Levo Drug Study
Levo Drug Study
Levo Drug Study
Generic Replacement of Levothyroxine -Overactive -Weight -Agranulocyte Assessment:
Name: or is a thyroid thyroid gland gain/loss -Chest pain -History: Allergy to active or extraneous
Levothyroxine supplementation medicine that -thyrotoxicosis -Headache -Shortness of constituents of drug.
to endogenous replaces a crisis -Nausea and breath Physical: Skin lesions, color, texture, muscle
Brand Name: thyroid hormone -diabetes vomiting -Difficulty tone, orientation, reflexes
ISynthroid hormones. normally -pituitary falling asleep
produced by hormone -Excessive Interventions:
Classification: Principal effect: the thyroid deficiency sweating -Monitor response carefully at start of therapy,
Thyroid increasing gland to -Addison’s -Anxiety and adjust dosage. Full therapeutic effect may
Hormone metabolic rate of regulate the Disease -Uncontrolled not be seen for several days.
Replacement body tissues body’s energy -Osteoporosis tremors -Administer oral drug as single dose before
and breakfast with a full glass of water.
Route: PO Therapeutic metabolism. It - Use caution in patient with CV disease
Dosage: Effect: is used to treat -Educate patient to not change brands of T4
100mcg 1tab Replacement in hypothyroidis products, due to possible bioequivalence
Frequency: hypothyroidism m which is probems.
OD to restore caused by -Encourage for regular, periodic blood tests of
normal thyroidectomy thyroid function
hormonal surgery.