HR 20119
HR 20119
HR 20119
& 2011 The Japanese Society of Hypertension All rights reserved 0916-9636/11 $32.00
Preeclampsia (PE) is a severe hypertensive disorder associated with pregnancy; despite substantial research effort in the past
several years, the etiology of PE is still unclear. The role of epigenetic factors in the etiology of PE, including DNA methylation,
has been poorly characterized. In the present study, we investigated global DNA methylation as well as DNA methylation of the
paternally imprinted H19 gene in preeclamptic placentas. Using 5-methylcytosine immunohistochemistry and Alu and LINE-1
repeat pyrosequencing, we found that the global DNA methylation level and the DNA (cytosine-5) methyltransferase 1 mRNA
level were significantly higher in the early-onset preeclamptic placentas when compared with the normal controls. Data from
methylation-sensitive high resolution melting demonstrated hypermethylation of the promoter region of the H19 gene, and
results of real-time PCR showed decreased mRNA expression of H19 gene in the early-onset preeclamptic placentas as
compared with the normal controls. Our results suggest that abnormal DNA methylation during placentation might be involved
in the pathophysiology of PE, especially early-onset preeclampsia.
Hypertension Research (2011) 34, 655–661; doi:10.1038/hr.2011.9; published online 17 February 2011
1State Key Laboratory of Reproductive Biology, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; 2School of Public Health and Family Medicine, Capital Medical
University, Beijing, China; 3Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Peking University First Hospital, Beijing, China and 4Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing, China
Correspondence: Dr L Ji or Dr Y-l Wang, State Key Laboratory of Reproductive Biology, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1 Beichen West Road, Beijing 100101,
E-mails: or
Received 5 August 2010; revised 13 December 2010; accepted 16 December 2010; published online 17 February 2011
Detection of DNA methylation in preeclampsia
W-l Gao et al
These mainly included the single nucleotide polymorphorism of the peroxide for 15 min, incubated with 1% bovine serum albumin for 1 h at room
STOX1 gene (van Dijk et al.)15 and the gene mutation of the parentally temperature, and subsequently incubated with a mouse monoclonal antibody
imprinted p57 gene (Kanayama et al.)16 The paternally imprinted H19 against 5-MC (0.5 mg ml1) at 4 1C overnight. The negative control was
gene is transcribed as an untranslated RNA that may serve as a prepared by replacing primary antibodies with non-immune mouse IgG at
riboregulator. The gene is located in close proximity to the maternally the same concentration. The slides were further incubated with horseradish
peroxidase streptavidin -conjugated anti-mouse IgG (Zhongshan Goldenbrige
imprinted IGF-2 gene on chromosome 11p15.5.17 Notably, the H19
Biotechnology, Beijing, China) for 30 min. Final visualization was performed by
null mice display hyperplasia of all layers of the placenta,18 and recent incubating the sections with a DAB Detection Kit (Zhongshan Goldenbrige
studies demonstrated the regulatory role of H19 in the invasive Biotechnology), and the staining time was tightly fixed at 5 min for every slide.
property of placental trophoblasts.19,20 The evidences strongly indicate The slides were evaluated under a light microscope (Olympus BX51, Tokyo,
that the H19 gene is critical to the early development of placenta. Japan), and the staining intensity of the antibody was analyzed by a semi-
However, it remains unclear as to the DNA methylation status in the quantitative analysis HSCORE.22 The HSCORE was calculated using the
promoter region of H19 gene in preeclamptic placenta. following equation: HSCORE¼SPi (i+1), where i was the staining intensity
In the present study, we investigated the extent of global DNA (1¼weak, 2¼moderate and 3¼strong), and Pi was the percentage of the
methylation in preeclamptic placentas obtained from a cohort of positively stained cells for each intensity varying from 0 to 100%. The
Chinese patients, and further compared the mRNA expression as assessment of staining intensity and HSCORE were evaluated in a double-
blind condition by three independent observers who did not know the disease
well as the methylation change in the promoter region of the paternally
status of the samples.
imprinted H19 gene between preeclamptic and normal placentas.
Characteristics Normal pregnancy (n¼24) Early-onset preeclampsia (n¼10) Late-onset preeclampsia (n¼14)
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; ND, not determined; SBP, systolic blood pressure; 50 g GCT, 50 g glucose challenge test.
Data are expressed as means±s.d. and compared by the one-way analysis of variance or independent sample t-test.
*Po0.05 vs. normal pregnancy.
Hypertension Research
Detection of DNA methylation in preeclampsia
W-l Gao et al
Pyrosequencing Sequence
Gene/Repeat PCR primers (5 ¢–3 ¢) primers (5 ¢–3 ¢) analyzed (5 ¢–3 ¢) PCR conditions PCR products
input RNA template, all results were normalized by using a geometric mean cycles of 95 1C for 5 s, 60 1C for 35 s. HRM was carried out at 95 1C for 15 s,
of the expression level of two internal control genes, GAPDH and b-actin.23 50 1C for 1 min and with a ramping from 60 to 95 1C rising by 0.1 1C every
To compare the expression levels among different samples, the relative second as recommended by the manufacturer. HRM data were analyzed using
mRNA level was calculated using the 2DCT method recommended by the HRM software v2.0 (Applied Biosystems). The melting curves were
Schmittgen et al.24 In our experiments, 2DCT means 2(CTDNMTCTcontrol) normalized by the calculation of two normalization regions before and after
or 2(CTH19CTcontrol). In addition, product purity was confirmed by dissocia- the major fluorescence decrease representing the melting of the PCR product.
tion curve analysis and agarose gel electrophoresis. This algorithm allows the direct comparison of the samples that have different
starting fluorescence levels. Normalization regions were in the range 74–76 and
Genomic DNA extraction and bisulfite treatment 85–88 1C. A differential profile was then evaluated for each sample by
Genomic DNA was extracted from cells or frozen tissues using a genomic DNA comparing fluorescence at the melting point against the value of fluorescence
extraction kit (ZR Genomic DNA II Kit; Zymo Research, Orange, CA, USA) of the negative control (unmethylated DNA). Values of relative fluorescent
according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Bisulfite modification of genomic density for reference DNA standards were plotted against the corresponding
DNA was carried out by using the EZ DNA Methylation-Gold Kit (Zymo methylation level to generate a typical standard curve, against which the
Research) following the manufacturer’s instructions. methylation level of each unknown sample was evaluated.
Hypertension Research
Detection of DNA methylation in preeclampsia
W-l Gao et al
Figure 1 Immunohistochemical staining for 5-methylcytosine in preeclamptic and control placentas. Figures show a relatively higher staining intensity in the
early-onset preeclamptic placenta villus than in the normal controls. Bar¼100 mm.
Hypertension Research
Detection of DNA methylation in preeclampsia
W-l Gao et al
Figure 3 DNMT1 (a), DNMT3a (b) and DNMT3b (c) mRNA levels in placentas were determined by real-time PCR. The expression of DNMTs was normalized
by the control genes GAPDH and b-actin. The expression of DNMT1 was significantly higher in the early onset, but not in the late-onset preeclamptic
placentas when compared with the normal controls. Placental DNMT3a and DNMT3b expressions did not show any statistically significant difference among
the three groups, though the level of DNMT3a in the early-onset preeclamptic placentas was relatively higher than in normal control. *Po0.05 vs. Control.
Hypertension Research
Detection of DNA methylation in preeclampsia
W-l Gao et al
relative to normal placentas.44 Partial hydatidiform moles is charac- experiments, we examined the expression of DNMTs and H19 as well
terized by placenta overgrowth, trophoblastic hyperplasia and as global methylation and H19 methylation in placentas derived from
abnormal or absent fetus.45 These placenta phenotypes are to some six pre-term birth patients who delivered at gestational weeks 32–35.
extent similar to the observations in preeclamptic placenta where No evident differences in either DNMTs and H19 expression or global
immature intermediate trophoblasts are over proliferating.46 Cases of methylation and H19 methylation were found between these samples
PE in combination with partial hydatidiform mole have also been and term placentas (Supplementary Figure 2). Therefore, we used
reported in literatures.47,48 Taken together, these data demonstrate an normal term placentas as universal controls in our study. Meanwhile,
epigenetic disorder in placentas of women who suffered from gesta- the extensive microarray data of Winn et al. did not show the
tional diseases such as PE and partial hydatidiform mole. It remains to expression change of DNMTs and H19 genes during various develop-
be investigated whether global DNA hypermethylation in placenta is a mental stages in human placentas.54 What’s more, Fuke et al. demon-
causal factor for gestational diseases. strated that the global methylation (as measured by 5-MC content) in
The paternally imprinted H19 gene is transcribed as an untranslated human placenta increased on average by 10% at the first half of
RNA that may serve as a riboregulator. H19 is located in close pregnancy, but exhibited slight gestation-dependent difference at
proximity to the maternally imprinted IGF-2 gene on chromosome weeks 32 to term.55 The early-onset, late-onset preeclamptic placentas
11p15.517 and the H19 null mice display hyperplasia of all layers of the and normal control ones used in this study were at average gestational
placenta.18 These data strongly indicate that the H19 gene is critical to weeks 32.2, 36.8 and 38.3, respectively. Taken these evidences together,
the early development of placenta. The actual functions of the H19 we propose that the difference in the duration of the pregnancy
gene are still unclear. During pregnancy, the H19 gene in the devel- according to the disease status may have little influence on both global
oping placenta can be expressed either biallelically or monoallelically. methylation and H19 methylation and expression.
Its biallelic expression is confined to the placenta until 10 weeks of In general, the present study is the first report on the change of
gestation, after which it is predominantly, but not exclusively, global DNA methylation and H19 gene methylation in human
expressed from the maternal allele, and its paternal allele is proved preeclamptic placenta. The influence of such epigenetic change on
to be methylated.49 Some studies suggested that H19 might act as an placenta development as well as the occurrence of gestational diseases
oncogene in human gestational trophoblastic tumors, based on the needs further investigations.
evidences that high level and biallelic expression of H19 gene was
observed in human choriocarcinoma cells, as well as that H19 gene
expression was much higher in the tumors formed by choriocarci-
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
noma cells injected in nude mice.50 In human placenta, H19 expres-
sion was most pronounced in the invasive intermediate trophoblasts
and villous cytotrophoblasts, whereas its expression was negligible in ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
syncytiotrophoblasts. Such a differential expression pattern of H19 The work was supported by the grants from the Chinese National Special Fund
may be consistent with its proposed role in regulating the invasive for Basic Research Project (No: 2011CB944400), National Natural Sciences
property of trophoblasts.19,20 This possibility is supported by the data Foundation (No: 30530760) and the Knowledge Innovation Program in
from Walsh et al., who showed an invasion-promoting effect of H19 Chinese Academy of Sciences (No: KSCX2-EW-R-06).
gene in trophoblastic cells.51 The trophoblasts in preeclamptic placenta
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Hypertension Research