PSAF - Summarized Text
PSAF - Summarized Text
PSAF - Summarized Text
Accounting and
ACCRUAL BASIS: Under this basis, revenue is recorded when earned and
expenditure acknowledged as liabilities when known or benefits received.
Accrual basis of accounting uses the notion of legal obligation to record
financial transactions. Once there is a legally binding contract for the receipt
of, or render of service, recognition will be given to the income or
expenditure arising out of the contract.
It reveals an accurate picture of the state of financial affairs at the end
of the period.
It could be used for both economic and investment decision-making as
all parameters for performance appraisal are available.
It is very difficult to understand, especially by Non-Accountants.
It does not permit easy delegation of work in certain circumstances.
Contents of MTEF
Contents of the medium–term expenditure framework (MTEF) are as follows:
1. A macro–economic framework setting out the three financial years, the
underlying assumptions and an evaluation and analysis of the macro –
2. An expenditure and revenue framework which will set out:
Estimates of aggregate revenue for the federation for each financial year,
based on the pre – determined commodity reference price adopted and
tax revenue projections;
Aggregate expenditure for each of the next three financial years;
Minimum capital expenditure projection for the federation for each of the
next three financial years;
Aggregate tax expenditure projection for the federation for each of the
next three financial years.
3. A consolidated debt statement indicating and describing the fiscal significance
of the debt liability and measures to reduce the liability.
4. A statement of the nature and fiscal significance of contingent liabilities and
quasi – fiscal activities and measures to offset the crystallization of such
5. Fiscal strategy document setting out:
Federal Government‘s medium – term financial objectives.
The policies of the Federal Government for the medium term relating to
taxation, recurrent expenditure, borrowings, lending and investment and
other liabilities;
The strategies, economic, social and developmental priorities of
government for the next three financial years;
An explanation of the financial objectives, strategic, economic, social and
developmental priorities and fiscal measures.
Objectives of MTEF
a) To improve macroeconomic balance, including fiscal discipline through
good estimates of the available resource envelope, which are then used to
make budgets that fit squarely within the envelope;
b) To improve inter-and-intra-sectoral resource allocation by effectively
prioritizing all expenditure and dedicating resources only to the most
important ones;
c) To increase greater budget predictability as a result of commitment to
more credible sectoral budget ceilings;
d) To increase greater political accountability for expenditure outcomes
through legitimate decision making etc.
Annual budgets and the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework
The medium-term expenditure framework shall be the basis for the preparation
of the estimates of revenue and expenditure to be presented to the National
The annual budget must be accompanied by:
a) A copy of the underlying revenue and expenditure profile for the next two
b) A report setting out actual and budgeted revenue and expenditure with a
detailed analysis of the performance of the budget for the 18 months up to
June of the preceding financial year;
c) A fiscal target broken down into monthly collection targets;
d) Measures of cost, cost control and evaluation of result of programmes
financed with budgetary resources;
e) A fiscal target document derived from the underlying medium-term
expenditure framework setting out the following targets for the relevant
financial year:
i. Target inflation rate
ii. Target fiscal account balances
iii. Any other development targets deemed appropriate
f) A fiscal risk document evaluating the fiscal and other related risks to the
annual budget and specifying measures to be taken to offset the occurance of
such risks
Fiscal transparency refers to the publication of information on how governments
raise fund, spend and manage public resources. Also, this is the aspect of
accountability which requires government to carry out all aspects of budgeting
responsibilities with openness, trust, basic values and ethical standards so that it
will have nothing to hide from public. Where a government has something to
hide, public reporting is more likely to be unreliable and less comprehensive in
order to hide material facts.
Transparency International
The mission of Transparency International is to stop corruption and promote
transparency, accountability and integrity at all levels and across all sectors,
while the vision is a world in which government, politics, business, civil society
and the daily lives of people are free of corruption. The core values are:
transparency, accountability, integrity, solidarity, courage, justice and
Achievement of Transparency International
The creation of international anti-corruption conventions;
The prosecution of corrupt leaders and seizures of their illicitly gained
National elections won and lost on tackling corruption; and
Companies held accountable for their behavior both at home and abroad.
Chapter Four
The Financial Regulation No. 107 of January, 2009, defines the Accountant-
General of the Federation as ―The Chief Accounting Officer of the receipts and
payments of the government of the Federation. He is saddled with the
responsibility of general supervision of the accounts of all ministries, extra-
ministerial departments and the preparation of annual financial statements of
the nation as any be required by the Honourable Minister of Finance.
(iii) Section 85(2) of the Constitution of the Federation Republic of Nigeria 1999,
provides that the Public accounts of the Federation and of all Offices and Courts
of the federation shall be audited and reported on by the auditor-General who
shall submit his report to the National Assembly.
In accordance with Government Financial Regulations, Accounting Officers are
the Permanent Secretaries of the Ministries and Heads of Extra-Ministerial
Departments. They are saddled with the responsibility of the day-to-day financial
affairs of the Ministries and Extra-Ministerial Departments.
In compliance with their special role under the Public Procurement Act, all
accounting officers of ministries, extra – ministerial offices and other arms of
government are hereby charged with the following responsibilities.
They shall:
a) preside over the activities of their Tenders Boards for the proper planning and
evaluation of tenders and execution of procurements;
b) ensure that adequate appropriation is available for procurements in their
annual budget;
c) integrate their entity‘s procurement expenditure into its yearly budget
d) ensure the establishment of a procurement planning committee over whose
activities they shall preside;
e) constitute a procurement evaluation committee for the efficient evaluation of
f) constitute a Procurement Committee;
g) render annual returns of procurement records to the Bureau of Public
Procurement etc.
According to Government Regulation, this is an officer other than a Sub-
Accounting Officer, who is charged with the disbursement of public money whose
vouchers cannot be presented immediately to a Sub-Accounting Officer. He has
to keep an Imprest Cash Book.
An imprest is defined as a small amount of money set aside to meet petty cash
payments, the vouchers of which cannot be presented to a Sub-Accounting
Officer immediately. An imprest holder is therefore a petty cashier who handles
such float of money and keeps necessary records for restoration to the earlier
amount granted, at the appropriate time.
There are two types of imprest, namely:
Standing Imprest: This imprest is operated from the commencement to the
end of a financial year (1 January to 31 December of each year). On the last
working day of the year, an account is rendered and all unspent balances
Special Imprest: This imprest is operated from the commencement of a
financial year until the objectives for which it is set up have been achieved.
Upon the attainment of such objectives, an account will be rendered and all
unspent balances shall lapse.
Below-the-line accounts: These are the accounts created and controlled by the
Accountant-General of the Federation, of which at the time of preparation of the
budget, the exact amount of income receivable and expenditure incurable cannot
be reasonably ascertained. The expenditure under the accounts is not budgeted
for in the estimates. E.g Touring advance, motor vehicle advance, housing loan,
salary advance, and deposits. The term also includes remittances and cash
transfers in respect of the Nigerian Army, Police and Para-Military Organisations.
Federal pay officer: This is an officer who is in charge of a Federal Pay Office in
the State. He performs the same functions as those of a Sub-Accounting Officer.
However, although the Sub-Accounting Officer is at the headquarters of each
Ministry, the Federal Pay Officer handles the processing of all financial
transactions between the Federal and State Governments, the Local Government
Councils and all branches of the Federal Government Ministries in the States
wherever located.
Account current: This is the balance on account between two or more persons
(principal and his agent), showing what is due from one person to another.
Account currents are often used to take care of transactions between the Federal
and State government and their agencies.
Nigeria Customs Service (NCS): As its coming into being in 1891, Nigeria
Customs Service was saddled with the responsibilities of revenue collection,
accounting for same and anti-smuggling activities. The Nigeria Customs Service
is the second highest revenue source after crude oil. The Nigeria Customs
Service statutory functions can be broadly classified into two main categories
namely, core and other functions. The core functions include:
Collection of Revenue i.e. Import and Excise Duties and Accounting for the
revenues collected
Prevention and suppression of smuggling. Other functions are:
VALUE-ADDED TAX (VAT): VAT is a tax imposed on value which the supplier
or seller of good/services add to the goods/services before selling it. VAT was
introduced in 1994 fiscal year with the promulgation of VAT Decree No. 102 of
1993 at the rate of 5% and is being administered by Federal Inland Revenue
Service (FIRS).
From VAT revenue, 4% cost of collection is allocated to Federal Inland Revenue
Service. After this, the net VAT revenue is shared among the three tiers of
government in the following proportion: Federal Government 15%, State
Governments 50% and Local Government Councils 35%.
The existence of the Development Fund was solidified by the 1999 Constitution
of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, although created earlier by Section 25 of the
Finance (Control &Management) Act of 1958. The Fund was established for the
purpose of capital development projects.
The Contingency Fund has its legality under Section 81 of 1979, and 1989
Constitutions and Section 83 of the 1999 Constitution. The Fund is set up to
meet unforeseen expenditure urgent situations occasioned by natural disasters.
The Contingency Fund derives its income from the Consolidated Revenue Fund.
i. The commissioner charged with the responsibility for local government in
the state to be the chairman thereof;
ii. The chairman of each local government council in the state;
iii. Two representatives of the Accountant General of the Federation;
iv. A representative of the Accountant General of the State;
v. Two persons to be appointed by the Governor of the State; and
vi. The Permanent Secretary of the State Ministry charged with responsibility
for local government or such officer as may be designated by the said
Commissioner shall be the Secretary to the Committee.
Allocations made to the local government councils in the state from the
Federation Account and from the state concerned are promptly paid into
the State Joint Local Government Account; and
Distributed to local government councils in accordance with the provisions
of any law made by the House of Assembly of the State
The term ―Revenue Control‖ describes the various checks put in place to ensure
that all moneys due are received and accounted for. The revenue control system
in the public sector is designed to have the following elements:
Revenue collections and accounts receivable should be monitored in a
timely manner. Both actual and budgeted or forecast revenues should be
monitored. Any significant variance of actual from the forecast or
budgeted revenue should be investigated thoroughly
Policing the Revenue Administration System to ensure that services are
not rendered without charges being levied.
Timely issuance of demand notices and follow-up action to track down
Timely issuance of all revenue documents.
Prompt lodgment into the bank of all moneys received.
Establishment of authority limits for revenue handling.
Establishment of functional system of internal controls and constant
review of procedures.
FUND ACCOUNTING: The word ‗Fund‘ has been defined as ―a separate fiscal and
accounting entity in which resources are held, governed by special regulations,
separated from other funds and established for specific purposes.‖ The fund
system of accounting is operated through series of rules and laws that are
passed by the Legislature, to ensure that the resources are well utilized by the
relevant government institutions.
Funds can be classified into three categories, namely:
i. Government Funds: They are used to accrue for resources which are
derived from the general tax and revenue powers of Government.
Examples are debt service fund, special fund and revolving fund.
ii. Proprietary Funds: These are funds used to account for the resources
derived from the business activities of Government and its Agencies such
as the Parastatals.
iii. Fiduciary Funds: These are used to account for resources held and
managed by Government in the capacity of a custodian or trustee. Such
funds are Petroleum Technology Development Fund, Trust and Agency
Fund and Pension Trust Fund.
a) General Fund: It is a fund established for resources which are devoted to
financing the general administration or services of Government. It is also
called Consolidated Revenue Fund. Section 5 of the Finance (Control and
Management) Act of 1958) Cap 144, 1990 stipulates that the management of
the Fund shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Constitution of
b) Capital Project Fund: This is a Fund created to accommodate resources
meant for the acquisition of capital assets or facilities. It is also known as
Development Fund. It came into existence by virtue of Section 18 of Finance
(Control and Management) Act of 1958.
c) Special Fund: It is a Fund created for specific purposes, e.g. South African
Relief Fund, African Staff Housing Scheme Fund(A.S.H.S.).
d) Trust Fund: It is a Fund whose resources are held by Government as a
trustee. It is used for the purpose stated in the Trust Deed, e.g. Petroleum
Technology Development Fund and Research Foundation Fund.
e) Contingency Fund: It is a Fund whose resources are meant for expenditure or
anticipated expenditure of uncertain amounts. An example is the expenditure
on natural disaster. Section 15 of the Finance (Control and Management) Act
1958 brought the Fund into existence.
f) Inter-Governmental Service Fund: This is established to provide service to
other Funds, e.g. Government Clearance Fund which helps to maintain
(transitionally) the balance between the Federal Government and other State
Governments in respect of transactions.
g) Revolving Fund: Revolving Fund is also known as Working Capital Fund. It is
created to finance services provided by a designated unit to other
Departments within a single Governmental set-up. An example of a Revolving
Fund is Revolving Loan Fund.
h) Self-liquidating Fund: This is a Fund into which resources are transferred
periodically and out of which any money or amount left has to be transferred
to a current fund, e.g. Deposit Fund. Deposits are moneys held on behalf of
third parties.
Chapter Seven
Expenditure control could be defined as the strings of coordinated actions which
have to be taken to ensure that all expenditures are ‗wholly‘, ‗necessarily‘,
‗reasonably‘ and ‗exclusively‘ incurred for the purposes for which they are
meant. Expenditure control is an important element of budget execution and
financial resources management accountability system. Through effective
expenditure control system, the agencies will not only be able to maintain high
level of fiscal discipline but will also be able to implement planned activities
within the approved appropriations. The objective of assessment of expenditure
control is to determine whether all expenditures have been approved and utilized
for the intended.
The following are the basic controls exercised over Government expenditure:
(a) The Executive Control.
(b) The Legislative Control.
(c) The Ministry of Finance Control.
(d) The Treasury Control (Office of the Accountant - General of the Federation)
(e) The Departmental Control.
(f) Office of the Auditor - General for the Federation.
THE EXECUTIVE CONTROL: The Executive comprises the President and his
cabinet members who have the responsibility for the efficient and effective
control of the administration of the country – politically, socially and
economically. Which means the cabinet of Nigeria is the Executive Branch of the
Government of Nigeria.
The Cabinet oversees Federal Ministries, each responsible for some aspect of
providing government services, as well as a number of parastatals.
The President, in order to satisfy the provisions of the Constitution also appoints
a Cabinet Committee on Estimates, to advise him on the contemplated policy
measures. The policy measures contemplated are then transmitted to the
Budget Department in the Presidency. This development in turn leads to the
issuance of guidelines on the preparation of the Budget. As a result, effective
supervision is exercised on all the Agencies involved in budget operation. Any
Unit of the Government whose requirements are higher than the ‗control figures‘
already issued, is invited to defend the excess request.
In summary, the executive control government expenditure through the
following means:
I. Determination of monetary policies generally;
II. Compilation and tentative approval of the nation‘s budget at the Federal
Executive Council;
III. Appointment of the Auditor-General for the federation;
IV. Issuance of budgetary guidelines; and
V. Introduction of due process principle.
Note: There is no need to prepare adjusted cashbook using the above format
The TSA is a bank account or set of linked accounts through which Government
transacts financial operations. It is a unified structure that gives consolidated
view of Government Cash resources with a view to strengthening effective
budget implementation, check idle cash balances, make planning easy and allow
for effective decision making.
The cardinal objective of TSA is to facilitate the implementation of an effective
Cash flow Policy with a view to:
a) Ensuring that sufficient cash is available as and when needed to meet
payment commitments;
b) Controlling the aggregate of cash flows within fiscal, monetary and legal
c) Improving the management of Government‘s domestic borrowing
d) Enhancing operating efficiency through the provision of high quality services
at minimal costs;
e) Investing of excess or idle cash;
f) Ensuring greater accountability in public expenditure.
1. The ―Pure‖ TSA – Model 1 - No account sub-structure; all deposit and
payment transactions processed through a single bank account. This is
relatively rare
2. The Decentralised TSA -Model 2
Separate accounts, in commercial banks or central bank, zero balanced
overnight (ZBAs)
More normal in a decentralised environment where commercial banks
process transactions
Each ministry/agency makes its own payments and directly operates the
respective bank account under the TSA system.
Ministry of Finance sets the cash disbursement limits (based on unit of
appropriation) for control purposes
a) E-Payment- The Federal Government of Nigeria commenced the
implementation of Treasury Single Account (TSA) in April, 2012, with the e-
payment component. It is a direct payment through electronic transfer to an
individual or an organisation using the medium of computer technology.
The objectives of IPPIS are as follows:
a) Facilitates planning: Having all the civil service records in a centralized
database will aid manpower planning as well as assist in providing
information for decision- making.
b) Aid Budgeting: An accurate recurrent expenditure budget on emolument
could be planned and budgeted for on a yearly basis.
c) Monitors the monthly payment of staff emolument against what was provided
for in the budget.
d) Ensures database integrity so that personnel information is correct and intact.
e) Eliminates payroll fraud such as ghost workers syndrome.
f) Facilitates easy storage, updating and retrieval of personnel records for
administrative and pension processes.
The purpose of introducing GIFMIS is to assist the FGN in improving the
management, performance and outcomes of Public Financial Management (PFM).
The immediate purpose of
this project is to enable an executable budget, i.e. a budget which can be
implemented as planned by addressing the critical public financial management
weaknesses including:
- Failure to enact the budget before the start of the financial year.
The overall objective is to implement a computerized financial management
information system for the FGN, which is efficient, effective, and user friendly
and which:
i. Increases the ability of FGN to undertake central control and monitoring of
expenditure and receipts in the MDAs.
ii. Increases the ability to access information on financial and operational
iii. Increases internal controls to prevent and detect potential and actual
iv. Increases the ability to access information on Government‘s cash position
and economic performance.
v. Improves medium term planning through a Medium Term Expenditure
Framework (MTEF).
vi. Provides the ability to understand the costs of groups of activities and
vii. Increases the ability to demonstrate accountability and transparency to the
public and cooperating partners.
Chapter Ten
A voucher is a documentary evidence of payment or receipt of money which is
available for future reference, accounting and auditing purposes. It is the
document that serves as evidence of receipt or disbursement of government
money, with adequate authority and procedures. Specifically, Government
Financial Regulation states that all payments must be by means of the
prescribed form.
Vouchers may be classified into three major categories, viz:
(a) Payment Vouchers.
(b) Receipt Vouchers.
(c) Adjustment Vouchers.
PAYMENT VOUCHERS: These are vouchers that serve as evidence for the
disbursement of government fund. It is to prove that there has been payment
for goods supplied and services provided for any Ministry, agency or department.
Vouchers are prepared at the point where payments are to be effected.
A receipt voucher is a documentary evidence that the sum stated thereon has
been received. Any receipt into the Government purse must be supported with
―Treasury Form 15‖ (Pay-In-Form) with attached ―Treasury Receipt Book 6‖
before it is regarded as an authentic receipt voucher.
The Revenue unit of the Accounts section of a Ministry or Department will render
stewardship for all revenue generated during the year, by issuing receipts,
counterfoil books, licences and emblems.
Adjustment voucher is a documentary evidence of formal entries which enables
transfers to be made from one account to another without actual receipt or
payment of Cash.
Adjustment voucher is used in any of the following circumstances:
(a) Payment for Inter-Ministerial Services.
(b) Correction of accounting errors arising from misclassification.
(c) Ultimate allocation of unallocated stores.
(d) Carrying out adjustments or transfers between accounts.
Adjustments are usually initiated by the creditor department and sent to the
debtor department for acceptance of the charge.
It is maintained to record the names of all civil servants within a Ministry or
Department. It serves as a control against the insertion of ghost workers in the
payrolls. It register‟ the Personal Emolument Card Number, the name of the
officer, rank and date registered. The number in the register should correspond
with the control number in the Personal Emolument Card.
Transcript can be classified into three, namely: (a) Main Transcript; (b)
Supplementary Transcript; and (c) Subsidiary Transcript.
Main transcript is the transcript prepared by the Self-Accounting units and
submitted to the Accountant-General of the Federation on monthly basis. It is
also referred to as cash transcript.
Supplementary transcript is the main adjustment to the main transcript prepared
in conformity with the principle of Double Entry.
Subsidiary transcript is prepared to complement the main transcript. It is used
to correct errors or omissions in the Main Transcript.
A Self-Accounting Unit is a Ministry or Extra-Ministerial Department which has
full control over all its accounting records. The Unit relates to the Treasury (i.e.
the Accountant-General‘s office), through the preparation of transcripts.
Examples of Self-Accounting Units are: (a) Ministry of Finance (b) Ministry of
Works (c) Ministry of Education e.t.c
Unallocated Stores: -Unallocated Stores are those purchased for general stock
rather than for a particular work or service, for which the final vote of charge
cannot be stated at the time of purchase. The cost of unallocated stores is
chargeable to the unallocated stores sub-head in the approved estimate of
expenditure, and later treated as allocated stores when issued.
Expendable Stores: - These are stores that are used in the day-to-day activities
of an organization. They have a life span of about 2 to 5 years. They include
Computer, Television, and Farm implements such as cutlasses, shovels and
Non-Expendable Stores: - These are stores that can be used for a long period of
time. They need only maintenance and repairs when required. They have a life
span of 5 years and above. Examples of the stores are plant and machinery,
building, motor vehicles, and furniture.
Consumable Stores:- They are used in the day-to-day running of an
establishment. They are used up immediately demand is made for them. An
example of consumable stores is Stationery.
Store records are contained in the stock ledger accounts which are extracted
from vouchers. In the case of unallocated stores, the quantities, values and
balances are recorded in the stock ledgers and vouchers.
It is worthy of note that a storekeeper is not responsible for the maintenance of
store ledgers. This duty is assigned to the store officer.
The store officer is required to keep separate ledgers for different items of
stores. All items of stores should be serially recorded and arranged. All stores
that belong to the same class should be recorded in one single ledger.
There may arise a situation where one store in a department is out of stock of a
particular item. In this case, items may be transferred from other store. The
transfer is carried out by raising a stores transfer requisition (STR) by the first
store making the request. The STR will be prepared in duplicate and the original
forwarded to the issuing store. The latter then issues a store issue voucher
(SIV), also in duplicate, a copy of which will accompany the transferred stores.
The other copy will serve as a receipt voucher.
Before the storekeeper issues out any requisition for stores, a store requisition
form (SRF) will have to be prepared and signed by the authorized officer of the
department or unit where the material is needed. All stores issue voucher
(SIV‟s) will be prepared to support all store issues on the prescribed forms. An
SIV is to be prepared in duplicate. The storekeeper will update his records by
posting the tally or bin cards, with the information on the quantity and dates of
This may arise where an officer is re-deployed to another department or station
entirely. It could also be due to an officer embarking on annual or casual leave.
The following procedure is to be observed in the handover of stores: -
1) The officer taking over the stores should ensure that items in the store tally
with the records in the store ledger or bin card.
2) Where the out-going officer is not available, an appointment of a stock
verifier is effected to hand-over the store to the in-coming one.
3) Where there are no differences between the physical stores and those of the
ledger records, the incoming and outgoing officers will sign Treasury Form 10
4) Where there are differences resulting in the loss of stores, the outgoing
officer will be held responsible.
Where a Board of Survey has condemned some items of stores and approval
given to write them off, a store issue voucher has to support the issue of the
stores, duly authenticated.
In Government Accounting, ―survey‖ refers to a situation where one Officer or a
group of Officers are charged with the responsibility of making the examination
of something and submitting a report on it thereafter. A Board of Survey on cash
and bank is made up of members appointed by the Accountant-General to
ascertain the balances to be surrendered by each Ministry or Extra-Ministerial
Department at the end of each financial year.
A Board of Survey is convened by the Accountant-General of the Federation,
mostly at the end of each financial year.
Classes of Boards of Survey:
Boards of Survey can be classified into:
(i) Survey of cash and bank balance
(ii) Survey of stamps balance
(iii) Survey of stores, plant, buildings and equipment.
A ‗Board‘ can be defined as a group of one or more persons set up for a specific
purpose. The word ―enquiry ‖ means a ―question‖, an ―investigation‖ as to make
inquiries about something. These two separate definitions put together therefore
suggest a situation in which one or more persons are constituted into a Board to
conduct an investigation.
A Local Government Treasurer office is established by law and is empowered to
control and manage the Council‘s finances. The functions of Local Government
Council Treasurer, as contained in the Civil Services and Local Government
Reform of 1988, include:
(a) Rendering financial advice to the Council;
(b) Serve as the Secretary to the Budget Committee;
(c) Receiving and disbursing money for the authorized ends;
(d) Keeping proper accounting records of money collected or utilized;
(e) Verifying the accuracy and integrity of all accounting records;
(f) Ensuring compliance with all financial instructions or laws for safe custody of
the Council money;
(g) Ensuring that vouchers are correctly made out and that funds are available in
the appropriate vote of charge;
(h) Rendering necessary contemplated statutory returns to the State and Federal
Functions of FAC
Receiving and considering monthly expenditure proposals of all
Departments as collated by the Treasurer;
Arranging the payment of contractors‘ fees and approving all
disbursements from the coffers of the Council, especially for the
settlement of personnel emolument; and
Deliberating on the monthly financial statements prepared by the
External Controls
The following are the external control measures:
(a) Legislative control (National Assembly and State Assembly)
(b) Federal Government and State Executive Control.
(c) Control by the general public comments by individuals on Local
Government Councils.
(d) External auditor control. Control from:
(i) Auditor-General for the Local Government;
(ii) Auditor-General for the State; and
(iii) Auditor-General for the Federation of Nigeria.
The problems facing local government councils are as follows:
a. Local Government Councils are not allowed to raise tax or introduce a new
form of tax without express permission from the State Government.
b. They have limited revenue sources.
c. They cannot raise loans or maintain loan funds without permission.
d. Because they cannot raise loans, Councils find it difficult to execute essential
capital development projects.
e. Poor revenue collections may cause delay in the payment of staff salaries and
difficulty in executing essential capital development projects.
f. The non-payment or delay in payment of Federal/State Government grants or
shares of oil revenues to the local authorities.
g. The non-viability of certain local authorities, especially those whose areas
have small population figures.
h. Rising cost and increasing demand for improved services.
i. Ineffective financial and management controls, internally and externally.
The council x x
Office of the secretary x x
Education department x x
Works housing x x
Traditional office x x
Education x x
Environmental sewage x x
Agricultural and rural development x x
Transportation x x
Workshop x x
B x x
General Revenue Balance (A-B) X X
General Revenue x
Liabilities x
Investing Activities:
Purchase/Consolidated of assets (x) (x)
Purchase of financial market instruments (x) (x)
Proceeds from sale of assets x x
Net cash flow from investing activities B x x
Financing Activities:
Proceeds from loans and others x x
Borrowings x x
Repayment of loan (x) (x)
Net cash flow from financing activities C x x
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash
equivalent (A+B+C) x x
Cash and cash equivalent at the beginning x x
Cash and cash equivalent at the end x x
Assets and Liabilities for the year ended December 31, ……….
Local Government Council
Current year Previous Year
₦M ₦M
Liquid assets x x
Cash and bank balances x x
Investments and other cash assets:
Investments x x
Advances x x
Others x x
Total investment and other cash assets x x
Public funds:
General revenue balance x x
External and Internal loans:
External and internal loans x x
Deposits x x
Loans x x
Total liabilities x x
Revenue and Expenditure for the year ended December 31, ---------
Actual Budget Actual Variance
Previous Year Current Year Current Year
₦M ₦M ₦M %
xx Opening balance xx xx xx
xx Add: Revenue
xx Rates xx xx xx
xx Fines, fees and licenses xx xx xx
xx Earning and sales xx xx xx
xx Rent on government properties xx xx xx
xx Interest and dividend xx xx xx
xx Taxes xx xx xx
xx Statutory revenue allocation xx xx xx
xx Total Revenue a xx xx xx
Less: Expenditure
xx General administration xx xx xx
xx Health and environment xx xx xx
xx Works and housing xx xx xx
xx Education xx xx xx
xx Agric. And social development xx xx xx
xx Grants and subsides xx xx xx
xx Capital projects xx xx xx
xx Miscellaneous expenses xx xx xx
xx Total expenditure b xx xx xx
xx Balance (a-b) xx xx
This is computed by aggregating all the various incomes accruing to a particular
ministry, state or local government. The revenue of the government is derived
from Oil and Non–Oil sources. It refers to all government revenue, which accrue
into the Federation Account, Consolidated Revenue Fund, Contingency Fund and
Development Fund.
Purposes of Revenue Budget
The following are the purposes of revenue budget.
(a) To determine the level of aggregate income receivable by the government;
(b) To determine the level of expenditure acceptable to the government;
(c) To determine areas of weakness in terms of revenue generation;
(d) To identify the major sources of income to the government;
(e) To evolve policies that will enhance revenue generation to the government.
The preparation of cash budgets is part of the budgetary control exercise. It
forecasts the cash inflows (receipts) and outflows (payments) of a Ministry or
Parastatal, usually over three to six months at a time. Cash budgeting is
designed principally to stave off liquidity problems.
Objectives of NCOA
To give ample opportunity for comparability
Unification and harmonization of coding, budgeting, accounting and
reporting system
To bring about global interpretation of Nigeria General Purpose Financial
Statements (GPFS)
Nationally consistent financial reporting
Improvement in transparency and accountability
To facilitate ease of computerization of accounting system
Features of NCOA
i. NCOA was designed after due consultations with all Local Government
Councils, State and Federal Government of Nigeria taking into
consideration their peculiar needs;
ii. Expandable/Flexible
iii. Each item has a unique code
iv. Used for both budgeting and accounting
v. IPSAS cash and accrual basis compliant
vi. Government financial statistics (GFS) 2001 compliant; and
vii. Incompliance with the classification of functions of government
Advantages of NCOA
i. NCOA harmonized all the various COA of Federal, States and Local
Government Councils to a standardized COA that will enhance the
attainment of minimum reporting requirement that is in line with
international best practices.
ii. NCOA comprises the coding of items used for classification, budgeting,
accounting and reporting within the financial year.
iii. It serves to facilities the recording of all transactions and is directly linked
to General Purpose Financial Statements (GPFS)
Non-Personal Advances: They are authorized by the Minister of Finance
through the Accountant-General of the Federation. Specifically, a non-personal
advance is one granted to an officer to carry out certain tasks for the
organisation. This type of advance has to be retired within a reasonable time;
otherwise, the total sum advanced shall be deducted from the officer‘s salary.
Also, they are advances used to write off loss of public funds through theft,
overpayment, misappropriation, fraud or revenue written off.
Correspondence Advances
This is an advance granted for taking correspondence courses. It is interest free.
Conditions for granting Correspondence Advance
i. The officer must be competent and have the required qualification to
proceed on the course.
ii. The course to be taken must be relevant to his job.
iii. The course on completion must be able to improve his efficiency and
iv. The course must be taken in an approved and recognized institution.
v. That the officer will enter into agreement for repayment.
vi. That the officer produces receipts to show that the whole advance has
been appropriately utilized.
Repayment: It is payable on monthly instalments for a period of 1-2 years.
Spectacle Advance
This is granted to an officer for the procurement of spectacles which has been
prescribed by government medical officer and an optician.
Repayment: - Minimum period of 6-months instalmental payment.
The data required for determining entitlements are;
Length of service
Terminal salary and pensionable allowance
Rates of entitlement to gratuity and pension
Rules on deferred pension and exception thereto
Rules on special pension e.g. incapacity or injury pension
Eligibility of wife and children to pension.
{(N-1)2} % + 30%
Death of Employee
Where an employee dies:
The entitlement under the life insurance policy maintained shall be paid to
his retirement savings account.
The pension fund administrator shall add the amount paid from life
insurance policy in favour of the beneficiary under a will or the spouse and
children of the deceased or the child, or to the recorded next of kin or any
person designated,
d) Upon receipt of the contributions remitted under (c) (ii) above, the
Pension Fund Custodian shall notify the Pension Fund Administrator
who shall cause to be credited the retirement savings account of the
employee for whom the employer had made the payment;
e) Where an employee fails to open such Retirement Savings Account
within a period of six months after assumption of duty, his employer
shall, subject to guidelines issued by the Commission, request a
Pension Fund Administrator to open a nominal retirement savings
account for such employee for the remittance of his pension
f) An employer who fails to deduct or remit the contributions within the
time stipulated in subsection (c) (ii) above shall, in addition to making
the remittance already due, be liable to a penalty to be stipulated by
the Commission;
g) The penalty referred to in (f) above shall not be less than 2 percent of
the total contribution that remains unpaid for each month or part of
each month the default continues and the amount of the penalty shall
be recoverable as a debt owed to the employee‘s retirement savings
account, as the case maybe;
h) An employee shall not have access to his retirement savings account or
have any dealing with the Pension Fund Custodian with respect to the
retirement savings account except through the Pension Fund
Administrator; and
i) The commission shall determine the cost of recovery of un-remitted
contributions and the sources to defray the cost, which may include
the amount recovered as penalty pursuant to subsection (6) of this
Prohibited Transactions
A Pension Fund Administrator shall not:
i. Hold any pension fund or asset;
ii. Keep any pension fund or asset with a Pension Fund Custodian in whom
the Pension Fund Administrator has any business interest, share or any
relationship whatsoever;
iii. Engage in any business transaction or trade in any manner with the
Pension Fund Administrator as a counterpart or with the subsidiary in
relation to pension fund or assets; and
iv. Divert or convert pension funds and assets as well as any income or
brokerage, commission arising from the investment of pension fund or
asset or by any other means.
Prescribed Structure of Pension Fund Administration
The following Standing Committees are required to carry out the Fund‘s
functions and ensure compliance with the Act:
a) Risk Management
i. To determine the risk profile of the investing portfolios of the
Pension Fund Administrator
ii. Draw up programmes of adjustments in the case of deviations
iii. Determine the level of reserves to cover the risk of the investment
iv. Advise the Pension Fund Administrators in maintaining adequate
internal control measures and procedures.
v. Carry out such other functions relating to risk management as the
Pension Board may direct.
b) Investment Strategy Committee
i. Formulate strategies for complying with investment guidelines
issued by the Commission
ii. Determine an optimum investment mix consistent with risk profile
agreed by the Board of the Pension Fund Administration
iii. Evaluate the value of the daily ‗mark-to-market‘ portfolios and
make proposals to the Board of the Pension Fund Administration
iv. On a periodic basis, review the performance of the major securities
of the investment portfolios of the Pension Fund Administration.
v. Carry out such other functions relating to investment strategy as
the Board may determine from time to time.
Restricted Investments
a) A Pension Fund Administrator shall not invest pension fund or assets in
shares or restricted investment securities issued by the Pension Fund
Administrator or its Pension Fund Custodian; and a shareholder of the
Pension Fund Administrator or its Pension Fund Custodian.
b) A Pension Fund Administrator shall not sell:
i. Pension fund assets to itself, any shareholder, director, affiliate,
subsidiary, associate, related party or company of the Pension Fund
Administrator, any employee of the Pension Fund Administrator,
affiliates of any shareholder of the Pension Fund Administrator, or the
Pension Fund Custodian holding pension fund assets to the order of the
Pension Fund Administrator and any related party to the Pension Fund
ii. Utilize pension fund to purchase assets from the persons mentioned in
subsection (a) of this section; and
iii. Apply pension fund assets under its management by way of loans and
credits or as collateral for any loan taken by a holder of retirement
savings account or any person whatsoever.
a) Contributions shall be made in Nigerian currency(Naira)
b) Micro pension contributors may make contributions daily, weekly, monthly
or as may be convenient to them provided that contributions will be made
in any given year
c) Every contribution shall be split into two comprising 40% for contingent
withdrawals and 60% for retirement benefits
d) The amount of contribution shall be dependent on the micro pension
contributor‘s pension aspiration and financial capacity
e) Both PFAs and PFCs are required to inform the Economic and Financial
Crime Commission of any single lodgment of N5 Million and above.
f) Contributions shall be made by cash deposit, electronically, through any
payment instrument/platform or other financial service agents approved
by the Central Bank of Nigeria.
g) The PFC shall immediately advise the PFA upon receipt of value of
h) Upon receipt of notification from the PFC, the PFA shall immediately notify
the micro pension contributor
i) PFAs shall charge a maximum administration fees of eight naira (N80) for
contributions of Four Thousand Naira (N4,000) and above while a
maximum administration fees of twenty naira (N20) shall be charged on
RSAs for contributions below the sum of Four Thousand Naira (N4,000)
Contingent withdrawal
i. The micro pension contributor shall be eligible to access the portion of
his/her contribution available for withdrawal 3 months after making the
initial contribution.
ii. Subsequently, the micro pension contributor can only make withdrawals
once in a week from the balance of the contingent portion of the RSA.
iii. The micro pension contributor may withdraw the total balance of the
contingent portion of his/her RSA including all accrued investment income
iv. The micro pension contributor may choose to convert the contingent
portion of the contributions to the retirement benefits portion at the end
of every year.
v. The time frame for processing and payment of contingent withdrawals
shall not exceed two working days.
vi. Payment shall be made only to the Micro Pension Contributor‘s designated
bank account.
vii. The PFA shall approve and pay all requests for contingent withdrawals.
viii. The PFA shall notify the commission of all payments made monthly
ix. Contingent withdrawals shall be subject to applicable tax laws in
accordance with the provisions of Section 10(4) of the PRA 2014.
Contract registers
Copies of all contract agreements must be forwarded to the Accounts Division of
relevant ministry or extra-ministerial department. They should be entered in a
contract register maintained.
The register will contain the following information
a) Name and address of contractor;
b) Contract sum;
c) Contract number;
d) Contingency and variation (if any);
e) Payment terms;
f) Completion period of contract work;
g) File number;
h) Particulars of payment and balance outstanding;
i) Signature of officer controlling expenditure.
In the case of a big project in respect of which there are many contracts a
project register may be maintained as a summary of various contracts, to
ascertained at any given time how much has been paid.
Government‘s Financial Regulation regards it as ―an offence for any public officer
to deliberately split tenders, contracts of works, purchases procurement or
services so as to circumvent the provisions of this chapter and the circular
earlier referred to. Such breach of the rules will be severely dealt with by a
competent disciplinary authority‖.
Invitation to bids
Invitations to bid may be either by way of National Competitive Bidding or
International Competitive Bidding and the Bureau shall from time to time set the
monetary thresholds for which procurements shall fall under either system, in
addition, the following procedures and practices should be adopted;
Bid Opening
The procuring entity shall:
i. Permit attendees to examine the envelopes in which the bids have been
submitted to ascertain that the bids have not been tampered with;
ii. Cause all the bids to be opened in public, in the presence of the bidders or
their representatives and any interested member of the public;
iii. Ensure that the bid opening takes place immediately following the
deadline stipulated for the submission of bids or any extension thereof;
iv. Ensure that a register is taken of the names and addresses of all those
present at the bid opening and the organizations they represent which is
recorded by the Secretary of the tenders board; and
v. Call-over to the hearing of all present, the name and address of each
bidder, the total amount of each bid, the bid currency and shall ensure
that these details are recorded by the Secretary of the Tenders Board or
his delegate in the minutes of the bid opening.
Procurement plan
A procuring entity shall plan its procurement by:
a) Preparing the needs assessment and evaluation;
b) Identifying the goods, works or services required;
c) Carrying appropriate market and statistical surveys and on that basis
prepare an analysis of the cost implications of the proposed procurement;
d) Aggregating its requirements whenever possible, both within the procuring
entity and between procuring entities, to obtain economy of scale and
reduce procurement cost;
e) Integrating its procurement expenditure into its yearly budget;
f) Prescribing any method for effecting the procurement subject to the
necessary approval under this Act; and
g) Ensuring that the procurement entity functions stipulated in this Section
shall be carried out by the Procurement Planning Committee.
Procurement Implementation
A procuring entity shall in implementing its procurement plans:
a) Advertise and solicit for bids in adherence to this Act and guidelines as
may be issued by the Bureau from time to time;
b) To invite two credible persons as observers in every procurement
process, one person each representing a recognized;
i. private sector professional organization whose expertise is
relevant to the particular goods or service being procured, and
ii. non-governmental organization working in transparency,
accountability and anti-corruption areas, and the observers
shall not intervene in the procurement process but shall have
right to submit their observation report to any relevant agency
or body including their own organizations or association.
c) Receive, evaluate and make a selection of the bids received in
adherence to this Act and guidelines as may be issued by the Bureau
from time to time;
d) Obtain approval of the approving authority before making an award;
e) Debrief the bid losers on request;
f) Resolve complaints and disputes if any;
g) Obtain and confirm the validity of any performance guarantee;
h) Obtain a ―Certificate of No Objection to Contract Award‖ from the
Bureau within the prior review threshold as stipulated;
i. Execute all contract agreements; and
ii. Announce and publicize the award in the format stipulated by
this Act and guidelines as may be issued by the Bureau from
time to time.
Restricted Tendering
Subject to the approval by the Bureau, a procuring entity may for reasons of
economy and efficiency engage in procurement by means of restricted tendering
on the following conditions:
a) Goods, works or services are available only from a limited number of
suppliers or contractors;
b) Time and cost required to examine and evaluate a large number of
tenders is disproportionate to the value of the goods, works or services to
be procured;
c) Procedure is used as an exception rather than norm; and
d) Procuring entity shall cause a notice of the selected tendering proceedings
to be published in the procurement journal.
Direct Procurement
Any entity may carry out any direct procurement where:
a) Goods, works or services are only available from a particular supplier or
contractor, or if a particular supplier or contractor has exclusive rights in
respect of the goods, works or services, and no reasonable alternative or
substitute exits;
b) There is an urgent need for the goods, works or services and engaging in
tender proceedings or any other method of procurement is impractical due
to unforeseeable circumstances giving rise to the urgency which is not the
result of dilatory conduct on the part of the procuring entity;
c) Owing to a catastrophic event, there is an urgent need for the goods,
works or services, making it impractical to use other methods of
procurement because of the time involved in using those methods;
d) An entity which has procured goods, equipment, technology or services
from a supplier or contractor, determines that:
i. Additional supplies need to be procured from that supplier or
contractor because of standardization;
ii. There is a need for compatibility with existing goods, equipment,
technology or services, taking into account the effectiveness of the
original procurement in meeting the needs of the procurement
iii. The limited size of the proposed procurement in relation to the
original procurement provides justification;
iv. The reasonableness of the price and the unsuitability of alternatives
to the goods or services in question merit the decision.
e) The procuring entity seeks to enter into a contract with the supplier or
contractor for research, experiment, study or development, except where
the contract includes the production of goods in quantities to establish
commercial viability or recover research and development costs; and
f) The procuring entity applies this Act for procurement that concerns
national security, and determines that single-source procurement is the
most appropriate method of procurement.
Emergency procurement
An entity may, carry out an emergency procurement on the following conditions:
a) Where the country is either seriously threatened by or actually confronted
with a disaster, catastrophe, war, insurrection or Act of God;
b) Where the condition or quality of goods, equipment, building or publicly
owned capital goods may seriously deteriorate unless action is urgently
and necessarily taken to maintain them in their actual value or
c) Where a public project may be seriously delayed for worth of an item of a
minor value
d) In an emergency situation, a procuring entity may engage in direct
contracting of goods, works and services;
e) All procurements made under emergencies shall be handled with
expedition but a long principles of accountability, due consideration being
given to the gravity of each emergency; and
f) Immediately after the cessation of the situation warranting any
emergency procurement, the procuring entity shall file a detailed report
thereof with the Bureau which shall verify same and if appropriate issue a
Certificate of ‗No Objection‘.
The following shall also constitute offences under this Act
i. Entering or attempting to enter into a collusive agreement, whether
enforceable or not, with a supplier, contractor or consultant where the
prices quoted in their respective tenders, proposals or quotations are or
would be higher than would have been the case has there not been
collusion between the persons concerned;
ii. Conducting or attempting to conduct procurement fraud by means of
fraudulent and corrupt acts, unlawful influence, undue interest, favour,
agreement, bribery or corruption;
iii. Directly, indirectly or attempting to influence in any manner the
procurement process to obtain an unfair advantage in the award of a
procurement Act;
iv. Splitting of tenders to enable the evasion of monetary thresholds set;
v. Bid-rigging means an agreement between persons whereby;
a) Offers submitted have been pre-arranged between them; or
b) Their conduct has had the effect of directly or indirectly restricting
free and open competition, distorting the competitiveness of the
procurement process and leading to an escalation or increase in
costs or loss of value to the national treasury.
vi. Altering any procurement document with intent to influence the outcome
of a tender proceeding;
vii. Altering or using fake documents or encouraging their use; and
viii. Willful refusal to allow the Bureau or its officers to have access to any
procurement record.
The Ministerial Tenders Board must adopt the open competitive tendering
procedures. However, if it is considered necessary to use selective or limited
tender procedures, the short-listing or selection of contractors or suppliers
should be done by the Ministerial Tenders Board. In addition, the following
procedures and practices should be adopted:
(a) All contracts above 10million (Ten million Naira) should be advertised in at
least two national dailies and/or Government gazette. The advertisement will be
at least six weeks before the deadline for submitting bids for goods and works,
and at least one month for consultancy services. Notices of all other tenders
must be pasted at the notice board of procuring agencies.
(b) Opening of tenders must be done in the ‗open‘ at a designated date and time
and opening should immediately follow the closing of the bidding period, to
minimize the risk of bid tampering. The following people should be invited to the
opening tender:
(i) The bidders or their representatives.
(ii) Members of the civil society.
(iii) Members of the press, if they wish to attend.
(c) Bid evaluation criteria should be clearly defined in the bidding documents and
the award of all contracts should be based on the criteria so defined.
(d) There should be a committee made up of professionals for the evaluation of
the bids. The Secretary of the Tenders Board should be Secretary of the
Committee. Members of the Evaluation Committee, Tenders Boards, and
approval authorities should be obliged to declare any conflict of interest and
exclude themselves from bid evaluation and approval processes.
(e) The award of any major contract of 20,000,000 (Twenty million Naira) and
above should be published in two national dailies, stating:
(i) Description of the contract.
(ii) Name of the contractor.
(iii) Contract price.
(f) Contract awards should be properly handled so as to avoid or minimize
variations. Contract variations should not be allowed except when absolutely
necessary, subject to approval and/or the recommendation of the Ministerial
Tenders Board (MTB). The method for determining price variation during
contract execution should be incorporated into the contract. Such price
variations shall be for contracts extended for more than eighteen (18) months.
Mobilization fee where necessary and appropriate shall not exceed 15% of the
contract sum. However, payment of such mobilization fee shall be effected upon
written application and an unconditional Bank Guarantee for equivalent amount
valid until the goods are supplied or until the mobilization fee has been repaid, in
the case of works contracts. Only Unconditional Bank Guarantees issued by
reputable Banks should be accepted.
The following must be forwarded to the Auditor-General for the Federation:
(a) Certified true copies of all contract agreements.
(b) The minutes of Tenders Board meetings, and
(c) Full records of all tendering processes which shall be made available for the
inspection of Auditor-General for the Federation and the
Accountant-General, at short or no notice. The records shall be kept for
verification for a period of seven (7) years, from the date of completion and
take-over of the project.
As a condition for final payment for contracts exceeding 5million (Five million
Naira), the Auditor-General for the Federation or his representative and a very
senior member of the Ministry/Agency should countersign the certificate
releasing final payment.
Contingencies Clause
This is one of the clauses in contract agreements which states that if the
contractor had taken reasonable care in executing the job and he is still faced
with unexpected situation, the contractee or the owner of the project shall bail
out the contractor by making more money available, or review upward the
contract sum. If otherwise, the contractor will bear the cost.
Retention Fee
It is a clause in a contract agreement which states that after the completion of
the project, Government shall with-hold about 5% of the contract sum, for six
(6) months. The amount withheld will be paid to the contractor thereafter if the
project is properly executed and constructional error is not noticed.
If the job is not properly executed, e.g if there is a crack on the wall and is due
to an error which arose from construction, then the amount withheld will be used
to correct the anomaly. If the amount withheld is not enough, Government will
ask the contractor to pay in the difference.
If the contractor fails to pay it in, he may be blacklisted.
PUBLIC PROCUREMENT ACT, 2007 The Act is established by the
Enactment of the National Assembly of the Republic of Nigeria.
COMPOSITION OF THE COUNCIL The Council shall consist of:
1. The Minister of Finance as Chairman
2. The Attorney-General and Minister of Justice of the Federation
3. The Secretary to the Government of the Federation
4. The Head of Service of the Federation
5. The Economic Adviser to the President
6. Six-Part-Time members to represent:
a) Nigeria Institute of Purchase and Supply Management
b) Nigeria Bar Association
c) Nigeria Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines
and Agriculture
d) Nigeria Society of Engineers
e) Civil Society
f) The Media
7. The Director-General of the Bureau who shall be the Secretary of the
1. External Audit: External Audit is carried out by a professional who has the
authority of the law to vouch the financial statements and records of the entity.
Under paragraph 85 of the 1999 Constitution, the Auditor-General for the
Federation vouches the financial statements and records of Public Offices. He has
indirect control over the accounts and audit of the Federal Parastatals.
Conversely, the State Auditor-General, under section 125 of the 1999
Constitution, exercises the same powers and influence as his Federal
counterpart. Nonetheless, by the laws creating the Parastatals, they have the
authority to appoint independent auditors. These are external auditors.
6. Post-Payment Audit
Post-payment audit is carried out after payment for the goods and services has
been effected. ‗Post payment audit‘ is executed by both Internal and External
Auditors. The exercise is to complement the prepayment audit and ensure that
disbursements take place in consideration of organizational interests and
7. Value-for-Money
This is the review of the financial transactions to confirm that an organisation
has received adequate benefit for the money expended.
8. Interim Audit: This is an audit carried out by the external auditor for the
earlier months of the year. It is designed to reduce the workload at the end of
the year. It has the advantage of early detection of frauds and mistakes, and
evaluation of the adequacy of the existing internal control.
9. Final Audit: This is the audit carried out after the end of the year to finalise
the audit since the interim audit was carried out.
12 Vouching Audit: Vouching audit checks the relevance and adequacy of the
supporting documents of a transaction. Receipts are checked to third parties
while evidence and all other financial papers are traced to the ledgers.
Efficiency Unit
This is to ensure that government‘s resources are used in the most efficient
manner so that citizens get value for money and that more funds are available
for capital projects.
It should be noted that, when determining the need to use the work of
an expert, the auditor should consider:
i. The engagement team‘s knowledge and previous experience of the matter
being considered;
ii. The risk of material misstatement based on the nature, complexity and
materiality of the matter being considered;
iii. The quantity and quality of other audit evidence expected to be obtained;
iv. Evaluate the professional competence of the expert; and
v. Evaluate the objectivity of the experts which may be impaired if the expert
is employed by the auditee or related to the auditee.
These are enquiries commissioned by client firms or government to find out the
cause or causes of an event, so that remedial actions may be taken. The internal
and external auditors can be requested to carry out an investigation into a
financial transaction. They will adopt standard audit review investigation steps
such as:
(a) Reviewing Financial Statements.
(b) Reviewing of the system.
(c) Evaluating the application of the relevant financial legislation.
(d) Conducting Compliance Test.
(e) Conducting Substantive Test.
(f) Writing of report.
Time Limit to
Respond to
Audit Query Audit Query Sanctions
Payment to Contractor on 21 Days (i) Contractor to complete the job within time
false Certificate of Completion limit or refund the money paid to him.
(ii) Contractor to be black listed and report to
EFCC for prosecution.
Payment to Contractor for (i) Officer to refund the money paid to the
Job not executed due to N/A contractor.
fraudulent act of a public officer (ii) Officer to be removed from the duty
schedule and report to EFCC for prosecution.
Poor Quality of work 42 Days (i) Contractor to rectify the abnormalities of the
poor job within time limit or refund the money
paid to him.
(ii) Contractor to be black listed and report to
EFCC for prosecution
(iii) The officer that certified the job shall be
Irregular or Wrong payment 21 Days (i) Officer to refund the money paid to the
(ii) Officer to be removed from the duty
Shortage or Losses of stores 14 Days (i) Officer to be surcharged for the loss.
by storekeeper (ii) Officer to be removed from the duty
Assets paid for but not 21 Days (i) Contractor to be black listed and report to
supplied 21 Days EFCC for prosecution.
(ii) Officer to be removed from the duty schedule
and made to face disciplinary action.
Payment for Ghost workers NA Officer to be removed from the duty schedule,
charged for misconduct and reported to EFCC
for prosecution.
Non payment for use 30 Days Officer to be surcharged for full amount and
of Government property seriously warned.
Non-Rendition of Return 30 Days Officer to be surcharged for full the loss incurred
for non compliance and seriously warned.
Offences under the Public N/A (i) Imprisonment of not less than 5 calendar
Procurement Act, 2007 years without option of fine
(ii) Summary dismissal from government service
(iii)Debarment from all public procurements for a
period not less than 5 calendar years
(iv) A fine equivalent to 25% of the value of the
procurement in issue
(d) The Nigerian Public Sector Auditing Standards, effective from December,
1997, were issued by the Auditor-General for the Federation and Auditors-
General for the States.
(b) Accounting systems should be Accounts are kept on the basis of Remark is as in (a)
above related to the budget budgetary classifications at all
classifications. Levels of Government.
The budgetary and accounting
functions are complementary
Elements of financial management.
They should therefore be closely integrated.
(c) The accounts should be The budgetary provisions specify Remark is as in (a) above
maintained In a way that will the sources of revenue and the
clearly identify the objects and purposes for which funds are
purposes for which funds provided and expended. The budget
have been received and expended, documents also show the vote
and the executive authorities who controllers for both recurrent and
are responsible for custody and capital expenditure.
use of funds in programme
(d) Accounting systems have to be The Financial Regulations of the Federal Remark is as in
maintained in a way that and State Governments and the Financial (a) above
facilitate audit by external Memoranda of Local Government Councils
reviewing authorities, and specify the expenditure control measures,
readily furnishes the information payment procedures and the internal
needed for performance control system which are in operation.
appraisal and stewardship. The ‘three-tiers’ of Government in
Nigeria do comply, accordingly.
Disadvantages of ARR
(a) It does not take into account the time value of money.
(b) It ignores the fact that profits from different projects may accrue at an
uneven rate.
(c) It fails to cater for risks and uncertainties.
(c) Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Criteria There are two discounted cashflow
methods of project appraisal, namely:
i. Net Present Value : This method refers to the equivalents in present value
terms of the cash inflows and outflows from a project when discounted at a
particular or given cost of capital.
In using the internal rate of return model, the ‗decision rule‘ is to accept the
project appraised where the calculated rate is greater than the company‘s cost
of capital. The project with the highest percentage of internal rate of return is
picked where two or more mutually exclusive investments are being considered.
(ii) Final selection may be based on unjustifiable factors, e.g. political, social,
geographical and historical factors.
(iii) It requires comprehensive and intelligent data collection and analysis for
which the public sector is noted to be deficient.
(iv) Indirect User Benefits: Alternative methods of valuing benefits yield different
outcomes. Given the different approaches, there is difficulty in choosing an
appropriate monetary measure. One has to contend, therefore, with the problem
of whether or not to use the technique as a means of investment appraisal.
In contrast to Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA), the focus is on cost and not so much
on the benefit. Cost Effectiveness Analysis does not attempt to supply
information on the benefits of achieving goals. Rather, the emphasis is on the
least or minimal cost of achieving the specific objective of a public sector project.
Procedure of Cost Effectiveness Analysis in the Appraisal of a Public Project
a. Objective definition is to determine what actual target is. What are the
b. Sourcing and assessment of alternatives: After the public project has been
determined, what are the cost alternatives that are available? The
information in this regard have to be collated.
c. Selection of measure to be adopted: It has to be determined what types of
approaches will enable management to achieve the set objectives within a
reasonable period of time.
d. Development of cost estimates: Cost estimates have to be collated,
addressing the issues of what to include and how to measure them.
e. Having ascertained the adequacy of cost effectiveness measures and relying
on the information on cost estimates, the public sector organisation evolves
the final decision, based on the principle of least cost.
The annual equivalent cost of a physical asset is computed, using the formula:
= Purchase Cost
Cumulative PV Factor
The term externalities refer to economic effects, which may be positive (gains)
or negative (losses) flowing from production or consumption of goods and/or
services by one economic unit into the utility function of another economic unit.
In other words, it is a situation whereby consumption benefit cannot be limited
and charged to a consumer or where economic activity results in social cost
which need not be paid for by the producer/consumer who causes them; that is,
the externality generator. The essence of the above condition is that
interdependence between two or more economic agents arises from the
presence of real variables in the receiving party‘s utility function.
Nature of externalities
(i) Externalities are unintended effects or involuntary transactions.
(ii) Externalities cannot be adequately priced or valued through the market
Causes of externalities
There are two principal causes of externalities. They are:
(i) Production activities
(ii) Consumption activities
Types of externalities
Externalities may be either of these types:
(i) Negative externalities; or (ii) Positive externalities
(i) Negative externalities. This refers to the losses suffered by an economic
entity because of the activities of another economic unit. For example, an
airplane flying or train moving will evoke a great deal of noise that will disturb
the peace of the environment.
(ii) Positive externalities. It is the gain or benefit realized from the activities
of another economic unit without the externality generator being compensated.
For instance, construction of an expressway will create new market to the
villages around the corridor. Positive externalities will lead to increase in
production and consumption of goods and services.
Ratio Analysis
Financial ratio analysis is the process of calculating financial ratios, which are
mathematical indicators calculated by comparing key financial information
appearing in financial statements of a public sector entity, and analysing those
to find out reasons behind the entity‘s current financial position and its recent
financial performance, and develop expectation about its future outlook. Ratio
analysis involves expressing one figure as a ratio percentage of another, to bring
out the weakness or strength in an organization‘s affairs. If one were to take a
look at the financial statements of a government department, ministry or
corporation, the various figures disclosed would not be sufficiently revealing in
terms of the strength or otherwise of the establishment, for well-informed
judgment to be made. Ratio analysis comes in handy here, as a useful guide.
Classification of ratios
In the public sector entities financial ratios can be broadly classified into liquidity
ratios, solvency ratios, profitability ratios and efficiency ratios (also called
activity ratios or asset utilisation ratios). In view of the peculiarity of public
sector activities, the following relevant ratios only, are considered:
(a) Liquidity ratios : Liquidity ratios assess an entity‘s liquidity, that is, its
ability to convert its assets to cash And pay off its obligations without any
significant difficulty (i.e. delay or loss of value). Liquidity ratios are particularly
useful for suppliers, employees, banks, etc. Important liquidity ratios are:
i. Quick asset ratio (also called acid-test-ratio) - quick ratio (also known as acid
test ratio) is a liquidity ratio, which measures the Naira of liquid current assets
available per Naira of current liabilities. Liquid current assets are current assets,
which can be quickly converted to cash without any significant decrease in their
value. Liquid current assets typically include cash, marketable securities and
receivables. Quick ratio is expressed as a number instead of a percentage.
The following is the most common formula used to calculate quick ratio:
Cash + Marketable Securities +Receivables
Current Liabilities
ii. Current ratio- Current ratio is one of the most fundamental liquidity ratios. It
measures the ability of a business to repay current liabilities with current assets.
Current assets are assets that are converted to cash within normal operating
cycle, or one year. Examples of current assets include cash and cash
equivalents, marketable securities, short-term investments, accounts receivable,
short-term portion of notes receivable, inventories and short-term prepayments.
Formula is: Current Assets
Current Liabilities
Current ratio matches current assets with current liabilities and tells us whether
the current assets are enough to settle current liabilities.
(b) Solvency ratios : Solvency ratios assess the long-term financial viability of
a public sector entity i.e. its ability to pay off its long-term obligations such as
bank loans, bonds payable, etc. Information about solvency is critical for banks,
employees, owners, bondholders, institutional investors, government, etc. Key
solvency ratios are:
(a) Debt ratio - Debt ratio (also known as debt to assets ratio) is a ratio, which
measures debt level of a business as a percentage of its total assets. It is
calculated by dividing total debt of a business by its total assets. Debt ratio finds
out the percentage of total assets that are financed by debt and helps in
assessing whether it is sustainable or not. If the percentage is too high, it might
indicate that it is too difficult for the business to pay off its debts and continue
Formula is: Debt ratio= Total debt
Total assets
While a very low debt ratio is good in the sense that the entity‘s assets are
sufficient to meet its obligations, it may indicate under utilization of a major
source of finance, which may result in restricted growth. A very high debt ratio
indicates high risk for both debt-holders and equity investors. Due to the high
risk, the entity may not be able to obtain finance at good terms or may not be
able to raise any more money at all.
(b) Debt to equity ratio-Debt-to-equity ratio is the ratio of total liabilities of a
business to its shareholders' equity. It is a leverage ratio and it measures the
degree to which the assets of the business are financed by the debts and the
shareholders' equity of a business.
Formula Debt-to-equity ratio is calculated using the following formula:
Debt-to-equity ratio= Total Liabilities
Net assets/equity
Both total liabilities and shareholders' equity figures in the above formula can be
obtained from the statement of financial position of an entity. A variation of the
above formula uses only the interest-bearing long-term liabilities in the
numerator. Lower values of debt-to-equity ratio are favourable indicating less
risk. Higher debt-to-equity ratio is unfavourable because it means that the entity
relies more on external lenders thus it is at higher risk, especially at higher
interest rates. A debt- to-equity ratio of 1:00 means that debts and half by Net
assets/equity finance half of the assets of a business. A value higher than1:00
means that more assets are financed by debt that those financed by money of
shareholders' and vice versa.
(c) Debt capital ratio- Debt-to-capital ratio is a solvency ratio that measures the
proportion of interest-bearing debt to the sum of interest-bearing debt and
shareholders' equity. Interest-bearing debt includes bonds payable, bank loans,
notes payable, etc. Non-interest bearing debt includes trade payable, accrued
expenses, etc. The debt-to-capital ratio is a refinement of the debt-to-assets
ratio. It measures how much of the capital employed (i.e.the resources on which
the company pays a cost) is debt. Higher debt included in the capital employed
means higher risk of insolvency.
Debt to capital ratio = Interest bearing debt
Interest bearing debt + equity
Other ratios
(i) Receivables‘ payment period
Although this index measures the average length of time it takes a Corporation‘s
debtors to pay, it is only an estimated average payment period.
The formula for calculating the payment period is:
Receivables for goods or services x 365 days
Sales (credit)
The earlier debtors are encouraged to pay, the better the cash position of the
board or corporation. It would be more informative to make this calculation
regularly to avoid distortions.
(ii) Payables‘ payment period
This is a measure of the average length of time it takes the parastatal under
focus to pay its creditors. It is calculated as follows.
Trade or expense creditors x 365 days
Credit purchases
(iii) Inventory turnover period
This indicates the average number of days that items of inventory are held for
sale or in the store. The inventory turnover period is calculated as:
Cost of goods sold
(Opening inventory plus closing inventory) / 2
Average inventory is the average of the opening and closing inventory figures.
The shorter the period, the healthier the situation is, in making the best use of
Despite usefulness, financial ratio analysis has some disadvantages. Some key
disadvantages of financial ratio analyses are:
(i) Different entities operate in different geographical areas, each having
different environmental conditions such as regulation, market structure, etc.
Such factors are so significant that a comparison of two entities from different
geographical areas might be misleading;
(ii) Financial accounting information is affected by estimates and assumptions.
Accounting standards allow different accounting policies, which impairs
comparability and hence ratio analysis is less useful in such situations; and
(iii) Ratio analysis explains relationships between past information while users
are more concerned about current and future information.
Chapter Twenty Three
Government in every modern economy pursues five macroeconomic objectives.
These are:
(a) Full-employment.
(b) Price stability.
(c) Economic growth.
(d) External balance. This refers to the promotion of a debt-free and a self-
reliant economy. This goal is achieved when a country records a balance of
payments (BOP) equilibrium.
(e) An equitable distribution of income and wealth.
(b) Fiscal policy: This refers to the use of taxation and government expenditure
to influence aggregate demand in the economy. Fiscal policy can be
expansionary, or contractionary. An expansionary fiscal policy increases
aggregate demand, while a restrictive or contractionary fiscal policy reduces
aggregate demand.
(c) Commercial policy: This is defined as the rules adopted by a country for the
conduct or regulation of its foreign trade and payments. It involves the use of
tariffs, quotes and exchange rate control to restrict or promote free trade.
(d) Prices and Income policy: This refers to a set of rules, guidelines, or law
devised by government to influence wage and price movements. The proponents
of this policy are those who hold the view that inflation is caused by trade union
activities such as work stoppages and strikes to force employers to pay higher
Privatization is defined as the economic restructuring that involves transfer of
ownership interest and control from public to private individuals, institutions
and/or associations. In other words, it is the process whereby the size of an
ineffective and inefficient public sector is reduced by transferring some of its
functions to a relatively more efficient private sector.
This can be defined as the re-organization of enterprises, or partially owned by
government, thereby making such commercialized enterprises operate as profit-
making commercial ventures without subvention from government.
(a) To enable the government to disengage from economic or business activities
in which it lack requisite competence or in which the private sector is better.
(b) To make the companies and corporations more efficient by injecting private
sector efficiency into their activities.
(c) To reduce government financial burden brought in the form of subsidies and
grants to these unprofitable ventures and deploy the financial resources so
saved to other areas that are critical to the growth and development of the
(f) To improve the quality of goods and services produced by these companies
where poor management and acts of gross indiscipline explain poor outputs.
The GDP in Nigeria shrank 1.3 percent year-on-year in the fourth quarter of
2016, following a 2.24 percent decline in the previous period. It was the fourth
consecutive quarter of contraction as lower oil prices keep hurting the oil sector.
Considering full 2016, the economy contracted 1.5 percent, following a 2.8
percent growth in 2015, the first annual contraction in 25 years. Some of the
relevant measures that have been suggested to promote sustainable economic
growth and widespread improvement in living standards include:
(a) Use of oil revenues more rationally to diversify economic activity
(b) Intensify domestic food production and raise labour productivity to achieve
food security. (c) Upgrade and expansion of economic infrastructures, especially
electricity supply, road and rail networks.
(d) Leverage Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) and Rural Microfinance Banks (RMBs)
in support of Micro Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (MSMSE) for
unemployment and growth generation (e) Removal of institutional constraints,
especially weak enforcement of contracts, and corruption to encourage private
(f) Reduce cost of governance and harmonise the tax regimes to encourage
private capital inflow.
(g) Liquidity management in the economy must be geared towards improving
the liquidity and efficiency of the financial market to ensure stability of prices,
foreign exchange and interest rates.
(h) Promote security of lives and properties.
(i) Lower population growth rate through a combination of effective family
planning programmes.
(j) Discourage borrowing of deadweight debts and for projects of doubtful
(k) Intensify efforts for human resource development and its utilization.
The Ministry of Budget and National Planning released the ERGP document on
Tuesday, eventually providing a policy and reform framework, demanded locally
and internationally, to haul the economy out of recession and chalk out path to
national development.
Unavailability of the ERGP has been mentioned as impeding the country‘s efforts
to secure funds needed to address her economic challenges, including to fund
the budget especially critical infrastructural objectives.
In January, Reuters reported how inability to submit recovery and reform plan
stalled Nigeria‘s bid for loan, quoting unnamed sources in global and Nigerian
finance circle. The Reuters report mentioned the African Development Bank,
AfDB, President, Akinwunmi Adeshina, as saying the bank held back the last
tranche of $1 billion loan for Nigeria. ―We are waiting for the economic policy
recovery programme and the policy framework for that,‖ Mr. Adeshina was
quoted as saying, while explaining the reason for holding back last tranche of
loan for Nigeria.
The vision of the ERGP is one of sustained inclusive growth. There is an urgent
need as a nation to drive a structural economic transformation with an emphasis
on improving both public and private sector efficiency. This is aimed at
increasing national productivity and achieving sustainable diversification of
production, to significantly grow the economy and achieve maximum welfare for
the citizens, beginning with food and energy security. This Plan is a pointer to
the type of Nigeria that the people desire in the short to medium-term, and
encourages the use of science, technology and innovation to drive growth.
It also provides a blueprint for the type of foundation that needs to be laid for
future generations, and focuses on building the capabilities of the youth of
Nigeria to be able to take the country into the future.‖
The ERGP has three main objectives, these are:
1. Restoration of growth which has been elusive: To restore growth, the ERGP
focuses on macroeconomic stability through fiscal stimulus, monetary stability
and improved external balance of trade; and economic diversification by giving
attention to agriculture, MSMEs, etc.
―The revival of these sectors, increased investment in other sectors, less reliance
on foreign exchange for intermediate goods and raw materials and greater
export orientation will improve macroeconomic conditions, restore growth in the
short term and help to create jobs and bring about structural change,‖ stated
the ERGP.
Economic cycle also known as business cycle refers to the upward and
downward movements (fluctuations) as shown in the national gross domestic
product during a given period.
1. Enforcement and due administration of the provisions of the Act.
2. Investigation of reported cases of financial crimes such as Advance Fee Fraud
{419}, money laundering, counterfeiting, illegal charge transfer, contract
scam, forgery of financial instrument, issuance of dud cheques etc.
3. Adoption of measures to identify, trace, freeze confiscate or seize proceeds
derived from terrorist activities.
4. Adoption of measures to identify, trace, freeze and seize proceeds derived
from financial crime related offences.
5. Adoption of measures to eradicate and prevent the commission of economic
and financial crimes with a view to identifying individuals, corporate bodies or
groups involved.
6. Determination of the extent of financial loss and such other losses by
government, private individuals‘ and organisations.
7. Collaboration with government bodies within and outside Nigeria in carrying
out the functions of the Act.
8. Dealing with matters connected with extradition, deportation and mutual,
legal or other assistance between Nigeria and any other country involving
economic and financial crimes.
9. The collection, analysis and dissemination of all reports relating to suspicious
financial transactions to all relevant government bodies.
10.Carrying out and sustaining public enlightenment campaign against economic
and financial crimes within and outside Nigeria.
Paragraph 20 of the Act says ‗for the avoidance of doubt and without any further
assurance than this Act, all the properties of a person convicted of an offence
under this Act and shows to be derived or acquired from such illegal act and
already the subject of an interim order shall be forfeited to the Federal
Appointment of Members
The Chairman and members of the Commission who must be persons of proven
integrity shall be appointed by the President upon confirmation by the Senate
and shall not begin to discharge the duties of their offices until they have
declared their assets and liabilities as prescribed in the Constitution of the
Federal Republic of Nigeria. The Chairman shall hold office for a period of five (5)
years and may be re-appointed for another term of (5) years. Other members
hold office for (4) years and can be re-appointed for another four (4) years.
Removal of Members
The Chairman or any member can be removed from office by the President
acting on an address supported by two-thirds (2/3rd) majority of the Senate.
The Commission shall have a Secretary appointed by the President who under
the general direction of the Chairman shall be responsible for keeping the
records of the Commission and the general administration and control of the
staff of the Commission.
An Officer of the Commission when investigating or prosecuting a case of
corruption, shall have all the powers and immunities of a Police Officer under the
Police Act and any other laws conferring power on the Police or empowering and
protecting law enforcement agents.
Abuse of Powers
A public officer shall not do or cause to be done, in abuse of his position, any
arbitrary thing which prejudices the rights of others.
Membership of Societies
A public officer shall not belong to a society, the membership of which runs
incompatible with the dignity of his office.
Functions of NEITI:
i. develop a framework for transparency and accountability in the reporting and
disclosure by all extractive industry companies of revenue due to nor paid to
the Federal government;
ii. evaluate without prejudice to any relevant contractual obligations and
sovereign obligations the practices of all extractive industry companies and
government respectively regarding acquisition of a creages, budgeting,
contracting, materials procurement and production cost profile in order to
ensure due process, transparency and accountability;
iii. ensure transparency and accountability in the management of the investment
of the Federal Government in all extractive industry companies;
iv. obtain, as may be deemed necessary, from any extractive industry company,
an accurate record of the cost of production and volume of sale of oil, gas or
other minerals extracted by the company at my period, provided that such
information shall not be used in any manner prejudicial to the contractual
obligation or proprietary interests of the extractive industry companies;
v. request from any company in the extractive industry, or from any relevant
organ of the federal State or Local government, an accurate account of
money paid by and received from the company at any period, as revenue
accruing to the Federal government from such company for that period;
provided that such information shall not be used in a manner prejudicial to
contractual obligations or proprietary interest of the extractive industry
company or sovereign obligations of Government;
vi. monitor and ensure that all payments due to the Federal Government from all
extractive industry companies, including taxes, royalties, dividends, bonuses,
penalties, levels and such like are duly made;
Appointment of External Auditors for the Extractive Industry Companies
According to Section 4. (1) of NEITI Act 2007, NEITI shall, in each financial year
appoint independent auditors to audit the total revenue which accrued to the
Federal Government for that year from extractive industry companies, in order
to determine the accuracy of payments and receipts. The independent auditors
appointed under subsection (1) of this section shall undertake a physical process
and financial audit on such terms and conditions as may be approved by the
National Stakeholders Working Group (NSWG). Upon the completion of an audit,
the independent auditors shall submit the reports together with comments on
the Extractive Industries Company to NEITI, which shall cause same to be
disseminated to the National Assembly and the Auditor General for the
Federation and also ensure their publication. NEITI shall submit a bi-annual
report of its activities to the President and National Assembly. The Auditor-
General for the Federation shall not later than 3 months after the submission of
the audit report to the National Assembly publish any comment made or action
taken by the Government on the audit reports.
National Stakeholders Working Group
(NSWG) The governing body of the NEITI shall be the National Stakeholders
Working Group (in this Act referred to as ―the NSWG‖) Functions of NSWG
(a) Be responsible for the formulation of policies, programmes and strategies for
the effective implementation of the objectives and the discharges of the
functions of the NEITI.
(b) Have powers to recommend the annual budget and work-plan of the NEITI
and ensure the periodic review of programmes performance by the NEITI
Composition of National Stakeholders Working Group (NSWG)
The NSWG shall be constituted by the President and shall consist of a Chairman
and no more than 14 other members one of whom shall be an Executive
Secretary. In making appointment into the NSWG, the President shall include:
i. representative of extractive industry companies,
ii. representative of Civil Society,
iii. representative of Labour Unions in the extractive Industries,
iv. experts in the extractive industry, and
v. one member from each of the six geopolitical zones.
The NSWG may at any time co-opt any person to act as an adviser at any of its
meetings but no person so co-opted shall be entitled to vote at any meeting.
The validity of the proceedings of the NSWG shall not be affected by the absence
of any member, vacancy among its membership or by any defect in the
appointment of any of the members.
a. Any officer found guilty of contravention of any of the provisions of the Code
of Conduct shall appeal to the Court of Appeal.
b. Prerogative of mercy shall not apply to any punishment imposed by the
Chapter Twenty Five
Fiscal Federalism is the division of governmental functions, and the financial
relationship between different levels of government.
Fiscal federalism deals with the division of tax and expenditure functions among
the various levels of government in a federation. A federal system of
administration allows both centralised and decentralised collective choices to be
made by each tier of government.
As a subfield of public economics, fiscal federalism is concerned with
"understanding which functions and instruments are best centralized and which
are best placed in the sphere of decentralized levels of government" (Oates,
Anwar Shah opined that four general principles require consideration in assigning
taxing powers to various governments. The principles are discussed briefly below
(i) Economic efficiency: This criterion dictates that taxes on mobile factors and
tradable goods that have a bearing on the efficiency of the internal common
market should be assigned to the national government. Sub-national assignment
of taxes on mobile factors may facilitate the use of socially wasteful beggar-thy
neighbour policies to attract resources to own areas by regional and local
governments. In a globalised world, even the national assignment of taxes on
mobile capital may not be very effective in the presence of foreign tax havens
and the difficulty of tracing and attributing incomes from virtual transactions to
various physical spaces.
(ii) National equity: This demands that progressive redistributive taxes should
be assigned to the national government. It limits the possibility of regional and
local governments‘ following perverse redistribution policies using both taxes and
transfers to attract high-income people and to repel low-income ones. Doing so,
however, leaves open the possibility of supplementary, flat-rate, local charges
on residence-based national income taxes.
(iii) Administrative feasibility: This (lowering compliance and administration
costs) is of the opinion that taxes should be assigned to the jurisdiction with the
best ability to monitor relevant assessments. This criterion minimises
administrative costs as well as the potential for tax evasion. For example,
property, land, and betterment taxes are good candidates for local assignment
because local governments are in a good position to assess the market values of
such assets.
(iv) Fiscal need, or revenue adequacy: criterion suggests that, to ensure
accountability, revenue means (the ability to raise revenues from own sources)
should be matched as closely as possible to expenditure needs.The literature
also argues that long-lived assets should primarily be financed by raising debt so
as to ensure equitable burden-sharing across generations. Furthermore, such
large and lumpy investments typically cannot be financed by current revenues
and reserves alone.
Revenue Allocation
The most important issue of fiscal federalism is the revenue allocation formula,
the sharing of national revenue among the various tiers of government (vertical
revenue sharing) as well as the distribution of revenue among units of
government of the same level (that is, horizontal revenue allocation). In
determining how these resources are to be shared among the tiers of
government, the popular practice is that these revenues be shared according to
predetermined principles.
The various principles specified in the Constitution under section 162 (2) to be
used by the Commission are:
(i) Derivation
(ii) Population
(iii) Land Mass
(iv) Terrain
(v) Internal revenue
(vi) Equality of states
Therefore, states had to fall back on their share of federally collected revenues,
but the federal government retained fiscal supremacy. The bulk of the revenue
made available to the regional and states governments was on the basis of
derivation between 1954 and 1974. The tendency towards equalisation
principle began, however, in 1975 when the government said that the existing
revenue allocation formula accentuated disparities in the level of development
among the states. Overtime, more resources were made available to the states,
but the bulk of the federally collected revenue continued to be retained by the
federal government.
Revenues accruing to the three levels of government consist of tax and non-tax
financial flows which are derived from internal and external sources.
Until 1976, the position of local governments in the Nigerian federal set-up was
not clear, as they were merely decentralised units of the regional and state
governments. The 1999 Constitution gave them recognition as the third tier of
government with specific functions and sources of revenue. Consequently, they
started to enjoy statutorily allocated revenues in 1981.
The current revenue formula is based on the modified grant from the Federal
Ministry of Finance, which came to effect in March, 2004
From the 1999 Constitution, the 13% Derivation provision is accounted for
before the revenue is allocated into the federation account.
(b) Each Corporation or Parastatal has its own Enabling Act. This is the law
setting it up, and will show in detail the following:
(i) The name of the Corporation, its functions and objectives.
(ii) The Principal Officers of the Board, their functions and mode of appointment.
(iii) The Supervising Ministry.
(iv) The place where the head office and branches of the parastatal will be sited.
(v) The organogram of the organisation.
(vi) The source of fund to the parastatal and the type of accounts they are
expected to keep.
Parastatals or Corporations are usually not governed by the provisions of the
Companies and Allied Matters Act, Cap. C20, LFN 2004. Hence, a Corporation‘s
name will not end with the word ‗Limited‘ or ‗Public Limited Company.‘
(c) State and Federal Governments are free to set up their own Corporations
after due processes. Such Parastatals, Boards or Corporations are quite different
from the Ministries. Ministries and Extra-Ministerial Departments have the same
accounting system, unlike the Boards and Corporations. Government regulations
which apply to the Ministries may not be applicable to Government Agencies.
The term ‗Parastatal‘ also refers to a Government Company, Board, Corporation
or a Tertiary Institution such as the Lagos State Polytechnic, University of
Nigeria, Nsukka or Ahmadu Bello University.
Financial Statements
The financial statements of an enterprise are expected to comply with the
normal accounting standards in operation, requirements of the laws regulating
the activities of the enterprises, etc. For profit-making public enterprises, the
financial statements will include:
(a) Statement of financial position;
(b) Statement of financial performance;
(c) Statement of changes in net assets/equity;
(d) Cash flow statement; and
(e) Accounting policies and
(f) Notes to the financial statements and other disclosures
(d) Government business enterprises (GBEs) mean an entity that has all the
following characteristics:
(i) It is an entity with the power to contract in its own name;
(ii) Has been assigned the financial and operational authority to carry on a
(iii) Sells goods and services, in the normal course of its business, to other
entities at a profit or full cost recovery;
(iv) It is not reliant on continuing government funding to be a going concern
(other than purchases of outputs at arm‘s length); and
(v) It is controlled by a public sector entity. Government business enterprises
Hospital accounting
Hospitals undertake functions such as caring for the sick, conducting research,
and medical training. A major purpose of hospital accounting is to assist hospital
administrators in the efficient and effective management of resources.
Government hospital accounting has the following features:
(a) Fund accounting system is operated;
(b) The financial activities of hospitals are covered by budgeting and budgetary
control procedures;
(c) Subsidiary and principal books of accounts are kept to facilitate the
extraction of information. Such books include ledger accounts, journal and DVEA
(d) An autonomous government hospital is required to prepare financial
statements, to determine proper stewardship in fund disbursements and general
resource management, as follows:
(i) Statement of financial performance: These are prepared to show the surplus
or deficit of the organisation during a specified period of time, usually one year.
They are extracted showing the comparative figures for the preceding year.
(ii) Statement of financial position: This is prepared to ascertain the financial
strength of the hospital, as at the end of that period. The balance sheet is
extracted with the comparative figures for the preceding year.
(iii) Cash flow statement: A cash flow statement is prepared to establish the
hospital‘s sources of cash inflows and directions of outflows. The cash flow
statement is very revealing of the liquidity preparedness in meeting short term
obligations. Preceding year‘s figures are disclosed as well, for comparative
(iv) Notes to the accounts: These are modifiers or amplifiers, accompanying the
financial statements. They disclose information such as the hospital‘s accounting
policy and method of depreciation, which the final accounts do not supply.
(v) Memorandum statement of account of capital fund: The statement shows the
financial information of all the tangible assets and capital projects in progress as
at a particular period. The standard accounting practice is to transfer any portion
of the project completed in any financial year to the tangible assets account.
‗Capital Work in Progress‘ is determined based on valuer‘s certificates. The
statement of capital fund contains only the financial information in respect of
capital projects. Funds are transferred to augment the balance available in the
capital fund.
(vi) Memorandum statement of account of recurrent funds: The statement
highlights the financial information of all the recurrent items. These include
unutilised grants for research, stocks, and debtors.
Development and property corporations Some parastatals are established for the
following aims and objectives:
(a) Construction and sales of buildings;
(b) Upgrading land for sale;
(c) Property ownership;
(d) Managing facilities on government estate; and
(e) Maintenance of industrial estates.
ii. Non-marketable debts are those which have been issued in favour of specified debt
holders and cannot be sold to others. They cannot be traded in the money market.
ii. Unfunded Debt, on the other hand, is for a short period of less than a year. No separate
fund is created by the government to effect its repayment rather, the debt is repaid out of
government current receipts, often by floating new bonds in the money market. In this way,
an unfunded debt is also referred to as a floating debt.
ii. deadweight or unproductive debt is debt that does not increase the productive capacity
of the economy because it is not backed by any existing asset. For example, debt contracted
to finance war or to be used as safety nets for flood disaster victims is a deadweight debt.
ii. External or Foreign Debt, on the other hand, refers to debt owed to foreign individuals,
governments (bilateral loans), international organizations like International Monetary Fund
(IMF), World Bank Groups such as International Development Association (IDA),
International Financial Cooperation (IFC)S, International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (IBRD) as well as African Development Bank (ADB).
(e) Trade arrears. A trade debt arises when a country trades with other
countries and is unable to pay, either partly or wholly, for the goods and services
supplied. For example, in the early 1980s Nigeria‘s inability to settle her import
bills resulted in the accumulation of trade arrears amounting to US$9.8 billion
between 1983 and 1988.
(f) Balance of payments support loans. The overall economic transactions
between a country and the rest of the world, classified into current, financial and
capital accounts, constitute the balance of payments position which may be
favourable when surpluses are recorded or unfavourable if otherwise. However,
a persistent unfavourable balance of payments often known as balance of
payments disequilibrium, may inform government‘s decision to seek for balance
of payments support loans.
(g) Project-tied loans: Sometimes, there are investment opportunities which
have good potentials and prospects of accelerating economic growth and
development and such may lead government into contracting project-tied loans.
As implied, this type of debt which is for the execution of a particular project is
supposed to be self-liquidating in the sense that the projects are expected to
generate adequate financial surplus from which the borrowed money would be
(h) Loans for socio-economic needs: The provisions of the socio-economic
needs of the people such as water supply, flood control, health and education
facilities as well as other social amenities may necessitate borrowing by
government to finance them. Such projects are not expected to generate
financial returns but rather economic and social benefits that would enhance the
living conditions of the people.
(d) Economic instability: A stable economy naturally provides an enabling environment for
economic growth and development. Public debt of the internal type may be contracted to
control inflation, while both internal and external borrowing may be used to stimulate
economic activities during economic depression.
(e) Natural disasters: Government has the responsibility to provide relief to the victims of
earthquake, flood and fire disasters, famines, sectarian violence and other natural
calamities. Government borrowing may be justified because such occurrences are never
expected or budgeted for.
(f) Fluctuations in government revenue: Most countries operate mono cultural economies
depending on only one (or very few) export product for foreign exchange income. A sudden
poor performance of such product in the international market would reduce income
considerably and affect budget implementation adversely.
(g) War-time borrowing: Financial resources needed to prosecute wars are usually beyond
the capacity of the government. Hence, the need to borrow arises to avoid devastating
consequences of defeat.
(h) Debt servicing: New debt with favourable terms and conditions may be incurred to
service old debts with a view to reducing the burden of debt on the economy.
Advantages of borrowing
The benefits of public debt include the following:
a) Rapid economic growth and welfare improvement would be achieved if
borrowed funds are utilised to finance economically and socially viable
b) The confidence of local and foreign investors in the economy would be
boosted, if public debt is used to control inflation. New and additional
investment would lead to creation of new jobs and greater output of welfare-
enhancing goods and services.
c) If borrowed funds are spent on public works, standards of living will improve,
especially via creation of new jobs and the transformation of the
d) Public debt reduces income inequalities if it is spent on social, security and
projects that are of more benefit to the lower income groups.
e) Those who lend money to government by purchasing government securities,
instead of keeping idle savings, will become richer as they acquire additional
assets to boost their wealth portfolio.
Disadvantages of borrowing
The adverse consequences or disadvantages of public debt include the
a) Excessive government borrowing within the economy tends to crowd out
private investments. That is, government competes with private companies in
the financial market and deprive them loanable funds they need to grow their
b) Tax burden on future generation: Public debt imposes unfair tax obligation on
future generation especially when borrowed funds are deployed to fund
consumption rather than investment programmes or when such funds are
diverted to non-self- liquidating projects or projects that are poorly designed,
thereby making execution impossible.
c) Funding excessive interest rate on public debt in hard currency deprives the
nation of foreign exchange needed to procure critical inputs, especially in a
country like Nigeria that is highly dependent on import with respect to raw
materials required in the industrial sector. This leads to declining industrial
capacity utilisation and loss of industrial jobs.
d) Borrowing comes with conditionalities that may become too stringent for the
debtor nation(s), like trade liberalisation, withdrawal of subsidies on essential
products, expenditure reduction, non-increase of salary of public servants
and other stiff conditions that might have great consequence on living
standards of the people.
e) It is an ineffective way of controlling inflation. As a matter of fact, debt
servicing may create inflationary effects at a time of full-employment.
Specifically, the financing of domestic debt usually causes aggregate demand
to increase when creditors bring the income generated through their
investment in government securities into circulation.
f) Debt-servicing problem is aggravated when short and medium-term loans are
committed to long-term projects with amortisation becoming due before
projects are completed.
g) Borrowing tends to widen the level of income inequalities since it is the rich
only that can invest in government securities or lend to government and
hence benefit from high interest payment.
There are various instruments that can be used by both federal and sub-
national governments for the purpose of raising money within the domestic
economy. Some of these instruments may be of short term, medium term and
long-term depending on the objective of the government at the time of
borrowing. They include:
(i) Treasury bills: These are highly liquid financial obligations of the federal
government issued on its behalf by the Central Bank. They are issued in
multiples of N1,000 for 91 days maturity. With a minimum investment N10,000
treasury bills are issued and traded on discount basis. The income is the
difference between the purchase price and the maturity value.
(ii) Treasury certificates: They are interest earnings obligations of the Federal
Government issued by the Central Bank for maturities ranging from one to two
years.Treasurycertificaterateisusuallyhigherthanthatoftreasurybillsbecause of its
longer tenure. As with the treasury bills, the major investors in treasury
certificates are the Central Bank, commercial banks, discount houses and to a
lesser extent merchant banks.
(iii) FGN bonds: These are debt securities (liabilities) issued by the Debt
Management Office (DMO) for and on behalf of the Federal Government of
Nigeria (FGN). The FGN has an obligation to pay the bondholder the principal
and agreed interest as and when due. The FGN bonds are considered as the
safest of all investments in the domestic debt market because it is backed by the
‗full faith and credit‘ of the Federal Government, and as such it is classified as a
risk-free debt instrument.
(iv) FGN savings bond (FGNSB) is issued by the Debt Management Office
(DMO), on behalf of the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN). The bonds are
issued for the following objectives: » To deepen the national savings culture;
» To enable all citizens participate in and benefit from the favourable returns
available in the capital market.
(v) Serving as a reference pricing of Sukuk for other issuers especially private
sector issuers.
(vii) General obligation bonds: These types of bonds are backed by the full
faith and credit of the issuer, in addition to the power of the issuer to introduce
tax and take any other steps necessary to repay the bond holders. They are
frequently used to pay for the construction of roads, schools, prisons and other
public infrastructures.
(viii) Revenue bonds: They are municipal bonds issued on the premise that
both principal and interest will be repaid from the revenue generated from the
facilities to be constructed with the proceeds of the issue. In other words, an
authority that has constructed physical assets would charge customers for the
use of the assets and then dedicate the revenue to servicing of the associated
(ix) Special assessment bonds: They are types of bonds for which the
payment of interest and principal will be made from a special tax assessed upon
the beneficiaries of the facility to be constructed. These types are popular for
development of public utilities and service programmes.
The higher these ratios the greater is the debt burden. However, it is important
to emphasise that debt service ratios should be interpreted with caution because
the ratio will be relatively low if the country continues to default in debt service
Borrowing policy
Sometimes, countries contracting loan obligations are able to choose between
different sources of credits and could therefore make a decision based on the
most favourable conditions. The criteria for decision making would include the
(i) The comparative rates of interest: In using comparative interest rates to
decide between loan offers, the nominal rate of interest is rarely used. Instead,
comparison of loans from different countries or market sources is based on the
real rate of interest which takes into consideration the rate of inflation in the
creditor countries. Furthermore, the way the interest on the loan is charged as
well as the manner of its calculation is important as these would determine the
amount to be charged. Some creditor sources might charge interest at a fixed
rate, that is a flat rate percentage of the full loan or at a variable rate which
fluctuates over the life of the loan and in accordance with financial market
(ii) The possibility of the loan being project-tied : Where loans are applied
for the execution of specific projects, a further consideration of interest rate
charges may focus on there turns or benefits from the project to be financed by
the loans. In such instances, the project is subjected to appropriate comparative
minimum unit-cost tests using national or international yardsticks. If the project
is supposed to be profit-yielding, it must be ensured that there is a positive
internal rate of return which is at least equal to the cost of borrowing, while
projects in the area of social services or infrastructures are considered on the
basis of their cost-benefit ratios.
(iii) Degree of concessionality :Another criterion for loan selection where
several sources of external loans are being considered is the degree of
concessionality of such a loan, that is, the extent of ―softness‖ or otherwise of
the loan. The degree of concessionality is measured by the percentage of grant
element present in the loan. Loans have various degrees of concessionality
depending on their source and nature. Where a loan has a grant element of 100
percent, it is regarded as being totally concessional.
(iv) Repaymentability: One of the underlying principles on which loan terms
and conditions are considered before selection is the repaymentability of the
borrowing country. This is of mutual benefit to the donor as well as the recipient
of the loan. Before taking a loan, it must be ensured that the projects and
programmes for which the loan is being sourced will eventually provide sufficient
income from which the debt can be serviced as and when due. A further
consideration of the repayment ability is the socio-political condition of the
country. Where the government in power does not command popular credibility,
it may be difficult for such to access foreign loans.
This is the procurement of new loans by a debtor to pay off an existing debt. The
new loan may be procured from the same creditor or new set of creditors as the
case may be. Another variant of debt refinancing occurs when the original
creditor government or an export agency decides to pay off a debt there by
becoming the new creditor. Under the debt refinancing arrangement an amount
totaling $4.5 billion was refinanced as at the end of 1990 by the FGN.
This is the rearrangement of payment terms of debt with respect to new
maturities, grace period and readjustment of the interest rate. The essence is to
facilitate convenience indebt repayment. Series of rescheduling arrangements
were negotiated with the Paris Club of creditors to which more than half of
Nigeria‘s external debt was owed. About $2.1billion was rescheduled in 1986,
$996million in 1989 and $3.2 billion as at 1991. Principles of debt rescheduling
process There are three main principles that guide the Paris Club rescheduling
process. These principles are discussed briefly below:
(a) Imminent default :This principle applies to the debtor country and requires
the debt or nation to prove that it will not be able to meet its external debt
service obligations unless it is granted a relief. This proof can be shown through
accumulation of debt service arrears. The IMF balance of payments projections
of the country also serve the purpose, as these projections always provide an
indication of the country‘s economic position. This requirement is very important
as a debtor country will be denied access to the rescheduling process without the
Club being satisfied that this condition has been fulfilled.
(b) Burden sharing: The principle of burden sharing applies to the creditor
countries. It requires the creditors to be prepared to share fairly and equitably
the burde no f the rescheduling in the proportion of their individual exposure to
the debtor countries. In effect, the creditor must agree to provide the debtor
country with relief that is commensurate with their exposure. The counterpart,
from the point of view of debtors, is the principle of comparability of treatment
which extols the need for debtors to treat creditors equitably in meeting the debt
service obligations.
(c) Conditionality:This principle which is generally regarded as the ―golden
rule‖ of the Paris Club of Creditors also applies to the debtor countries. It
requires the debtor nation to put in place an IMF structural adjustment
programmes before approaching the Club for rescheduling process. Sometimes
such programmes determine the type of agreement which the official creditors
would be prepared to reach with the debtor country. 34.13.3 Restructuring: It
occurs when an existing debt stock is converted into various categories of debt.
The composition of Nigeria‘s external debt has been restructured to provide
relief. In March 1991, an arrangement in principle was reached with the London
club of creditors for the restructuring of debt which totaled $5.8 billion. Three
options offered under the scheme are:-debt buy-back, collaterised bonds and
new money bonds. One basic advantage of debt restructuring is the eligibility of
the debt for conversion
Debt conversion
This is the exchange of monetary instruments e.g. promissory notes or par
bonds for tangible assets or other financial instruments. It is a mechanism for
reducing a country‘s external debt by changing the character of its debt. Debt
conversion may or may not bring in additional money but it is aimed at
enhancing debt management and facilitating a country‘s access to international
financial market arena. Under the debt conversion programme, the Central Bank
of a debtor nation would agree to repay a foreign currency denominated debt
guaranteed by the public in local currency on the condition that the local
currency proceeds would be used for specific domestic activities. There are
different forms of debt conversion programme which are discussed briefly below:
(a) Types of debt conversion
(i) Debt for equity conversion: This is the exchange of a country‘s foreign
denominated debt for local currency which can be used either for the
establishment of new enterprise or for the purchase of equity share in an
existing private sector concern.
(ii) Debt for debt conversion: This involves the exchange of foreign currency
debt for domestic currency denominated debt e.g. Government Development
Stock (GDS) that can be sold or traded in the domestic secondary market.
(iii) Debt for cash conversion: It entails the exchange of foreign currency
denominated debt for local currency which can be used for local working capital,
loan repayments and local tax payments.
(iv) Debt for export conversion: Under this arrangement, exports are paid for
in a combination of cash that is, foreign currency and debts conversion
(v) Debt for nature: This arises when the domestic currency proceeds of debt
conversion are applied for development of conservation, promoting wildlife
tourism and other natural resources. Another variant is a situation where by the
foreign currency denominated debtis exchanged for a particular natural resource
for a given period.
(vi) Debt for development: In this case, the proceeds of debt conversion are
employed for development activities of non-governmental private voluntary
organisations such as foundations, trusts and multi-national aid organisations
(vii) Relending: Under this category, the proceeds of debt conversion are given
out as fresh loan(s) to non-governmental private economic entities, mostly
multinational corporations. This practice is usually employed when ever the
Central Bank does not have adequate foreign exchanges to pay the beneficiaries
of debt conversion.
Debt consolidation
This is similar to debt refinancing in the sense that it involves procurement of
new loan in order to pay off an existing obligation. Debt consolidation refers to
an arrangement whereby new loan is obtained to pay out a number of smaller
loans, debts, or bills on which payments are currently being made. Since this is
bringing multiple debts together and combining them into one loan, this is
referred to as ―consolidating‖ them. That is why it is called a debt consolidation
Debt repudiation
This involves disowning the debt completely. This approach had been advocated
by many economists. Fidel Castro, in his own contribution, did not see any sense
in developing countries paying back the debt in view of past colonisation and
neocolonisation experiences. African countries had more than paid for the debts,
accordingto Fidel Castro of Cuba. However, there is the possibility of the
imposition of sanctions by the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, if
Nigeria should illegally repudiate its indebtedness.
Debt forgiveness relief
This arises where a creditor Nation decides to forgive or write off the liabilities of
a debtor nation. The option has been taken by Paris Club in favour of some
debtors. In 2006, Paris Club of creditors granted Nigeria a debt relief of about
$18bn. This translated to about N2.43 trillion at an average exchange rate of
N130 to $1.
Economic restructuring programme
The idea is a long-term solution. It is believed that the poor performance of the
economy led to the debt crisis, hence the adoption of structural adjustment
programme in 1986.
The objectives which informed the initiative were as follows:
(i) To restructure and diversify the productive base of the economy, in order to
reduce dependence on the oil sector and imports.
(ii) To reduce the debt burden and attract the net inflow of foreign capital.
(iii) The adoption of a realistic exchange rate policy.
(iv) Privatisation and commercialisation of public enterprises so as to ensure
their efficiency and effectiveness.
(v) Reduction of complex administrative control.
Chapter Twenty Eight
Public expenditure
This is an important segment of budgetary activities. It refers to the expenses
incurred by government in the course of its activities. It can as well be defined
as the financial counterpart of limited resources used directly by government or
places at the disposal of certain section of the society for the purpose of
achieving specific objectives such as:
o correcting distortions or market failures;
o regulating private activity that might be harmful to the society;
o providing public goods and services (i.e. economic and social infrastructure);
o engage in other productive activities.
Going concern
An entity‘s IPSAS financial statements will be prepared on a going concern
basis unless management has significant concerns about the entity's ability to
continue as a going concern. These uncertainties must be disclosed. If the
financial statements are not prepared on a going concern basis that fact shall
be disclosed together with some other of disclosures [IPSAS 1.38].
Assets and liabilities, and revenue and expenses, may not be offset unless
offsetting is permitted or required by another IPSAS.
3. Prior period errors are omissions from, and misstatements in, an entity's
financial statements for one or more prior periods arising from a failure to use,
or misuse of, reliable information that was available and could reasonably be
expected to have been obtained and taken into account in preparing those
statements. Such errors result from mathematical mistakes, mistakes in
applying accounting policies, oversights or misinterpretations of facts, and fraud
[IPSAS 3.7].
4. Materiality is defined as assessing whether an omission or misstatement
could influence decisions of users.
In making that judgment, management must refer to, and consider the
applicability of, the following sources in descending order:
• the requirements and guidance in other IPSASs dealing with similar and
related issues
• the definitions, recognition criteria and measurement criteria for assets,
liabilities, revenue and expenses in other IPSAS standards
• most recent:
(a) pronouncements of other standard-setting bodies and
(b) accepted public or private sector practices, to the extent that these do not
conflict with the sources indicated in IPSAS 3.14 [IPSAS 3.15].
Examples of such pronouncements include [IPSAS 3.16]:
• Pronouncements of the IASB
• IFRIC and SIC interpretations
If an entity has not applied a new standard that has been issued but is not yet
effective, the entity must disclose this fact and any known or reasonably
estimable information relevant to assessing the possible impact that the new
IPSAS will have in the year of initial application
Generally an entity is required to correct all material prior period errors
retrospectively in the first set of financial statements authorized for issue after
their discovery by [IPSAS 3.47]:
• restating the comparative amounts for the prior period(s) presented in which
the error occurred; or
• if the error occurred before the earliest prior period presented, restating the
opening balances for the earliest prior period presented If it is impracticable to
determine the period.
First, determine the reporting entity‘s functional currency — the
currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity
Next, translate all foreign currency items into the functional
At the date of transaction, record using the spot exchange rate for
initial recognition and measurement.
At subsequent reporting dates:
Use closing rate for monetary items
Use transaction-date exchange rates for nonmonetary items carried
at historical cost
Use valuation-date exchange rates for nonmonetary items that are
carried at fair value
Exchange differences arising on settlement of monetary items and
on translation of monetary items at a rate different from when
initially recognized are included in surplus or deficit, with one
exception: exchange differences arising from monetary items that
form part of the reporting entity‘s net investment in a foreign
operation are recognized in the consolidated financial statements
that include the foreign operation in a separate component of net
assets/equity; these differences will be recognized in the surplus or
deficit on disposal of the net investment.
The results and financial position of an entity‘s foreign operations
whose functional currency is not the currency of a hyperinflationary
economy are translated into a different presentation currency using
the following procedures:
Assets and liabilities for each statement of financial position
presented (including comparatives) are translated at the closing
rate at the date of that statement of financial position.
Revenue and expenses of each statement of financial performance
(including comparatives) are translated at exchange rates at the
dates of the transactions.
All resulting exchange differences are recognized as a separate
component of net assets/equity.
Special rules apply for translating into a presentation currency the
financial performance and financial position of an entity whose
functional currency is hyperinflationary.
Following disclosures are required:
• the accounting policy adopted (under benchmark [IPSAS 5.16] and alternative
treatment [IPSAS 5.40])
• amount of borrowing cost capitalized during the period [IPSAS 5.40]
• capitalization rate used [IPSAS 5.40]
Disclosures required in consolidated financial statements [IPSAS 6.62]
• list of the significant controlled entities
• if a controlled entity is not consolidated because it is exclusively held with a
view to dispose, this fact should be disclosed;
• summarized financial information of controlled entities, either individually or in
groups, that are not consolidated, including:
a. total assets
b. total liabilities
c. revenues
d. surplus or deficit;
• name of any controlled entity in which the controlling entity holds an
ownership interest and/or voting rights of 50% or less, together with an
explanation of how control exists;
• the reasons why the ownership interest of more than 50% of the voting or
potential voting power of an investee does not constitute control;
• the reporting date of the financial statements included in the consolidated
financial statements in case the date is different from that of the controlling
entity, and the reason for using a different reporting date or period
• the nature and extent of any significant restrictions (e.g., resulting from
borrowing arrangements or regulatory requirements) on the ability of controlled
entities to transfer funds to the controlling entity in the form of cash dividends
Significant influence is presumed when holding 20% or more of the voting power
(directly or through subsidiaries) unless the contrary can be clearly
demonstrated. If the holding is less than 20%, the investor will be presumed not
to have significant influence unless such influence can be clearly demonstrated
[IPSAS 7.13]
1) the investor is
• itself a wholly-owned controlled entity and users of such financial statements
are unlikely to exist or their information needs are met by its controlling entity‘s
consolidated financial statements;
• a partially-owned controlled entity of another entity and its other owners,
including those not otherwise entitled to vote, have been informed about, and do
not object to, the controlling entity not presenting consolidated financial
2) The investor’s debt or equity instruments are not traded in a public
market (a domestic or foreign stock exchange or an over-the-counter market,
including local and regional markets)
3) the investor did not file, nor is it in the process of filing, its financial
statements with a securities commission or other regulatory organization for the
purpose of issuing any class of instruments in a public market
4) the ultimate or any intermediate controlling entity of the investor produces
consolidated financial statements available for public use that comply with
Application of the equity method
a. Main principle: Under the equity method of accounting, an equity
investment is initially recorded at cost and is subsequently adjusted to reflect
the investor's share of the net profit or loss of the associate [IPSAS 7.17].
Impairment Losses
1. Deficits in excess of investment: In case an investor's share of deficits of
an associate equals or exceeds its interest in the associate, the investor
discontinues recognizing its share of further losses. The interest in an associate
is the carrying amount of the investment in the associate under the equity
method together with any long-term interests that, in substance, form part of
the investor's net investment in the associate [IPSAS 7.35]. After the investor's
interest is reduced to zero, a provision or a liability for additional deficits/losses
should be recognized but only to the extent that the investor has incurred legal
or constructive obligations or made payments on behalf of the associate. If
surpluses are reported subsequently, the investor resumes recognizing its share
of those surpluses only after its share of the surpluses equals the share of
deficits not recognized [IPSAS 7.36].
Disclosures required [IPSAS 7.43]:
• fair value of investments in associates for which there are published price
• summarized financial information of associates, including the aggregated
amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues, and surplus or deficits
• an explanation when investments of less than 20% are considered as having
significant influence
• an explanation when investments of more than 20% are not considered as
having significant influence (versus the presumption of significant influence)
• the use and the reason of a different reporting date of the financial statements
of an associate
• nature and extent of any significant restrictions on the ability of associates to
transfer funds to the investor in the form of cash dividends, similar distributions
or repayment of loans or advances
• unrecognized share of losses of an associate, both for the period and
cumulatively, if an investor has discontinued recognition of its share of losses of
an associate
• the fact that an associate is not accounted for using the equity method
• summarized financial information of associates, either individually or in groups,
that are not accounted for using the equity method, including the amounts of
total assets, total liabilities, revenues, and surpluses or deficits
The following disclosures are also required:
• the investor‘s share of the surplus or deficit and the carrying amount of
associates accounted for using the equity method [IPSAS 7.44]
• the investor‘s share of discontinuing operations of associates accounted for
using the equity method [IPSAS 7.44]
• The investor's share of changes recognized directly in the associate's net
assets/equity should also be recognized in net assets/equity by the investor,
with disclosure in the statement of changes in net assets/equity as required by
IPSAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements [IPSAS 7.45]
• the investor's share of the contingent liabilities of an associate incurred jointly
with other investors [IPSAS 7.46]
• contingent liabilities that arise because the investor is severally liable for all or
part of the liabilities of the associate [IPSAS 7.47]
Venture capital organizations, mutual funds, unit trusts and other similar entities
are required to provide disclosures about nature and extent of any significant
restrictions on transfer of funds by associates [IPSAS 7.1].
IPSAS 9 applies to revenue arising from the following exchange
transactions and events:
o The rendering of services
o The sale of goods
o The use of others of entity assets yielding interest, royalties, and
Revenue shall be measured at the fair value of the consideration received
or receivable.
o From sale of goods: When significant risks and rewards have been
transferred to purchaser, loss of effective control by seller, amount
of revenue can be reliably measured, it is likely that the economic
benefits or service potential associated with the transaction will flow
to the entity, and the costs incurred or to be incurred in respect of
the transaction can be measured reliably.
o From rendering of services: Reference to the stage of completion of
the transaction at the reporting date, provided the outcome of the
transaction can be estimated reliably. If the outcome of the
transaction cannot be estimated reliably, revenue must be
recognized only to the extent of the expenses recognized that are
For interest, royalties, and dividends: Recognized when it is probable that
economic benefits or service potential will flow to the entity, and the
amount of the revenue can be measured reliably.
o Interest — on a time proportion basis that takes into account the
effective yield on the asset.
o Royalties — as they are earned in accordance with the substance of
the relevant agreement.
o Dividends or their equivalents — when the shareholder‘s or the
entity‘s right to receive payment is established
IPSAS 10 (IAS 29): Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies
IPSAS 10 prescribes the accounting treatment of financial statements of entities
in hyperinflationary economies to ensure that these financial statements are
useful. The financial statements (including comparatives) should be restated to
reflect the change in the purchasing power on the basis of a general price index.
When a non-monetary item has been revalued at another date than the
acquisition date, the price evolution between the revaluation date and the
reporting date is taken into account based on the general price index [IPSAS
Controlling entities, reporting in the currency of a hyperinflationary economy
themselves, consolidating entities in hyperinflationary economies should restate
the financial statements of that entity into the unit current at the reporting
date before consolidation [IPSAS 10.32].
Note that the surplus or deficit on the net monetary position should be disclosed
on the face of the Statement of Financial Performance [IPSAS 10.12]. from
exchanges of goods or services [IPSAS 9.39(c)]
a. Construction contract: a contract or a similar binding arrangement,
specifically for the construction of an asset or a combination of assets that are
closely interrelated or interdependent in terms of their design, technology, and
function or their ultimate purpose or use [IPSAS 11.4].
b. Contractor: an entity that performs construction work as specified in a
construction contract
c. Cost plus or cost-based contract: construction contract in which the
contractor is reimbursed for allowable or otherwise defined costs and, in the case
of a commercially based contract, an additional percentage of these costs or a
fixed fee, if any [IPSAS 11.4]
d. Fixed price contract: a construction contract in which the contractor agrees
to a fixed contract price, or a fixed rate per unit of output, which may be subject
to cost escalation clauses [IPSAS 11.4]
When a construction contract covers two or more assets, the construction of
each asset should be treated separately if [IPSAS 11.13]:
1. separate proposals were submitted for each asset
2. portions of the contract relating to each asset were negotiated separately
3. costs and revenues of each asset can be identified
Contract work variations, claims and incentive payments are only included to the
extent that (i) they are expected to generate revenue and (b) that they can be
measured reliably [IPSAS 11.16].
• Costs that are attributable to the general activity of the contractor's to the
extent that they can be systematically and rationally allocated to the contract
• other costs that can be specifically charged to the customer under the terms of
the contract.
The entity has to present amounts relating to contract work [IPSAS 5.53]:
As an asset: the gross amount due from customers for contract work
As a liability: the gross amount due to customers for contract work
Following disclosures are required:
• amount of contract revenue recognized [IPSAS 11.50(a)]
• method used to determine contract revenue [IPSAS 11.50(b)]
• method used to determine stage of completion of the contract [IPSAS
Inventories are assets [IAS 12.9]:
(a) in the form of materials or supplies to be consumed in the production
process or in the rendering of services.
(b) held for sale in the ordinary course of operations;
(c) in the process of production for such sale;
(d) Held for sale or distribution in the ordinary course of operations.
(e) To be consumed in the production of goods or services for sale;
Measurement of inventories
Inventories are required to be stated at the lower of cost and net realisable
value (NRV), except when [IAS 12.15]:
Acquired through a non-exchange transaction: measurement at fair value
(FV) at the date of acquisition
Held for distribution at no or for a nominal charge or held for the production
of these goods: measurement at lower of cost or replacement cost
Finance lease: a lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards
incidental to ownership of an asset. Title may or may not eventually be
Contingent Rent: is that portion of the lease payments that is not fixed in
amount but is based on the future amount of a factor that changes other than
the passage of time (e.g. percentage of future sales, amount of future use,
future prices, and future market rates of interest)
Initial Direct Costs: are incremental costs that are directly attributable to
negotiating and arranging a lease, except for such costs incurred by
manufacturer or trade lessors.
The Interest Rate Implicit in the Lease: is the discount rate that, at the
inception of the lease, causes the aggregate present value of:
(a) The minimum lease payments; and
(b) The unguaranteed residual value; to be equal to the sum of :
(i) The fair value of the leased asset; and
(ii) Any initial direct costs of the lessor.
A Lease: is an agreement whereby the lessor conveys to the lessee in return for
a payment or series of payments the right to use an asset for an agreed period
of time.
The Lease Term: is the non-cancellable period for which the lessee has
contracted to leasee the asset together with any further terms for which the
lease has the option to continue to lease the asset, with or without further
payment, when at the inception of the lease it is reasonably certain that the
lessee will exercise the option.
Minimum Lease Payment: are the payments over the lease term that the
lessee is, or can be, required to make, excluding contingent rent, costs for
services and, where appropriate, taxes to be paid by and reimbursed to the
lessor, together with:
(i) For a lessee, any amounts guaranteed by the lessee or a party related to the
lessee; or
(ii) For a lessor, any residual value guaranteed to the lessor by:
The lessee;
A party related to the lessee; or
An independent third party unrelated to the lessor that is financially
capable of discharging the obligations under the guarantee.
However, if the lessee has an option to purchase the asset at a price that is
expected to be sufficiently lower than the fair value at the date the option
becomes exercisable for it to be reasonably certain, at the inception of lease,
that the option will be exercised, the minimum lease payments comprise
minimum payment required to exercise it.
Net Investment in the Lease: is the gross investment in the lease discounted
at the interest rate implicit in the lease.
Useful Life: is the estimated remaining period, from the commencement of the
lease term, without limitation by the lease term, over which the economic
benefits or service potential embodied in the asset are expected to be consumed
by the entity
Accounting by lessors
Lessor - Finance leases:
• initially, the asset is derecognised and a receivable recognised, equal to the
net investment in the lease, at an amount equal to the net investment in the
lease [IPSAS 13.48]
• finance revenue should be recognized based on a pattern reflecting a constant
periodic rate of return on the lessor‘s net investment [IPSAS 13.51]
• manufacturers or trader lessors should recognize gains or losses in the same
period as they would for outright sales [IPSAS 13.54]. If artificially low rates of
interest are quoted gains resulting from the sale should be restricted to that
what would apply if a market conform rate of interest would have been charged
[IPSAS 13.55].
Lessor - Operating leases:
• assets held for operating leases should be presented in the statement of
financial position of the lessor according to the nature of the asset [IPSAS 13.62]
Lease revenue should be recognized over the lease term on a straight-line basis,
unless another systematic basis is more representative of the time pattern in
which use benefit is derived from the leased asset is diminished [IPSAS 13.63]
• for operating leases, initial direct costs incurred in negotiating and arranging
an operating lease should be added to the carrying amount of the leased asset
and recognise them as an expense over the lease term on the same basis as the
lease revenue [IPSAS 13.65]
• leased assets should have consistent depreciation policies with the lessor‘s
normal policies for similar assets (in accordance with IPSAS 17 and IPSAS 31)
[IPSAS 13.66].
Disclosures: finance leases - lessees [IPSAS 13.40]
• the carrying amount for each class of assets at the reporting date
• reconciliation between total minimum lease payments and their present value
at the reporting date
• the aggregate amount of the minimum lease payments at the reporting date
and their present value for following periods:
i. the following year
ii. later than 1 year and no later than 5 years
iii. later than five years
• contingent rent recognized as an expense
• total expected income receivable of future minimum sublease payments under
non-cancellable subleases
• description, in general terms, of material leasing arrangements, including the
determination basis for contingent rent, renewal or purchase options, escalation
clauses and restrictions imposed on return of surplus or capital contributions,
dividends or similar distributions, borrowings, or further leasing
Event after the reporting date: an favorable or unfavorable event, that occurs
between the reporting date and the date that the financial statements are
authorised for issue [IPSAS 14.5].
The following disclosures are required:
• The date the financial statements were authorized for issue [IPSAS 14.26]
• The name of the individual or body who gave the authorization [IPSAS
• If another body has the power to amend the financial statements after
issuance, this fact shall be disclosed [IPSAS 14.26]
• uncertainties, that may arise after the reporting date, that may cast
significant doubt upon the entity‘s ability to continue as a going concern
[IPSAS 14.24(b)]
The following are not investment property and, therefore, are outside the scope
of IPSAS 16:
property held for use in the production or supply of goods or services or
for administrative purposes [IPSAS 16.5]
property held for sale in the ordinary course of operations or in the
process of construction of development for such sale (IPSAS
12 Inventories) [IPSAS 16.5 and 16.13]
property being constructed or developed on behalf of third parties (IPSAS
11Construction Contracts) [IPSAS 16.13]
owner-occupied property (IPSAS 17 Property, Plant and Equipment),
including property held for future use as owner-occupied property,
property held for future development and subsequent use as owner-
occupied property, property occupied by employees and owner-occupied
property awaiting disposal [IPSAS 16.13]
property leased to another entity under a finance lease [IPSAS 16.13]
property held to provide a social service and which also generates cash
inflows (e.g. social housing facilities) [IPSAS 16.13]
property held for strategic purposes which would be accounted for in
accordance with IPSAS 17 Property, Plant and Equipment [IPSAS 16.13]
Initial measurement
Investment property is initially measured:
• at cost, including any transaction costs [IPSAS 16.26]
• at fair value, if the asset is acquired through on non-exchange transaction
[IPSAS 16.27]
If the investment is measured at cost, the cost should include any directly
attributable costs but should exclude start-up costs, abnormal waste, or initial
operating losses incurred before the investment property achieves the planned
level of occupancy [IPSAS 16.30].
Subsequent Measurement
IPSAS 16 permits the application of two models [IPSAS 16.39]:
• the fair value model
• the cost model.
Cost model
If the cost model is elected by the entity, the investment property is
subsequently accounted for in accordance with the cost model as set out in
IPSAS 17 Property, Plant and Equipment – cost less accumulated depreciation
and less accumulated impairment losses [IPSAS 16.65]
An investment property should be derecognized [IPSAS 16.77]:
on disposal or
when the investment property is permanently withdrawn from use and no
future economic benefits or service potential are expected from its
disposal (i.e. retirement)
Following items are excluded from the scope of the standard [IPSAS 17.2 and
(a) Items for which a different accounting treatment has been elected in
accordance with IPSASs (e.g. IPSAS 13 Leases)
(b) Heritage assets – except for the required disclosures with regard to these
(c) Biological assets related to agricultural activity (IPSAS 27 Agriculture)
(d) Mineral rights and mineral reserves such as oil, natural gas, and similar non-
regenerative resources
Impairment loss: the excess of the carrying amount over the recoverable
(service) amount
Property, plant and equipment should be recognized as an asset if [IPSAS
• it is probable that the future economic benefits or service potential that are
associated with the item will flow to the entity
• the cost or the fair value of the item can be reliably measured.
Initial measurement
Property, plant and equipment is initially measured:
• at cost, including any transaction costs [IPSAS 17.26]
• at fair value, if the asset is acquired through on non-exchange transaction
[IPSAS 17.27]
Cost is the amount of cash paid or the fair value of other assets given (exchange
of assets) to acquire an asset. Discounting may be needed if payment is
deferred [IPSAS 17.37]
If the investment is measured at cost, the cost should included any directly
attributable costs [IPSAS 17.30] but should exclude costs of opening a new
facility, costs related to the introduction of a new facility, cost of conducting a
business in a new location or with a new class of customers, administration and
general overhead costs [IPSAS 17.34].
Subsequent Measurement
IPSAS 17 permits the application of two models [IPSAS 17.42]:
• the fair value model (―the revaluation model‖)
• the cost model.
One accounting policy shall be elected by the entity for each significant class of
property, plant and equipment and apply this policy to the whole entire class
[IPSAS 17.42].
If the entity elects to revalue an item of certain class of PPE, the entire class of
PPE should be revalued [IPSAS 17.51].
Cost model
If the cost model is elected by the entity, the item of property, plant and
equipment is subsequently carried at cost less accumulated depreciation and less
accumulated impairment losses [IPSAS 17.43]
Component approach: Each part of an item of PPE with a cost that is significant
in relation to the total cost of the item shall be depreciated separately [IPSAS
The residual value and the useful life of an item of PPE should be reviewed at
least at each annual reporting date and when expectations differ from earlier
estimates, any change should be treated as an change in accounting estimate in
accordance with IPSAS 3, i.e. prospectively [IPSAS 17.67].
Depreciation starts when item of PPE is available for use [IPSAS 17.71] and is
continued even when the fair value of the item is higher than the carrying
amount [IPSAS 17.68].
An item of PPE should be derecognized [IPSAS 17.82]:
• on disposal
• when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal
Gains or losses are recognized in surplus or deficit [IPSAS 17.83] (except for
sale and leaseback, refer to IPSAS 13).
Upon disposal of an item of property, plant and equipment valued under the ―fair
value model‖, the possible revaluation surplus included in net assets/equity
should be added directly to accumulated surpluses or deficits (as part of net
assets/equity). Transfers to accumulated surpluses/deficits are not performed
through surplus or deficit (Statement of Financial Performance) [IPSAS 17.57].
Heritage assets
Heritage assets are assets of value because of its cultural, environmental,
educational or historical significance for a nation or society (not as such defined
For a class of PPE stated at revalued amounts [fair value model], following
additional disclosures are required: [IPSAS 17.92]
• the effective date of the revaluation
• whether an independent valuer was involved
• the methods and significant assumptions used for the estimation of fair values
• the extent to which fair values were determined directly by reference to
observable prices in an active market or recent market transactions on arm's
length terms or were estimated using other valuation techniques
• revaluation surplus, indicating the change for the period and any restrictions
on the distribution of the balance to shareholders or other equity holders
• the aggregate of all revaluation surpluses within that class
• the aggregate all revaluation deficits within that class
The standard presumes that the information reported to governing body contains
the basis for the segmented information and usually referred to as [IPSAS
• Service segments
• Geographical segments
Following disclosures are required for each segment [IPSAS 18.51]:
• segment revenue and expenses (distinguishing between external and inter-
segment) [IPSAS 18.52]
• carrying amount of segment assets and liabilities [IPSAS 18.53-54]
• costs incurred for segment assets that are expected to be used during more
than one period [IPSAS 18.55]
• aggregate equity method income (JV‘s, associates, other investments) of the
entity net surplus or deficit [IPSAS 18.61]
• if JV‘s, associates and other investments accounted for under the equity
method is disclosed by segment, the aggregate investment is these investments
shall be disclosed by segment [IPSAS 18.63]
• reconciliation of segment revenue to consolidated revenue [IPSAS 18.64]
• segment expenses should be reconciled to a comparable measure of
consolidated expense [IPSAS 18.64]
• reconciliation between segment assets and entity assets [IPSAS 18.64]
• reconciliation between segment liabilities and entity liabilities [IPSAS 18.64]
• basis of pricing inter-segment transfers and any change therein [IPSAS 18.67]
• in case of changes in accounting policies adopted for segment reporting that
have a material effect [IPSAS 18.68]:
i. disclosure of the change, including the nature and reasons for the change
ii. restatement of comparative information, and the fact that it has been restated
(or its impractibility)
iii. the financial effect of the change
(c) Cash-generating assets are assets held with the primary objective of
generating a commercial return.
(d) Costs of disposal are incremental costs directly attributable to the disposal
of an asset, excluding finance cost and income tax expense.
(j) Useful life is either: □ The period over which an asset is expected to be
available for use by an entity; or □ The number of production or similar units
expected to be obtained from the asset by an entity. (k) Value in use of a non-
cash-generating asset is the present value of the asset remaining service
Disclosure :
An entity shall disclose the following for each class of assets:
(a) The amount of impairment losses recognized in surplus or deficit during the
period and the line item(s) of the statement of financial performance in which
those impairment losses are included;
(b) The amount of reversals of impairment losses recognised in the surplus or
deficit during the period and the line item(s) of the statement of financial
performance in which those impairment losses are reversed.
An entity shall disclose the criteria developed by the entity to distinguish cash
generating assets from non-cash-generating assets. An entity shall disclose the
following for each class of assets:
(a) The amount of impairment losses recognised in surplus or deficit during the
period and the line item(s) of the statement of financial performance in which
those impairment losses are included.
(b) The amount of reversals of impairment losses recognised in the surplus of
deficit during the period and the line item(s) of the statement of financial
performance in which those impairment losses are reversed. An entity is
encouraged to disclose assumptions used to determine the recoverable amount
of assets during the period. An entity is required to disclose information about
the estimates used to measure the recoverable amount of cash-generating unit
when an intangible asset with an indefinite useful life is included in the carrying
amount of that unit.
To prescribe disclosure requirements for governments which elect to present
information about the GGS in their consolidated financial statements. The
disclosure of appropriate information about the GGS of a government can
provide a better understanding of the relationship between the market and
nonmarket activities of the government and between financial statements and
statistical bases of financial reporting.
Financial information about the GGS shall be disclosed in conformity with the
accounting policies adopted for preparing and presenting the consolidated
financial statements of the government, with two exceptions:
The GGS shall not apply the requirements of IPSAS 6, ―Consolidated and
Separate Financial Statements‖ in respect of entities in the public
financial corporations and public nonfinancial corporations sectors.
The GGS shall recognize its investment in the public financial
corporations and public nonfinancial corporations sectors as an asset and
shall account for that asset at the carrying amount of the net assets of its
Disclosures made in respect of the GGS shall include at least of the following:
Assets by major class, showing separately the investment in other
Liabilities by major class
Net assets/equity
Total revaluation increments and decrements and other items of
revenue and expense recognized directly in net assets/equity
Revenue by major class
Expenses by major class
Surplus or deficit
Cash flows from operating activities by major class
Cash flows from investing activities
Cash flows from financing activities
The manner of presentation of the GGS disclosures shall be no more
prominent than the government‘s financial statements prepared in
accordance with IPSAS.
Disclosures of the significant controlled entities that are included in the GGS
and any changes in those entities from the prior period must be made,
together with an explanation of the reasons why any such entity that was
previously included in the GGS is no longer included.
The GGS disclosures shall be reconciled to the consolidated financial
statements of the government showing separately the amount of the
adjustment to each equivalent item in those financial statements.
IPSAS 27 Agriculture
To prescribe the accounting treatment and disclosures for agricultural activity.
Agricultural activity is the management by an entity of the biological
transformation of living animals or plants (biological assets) for sale, or
for distribution at no charge, or for a nominal charge, or for conversion
into agricultural produce, or into additional biological assets.
All biological assets (including those acquired biological assets through a
nonexchange transaction) are measured at fair value less costs to sell,
unless fair value cannot be measured reliably.
Agricultural produce is measured at fair value at the point of harvest less
costs to sell. Because harvested produce is a marketable commodity,
there is no ‗measurement reliability‘ exception for produce.
Any change in the fair value of biological assets during a period is
reported in surplus or deficit.
Exception to fair value model for biological assets: If there is no active
market at the time of recognition in the financial statements, and no other
reliable measurement method, then the cost model is used for the specific
biological asset only. The biological asset is measured at depreciated cost
less any accumulated impairment losses. Quoted market price in an active
market generally represents the best measure of the fair value of a
biological asset or agricultural produce. If an active market does not exist,
IPSAS 27 provides guidance for choosing another measurement basis.
Fair value measurement stops at harvest. IPSAS 12 applies after harvest.
A biological asset or agriculture produce should be recognized only when [IPSAS
• the entity controls the asset as a result of past events
• it is probable that future economic benefits will flow to the entity
• the fair value or cost of the asset can be measured reliably
Biological assets must be measured on initial recognition and at subsequent
reporting dates at its fair value less costs to sell, except when fair value cannot
be reliably measured [IPSAS 27.16]. At the point of harvest, agricultural produce
must be measured at fair value less costs to sell [IPSAS 27.18].
Following disclosures are required:
• aggregate gain or loss arising [IPSAS 27.38]
o on initial recognition of biological assets and agricultural produce
o from the change in fair value less costs to sell of biological assets
• description of an entity's biological assets that distinguishes between
o Consumer and bearer biological assets
o Biological assets held for sale and those held for distribution at no charge or
for a nominal charge
For agricultural produce, the entity is required to disclose the fair value less
costs to sell determined at the time of harvest [IPSAS 27.46].