ME301 Spring 2023 Final
ME301 Spring 2023 Final
ME301 Spring 2023 Final
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Semester Final Examination Semester: Spring 2023
Course Code: ME 301 (8A evening) Time: 3 hours
Course Title: Machine Design Full Marks: 150
PART-A (Marks: 75)
(Answer any three questions including Q. No. 1)
Marks COs
1. (a) What type of stress is there in a helical compression spring? How can you 10 1
develop the stress equation? Show the relevant diagram.
(b) Explain the curvature effect in a helical compression spring and write down the 5 2
corresponding equation.
(c) How is the stability of a spring determined? 5 3
(d) A helical compression spring is wound using 2.5-mm-diameter music wire. The 15 4
spring has an outside diameter of 31 mm with plain ground ends, and 14 total
coils. (i) Estimate the spring rate. (ii) What force is needed to compress this
spring to closure?
2. (a) Fatigue loading problems of some helical compression springs are solved by 5 1
Zimmerli data. Explain it.
(b) A compression spring is needed to fit over a 0.5-in diameter rod. To allow for 15 2
some clearance, the inside diameter of the spring is to be 0.6 in. To ensure a
reasonable coil, use a spring index of 10. The spring is to be used in a machine
by compressing it from a free length of 5 in through a stroke of 3 in to its solid
length. The spring should have squared and ground ends, un-peened, and is to
be made from cold-drawn wire. Determine the fatigue factor of safety when
repeatedly cycled from free length to solid length. Use the Gerber-Zimmerli
fatigue-failure criterion.
3. (a) What do you understand by C10 rating and C0 rating of rolling contact bearings? 5 2
(b) What is the dynamic effect on spur gear? Explain with an equation. 5 2
(d) A steel spur pinion has 16 teeth cut on the 20° full-depth system with a module 15 4
of 8 mm and a face width of 90 mm. The pinion rotates at 150 rev/min and
transmits 6 kW to the mating steel gear. What is the bending stress?
6. (a) Show by diagram how primary and secondary shear stresses are developed in 5 1
the weld of a cantilever attached to a support by fillet welds at top and bottom.
(b) The attachment shown in the figure is made of 1018 HR steel 12 mm thick. The 15 2
static force is 100 kN. The member is 75 mm wide. Specify the weldment (give
the pattern, electrode number, type of weld, length of weld, and leg size).
7. (a) What is the distortion energy theory for failure of ductile materials? 5 2
15 3
This problem illustrates that the factor of safety for a machine element depends
on the particular point selected for analysis. Here you are to compute factors of
safety, based upon the distortion energy theory, for stress elements at A and B of
the member shown in the figure. This bar is made of AISI 1006 cold-drawn
steel and is loaded by the forces F = 0.55 kN, P = 4.0 kN, and
T =25 N. m.
8. (a) What is the endurance limit of a ductile material? Explain it by drawing an S-N 5 3
(b) The cold-drawn AISI 1040 steel bar shown in the figure is subjected to a 15 4
completely reversed axial load fluctuating between 28 kN in compression to 28
kN in tension. Estimate the fatigue factor of safety based on achieving infinite
life and the yielding factor of safety. If infinite life is not predicted, estimate the
number of cycles to failure.
Page No.2
B.Sc. Eng. (ME) Date: 16th June, 2023 (Evening)
Note:This format is reviewed by our honorable VC sir. Please follow this format for
semester final question. The instruction are as follows:
The total marks of the question is 150. It will be converted to 50% while putting in
There will be two parts in the question. Part A and Part B.
The marks of the parts are distributed equally, i.e. Part A 75 and Part B 75.
There will be a total of 4 questions in each part.
From these 4 questions one question is compulsory in both Parts, i.e. in Part A it will be
question no. 1 and in Part B it will be question no. 5.
The compulsory question has a total mark of 35 and will be divided in 4 sub-sections. All
CO from 1-4 will be covered in this compulsory question.
From the rest three questions (in each Part) only two questions have to be answered.
The rest questions have a total of 20 marks.
The CO of these rest questions can be distributed from 1-4 (you may follow the format in
the given format or divide according to your convenience)