be lower in the discrete case and, accordingly, trait estimates
should be more accurate. Figure 6 shows the TIF and the SE for the continuous and
discretized versions of this 15-item test. The TIF and SE for the continuous version
(green horizontal lines) is computed from estimated CRM item parameters and they
are indistinguishable from those computed from true parameters, given the estimation
accuracy displayed in Figure 4A. The TIF and SE for the discretized version differ
slightly when computed from estimated NO-GRM item parameters (red curves) or
from true (i.e., predicted from true CRM item parameters via Equations 5 and 6) item
parameters (blue curves), owing to the slight mismatch displayed in Figure 5A. Then,
despite the clear superiority of the Likert version of the test as regards the TIF in the
central range of trait levels (Figure 6A), the actual advantage in terms of expected
estimation accuracy in the central range is virtually negligible (Figure 6B).
A 5
B 5 0.2
4 0.3
2 ntin
1 uou 0.5
s re 0
0 spo .6 5
nse 0.7
0.1 4
0.8 3
0.9 2
0.3 1
0.4 1
uou 0.5
s re 0
spo .6 5
n se 0.7 4
0.8 3
0.9 2
Figure 7. Correspondence Between Continuous Data and Likert Data Obtained in Two Ways.
The Height of Each Individual Bar is Proportional to the Number of Respondents (Out of 10,000
in this Simulation) in Each Bin (0.01 Units in Width) Along the Continuous Dimension in Each
Likert Category. (A) Likert Data Obtained by Discretizing Continuous Data with Boundaries (y1,
y2, y3, y4) = (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8), Whose Locations are Immediately Obvious in the Location of the
Data. (B) Likert Data Generated by Simulating Discrete Responses to an Item Whose NO-GRM
Parameters are Determined From CRM Parameters via Equations 5 and 6 with Boundaries (y1, y2,
y3, y4) = (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8), Whose Locations are Not Immediately Apparent in the Location of
the Data. Continuous Responses are the Same in Both Panels and Pertain to Item 4 in the
Simulation. True CRM Item Parameters are a4 = 3.316, b4 = 20.288, and a4 = 1.186; Matching
NO-GRM Item Parameters for the Generation of Discrete Data in Panel (B) are a4 = 3.316 and
(b4, 1 , b4, 2 , b4, 3 , b4, 4 ) = ( 1:457, 0:630, 0:054, 0:881). Note that Category Threshold
Parameters are Not Equispaced Despite the Equispacing of Discretization Boundaries.
Note. NO-GRM = normal-ogive graded response model; CRM = continuous response model.
are deterministically placed in the category pertaining to the interval on which the
original continuous response had fallen. By independent simulation of Likert
responses to an item whose NO-GRM parameters are derived via Equations 5 and 6
from the CRM item parameters that produced the continuous data (Figure 7B), con-
tinuous responses that had fallen into any given interval may nevertheless be associ-
ated with Likert responses in any other category, contingent on the parameters of the
NO-GRM item.
In the isolated analysis of disengaged NO-GRM data thus generated, the differ-
ences illustrated in Figure 7 in relation to continuous data should be inconsequential.
After all, Likert responses are simulated under the NO-GRM for items with known
parameters (irrespective of the origin of these parameters) and, then, a comparison of
estimated and true item parameters and respondents’ trait levels should indicate
104 Educational and Psychological Measurement 84(1)
3 4
2 bj,1 3
bj,2 2
1 bj,3
2 0 0
–2 –3
1 –4
1 2 3 –2 –1 0 1 2 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4
True aj True bj,k True θ
Figure 8. Scatter Plots of Estimated NO-GRM Parameters Against True Parameters for
NO-GRM Data Obtained by Independent Simulation of Likert Responses Under the Model of
Equation 2, With True Item Parameters Determined via Equations 5 and 6 by the CRM Item
Parameters Used to Simulate Continuous Responses, Which Are Not Otherwise Involved
Here. Graphical Conventions as in Figure 5.
Note. NO-GRM = normal-ogive graded response model; CRM = continuous response model.
typical estimation accuracy for NO-GRM data. Figure 8 shows that this is the case
and, in fact, data in each panel of Figure 8 are identical within sampling error to
those in the corresponding panel of Figure 5. This is unsurprising on consideration
that (a) data in Figure 5 conform to the model in Equation 4 (for discretization of
continuous responses) whereas data in Figure 8 conform to the model in Equation 2
(for direct generation of Likert responses) but (b) both models are formally identical
and the simulation produced data from matched sets of true parameters. Then, the
(minor) differences between results in Figures 5 and 8 only reflect sampling variabil-
ity. In addition, the slight overestimation of item discrimination parameters that was
observed in Figure 5A is clearly not a consequence of discretization of continuous
responses, given that it is identically observed in Figure 8A where no discretization
was involved. Misestimation of discrimination parameters is ubiquitous in simula-
tions involving graded responses to Likert items (see, for example, Garcı́a-Pérez,
2017; Garcı́a-Pérez et al., 2010; Kieftenbeld & Natesan, 2012).
The importance of this simulation strategy is that it allows investigating the possi-
bility of identifying the boundaries yj,k that are responsible for the characteristics of
continuous and Likert data obtained independently, that is, when data are collected
from the same sample of respondents and the same set of items separately with VAS
and Likert formats. This type of design has been used in a number of studies (e.g.,
Bolognese et al., 2003; Celenza & Rogers, 2011; Davey et al., 2007; Dourado et al.,
2021; Downie et al., 1978; Flynn et al., 2004; Hilbert et al., 2016; Kan, 2009;
Kuhlmann et al., 2017; van Laerhoven et al., 2004), although VAS and Likert
responses were collected from different samples of respondents in some of them. If a
scatter plot of real Likert responses against real continuous responses from the same
sample of respondents had the characteristics of Figure 7A, the commonality of
Garcı́a-Pérez 105
1 1 1
Estimate of yj,k
0 0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
True yj,k True yj,k True yj,k
Figure 9. Scatter Plots of Estimated Discretization Boundaries (via Equation 7) Against True
Discretization Boundaries yj,k. The analyses involve simulated data with Likert responses
disengaged from continuous responses. (A) Simulation for 10,000 Respondents and 15 Items
Sharing Discretization boundaries (yj,1, yj,2, yj,3, yj,4) = (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8). (B) Simulation for
5,000 Respondents and 15 Items With Randomly Varying Discretization Boundaries. (C)
Simulation for 300 Respondents and 8 Items With Randomly Varying Discretization
Note. The color of each circle relates to the particular boundary indicated in the inset to Figure 9A. Each
individual symbol of a given color pertains to a different item on the test. A diagonal identity line is
plotted for reference in each panel.
response processes as well as the location of the boundaries yj,k would be immedi-
ately obvious. Yet, the few cases in which such plots have been produced reveal
instead features similar to those in Figure 7B (see, for example, figure 2 in Celenza
& Rogers, 2011; figure 6 in Dourado et al., 2021; figure 3 in Downie et al., 1978;
figure 3 in Hilbert et al., 2016), raising the question as to whether the response pro-
cesses are actually compatible. In a sense, Figure 7B proves that scatter plots with
these characteristics are indeed compatible with common item characteristics, which
were actually used in the generation of those data. Yet, there is no clear sign in
Figure 7B as to what are the boundaries yj,k sustaining the compatibility, although
they can easily be estimated as discussed earlier.
The conditions of this simulation ensure the validity of Equation 6 for true para-
meter values used in this simulation, but one would also expect this equation to be
valid for parameter values estimated from data. The same holds regarding the validity
of rearrangement of Equation 6 into Equation 7. Not surprisingly, Figure 9A shows
that these relations hold for simulated data: Estimates of discretization boundaries
obtained via Equation 7 are in good agreement with the true boundaries (y1, y2, y3,
y4) = (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8) used to generate the data, which were identical for all items
in this simulation. Boundary locations varied randomly across items in other simula-
tion runs and these relations held identically. To illustrate, Figure 9B shows results
from an analogous simulation involving 5,000 respondents and also 15 items but now
with discretization boundaries that varied across items. To give a flavor of how esti-
mation deteriorates with even fewer data, Figure 9C shows results from a simulation
106 Educational and Psychological Measurement 84(1)
in which 300 respondents took 8 items with discretization boundaries that also varied
across items. Despite the substantially smaller number of items and respondents in
the latter case, estimated CRM and NO-GRM item parameters still allow acceptable
recovery of discretization boundaries for each item via Equation 7.
In sum, Equation 7 is useful to estimate discretization boundaries for each individ-
ual item when continuous and Likert responses are both collected for the same set of
items in a within-subjects design.
in comparison to Likert-type response scales’’ (p. 2175) and their analyses under clas-
sical test theory revealed nearly identical psychometric properties of each scale under
both response formats as regards means and standard deviations of score distribu-
tions, internal consistencies (Cronbach’s alphas) intercorrelations among personality
scales, and correlations with age and gender. In other words, no meaningful advan-
tage was associated with the presumably richer VAS response format, at least in
terms of the psychometric characteristics of the resultant instrument.
Kuhlmann et al.’s (2017) data are publicly available at and we
subjected them to CRM and NO-GRM analyses with our alternative purpose of esti-
mating IRT item parameters and discretization boundaries for each item in each
scale. Pre-processing of the data first consisted of removing respondents who had not
answered all of the items in both formats on the scale under analysis. This removal
left 590, 594, and 599 respondents for the analysis of the C, ES, and N data, respec-
tively. These three separate samples share 570 respondents who answered all items
on all scales in both formats. VAS and Likert responses were inverted for items
worded in reverse (Items 3, 6, 9, and 11 on the C scale and Items 2 and 4 on the ES
scale), and VAS responses were finally rescaled from the original range [1, 101] to
the range [0, 1].
CRM and NO-GRM item parameters and respondents’ trait levels were indepen-
dently estimated for each scale from the corresponding VAS and Likert data, using
the software described above for estimation from simulated data. Item parameter
estimates for each scale under each IRT model are tabulated in Section 2 of the
Supplementary Material. In addition, sum scores were obtained for each respondent
in each version of each scale by adding up the Likert scores on each item (each
rescaled from the original range [1, 5] to the range [0, 4]) and by adding up the VAS
scores that had already been placed in the range [0, 1] for each item.
Comparison of VAS and Likert Data and Their IRT Descriptions. This section starts
describing some of the surface-level features of the raw data for which Kuhlmann
et al. (2017) had already presented results. These features are displayed here in gra-
phical form to highlight aspects that are relevant to the forthcoming IRT analyses and
the check of consistency of the processes underlying VAS and Likert responding.
Figure 10 shows histograms of VAS responses from respondents who marked
each Likert category on each item on the ES scale. Analogous plots for all scales are
provided in Section 3 of the Supplementary Material. Note that these plots are simi-
lar to that in Figure 7B, that is, Likert responses occurred in categories that are not
consistent with the interval on which the (independent) VAS response had fallen.
Note also that Items 2 and 4 (which were reverse-worded) seem peculiar in that a
few respondents gave opposite responses under VAS and Likert formats, that is,
responses near one end of the VAS scale and responses near the other end of the
Likert scale. This feature was also present in data from the four reverse-worded items
on the C scale (Items 3, 6, 9, and 11; see Section 3 of the Supplementary Material).
e item 1 e item 2 e item 3 e item 4
ons ons ons ons
tresp esp tr esp tresp
ker rt r ker ker
Li L Li Li
0 C
0 C
0 C
0 C
0 tin
0. tinu
0. tinu
0. inu
2. uo
2 o u
uo s
uo s
0. (V
0. (V
0. (V
0. (V
4 A
4 A
4 A
4 A
0 r
0 r
0. re
.0 6 res
6. esp
6 sp
6. esp
0. nse
0. nse
0. nse
0. nse
ons o nse ons nse
esp r esp esp re s po
ker ert rt r ert
Li Lik L Lik 2
0 C
0 C
0 C
0 C
no t
0 tin
0 in
0. tinu
.0 2 uo
2. uo
2. uou
uo s
0. (V
0. (V
0. (V
0. (V
4 A
4 A
4 A
4 A
0 r
0 r
0. re
.0 6 res
6. esp
6 sp
6. esp
0. nse
0. nse
0. nse
0. nse
Figure 10. Correspondence Between VAS and Likert Responses for Each Item on the ES Scale. Graphical conventions as in Figure 7. Bin width
along the VAS dimension is 0.05 units. Estimated Discretization Boundaries for Each Item Are Indicated by the Lines on the Bottom Plane That
Run Along the Likert Dimension at the Corresponding yj,k Locations Along the VAS Dimension.
Note. VAS = visual analog scale; ES = excitement seeking.
Garcı́a-Pérez 109
30 20 15
24 16 12
18 12 9
12 8 6
6 4 3
0 0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
VAS score VAS score VAS score
Figure 11. Scatter Plots of Likert Sum Scores Against VAS Sum Scores on Each Scale.
Pearson Correlations for Data in Each Panel are Given in the Insets.
Note. VAS = visual analog scale.
It is not clear whether this is saying something about the (in)convenience of using
reverse-worded items alongside other items that are not reverse-worded, but this out-
come certainly adds fuel to the controversy over the use of reverse wording (see, for
example, Garcı́a-Fernández et al., 2022; Józsa & Morgan, 2017; Kam, 2023; Suárez-
Álvarez et al., 2018; Swain et al., 2008; Vigil-Colet et al., 2020).
For a global look at the relation between VAS and Likert scores, Figure 11 shows
scatter plots of Likert sum scores against VAS sum scores. The relation is moderately
tight along the diagonal line in all scales, although the high values of Pearson correla-
tion seem to overstate the agreement. There are also no signs of nonlinear regimes in
these relations. The correlation given in each panel of Figure 11 is nearly identical to
the corresponding correlation reported by Kuhlmann et al. (2017) in their table 2. The
minute differences are surely due to the different numbers of respondents included
for the computations in each case (i.e., respondents who did not omit any item on the
two versions of the corresponding scale here versus presumably all respondents in the
case of Kuhlmann et al.).
Turning now to the accuracy of IRT estimates of trait levels and their relation to
sum scores, Figure 12 first shows the estimated TIFs and SEs for each of the three
scales using CRM and NO-GRM parameter estimates. In contrast to Figure 6 for
simulated items with other true parameter values, the VAS format certainly appears
to have more potential than the Likert format on all scales throughout the entire range
of trait levels, not just at the extremes. Yet, these differences also seem to be largely
inconsequential. To illustrate, Figure 13 shows, for each scale, scatter plots of CRM
against NO-GRM estimates of trait levels (Figure 13A), VAS sum scores against
CRM estimates of trait levels (Figure 13B), and Likert sum scores against NO-GRM
estimates of trait levels (Figure 13C). Red curves in Figures 13B and 13C are the test
characteristic functions (TCFs) that describe expected test score (given the estimated
item parameters) as a function of trait level. Note in Figure 13A that the relation
between estimated trait levels under each response format agrees with the
110 Educational and Psychological Measurement 84(1)
10 10 10
8 8 8
6 6 6
4 4 4
2 Likert 2 2
0 0 0
–4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4
1.0 1.0 1.0
Standard error
Figure 12. Test Information Functions (Top Row) and Standard Error of Estimation (Bottom
Row) for Each Scale (Columns) Under the VAS Format of Administration (Green Lines) and
the Likert Format (Red Curves).
Note. VAS = visual analog scale.
corresponding relation between VAS and Likert sum scores (see Figure 11) and the
correlations are similarly high. On the other hand, VAS sum scores and CRM esti-
mates of trait levels follow the relation indicated by the TCF for each scale (Figure
13B) and the same holds for Likert sum scores and NO-GRM estimates of trait levels
(Figure 13C). Note that the vertical spread around the TCF is smaller in the latter
case. The range spanned by the vertical axis in each panel is four times broader in
Figure 13C than it is in Figure 13B, but the common size of the vertical axes in these
plots reveals that the normalized dispersion of Likert sum scores is smaller than that
of VAS sum scores.
Compatibility of CRM and NO-GRM Accounts of the Data. The preceding results indi-
cate that separate analyses of VAS data under the CRM and Likert data under the
NO-GRM result in similar estimates of respondents’ trait levels (see Figure 13A),
which surely reflect comparable sum scores under each format of administration (see
Figure 11). These results are to be expected if VAS and Likert response processes
are actually related as our theoretical analysis surmised, namely, that a VAS response
to an item is the result of a draw from the distribution in Equation 3 while a Likert
response to the same item is the result of an independent draw from the same distri-
bution that is subsequently discretized according to a partition with the boundaries
that hold for the item. Use of Equation 7 to estimate the discretization boundaries for
each item from the corresponding CRM and NO-GRM item parameters renders the
results shown in Figure 14 for each item on each scale.
Discretization boundaries vary greatly across items and the boundaries within each
item are generally away from the locations (vertical lines in each panel) that would
provide a partition of the VAS continuum into intervals of the same size. The only
case in which boundary locations for all items appear to be placed where an
Garcı́a-Pérez 111
3 3 3
2 2 2
1 1 1
0 0 0
–1 –1 –1
–2 –2 –2
–3 –3 –3
–4 –4 –4
–4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4
NO-GRM estimate of θ NO-GRM estimate of θ NO-GRM estimate of θ
B 12 8 6
10 5
VAS score
8 4
6 4 3
4 2
2 1
0 0 0
–4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4
CRM estimate of θ CRM estimate of θ CRM estimate of θ
C 48 32 24
42 28 21
36 24 18
Likert score
30 20 15
24 16 12
18 12 9
12 8 6
6 4 3
0 0 0
–4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4
NO-GRM estimate of θ NO-GRM estimate of θ NO-GRM estimate of θ
Figure 13. Scatter Plots of Scores and Estimates of Trait Levels for Each Scale (Columns).
(A) CRM Estimates of Trait Levels Against NO-GRM Estimates of Trait Levels. Pearson
Correlation is Given in the Insets and a Diagonal Line is Plotted for Reference. (B) VAS
Scores Against CRM Estimates of Trait Levels. The Red Curve in Each Panel is the
Corresponding Test Characteristic Function. (C) Likert Scores Against NO-GRM Estimates of
Trait Levels. The Red Curve in Each Panel is the Corresponding Test Characteristic Function.
Note. VAS = visual analog scale; CRM = continuous response model; NO-GRM = normal-ogive graded
response model.
equispaced partition of the VAS continuum would suggest is for boundary yj,3 on the
ES scale (light red data points in the center panel of Figure 14), but this outcome
seems anecdotal given the overall distribution of boundary locations. Discretization
boundaries for each of the items on the ES scale had been displayed already in the
112 Educational and Psychological Measurement 84(1)
VAS continuum
Figure 14. Discretization Boundaries (Colored Circles) for Each Item on Each Scale
(Columns). Item Numbers are Indicated on the Left of Each Panel. For Reference, Vertical
Lines at Locations 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8 Along the VAS Continuum Indicate Where the
Boundaries Would Fall for a Partition Into Intervals of the Same Size.
Note. VAS = visual analog scale.
panels of Figure 10 and they are similarly displayed in analogous panels for the
remaining scales in Section 3 of the Supplementary Material.
To further assess the agreement between VAS and Likert response processes,
Figure 15 plots the CRFs for each item on the ES scale as directly estimated by the
NO-GRM account of Likert data (i.e., Equation 2; black curves) and as predicted
from the CRM account of VAS data (i.e., via Equations 4–7; red curves). Analogous
plots for all scales are provided in Section 4 of the Supplementary Material. The
agreement is not as good as one might have expected, but this is mostly caused by
higher estimates of the NO-GRM item discrimination parameters aj in comparison to
their CRM counterparts. Simulations reported above showed that this overestimation
occurs also for data generated to comply strictly with common NO-GRM and CRM
response processes (see Figures 5A and 8A), despite the fact that Equation 5 dictates
item parameters aj to be identically valued under CRM and NO-GRM characteriza-
tions of a given item. In fact, replacing the NO-GRM estimate of aj for each item
with the corresponding CRM estimate resulted in CRFs that superimpose exactly
(results not shown), indicating that the remaining item parameters (bj and aj from the
CRM and bj,k from the NO-GRM) adhere to the theoretical relation in Equation 6,
and keep in mind that these are the only parameters that participate in the estimation
of discretization boundaries via Equation 7.
This work set out to investigate the correspondence between continuous (VAS) and
discrete (Likert) data provided by the same respondents upon answering the same set
Garcı́a-Pérez 113
–4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4
Item 5 Item 6 Item 7 Item 8
–4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4
Trait level, θ Trait level, θ Trait level, θ Trait level, θ
Figure 15. Category Response Functions for the Items on the ES Scale.
Note. Black curves are given by Equation 2 and plotted with NO-GRM parameters estimated from Likert
data. Red curves are predictions derived from VAS data using CRM parameters in Equations 4–6, including
estimates of discretization boundaries yj,k obtained via Equation 7. ES = excitement seeking; NO-GRM =
normal-ogive graded response model; VAS = visual analog scale; CRM = continuous response model.
of items under both formats. The guiding principle of the study was that every item
presumably has unique functional characteristics that are independent of the format
of its administration and that these characteristics simply manifest differently under
different formats, particularly in the IRT characterization of the items obtained from
either data set. The ultimate goal of the study was to use such IRT characterizations
to investigate whether the discrete steps inherent to the Likert response format repre-
sent equal magnitudes along the underlying dimension, both within and across items.
Summary of Results
A formal analysis first showed that if an item administered with a VAS format con-
forms to the CRM, then the item has an equivalent expression under the NO-GRM
when administered with a K-point Likert format. The functional expressions that
relate item parameters under both IRT models were presented and they implicitly
incorporate the form in which the VAS continuum is partitioned to generate a Likert
Simulations then confirmed that these relations hold in finite samples both when
the Likert response is obtained as a mere discretization of the original VAS response
and, more realistically, when the Likert response is generated anew and indepen-
dently from the original VAS response. At the same time, there was no clear sign
that estimates of trait levels differ in accuracy according to the format in which the
items are administered, with the exception that extreme trait levels were generally
114 Educational and Psychological Measurement 84(1)
estimated more accurately with the VAS format due to the lack of floor and ceiling
An analysis of empirical data from nearly 600 respondents who took three person-
ality scales administered with both response formats revealed characteristics that
matched those observed in simulated data, both in terms of the observable aspects of
the raw data and in terms of the IRT accounts obtained via CRM and NO-GRM para-
meter estimates. CRM and NO-GRM item parameters permitted estimating discreti-
zation boundaries that map the continuous dimension onto discrete Likert responses.
These discretization boundaries differed greatly across items within and across the
three personality scales and they generally partitioned the continuum into intervals
of different widths. This outcome lends little support to the notion that consecutive
steps on a discrete Likert scale represent constant increments in magnitude along the
underlying dimension.
ceiling function returning the least integer greater than or equal to x. Note that this
process yields the outcomes illustrated in Figure 7A above for K = 5 and it works
analogously for K = 4 or K = 10. Likert responses subsequently rendered Likert
scores by simply subtracting one unit from the Likert responses. Toland et al. then
used several polytomous IRT models to estimate category threshold parameters and
checked whether the estimated parameter values were equispaced. They did not find
the expected equispacing and, then, concluded that the equal-interval assumption
does not hold.
Unquestionably, Toland et al.’s results show that estimated category threshold
parameters are not equispaced, but it is not at all clear that this fact speaks about the
equal-interval assumption. The intervals of concern lie along the response continuum
and not along the trait dimension on which category threshold parameters are located.
Figure 7 and its legend already showed that equispacing along the response conti-
nuum does not render equispaced category threshold parameters. This fact can be
easily proved for arbitrary K under the model used here. Specifically, equispacing
along the response continuum [0, 1] implies that discretization boundaries are placed
at yj, k = k=K for 1 k K– 1, bounded by yj,0 = 0 and yj,K = 1 (see Figure 7A for
the case in which K = 5). Then, from Equation 6,
ln (k=K) ln (1 k=K)
bj, k = bj +
, ð11Þ
ln (k) ln (K k)
= bj +
and, thus, the distance between any two consecutive category threshold parameters is
ln (k) ln (K k) ln (k 1) ln (K k + 1)
bj, k bj, k1 =
aj aj
, ð12Þ
1 k(K k + 1)
= ln
aj (K k)(k 1)
for all 2 k K– 1 and, thus, when the response continuum is not partitioned into
equal intervals but instead in the form indicated by Equation 14 for any arbitrary
location of yj,1 and with c \ (1 2yj,1)/(K2 2).
In sum, checking for equispaced category threshold parameters in IRT models
assesses an equispaced partition of the latent trait dimension, but it does not address
the question of whether Likert response categories partition the response continuum
into intervals of the same size. This applies also to the analogous strategy followed
by Sideridis et al. (2023) in their quest for the validity of the equal-interval
10 5
8 4
6 4 3
4 2
2 1
0 0 0
–4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4
NO-GRM estimate of θ NO-GRM estimate of θ NO-GRM estimate of θ
Figure 16. Scatter Plots of Weighted Likert Sum Scores Against NO-GRM Estimates of
Trait Levels.
Note. The test characteristic function (red curve) in each panel has been recomputed using the scoring
function for each individual item. NO-GRM = normal-ogive graded response model.
scores is that they eliminate concerns about the absence of interval-scale properties
of Likert data, which arise only when steps of different sizes along the continuous
response dimension are inadequately scored in constant (unit) steps.
Figure 16 shows weighted Likert sum scores against NO-GRM estimates of trait
levels for each of the personality scales, with TCFs (red curves) recomputed accord-
ingly. Compared with the analogous plot involving conventional Likert sum scores
(Figure 13C), the relation is slightly tighter here, particularly for the N scale. At the
same time, the relation is much tighter than it was in Figure 13B for actual VAS
Although the use of weighted Likert scores as defined above seems more appropri-
ate than the use of conventional Likert scores, the difficulties associated with obtain-
ing the former must be acknowledged. The scoring function in Equation 15 can only
be obtained by dual administration of the test in VAS and Likert formats to estimate
the needed discretization boundaries yj,k, a requirement that stands as a serious deter-
rent except, perhaps, in the development of standardized instruments.
VAS format do not differ in their score distributions or classical psychometric prop-
erties, which shows that the surmised higher precision provided by a continuous
response format is only an unfounded myth. Additional analyses reported here of the
same data under applicable IRT models show that the continuous VAS format also
does not provided any advantage over the discrete Likert format when data are scru-
tinized from within this alternative framework.
At the same time, there is also no sign that the VAS format brings up issues that
should cause concerns to practitioners. These conclusions align with those of other
studies in the literature (e.g., Simms et al., 2019). In these circumstances, the choice
of format stands only as a matter of convenience or personal preferences with no con-
sequences on the quality of measurement.
The only issue that seems to remain yet unexplored in this context is whether any
extra measurement precision can arise from the continuous response format when
the VAS line includes intermediate tick marks along its length. In Kuhlmann et al.’s
(2017) study, the VAS line was unmarked (see their figure 1), but a recent study has
shown that the use of intermediated tick marks help respondents make more accurate
settings in comparison with those produced on an unmarked line (Garcı́a-Pérez &
Alcalá-Quintana, 2023). Yet, whether settings that are more accurate results in more
accurate measurement is unclear.
The author disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship,
and/or publication of this article: This work was supported by grant PID2019-110083GB-I00
from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.
Miguel A. Garcı́a-Pérez
Supplemental Material
Supplemental material for this article is available online.
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