LFH10A Temperature and Humidity Transmitter

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LE F 。。 LE F 。。

ORDER REF NO. LFH30 Temperature and Humidity Transmitter

Code and description Remark
LFH10A1- Wall-mounted temperature and humidity transmit抽r
LFH10A2- Duct type temperatu陪and humidity transmitter
LFH10A3- Split type饱mperature and humidity transmitter • Humidity accuracy up to土2%RH
3 ± 3%RH(0.3'C) Accuracy • Imported humidity sensitive臼pacitor,臼n陪sist condensation and pollution,
V10 。-1OVDC(3-wire) • Passive temperature output optional
A4 4-20mA(2-wire) u
• Stainless steel probe, sintered/s幅inless steel wire mesh filter optional
RS RS48日Modbus • CE certifi俑tion, IP65, ROHS
V10 。-10VDC(3严·wire) 。 PT1000,±0.2 C@0 C
° °

A4 4-20mA但哨ire) PT100,±0.2 C@0 C

° °

RS RS485/Modbus 2 NTC2胀, 士0.4℃@25°C Teir,�.:u�re

6 NTC10K, 士0.4'C@25°C
。 None LFH30 senstive components use imp。由d 阴阳ner film humidity sensitive四pacito陪and PT1000阳mperature
1 o-so·c sensit阳『esistors. The special b『eathable coating and SMD i时ection molding proce自由n ensure the long stability
Tam田n of the probe in the environment of dust, salt spray pollution and high humidity conden国tion. It is臼librated with
2 -20-60'C 阳 �!1ra
mature humidity and temperature measurement technology to ensure the accuracy. It is suitable for high-s恼ndard
8 Othe「(customer speci由ed)
intelligent buildings, incubators, industrial dehumidifiers and other fields.
。 None
1 LCD display

� 3 M A4 |制剧。nexamp恒| ’)Relative humidity
Sen串or Humidity Sensitive Capac'tor
1.0nly when the temperature output option is V10 orA4, you need to select the corresponding temperature range 1-8; Meas1』『ement range o,-100%RH
otherwise, you饵n only select 0. Output RS485/Modbus,。-10VDC,4-2臼nA
2.Prolong回exp四ure of the sensor probe of this product to high con田ntrationsofchemi回I gases may 回use the sensor's Accuracy 士2咀自20'C& 20 80%RH

reading to shift. Response time 白Os(20'C,刨ow airflow)

3.Example LFH10A1-3A4A411 rep阴ents a wall-mounted ty阳with a temperature and humidity �ccuracy of ±3%RH(士0.3'C)
a humidity output of←20mA, a temperatu陪outputof4”20mA, and a temperature range of 0- iO'C with display. 2)Temperature
4.To choose a me恒l 『od temperature and humidity transmitter, you need to clea『1y write the specifi四tions of the metal Senso『 Pt1000 or passive thennal resistan饵, see。时er Ref No.
rod and the front cover in the re『nar陆.
Mea剧阳nent range 。-so·c, -20-so·c etc
Output 4-20mA,。叫OVDC, RS485/ModbusOptional
Thermal resis恒nee SeeO时er Ref No. and Thennal Resistan四Indexing Table
Accuracy Digital sensor: 0.3'C @5-60'Q; Thennal resistan饵type: typi臼l:士0. 2-0. 4'C@25'C,
seeOrder Ref No.
R割85 type 9-35VDC/24VAC±20% Voltage type:12-35VDC/24VDC土20%
Power supply
Current type: 19.5-35VDC (RL=500Q)/9.5嗣揭V , Dc (RL=OCl)
Output load �500Cl(Current ty阳},目阳(Voltage type)
Display LCD display optional, with unit display and backlight (4-20mA without ba出light)
Shell 『naterial PC housing, PC probe and阴lyme『filter (opt阳al stain阳s steel probe『田, sinter副局甸in陆插曲el唰Ill m臼h们|馅。
Wo『king environment -20咱O'C,5%-95%RH (Non-condensing)

Protection level IP65
�C:,��fit EN61326-1

圄 www.lef1叫roup.com www.lef1叫roup.com 囡

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