Degradation of Cellulosic Insulation in Power
Degradation of Cellulosic Insulation in Power
Degradation of Cellulosic Insulation in Power
Abstract: Heat, water and oxygen accclcrate the degradation 01' cellulose insulation in eleclrical
tl.ansrormers. Their effects on insulation have bccn studied over a number of years using degrcc or
polymcrisation (DP) of tlie paper a s a iiicasurc of agcing. Results arc reported of a systemic study to
nieastirc the relative cl'fcctivemss of Cach component individually and in combination, on ageing i n oil
in a three-piiramcter, two-lcvcl, partial factorial experiment. Ageing was measured in terms of change
of degree of polymerisation of the paper and analyscd according to recently developed models. In
addition, Lhc concenlrations of furlhral-hised degradation products in tlie oil wcrc incastired Water
and Lcmpertiturc arc most effective in accelelating ageing, with oxygen about one-third as elficicnt.
There is a strong synergistic effcct between tenipcrature and water, a weaker synergism between
temperature and oxygen, but, importantly, a11 apparent anlagonistic effect bctwccn water and oxygcn,
at low water levels. I T correct, the aiitagonisni implies hiit the effectiveness of watcr, as an acmlcrator
of ageing, decreases with incrcasing levels oroxygeii in the oil at low watcr levels, which could explain
why the insulation in scrapped transformers is sometimes found to be iii very good condition.
where DP = degree of polymerisation at time t, DPo is the response variable to assess the effectiveness of individual
initial DP,k is a constant and t the ageing time. parameters and synergistic and antagonistic interactions
The activation energy for k was shown to be 113kJ/mole, between them. The basic statistical principles, based on so-
irrespective of the environmental conditions (oxygen, called Yates tables, can be found in the literature [19]. The
water) or type of cellulose. However, Emsley, Heywood three variables were heat, oxygen level in the oil and water
etal. [14] have since shown that k is not constant, but content of the paper; the response variable used was the k2
decreases with ageing time and that eqn. 2 represents the parameter of eqn. 2. In addition, some experiments were
data more accurately: carried out with intermediate values of oxygen and temper-
1 -- kl ( 1 - exp(-kat)}
1 =O ature (the latter enabled activation energies to be calcu-
- (2) lated). Table 1 defines how the parameter values were
DPt DPO k2 achieved experimentally.
where kloand k2 are constants. If k2 is small, eqn. 2 reduces
to eqn. 1 with k = klo. 2.2 Ageing conditions
Kraft and cotton paper, impregnated with mineral oil, were
1.1.2 Effects of oxygen and water: According to aged isothermally in temperature-controlled ovens in the
Fabre and Pichon [15], oxygen increases the rate of degra- laboratory; no electrical stress was applied. Six experiments
dation of paper in oil containing 0.3-5% moisture by a fac- were set up as indicated in Table 2 with controlled levels of
tor of 2.5 and water increases the rate in simple proportion oxygen and water added. The experimental method was
to its concentration. Reducing the oxygen from saturation described in a previous paper [3]. The experiments were
level in the oil (30000 ppm) to less than 300 ppm, reduces repeated at temperatures of 120 2 2, 140 2 2 and 160 2 3°C.
the ageing by a factor of 16. Copper promotes the oxida- Water content was measured using a Karl Fischer potenti-
tion of the oil and thus preferentially getters the oxygen ometric titration procedure (Mitsubishi moisture meter
D61. model CA-05) and the oxygen content was measured with
Water accumulates in an ageing transformer as a direct a potentiometric oxygen meter (Systech EC50). Samples
result of insulation ageing, increasing by about 0.5% every were removed periodically and the oil analysed for furan
time the DP of the cellulose is halved, which can result in content and the DP of the paper was measured as
decreased electrical strength [16, 171. The predicted water described previously [3, 20-221.
level in transformer paper at the end of life at 80°C is 5%,
with about 0.1% in the oil [15-171. The rate of degradation, 14001
at normal service temperatures and 4'30 moisture in the
paper, has been shown to be 20 times greater than at 0.5%
(as-dried condition), so moisture accumulation has a sig- 1000
Ageing parameter
1 Low oxygen and low water c 0.1% (low) 8 c 400 ppm (low)
2 Medium oxygen and low water c 0.1% (low) 10 -1% (medium)
3 High oxygen and low water c 0.1% (low) 20 2.9-3.3% (high)
4 Low oxygen and high water 5 5 7 . 5 % (high) 8 c 400 ppm (low)
5 Medium oxygen and high water 5.5-7.5% (high) 10 -1% (medium)
6 High oxygen and high water 557.5% (high) 20 2.9-3.3%
Experiment Activation
Pre-exponential Pre-exponential Activation
energy energy
Low oxygen and low water 5.74x 108 113.00 0.343 22.72
Medium oxygen and low water 3.25x IO8 113.00 0.124 19.82
High oxygen and low water 8.01 x IO8 113.00 1.63~
10l2 122.72
Low oxygen and high water 6.18 109 113.00 1.69x IOl3 122.78
Medium oxygen and high water 9.58x IO9 113.00 6.67x IOl3 125.54
High oxygen and high water 1.10 109 113.00 1.52x IOl3 119.87
1221). k l , and k2 were assumed to vary with temperature tion of the k2 values indicates that the effect originates
according to the Arrhenius law and the data were fitted by under low-temperatureflow-water conditions, where the
optimising the Arrhenius parameters, using data from all low-oxygen value is higher than the medium-oxygen value.
temperatures. The activation energy for k,, was fixed at
113kJ/mole, based on previous experience [l, 21, 221, to 1400
reduce the number of variables, and Table 3 gives the cal- 1200[
culated values for the remaining parameters. The interest-
ing features of this Table are
(i) the low values of the k, parameters at low water and
low to medium oxygen; and
(ii) both the k l , and the k2 pre-exponential factors decrease,
at low water level, as the level of oxygen increases from low
to medium concentration in the oil.
Fig. 2 illustrates both effects graphically, plotting k, against
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000
temperature in standard Arrhenius format. As a result of
time, h
the low k2 value, the DP in experiments at 120°C and low
water levels levelled off at between 400 and 500 and never Fig.3 DP churge during ageing of puper in oil ut Imocund low-wuter/low
oxygen levels
reached the critical 200 value where the paper loses all 0 120°C
mechanical strength (Fig. 3). A 160°C
A \
E o
r: 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 500
.-0 time. h
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
2500 h
0 500 1000 1500
2000 2500
3000 3500
4 Conclusions
5 Acknowledgments
6 References