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2016, VOL. 68, NO. 8, 1247–1261

Sucralose Non-Carcinogenicity: A Review of the Scientific and Regulatory Rationale

Colin Berrya, David Brusickb, Samuel M. Cohenc, Jerry F. Hardistyd, V. Lee Grotze, and Gary M. Williamsf
Emeritus Professor of Pathology, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK; bConsulting Toxicologist, Richmond, Virginia, USA;
Department of Pathology and Microbiology, Havlik-Wall Professor of Oncology, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, Nebraska, USA;
Experimental Pathology Laboratories, Inc., Durham, North Carolina, USA; eDirector and R&D Fellow, Medical Affairs, Johnson & Johnson
Consumer Inc., Fort Washington, PA, USA; fDepartment of Pathology, New York Medical College, Valhalla, New York, USA


Regulatory authorities worldwide have found the nonnutritive sweetener, sucralose, to be Submitted 9 September 2015
noncarcinogenic, based on a range of studies. A review of these and other studies found through a Accepted 20 June 2016
comprehensive search of electronic databases, using appropriate key terms, was conducted and
results of that review are reported here. An overview of the types of studies relied upon by
regulatory agencies to assess carcinogenicity potential is also provided as context. Physiochemical
and pharmacokinetic/toxicokinetic studies confirm stability under conditions of use and reveal no
metabolites of carcinogenic potential. In vitro and in vivo assays reveal no confirmed genotoxic
activity. Long-term carcinogenicity studies in animal models provide no evidence of carcinogenic
potential for sucralose. In studies in healthy adults, sucralose was well-tolerated and without
evidence of toxicity or other changes that might suggest a potential for carcinogenic effects. In
summary, sucralose does not demonstrate carcinogenic activity even when exposure levels are
several orders of magnitude greater than the range of anticipated daily ingestion levels.

agencies to assess carcinogenicity potential is also
One question that is being repeatedly responded to by provided.
health and regulatory authorities is the question of In reviewing these data, it is important to understand
whether nonnutritive sweeteners (NNSs) can cause can- the fundamentals used by food safety and health regula-
cer (1–3). While a wide range of studies are published tory agencies in evaluating the safety of new food ingre-
that describe the safety of sucralose, a comprehensive dients. Studies submitted to regulatory agencies
review of the studies that lead regulators to conclude that undergo initial assessment for the quality and appropri-
sucralose is noncarcinogenic can be useful to the scien- ateness of the study design and methodology(ies), tak-
tific community, including health care professionals and ing into account the nature of the study being reported,
others who have the responsibility to provide sound e.g., whether the study is an in vitro or in vivo study, or
advice in response to questions related to health and a short-term or long-term dosing study, etc. Food safety
nutrition. This article provides a systematic review, and and public health regulatory agencies evaluate the
summarizes the results, of these and other studies potential for carcinogenicity based on the quality and
through a comprehensive search of electronic databases, reliability of the studies conducted; known/predicted
using appropriate key terms, including “sucralose,” “car- structure–activity relationships (SAR) and chemical
cinogenic,” “metabolism,” and “safety”; using defined characteristics of the substance under investigation; the
selection criteria (i.e., abstracts and case reports not fate of the substance in conditions of requested use; and
included in the literature retrieved from search); and outcomes from all types of studies designed to evaluate
through critical appraisal of results by experienced inde- safety, including in vitro studies, whole animal model
pendent reviewers (4). The data discussed are both pub- studies, and studies in humans. Not all the studies are
lished literature and those required by, and reported to, weighted equally in safety assessments (5–9). A hierarchy
international regulatory agencies. As context, an over- exists for evidence needed to allow for the approval of a
view of the types of studies relied upon by regulatory new food ingredient. At the first level, in silico SARs and

CONTACT V. Lee Grotz Director, R&D, Medical and Safety Science, Heartland Food Products Group, 5 Walnut Grove, Suite
120, Horsham, PA 19044, USA.
© 2016 Colin Berry, David Brusick, Samuel M. Cohen, Jerry F. Hardisty, V. Lee Grotz, and Gary M. Williams. Published with license by Taylor & Francis.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (
4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in
any way.
1248 C. BERRY ET AL.

in vitro studies, notably genotoxicity and biochemical submissions may have the resources available to conduct
studies, are required. At the second level, tests for cancer studies in accordance with GLP requirements.
and systemic toxicity in animals are required. Pharmacoki- To maximize the ability to obtain reliable study out-
netic data are also recommended. At a third level, out- comes, studies in rodents and other laboratory animal
comes from human tolerance studies can provide species are also typically performed utilizing strains that
additional important information. Human epidemiology have been well-characterized and with abundant con-
studies are not a regulatory requirement in the initial temporary historical control data. Diets are carefully pro-
assessment of the safety of sweeteners. However, any study duced and constructed to minimize any potential effects
already performed would be expected to be submitted and that could confound data interpretation; the conditions
results would be considered in the safety assessment. and density of animal housing are specified and require a
Regulatory guidelines provide the framework for the testing environment that supports good animal health;
kinds of studies that should be considered in investigat- and data collection within the different types of core
ing the overall safety, including carcinogenic potential, of research studies to be conducted is rigorously standard-
any new food ingredient (9–13). It is important to ized in terms of both extent and frequency (24,25). Mod-
emphasize that toxicological investigations performed as ification of statistical methodology has enabled
part of the requirements for the regulation of drugs, pes- interpretation of data that may need to take into account
ticides or food additives are not investigations performed a plethora of information (a Bayesian approach) (26,27).
with the primary intent of conducting basic research, in This rigorous pattern of testing required in regulatory
which the testing of a hypothesis is the primary objective. toxicology is not typically followed in hypothesis-driven
Rather, research studies conducted to investigate the work, where studies addressing similar problems may
safety of a new food ingredient are designed to enable vary widely in their characteristics. In recognizing issues
detection of potentially adverse outcomes of the test sub- that can confound study findings, a recent editorial in
stance so as to identify risk potential and to safeguard Nature, reporting the outcome of a meeting of editors of
the target population. Research programs recommended 30 major scientific journals under the aegis of the Ameri-
by regulatory agencies are designed to maximize the pos- can Association for the Advancement of Science, pointed
sibility of detecting adverse effects. Study parameters are out that the source, species, strain and characteristics
set to intentionally provoke a measurable response. (including inbred), sex, age, and husbandry for animals
Importantly, observations are made that cover not only should all be reported to achieve reproducible results in
the changes that might be found in the range of expected animal studies. For cell lines used in in vitro studies, the
human exposures but exposures that are significantly source, authentication, and mycoplasma contamination
(i.e., hundreds to thousands of times) greater. Such high status should all be known (25,28). Regulatory guidance
doses are unlikely to be experienced by the target popula- for conducting research programs to evaluate the safety
tion and are also delivered with a frequency and duration of a new food ingredient embodies these types of recom-
that is seldom experienced in a normal diet (8,14–16). mendations, as can be seen in the Organisation for Eco-
These toxicologic exposures are expected to produce nomic Co-operation and Development (OECD) research
adverse outcomes at some point and the types of adverse study protocols (internationally agreed-upon protocols
outcomes elicited can allow for important insights into for regulatory safety investigations published by the
the biochemical nature of the food ingredient, its poten- OECD) (25).
tial for health effects, and its appropriateness for the In contrast to certain hypothesis-driven studies, where
intended use. Indeed, regulatory guidances relating to variability may be desirable in the hypothesis-testing
the design of studies required for safety assessments context, protocols recommended for inclusion in holistic
make clear that, toxic effects (observable effect levels) at safety testing programs are intentionally designed to
the maximum tolerated dose are necessary for certain minimize variability and maximize the possibility of pro-
tests to be considered satisfactory (17,18). ducing an unspecified result (e.g., tumor production),
Regulatory safety testing protocols have been carefully sometimes at the expense of realistic exposures. Variabil-
evaluated and approved over many years of experience by ity in animal strains, conditions, husbandry, housing,
international authorities (19). The Good Laboratory Prac- etc. in such studies can confound data interpretation. As
tices (GLP) methodologies are accepted as the norm for such, food safety and health regulatory agencies typically
pharmaceutical, food development, and regulatory labora- require study designs that minimize background “noise.”
tories that have a responsibility for conducting studies This is addressed by rigorous standardization. It is diffi-
designed to evaluate food ingredient safety (20–23). Few cult to demonstrate a null effect with confidence unless
laboratories outside of those routinely conducting food the methods are highly standardized. It is also important
ingredient safety studies for the purpose of regulatory to evaluate “noise” by taking into account the full

information available (e.g., is the finding reproducible; b-D-fructofuranosyl-4-chloro-4-deoxy-a-D-galactopyra-

do other studies support the finding; is the finding con- noside, CAS 56038-13-2, mutagen, genotox, genetic
sistent with known chemical structure and/or reactivity tox, safety, metabolism, carcinogen, cancer, tumour,
of the substance being tested; etc.). tumor, etc. Additionally, studies submitted as part of the
Notably, recent advances in techniques, in knowledge, Sucralose Food Additive Petition, FAP 7A9387, are con-
and databases created from analyses of accumulated data sidered in this review.
are available to investigate causality and predisposing
factors related to carcinogenesis. The quality of data can
vary across studies and not all findings may be confirmed
in independent repeat studies. Regulators worldwide Scientific evidence supporting regulatory decisions
must consider the strength of the data in order to pro- International and country- or region-specific guidelines
mulgate use regulations, which are intended to limit the identify the types of evidence required to support the
risk for health effects on the public (8). Similarly, it is risk assessment of a substance intended for human con-
also critical to assess new research in the context of the sumption. The types of evidence required can be classi-
whole of the data available, particularly when studies fied into three broad categories: 1) physicochemical
have small sample sizes and/or were conducted utilizing characterization; 2) in vitro and short-term in vivo toxi-
unconventional methodology. Results of observational cological testing, including toxicokinetic studies [e.g.,
studies, which do not, by their nature, assess cause and absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination or
effect, must be especially interpreted in the context of all ADME studies]; and 3) subchronic to chronic biochemi-
available data. It is critical that correlation data not be cal profiling and tests for toxicity and carcinogenicity,
misinterpreted as evidence of cause and effect. using in vivo, in vitro, and ex vivo models; and specific
additional studies, as needed, such as specialized testing
(e.g., allergy, cognitive function, behavioral studies, and
Methods of data acquisition
human tolerance studies) (Fig. 1). If the physicochemical
Literature searches were conducted in MEDLINEÒ , and toxicological profiling of a substance does not iden-
TOXFILE, BIOSIS ToxlineÒ , FOODLINEÒ , CAB tify carcinogenic risk, a need for additional profiling
Abstracts, Food Science and Technology Abstracts, would not be anticipated. If carcinogenic potential is sug-
NTIS, and EMBASE using variations of the following gested or identified in these screening assays, health and
key words, sucralose, Splenda, 6-Dichloro-1,6-dideoxy- food safety regulatory agencies may move to prohibit the

Figure 1. Scientific evidence required for assessing the carcinogenic potential of a new food ingredient.
1250 C. BERRY ET AL.

use of the substance in the food supply or may require ADI. When the EDI does not exceed the ADI (an accept-
additional safety studies to evaluate dose–response and able/safe level), this provides an additional margin of
mode of action in the process of evaluating the safety of safety. It is worth noting that the EDI for sucralose is
the studied ingredient (6,7,9,13,25,28,29) (Fig. 1). very conservative. The EDI is calculated based on the
This tiered approach to the safety assessment of new assumption that sucralose would replace virtually all
food ingredients, used by regulatory agencies, limits the added sugar in all aspects of the diet. Thus, the EDI for
amount of data initially generated for a risk assessment, sucralose is likely to significantly overestimate actual
establishes the types of evidence to be considered, and intakes experienced by consumers.
potentially reduces the extent of animal research con-
ducted by applying the 3-R approach: replace, refine, and
reduce (26,27). The initial tier includes requirements for Scientific evidence assessing the carcinogenic
minimal testing and data, including determination of potential of substances
absorption by the gastrointestinal tract of the compound Observations reported in scientific and clinical literature
and the metabolic or manufacturing degradation prod- and reported to regulatory agencies are components of a
ucts of a compound via in vitro, in vivo, and ex vivo knowledge database (e.g., SAR) that identifies chemical
models of absorption and bioavailability. If absorption structures with likely genotoxic activity—and therefore
by the gastrointestinal tract is identified, or if the com- possible carcinogenic potential. These “structural alerts”
pound exhibits toxicity, a second level of testing is are available in several computerized databases and pub-
required. Similarly, results of the second tier of evidence lications (30,31). Beyond structure, the manner in which
establish whether a third tier of testing is required. For molecules are metabolized under physiological condi-
example, if data generated from second-tier studies did tions, in concert with their inherent reactivity, is central
not satisfy concerns of regulatory reviewers, additional to an evaluation of possible chemical carcinogenicity
second tier (e.g., additional animal studies) or third tier (Fig. 1).
(e.g., studies in man) studies would be required. Chemical carcinogens can be broadly classified into
Review of the data assembled for the safety assessment two categories; those chemicals and their metabolites
of a food additive by experienced pathologists is neces- that react with DNA causing genetic damage or muta-
sary for proper grouping of lesions for analysis of tions and those which do not directly interact with DNA
increased tumor incidence related to a compound. Sev- but which perturb other cellular processes that lead indi-
eral factors need to be considered, including the number rectly to DNA damage (32). These two classes of carcino-
of species or strains with an increased tumor incidence, gens are referred to as genotoxic and nongenotoxic
number of positive studies, degree of tumor response, carcinogens, respectively (33,34). Studies that investigate
evidence of SAR, evidence of dose–response relationship, the potential for a substance to cause genetic damage
results of tests for genotoxicity, presence of preneoplastic and/or mutations are therefore some of the earliest stud-
lesions, and reduced latency for tumor development or ies conducted in evaluating possible carcinogenic risk.
increase in severity (malignancy) of the neoplasm (16). Nongenotoxic carcinogens are believed to produce
Furthermore, expert panels of toxicologists, patholo- cancer by binding to and altering cellular receptors
gists, and statisticians review the body of evidence to responsible for effects such as gene expression, cellular
enable regulatory agency review to estimate the accept- metabolism, enhanced cell proliferation, inhibition of
able daily intake (ADI) of a food additive. ADIs are set cell–cell communication, and DNA methylation.
on the basis of the highest no-observed-effect level As a result, bioassays are the types of studies given the
(NOEL) and expert judgment about the potential signifi- greatest weight in considering the potential for a sub-
cance of the target effect, with a safety factor to allow for stance to be carcinogenic. Nevertheless, “positive” find-
differences in human variability and interspecies differ- ings in bioassays, particularly shorter-term bioassays,
ences (14). The ADI represents the average intake over a may also require further investigation. Positive findings
lifetime of exposure that is expected to be safe (15). ADIs in bioassays can sometimes result from confounding fac-
are highly conservative, with safety factors of 100 or tors, including issues with technical performance, animal
1,000 often used (9). Daily intake excursions that are housing and maintenance issues (e.g., problems with diet
sometimes higher than the ADI may have no associated quality and cage conditions); unexpected viral infections
safety concern, when this intake is considered in the (e.g., hepatitis virus); or concurrent infectious diseases
scope of the average daily intake and given the safety fac- (e.g., mycoplasma pneumonia) (25). Species-specific
tors employed at deriving an ADI. For new food ingre- responses can also occur that may have no relevance to
dients, including sucralose, safety is finally considered by humans (e.g., bladder cancer in long-term, extremely
comparison of the estimated daily intake (EDI), to the high-dose studies of saccharin in rats) (35). As such,

positive findings must be critically considered in the con- studies define the relationship between systemic expo-
text of the whole of the experimental evidence. sure to a substance, dose, and toxicity. Reproductive
Beyond risk assessments from chemical characteriza- studies identify the effect a substance has on the fertility
tion and mutagenicity/genotoxicity studies, toxicity stud- and gestation of the test animal. Developmental studies
ies (bioassays), which assess the short- and long-term characterize the physical, cognitive, and behavioral
effect of exposure to a substance, can help to characterize effects a substance has on the test animal. Unusual find-
carcinogenic risk. Subchronic toxicity studies (e.g., 30- to ings in such studies can be further evaluated and add to
90-day studies) are conducted to estimate the appropri- the total comprehension of the substance’s safety, includ-
ate doses to be used in chronic toxicity studies, to deter- ing carcinogenic risk profile. It is important to note that
mine NOELs for some toxicology endpoints, and to adverse effects can often be exhibited in bioassays when
support the appropriate design of long-term toxicity doses are taken to extreme levels. Using very high dose
studies (i.e., identify target organs). In general, sub- levels is a planned design element in many studies con-
chronic toxicity studies do not determine the carcino- ducted in a program to assess the overall safety of a new
genic activity of a substance; however, subchronic food ingredient. Assessment of carcinogenicity potential
studies can provide important supportive data (36). hinges on careful review of available SAR/chemical char-
Advances in research have found that carcinogenic sub- acteristics data, mutagenicity data, measures of health
stances begin to exert observable effects earlier than had and development from all types of bioassays, compre-
been supposed (i.e., within 90 days) (37,38). As a result, hension of the substance’s metabolic fate and toxicoki-
histopathologic and biochemical evaluations from sub- netics, and the appropriate evaluation of preneoplastic
chronic studies should be considered when evaluating and neoplastic findings.
the carcinogenic potential of a compound categorized as
preneoplastic. Preneoplastic changes are not always, Scientific evidence assessing carcinogenic potential
however, a harbinger for the development of cancer. of sucralose
They can instead be spontaneous changes or precursor
changes to the development of benign tumors (37–39). Chemical structure and stability of sucralose. Sucralose
Both chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity studies are (1,6-dichloro-1,6-dideoxy-b-D-fructofuranosyl-4-chloro-
designed to help characterize the dose–response, define 4-deoxy-a-D-galactopyranoside) is a substituted disac-
toxicity and/or safety thresholds, provide data on health charide (41). It is synthesized by selective chlorination of
effects at human exposure levels in appropriate animal sucrose (common table sugar) at three of the primary
models, and provide data to assess mechanism of action hydroxyl groups, involving inversion of configuration at
(40). Chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity research is fre- carbon-4, from the gluco- to the galacto-analogue. Based
quently carried out in tandem, to maximize the ability to on its chemical structure, the reactivity of sucralose would
interpret findings, by conducting research under similar be expected to be similar to that of polyhydric alcohols,
circumstances and in same-sourced animals. Studies such as sucrose, with modification by the pyranose and
classically defined as carcinogenicity studies (whether furanose ring systems (Fig. 2). The hydroxyl groups of
performed in tandem with toxicity studies or not) are sucralose are more acidic (i.e., have a lower pKa) than
still considered the gold standard for assessing potential that of water. As such, any reaction of the multiple
carcinogenicity, i.e., they are the key studies relied upon hydroxyl groups on the sucralose molecule could only
by regulatory agencies around the world for evaluating occur in the absence of water and in the presence of
carcinogenicity potential. highly reactive substances, and then only under strongly
Other studies can also provide important information alkaline conditions—conditions that are not consistent
when assessing carcinogenic potential. Toxicokinetic with normal human physiologic conditions. The expected

Figure 2. Chemical structure of sucralose.

1252 C. BERRY ET AL.

reactivity of sucralose with use in foods or in physiologic under highly artifactual conditions or conditions irrele-
systems, based on chemical structure, has been borne out vant to food usage (58–61). These studies are not investi-
in early chemical research studies (42,48). Under condi- gations of the fate of sucralose in actual usages for
tions representative of normal human physiological con- production of foods/beverages and some also introduce
ditions, sucralose had no opportunity to produce variables into the testing that would alter normal reac-
chemical interactions (42). The results are consistent with tion kinetics for the tested ingredients. For example,
the fact that the chlorine moieties in sucralose are not in pyrolysis studies using a 1:2 molar ratio mixture of
the form of alkyl halides, being bonded to the stable ring sucralose and glycerol can yield reaction products, which
structures, and their presence creates steric hindrance on are not found in studies designed and recommended for
the rings, also limiting the interactions. Hence, there is the assessment of food ingredient stability (62). Overall,
very limited opportunity for biotransformation. Chemis- the findings suggest no potential for reaction of sucralose
try studies also confirm that the sucralose molecule is not with biological molecules under physiological conditions
electrophilic, nor does it contain molecular structures to result in either adduct products or dechlorination.
capable of being bioactivated to electrophilic reactive
metabolites. In all, sucralose contains no identified “struc- Bioassays assessing genotoxic potential of sucralose.
tural alerts” (30,43) for either genotoxic or carcinogenic Results in a variety of in vitro (e.g., Ames, and DNA
activity. Further, sucralose is highly water soluble and has damage/clastogenicity) and in vivo (e.g., mouse lym-
a comparatively low fat solubility (very low octanol–water phoma, rodent micronucleus, and human lymphocyte)
partition coefficient: logKow D ¡0.51 § 0.05), so that assays demonstrate that sucralose does not cause gene
accumulation in fat stores would not be predicted and mutations or chromosomal damage (63–80) (Table 1).
indeed have not been found, based on studies using radio- Expert reviewers at regulatory agencies evaluated
labeled sucralose (44). these data and concurred that there is no concern for
From a chemical structure perspective, the sucralose genotoxic or mutagenic activity related to sucralose (50).
molecule is expected to be exceptionally stable. No evi- A single mouse lymphoma study, conducted very early in
dence of hydrolysis of the sucralose molecule has been the sucralose safety testing program, gave an equivocal result
found in vivo (44–48). This is partly explained by the with sucralose concentration of 10 mg/ml. This is a very
fact that the glycosidic linkage of sucralose is signifi- high concentration, which can result in conditions (e.g.,
cantly more resistant to hydrolysis than is the glycosidic osmolality changes) that can affect the assay and lead to
linkage of sucrose (49)—the parent disaccharide used in effects on DNA. An updated analysis of the study (i.e., per
sucralose synthesis. This increased resistance to hydroly- updated international criteria) also determined that the
sis (or enzymatic cleavage) is related to the increased ste- equivocal result would be viewed as a negative result, for
ric hindrance created by the replacement of the three other technical reasons, under updated criteria (63). Two
sucrose hydroxyl groups with three atoms of chlorine. In Comet assays reported a positive finding with sucralose. In
an acidic solution, sucralose can slowly hydrolyze to its one (74), review of these data identified a high incidence of
two constituent substituted monosaccharides (44); these false positive findings in the study and lack of corroborating
hydrolysis products are resistant to further degradation studies with positive results (63). In the other (73), positive
(50). After storage for 1 yr, detectable sucralose loss in findings were reported for a range of popular NNSs based
model (1% sucralose) aqueous systems is less than 1% at on assays using two human colon cancer cell lines (Caco-2
25 C (44). No loss of sucralose is detected at pH 4 or 6 and HT-29) and one human embryonic kidney cell line
after 1 yr. While data suggest the possibility of hydrolysis (HEK-293). The cells were exposed to extremely high con-
product formation, exposures are not definitive, and the centrations of sweetener solutions (up to 50 mM or approxi-
estimated possible exposure is in the ng/kg quantities mately 20 g/l sucralose) for up 72 h. The cell lines used are
(51,52). Nonetheless, the safety of the sucralose hydroly- not representative of normal human tissue. Together, the
sis products was fully investigated prior to health and relevance of the results is questionable.
safety rulings permitting the use of sucralose. FDA and
other health regulatory agencies have found the sucralose Absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of
hydrolysis products to represent no carcinogenic or toxi- sucralose. Studies show that sucralose is not catabolized,
cologic risk (53–55). Several studies under conditions and therefore is not a source of energy, in either humans
involving extremes of pH and/or temperature (as might or animals. Following oral intakes, it is not dechlorinated
occur in baking) and ingredients found in various food or degraded into smaller chlorinated compounds (44–48).
matrices demonstrated the chemical stability and lack of Following ingestion, most sucralose (approximately 85%)
reactivity of sucralose (56–58). Certain studies have is not absorbed and so is eliminated unchanged
shown the production of different breakdown products in the feces (44–48). A small percent of an oral intake

Table 1. Sucralose and derivatives genotoxicity assays.

Test Results Reference

Gene mutation assays

In vitro Ames (reverse mutation) Negative § metabolic activation Brusick et al. (63)
In vitro mouse lymphoma Negative § metabolic activation Brusick et al. (63)
DNA damage and repair assays
In vitro DNA repair (E coli) Negative § metabolic activation Brusick et al. (63)
In vitro DNA repair (F344 and rat hepatocytes) Negative Jeffery and Williams (70)
In vitro Comet Positive in absence of activation van Eyk (73)
In vivo Comet (mice) DNA damage induced at 2,000 mg/kg body weight (24 h) Sasaki et al. (74)
in glandular stomach, colon, and lung tissuea
Chromosome breakage/rearrangement assays
In vivo rat bone marrow chromosome aberration Negative Brusick et al. (63)
In vivo mouse micronucleus Negative Brusick et al. (63)
In vitro chromosome aberration assay (human lymphocytes) Negative in absence of activation Brusick et al. (63)
Following a review of the study data by Brusick et al. (63), it was determined that “positive results in the comet assay do not necessarily reflect carcinogenicity.”

undergoes common phase II metabolism, specifically glu- Consistent with this, there is no evidence of sucralose
curonidation, about 2–3% in humans (46). Glutathione being a substrate for gut microflora, with only intact
conjugation is a phase II detoxification reaction sucralose found in feces. As such, exposure to gut micro-
(81–84) that does not normally generate reactive inter- flora is not a pathway for exposure to metabolites that
mediates, and instead neutralizes electrophiles (82). There could be of concern (85).
are no unique types of, or greater exposure to, glucuro- Studies of radiolabeled compound confirm that
nide conjugates formed in man, compared to surrogate absorbed sucralose is distributed to essentially all tissues,
species. Both unchanged sucralose and its glucuronide indicating incorporation into total body water, consistent
conjugates are excreted in urine, and are readily elimi- with its highly water-soluble nature. While sucralose
nated with no bioaccumulation (44–48,85,86). moves readily with body water, there is no active trans-
In humans, peak sucralose plasma concentrations of port into milk, transplacentally, or across the blood–brain
262 ng equivalents/ml were achieved between 1.5 and barrier into the central nervous system, consequently any
3.0 h after a single oral dose of 1 mg/kg body weight distribution to those sites is limited (44,47) (Fig. 3). Due
(46). The half-life of sucralose is approximately 13 h (86). to its high sweetness potency (about 600 times sweeter
The metabolic profile and pharmacokinetics are than sucrose on a weight-for-weight basis), total intakes
similar among rodents, dogs, and man (44–48,86). No are also remarkably low (on average, <3 mg/kg/day for
adaptive change in sucralose metabolism was seen in rats an adult), and, combined, with a low level of absorption,
after 18 mo of daily sucralose intakes in amounts thou- any sucralose available to the systemic circulation is
sands of times greater than estimated average daily exceedingly low, reflected by the very low peak plasma
intakes (47). levels following an oral dose.

Figure 3. Absorption, disposition, metabolism, and excretion of sucralose (44–48,86).

1254 C. BERRY ET AL.

Separately, toxicokinetic and metabolic data estab- Overall, the minimal observations reported in sucralose
lished that rats, mice, and dogs are the most appro- dietary and gavage studies are significant, since substan-
priate surrogate species for humans for toxicity ass- ces that show carcinogenic activity in standard 104-wk
essments. studies usually display some evidence of tissue perturba-
tion in subchronic toxicity testing. In contrast, the sucra-
Toxicity studies with sucralose. In short-term and long- lose studies revealed no evidence of changes that might
term subchronic toxicity studies in rats and dogs, sucra- be considered preneoplastic.
lose was included in the diet continuously at up to 5.0% In the 4- and 8-wk sucralose dietary studies, but not
(50,000 ppm, approximately equivalent to 5,000 mg/kg the oral gavage studies, rats in the highest diet group
body weight/day) concentrations. In the 4- and 8-wk die- (5%, »5,000 mg/kg body weight/day) gained statistically
tary studies and in the 26-wk gavage study in rats, no his- significantly less weight and consumed less food than
topathological changes were observed that could indicate control animals likely owing to the decreased palatability
any concern for carcinogenic activity of sucralose (87). of the food (87).
The only histological findings noted were decreased
splenic mass and reduction in the lymphocyte mass of Chronic toxicity studies
the thymus in the high-dose females in the 8-wk study. In a two-phase chronic toxicity–carcinogenicity study in
These data were ascribed to insufficient caloric intake—a rats (93), sucralose was provided in the diet at 0, 3000,
common finding in high-dose dietary studies of high- 10000, and 30000 ppm, equivalent to an average lifetime
potency sweeteners (44,88), which affect both the overall daily sucralose intake of 0, 150, 1000, and 1500 mg/kg
dietary caloric value and palatability and slight prema- body weight, respectively. In the chronic toxicity phase,
ture involution of the thymus, respectively, and were not rats received the diet for 52 wk. In the carcinogenicity
replicated in a longer-term 26-wk gavage study (87). To phase, rats received the diet for 104 wk, considered a life-
investigate these histologic findings, special studies were time exposure. In both phases of the study, sucralose had
designed to specifically investigate the effect of oral no effect on the survival, clinical symptoms, or behavior
gavage of sucralose to rats at doses of 4000, 3000, and of the rats, or in the carcinogenic potential of sucralose.
2000 mg/kg body weight/day for periods of, respectively, Non-neoplastic findings consistent with aging of the rats
approximately 4, 8, and 13 wk. Thymic weight effects or were observed and were not increased in incidence or
pathological findings were not observed (89) (Table S1). severity with sucralose dosing. There was no evidence of
Premature thymic involution (thymic involution any neoplasia or type, distribution, or multiplicity of
occurring developmentally early) is a known potential tumors associated with the sucralose treatment. Rats
outcome when caloric intake is restricted sufficiently receiving sucralose in the diet did have a lower body
(90–92). In the 8-wk sucralose dietary study, the very weight gain and lower food consumption than control
high concentration of sucralose in the diet (5%, animals—consistent with palatability effects and with 4-
»5,000 mg/kg body weight/day) decreased the overall and 8-wk dietary studies (Table 2).
nutrient density. In addition, diet palatability was subop- In a 104-wk carcinogenicity study in mice (94), sucra-
timal (based on results of separate exploratory palatabil- lose was provided in the diet at 0, 3000, 10000, and
ity studies) and lower food consumption was observed. 30000 ppm, equivalent to an average lifetime daily sucra-
The absence of the finding of premature thymic involu- lose intake of 0, 450, 1500, and 4500 mg/kg body weight.
tion when sucralose was administered by gavage sup- Sucralose had no effect on survival, clinical condition, or
ports the interpretation that the dietary study findings behavior of the mice nor were there any gross physical
were secondary effects resulting from reduced food abnormalities. Likewise, there was no evidence of benign
intake and not directly related to the systemic presence or malignant neoplasms, or increases in total number of
of sucralose. In the 26-wk oral gavage study, sucralose tumor bearing mice associated with sucralose dosing.
intakes were up to 3,000 mg/kg body weight/day—com- Like rats in the 104-wk study, mice had non-neoplastic
parable to the achieved average daily intake in the 8-wk findings consistent with aging mice, but mostly similar
dietary study (1–5% of diet, approximately equivalent to in incidence and severity as controls. Female mice receiv-
1000–5000 mg/kg body weight/day). In this study and ing the highest dose had peripheral blood erythrocyte
dietary and gavage studies with lower daily sucralose counts 7–9% lower than controls. This change was not
exposures, no effects on spleen or thymus weight or observed in males and considered unlikely to be a direct
pathology were observed (87,89). effect of sucralose (94) (Table 2).
As discussed above, dietary and gavage studies expose In the 52-wk chronic toxicity study in dogs, there
animals to high concentrations and total daily amounts were no sucralose-related histological changes despite
of the agent being tested in an effort to elicit a response. the use of high (up to 3%) dietary concentrations

Table 2. Abbreviated animal model carcinogenicity studies—sucralose and sucralose hydrolysis products.
Test Dose Results

GLP rat feeding study, 2 yr duration 0% (control), 0.3%, 1.0%, 3.0% sucralose in No evidence of:
Mann et al. (93) diet continuously Effect on survival
US FDA sucralose final rule (51) Exception: sucralose reduced to 1.0% Carcinogenic potential in adults or offspring
maximum during lactation Neoplasia nor type, distribution, or multiplicity of tumor
Sucralose treated rats had:
Non-neoplastic findings not unusual in aging rats
Lower body weight gain and food consumption than controls
GLP mouse feeding study, 2 yr duration 0% (control), 0.3%, 1.0%, 3.0% in diet No evidence of:
Mann et al. (94) continuously Effect on survival, clinical condition, or behavior
US FDA sucralose final rule (51) Occurrence of tumors or benign neoplasms, malignant
neoplasms, or total number of tumor bearing mice
Gross physical abnormalities
Sucralose treated rats had:
Non-neoplastic findings not unusual in ageing mice
Erythrocyte counts 7–9% lower than controls in females receiving
highest dose
Dog feeding study, 1 yr duration 0.3%, 1.0%, 3.0% in diet continuously No evidence of toxic effects at any dose
US FDA sucralose final rule (51) Sucralose treated male dogs had Increase body weight gain
Goldsmith (87) accompanied by increased food consumption

or intakes up to approximately 900/mg/kg body biochemical, and urinanalysis values remained stable;
weight/day. The lack of histological changes after 52 wk ECG readings were not affected; and ophthalmoscopic
of high-dose administration is not consistent with sub- tests identified no abnormalities attributable to sucralose.
stances that are carcinogenic (95). None of the biochemical data indicated an issue of con-
The sum of these chronic toxicity studies, even in the cern relative to carcinogenicity.
absence of carcinogenicity studies on sucralose, provides Human epidemiology studies are not typically con-
a strong basis from which to conclude, a priori, that ducted in the absence of data suggesting a possible effect
sucralose is without carcinogenic potential. of a substance on human health. There have been, how-
In summary, regulatory compliant investigations in ever, two human epidemiology studies on cancer inci-
animal models revealed no evidence suggesting that even dence in persons exposed to NNS since the first
extremely high doses of sucralose will produce carcino- regulatory approval permitting sucralose use in foods
genicity. There were also no signs of toxicity that might (1991) (Table 3). While these studies were focused on
support a concern for potential carcinogenic or other aspartame, the study findings are related to NNSs, and,
safety risk. thus, could be considered, without due review, applicable
to sucralose. Review of both of these studies, however,
Other studies reveals that subjects in the studies would have had little
Studies in rats and rabbits showed an absence of effect on to no exposure to sucralose, due to the time frame during
fetal growth or development at doses up to 2,000 mg/kg which the studies were conducted. Notably, these studies
body weight/day and 1,000 mg/kg body weight/day, included evaluation for the loosely defined category of
respectively. In the rabbit study, maternal gastrointesti- non-Hodgkins lymphoma (NHL) rather than for a spe-
nal effects were observed; however, these were consid- cific, molecular/cytogenetic characterized form of lym-
ered to be a recognized species-specific response to phoma, which limits their interpretation with regard to
poorly absorbed substances (50). Sucralose was found to carcinogenic risk determination.
be nonteratogenic—with no effect on skeletal formation In the Cancer Prevention Study II Nutrition Cohort
or organogenesis. study, a prospective study of the incidence of cancer and
In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, mortality in the US begun in 1999, subject recall was
13-wk study, healthy human adults ingested increasing used to monitor the daily consumption of sugar-sweet-
amounts of sucralose: 125 mg daily for 3 wk, followed by ened and artificially sweetened beverages (96). Subjects
250 mg daily for 4 wk and then 500 mg daily for 5 wk provided follow-up information every 2 yr over the
(86). Tolerance was assessed through hematology, uri- course of 10 yr. Neither sugar-sweetened nor artificially
nalysis, and biochemical analyses and ECGs, conducted sweetened carbonated beverages were associated with an
prior to and at the end of the study, including a detailed increased risk of NHL, or subtypes of NHL during the
ophthalmological examination in a subset of the subjects. 10-yr follow-up.
Three subjects withdrew from the study for personal rea- In a prospective study analyzing initial and follow-up
sons, but not due to adverse reactions. Hematological, data collected in the Nurses’ Health Study and Health
1256 C. BERRY ET AL.

Table 3. Epidemiology studies evaluating the effect of non-nutritive sweeteners on risk of cancers.
Test Dose Results

CPS II nutrition cohort: prospective study of Daily consumption of Consumers of 1 artificially or sugar sweetened beverages daily were not at
cancer incidence and mortality in the US, 10 sweetened beverages via higher risk for non-Hodgkins lymphoma or subtypes during 10-yr
year follow up report recall follow-up
McCollough et al. (96) Focus: use of aspartame
Epidemiologic assessment of data from Nurses’ Consumption of sweetened Higher risk of non-Hodgkins lymphoma and multiple myeloma in men
Health Study and Health Professionals beverages via recall correlated with higher consumption of sugar sweetened soda
Follow-up Study analyzed over 22 yr Focus: use of aspartame; other In women, no associations between diet sodas and major types of non-
Schernhammer et al. (97) sweeteners not identified Hodgkins lymphoma seen
Some elevated risks associated with regular soda
Potential carcinogenicity related to aspartame is biologically plausible due
Chemical structure of parent and metabolic products
Possible interactions between parent or metabolic products and DNA

Professionals Follow-up Study, subject recall was used to Additives, Health Canada, the Japanese Ministry of
monitor daily consumption of sodas (97). Subjects pro- Health and Welfare, the Scientific Committee on Food,
vided follow-up information every 2 yr over the course the European Union, and the Food Standards of Aus-
of 22 yr. In this cohort, a higher risk of NHL and multi- tralia and New Zealand (53–55,104–108).
ple myeloma was observed in men who consumed sugar- The chemical structure of sucralose predicts a low
sweetened sodas; no association was observed in women order of reactivity, no biotransformation potential, and no
for NHL. identified structural alerts for genotoxic or carcinogenic
These studies, although not designed to test for a activity. Stability testing shows sucralose is remarkably
potential relationship of sucralose, specifically, to cancer, resistant to both chemical and enzymatic degradation.
do not add any evidence that sucralose might be The results of in vitro and in vivo assays of sucralose
carcinogenic. revealed no confirmed genotoxic activity, consistent with
An older study of sucralose conducted by the Ramaz- the chemical structure and metabolism of sucralose.
zini Institute (RI) was published after this review was Following ingestion, sucralose is not metabolized in
completed. It reported an increased incidence of certain the gut and approximately 85% of sucralose is excreted
tumors, notably hematopoietic tumors, in male Swiss intact. The small amount absorbed is not metabolized to
mice (98). The design of the study was similar to other reactive intermediates and neither the parent molecule
carcinogenicity studies conducted by the RI (99,100) and nor metabolites react with biological macromolecules
has previously been considered to be the one that can (e.g., DNA). The small percentage of sucralose that
lead to erroneous conclusions (101). Historically, RI undergoes metabolism is not catabolized (broken down),
studies have posed other difficulties: the accuracy of his- but is biotransformed to glucuronide conjugates that are
topathologic diagnosis of hematopoietic neoplasms and toxicologically and biologically insignificant.
the uncertain relevance to humans of such findings in Sucralose was tested at doses up to 50,000 ppm, the
mice (101,102). The appropriateness of the statistical maximum dose the FDA recommends for any com-
analyses used by RI has also been questioned (101,103). pound due to the potential for nutrition impact at higher
exposure levels. The FDA established an NOEL of 1.0%
sucralose in the diet, equivalent to about 500 mg/kg
body weight/day and the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Com-
International regulatory authorities consider physico- mittee on Food Additives established an “Acceptable
chemical characteristics; toxicological and biochemical Daily Intake” (ADI) of 0–15 mg/kg body weight/day.
profiling, and carcinogenicity testing results; and specific In some animal toxicity studies, certain effects on the
additional testing (e.g., allergy, cognitive functioning) as thymus and spleen were observed at high doses. How-
needed in their risk assessment of a substance intended ever, these findings appear to be an indirect effect related
for human consumption and their decision to approve to diet palatability and/or potential nutritional impact. It
or ban the substance. This type of rigorous risk assess- is also important to keep in mind that, in these studies,
ment resulted in sucralose being permitted for use by the sucralose daily intakes were equivalent in sweetness to
US FDA and numerous other prominent regulatory 74–495 pounds of sugar per day for an average weight
authorities/agencies from other countries—including the (e.g., 75 kg) adult—and hence clearly not representative
Joint Food and Agricultural Organization/World Health of any anticipated human intake. Subsequent studies spe-
Organization (FAO/WHO) Expert Committee on Food cifically assessed immune system cells, tissues, and

function and supported an NOEL of 3,000 mg/kg body 4. de Vries RBM, Wever KE, Avey MT, Stephens ML, Sena
weight/day. Likewise, teratogenic and developmental ES, et al.: The usefulness of systematic reviews of animal
studies in animals showed no effects related to sucralose. experiments for the design of preclinical and clinical
studies. ILAR J 55(3), 427–437, 2014.
Randomized, double-blind clinical trials conducted over 5. Williams GM, Iatropoulos MJ, and Enzmann HG: Princi-
a period of approximately 3 mo in which sucralose was ples of Testing for Carcinogenic Activity. Principles and
consumed daily in amounts greater than the maximum Methods of Toxicology. 5th ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC
EDI showed that sucralose was well-tolerated and with- Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2007.
out evidence of toxicity or other changes that might sug- 6. Environment Directorate: Joint meeting of the chemicals
committee and the working party on chemicals, pesti-
gest a potential for carcinogenic effects (86,109).
cides and biotechnology. Guidance Document on the Val-
In summary, review of the evidence retrieved, includ- idation of (Quantitative)Structure-Activity Relationships
ing key studies recommended by international regulatory [(Q)SAR] Models. OECD Environment Health Safey Pub-
bodies and toxicology experts, confirm that sucralose is lications Series on Testing and Assessment. No. 69. Orga-
noncarcinogenic and safe to ingest. Sucralose does not nisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,
demonstrate carcinogenic activity even when exposure Paris, France, 2007.
7. EFSA Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient Sources
levels are several orders of magnitude greater than the Added to Food: Guidance for submission for food addi-
range of anticipated daily ingestion levels. tive evaluations. EFSA J 10, 2760–2819, 2012.
8. Berry CL: Relativism, regulation and the dangers of
indifferent science. The Sir Roy Cameron lecture of the
Acknowledgments Royal College of Pathologists. Toxicology 267, 7–13,
The authors acknowledge Intertek Scientific and Regulatory 9. US Department of Health and Human Services; Food
Consultancy (Mississauga, Ontario, Canada), who conducted and Drug Administration; Office of Food Additive
the literature review and prepared a summary report. They Safety; Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition:
also acknowledge Kathleen Boyle, PhD, from KE Boyle Con- Chapter II. Agency review of toxicology information
sultants, LLC (Exton, PA) who, under the direction of the in petitions for direct food additives and color addi-
authors, supported manuscript preparation from the summary tives used in food. Redbook 2000. (Updated July
report and managed the review process. 2007) Guidance for Industry and Other Stakeholders.
Toxicological Principles for the Safety Assessment of
Food Ingredients. Silver Spring, MD: US Department
Funding of Health and Human Services. Food and Drug
Administration, 2000, pp. 9–18.
Funding for both the independent literature review (prepared 10. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Develop-
by Intertek Scientific & Regulatory Consultancy, Missisauga, ment: OECD Quantitative Structure-Activity Relation-
Ontario, Canada), which formed the basis for the current arti- ships Project [(Q)SARs]. Organisation for Economic Co-
cle, and the preparation of the manuscript, was provided by operation and Development. Paris, France, 2015. Avail-
McNeil Nutritionals, Fort Washington, PA. able at
Declaration of interest 11. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Develop-
ment: OECD Chemical Safety and Biosafety. OECD Guide-
All authors contributed to the preparation and interpretation lines for the Testing of Chemicals and Related Documents.
of the data and the writing, review, and approval of the manu- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Develop-
script. All authors were employees of, or consultants to, ment. Paris, France, 2015. Available at http://www.oecd.
McNeil Nutritionals at the time the manuscript was prepared. org/chemicalsafety/testing/oecdguidelinesforthetestingofche
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