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May 2007
Technical Report
9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS)
12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered
16. Abstract
This document contains updates and expands the design criteria and information on displays from the Human Factors Design
Standard. A research team of human factors experts evaluated the existing guidelines for relevancy, clarity, and usability. They
drafted new guidelines as necessary based on relevant sources, and they reorganized the document to increase usability. This
resulted in extensive changes to the original document including the addition of new guidelines, sources, and topic areas.
Cathode Ray Tube This document is available to the public through the
Display National Technical Information Service, Springfield,
Guidelines Virginia, 22161. A copy is retained for reference at
Human Factors the William J. Hughes Technical Center Library.
Liquid Crystal Display
Video Display Terminal
19. Security Classification (of this report) 20. Security Classification (of this page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price
Unclassified Unclassified 49
Form DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed page authorized
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose...................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Scope......................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Shall and Should ....................................................................................................................3
2. METHOD ....................................................................................................................................3
2.1 Review of the Human Factors Design Standard ....................................................................3
2.2 Reorganization .......................................................................................................................4
2.3 Additional Information ..........................................................................................................5
2.4 Expert Review........................................................................................................................5
3. SUMMARY OF CHANGES.......................................................................................................5
Appendix – Chapter 5: Updated Human Factors Criteria for Displays
The authors would like to thank Alan Poston for giving his time and expertise by reviewing this
document and Kenneth Allendoerfer for helpful discussions.
Today, computer displays have become commonplace in the Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) work environments. In the past, these computer displays consisted almost exclusively of
Cathode Ray Tubes (CRTs). This is no longer the case. Due to recent advances in technology,
the number and type of different displays has increased dramatically. Whereas, previously, the
decision on which display to purchase may have depended on only one or two factors, now there
are dozens of factors to take into consideration, particularly when choosing between different
display technologies. This can lead to confusion on the part of the decision makers responsible
for procuring new displays.
The FAA is in the process of modernizing the National Airspace System (NAS) (FAA, 2007b).
New systems are being added to the NAS and older systems are being upgraded. Many of the
new systems being added to the NAS include new displays. Other existing systems have a set
schedule for technology refresh, which often includes the upgrade of displays (FAA, 2007a).
As the number of displays and frequency of use has increased within the FAA, the need for good
human factors display standards has also increased. Good quality displays that follow human
factors principles can benefit user performance, safety, and user health. Thus, in order for the
FAA to reach its modernization goals, decision makers will need to have access to current
information such as that provided in this chapter.
This document summarizes the process followed by the research team in the development of an
updated and revised set of display criteria. We explain the research and revision process used
for creating this set of criteria in this document, followed by an appendix containing the design
criteria. The material in the appendix is intended to replace the current material on displays in
the Human Factors Design Standard (HFDS) (Ahlstrom & Longo, 2003).
Although Ahlstrom and Longo (2003) originally combined the material on displays with the
material on printers in a single chapter in the HFDS, this revision effort addresses only the
display information. We will address information on printers in a subsequent revision effort.
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this document is to provide an updated set of criteria on displays that meets the
need of the FAA missions and systems and to describe the process used to create these criteria.
1.2 Scope
This document is limited in scope to displays such as those used to interact with or view
computer-generated information. It does not address criteria for mechanical display devices such
as counters, flags, and moving pointers. It also does not include touch screen displays. Touch
screen displays are addressed in another chapter.
The majority of the criteria offered in this chapter are sufficiently generic to apply across a range
of FAA operating environments; however, certain paragraphs may not be applicable to all
operating situations. We have provided additional information to assist the decision maker in
determining the tradeoffs and suitability related to the design criteria, where relevant.
The purpose of a display is to support the user in accomplishing a specific function by conveying
specific information. The characteristics of the hardware necessary to achieve this goal depend
on a number of factors. These factors are related to the tasks that the user must perform in order
to complete the overall objective and the information and operating characteristics involved in
accomplishing the tasks. Some displays may be perfectly suitable for one purpose, but
inadequate for another. For example, a display suitable in a normal office environment may not be
satisfactory for a high brightness environment like an Airport Traffic Control Tower (ATCT).
Therefore, the first step system designers should carry out when developing or procuring a visual
display is to define the function of the display.
Some questions that may be relevant in understanding the function supported by the display
include the following:
1. What are the specific tasks to be accomplished with the display?
2. What information should it display?
3. How critical is the information on the display?
4. How frequently does the user refer to or interact with the information on the display?
5. Is the information static or dynamic?
6. How critical is it for color to be accurately depicted?
7. From what angles and distances will the user view the display?
8. What are the ambient lighting conditions under which the display will be used?
9. What are the physical environmental conditions (e.g., vibration, temperature,
dirt/environmental contaminants) under which the display will be used?
10. Are there space constraints for the display?
11. What is the level of detail and/or accuracy required for displayed information?
12. What are the time frames of display use (e.g., 8 hours a day, 24 hours a day)?
13. Is the information on the display used in isolation or in conjunction with other
14. What else (other tasks) does the user need to do while viewing the display?
15. How does the user interact with the display (e.g., does the user monitor the display
constantly or periodically or does the display react to user input)?
16. How will the display be maintained?
17. What are the characteristics of the target user audience for the display (e.g., age, visual
acuity, color perception, anthropometry)?
18. What are the users’ experiences and expectations related to the display?
These questions are critical for defining the display requirements. An effective display optimizes
the match between the user, tasks, conditions, and equipment. Although the criteria contained
within the appendix can help the decision makers, each situation is in some way unique. Thus,
the use of the information within this document alone will not guarantee the best display for the
task. The design/procurement process should include formal assessment, prototyping, or
simulation with users performing typical tasks under typical operating conditions, as appropriate.
The appropriateness of the assessment technique will depend on the aspect of the display that is
of interest. For example, a mock up of the physical work space may be necessary if the
ergonomics of interaction is important, but not if the aspect of interest is resistance to
environmental contaminants.
Each “should” statement is identified by an open, white square (□). These represent best
practices guidance that is applicable in most cases but may involve trade-offs or be influenced by
domain or system-specific factors.
Researchers organized the revision process in phases that included the review and verification of
information from the HFDS; identification of new source material; systematic evaluation of
literature, reorganization, addition, and revision of certain topic areas; addition of information to
justify the design criteria and define tradeoffs associated with the design criteria; and creation of
supplemental information. We distributed this document and the attached appendix with the
design criteria to subject matter experts for review.
The researchers then expanded their search to identify current research related to existing and
emerging displays published in the literature. We used multiple keywords and acronyms,
including terms such as CRT, Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), and Video Display Terminal (VDT).
We searched databases available through the Internet such as Ingenta (www.ingenta.com),
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) (www.acm.org), and Google Scholar
(www.google.com). These databases allowed us to review abstracts for relevancy. If the
abstract appeared relevant, we would request the full article through interlibrary loan or by
contacting the author directly. We added keywords from relevant articles to our list of search
terms, as appropriate. Once we received and reviewed the full text articles, we added the
relevant references to a table. We used the table to summarize important information from the
article, with columns for the reference, purpose, experimental procedure, and experimental
results. This is a technique that we used successfully before to help us review, compare, and
analyze large quantities of information from the literature (Ahlstrom & Kudrick, 2004a, 2004b).
We used the information from the literature as appropriate to supplement and justify the
information from the other sources. Upon review of each source, researchers weighed the
relevancy, adequacy, and validity of the material before including it in the document. We
rewrote relevant information from the literature into shall or should statements that could be used
in requirements documents. When warranted by the new information, we updated existing
information or created a new specification. When new source material proved specifications in
the current document were outdated or invalid, these specifications were revised or deleted as
In the process of our literature search, we discovered that there were limitations to the existing
research literature. The operational environments and use of displays in the literature focused
mainly on typical office or home use. FAA operating environments include not only office-type
environments, but also many environments atypical to normal office use. We felt it was
necessary not only to address issues typical to a normal office environment, but also those that
are somewhat unique to the FAA. We were aware of several FAA studies that had addressed
some of these issues. Thus, in addition to our Internet literature search, we sought out
documents related to the acquisition and testing of monitors and displays for the FAA. These
documents evaluated the suitability of monitors specifically for FAA environments. The
majority of these documents focused on displays for ATCTs. ATCTs have specialized needs
because controllers often view the information at an angle or distance different than the typical
office environment, and the lighting conditions can vary from high brightness in the daylight
hours to very dark at night (Crown Communications, Inc, 1998; FAA, 2002). Additionally, FAA
displays are often used continuously as opposed to the 8-hour timeframe of most office displays.
2.2 Reorganization
With the addition, deletion, and revision of many of the existing specifications and the creation
of new specifications, we needed to reorganize the entire chapter. With the goal of enhancing
document usability, researchers had volunteer HFDS users perform card sorts with the
specifications (Ahlstrom & Allendoerfer, 2004). The researchers then used the results of the
card sort to organize the chapter.
2.3 Additional Information
Users are often able to implement only some of the design specifications, but not all of them, due
to budget constraints, time constraints, or other concerns. These users need to know what the
consequences might be of violating design specifications or under which conditions violation of
design specifications might be acceptable. Feedback from actual FAA users indicated that it was
important to supply justification for the specifications within the standard (Ahlstrom, 2005).
Thus, throughout the document, the researchers added paragraphs of information that provide the
users with the basis they need to make informed decisions when faced with difficult design
After review of the material and discussions with several human factors experts who had past
experience in FAA display acquisitions, we became concerned that the users needed help in the
interpretation and application of some of the material within the chapter. This need was further
reinforced by requests that our team received from programs within the FAA asking for our help
in determining aspect ratio, resolution, and visual angle for current procurement efforts. We
decided to develop additional material as a supplement to the chapter on displays. The
supplemental materials include interactive tools that will be available on our website
(http://hf.tc.faa.gov). One tool will allow the user to apply the guidance on visual angle by
calculating visual angle based on other inputs or calculating other inputs required to achieve a
given visual angle (visual angle calculator). Another tool calculates character size based on
aspect ratio and resolution (resolution and character size calculator). These tools are intended to
help the user apply the material contained within the standard. We may add other tools as
The revision of the HFDS information on displays (Chapter 5) created notable changes. The
primary change in the chapter is the update of information to include newer technologies and the
lessons learned from research. The earlier chapter was published when display technology was
in its infancy. At that time, the primary display technology was the CRT. Changes in the
chapter address newer technologies not previously addressed and also incorporate research that
was not available when the earlier chapter was created.
The reorganization of the information in this document involved regrouping, separating, and
removing certain redundant, obsolete, or unverifiable guidelines. New guidelines replaced
outdated material, where warranted.
We created these standards to aid in uniformity and cohesion of the design, use, and procurement
of displays. However, as with any set of standards, common sense and advice from human
factors professionals should be sought for use in specific applications.
The Human Factors Criteria for Displays: A Human Factors Design Standard Update of
Chapter 5 should be considered a living document. It will be updated as necessary to keep
abreast of emerging technology, additional research, technological advances, and user feedback.
The researchers attempted to create a useful, organized, and comprehensive document. This is
evidenced throughout the document where the user will find that each standard has at least one
valid source. The effort to supply the user with an organized, easy-to-use reference document is
also evidenced in the arrangement of the report.
The researchers understand that there is always room for improvement and encourage comments
and feedback. Comments and feedback should be sent to the first author (Vicki Ahlstrom) at the
Human Factors Team – Atlantic City, FAA William J. Hughes Technical Center, Atlantic City
International Airport, NJ 08405. The Document Improvement Proposal appears on the last page
of this document.
An appendix presents the full set of display design criteria. A table of contents precedes the
document. A list of references and a glossary containing key terms follows the standards.
Ahlstrom, V. (2005). Human factors design standard maintenance plan [Internal Report].
Atlantic City International Airport, NJ: FAA William J. Hughes Technical Center.
Ahlstrom, V., & Allendoerfer, K. (2004). Information organization for a portal using a card-
sorting technique (DOT/FAA/CT-TN04/31). Atlantic City International Airport, NJ:
FAA William J. Hughes Technical Center.
Ahlstrom, V., & Kudrick, B. (2004a). Human factors criteria for the design and procurement of
keyboards: A human factors design standard update of Chapter 9. Atlantic City
International Airport, NJ: FAA William J. Hughes Technical Center.
Ahlstrom, V., & Kudrick, B. (2004b). Human factors criteria for the design and procurement of
non-keyboard interaction devices (NKIDs): A human factors design standard update of
Chapter 9. Atlantic City International Airport, NJ: FAA William J. Hughes Technical
Ahlstrom, V., & Longo, K. (Eds.). (2003). Human factors design standard (HF-STD-001).
Atlantic City International Airport, NJ: FAA William J. Hughes Technical Center.
Crown Communications, Inc. (1998). STARS air traffic control tower lighting measurements
results report (C012-003-016). Washington, DC: Author.
Federal Aviation Administration. (2007a). Capital investment plan fiscal years 2007-2012.
Washington, DC: Author.
Federal Aviation Administration. (2007b). Federal Aviation Administration flight plan 2007-
2011. Washington, DC: Author.
Chapter 5: Updated Human Factors Criteria for Displays
Table of Contents
5 DISPLAYS .............................................................................................................................. 5-1
5.1 Visual Displays................................................................................................................. 5-1
5.1.1 General................................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1.2 Cords, cables, and plugs......................................................................................... 5-2
5.1.3 Adjustability........................................................................................................... 5-3
5.1.4 Location and arrangement...................................................................................... 5-3
5.1.5 Temporal characteristics ........................................................................................ 5-8
5.1.6 Luminance and contrast ......................................................................................... 5-9
5.1.7 Glare control ........................................................................................................ 5-11
5.1.8 Resolution ............................................................................................................ 5-13
5.1.9 Linearity............................................................................................................... 5-14
5.1.10 Color characteristics........................................................................................... 5-15
5.2 Display Types ................................................................................................................. 5-17
5.2.1 Flat-panel displays ............................................................................................... 5-17
5.2.2 Large-screen displays........................................................................................... 5-17
5.2.3 Large-screen optical projection displays ............................................................. 5-20
5.3 Displays for Selected Applications................................................................................. 5-22
5.3.1 Stereoscopic and binocular displays .................................................................... 5-22
5.3.2 Heads-up display.................................................................................................. 5-24
5.3.3 See-through displays............................................................................................ 5-25
5.3.4 Helmet-mounted displays .................................................................................... 5-25
5.4 Special Conditions .......................................................................................................... 5-27
5.4.1 Vibration .............................................................................................................. 5-27
References.................................................................................................................................. 5-28
Glossary ..................................................................................................................................... 5-31
List of Exhibits
This chapter covers different types of displays used for computer
information output; sometimes referred to as Video Display
Terminals (VDTs) or Video Display Units (VDUs), including
Cathode Ray Tubes (CRTs), Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs),
Plasma displays, projection displays, and stereoscopic displays.
It does not address touch screen displays, visual indicators such as
Light Emitting Diode (LED) displays, or lights accompanying
switches and controls. Touch screen displays are addressed in the
chapter on non-keyboard interaction devices (Chapter 9) and visual
indicators are addressed in the chapter on controls and visual
indicators (Chapter 6).
5-1 Reliability. The mean-time-between failure goal of the
display shall be more than 10,000 hours. [Source: Hopper et al., 1994]
5-2 Protect connectors from disconnect or damage. Display
cables and connectors shall be designed or protected so that they
are not easily dislodged or damaged by the movement of people
or objects in their vicinity. [Source: DOD, 1992]
à Make readable without special equipment. A user
should be able to read a visual display without the use of a ladder,
a flashlight, or other special equipment. [Source: DOD, 1999]
Krimsky, 1948; Morgan, Cook, Chapanis, & Lund, 1963; Ripple, 1952;
Tsubota & Nakamori, 1993; Tyrrell & Leibowitz, 1990] Avoid excessive tilt. The display face shall not be tilted
more than 45° from the normal line of sight. [Source: DOD, 1999]
Exhibit Optimum vertical and horizontal visual fields
à Maintain at least a minimum viewing distance. The
viewing distance from the eye to a display should not be less than
500 mm (20 in.), preferably 980-1000 mm (38-40 in.), unless the
periods of viewing will be short or if dim signals must be
detected, in which case the minimum can be 250 mm (10 in.).
[Source: BSR/HFES, 2002; Jaschinski-Kruza, 1990; Owens & Wolf-Kelly,
Example. The set distance between the viewer’s eye and
the display screen may be 50 cm (20 in.), but the viewer
may occasionally want to lean forward to take a closer
look at the information displayed on the screen.
Ambient illumination, display contrast, interference from
other equipment, colors used, and the phosphor persistence
of the monitor also contribute to the perception of monitor
flicker. One of the traditional ways of minimizing flicker
for CRTs is by keeping the screen as dark as possible.
measure that has been corrected for the visual system’s
differential sensitivity to different wavelengths, giving an
approximation to perceived brightness. [Source: Murch,
5-10 Dimming to off. Displays shall not be capable of being
dimmed to a level beyond which they cannot be differentiated
from the OFF condition. [Source: DOD, 1999]
the workplace so that neither type is produced. Other methods
include screen meshes placed over the display surface, etched
faceplates, anti-reflective coatings, and bonded quarterwave filters.
All of these degrade both contrast and resolution to some degree.
Discussion. If necessary, shields, filters, or other
techniques may be used to ensure that system performance
is not degraded. [Source: DOD, 1999]
5.1.8 Resolution Allow discrimination of similar characters. The display
shall have adequate resolution to allow the discrimination of
similar characters and codes from the expected operational
viewing distance. [Source: DOD, 1999]
Example. The letter "l" and the number "1", or the letter
"Z" and the number "2" are easily confused.
à Minimum spacing between characters. For maximum
readability, characters should be separated by at least one stroke
width or pixel, with two pixels or stroke widths preferred. [Source:
Helander, 1992; ISO, 1992]
5.1.9 Linearity
à Avoid jitter. When tested in the intended operational
environment, deviations in the location of a displayed element
should be less than 2 mm per cm of viewing distance at
frequencies from 0.5 to 30 Hz. [Source: BSR/HFES, 2002; ISO, 1992]
Definition. Jitter is a departure from geometric stability.
It occurs when pixels in displayed objects move instead of
remaining in a fixed position.
5-15 RGB color settings. The display shall be able to
reproduce at minimum, CIE RGB color settings of:
u’ v’ u’ v’ u’ v’
> .411 > .503 ≤ .140 > .548 > .150 ≤ .224
5.2 Display Types
5.2.1 Flat-panel displays
In flat-panel displays, images are formed from discrete, non-
overlapping, rectangular pixels. These images can differ from
images on CRTs in character-to-character spacing, interline
spacing, character and symbol design, the effect of ambient
illumination, image polarity, and failure mode. [Source: Avery &
Bowser, 1992]
52.1.6 Response time. The rise and fall response times shall be
less than 13 ms. [Source: TCO ’06, 2006]
à When to use. Large-screen displays should be used when
effect of the viewing angle upon screen characteristics
such as brightness and color rendition. This guideline
addresses spatial distortion of the displayed image due to
the viewing angle. However, off-centerline viewing of
large-screen display devices may also result in (1) loss of
general brightness for high-gain screens and (2) loss of
color rendition in projection-type devices due to the
angles of reflection of the separate projection elements.
Loss of general brightness for high-gain screens is usually
not a problem until off-centerline viewing exceeds 25
degrees for beaded screens and 30 degrees for high-gain
metallic screens. These effects may further reduce
perceived resolution by reducing the effectiveness of color
codes and image contrast. Thus, the combined effects of
off-centerline viewing upon image distortion and screen
characteristics should be considered. [Source: Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, 2002] Separate display. When a user must make changes that are
of interest only to him or her, a separate, remote display shall be
provided. [Source: DOD, 1999]
à Character height. The height of letters and numerals
intended to be read should be not less than 16 min of arc, with
20-22 min of visual angle preferred at the typical viewing
distance. [Source: DOD, 1999; ISO, 1992] Viewing angle for groups. The angle off centerline for
viewing a large-screen display shall not be greater than 30° for
groups. The optimum viewing angle is 0°, and the preferred limit
is 20°. [Source: DOD, 1999] Viewing angle for individuals. The angle off centerline for
viewing a large-screen display shall not be greater than 10° for
individuals. [Source: DOD, 1999]
5-20 Luminance ratio as a function of viewing location. The
ratio of maximum to minimum luminance as a function of
viewing location shall be not greater than 4:1. The optimum ratio
of maximum to minimum luminance as a function of viewing
location is 1:1, and the preferred limit is 2:1. [Source: DOD, 1999]
5-21 Facilitate maintenance and servicing. Projectors shall
be designed and mounted so as to facilitate servicing and
maintenance, preferably without requiring the use of a ladder.
[Source: DOD, 1999]
Discussion. Saturated primary colors can produce depth
perceptions by themselves, which might interfere with the
stereoscopically produced depth perceptions. Primary
colors for light emitting displays such as CRTs are Red,
Green, and Blue (RGB). [Source: Avery & Bowser, 1992]
à Scale images according to disparity. Image size should
be scaled according to the disparity of the image. [Source: Avery &
Bowser, 1992]
à 5.31.17 Eye relief. Eye relief (the distance from the physical
surface of the display optics to the pupil of the eye) should be at
least 25 mm. [Source: ISO, 2006]
à Eye box size. The eye box size should not be less than
11.5 cm (4.5 in.) wide 6.5 cm (2.5 in.) high, and 15 cm (6 in.)
deep. [Source: DOD, 1999]
5-24 Exit pupil. HUDs shall have a minimum exit pupil (that
area within a collimated beam in which the entire image formed
by an objective lens is capable of being seen) of 72 mm (2.8 in.).
[Source: DOD, 1999]
à Controls. All HMDs should have controls placed so that
they are easy to use and reach while wearing the device (without
requiring the user to remove the device). [Source: Neale, 1998]
à Symbol location. All displayed symbols should be
presented within the central 25-degree area of the HMD to
minimize required eye movements. [Source: DOD, 1999]
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Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) - A vacuum tube of a computer monitor in which phosphors coat the
inner surface. When excited with an electron beam, these phosphors glow and produce light.
Central visual field - The central 30° of the visual field, which is the area of highest acuity.
Color fringes - The pixels along the border of an object that contain a combination of the
selection and background colors.
Color temperature - The display’s ability to reproduce colors accurately as brightness levels
change. Color temperature is a term used to describe the color of light from its source. Color
temperature is measured in degrees Kelvin and is sometimes referred to as white balance.
Contrast ratio - The luminance of the foreground divided by the luminance of the background.
The greater the contrast, the sharper the image will be.
Diffuse glare - A type of glare caused by the general ambient illuminance, which effectively
reduces the display contrast without producing significant specular reflection.
Disparity - The computation of difference of depth values based on the lateral distance between
corresponding picture elements in both image planes of stereovision.
Eye relief - The distance from the physical surface of the display optics to the pupil of the eye.
Flicker - The appearance of flashing that occurs in a computer display when the display is not
refreshed frequently enough, causing the phosphor to begin to decay prior to being refreshed.
Focal vision - The central 30° of the visual field. It is the area that people use to look at objects
in the world, moving their eyes as needed to bring images of the object on to the fovea, which is
the area of highest acuity.
Footcandle - A unit of measure of the intensity of light falling on a surface, which is equal to
one lumen per square foot.
Footlambert (fl) - A unit to measure luminance, which is equal to 1/π candela per square foot. It
is a measure that has been corrected for the visual system’s differential sensitivity to different
wavelengths, giving an approximation to perceived brightness.
Fovea - The small central region of the retina that exhibits the greatest sensitivity to detail and
color and comprises the area of most acute vision.
Head-Mounted Display (HMD) - A helmet-shaped display device that is worn on the head to
have video information directly displayed in front of the eyes.
Heads Up Display (HUD) - Any type of display that presents data without blocking the user's
view of the outside world.
Interlaced - A display that produces a video image by displaying alternate scan lines.
Interocular crosstalk - When the left eye can see the images intended for the right eye, and vice
Jitter - A departure from geometric stability, which occurs when pixels in displayed objects
move instead of remaining in a fixed position.
Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs) - a type of flat-panel display that has two polarized layers on
top of each other.
Legibility - The extent to which the user can decipher or read alphanumeric characters or text.
Luminance - The physical measure of the amount of light emitted by or reflected in a given
direction from the display. Luminance is expressed in candela per meter squared or
Luminance ratio - The luminance of the foreground divided by the luminance of the
background. Luminance ratio indicates how much brighter a pure white output would be than a
pure black output. The greater the contrast, the sharper the image will be. Luminance ratio can
also be referred to as contrast ratio.
Moiré patterns - An undesired pattern on displays that appears as periodic intensity variations
over the screen image.
Motion artifacts - The after images made up of the previously drawn object that have not yet
decayed enough to disappear that appear to follow a moving display object. They often look like
the tail of a comet following the object in motion.
Non-interlaced - A display that produces a video image by displaying all lines in a frame in one
pass from top to bottom before the next frame appears.
Phosphor - A luminescent substance used to coat the inside of a CRT, which emits visible light
when illuminated by electrons within an evacuated glass tube.
Pixels - picture elements arranged in horizontal rows and vertical columns, which create the
picture element.
Polarity - The relationship between the brightness of the background and an image. A bright
image on a dark background is negative polarity and a dark image on a bright background is
positive polarity.
Primary colors - Primary colors for light emitting displays such as CRTs are Red, Green, and
Blue (RGB).
Refresh rate - The rate (in cycles per second or Hz) at which the displayed contents of a
computer screen are regenerated.
Resolution - The number of pixel elements per square inch. Each display is associated with a
specific physical display resolution. The display resolution signifies the number of dots (pixels)
on the entire screen. The higher the resolution, the more dots or pixels on the display device.
Common resolutions include the following:
• VGA (video graphics array) = 640 x 480
• SVGA (super video graphics array) = 800 x 600
• XGA (extended graphics array) = 1024 x 768
• WXGA (wide extended graphics array) = 1280 x 800
• SXGA (super extended graphics array) = 1400 x 1050
• UXGA (ultra extended graphics array) = 1600 x 1200
• WSXGA (wide super extended graphics array) = 1680 x 1050
• WUXGA (wide ultra extended graphics array) = 1920 x 1200
Response time - an attribute that applies to LCD monitors. It is defined as the time required for
a liquid crystal cell to go from active (black) to inactive (white) and back to active (black) again
measured in milliseconds (ms). Lower numbers mean faster transitions and therefore less visible
image artifacts.
Specular glare - The appearance of unwanted images (reflections) on the display surface.
Stereoscopic display - A method used to generate the sensation of three dimensions within the
human visual system. Three-dimensional display technology may be "stereoscopic," which
requires that users wear special glasses that provide different images to the two eyes, or "auto
stereoscopic," which does not require any special viewing aids.
Stroke width - The thickness of the lines used to make up the number or letter.
Viewing angle - The angle off the centerline from which a display will be viewed.
Visual angle - The angle subtended by objects measured in minutes of arc. It represents an
apparent size of an object based on the relationship between an object's distance from the viewer
and its size (perpendicular to the viewer's line of sight). For example, if an object that is size h is
at a distance d from the retina, the visual angle subtended x is: x = arctan (h/d).
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