Personnel Management Manual
Personnel Management Manual
Personnel Management Manual
June 2006
In this manual,
7. "Judicial and Legal Service Commission" means the Commission
established under section 85 of the Constitution.
8. "night work" means night work which is performed for a period of not
less than seven consecutive hours and which includes the interval
between midnight to 5 a.m.
10. "officer operating on a roster basis" means an officer who does not
work on a 24-hour basis but is expected to work, not in relays, but
according to plan showing the commencing times and finishing times
of turns of duty which may include night duty or not.
10.2 "officer operating on roster (day and night)" means an officer whose
turn of duty may start either before 4 a.m or extend beyond 8 p.m.
18. "Regulations" means the Judicial and Legal Service Commission
Regulations, the Public Service Commission Regulations, or the
Disciplined Forces Service Commission Regulations, as the case
may be.
22. "shift worker" means a worker other than a Watchman who operates
in relays on a 24-hour basis, invariably including night duty and
works on Sundays and Public Holidays, in accordance with a flexible
working arrangement where he normally works 40 hours weekly or
an average of 40 hours weekly in a cycle.
(2) The age limit for entry in the service in the manual grades
is 45 years.
Scheme of Service
(5) The procedures for the prescription of schemes of service
are as specified in Appendix 1C.
Filling of Vacancies
(b) the objectives they purport to meet are still valid; and
1.1.8 (1) A Responsible Officer shall, within one month of the first
appointment of any person in the public service,
(irrespective of the capacity in which the appointment is
made), arrange with the Ministry of Health and Quality of
Life for that person to undergo a medical examination to
determine his fitness to perform the duties of his post.
examination of that officer and report the outcome to the
Responsible Officer.
Enlistment of Trainees
employment in another Ministry/Department or any
organisation in the Public Sector, the
Ministry/Department (which appears in the bond)
shall forthwith report the case to the Ministry of
Finance and Economic Development, together with
such documents, comments and recommendations
as are appropriate.
Section 2: Increment
Increment - General
(b) Where an officer serving under bond is appointed in a
substantive capacity in a scarcity or critical area after
completing his traineeship, he shall, on satisfactory
completion of his bonded period, be granted one
additional increment, subject to the approval of the
Senior Chief Executive, Ministry of Civil Service and
Administrative Reforms.
(a) for study purposes, shall re-enter his salary scale at the
point he would have reached had he not been on leave
provided he was already confirmed before he proceeded on
such leave.
1.2.7 (a) For the grant of incremental credit under paragraph 1.2.6,
which is subject to the approval of the Standing Committee,
an officer shall produce evidence of experience, which shall
have been acquired, locally or outside Mauritius, under
supervision, in a legally recognised institution or firm or
under licensed private practice.
(b) The grant of incremental credit shall be subject to an
eligible officer appointed on or after 01 July 2003 not
drawing a higher salary than what he should have drawn
had he joined the service on or before 30 June 2003.
Incremental Credit for Temporary Service
Salary on Promotion
1.2.12 (1) Where an officer has benefited from three increments as a
result of a grade-to-grade promotion and is subsequently
appointed in a class-to class grade within a period of two
years and supersedes salarywise another officer from the
source grade who has been appointed to the new class
before him, the officer shall be granted an increase in salary
representing one increment.
1.3.2 Where an officer who is on leave has not filled in section 1 of the
Confidential Report form before his departure, his Supervising
Officer shall do so from available records.
Section 4: Transfer and Retirement
(3) Where an officer wishes to retire under sub-paragraph 1(c),
he shall submit a request to his Responsible Officer stating
the reasons therefor, and, at the same time, forward his
birth certificate. The Responsible Officer shall transmit the
request to the appropriate Service Commission for
consideration stating whether or not the officer is under
(h) on abolition of office;
(1) where an officer who has been appointed to act or has been
assigned the duties of -
(c) at the time of his retirement or reversion, he had
reached the age of 50.
(2) An officer who elects to work during his vacation leave prior
to retirement shall not be entitled to any payment in lieu of
the vacation leave not taken.
Certificate of Service
1.4.8 (1) Where an officer intends to resign from the public service,
he shall give reasonable written notice to his Responsible
(2) Any such resignation shall be notified by the Responsible
Officer to the appropriate Service Commission, the
Accountant-General and the Director of Audit.
(d) shall be eligible for sick leave as at paragraphs 4.5.2 (3) and
1.4.11 An officer who leaves the public service after having completed at
least five years’ service –
(a) to take up employment in the local private sector; or
Paragraph 1.1.4 (4)
(a) The title of the post should be as laid down in the Civil
Establishment Order. It should indicate as clearly as possible
the function and level of responsibility of the job.
APPENDIX 1B (contd.)
Qualification at … (Cambridge Higher School Certificate)
above should have been obtained prior to qualification at
... (degree) above. However, candidates who, as at 30 June
2003, did not possess the qualification at … (Cambridge
Higher School Certificate) above, will also be considered
provided they hold –
APPENDIX 1B (contd.)
(e) There should be only one scheme of service for one grade in a
Ministry/Department, although there may be a number of
posts in the same grade under different Divisions of the same
Ministry/Department. If it is considered desirable that
vacancies in the Division be filled by officers from that Division
only, then the necessary provision regarding qualifications and
duties appropriate to the Division should be made in the
scheme of service.
Paragraph 1.1.10 (4) (a)
1. ........................................................................................................
of ......................................................................................Principal
2. ........................................................................................................
of ..........................................................................................Surety
3. ........................................................................................................
of ..........................................................................................Surety
are held and firmly bound unto the Government of Mauritius, in the sum
of ............................................. to be well and truly paid to the
Government of Mauritius, for which payment to be well and truly made we
bind ourselves and each and every of us in the whole, our and each of our
heirs, executors and administrators jointly by these presents.
The Sureties shall be liable jointly and severally with the principal debtor
for the amount of this bond.
APPENDIX 1D (contd.)
Then the present obligation shall be void, otherwise it shall remain in full
force and virtue.
Paragraph 1.2.8 (1) (b) APPENDIX 1E
Paragraph 1.2.10
Name .......................................................................................................
Experience: ...............................................................................................
Senior Chief Executive
Ministry of Civil Service and
Administrative Reforms
Paragraph 1.2.10
To be filled by Applicant
1. Name ............................................................................................
APPENDIX 1G (contd.)
Approved/Not approved
Date: ............
Senior Chief Executive
Ministry of Civil Service and
Administrative Reforms
Paragraph 1.2.10
Name .......................................................................................................
Post .........................................................................................................
Date...................... .................................................
Supervising Officer
Paragraph 1.4.7
Name: ........................................................................................................
Section 1: Discipline 35
Section 7: Strikes 41
Section 9: Representations 44
Section 1: Discipline
2.1.1 Any case of discipline shall be dealt with in accordance with the
(2) Excessive/regular tardiness of an officer falling under sub-
paragraph 1 above and who does not opt to be governed by
the flexible hours of work under section 3, shall be dealt
with as follows –
(c) the officer shall be allowed to compensate for late
arrivals as well as lateness to resume work after
prescribed lunch time within the same calendar
2.2.5 For any other officer who puts in more than 33 3/4 hours weekly,
the hours of attendance shall be as specified by the Responsible
2.2.6 (1) The period of lateness to attend duty, excess time taken for
lunch and absences during working time without
authorisation, in respect of an officer under paragraph
2.2.4 above or an officer working on shift, roster or
staggered hours, shall be deducted from his casual or
vacation leave entitlement in the first instance.
register, in which every officer, irrespective of his rank,
shall write his name and the time of his arrival at and
departure from his place of work, shall be kept in every
Monday to Friday:
2.3.4 (1) An officer working in a Ministry/Department operating on a
six-day week basis may attend duty as follows –
Monday to Friday:
(2) Where an officer chooses to attend work more than the
prescribed normal working week under paragraph 2.2.1,
he shall not be eligible for the payment of overtime
allowance but may, on request, and subject to the
exigencies of the service, be granted time off against any
excess hours of attendance put in.
(c) officers who are in attendance before and after the normal
working hours perform productive work.
2.3.10 The hours of attendance of officers in the Health Sector and the
teaching profession shall be specified by the Responsible Officer.
2.4.1 (1) A Supervising Officer shall draw up a list of officers who are
required to attend duty during cyclones. Such a list shall be
brought to the attention of the staff every year in September
before the beginning of the cyclone season.
(2) An officer who fails to report for duty during cyclones shall
furnish proof of his inability to do so to his Supervising
(4) Disciplinary action may be taken against an officer who is
required to attend duty during cyclones and who fails to do
2.5.1 An officer shall attend duty as soon as a cyclone warning class III
or IV is officially lifted, provided this is done before 10.00 hours
and subject to public transport being available.
2.6.1 An officer -
(b) has the right to his own political views and to vote;
(c) shall not hold office in any political organisation or take any
active or prominent part in any political organisation;
(f) shall not write letters to the press, publish books or articles
or circulate leaflets or pamphlets on political matters.
Section 7: Strikes
Section 8: Security
2.8.1 A Supervising Officer shall ensure that his staff are familiar with
the Official Secrets Act.
2.8.2 (1) An officer, except one in the Workmen’s Group or other
manual grades, shall sign a "Declaration" as specified in
Appendix 2C on joining the service.
2.8.5 Any document emanating from any official source is the property
of the Government of Mauritius and may not be disclosed to any
person working outside the public service without the approval in
writing of the Supervising Officer.
2.8.8 No officer shall give broadcast talks on any subject which may
properly be regarded as of a political or administrative nature
unless he has obtained the prior permission of his Supervising
to the Secretary for Home Affairs with his observations,
comments and recommendations thereon.
(3) The Secretary for Home Affairs shall, in the light of the
submission of the Responsible Officer, make
recommendations as appropriate to the Prime Minister
through the Secretary to the Cabinet and Head of Civil
2.8.11 (1) Retired officers shall submit the text of any proposed
publication direct to the Secretary for Home Affairs.
(c) disclose to any person outside the public service that any
matter has been or is to be put before Cabinet.
2.8.13 (1) A Supervising Officer may designate any officer from among
his staff to act as Security Officer for maintaining a proper
standard of security in his Ministry/Department.
2.8.16 Any officer, who takes copies of official documents for private
purposes, may be liable to disciplinary action.
(2) Any officer, who is dealing with any matter which has been
the subject of a decision by the Cabinet and who is in
doubt whether another Ministry which has an interest in
the same matter is aware of the relevant decision of the
Cabinet, shall ascertain the position from the Secretary to
the Cabinet.
Section 9: Representations
2.10.1 Disciplinary action may be taken against an officer who has been
sentenced for debt before a Court of Law.
2.10.2 An officer against whom judgment has been delivered for debt
shall -
(a) not later than seven days after the judgment, report the fact
to his Responsible Officer;
Paragraph 2.2.9
3. Each officer shall write below that entry his name, record the exact
time of arrival in the appropriate column and affix his signature in the
space provided. The same procedure shall be followed at the time of
MINISTRY/DEPARTMENT ...........................................................................
SECTION/DIVISION/UNIT ..........................................................................
Name of No. of Late No. of Late No. of Late Total No. of Remarks
Officer/ Arrivals Arrivals Arrivals Lateness days
Designation after 8.45 after 9.15 after 9.30 for the attended
a.m. but a.m. but a.m. month duty
before 9.00 before 9.30
a.m. a.m.
(No. of
Certified correct
I understand that the sections of the Official Secrets Act set out on
the back of this document cover also articles published in the press or in
book form, and I am aware that I must not divulge any information gained
by me as a result of my employment to any unauthorised person, orally or
in writing, without the prior sanction, in writing, of the Secretary to the
Cabinet and Head of Civil Service.
I understand also that these provisions apply not only during the
period of my employment but also after my employment in the Mauritius
Public Service has ceased.
Signed ................................................
Name ....................................................
(in block letters)
Date ...................................................
Witnessed ............................................................
Name ...................................................................
(in block letters)
Ministry/Department ............................................
APPENDIX 2C (contd.)
“(1) Any person who, for any purpose or in any manner likely to
prejudice the safety or interests of Mauritius -
(2) Any person who has in his possession or under his control any code
word, plan, article, document or information which -
APPENDIX 2C (contd.)
Paragraph 2.8.2 (2)
To be signed by Public Officers on leaving a Department
which is concerned with Secret Work
I understand –
(a) that the Official Secrets Act, extracts of which are set out on the
back of this document, covers also articles published in the
press and in book form;
(c) that all the information which I have acquired or to which I have
had access owing to my official position is information which is
covered by section 3 of the Official Secrets Act, and that it would
be a contravention of that Act for me after I have left the
Mauritius Public Service-
Signed .......................................................
Name .........................................................
(in block letters)
Post held ....................................................
Ministry/Department .................................
Date ...........................................................
Witnessed ..................................................
Name .........................................................
(in block letters)
Ministry/Department ................................
APPENDIX 2D (contd.)
“(1) Any person who, for any purpose or in any manner likely to
prejudice the safety or interests of Mauritius -
(2) Any person who has in his possession or under his control any code
word, plan, article, document or information which -
and who for any purpose or in any manner likely to prejudice the
safety or interests of Mauritius -
APPENDIX 2D (contd.)
(b) not belonging to the Government where any munitions or any plans
or documents relating thereto are being made, repaired, received or
stored under contract with, or with any person acting on behalf of,
the Government;
(b) where he is not fully qualified to act in the higher post, the
allowance shall be 75 per cent of the acting allowance.
(b) he has served in the same higher office previously for a
continuous period of 12 days.
3.1.6 An officer performing higher duties shall not be eligible for acting
or responsibility allowance for any period of absence exceeding 12
days at a stretch.
3.1.7 Where an officer has acted in a higher office for 12 days or more
and is thereafter assigned duties in the same office for short
periods, he shall be eligible for acting or responsibility allowance
only if the assignment is for a minimum period of 7 continuous
days, inclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays.
Section 2: Overtime
(5) A shift worker or a worker on roster shall, for the purpose
of computation of overtime allowance, be considered as
being on approved leave on days off granted for work
performed on a Public Holiday other than a Sunday and on
days off coinciding with a Public Holiday other than a
(i) half day off for working more than 2 hours and
up to 4 hours on the Public Holiday;
(ii) one day off for working more than 4 hours and
up to 8 hours on the Public Holiday;
(b) one day’s pay for a day off coinciding with a Public
Holiday other than a Sunday.
(a) half day’s pay for working more than two hours and
up to four hours on a Public Holiday other than a
Sunday or may accrue an additional half day of
casual leave;
(b) one day’s pay for working more than four hours and
up to eight hours on a Public Holiday other than a
Sunday or may accrue one additional day of casual
(2) For absence on any shift, the exact number of hours the
worker was scheduled to work shall be deducted from his
casual/sick leave entitlement.
(3) A shift worker may be given the option to reimburse by
working additionally the number of hours in excess of 8
hours, in lieu.
3.2.10 (1) (a) The rates for payment of overtime allowance are as
follows –
3.2.11 (1) A shift worker who effectively works on night shift, shall be
eligible for the payment of a night shift allowance at the
approved rate for the hours between 11 p.m and 5.00 a.m
excluding any lying in hours.
(2) Any amount payable under sub-paragraph (1) shall be
determined by the Head of the Ministry/ Department on the
basis of both effort and time, but not exclusively related to time
in a uniform manner, and shall be subject to the approval of the
Senior Chief Executive, Ministry of Civil Service and
Administrative Reforms.
3.3.3 Subject to the prior authority of the Senior Chief Executive, Ministry of
Civil Service and Administrative Reforms having been obtained in each
case, the following rates of remuneration may be paid to an officer
other than a Shorthand Writer for special work undertaken in
connection with the proceedings of Commissions of Enquiry and in
other similar instances -
3.3.5 An officer who is domiciled in the Island of Mauritius and who proceeds
on a short official visit to any of the islands forming part of the Republic
of Mauritius, shall be eligible for an Out of Pocket allowance of Rs. 135
3.4.1 Fees and allowances, at the approved rate, shall be paid for the delivery
of lectures or the conduct of examinations or for tasks connected
therewith with the approval of the Head of Ministry/Department.
3.5.1 (1) (a) An officer who is not drawing a travel grant and who
travels by bus for a distance of not less than 1.6 kms, to
attend duty, shall be entitled to a monthly refund of his
travelling expenses by the most economical route as
follows -
(2) An officer shall establish his claim for refund on the form
specified at Appendix 3A.
3.5.2 An officer who uses his bicycle, autocycle or motor-cycle to attend duty
shall be entitled to a monthly allowance of Rs 220 or the amount that
would have been refunded to him for travelling by bus during the
month, whichever is the higher.
3.5.3 The "place of work" of an officer who has been sponsored to attend a
course locally shall, for the purpose of computing his travelling
expenses to attend duty, be the institution where the course is run.
3.5.4 (1) Subject to paragraph 3.5.5, a travel grant at the rate of Rs 4,650
monthly is payable to an officer drawing a monthly basic salary
of Rs 19,400 up to Rs 27,200 (except those entitled to 100%
customs duty remission on the purchase of a car).
3.5.5 (1) A travel grant under paragraph 3.5.4 (1) may be authorised by
the Supervising Officer or by a senior officer duly authorised by
him, subject to the following conditions -
(a) the officer must use his private car to attend duty
and for official travelling;
(b) the car must be registered in the name of the officer
or that of his/her spouse with the National Transport
(2) The travel grant is payable as from the date the officer
satisfies all the conditions specified in this section.
3.5.6 No two officers shall be granted travel grant in respect of one and
the same car.
3.5.7 An officer eligible for a travel grant under paragraph 3.5.4, who
during a whole calendar month is on approved leave with pay
either locally or abroad including study leave with pay, on official
mission or on school holidays but not having to attend duty at all,
shall be eligible for a monthly commuted allowance of Rs 2,400.
3.5.8 (1) An Accounting Officer who is also the Responsible Officer of
a Ministry/Department drawing a monthly basic salary of
Rs 45,000, and who is entitled to a self-driven Government
vehicle, and who opts to purchase a car with 100% duty
remission, in lieu, shall be eligible for a travelling allowance
of Rs 6,980 a month both for attending duty and for official
3.5.10 An Accounting Officer who is also the Responsible Officer of a
Ministry/Department drawing a monthly basic salary of Rs
45,000, who opts for the exclusive use of a self-driven
Government vehicle, both for official duties and private purposes,
shall be eligible for a petrol allowance of Rs 5,115 a month.
3.5.12 (1) An officer who is not eligible for travel grant and who is
authorised to use his private car on official travelling shall
be paid mileage allowance for distance between office and
site of work at the rate of Rs 7.25 a kilometre for the first
800 kilometres in any month and at the rate of Rs 3.65 a
kilometre for each additional kilometre in that month.
3.5.13 (1) (a) An officer who is eligible for travel grant and who is
required to perform official travelling either
occasionally or regularly in any month, shall either
be refunded the travelling on the total distance
covered from home to site of work/office by the most
economical route at the rate of Rs 3.65 a kilometre
together with a monthly commuted allowance of Rs
2,880 a month or be paid a monthly travel grant of
Rs 4,650, whichever is the higher. The option for the
payment of mileage allowance shall be applicable only
in case the officer performs official travelling during
the month.
(b) on days on which he is required to attend office only,
travelling expenses by bus by the most economical
route provided the distance covered is not less than
1.6 kilometres.
(2) Where bicycles are used on bad roads for official travelling,
an additional monthly allowance of Rs 45 shall be payable.
3.5.16 Where an officer has been granted a loan to purchase a car under
paragraph 5.10.6 (4) he shall be eligible for mileage allowance for
official travelling at the rates recommended at paragraph 3.5.12.
3.5.17 An officer who does not draw any form of allowance for official
travelling shall, if he performs official travelling by bus, be
refunded the expenses incurred by him.
(b) disallow any unnecessary or excessive claim.
3.5.22 (1) An officer who, in the discharge of his duties, has to walk
over 2 1/2 kilometres daily because motorcycles or other
vehicles cannot be used, shall receive a walking allowance
of Rs 110 monthly.
(a) in full, except where the officer has been absent for a
complete calendar month;
Section 6: Uniforms
Category 1
Category 11
Category 111
3.6.3 The quantum of uniform allowance and wear and tear allowance
payable shall be determined and adjusted on the basis of changes
in the prices of the relevant items of uniforms as determined by
the Central Statistics Office for the preceding financial year and
shall take into consideration whether cardigans are due in the
year or not.
Section 8: Disturbance Allowance
3.10.1 An officer who is eligible for Government quarters and who has
not been allocated such quarters shall be paid a rent allowance at
the approved rates.
Paragraph 3.5.1(2)
Paragraph 3.5.4 (2) APPENDIX 3B
Post ............................................
Verification by Officer Authorised by the Supervising Officer
1. I certify that:-
Post ………………………………….…..
Payment of Travel Grant w.e.f .............................................approved
4.1.2 (1) An officer who intends to spend his leave abroad must
inform his Supervising Officer accordingly and give the
address at which he may be contacted.
4.2.2 (1) The grant of casual leave shall be subject to prior approval.
(3) An officer who is absent from duty for a period of less than
a complete calendar year for any of the following reasons -
shall be eligible for the full quantum of casual leave for the
shall not be eligible for casual leave for the calendar year.
4.2.5 (1) Casual leave shall be taken in the calendar year in which it
falls due.
Section 3: Annual Leave
4.3.1 (1) An officer shall not be eligible for annual leave with pay
during his first year of service. After one year's continuous
service, except as provided under sub-paragraphs 2 and 3,
he shall be eligible for annual leave as follows in a calendar
year -
4.4.2 An officer who absents himself from duty on the ground of illness
shall report the matter to his Supervising Officer as far as
practicable on the same day. He shall, on resumption of duty,
explain his absence in writing, stating the nature of his illness.
4.4.5 (1) Where a Supervising Officer considers that the sick leave
record of an officer is unsatisfactory, he shall arrange for
the officer to be examined by a medical board to determine
his fitness for further service.
4.4.7 Where the sick leave record of an officer who has been found fit
by a medical board, continues to be unsatisfactory, the
Responsible Officer may initiate action for his retirement in the
interest of the service in accordance with the Regulations.
4.4.8 Where an officer has been found unfit by a medical board, the
Responsible Officer shall initiate action for his retirement on
medical grounds in accordance with the Regulations.
(2) All leave not taken at the end of the year shall be
accumulated up to a bank maximum of 90 days.
(3) (a) After the bank maximum has been reached, the
annual unutilised entitlement of sick leave up to a
maximum of 11 days shall be paid in cash each year
at the rate of 1/22 of the monthly salary.
(5) Where an officer has exhausted his annual sick leave
entitlement, any additional sick leave granted shall be
deducted from his accumulated sick leave, in terms of
working days.
(7) (a) Any sick leave granted under sub-paragraph (6) shall
be considered as an advance refundable on
resumption of duty at the rate of 14 days a year. The
refund shall be effected on the basis of the actual
number of working days.
(i) one day for each working day sick leave with
full pay;
(ii) half day for each working day sick leave on half
(c) Any unutilised sick leave at the end of the year shall
be used to offset leave advanced.
(8) An officer who has been granted six months’ sick leave
on full pay and is subsequently granted sick leave on
half pay, may, subject to eligibility, opt for vacation leave
in lieu of the sick leave on half pay.
(3) An officer who is absent from duty for a period of less than
a complete calendar year for any of the following reasons -
shall be eligible for the full quantum of sick leave for the
shall not be eligible for sick leave for the calendar year.
4.5.5 Where an officer has exhausted his sick leave entitlement, any
absence on ground of illness shall be reckoned as leave without
4.5.6 (1) Where an officer has been absent from duty in a calendar
year for any of the following reasons-
he shall be paid unutilised sick leave on a pro-rata basis in
respect of the period actually served in that calendar year.
(2) Where an officer who is on leave with pay, has been absent
from duty for a period of less than a complete calendar
year, he shall be paid unutilised sick leave as at paragraph
4.5.1 (3) provided he has attended duty for at least 22
working days in the calendar year.
4.6.1 An officer shall not be eligible for sick leave with pay during his
first year of service. After one year's continuous service, he shall
be eligible for 12 working days' sick leave on full pay in a calendar
4.6.2 (1) Where an officer has exhausted his 12 days sick leave
entitlement, he may, in case of prolonged illness and on
production of a medical certificate, be granted additional
sick leave on full pay up to a maximum period of 14 days
inclusive of non-working days. Any absence not covered by
a medical certificate shall be reckoned as leave without pay.
(3) The additional 14 days sick leave on full pay and the 62
days sick leave on half pay shall be deemed to be grantable
over a period of one year.
4.6.6 Sick leave unutilised at the end of the year out of the annual
entitlement of 12 working days, up to a maximum of 6 days, shall
be paid in cash each year at the rate of 1/22 of the monthly
Section 7: Sick Leave – Part-Time Employees
4.8.2 Where a woman officer gives birth to a still born child, her
absence from work may be reckoned as sick leave on production
of a medical certificate, or as maternity leave.
Section 9: Vacation Leave
4.9.2 (1) Vacation leave shall, as far as possible, be taken every year
and an officer shall apply for such leave before reaching his
normal maximum entitlement.
4.9.3 (1) An officer shall earn vacation leave as from the date he is
appointed in a substantive capacity.
(5) In case the services of the officer are required during the
leave prior to retirement granted under sub-paragraph (4),
he shall be refunded the accumulated vacation leave at the
rate of 1/30 of the last monthly salary per day at the time
of retirement.
(2) An officer other than an officer under sub-paragraph (1),
who applies for vacation leave and cannot be granted such
leave due to the exigencies of the service, shall be allowed
to earn vacation leave over and above his normal maximum
entitlement, subject to the approval of the Senior Chief
Executive, Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative
Reforms. The procedures to be followed are set out at
Appendix 4C.
4.9.7 (1) No officer shall be allowed to earn vacation leave over and
above his normal maximum entitlement until he has
reached his ceiling.
4.9.8 The minimum vacation leave that can be taken at any one time is
seven consecutive days except where it is granted as casual leave
under paragraph 4.2.3 (2).
4.9.9 Where an officer retires from the service, his vacation leave shall
be computed up to the date preceding the day on which his leave
prior to retirement starts.
4.9.10 An officer shall not earn vacation leave during any of the following
periods -
(a) vacation leave;
(b) vacation leave taken as casual leave;
(c) sick leave in excess of 21 working days in any
calendar year;
(d) accumulated sick leave taken prior to retirement;
(e) leave without pay;
(f) injury leave;
(g) maternity leave;
(h) study leave with or without pay;
(i) interdiction.
4.9.11 (1) An officer shall take all the vacation leave granted to him
unless recalled to duty by his Supervising Officer.
(3) Where, to suit his own convenience, an officer resumes
duty before the expiry of his vacation leave, he shall forfeit
the balance of leave not taken.
4.10.1 An officer shall be eligible for study leave with full pay where he is
nominated for -
4.10.2 (1) Study leave with pay may be granted to an officer by his
Responsible Officer for attending a training course provided
the following conditions are fulfilled -
(2) Where any of the conditions specified in sub-paragraphs
1(a) to (d) are not met, the approval of the Senior Chief
Executive, Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative
Reforms, shall be sought.
4.10.3 (1) The period of study leave with full pay shall be from the day
the course starts to the day the course/examination ends.
(4) An officer may combine his vacation leave with study leave
on half pay where the former leave is not adequate to make
up for three months’ leave. The aggregate of leave taken
should not be more than three months.
4.10.7 (1) An officer entering into a bond shall be required on
resumption of duty to serve as follows -
4.10.9 Where an officer who has entered into a bond, fails to observe any
of the conditions thereof, the Ministry or Department concerned
shall take the following steps -
(a) inform the officer, without delay, in writing that the amount
of the bond has become due and should be settled within
15 days, failing which legal action would be taken;
(3) An officer shall be granted leave without pay under sub-
paragraphs (1) and (2) for the duration of the course,
subject to a maximum of 4 years in aggregate.
(iii) in international organisations, (World Health
Organisation, World Bank etc.) of which Mauritius is
a member, in foreign countries under a scheme
approved by Government and in member countries of
regional organisations like SADC, for the duration of
the first contract;
4.12.5 Any leave without pay shall be taken into account as pensionable
service, provided the officer contributes 25% of the salary of his
substantive post to Government.
4.13.1 Where an officer was eligible for passage benefits before 1.7.2003,
such benefits shall be computed on the basis of his substantive
post as shown in Appendix 4F.
salary (basic salary plus extra remuneration) or the
equivalent cost of 3900 kilometres of the Group Tour Air
Fare Mauritius-London-Mauritius at off peak (low season)
rate whichever is higher.
(i) interdiction;
4.13.5 (1) An officer may use his passage entitlement to meet the cost
of tickets towards the destination of his choice provided
that the balance standing to his credit is Rs 12,000 or
(2) Where an officer and his spouse are public officers and they
are both eligible for passage benefits under paragraph
4.13.2, they may use their passage entitlement for travel
purposes once the balance standing to the credit of the two
officers amounts to an aggregate of Rs 24,000 or more.
4.13.6 (1) Passage benefits may be used by an officer towards the cost
of passages for himself and/or immediate members of his
(a) spouse;
4.13.9 An officer who wishes to use his passage benefits to meet other
expenses in connection with his travel overseas shall, subject to
availability of funds, be allowed to cash, partly or wholly the
balance of his passage benefits standing to his credit.
(2) In case the officer has been paid partly or wholly the
balance of his passage benefits to meet other expenses in
connection with his travel overseas, he shall refund the
amount, in toto, immediately to the Accountant-General.
4.13.16 (1) Where an officer retires from the service, his passage
benefits shall be computed up to the date preceding the day
on which his leave prior to retirement starts.
4.13.17 (1) An officer, using his passage benefits, shall make his travel
arrangements with Air Mauritius or any IATA approved
travel agents to be entitled to the following discount on the
cost of airfare or on his accumulated passage benefits
entitlement, whichever is the lower –
(2) The 10% discount is applicable only for point to point travel
on Air Mauritius services. Multi-sector routings involving
Air Mauritius sectors and non-Air Mauritius sectors are
Paragraph 4.5.1 (4)
(a) For service before 1.8.87: 3 days for each completed year of
pensionable service.
(c) For the period 1.1.93 to 30.6.93, the amount of sick leave taken in
excess of 14 days shall be debited from the sick leave bank as at
30.6.93. Where the bank balance is insufficient, the excess leave
shall be considered as an advance.
(2) Sick leave not taken at the end of the year to be accumulated
to a bank maximum of 90 days
Paragraph 4.9.3 (3) APPENDIX 4B
5. In case the officer re-applies for leave on the date specified and he
cannot again be released due to the exigencies of the service, the
same procedure as above shall be followed.
Paragraph 4.10.6
KNOW ALL MEN by these present that WE,
1. ............................................................................................................
of .......................................................................................... Principal
2. ........................................................................................................
. .of ..............................................................................................Surety
3. ........................................................................................................
are held and firmly bound unto the Government of Mauritius, in the sum
of ........................................ to be well and truly paid to the Government of
Mauritius, for which payment to be well and truly made we bind ourselves
and each and every of us in the whole, our and each of our heirs,
executors and administrators jointly by these presents.
The Sureties shall be liable jointly and severally with the principal debtor
for the amount of this bond.
APPENDIX 4C(contd.)
and serve in a capacity for which he has been trained for a period of
............. consecutive years from the date of his resumption of duty he will
pay to the Government of Mauritius the sum of ......................................
Paragraph 4.10.10 (2)
6. Proposals.
Paragraph 4.13.1
(b) a salary of less than Rs 1,625 monthly but not less than Rs
1,000 monthly and who had completed 20 years' continuous
(c) a salary of less than Rs 1,625 monthly and who were eligible
for passages under the 1969 Leave and Passage Regulations,
i.e. those who were appointed to the permanent and
pensionable establishment as follows -
APPENDIX 4F (contd.)
APPENDIX 4F (contd.)
Paragraph 4.13.8 (1)
NAME: ................................................................................................
MINISTRY/DEPARTMENT: .................................................................
SELF : .......................................................................................
SPOUSE : .......................................................................................
CHILDREN : .......................................................................................
MOTHER : ........................................................................................
FATHER : ........................................................................................
APPENDIX 4G (contd.)
I certify that:-
(1) the officer has been granted .............. days leave from
.............................. to be spent abroad or otherwise;
(2) the particulars of the application for the use of Passage Benefits of
the abovenamed officer are correct; and
*STATUS: ..................................................................................................
DATE: .................................................................
Paragraph 4.13.8 (2)
STATUS: ....................................................................................................
5.1.4 Failure to use the appropriate form or to provide full and accurate
information may result in delay in considering the proposal.
Section 3: Staff Relations
(2) A Whitley Council shall consist of the official side and the
staff side each having an equal number of representatives.
5.3.6 The Central Whitley Council is the forum for discussing matters
of common interest pertaining to the service as a whole; the
Departmental Whitley Council deals with departmental matters
relating to a Ministry/Department.
5.3.9 (1) Any trade union official who is sponsored by his trade
union or a Federation of trade unions or an international
recognised labour organisation to attend conferences,
training programmes or annual/ regional meetings abroad
shall be granted special leave subject to a maximum of
three weeks.
5.3.10 Any trade union official shall be granted special leave under
paragraph 5.3.8 and 5.3.9 only once in a year.
5.3.11 The grant of special leave under paragraphs 5.3.8 and 5.3.9 shall
be approved by the Supervising Officer and shall be subject to the
exigencies of the service and to satisfactory evidence being
(2) When submitting the cases under sub-paragraph (1) (b)
above, the Supervising Officer shall enclose all relevant
documents, stating whether he concurs with the Board's
opinion and, if not, the reasons for his dissent.
5.4.5 (1) The Injuries Committee falls under the aegis of the Ministry
of Health and Quality of Life and comprises a Government
Medical Practitioner and a State Counsel.
5.4.6 The Ministry of Health and Quality of Life shall communicate the
findings of the Injuries Committee to the Supervising Officer
5.4.9 (1) An officer holding a substantive appointment and who is
injured on duty shall be granted injury leave on full pay
provided the officer was acting in accordance with rules and
regulations in force at the time of the accident and the
accident was not due to the fault of the officer.
5.6.3 A Tradesman's Assistant shall be given not less than seven days'
notice of the date fixed for his trade test.
5.6.6 Travelling expenses incurred for trade testing purposes shall be
5.6.7 Overtime allowance is not payable if the trade test goes beyond,
or is carried out after, normal working hours.
5.7.2 (1) An officer who is not normally eligible for free quarters, but
is required, owing to the exigencies of the service, to live in
specific quarters, shall not pay any rent if such quarters
are unfurnished.
(2) Where the quarters are furnished, he shall pay rent at the
rate of 5% of his salary.
5.7.3 An officer who is not eligible for free quarters but is allowed to
reside in Government quarters shall pay rent at the rate of 10% of
his salary.
5.7.4 An officer posted to Rodrigues or any Outer Island shall not pay
5.7.5 An officer must personally use the quarters allocated to him for
residential purposes.
5.7.7 Where an officer has been granted leave without pay he may be
allowed by his Supervising Officer to retain the quarters allocated
to him for a maximum period of 120 days.
5.8.5 (1) Where an officer who has already benefited from the use of
a self-driven Government vehicle under paragraph 5.9.1,
subsequently qualifies for an official Government vehicle
under paragraph 5.8.1 and a driver's allowance under
paragraph 5.8.6 (2), he shall be eligible for a new official
Government vehicle only after five years have elapsed as
from the date of purchase of the self-driven Government
(2) As from 01 July 2003, an officer eligible for an official
Government vehicle under paragraph 5.8.1, shall be paid
an allowance in lieu of the services of a driver.
5.8.8 (1) Subject to sub-paragraphs (2) and (4), an officer who has
been appointed to act in a higher grade shall be eligible
exclusively to the car benefits of his substantive post.
(2) Where an officer opts for a duty-remitted car under sub-
paragraph (1), he shall be eligible for loan facilities
equivalent to 18 months’ salary at interest rate of 7.5% per
annum refundable in 60 consecutive monthly instalments.
The car may be renewed every five years.
(3) An officer who wishes to renew his car at the expiry of the
five year period, shall be eligible for loan facilities up to a
maximum of 15 months’ salary, at interest rate of 7.5% per
annum refundable in 48 consecutive monthly instalments
for the purchase of another car with 100% duty remission,
provided he clears with the Accountant-General any
outstanding balance on his previous car loan.
5.9.7 An officer who has been appointed to act or has been assigned
duties in a position of an Accounting and Responsible Officer
carrying a monthly basic salary of
Rs 45,000, may exceptionally, be granted the use of a
Government vehicle, if available, provided the actingship or
assignment of duties has been made on the basis of seniority or
selection by the appropriate Service Commission -
(b) vice an officer holding a substantive appointment who has
proceeded on leave with pay or on mission for a period
exceeding one year.
entitled to 100% duty remission on the purchase of a car
with engine capacity of up to 1600 c.c, which may be
renewed every five years.
(3) An officer who wishes to renew his car at the expiry of the
seven-year period, shall be eligible for loan facilities up to a
maximum of 15 months' salary, at interest rate of 7.5% per
annum refundable in 60 consecutive monthly instalments
for the purchase of another car of up to 1500 c.c with 100%
duty remission, provided he clears with the Accountant-
General any outstanding balance on his previous car loan.
5.10.5 Where an officer eligible for 100% duty remission on a car under
paragraph 5.10.1 and 5.10.2, retires at the age of 50 and above,
the duty-free certificate issued to him shall remain valid as from
the date he proceeds on leave prior to retirement up to six months
after the effective date of his retirement.
(5) An officer who wishes to renew his car at the expiry of the
seven-year period shall be eligible for loan facilities up to a
maximum of 15 months' salary at interest rate of 7.5% per
annum refundable in 60 consecutive monthly instalments,
for the purchase of another car of up to 1400 c.c with 70%
duty remission or duty remission up to a maximum of
Rs 100,000, whichever is the higher.
(b) purchase another car on the same terms and
conditions laid down at paragraphs 5.10.3 provided
he reimburses the outstanding balance on his
previous car loan and pays the proportionate excise
duty, if any, on the previous duty-remitted car.
(c) Where the officer opts to retain his car under sub-
paragraph (6) (a) above, he shall be eligible for the
purchase of another car either seven years as from
the date the excise duty is refunded or when the car
is nine years old.
or more, under paragraph 1.2.1 (4) shall not qualify
an officer to any additional duty deferred facility.
(6) (a) Where an officer has already benefited from 60% duty
remission for the purchase of a car with engine
capacity of up to 1400 c.c prior to 01 July 2003, he
shall be eligible for 70% duty remission or duty
remission up to a maximum of Rs 100,000,
whichever is the higher, for the purchase of a car
with similar engine capacity only at the time of
(4) The criteria for eligibility for the remission of duties under
sub-paragraphs (1) and (3) shall be determined by the
Committee set up for that purpose.
(c) The officer who has been granted loan facilities for
the purchase of a car prior to 01 July 2003, may be
allowed up to 30 June 2005 to renew his car after
seven years have elapsed as from the date of
purchase or when the car reaches ten years as from
the date of its first registration, whichever is the
earlier, provided any outstanding balance on the
previous car loan is cleared.
subject to the approval of the Supervising Officer, be
granted loan facilities for the purchase of a car of a
maximum age of eight years without excise duty
(b) An officer who wishes to renew his car at the expiry of
the seven year period, shall be eligible for loan
facilities up to a maximum of 15 months' salary at
interest rate of 7.5% per annum refundable in 60
consecutive monthly instalments.
5.10.14 (1) As from 01 July 2004, an officer who has been granted
loan facilities for the purchase of a
car/autocycle/motorcycle either for the first time or for
renewal and does not produce documentary evidence of
the purchase, shall be required to refund the amount of
the loan together with the interest accrued thereon by a
date to be set by the Accountant-General.
(3) In case, the period of leave without pay exceeds one year,
the officer shall settle the outstanding balance on his car
loan within a period of six months following the initial one
year period, on such terms and conditions as may be
deemed appropriate by the Accountant-General.
5.10.17 (1) The grant of duty concessions is subject to the following
conditions -
5.11.1 (1) An officer who has been interdicted from the exercise and
functions of his office shall, pending the determination of
his case, continue to be paid his salary.
5.12.1 A Supervising Officer shall ensure that Tradesmen are not called
upon to incur undue expenditure on tools and that, where
possible, tools be issued on charge to Tradesmen.
(a) Passages
(b) Transport
provided that the total volume of (i) and (ii) does not
exceed 12 cubic metres.
(a) One free passage for himself, his spouse and up to three
dependent children below the age of 21.
(b) Vacation leave as at paragraph 4.9.12.
(c) Disturbance allowance as at paragraph 3.8.1.
(d) Government Quarters as at paragraph 5.7.4
5.14.2 Subject to paragraph 5.14.1, the conditions of service should be
cleared with the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative
Reforms prior to recruitment or renewal of contract.
of Rs 2,880 a month, whichever is the higher, both for
attending duty and for official travelling.
monthly or daily basis, and who has served for a full calendar
year and is still in employment on 31 December.
(a) The need for the creation of a new post must be well
(b) It must be clearly stated whether the creation of the new post is
warranted as a result of -
(d) The creation of the post must be envisaged only after the
following possibilities of carrying out the new function have
been explored -
APPENDIX 5A (contd.)
(b) The creation of additional posts must be resorted to after all the
possibilities listed at 2(d) above have been exhausted.
1. Ministry/Department ….......................................................
2. Title ..........................................................
4. Has proposal been discussed
in Departmental Whitley Council
or with Staff Association and
if so, with what result?
5. What arrangements are made for
carrying out the duties at present?
6. Reasons for creation of post/s.
State why reallocation of work
or redeployment of existing
staff cannot be effected.
7. State whether post/s to be filled by
(i) first appointment
(ii) promotion and from what
(iii) on contract
8. Has any candidate been sent on
training to qualify for
appointment to the post/s?
APPENDIX 5B (contd.)
9. Ministry's Comments
(Where applicable)
1. Ministry/Department ....................................................................
2. Title ......................................................................
4. Has proposal been discussed
in Departmental Whitley Council,
and if so, with what result?
APPENDIX 5C (contd.)
5. Ministry's Comments
(Where applicable)
1. Ministry/Department .....................................................................
2. Existing Title ......................................................................
4. Present Scheme of Service
(attach statement if necessary)
5. Proposed Scheme of Service
(attach statement if necessary)
6. Has proposal been discussed
in Departmental Whitley Council,
and if so, with what result?
APPENDIX 5D (contd.)
7. Ministry's Comments
(where applicable)
Appendix 5E
Paragraph 5.2.1 (2)
1. Employment Practices
2. Training Schemes
3. Organisational Remedies
4. Reward Strategies
1. Fixed-term Appointments
Appendix 5E (contd)
2. Casual Appointments
These are arrangements under which staff are contracted to work for short
periods each year. The dates for employment for each year and the
number of years of which the employment is offered are agreed in advance
and set out in the letter of appointment. Such appointments can be useful
when a department needs extra staff at certain periods of the year, for
example to cover peak periods of work or to provide back-up when staff are
absent on leave and work cannot be held over. The temporary option helps
maintain organisational flexibility and may avoid unnecessary workforce
adjustment costs particularly overtime.
6. Standby Appointments
6. Part-time Employment
Part-time employees are those working less than the standards hours
(inclusive of lunch time) a day. Because this employment type can
increase resource flexibility, it is done by approving requests of existing
full-time employees who voluntarily wish to work part-time hours and by
staffing more vacancies on a part-time basis.
Paragraph 5.4.3 (3)
2. Residence .....................................................................................
Report of Board:-
Signed ................................................
Date: .................. ................................................
APPENDIX 5F (contd.)
3. I recommend that full wages/salary be paid for the time the employee
was incapacitated:
Date .......................
Head of Ministry
Paragraph 5.7.1
Ministry/Department Grade
Forest Guard
Forest Ranger
Paragraph 5.10.6
Ministry/Department Grade
APPENDIX 5H (contd.)
Ministry/Department Grade
Treasury Accountant
APPENDIX 5H (contd.)
Ministry/Department Grade
APPENDIX 5H (contd.)
Ministry/Department Grade
APPENDIX 5H (contd.)
Ministry/Department Grade
Local Government
Ministry/Department Grade
APPENDIX 5H(contd.)
Ministry/Department Grade
APPENDIX 5H(contd.)
Ministry/Department Grade
Commission for Arts and Culture, Women’s Affairs, Family Welfare and
Child Development, Community Development and Library Services
Paragraph 5.10.12
Ministry/Department Grade
Ministry/Department Grade
Public Utilities
Energy Services Inspector
APPENDIX 5I (contd.)
Ministry/Department Grade