Glosario Vocabulario Español 2

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baloncesto basketball basket-ball Basketball pallacanestro

balonmano handball hand-ball Handball pallamano
Ьапсо bench; bank Ьапс; banque (Sitz)bank; Bank panchina; Ьапса
baiiarse to bath se baigner (sich) baden farsi i 1 bagno
Ьаг Ьаг Ьаг Ваг, Stehcafe Ьаг
barгio neighbourhood, quarter quartier Viertel, Stadttei I quartiere, rione
batir to Ьеа! battre schlagen sbattere
beso kiss baiser Kuss bacio
ЫЬег6п feeding bottle, baby's bottle ЫЬеroп Saugflasche poppatoio
bibIioteca library bibIiotheque BibIiothek bibIioteca
bicicleta bicycle bicyclette Fahrгad bicicletta
biografla biography biographie Biografie, Lebensgeschichte biografia
Ьоса de metro subway (underground) entrance bouche de metro Eingang zur Metrostation entrata della metropolitana
bola ball boule Kugel, Ball palla, boccia, sfera
bordillo сшЬ, kerb bordure Bordstein cordone, cordolo
bosque wood bois, foret Wald bosco
bruja witch sorciere Нехе strega
buho owl hibou Uhu gufo
buz6n mailbox, letter Ьох boite aux lettres Briefkasten buca

caballo horse cheval Pferd cavallo
саЫпа de telephone booth (Ьох) саЫпе telephonique Telefonzelle саЫ па telefon ica
саЬга goat chevre Ziege сарга
caerse to fall tomber fallen cadersi
cajero automatico cash dispenser distributeur Geldautomat Ьапсота!
caj6n drawer tiroir SchubIade cassetto
calidad quality qualite Qualitat qualita
calle street, road rue Stra&e strada, via
calzada carгiageway, road chaussee Fahrbahn carreggiata
camello сатеl chameau Кате' cammello
сатро country, field champ, campagne Land, Feld campagna
canasta basket corbeille КогЬ canestro, cesta
canicas marbIes billes Murmeln biglie
cansado tired fatigue mude stanco
capitan captain capitaine Hauptmann, Kapitan capitano
сагсеl jail, prison prison Gefangnis сагсеге, prigione
carгil bici cycleway piste cyclabIe Radweg pista ciclabile
cartelera pubIicity board, listings, porte-affiche, rubrique Kinoplakatwand, cartellone pubbIicitario,
entertainment guide des spectacles Veranstal tu ngsprogram m pagina degli, spettacoli
carte/es Ы Ils, posters affiches Plakate manifesti, cartelli
casarse соп to тarгy se marier ауес heiraten sposarsi соп
casco central агеа; helmet centre-vi Ile; casque Innenstadt; Helm centro (storico); casco
casualidad chance, coincidence hasard, co·incidence Zufall, Zufalligkeit caso, casual ita
cazador hunter chasseur Jager cacciatore
centro shopping centre, centre commercial Einkaufszentrum centro commerciale
comercial s~1Uppill!;;rпall
centrocampista midfield player milieu de terгain Mittelfeldspieler centrocampista
ceramica pottery ceramique Keramik ceramica
cerdo pig, pork рогс, cochon Schwein maiale
chupete dummy, pacifier sucette, teti пе Schnuller succhiotto
churгos strips of fried dough sorte de beignets allonges frittiertes Spritzgeback frittelle
ciclismo cycling, biking cyclisme Radsport ciclismo
ciclista cyclist cycliste Radfahrer ciclista
cine cinema cinema Kino cinema
cintur6n de safety belt, ceinture de securite Sicherheitsgurt cintura di sicurezza
seguridad seat belt
circo circus cirque Zirkus circo
circular 10 drive, to travel, to run circuler fahren circolare
cocodrilo crocodile cocodrile Krokodil coccodrillo
columpio swing balan<;oire Schaukel altalena
сотЬа skipping горе corde аsauter Springseil corda
comedia comedy comedie Komodie, Lustspiel commedia
comisarfa ро' ice station commisariat, gendarmerie Polizeiwache questura
comisariu superintendent, captain commissaire Kommissar commissario
competici6n competition competition Wettbewerb competizione, gara

ciento dos

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