A Novel Broadband Fractal Sierpinski Shaped Micros

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A novel broadband fractal sierpinski shaped, microstrip antenna

Article in Progress In Electromagnetics Research C · January 2008

DOI: 10.2528/PIERC08081805

25 378

3 authors, including:

Mohammadnaghi Azarmanesh
Urmia University


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Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 4, 179–190, 2008



M. Pilevari Salmasi
Tehran South University

F. H. Kashani
Iran University of Science & Technology

M. N. Azarmanesh
Department of Electrical Engineering
Urmia University

Abstract—As wireless communication applications require more and

more bandwidth, the demand for wideband antennas increases as well.
One of the most applicable frequency bands is X-band (8–12 GHz).
X-band frequencies are used in satellite communications. Radar
applications, terrestrial communications and networking, motion
detection and etc. Fractal passive Microstrip antennas are simple
and novel structures that attract much attraction recently. In this
paper, new Microstrip sierpinski modified and fractalized antenna
using multilayer structure for achieving wideband behavior in X-band
which in 7–10.6 GHz portion overlaps UWB working range. Using
fractal defection in patch, multi higher order modes are inspired for
coupling a much wider bandwidth. Roggers TMM3 (εr = 3.38) is
used in this antenna as substrate. Working range for this antenna is
from 7.7 GHz to 16.7 GHz (BW = 9 GHz). This antenna has simple
structure, small size and 4 resonance frequencies. This fabricated and
tested antenna is designed by Ansoft Designer software.
180 Pilevari Salmasi, Kashani, and Azarmanesh


Fractals are geometric shapes, which are self similar, repeating

themselves at different scales. With the development of fractal theory,
the nature of fractal geometries in antenna design has led to the
evolution of a new class of antennas, called fractal shaped antennas.
The main weakness of an ordinary Microstrip element is its narrow
bandwidth. There are several ways to overcome this problem. A
well known way is based on the introduction of an additional stack or
coupled patch. The patches can be fabricated on different substrates
and accordingly the patch dimensions are to be optimized so that the
resonance frequencies of the patches are close to each other to yield
broad bandwidth.

1.1. History of MSAs

The numerous advantages of MSA, such as its low weight, small
volume, and ease of fabrication using printed circuit technology, led
to the design of several configurations for various applications [12, 15].
Deschamps first proposed the concept of microstrip antenna (MSA) in
1953 [8]. However practical antennas were developed by Munson [9, 10]
and Howell [11] in 1970. With increasing requirements for personal
and mobile communications, the demand for smaller and low-profile
antennas has brought the MSA on the forefront. An MSA in its
simplest form consists of a radiating patch on one side of a dielectric
substrate and a ground plane on the other side. The top and side
views of a rectangular MSA (RMSA) are shown in Figure 1. MSAs
might have various shapes such as the square, Circular, triangular,
semicircular, sectoral, and annular ring shapes are also used.

Figure 1. Top and side view or RMSA.

Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 4, 2008 181


Fractal meaning broken or fractured derived from Latin word “fractus”

dates back to 19th century as a branch of classical mathematics.
Fractals are geometrical shapes that are self similar, and can generate
almost any complex structure in nature, through iterating of certain
simple geometries. Figures 2 and 3 show examples proposed by
Sierpinski (1916), and Koch (1904).

Figure 2. Sierpinski gasket fractal.

Figure 3. Koch fractal.


Impedance BW of a patch antenna varies inversely as quality factor Q

of the patch antenna.
Therefore substrate parameters such as dielectric constant and
thickness can be varied to obtain different Q, and ultimately the
increase in impedance BW. Q of a resonator is defined as
energy stored
Q= .
power lost
Figure 4 shows the effect of substrate thickness on impedance BW
and efficiency for two values of dielectric constants. Note that the BW
increases monotonically with thickness. Also, a decrease εr in value
increases the BW. This behavior can be explained from the change in
Q value.
182 Pilevari Salmasi, Kashani, and Azarmanesh

Figure 4. Effect of substrate thickness and dielectric constant on the

impedance BW (VSWR < 2) and radiation efficiency.

In conclusion, we can say that the increase in h and decrease in εr

can be used to increase the impedance BW of the antenna. However,
this approach is helpful up to h ≤ 0.02λ only. The disadvantages of
using thick and high dielectric constant substrates are many, including
• Surface wave power increases, resulting in poor radiation
• The radiation from surface waves may lead to pattern degradation
near endfire.
• Thick substrates with microstrip edge feed will give rise to
increased spurious radiation from the microstrip step-in-width and
other discontinuities. Radiation from the probe feed will also
• Substrates thicker than 0.11λ for εr = 2.2 makes the impedance
locus of the probe fed patch antenna increasingly inductive in
nature, resulting in impedance matching problems.
• Higher order modes along the thickness may develop, giving
rise to distortions in the radiation patterns and impedance
characteristics. This is a limiting factor in achieving an octave


A patch placed close to the fed patch gets excited through the coupling
between the patches [4].
Such a patch is known as a parasitic patch. If the resonance
frequencies f1 and f2 of these two patches are close to each other, then
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 4, 2008 183

broad bandwidth is obtained as shown in Figure 5. The overall input

VSWR will be the superposition of the responses of the two resonators
resulting in a wide bandwidth [7, 8]. If the bandwidth is narrow for
the individual patch, then the difference between f1 and f2 should be
small and if the bandwidth of the individual patch is large, then the
difference in the two frequencies should be large to yield an overall
wide bandwidth as shown in Figures 5 and 6.

Figure 5. VSWR plot of two coupled resonators having narrow

bandwidth (- - -) individual resonators and ( ) overall response.

Figure 6. VSWR plot of two coupled resonators having narrow

bandwidth (- - -) individual resonators and ( ) overall response.


In the multilayer configuration, two or more patches on different

layers of the dielectric substrate are stacked on each other. Based
on the coupling mechanism, these configurations are categorized as
electromagnetically coupled or aperture coupled MSA.
In the electromagnetically coupled MSA, one or more patches at
the different dielectric layers are electromagnetically coupled to the
feed line located at the bottom dielectric layer as shown in Figure 7.
184 Pilevari Salmasi, Kashani, and Azarmanesh

Alternatively, one of the patches is fed by a coaxial probe and the other
patch is electromagnetically coupled. The patches can be fabricated
on different substrates, and accordingly the patch dimensions are to
be optimized so that the resonance frequencies of the patches are close
to each other to yield broad BW. These two layers may be separated
by either air gap or foam [8].

Figure 7. Multilayer MSA.

The multilayer broadband MSAs, unlike single layer configura-

tions, show a very small degradation in radiation pattern over the com-
plete VSWR BW. The drawback of these structures is the increased
height; which is not desirable for conformal applications and increased
back radiation.


As it is shown in Figure 8 planar and stacked multi resonators

techniques are combined to yield a wide bandwidth with a higher gain.
The antenna has two layers with different heights-first layer height
is 3.5 mm and the second layer height is 1 mm. The modified Sierpinski
shape fractal patch is on the first layer.
Only the bottom patch is fed and the other patches electromag-
netically coupled as shown in Figure 8.
There are 6 parasitic patches on the top layer to decrease the
antenna gain variation through the band width.
The antenna is designed, optimized and simulated using Ansoft
designer software. The band-width obtained for the antenna is 9 GHz.
The radiation is in the broad side direction, and the variation in the
pattern is very small over the entire bandwidth. At 4.3 GHz, the gain
is 7.5 dB.
As shown in Figures 9–13 the bandwidth and return loss are proper
for ultra wideband applications and antenna dimensions are suitable
for mobile devices.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 4, 2008 185

(a) (b)

Figure 8. One Sierpinski fractal patch on the bottom layer and six
patches on the top layer (a), the dimensions of antenna (b).

Figure 9. Return loss plot of antenna for stage2 edge cut sienpinski
with six patches on top layer.

Figure 10. VSWR plot of antenna for stage2 edge cut sienpinski with
six patches on top layer.
186 Pilevari Salmasi, Kashani, and Azarmanesh

Figure 11. Impedance characteristic of the antenna with six patches

on the top layer.

(a) (b)


Figure 12. Radiation patterns for 11.9 GHz (a), 10.6 GHz (b),
8.6 GHz (c) before adding parasitic patches.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 4, 2008 187

(a) (b)


Figure 13. Radiation patterns for 11.9 GHz (a), 10.6 GHz (b),
8.6 GHz (c) after adding parasitic patches.


The antenna is designed, optimized and simulated using Ansoft

designer software. The bandwidth obtained for the antenna is 9 GHz.
The radiation pattern is in the broad side direction, and the variation
in the pattern is very small over the entire bandwidth. The return
loss, VSWR and smith chart at range of 7 till 17 GHz are shown in
Figures 9 to 11.
As it is showed in Figs. 12 and 13, adding parasitic patches reduces
the variation of radiation pattern. This antenna is fabricated and
tested in Khajenasire university antenna lab. The numerical results
are compared in Fig. 14 using Matlab software.
188 Pilevari Salmasi, Kashani, and Azarmanesh

Figure 14. Comparing the practical and theoretical results.

Figure 15. The fabricated antenna.


In this paper, a new small microstrip antenna for ultra wideband

applications is designed, optimized and simulated. There was a great
success in finding a suitable structure for mobile applications. Also
obtaining bandwidth about 50% and maximum gain about 7.5 dB
shows that this structure can be mentioned as a useful design for ultra
wideband products. However acquired results show that the antenna
design and structure need more refinement in order to achieve the
ultimate design with a smaller physical profile and better performance.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 4, 2008 189


The authors would like to thank Iran Azad University Young

Researches Club for its financial support.


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