Personnel Management Manual

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This Personnel Management Manual is an updated version of the

Personnel Management Manual published in 2002. It incorporates the
conditions of service following the implementation of the Reports of the Pay
Research Bureau (PRB) published since 1993 and the PRB (Errors,
Omissions and Clarifications) Report 2004.

2. The Personnel Management Manual is issued by the Ministry of Civil

Service and Administrative Reforms which is responsible for the overall
management of human resources in the public service. The manual
provides guidelines and sets out procedures that ensures an appropriate
level of standardization in the application of rules, regulations and
conditions of service in force.

3. The aim of the Personnel Management Manual is to assist officers in

their operational responsibilities and the efficient discharge of personnel

4. Subsequent changes in the provisions laid down will be issued

regularly by way of circulars to ensure that the most recent personnel
policies are available for reference.

Ministry of Civil Service

and Administrative Reforms
Port Louis

June 2006


In this manual,

1. "appointment", as in the Regulations, means -

(a) the conferment of an office of emolument in the public service,

whether or not subject to subsequent confirmation, upon a
person not in the public service;

(b) the grant of permanent and pensionable terms of service in a

public office to a person recruited and serving on contract
terms of service or in an unestablished capacity in a
pensionable or non-pensionable public office;

(c) the engagement in a public office of a person on contract terms

of service for a further period of service on the conclusion of
his previous period of engagement on contract terms in the
same or other public office;

(d) the permanent transfer to an office in the public service of a

member of the civil service of another country who is serving
on temporary transfer in an office in the public service;

(e) the transfer of an officer serving in one public office to another

office in the public service carrying the same salary or salary

(f) the appointment of a public officer to act in any public office

other than the office to which he is substantively appointed.

2. "approved service", as in the Pensions Act, means service with any

international organisation or corporate body approved by the

3. "classified document" means a document graded as secret,

confidential, restricted or personal.

4. "disciplined force", as in the Constitution, means -

(a) a naval, military or airforce;

(b) the Police Force;

(c) a fire service established by any law in force in Mauritius; or

(d) the Mauritius Prisons Service.

5. "Disciplined Forces Service Commission" means the Commission

established under section 90 of the Constitution.

6. "General Services" means any cadre/grade referred to in Appendix

1A to Chapter One.

7. "Judicial and Legal Service Commission" means the Commission
established under section 85 of the Constitution.

8. "night work" means night work which is performed for a period of not
less than seven consecutive hours and which includes the interval
between midnight to 5 a.m.

9. "officer" means a public officer.

10. "officer operating on a roster basis" means an officer who does not
work on a 24-hour basis but is expected to work, not in relays, but
according to plan showing the commencing times and finishing times
of turns of duty which may include night duty or not.

10.1 "officer operating on roster (day)" means an officer whose turn of

duty starts either at or after 4 a.m or goes up to 8 p.m.

10.2 "officer operating on roster (day and night)" means an officer whose
turn of duty may start either before 4 a.m or extend beyond 8 p.m.

11. "officer working at staggered hours" means an officer who works

normal hours but who is called upon to work, on a regular basis, at
irregular hours against time-off during his normal working hours.

12. "Senior Chief Executive, Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative

Reforms" means the Supervising Officer of the Ministry responsible
for matters relating to civil service in general.

13. "promotion", as in the Regulations, means the conferment upon a

person in the public service of a public office to which is attached a
higher salary or salary scale than that attached to the public office to
which he was last substantively appointed or promoted.

13.1 "class-to-class promotion" means promotion to a rank which entails

greater responsibilities of a different nature to those previously
undertaken and performed.

13.2 "grade-to-grade promotion" means promotion to a higher grade in the

same hierarchy which entails greater responsibilities of the same
nature to those previously undertaken and performed.

14. "public office" means, subject to section 112 of the Constitution, an

office of emolument in the public service.

15. "public officer", as in the Constitution, means the holder of any

public office and includes a person appointed to act in any public

16. "public service", as in the Constitution, means the service of the

State in a civil capacity in respect of the Government of the Republic
of Mauritius.

17. "Public Service Commission" means the Commission established

under section 88 of the Constitution.

18. "Regulations" means the Judicial and Legal Service Commission
Regulations, the Public Service Commission Regulations, or the
Disciplined Forces Service Commission Regulations, as the case
may be.

19. "Responsible Officer", as in the Regulations, means -

(a) in relation to a public officer serving in a department specified

in the first column of Part I of the First Schedule to the Public
Service Commission Regulations, the person holding the office
specified opposite that department in the second column;

(b) in relation to a public officer serving in a class or rank

specified in the first column of Part II of the First Schedule to
the Public Service Commission Regulations, the person
holding the office specified opposite that class or rank in the
second column;

(c) in relation to a public officer appointed to serve in Rodrigues

and to whom paragraph (a) or (b) does not apply, the Island
Chief Executive, Rodrigues;

(d) in relation to a public officer serving in a Ministry and to

whom paragraph (a) or (b) or (c) does not apply, the official
head of the Ministry in or under which he is serving;

(e) in relation to any other public officer, the Secretary to the

Cabinet and Head of Civil Service.

20. "salary" means the salary prescribed in the Civil Establishment


21. "Service Commission" means the Judicial and Legal Service

Commission, the Public Service Commission or the Disciplined
Forces Service Commission, as the case may be.

22. "shift worker" means a worker other than a Watchman who operates
in relays on a 24-hour basis, invariably including night duty and
works on Sundays and Public Holidays, in accordance with a flexible
working arrangement where he normally works 40 hours weekly or
an average of 40 hours weekly in a cycle.

23. "Supervising Officer" means the officer supervising a department of

Government referred to in section 68 of the Constitution.

24. "Workmen’s Group” means -

(a) in relation to General Grades, all categories of unskilled and

semi-skilled workers and their supervisors;

(b) in relation to Tradesman Grades, all grades performing skilled

jobs and their supervisory levels and includes apprentices.





Section 1: Appointment and Promotion 6-9

Section 2: Increment 9-14

Section 3: Confidential Report 14

Section 4: Transfer and Retirement 15-19


Appendix 1A: List of General Services 20

Appendix 1B: Guidelines for Preparation of 21-24

schemes of service

Appendix 1C: Procedures for prescription of 25

Schemes of Service

Appendix 1D: Bond 26-27

Appendix 1E: Guidelines for the Award of Incremental 28

Credit for Additional Qualifications

Appendix 1F: Award of Incremental Credit on 29

First Appointment for Experience
acquired outside the Service

Appendix 1G: Award of Incremental Credit for 30-31

Additional Qualifications

Appendix 1H: Award of Incremental Credit on 32

Substantive Appointment for previous
experience acquired in the Public
Service in the same capacity

Appendix 1 I: Certificate of Service 33


Section 1: Appointment and Promotion

Powers of Service Commissions

1.1.1 Under the Constitution, unless otherwise provided, the power to -

(a) appoint a person in any office in the public service;

(b) confirm his appointment;

(c) exercise disciplinary control over a person holding or acting

in such office; and

(d) remove a person from office,

is vested in the appropriate Service Commission.

Procedure for Appointment and Promotion

1.1.2 The procedure governing the appointment and promotion of

officers to any office in the public service is as specified in the

Age Limit for Appointment

1.1.3 (1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), no person shall be allowed to

join the public service if he is over 35 years, except with the
authority of the Senior Chief Executive, Ministry of Civil
Service and Administrative Reforms.

(2) The age limit for entry in the service in the manual grades
is 45 years.

Scheme of Service

1.1.4 (1) Unless provided by any enactment, or otherwise decided,

there shall be in respect of each office in the public service
an official scheme of service.

(2) A scheme of service shall specify the salary, qualifications,

duties and responsibilities of an office in a
Ministry/Department, and where appropriate, the mode of

(3) A scheme of service must be prepared with utmost care and

objectivity in relation to the organisational needs of

(4) Responsible Officers shall take direct responsibility in the

preparation of schemes of service to ensure that the duties
and qualifications are specified in clear and concise terms.
Guidelines for the preparation of schemes of service are set
out at Appendix 1B.

(5) The procedures for the prescription of schemes of service
are as specified in Appendix 1C.

Filling of Vacancies

1.1.5 (1) Vacancies must be filled only if -

(a) there is a need to do so;

(b) the objectives they purport to meet are still valid; and

(c) in case of promotional posts, the structure is still the

appropriate one.

(2) Subject to sub-paragraph (1), vacancies in the public

service shall be filled in accordance with the Regulations.

(3) A vacancy shall be notified to the appropriate Service

Commission by the Responsible Officer as soon as possible
after its occurrence.

(4) Where a token provision has been made in the Recurrent

Budget for any particular post, such a post shall not be
filled unless the authority of the Financial Secretary is

(5) Where a supernumerary post is vacant, it shall not be filled

if the circumstances which led to its creation no longer

Effective Date of Appointment or Promotion

1.1.6 The effective date of appointment or promotion of an officer shall

be as determined by the appropriate Service Commission.

Release of Officer on Promotion

1.1.7 Where, as a result of a promotion, an officer has to assume duty

in another Ministry/Department, the Supervising Officer shall
release the officer within a week of the offer of promotion, unless
the approval of the appropriate Service Commission has been
obtained to do otherwise.

Medical Examination on First Appointment

1.1.8 (1) A Responsible Officer shall, within one month of the first
appointment of any person in the public service,
(irrespective of the capacity in which the appointment is
made), arrange with the Ministry of Health and Quality of
Life for that person to undergo a medical examination to
determine his fitness to perform the duties of his post.

(2) In the case of an officer belonging to the General Services,

the Supervising Officer shall arrange for the medical

examination of that officer and report the outcome to the
Responsible Officer.

(3) Where an officer is found medically unfit or temporarily

unfit, the Responsible Officer shall report the case
immediately to the appropriate Service Commission.

(4) Travelling expenses by bus incurred in connection with the

medical examination shall be refunded in toto.

Training during Probation

1.1.9 An officer on probation shall not, as a normal rule, be sent on a

training course unless the approval of the Senior Chief Executive,
Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms is obtained.

Enlistment of Trainees

1.1.10 (1) A trainee shall, on enlistment, invariably be required to

enter into a bond.

(2) The bond shall represent an amount equivalent to the full

cost of the training expenses incurred on the trainee.

(3) A trainee entering into a bond shall be required to serve for

a minimum period of -

(a) 3 years if the training is of 12 months duration or


(b) 5 years if the training is of more than 12 months

duration but up to 36 months; and
(c) 7 years if the training exceeds 36 months,

and which minimum period shall start as from the date of

his substantive appointment in the relevant grade.

(4) (a) The conditions shall be specified in the bond. (A

proforma bond which can be used as a guide is at
Appendix 1D).

(b) Where the trainee or an officer as the case may be, is

required by a Ministry/Department to serve in that
Ministry/Department for at least during the bonded
period, the bond shall be so worded as to impose an
obligation upon him.

(5) The bond shall be drawn up in two copies in the

Ministry/Department in which the trainee is enlisted. The
original shall be registered with the Registrar-General’s
Department and the second copy handed over to the

(6) (a) Where a trainee or an officer as the case may be,

abandons his training or vacates his office before the
completion of his bonded period to take up

employment in another Ministry/Department or any
organisation in the Public Sector, the
Ministry/Department (which appears in the bond)
shall forthwith report the case to the Ministry of
Finance and Economic Development, together with
such documents, comments and recommendations
as are appropriate.

(b) Where a trainee or an officer as the case may be, who

is under an obligation to serve the bonded period
under paragraph 4 (b), fails to observe any of the
conditions in the bond, the Ministry/Department
concerned shall take the following steps -

(i) report the case immediately to the Ministry of

Finance and Economic Development; and

(ii) inform the trainee or the officer as the case

may be, without delay, in writing, of the
decision of the Ministry of Finance and
Economic Development.

(c) Where a trainee or an officer as the case may be,

leaves the public service to take up employment in
the private sector before completion of the bonded
period, the Ministry/Department concerned shall
take the following steps -

(i) inform the trainee or the officer as the case

may be, without delay, in writing that he has to
honour fully the obligations of the bond within
a period of 15 days as from the date of
abandonment of training or vacation of office,
failing which legal action would be taken; and

(ii) report the case immediately to the Ministry of

Finance and Economic Development.

Section 2: Increment

Increment - General

1.2.1 (1) (a) Where an officer is appointed on probation in a post

carrying salary on an incremental scale, his first
incremental date shall be the date of his

(b) After confirmation, the incremental date of the officer

shall be 01 July.

(c) An officer who is appointed on probation in a post

carrying salary on an incremental scale, shall not be
eligible to receive any increment of salary until he is
confirmed in his appointment.

(2) (a) Where an officer is appointed to a trainee grade, his

allowance shall be increased after 12 months' service.

(b) Where an officer serving under bond is appointed in a
substantive capacity in a scarcity or critical area after
completing his traineeship, he shall, on satisfactory
completion of his bonded period, be granted one
additional increment, subject to the approval of the
Senior Chief Executive, Ministry of Civil Service and
Administrative Reforms.

(3) In all other cases the incremental date of an officer

appointed to a post carrying salary on an incremental scale,
shall be 01 July.

(4) (1) (a) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), an officer who

reckons 25 years' service in a single grade shall
be eligible, subject to satisfactory performance,
to move one additional point to be read from the
master salary scale once every two years, subject
to a maximum of two increments.

(b) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), an officer who

reckons 22 years' service in a single grade
requiring a degree or professional qualification
obtained after at least three years' full time
study, shall be eligible, subject to satisfactory
performance, to move one additional point to be
read from the master salary scale once every two
years, subject to a maximum of two increments.

(2) The first increment payable under sub-paragraph (1)

will be due only after the officer has stagnated on the
top of his salary scale for two years as from 01 July

1.2.2 The incremental date of a casual employee is 01 July, irrespective

of his date of employment.

Increment not a Right

1.2.3 (1) An officer is not entitled to draw any increment as of right

but only with the specific approval of the Responsible
Officer or the Supervising Officer, as appropriate.

(2) (a) An increment may be granted by the Responsible

Officer or the Supervising Officer, as the case may be,
where the work and conduct of the officer during the
previous twelve months have been at least

(b) Where an increment is granted under sub-paragraph

(a), the Responsible Officer or the Supervising Officer,
shall also take into consideration efficiency, diligence,
commitment including availability and regularity at

(c) An increment may be withheld in case of regular

default under any of the items/circumstances
referred to at sub-paragraph (b) above.
1.2.4 (1) An officer who is reinstated shall not be allowed to draw
any increment for the period of interdiction except with the
approval of the Senior Chief Executive, Ministry of Civil
Service and Administrative Reforms.

(2) When making a case for the grant of increment(s) to such

an officer, a Supervising Officer shall explain the
circumstances leading to the officer's interdiction and
submit relevant documents including a copy of the Court
proceedings and judgment, where applicable.

Increment on Resumption of Duty from Leave Without Pay

1.2.5 An officer who has been granted leave without pay -

(a) for study purposes, shall re-enter his salary scale at the
point he would have reached had he not been on leave
provided he was already confirmed before he proceeded on
such leave.

(b) for purposes other than study, shall on his resumption of

duty, complete any remaining part in a 12-month period
before he may qualify for an increment and his incremental
date shall, thereafter, revert to what it was before he went
on leave.

Incremental Credit for Experience

1.2.6 One incremental credit for each complete year of relevant

experience acquired before entry into the service, up to a
maximum of three increments, shall be awarded as follows -

(a) for post-registration experience of professionals such as

Medical and Health Officers/Senior Medical and Health
Officers, Dental Surgeons/Senior Dental Surgeons etc;

(b) for experience after having obtained the right to practise

from the appropriate registered professional body or
Council as in the case of Architects, Engineers etc;

(c) for post-qualification experience acquired by other

categories of graduates who do not normally require
registration or authorisation before practice; and

(d) for post-qualification experience in a recognised hospital to

fully qualified nurses.

1.2.7 (a) For the grant of incremental credit under paragraph 1.2.6,
which is subject to the approval of the Standing Committee,
an officer shall produce evidence of experience, which shall
have been acquired, locally or outside Mauritius, under
supervision, in a legally recognised institution or firm or
under licensed private practice.

(b) The grant of incremental credit shall be subject to an
eligible officer appointed on or after 01 July 2003 not
drawing a higher salary than what he should have drawn
had he joined the service on or before 30 June 2003.

Incremental Credit for Additional Qualifications

1.2.8 (1) Incremental credit for additional qualifications shall be

awarded as follows -

(a) for proficiency in shorthand to Word Processing

Operators as specified hereunder –

(i) 80 words per minute - one increment;

(ii) 100 words per minute - one increment,

or two increments if
one not already
granted under (i);

(iii) 120 words per minute - one additional

increment subject
to a maximum of 3
increments in all;

(b) for additional qualifications which are fully, or part of

which are directly, relevant to the duties of the grade
and higher than the qualifications specified in the
scheme of service for the grade, in accordance with
guidelines at Appendix 1E,subject to the approval of
the Standing Committee;

(c) for an academic qualification which is higher than

the qualifications prescribed in the scheme of service
in respect of entry grades requiring at least the
Cambridge Higher School Certificate or passes in at
least two subjects at the General Certificate of
Education "Advanced" Level, in accordance with the
guidelines at sub-paragraph (b) (i) to (v) of Appendix
1E, subject to the approval of the Standing

(2) A Medical and Health Officer/ Senior Medical and Health

Officer shall be eligible for the award of two incremental
credits on the obtention of a specialist qualification in
accordance with the criteria laid down at paragraph b (i) to
(iv) of Appendix 1E, subject to the approval of the Standing

(3) An officer who has obtained an additional qualification after

having reached the last point in his salary scale shall be
paid, in lieu of incremental credit, a non-pensionable lump
sum equivalent to twelve times the value of the last
increment in his salary scale, in line with the conditions
laid down at paragraph (b) (i) to (iv) of Appendix 1E, subject
to the approval of the Standing Committee.

Incremental Credit for Temporary Service

1.2.9 (1) Where an officer reckons temporary service (including extra

assistance),whether on first appointment or not in the same
capacity as that in which the substantive appointment lies,
he shall be granted one incremental credit for each
completed year of temporary service, provided that -

(a) such service is continuous;

(b) his work, conduct and attendance record have been

satisfactory; and

(c) his adjusted salary is not higher than what he would

have drawn had he been appointed in a substantive
capacity on joining the grade concerned.

(2) Subject to sub-paragraph (1), where an officer has to his

credit any temporary service of less than 12 months, such
service shall count for the purpose of determining his next
incremental date.

(3) (a) Incremental credit for temporary service is payable as

from the date the officer is appointed substantively in
the post or the date of his confirmation, as

(b) Where an officer who is already confirmed in a

previous appointment, is appointed in another post
in a temporary capacity and reckons temporary
service for a period of less than 12 months, he shall,
on his appointment in a substantive capacity, be
granted one incremental credit as from the date he
completes one year’s service or on 01 July, whichever
is the earlier.

1.2.10 Recommendations for the award of incremental credits shall be

submitted to the Senior Chief Executive, Ministry of Civil Service
and Administrative Reforms for approval on the appropriate form
as specified in Appendices 1F, 1G and 1H.

Salary on Promotion

1.2.11 (1) Subject to paragraph 1.2.12, all promotion, in general, shall

be marked by an increase in salary representing at least
three increments.

(2) An officer shall, on promotion, normally draw the initial or

flat salary of the higher post or be granted three increments
worth at the incremental point reached in the lower post (to
be read from the master salary scale), whichever is the
higher, provided the total emoluments of the officer are not
less than the initial salary and not more than the maximum
salary of the higher post.

1.2.12 (1) Where an officer has benefited from three increments as a
result of a grade-to-grade promotion and is subsequently
appointed in a class-to class grade within a period of two
years and supersedes salarywise another officer from the
source grade who has been appointed to the new class
before him, the officer shall be granted an increase in salary
representing one increment.

(2) Where an officer is appointed in a grade where selection is

made both from among serving officers and candidates
outside the service in a same exercise, the serving officer
shall be granted an increase in salary representing one

(3) Where an officer is appointed to a grade requiring

qualifications of a completely different line than those of his
former grade, he shall draw the initial salary or retain the
salary of his previous grade, whichever is the higher.
Salary on Temporary Appointment

1.2.13 (1) An officer shall, on temporary appointment, normally draw

the initial or flat salary attached to the post.

(2) Where an officer holding a substantive appointment, is

subsequently appointed in a temporary capacity in another
post, he shall be allowed to retain the salary of his
substantive post, in case he is drawing salary higher than
the initial salary of the temporary post.

(3) In case the officer is already confirmed in his substantive

post, he shall be allowed to progress normally in the salary
scale for that post during the period of his temporary
appointment provided the total emoluments of the officer
does not exceed the maximum salary of the temporary post.

Section 3: Confidential Report

1.3.1 (1) A Responsible Officer shall, unless the appropriate Service

Commission directs otherwise, ensure completion of
Confidential Reports on each and every officer working in
his Ministry/Department and drawing salary in a scale the
minimum of which is not less than Rs 5675 monthly.

(2) Confidential Reports, duly completed, shall be submitted by

the end of January of each year to the Responsible Officer

1.3.2 Where an officer who is on leave has not filled in section 1 of the
Confidential Report form before his departure, his Supervising
Officer shall do so from available records.

1.3.3 Where an officer is transferred to another Ministry/ Department,

the Supervising Officer of the receiving Ministry/Department is
responsible for the completion/ submission of the Confidential

Section 4: Transfer and Retirement

Permanent Transfer to "approved service"

1.4.1 (1) An officer may be granted permanent transfer to an

"approved service", as defined in the Pensions Act, with the
approval of the appropriate Service Commission.

(2) An officer shall apply in writing for permanent transfer to

an "approved service" and shall forward to his Responsible
Officer for submission to the appropriate Service
Commission the offer of permanent employment from the
organisation concerned.

(3) An officer who has been permanently transferred to an

"approved service" shall have all the leave and passage
benefits which he has earned in respect of service with the
Government, taken over by the "approved service".


1.4.2 (1) Under the Pensions Act, an officer -

(a) shall retire on reaching the age of 60;

(b) may, as of right, retire on reaching the age of 55;

(c) may, as a special case and with the approval of the

appropriate Service Commission, retire on reaching
the age of 50;

(d) may, with the approval of the appropriate Service

Commission, retire on or after reaching the age of 45,
provided he has completed 10 years' pensionable

(e) may, in the case of a female officer, with the approval

of the appropriate Service Commission, retire on the
ground of marriage;

(f) may, in the case of any member of a disciplined force

or any officer of the Rehabilitation Youth Centre, with
the approval of the Disciplined Forces Service
Commission, retire on or after completing, in the
aggregate, 25 years' of pensionable service in the
disciplined force or in the Rehabilitation Youth
Centre, as the case may be.

(2) Where an officer wishes to retire under sub-paragraph

(1)(b), he shall give notification thereof to his Responsible
Officer, at least three months before the proposed date of
departure on leave prior to retirement, and at the same
time submit his birth certificate.

(3) Where an officer wishes to retire under sub-paragraph 1(c),
he shall submit a request to his Responsible Officer stating
the reasons therefor, and, at the same time, forward his
birth certificate. The Responsible Officer shall transmit the
request to the appropriate Service Commission for
consideration stating whether or not the officer is under

(4) Where an officer wishes to retire under sub-paragraph 1(d),

he shall submit a request to his Responsible Officer stating
the reasons therefor, and, at the same time, forward his
birth certificate and other relevant documentary evidence.
The Responsible Officer shall transmit the request to the
Senior Chief Executive, Ministry of Civil Service and
Administrative Reforms, together with his comments and
recommendations. On receipt of the observations of the
Senior Chief Executive, Ministry of Civil Service and
Administrative Reforms, the Responsible Officer shall
forward the request to the appropriate Service Commission
together with the comments of the Senior Chief Executive,
Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms stating
whether or not the officer is under report.

(5) Where a female officer wishes to retire on marriage

grounds, she shall submit a request to her Responsible
Officer and at the same time forward her birth certificate
and a fresh extract of her marriage certificate. The
Responsible Officer shall transmit the request to the
appropriate Service Commission for consideration stating
whether or not the officer is under report.

1.4.3 An officer may, upon approval of the appropriate Service

Commission, be retired as follows -

(a) in special cases, on or after attaining the age of 50;

(b) at the request of the Responsible Officer and with his

consent, on or after attaining the age of 50;

(c) in the case of overmanning, on or after attaining the age of


(d) on the ground of marriage (for female officers only);

(e) on medical grounds;

(f) in the interest of the service;

(g) may, in the case of any member of the disciplined force or

any officer of the Rehabilitation Youth Centre, with the
approval of the Disciplined Forces Service Commission,
retire on or after completing, in the aggregate, 25 years' of
pensionable service in the disciplined force or in the
Rehabilitation Youth Centre, as the case may be;

(h) on abolition of office;

(i) for the purpose of facilitating improvement in the

organisation of the department to which he belongs, by
which greater efficiency or economy may be effected.

1.4.4 (1) A Supervising Officer shall arrange for the submission to

the Accountant-General of the Pensions Computation
Schedule of an officer two months before his retirement.

(2) The effective date of retirement of an officer shall be

reported to the appropriate Service Commission, the
Accountant-General and the Director of Audit.

1.4.5 Under the Pensions Regulations -

(1) where an officer who has been appointed to act or has been
assigned the duties of -

(a) a higher office in a position of Accounting Head or

Chief Executive, the salary of which is not less than
Rs 45,000 a month; or

(b) a higher office than that specified in sub-paragraph

(a) in the same cadre

by the appropriate Service Commission, retires from the

service or is subsequently reverted to his substantive office,
his retiring benefits shall be computed on the prevailing
pensionable emoluments of that office provided that -

(i) he has performed the duties of the higher office for a

continuous period of at least six months;

(ii) his reversion to his substantive office was not the

result of inefficiency or misconduct or his own
request; and

(iii) at the time of his retirement or reversion, he had

reached the age of 50.

(2) where an officer who has been appointed to act in or has

been assigned the duties of a higher office, other than any
of those mentioned at sub-paragraph (1), by the appropriate
Service Commission, retires from the service or is
subsequently reverted to his substantive office, his retiring
benefits shall be computed on the prevailing pensionable
emoluments of that office provided that -

(a) he has performed the duties of the higher office for a

continuous period of at least two years;

(b) his reversion to his substantive office was not the

result of inefficiency or misconduct or his own
request; and

(c) at the time of his retirement or reversion, he had
reached the age of 50.

(3) Where an officer on the permanent establishment who has

been assigned the duties of the office of Financial Secretary,
Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Director-General, Ministry of
Finance and Economic Development or any higher office,
and who at the start of the assignment, opts not to take an
allowance equivalent to 25 per cent of the difference
between his salary and the salary attached to that office or
higher office, retires from the service or is subsequently
reverted to his substantive office, his retiring benefits shall
be computed on the prevailing pensionable emoluments of
the higher office provided that -

(a) (i) he has successfully served in that office for a

period of two years;

(ii) he has not been reverted to his substantive

post on ground of inefficiency or inability to
perform at the higher level or at his own
request or on ground of misconduct; and

(iii) at the time of his reversion or retirement, he

had reached the age of 50.

(b) he has successfully served for a minimum period of 6

months and has reached compulsory retirement age.

(4) Where an officer holding a substantive post, is appointed or

promoted to a higher office in a temporary capacity and is
still performing in a temporary capacity on attaining the
age of 60, his retiring benefits shall be computed on the
prevailing pensionable emoluments of the higher office
provided an additional qualification is not required for
appointment in a substantive capacity to the higher office.

1.4.6 (1) A Responsible Officer shall arrange for an officer to proceed

on leave prior to retirement on the due date.

(2) An officer who elects to work during his vacation leave prior
to retirement shall not be entitled to any payment in lieu of
the vacation leave not taken.

Certificate of Service

1.4.7 A certificate of service in the form specified in Appendix 1I may,

on application, be delivered to an officer when he leaves the

Resignation from the Service

1.4.8 (1) Where an officer intends to resign from the public service,
he shall give reasonable written notice to his Responsible

(2) Any such resignation shall be notified by the Responsible
Officer to the appropriate Service Commission, the
Accountant-General and the Director of Audit.

I.4.9 A Responsible Officer shall ensure that, on resignation, an officer

who has had access to "classified documents" signs a
"Declaration" as specified in paragraph 2.8.2 (2).

1.4.10 An officer who resigns from the public service -

(a) shall, subject to paragraph 1.4.11, not be eligible for any

retiring benefits;

(b) shall be eligible for passage benefit standing to his credit or

cash in lieu;

(c) shall be eligible for casual leave as at paragraphs 4.2.4 (3)

and (4);

(d) shall be eligible for sick leave as at paragraphs 4.5.2 (3) and

(e) shall be paid, subject to eligibility, unutilised sick leave on

a pro-rata basis in respect of the period actually worked in
the year;

(f) shall be paid 100% of the value of accumulated sick leave,

if any.

1.4.11 An officer who leaves the public service after having completed at
least five years’ service –
(a) to take up employment in the local private sector; or

(b) to become self-employed

may opt for the portable benefits accruing to him to be

transferred to a superannuation fund or to a personal pension
scheme as laid down in the Finance and Audit Act, provided that,
having regard to his length of service, he is not entitled to any
pension, gratuity or other allowance under the Pensions Act.

1.4.12 A Supervising Officer shall arrange for the submission to the

Accountant-General of the application of the officer for the
Portable Pension Benefits together with all the relevant


List of General Services

Cadre/Grade Responsible Officer

Administrative Cadre Secretary to the

Cabinet and Head of
Civil Service

Personnel Cadre Senior Chief

Executive, Ministry of Civil
Service and Administrative

Executive Cadre "

Office Superintendent "
Office Supervisor "
Special Clerical Officer "
Clerical Officer/Higher Clerical
Officer "
Confidential Secretary "
Senior Word Processing Operator "
Word Processing Operator "
Clerical Assistant/Senior Clerical
Assistant "
Office Attendant Cadre "

Economist Cadre Director-General,

Ministry of Finance
and Economic

Finance Cadre Financial Secretary

Purchasing and Supply Cadre "

Internal Control Cadre "

Library Cadre Senior Chief Executive,

Ministry of Education
and Human Resources

Receptionist/Telephone Operator Permanent Secretary,

Ministry of Information
Technology and

Machine Minder (Bindery) Government Printer

Paragraph 1.1.4 (4)

Guidelines for Preparation of Schemes of Service


(a) The title of the post should be as laid down in the Civil
Establishment Order. It should indicate as clearly as possible
the function and level of responsibility of the job.

(b) If a post is to be filled by female candidates or male candidates

only, this should be clearly specified in the scheme of service,
unless indicated by the title of the post.


Should be as set out in the Civil Establishment Order.


(a) Qualifications, experience and personal skills and abilities

required of a job holder should be determined only after careful
analysis of the job profile.

(b) Skills and aptitudes required of a job holder, particularly for

high level posts, should be carefully specified.

(c) Qualifications should be correctly and clearly stated. A clear

demarcation should be made between those qualifications which
are (i) essential and (ii) those which are desirable. Qualifications
listed should be as exhaustive as possible.

(d) (i) In schemes of service where the Cambridge School

Certificate with credit in at least five subjects at two sittings
is laid down as a requirement, the following formula should
be used -

“(a) Cambridge School Certificate with credit in at least

five subjects including English Language, French and
Mathematics or Principles of Accounts obtained at
not more than two sittings or
(b) Passes not below Grade C in at least five subjects
including English Language, French and
Mathematics or Principles of Accounts obtained at
not more than two sittings at the General Certificate
of Education ‘Ordinary Level’ Examinations provided
that at one of the sittings, passes have been obtained
either (i) in five subjects including English Language
with at least Grade C in any two subjects or (ii) in six
subjects including English Language with at least
Grade C in any one subject or

(c) An equivalent qualification acceptable to the Public

Service Commission.”

APPENDIX 1B (contd.)

(ii) In schemes of service where the Cambridge School

Certificate with credit in less than five subjects at two
sittings is laid down as a requirement, the formula to be
used should be on the same lines as at paragraph (d) (i)
above and the number of credits required should be

(iii) In schemes of service where the ‘qualifications’

requirement is a Cambridge School Certificate with a
credit in English Language, a "Note" in accordance with
this Ministry's Circular Note No. 18 of 2000 should be
included immediately after the Cambridge School
Certificate requirements as follows –

“Candidates not possessing a credit in English Language

at the Cambridge School Certificate will also be
considered provided they possess passes in at least two
subjects at ‘Principal Level’ and one subject at ‘Subsidiary
Level’ as well as the General Paper obtained on one
certificate at the Cambridge Higher School Certificate

(iv) In schemes of service where a Cambridge School

Certificate and a Cambridge Higher School Certificate are
laid down as a requirement, a "Note" should be included
to provide for the Cambridge School Certificate to have
been obtained prior to the Cambridge Higher School

(v) In schemes of service where a Cambridge Higher School

Certificate and a degree are laid down as a requirement, a
"Note" should be included to provide for the Cambridge
Higher School Certificate to have been obtained prior to
the degree and for consideration to be given also to
candidates who as at 30 June 2003 possessed a post
Cambridge School Certificate degree provided they
additionally hold a Master’s Degree or a postgraduate
diploma in the relevant field, as follows –

Qualification at … (Cambridge Higher School Certificate)
above should have been obtained prior to qualification at
... (degree) above. However, candidates who, as at 30 June
2003, did not possess the qualification at … (Cambridge
Higher School Certificate) above, will also be considered
provided they hold –

(a) a Cambridge School Certificate or Passes obtained on

one certificate at the General Certificate of Education
“Ordinary Level” either (i) in five subjects including
English Language with at least Grade C in any two
subjects or (ii) in six subjects including English
Language with at least Grade C in any one subject or
an equivalent qualification acceptable to the Public
Service Commission; and
APPENDIX 1B (contd.)

(b) a Master’s Degree or a postgraduate diploma from a

recognised institution ( in the field/one of the fields)
at … (degree) above or an equivalent qualification
acceptable to the Public Service Commission.

Qualification at (a) under ‘Note’ should have been

obtained prior to qualification at … (degree) above and at
(b) under ‘Note’.”

(e) Once academic qualifications have been prescribed for an entry

post in a Cadre, they should not as a general rule be repeated
for higher posts in that Cadre.

(f) Where different qualifications are proposed, these should be

equivalent to one another. Care and objectivity should be
exercised in weighing and balancing different sets of
qualifications. In case of doubt, advice should be sought from
the Tertiary Education Commission, before any proposed
scheme of service is submitted to the Ministry of Civil Service
and Administrative Reforms for consideration.

(g) Qualifications should, as far as possible, be capable of valid


(h) The upgrading/lowering of qualifications of a post has an

incidence on the salary grading of the post. Therefore, any
change in qualifications should be fully justified.

(i) Schemes of service should not contain any conditions which

might encroach upon the constitutional prerogatives of the
Service Commissions.

(j) In schemes of service where training is mentioned, it is

necessary to indicate clearly the type of training.

(k) Age limit should be specified, if necessary.

(l) If holding a "substantive appointment" is to be a condition for

eligiblity to a post this should be mentioned in the scheme of

(m) For employees in the Workmen’s Group, it is advisable to state

clearly whether appointment should be limited to serving
officers on the establishment of the Ministry/Department
concerned or it should be open to serving officers in the Service.


(a) The duties should be defined in relation to organisational goals

and objectives. They should be derived from an analysis of what
work needs to be done and tasks that have to be carried out by
the job holder, if the purpose of the organisation or of an
organisational unit is to be achieved.

APPENDIX 1B (contd.)

(b) They should reflect, as succinctly as possible, the specific

demands of the job taking into consideration the level of
responsibility, the qualifications, experience and personal
attributes needed to carry it out.

(c) Duties should be as comprehensive as possible covering all

aspects of the job to be done.

(d) Duties should be updated regularly to fit present day



(a) In devising new schemes of service, provisos may be inserted to

safeguard the interests of serving officers. Such provisos should,
however, be limited in time and should in no way cause
prejudice to the scheme of service proper.

(b) Where serving officers are already eligible for consideration

under the core qualifications laid down in a scheme of service, it
is not in order to include provisos to give them priority of

(c) Jobs, whether new or existing, should be designed/ redesigned

in such a way so as to fit the existing structure of the
Ministry/Department concerned.

(d) In cases of restructure or the creation of new organisations,

submissions of schemes of service to the Ministry of Civil
Service and Administrative Reforms should invariably be
accompanied by an organisation chart.

(e) There should be only one scheme of service for one grade in a
Ministry/Department, although there may be a number of
posts in the same grade under different Divisions of the same
Ministry/Department. If it is considered desirable that
vacancies in the Division be filled by officers from that Division
only, then the necessary provision regarding qualifications and
duties appropriate to the Division should be made in the
scheme of service.

(f) A scheme of service should not be amended/reviewed in

isolation. When reviewing a scheme of service for a post in a
cadre, it is necessary to consider whether the scheme of service
for other posts in the same cadre should not be reviewed

(g) Any request for a review of a scheme of service should be

supported by the reasons therefor.


Paragraph 1.1.4 (5)

Procedures for Prescription of Schemes of Service

(1) A Responsible Officer, after consultation with his Minister shall

submit to the Senior Chief Executive, Ministry of Civil Service and
Administrative Reforms, any proposed scheme of service for

(2) Where the proposed scheme of service is found to be acceptable at

official level, the Responsible Officer shall consult the appropriate
staff association and shall submit the views of the latter together
with his comments thereon, to the Senior Chief Executive, Ministry
of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms.

(3) The Senior Chief Executive, Ministry of Civil Service and

Administrative Reforms shall consult the Staff Side.

(4) The proposed scheme of service shall then be forwarded to the

appropriate Service Commission for consideration and agreement.

(5) Where the agreement of the appropriate Service Commission has

been obtained, the scheme of service shall be prescribed in its official

Paragraph 1.1.10 (4) (a)

KNOW ALL MEN by these present that WE,

1. ........................................................................................................

of ......................................................................................Principal

2. ........................................................................................................

of ..........................................................................................Surety

3. ........................................................................................................

of ..........................................................................................Surety

are held and firmly bound unto the Government of Mauritius, in the sum
of ............................................. to be well and truly paid to the
Government of Mauritius, for which payment to be well and truly made we
bind ourselves and each and every of us in the whole, our and each of our
heirs, executors and administrators jointly by these presents.

The Sureties shall be liable jointly and severally with the principal debtor
for the amount of this bond.

Signed and dated this ........................... day of..........................................

two thousand .................................

*Good for the sum of rupees .....................................................................


*Good for the sum of rupees .....................................................................


*Good for the sum of rupees .....................................................................


WHEREAS the abovenamed (name) ............................was enlisted as (title)

........................................and as a condition of such enlistment shall
(state training required) ............................................... for a period of

AND WHEREAS the expenditure for allowances, fees, tuition and

contingencies on the said training is estimated to amount to the sum of

APPENDIX 1D (contd.)

AND WHEREAS as a condition of the enlistment (name)

...................................for the training (name) ..........................undertook
and agreed that if he/she** does not attend the training, he/she** does not
follow it regularly and complete it, and if on completion of the said training
and if required to do so, unless the Government otherwise approves, does
not serve the ............................... in a capacity for which he/she* has
been trained for a period of .......... consecutive years starting from (date of
substantive appointment as) ...... he/she** will pay to the Government of
Mauritius the sum of rupees ...............................

AND WHEREAS as a further condition to the enlistment of (name) ........................... two sureties have to
enter into a bond to ensure the observance by the said (name)
............................... of all the conditions attached to the offer of enlistment
for the said training.

NOW THE CONDITION of the above written obligation is such that -

If (name) ........................attends the training (state training required)

If (name) ...........................follows such training regularly and, completes

such training, and if required, unless the Government otherwise approves,
serves the .......................... in a capacity for which he/she** has been
trained for a period of ........ consecutive years starting from (date of
substantive appointment as).........

Then the present obligation shall be void, otherwise it shall remain in full
force and virtue.

Dated this .................. day of ................ two thousand ..............................



Signed in the presence of ...............................................

Post held .......................................................................

* (to be in the handwriting of the parties)

** Delete whichever applicable

Paragraph 1.2.8 (1) (b) APPENDIX 1E

Guidelines for the Award of Incremental Credit for Additional Qualifications

1. Only a qualification which -

(a) is fully or part of which is directly relevant to the performance of
the duties of the grade and which is higher than the qualifications
specified in the scheme of service for the grade; and
(b) has been obtained as a result of studies, whether carried on one's
own or as a result of a fellowship, of at least one academic year
duration, full time or its equivalent in terms of contact
hours/part time studies from a recognised institution;
would qualify for incremental credit subject to the following conditions-
(i) the additional qualifications are obtained following an
examination duly recognised by the Tertiary Education
Commission or the Mauritius Qualifications Authority, as
(ii) where different qualifications are laid down in a particular
scheme of service, the highest one would be taken as the basic
qualification for the purpose of determining eligibility for
incremental credit;
(iii) only officers holding a substantive appointment in a post carrying
salary on an incremental scale would be considered for the grant
of incremental credit for additional qualifications;
(iv) no incremental credit for additional qualifications would be
granted to officers who have already benefited from incremental
credits for the same qualification in another capacity;
(v) the number of incremental credits for additional qualifications
would in no case exceed three. Increments would be granted as
follows -

For additional qualifications requiring -

(a) up to 2 years’ study full time or - 1 increment

equivalent part-time

(b) above 2 years’ up to 3 years’ - 2 increments (inclusive

study full time or equivalent of the increment at (a))

(c) above 3 years’ study full - 3 increments (inclusive

time or equivalent part-time of the 2 increments at (b));

(vi) Notwithstanding sub-paragraph (1b) above, officers in the

Workmen’s Group and other manual grades may be eligible for
incremental credit even if the duration of the training course
leading to the additional relevant craft certificate is of less than
one academic year.


Paragraph 1.2.10

[To be submitted in 3 copies]

Award of Incremental Credit on First Appointment for experience

acquired outside the Service
Paragraph 1.2.6 of the Personnel Management Manual

Name .......................................................................................................

Post to which appointed ...........................................................................

Date of appointment .................................................................................

Salary Scale and Code ...............................................................................

Qualifications obtained and date ...............................................................

Experience: ...............................................................................................



Credit years ...............................................................................................

Salary to be drawn ....................................................................................

Effective date .............................................................................................

I certify that the particulars stated above are correct.

Date: ................. .......................................................................

Supervising Officer

Date: ............ Approved

Senior Chief Executive
Ministry of Civil Service and
Administrative Reforms

A separate form is to be used in respect of each officer.


Paragraph 1.2.10

[To be submitted in 3 copies]

Award of Incremental Credit for Additional Qualifications

Paragraph 1.2.8 of the Personnel Management Manual

To be filled by Applicant

1. Name ............................................................................................

2. Post Held ......................... Ministry/Department ...........................

3. Date of appointment in a substantive capacity in the grade


4. Present Salary ...............................................................................

5. Date of confirmation in the service .................................................

6. Salary Scale and Code ...................................................................

7. Qualifications specified in the scheme of service:-


8. Qualifications held on joining the grade:-


9. (a) Additional qualification(s) obtained:-

(Please attach photocopy of result slips, certificate(s) award(s),
certificate from the Tertiary Education Commission, etc.)

(b) Official duration of course (state whether full-time, part-time

or distance learning):-

From .......................................To ........................................

(c) Date of examination .............................................................

10. I certify that the particulars stated above are correct.

Date: .................. ……………………….......................

Signature of Applicant

APPENDIX 1G (contd.)

To be filled in by Supervising Officer

1. The particulars given have been checked and found to be correct.

2. The application is recommended/not recommended for the following

reasons -

Date: ................. ...................................

Supervising Officer


Decision of the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms

Approved/Not approved

No. of additional increments approved ...........................

Date: ............
Senior Chief Executive
Ministry of Civil Service and
Administrative Reforms


Paragraph 1.2.10

[To be submitted in 3 copies]

Award of Incremental Credit on Substantive Appointment for Previous

Experience acquired in the Public Service in the same capacity
Paragraph 1.2.9 of the Personnel Management Manual

Name .......................................................................................................

Post .........................................................................................................

Date of temporary appointment ................................................................

Date of substantive appointment ..............................................................

Length of temporary service ......................................................................

Incremental credit .....................................................................................

Date of confirmation ..................................................................................

Salary drawn prior to temporary appointment: .........................................

Present salary ............................................................................................

Salary Scale & Code No ..............................................................................

New salary (computation to be shown) ........................................................

Effective date. ............................................................................................

I certify that the particulars stated above are correct.

Date...................... .................................................
Supervising Officer



Date: .................. ........................................................

Senior Chief Executive
Ministry of Civil Service and
Administrative Reforms
A separate form is to be used in respect of each officer.


Paragraph 1.4.7



Name: ........................................................................................................

Reason for Leaving the Service: ..................................................................

Record of Service and Experience

Post Held Ministry/ From To Nature of Work

Department Performed*

*Finance, Personnel, Executive, Administrative, Registry, Technical, Enforcement,

Supervisory etc.

General Assessment of Officer’s Performance during his career:

1. General Conduct:..............................................................................
2. Work Performance/Aptitude: ............................................................
3. Communication Skills: .....................................................................
4. Relations with People: ......................................................................

Date: .................... ...........................................

Supervising Officer





Section 1: Discipline 35

Section 2: Hours of Work 35-38

Section 3: Flexible Hours of Work 38-40

Section 4: Hours of Work during Cyclone 40-41

Section 5: Attendance of Work after the lifting 41

of a Cyclone Warning

Section 6: Civic Rights of Public Officers 41

Section 7: Strikes 41

Section 8: Security 41-44

Section 9: Representations 44

Section 10: Debt 44-45

Section 11: Private Work and Private Investment 45


Appendix 2A: General Guidelines on the 46

Monitoring of the Attendance

Appendix 2B: Return of Late Attendance and 47


Appendix 2C: Declaration to be signed by 48-50

Public Officers on Appointment

Appendix 2D: Declaration to be signed by 51-53

Public Officers on leaving a
Department which is concerned
with Secret Work.


Section 1: Discipline

2.1.1 Any case of discipline shall be dealt with in accordance with the

2.1.2 (1) Where criminal proceedings are contemplated against an

officer, the Commissioner of Police shall report the matter
forthwith to the appropriate Supervising Officer.

(2) Where criminal proceedings are instituted against an

officer, the Responsible Officer shall initiate action in
accordance with the Regulations.

2.1.3 Unsatisfactory record of attendance may lead to disciplinary

action against an officer, including his retirement in the interest
of the service.

Section 2: Hours of Work

2.2.1 (1) The normal working week shall be as follows -

(a) Officers in the Workmen’s Group and other manual

grades (excluding Watchmen): 40 hours;

(b) Watchmen: 60 hours;

(c) Officers classified as working on shift: 40 hours or a

multiple of 40 hours, where the shift covers a cycle;

(d) Officers classified as working on roster and staggered

hours: not less than 33 3/4 hours and not more than
40 hours (as specified by Responsible Officers);

(e) Disciplined Force: as specified by Responsible


(f) All other officers:

between 33 3/4 hours and 40 hours,(as specified by

Responsible Officers).

(2) An officer may be required to work on a six-day week basis

provided the normal working week is in accordance with
the provisions in sub-paragraph (1) above.

(3) A shift worker may, if the exigencies of the service so

require, be made to work on roster or at staggered hours.

2.2.2 (1) An officer who puts in 33 3/4 hours of work weekly in a

Ministry/Department operating on a five-day week basis,
shall normally attend duty as follows -

Monday to Friday: 8.45 hours to 16.00 hours with

half an hour for lunch

(2) Excessive/regular tardiness of an officer falling under sub-
paragraph 1 above and who does not opt to be governed by
the flexible hours of work under section 3, shall be dealt
with as follows –

(a) lateness to attend duty shall be allowed up to 9.15

hours, in which case the departure time of the officer
shall, with the consent of the officer, be up to 16.30
hours with half an hour for lunch;

(b) where the officer who reckons lateness under sub-

paragraph (a) above, chooses to leave office at 16.00
hours, the duration of lateness shall be computed
monthly and deducted from his casual or vacation
leave entitlement;

(c) the officer shall be allowed to compensate for late

arrivals as well as lateness to resume work after
prescribed lunch time within the same calendar

(d) lateness to attend duty after 9.15 hours and

absences during normal hours of work without
authorisation shall be deducted from the casual or
vacation leave entitlement of the officer, in the first
instance; and

(e) in case there is no improvement in the officer’s record

of attendance after 9.15 hours and the excess time
taken for lunch, the Responsible Officer shall then
initiate action in accordance with the Regulations.

2.2.3 (1) An officer who puts in 33 3/4 hours of work weekly in a

Ministry/Department operating on a six-day week basis,
shall normally attend duty as follows -

Monday to Friday: 9.00 hours to 15.30 hours with

half an hour for lunch.

Saturday: 9.00 hours to 12.00 hours.

(2) Excessive/regular tardiness of an officer falling under sub-

paragraph 1 above and who does not opt to be governed by
the flexible hours of work under section 3, shall be dealt
with as follows –

(a) lateness to attend duty shall be allowed up to 9.30

hours, in which case the departure time of the officer
shall, with the consent of the officer, be up to 16.00
hours with half an hour for lunch;

(b) where the officer who reckons lateness under sub-

paragraph (a) above, chooses to leave office at 15.30
hours, the duration of lateness shall be computed
monthly and deducted from his casual or vacation
leave entitlement.

(c) the officer shall be allowed to compensate for late
arrivals as well as lateness to resume work after
prescribed lunch time within the same calendar

(d) lateness to attend duty after 9.30 hours and

absences during normal hours of work without
authorisation shall be deducted from the casual or
vacation leave entitlement of the officer, in the first
instance; and

(e) in case there is no improvement in the officer’s record

of attendance after 9.30 hours and the excess time
taken for lunch, the Responsible Officer shall then
initiate action in accordance with the Regulations.

2.2.4 Generally, officers in the Workmen’s Group and other manual

grades who put in 40 hours weekly, shall attend duty as follows –

Monday to Friday: 7.00 hours to 15.15 hours

with one hour for lunch

Saturday : 7.00 hours to 10.45 hours.

2.2.5 For any other officer who puts in more than 33 3/4 hours weekly,
the hours of attendance shall be as specified by the Responsible

2.2.6 (1) The period of lateness to attend duty, excess time taken for
lunch and absences during working time without
authorisation, in respect of an officer under paragraph
2.2.4 above or an officer working on shift, roster or
staggered hours, shall be deducted from his casual or
vacation leave entitlement in the first instance.

(2) In case there is no improvement in the officer’s record of

attendance and the excess time taken for lunch, the
Responsible Officer shall then initiate action in accordance
with the Regulations.

2.2.7 (1) No change in the hours of work shall be effected except

with the approval of the Senior Chief Executive, Ministry of
Civil Service and Administrative Reforms.

(2) An officer working on a five-day week basis may be required

to attend duty on Saturdays as and when necessary.

2.2.8 (1) A Supervising Officer must ensure that officers of his

Ministry/Department attend duty on time.

(2) Where a Ministry/Department is equipped with a

computerized attendance system, the Supervising Officer
shall ensure that every officer, irrespective of his rank,
records the actual time of his arrival at and departure from
his place of work.

(3) Where a computerized attendance system has not yet been

introduced in a Ministry/Department, an attendance

register, in which every officer, irrespective of his rank,
shall write his name and the time of his arrival at and
departure from his place of work, shall be kept in every

(4) The Computerised Attendance Reports or the attendance

register shall be regularly examined and monitored by the
Supervising Officer or by a senior officer designated by him.

2.2.9 In order to ensure a greater degree of uniformity and to facilitate

the monitoring of the Attendance Register System, a set of rules
has been drawn up for general guidance at Appendix 2A.

2.2.10 Except with the permission of the Supervising Officer or of any

other senior officer acting on his behalf, no officer shall leave the
office premises during working hours.

2.2.11 Subject to the exigencies of the service and to the work of a

Ministry/Department not being disrupted, a Supervising Officer
may allow male members of his staff who profess the Moslem
faith to be absent on Fridays between 12.30 hours and 14.00
hours for the purpose of attending congregational prayers.

Section 3 – Flexible Hours of Work

2.3.1 As from 01 July 2004, a flexible pattern of attendance has been

introduced as a measure to address excessive/regular tardiness
to attend duty and to provide more flexibility in the hours of

2.3.2 The prescribed normal working week under paragraph 2.2.1

remains unchanged.

2.3.3 (1) An officer working in a Ministry/Department operating on a

five-day week basis may attend duty as follows –

Monday to Friday:

Arrival time - 8.30 hours to 9.15 hours

Departure time - 15.45 hours to 16.30 hours

The departure time shall be subject to the exigencies of the


(2) A Supervising Officer may, where resources permit and

proper working arrangements can be made, take into
consideration hours of attendance between 8.15 hours and
8.30 hours for the purpose of determining the prescribed
normal working week.

(3) A Supervising Officer, may, where he considers it

practicable, reckon hours of attendance after 16.30 hours
but not later than 17.30 hours for the purpose of
determining the prescribed normal working week.

2.3.4 (1) An officer working in a Ministry/Department operating on a
six-day week basis may attend duty as follows –

Monday to Friday:

Arrival time - 8.45 hours to 9.30 hours

Departure time - 15.30 hours to 16.00 hours

The departure time shall be subject to the exigencies of the


(2) A Supervising Officer may, where resources permit and

proper working arrangements can be made, take into
consideration hours of attendance between 8.30 hours
and 8.45 hours for the purpose of determining the
prescribed normal working week.

(3) A Supervising Officer, may, where he considers it

practicable, reckon hours of attendance after 16.00 hours
but not later than 17.00 hours for the purpose of
determining the prescribed normal working week.

2.3.5 (1) An account of excess/deficit hours of attendance in

respect of each officer shall be kept on a monthly basis by
a Ministry/Department.

(2) (a) Hours of attendance over and above the prescribed

normal working week under paragraph 2.2.1, shall
be credited in the account of attendance and carried
forward to the next month. The balance shall lapse
on 31 December.

(b) An officer may, on request, and subject to the

exigencies of the service, be granted time off against
any excess hours of attendance put in.

(3) (a) Hours of attendance less than the prescribed

normal working week shall be deducted from any
excess balance from the account of attendance in
the first instance or otherwise from the
casual/vacation leave entitlement of the officer.

(b) Where an officer has exhausted all his

casual/vacation leave entitlement, the Responsible
Officer shall initiate action in accordance with the

(c) Notwithstanding the provision at sub-paragraph 3

(b) above, the Responsible Officer may initiate
action in accordance with the Regulations in cases
of persistent late attendance after 9.15 hours or
9.30 hours, as applicable, and excess time taken for

2.3.6 (1) A Supervising Officer may require an officer to work

beyond the normal working hours should the exigencies of
the Service so require.

(2) Where an officer chooses to attend work more than the
prescribed normal working week under paragraph 2.2.1,
he shall not be eligible for the payment of overtime
allowance but may, on request, and subject to the
exigencies of the service, be granted time off against any
excess hours of attendance put in.

2.3.7 The flexible pattern of attendance is wholly independent of any

arrangements for working overtime.

2.3.8 A Supervising Officer shall ensure that –

(a) officers are in attendance during the core hours of work;

(b) there is adequate office coverage during the normal hours

of work and that customer service is not adversely
affected by the flexible pattern of attendance; and

(c) officers who are in attendance before and after the normal
working hours perform productive work.

2.3.9 (1) A Supervising Officer, may, where he considers that the

flexible pattern of attendance is not workable or is not in
the interest of the service, continue to operate on the
system prevailing prior to January 2004, subject to the
approval of the Senior Chief Executive, Ministry of Civil
Service and Administrative Reforms.

(2) An officer who wishes to maintain his normal hours of

work under paragraph 2.2.2 (1), shall be allowed to do so.

(3) Where an officer is allowed to maintain his normal hours

of work under sub-paragraph 2 above, he shall be
governed by the provisions under paragraphs 2.2.2 and
2.2.3, as applicable, in respect of late attendance.

2.3.10 The hours of attendance of officers in the Health Sector and the
teaching profession shall be specified by the Responsible Officer.

Section 4: Hours of Work during Cyclone

2.4.1 (1) A Supervising Officer shall draw up a list of officers who are
required to attend duty during cyclones. Such a list shall be
brought to the attention of the staff every year in September
before the beginning of the cyclone season.

(2) An officer who fails to report for duty during cyclones shall
furnish proof of his inability to do so to his Supervising

(3) An officer, in receipt of basic salary less than Rs 19,400

monthly, who is required to attend duty during cyclones,
shall be paid extra pay at overtime rate as specified at
paragraph 3.2.10 (1) for work performed on officially
declared cyclone days. Where he fails to do so, he shall
forfeit his pay for officially declared cyclone days.

(4) Disciplinary action may be taken against an officer who is
required to attend duty during cyclones and who fails to do

Section 5: Attendance at Work after the lifting of

a Cyclone Warning

2.5.1 An officer shall attend duty as soon as a cyclone warning class III
or IV is officially lifted, provided this is done before 10.00 hours
and subject to public transport being available.

Section 6: Civic Rights of Public Officers

2.6.1 An officer -

(a) has the right of freedom of thought and opinion;

(b) has the right to his own political views and to vote;

(c) shall not hold office in any political organisation or take any
active or prominent part in any political organisation;

(d) shall show reserve and discretion in political controversies;

(e) shall bear in mind that he is expected to give loyal and

disinterested service to the Government;

(f) shall not write letters to the press, publish books or articles
or circulate leaflets or pamphlets on political matters.

2.6.2 An officer who participates in any illegal public meeting or

procession may, in addition to the penalties prescribed by law, be
liable to disciplinary action.

Section 7: Strikes

2.7.1 An officer shall be conversant with the Industrial Relations Act

which makes provision for the promotion of harmonious
industrial relations and the orderly settlement of industrial

2.7.2 Absence from work on account of an unlawful strike may be

considered as absence without authorisation and may entail
disciplinary action against the officer under the Regulations.

2.7.3 Where, for administrative reasons, the salary or wages of an

officer in respect of any day during which he takes part or assists
in a strike cannot be deducted from his salary or wages in the
month in which the strike takes place, the deduction shall be
effected in the following month or at the earliest convenient

Section 8: Security

2.8.1 A Supervising Officer shall ensure that his staff are familiar with
the Official Secrets Act.

2.8.2 (1) An officer, except one in the Workmen’s Group or other
manual grades, shall sign a "Declaration" as specified in
Appendix 2C on joining the service.

(2) An officer who has had access to "classified documents"

shall sign a "Declaration" as specified in Appendix 2D on
leaving the service.

(3) The "Declaration" shall be kept by the Supervising Officer in

the Personal File of the officer.

2.8.3 This section shall, unless otherwise expressly provided, apply

equally to all information and material emanating from official
sources, whether or not such information or material is

2.8.4 The security classification of a document shall be clearly

indicated at the centre of the top and bottom of every page,
preferably in red.

2.8.5 Any document emanating from any official source is the property
of the Government of Mauritius and may not be disclosed to any
person working outside the public service without the approval in
writing of the Supervising Officer.

2.8.6 No officer shall, unless he is specifically authorised to do so,

communicate directly or indirectly to the written or spoken press
or to any other person outside his own Ministry or Department
any information to which he has had access by virtue of his
official position.

2.8.7 Any officer who desires to make any written communication to

the press on any matter of an administrative or official nature,
whether intended for publication or otherwise, must do so
through the Government Information Service, Prime Minister's

2.8.8 No officer shall give broadcast talks on any subject which may
properly be regarded as of a political or administrative nature
unless he has obtained the prior permission of his Supervising

2.8.9 The prior authority of the Prime Minister must be obtained,

through the Secretary to the Cabinet and Head of Civil Service,
for the publication of works by any officer or by any Government
pensioner, or for the issue of new editions of published works, the
subject matter of which is in any way connected with his official
duties, past or present.

2.8.10 (1) Where an officer proposes to publish any work or to issue

new editions thereof, as at paragraph 2.8.9, he shall
submit, through the proper channel, a copy of the text of
the proposed publication to the Responsible Officer of the
Ministry/Department where he is posted.

(2) The Responsible Officer shall scrutinize the text, consult

other relevant bodies, where necessary and shall submit it

to the Secretary for Home Affairs with his observations,
comments and recommendations thereon.

(3) The Secretary for Home Affairs shall, in the light of the
submission of the Responsible Officer, make
recommendations as appropriate to the Prime Minister
through the Secretary to the Cabinet and Head of Civil

2.8.11 (1) Retired officers shall submit the text of any proposed
publication direct to the Secretary for Home Affairs.

(2) The Secretary for Home Affairs shall arrange to consult

appropriate Ministries/Departments where necessary and
shall submit his own recommendations to the Prime
Minister through the Secretary to the Cabinet and Head of
Civil Service.

2.8.12 No officer shall -

(a) communicate the intentions of the Government or of any

Minister without specific directions to that end;

(b) disclose, unless directed to do so, that any Minister

proposes to adopt any particular course of action or that
any particular legislation will be introduced; and

(c) disclose to any person outside the public service that any
matter has been or is to be put before Cabinet.

2.8.13 (1) A Supervising Officer may designate any officer from among
his staff to act as Security Officer for maintaining a proper
standard of security in his Ministry/Department.

(2) An officer shall ensure that official information and material

do not come to the knowledge of any unauthorised person.
No officer shall discuss official matters in any place where
he may be overheard by any unauthorised person.

(3) Irresponsible talk and careless handling of official papers

which might lead to a breach of security shall be reported
at once to the Security Officer of the Ministry/Department.

2.8.14 (1) Notwithstanding paragraphs 2.8.5 and 2.8.6, an officer may

disclose to another officer holding an official position in a
staff association or trade union of which he is a compliant
member, any matter affecting him personally which has
been brought officially to his notice provided it is not

(2) In the case of any "classified" material, the permission of

the Supervising Officer shall be sought where the officer
wishes to disclose all or part of the communication to a
staff association.

2.8.15 No officer shall have access to records relating to himself, or in

any circumstances, take copies of either minutes or
correspondence contained in such records.

2.8.16 Any officer, who takes copies of official documents for private
purposes, may be liable to disciplinary action.

2.8.17 (1) No officer except the Secretary to the Cabinet or such

officer designated by him, shall be authorised to distribute
or to reproduce Cabinet documents including minutes of
proceedings, and no officer shall cause any such
documents or minutes to be copied for use within his
Ministry or copied or quoted to any other party.

(2) Any officer, who is dealing with any matter which has been
the subject of a decision by the Cabinet and who is in
doubt whether another Ministry which has an interest in
the same matter is aware of the relevant decision of the
Cabinet, shall ascertain the position from the Secretary to
the Cabinet.

Section 9: Representations

2.9.1 (1) Where an officer wishes to make representations

concerning his conditions of service or any other matter not
falling within the jurisdiction of the Service Commissions,
he shall address such representations to his Supervising
Officer through his immediate Supervisor.

(2) On matters which fall within the purview of Service

Commissions, an officer shall address his representations
to the Secretary of the relevant Service Commission,
through his Responsible Officer.

2.9.2 An officer may request a staff association or trade union to make

representations on his behalf.

2.9.3 (1) Staff Associations, wishing to make representations on a

decision of the Public Service Commission, shall address
same to the Responsible Officer concerned. The latter shall,
where he is satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for
redress, make a case to the Commission.

(2) It shall be the responsibility of the Responsible Officer to

inform the Staff Association of the decision of the

2.9.4 Anonymous representations shall not, as a normal rule, be


Section 10: Debt

2.10.1 Disciplinary action may be taken against an officer who has been
sentenced for debt before a Court of Law.

2.10.2 An officer against whom judgment has been delivered for debt
shall -

(a) not later than seven days after the judgment, report the fact
to his Responsible Officer;

(b) state what steps he has taken to settle the debt.

2.10.3 The Judge or Magistrate presiding over the Court in which any
judgment for debt is delivered against an officer shall, within a
fortnight, report the judgment to the officer's Supervising Officer.

Section 11: Private Work and Private Investment

2.11.1 The whole time of an officer is at the service of the Government

and he is not permitted to undertake private work for reward
except as provided for in paragraph 2.11.2.

2.11.2 (1) An officer may, subject to the approval of his Supervising

Officer, be exceptionally authorised to undertake private
work, where the work -

(a) is performed outside official working hours;

(b) has no adverse effect on his official position or duties.

(2) Where the work involves trading or commercial activities,

the approval of the Secretary to the Cabinet and Head of
Civil Service shall also be obtained.

2.11.3 (1) A Responsible Officer may, where he considers it necessary,

request an officer to declare any interest, direct or indirect,
he may possess in any undertaking or concern.

(2) An officer shall seek the express permission of the

Secretary to the Cabinet and Head of Civil Service before
acquiring investments which he thinks might be in real or
apparent conflict with his official duties.

(3) Where the Secretary to the Cabinet and Head of Civil

Service considers that, by reason of the facts disclosed, the
officer's private affairs might be in real or apparent conflict
with his official duties, he may require the officer to divest
himself of such investments or interests.

2.11.4 (1) No private transactions, whether or not of a commercial

nature, shall be carried out in any Government office.

(2) No officer shall use the official address or the telephone or

fax or E-mail of his Ministry/ Department for his private


Paragraph 2.2.9

General Guidelines on the Monitoring of

the Attendance Register

1. The Attendance Register shall be under the direct responsibility of the

Supervising Officer or a senior officer designated by him.

2. The day and date shall be inserted.

3. Each officer shall write below that entry his name, record the exact
time of arrival in the appropriate column and affix his signature in the
space provided. The same procedure shall be followed at the time of

4. No blank lines shall be left between names.

5. A Supervising Officer or the officer designated by him shall work out

his own methods and frequency of checks. However, after each check,
he shall record his initials, time and date of check.

6. In case of absences, appropriate entries shall be made in the Register

daily at a time agreed upon by the Supervising Officer. Appropriate
follow-up action shall be taken to ensure that letters of absence are
submitted in time.

7. Where an officer has been granted leave of absence not amounting to

a full working day, a relevant entry shall be made in the Register.

8. A return of late attendance and absence shall be made on the form at

Appendix 2B to ensure proper monitoring.



MINISTRY/DEPARTMENT ...........................................................................

SECTION/DIVISION/UNIT ..........................................................................

Name of No. of Late No. of Late No. of Late Total No. of Remarks
Officer/ Arrivals Arrivals Arrivals Lateness days
Designation after 8.45 after 9.15 after 9.30 for the attended
a.m. but a.m. but a.m. month duty
before 9.00 before 9.30
a.m. a.m.
(No. of


Certified correct

Name of Officer: ............................................................

Post held: .....................................................................
Signature: ...............................................................…..


Paragraph 2.8.2 (1)



My attention has been drawn to the provisions of the Official Secrets

Act, extracts of which are set out on the back of this document, and I am
fully aware of the serious consequences which may follow any breach of
these provisions.

I understand that the sections of the Official Secrets Act set out on
the back of this document cover also articles published in the press or in
book form, and I am aware that I must not divulge any information gained
by me as a result of my employment to any unauthorised person, orally or
in writing, without the prior sanction, in writing, of the Secretary to the
Cabinet and Head of Civil Service.

I understand also that these provisions apply not only during the
period of my employment but also after my employment in the Mauritius
Public Service has ceased.

Signed ................................................

Name ....................................................
(in block letters)

Post held ............................................

Date ...................................................

Witnessed ............................................................

Name ...................................................................
(in block letters)

Post held ..............................................................

Ministry/Department ............................................

APPENDIX 2C (contd.)


Section 3 of the Official Secrets Act provides as follows -

“(1) Any person who, for any purpose or in any manner likely to
prejudice the safety or interests of Mauritius -

(a) approaches, inspects, enters, passes over, or is in the

neighbourhood, of a prohibited place;

(b) makes a plan that is calculated or intended to be, or might be,

directly or indirectly, of use to a foreign State or disaffected
person; and

(c) obtains, receives, collects, retains, records, makes use of,

publishes or communicates a code word, plan, article,
document or information which is calculated or intended to be
or might be, directly or indirectly, of use to a foreign State or
disaffected person,

shall commit an offence.

(2) Any person who has in his possession or under his control any code
word, plan, article, document or information which -

(a) relates to, or is used, in a prohibited place;

(b) relates to munitions;

(c) has been made or obtained in contravention of this Act;

(d) he knows, or has reasonable grounds for believing, has been

communicated to him in contravention of this Act;

(e) has been entrusted in confidence to him -

(i) by any person holding office under the Government;

(ii) owing to his position as a person who holds or has held

office under the Government or who is or was a party to
a contract which was made on behalf of the Government
or which, in whole or in part, is or was executed in a
prohibited place; or

(iii) owing to his position as a person who is or has been

employed by a person who is or was a party to a
contract specified in sub-paragraph (ii); or

(f) he has obtained or to which he has had access owing to his

position as a person who held office under the Government;

and who for any purpose or in any manner likely to prejudice

the safety or interests of Mauritius -

APPENDIX 2C (contd.)

(i) makes use of the code word, plan, article, document or


(ii) retains the code word, plan, article, document or

information in his possession or under his control;

(iii) fails to comply with any directions issued by lawful

authority with regard to the return or disposal of the
code word, plan, article, document or information;

(iv) communicates the code word, plan, article, document or

information to any person, other than a person to whom
he is authorised to communicate it or to whom it is his
duty to communicate it; or

(v) fails to take reasonable care, or so conducts himself as

to endanger the safety of the code word, plan, article,
document or information,

shall commit an offence.”

Section 4(1) of the Official Secrets Act provides as follows -

“Any person who in any manner publishes a report of, or a comment

on, any matter and alleges, expressly or impliedly, that the report or
comment, as the case may be, relates to what took place at a meeting of
the Cabinet shall commit an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to
imprisonment for a term of not less than one month and not more than 12
months together with a fine not exceeding 2,000 rupees, unless he proves
that the publication was made with lawful authority or as a result of
information obtained from a person authorised to communicate it.”

"Prohibited place", as defined in the Official Secrets Act, means a place -

“(a) belonging to or occupied or used by, or on behalf of the

Government which is used for or in connection with the
maintenance of public security, including arsenals,
establishments or stations of the armed forces or the Police
Force, factories, dockyards, mines, minefields, camps, ships,
aircraft, telegraph, telephone, wireless or signal stations or
offices, and places used for the purpose of building, repairing,
making or storing any munitions or any plans, or documents
relating thereto, or for the purpose of obtaining any metals, oil
or minerals for use in time of war or public emergency;

(b) not belonging to the Government where any munitions or any

plans or documents relating thereto are being made, repaired,
received or stored under contract with or with any person
acting on behalf of, the Government;

(c) prescribed by the Minister, on the ground that information

relating to the place, damage to it or interference with it is
likely to prejudice the safety and interests of Mauritius.”

Paragraph 2.8.2 (2)
To be signed by Public Officers on leaving a Department
which is concerned with Secret Work

My attention has been drawn to the Official Secrets Act, extracts of

which are set out on the back of this document, and I am fully aware of the
serious consequences which may follow any breach of that Act.

I understand –

(a) that the Official Secrets Act, extracts of which are set out on the
back of this document, covers also articles published in the
press and in book form;

(b) that I must not divulge any information gained by me as a result

of my employment to any unauthorised person, orally or in
writing, without the prior sanction in writing of the Secretary to
the Cabinet and Head of Civil Service;

(c) that all the information which I have acquired or to which I have
had access owing to my official position is information which is
covered by section 3 of the Official Secrets Act, and that it would
be a contravention of that Act for me after I have left the
Mauritius Public Service-

(i) to publish without lawful authority any such information

in any form whether orally or in any documents, article,
book, play, film or otherwise, either in Mauritius or
abroad, or;

(ii) to communicate without lawful authority any such

information to any other person whether or not such
person is or has been employed in the service of the State;

(d) that on leaving the Public Service I should surrender any

sketch, plan, model, article, note or document made or acquired
by me in the course of my official duties, save such as I have
been duly authorised to retain by the Secretary to the Cabinet
and Head of Civil Service.

Signed .......................................................
Name .........................................................
(in block letters)
Post held ....................................................
Ministry/Department .................................
Date ...........................................................

Witnessed ..................................................

Name .........................................................
(in block letters)

Post held ...................................................

Ministry/Department ................................

APPENDIX 2D (contd.)


Section 3 of the Official Secrets Act provides as follows -

“(1) Any person who, for any purpose or in any manner likely to
prejudice the safety or interests of Mauritius -

(a) approaches, inspects, enters, passes over, or is in the

neighbourhood of a prohibited place;

(b) makes any plan that is calculated or intended to be, or might

be, directly or indirectly, of use to a foreign State or disaffected

(c) obtains, receives, collects, retains, records, makes use of,

publishes or communicates any code word, plan, article,
document or information which is calculated or intended to be
or might be, directly or indirectly, of use to a foreign State or
disaffected person,

shall commit an offence.

(2) Any person who has in his possession or under his control any code
word, plan, article, document or information which -

(a) relates to, or is used in, a prohibited place;

(b) relates to munitions;

(c) has been made or obtained in contravention of this Act;

(d) he knows, or has reasonable grounds for believing, has been

communicated to him in contravention of this Act;

(e) has been entrusted in confidence to him -

(i) by any person holding office under the Government;

(ii) owing to his position as a person who holds or has held

office under the Government or who is or was a party to
a contract which was made on behalf of the Government
or which, in whole or in part, is or was executed in a
prohibited place; or

(iii) owing to his position as a person who is or has been

employed by a person who is or was a party to contract
specified in subparagraph (ii); or

(f) he has obtained or to which he has had access owing to his

position as a person who held office under the Government;

and who for any purpose or in any manner likely to prejudice the
safety or interests of Mauritius -

APPENDIX 2D (contd.)

(i) makes use of the code word, plan, article, document or


(ii) retains the code word, plan, article, document or

information in his possession or under his control;

(iii) fails to comply with any directions issued by lawful

authority with regard to the return or disposal of the
code word, plan, article, document or information;

(iv) communicates the code word, plan, article, document or

information to any person, other than a person to whom
he is authorised to communicate it or to whom it is his
duty to communicate it; or

(v) fails to take reasonable care, or so conducts himself as

to endanger the safety of the code word, plan, article,
document or information,

shall commit an offence.”

Section 4(1) of the Official Secrets Act provides as follows -

“Any person who in any manner publishes a report of, or a comment

on, any matter and alleges, expressly or impliedly, that the report or
comment, as the case may be, relates to what took place at a meeting of
the Cabinet shall commit an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to
imprisonment for a term of not less than one month and not more than 12
months together with a fine not exceeding 2,000 rupees, unless he proves
that the publication was made with lawful authority or as a result of
information obtained from a person authorised to communicate it.”

"Prohibited place", as defined in the Official Secrets Act, means a place -

“(a) belonging to or occupied or used by or on behalf of the Government

which is used for or in connection with the maintenance of public
security, including arsenals, establishments or stations of the armed
forces or the Police Force, factories, dockyards, mines, minefields,
camps, ships, aircraft, telegraph, telephone, wireless or signal
stations or offices, and places used for the purpose of building,
repairing, making or storing any munitions or any plans, or
documents relating thereto, or for the purpose of obtaining any
metals, oil or minerals for use in time of war or public emergency;

(b) not belonging to the Government where any munitions or any plans
or documents relating thereto are being made, repaired, received or
stored under contract with, or with any person acting on behalf of,
the Government;

(c) prescribed by the Minister, on the ground that information relating

to the place, damage to it or interference with it is likely to prejudice
the safety and interests of Mauritius.”




Section 1: Acting and Responsibility Allowances 55-56

Section 2: Overtime 56-61

Section 3: Duty and other Allowances 61-62

Section 4: Fees and Allowances in connection 62

with Lectures and Examinations

Section 5: Travelling Allowances 62-68

Section 6: Uniforms 68-69

Section 7: Subsistence Allowance 69

Section 8: Disturbance Allowance 70

Section 9: Inducement Allowance 70

Section 10: Rent Allowance 70


Appendix 3A: Application for Refund of 71

Travelling Expenses by Bus

Appendix 3B: Application for Travel Grant 72



Section 1: Acting and Responsibility Allowances

3.1.1 (1) Subject to paragraph 3.1.4, an officer appointed to act in a

higher office by the appropriate Service Commission or by
the Responsible Officer as delegated shall be granted an
acting allowance.

(2) (a) The acting allowance payable under sub-paragraph

(1), whether in a grade-to-grade or class-to-class
situation, shall represent the difference between the
initial or flat salary of the higher post and the
substantive salary of the officer, provided the
allowance is not less than three increments worth at
the incremental point reached in the substantive

(b) Where the salary scales overlap, the allowance shall

be three increments moved in the master salary
scale, as from the point reached by the officer in the
salary scale of his substantive post provided the total
emoluments of the officer is not less than the initial
salary and not more than the maximum salary of the
higher post.

3.1.2 Where, for administrative convenience, an officer is assigned the

duties of a higher office by the appropriate Service Commission or
by the Responsible Officer as delegated, the Supervising Officer
shall authorise payment to him of a responsibility allowance as
follows -

(a) where he is fully qualified to act in the higher post, the

allowance shall be equivalent to the acting allowance;

(b) where he is not fully qualified to act in the higher post, the
allowance shall be 75 per cent of the acting allowance.

(c) where appointment to the higher office is made by selection

and no additional qualification is required, whether in terms
of academic or technical qualification or experience or in
terms of physical requirements, the allowance shall be
equivalent to the acting allowance.

3.1.3 Subject to paragraph 3.1.4, an acting or responsibility allowance

shall be payable from the date on which the officer assumes the
duties of the higher office up to the date immediately preceding
that on which he reverts to his substantive post.

3.1.4 No acting or responsibility allowance shall be payable to an officer

unless -

(a) he acts in the higher office for a continuous period of 12

days; or

(b) he has served in the same higher office previously for a
continuous period of 12 days.

3.1.5 Subject to paragraph 3.1.4, where an officer who is acting in a

higher office proceeds on official mission overseas, he shall be
paid a special allowance equivalent to the acting allowance he
would have drawn had he not gone on mission.

3.1.6 An officer performing higher duties shall not be eligible for acting
or responsibility allowance for any period of absence exceeding 12
days at a stretch.

3.1.7 Where an officer has acted in a higher office for 12 days or more
and is thereafter assigned duties in the same office for short
periods, he shall be eligible for acting or responsibility allowance
only if the assignment is for a minimum period of 7 continuous
days, inclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays.

3.1.8 (1) Where a Supervising Officer is not also the Responsible

Officer for a particular grade, he shall not assign higher
duties to any officer in that grade without the prior
approval of that officer's Responsible Officer.

(2) A Supervising Officer shall ensure that normally the

opportunity to perform duties in a higher grade is given to
the most senior among eligible officers.

3.1.9 (1) A Supervising Officer may authorise payment of a

responsibility allowance to officers in the Workmen’s Group
and other manual grades who are required to perform the
duties of a higher post.

(2) The allowance payable under sub-paragraph (1) shall be

computed on the same basis as sub-paragraphs 3.1.1(2)
even if the officer is not fully qualified and on the actual
number of days worked.

Section 2: Overtime

3.2.1 (1) Overtime work shall not be resorted to except where it is

absolutely necessary.

(2) Where overtime work cannot be avoided, a Supervising

Officer shall authorize the performance of such work, in
advance and approve payment of overtime allowance.

(3) Records shall be kept of work performed during an overtime

period and the actual time at which an officer commences
and ceases overtime.

3.2.2 No overtime allowance shall be payable to -

(a) trainees, students and apprentices;

(b) members of a Disciplined Force; and

(c) officers drawing a basic salary of Rs 19,400 or more

3.2.3 (1) Subject to the conditions specified at paragraph 3.2.4, an
officer shall qualify for overtime allowance provided -

(a) he has performed more than 40 hours’ work in a

week; and

(b) he is drawing a basic salary of less than Rs 19,400


(2) An officer drawing a basic salary of Rs 19,400 and up to Rs

27,200 monthly, who is required to work beyond his normal
working hours owing to the nature of his duties for the
execution of urgent tasks or for completion of work which
cannot be postponed, shall be paid for overtime performed
at 75 per cent of the rates prescribed at paragraph 3.2.10.

(3) Where a Supervising Officer approves the payment of

overtime allowance to an officer under sub-paragraphs (1)
and (2) above, he shall ensure that –

(a) such work is performed only when it is absolutely

necessary and is cost-effective and is authorised in

(b) strict monitoring of the work, on an individual basis,

to prevent officers from resorting to excessive
overtime; and

(c) quarterly detailed returns of any such payments

made is submitted to the Ministry of Civil Service and
Administrative Reforms.

3.2.4 (1) An officer who normally puts in 40 hours of work weekly,

shall be entitled to overtime allowance for any work
performed in excess of 40 hours.

(2) An officer who normally puts in less than 40 hours weekly,

shall be paid overtime allowance for any work performed in
excess of his normal hours of work provided he works in
excess of 40 hours in a week.

(3) An officer who normally puts in less than 40 hours weekly,

and who works overtime for a continuous period of over one
week, shall be paid overtime allowance for any work
performed in excess of his normal hours of work provided
he works an average of 40 hours a week during the period
of overtime.

(4) Subject to sub-paragraphs 3.2.5 (1) and (2), a shift worker

or a worker on roster shall be entitled to overtime allowance
as follows -

(a) for work in excess of 40 hours in a week where the

shift is of 40 hours weekly;

(b) for work in excess of the appropriate multiple of 40

hours where the shift covers a cycle.

(5) A shift worker or a worker on roster shall, for the purpose
of computation of overtime allowance, be considered as
being on approved leave on days off granted for work
performed on a Public Holiday other than a Sunday and on
days off coinciding with a Public Holiday other than a

3.2.5 (1) A shift worker shall not be entitled to overtime allowance

for any work performed on Sundays and other Public
Holidays except where such work is performed in excess of
the normal hours for the day or falls outside his shift.

(2) (a) A shift worker or a worker on roster shall be granted -

(i) two days off for actually working a whole

shift/roster on a Public Holiday other than a
Sunday; and

(ii) one additional day off for a day off coinciding

with a Public Holiday other than a Sunday.

(b) Where the shift or the roster covers part of a Public

Holiday other than a Sunday and part of a normal
working day, a shift worker or a worker on roster
shall be granted -

(i) half day off for working more than 2 hours and
up to 4 hours on the Public Holiday;

(ii) one day off for working more than 4 hours and
up to 8 hours on the Public Holiday;

(iii) two days off for working eight hours or more on

the Public Holiday; and

(iv) a maximum of three days off for working for a

continuous period of 24 hours spread over 2
consecutive Public Holidays other than a

(3) Where a shift worker or a worker on roster cannot be

granted days off as laid down in sub-paragraph 2(a) he
shall be entitled to -

(a) two days’ pay for actually working a whole

shift/roster on a Public Holiday other than a Sunday;

(b) one day’s pay for a day off coinciding with a Public
Holiday other than a Sunday.

(4) Where a shift worker or a worker on roster cannot,

exceptionally because of operational requirement, be
granted days’ off as laid down in sub-paragraph 2(b) within
a period of four weeks, he shall be entitled to -

(a) half day’s pay for working more than two hours and
up to four hours on a Public Holiday other than a
Sunday or may accrue an additional half day of
casual leave;

(b) one day’s pay for working more than four hours and
up to eight hours on a Public Holiday other than a
Sunday or may accrue one additional day of casual

(c) two days’ pay for working eight hours or more on a

Public Holiday other than a Sunday or may accrue
two additional days of casual leave; and

(d) a maximum of three days’ pay for working for a

continuous period of 24 hours spread over two
consecutive Public Holidays other than a Sunday or
may accrue three additional days of casual leave.

(5) (a) No compensation shall be granted to a shift worker or

a worker on roster for working up to two hours on a
Public Holiday other than a Sunday.

(b) The standard formula to calculate one day’s pay in

respect of compensation for work performed on a
Public Holiday other than a Sunday and for days off
coinciding with a Public Holiday other than a Sunday
for shift workers and workers on roster shall be eight
times hourly rate. The hourly rate shall be computed
as follows -
Annual salary for the financial year
52 x 40

(c) The standard formula at sub-paragraph (b) above

shall apply strictly to monthly paid officers working
on shift or on a roster basis.

(6) The maximum additional casual leave earned under sub-

paragraph 3.2.5 (4) shall be 5 days and such leave shall be
granted within the same year.
(7) The computation of casual leave accruals under sub-
paragraph 3.2.5 (4) shall be separate from any other form of

(8) A worker may, with the consent of his supervisor, be

allowed to exchange shifts or rostered days off by mutual
agreement provided such arrangement does not give any
worker an entitlement to payment of overtime allowance.

3.2.6 (1) The normal entitlement of casual/sick leave of a shift

worker shall be converted into the corresponding number of
hours on the basis of one day being equal to 8 hours.

(2) For absence on any shift, the exact number of hours the
worker was scheduled to work shall be deducted from his
casual/sick leave entitlement.

(3) A shift worker may be given the option to reimburse by
working additionally the number of hours in excess of 8
hours, in lieu.

3.2.7 Subject to paragraph 3.2.2, a non-shift or non-roster worker shall

be entitled to overtime allowance for any work performed on
Sundays and other Public Holidays.

3.2.8 (1) A shift worker or a worker on roster shall not be required to

perform more than six days' work in a week.

(2) A Supervising Officer shall, wherever appropriate, ensure

that -

(a) shift work starts and ends at times which would be

convenient to management and workers in the
interest of the service;

(b) public transport is available within a reasonable time;


(c) unduly long shifts, without lying in period shall be


(3) Where shift work involves night work -

(a) two consecutive full time shifts shall not be

performed except in case of "force majeure";

(b) except for officers in the disciplined forces, a rest

period of at least 11 hours between two shifts shall,
as far as possible, be allowed; and

(c) permanent nights shall be minimised.

3.2.9 (1) Computation of overtime allowance shall be based on the

actual number of hours put in plus the number of hours
which the officer is deemed to have worked, as the case
may be.

(2) A worker who is on approved leave on any working day

shall be deemed to have put in 8 hours of work or the
number of hours he should have worked on that day,
whichever is less.

(3) A non-shift worker shall be deemed to have put in 8 hours

of work or the number of hours of work he should normally
have worked, whichever is less, in respect of every public
holiday falling on a week day.

(4) Meal time shall not be included in the computation of

overtime allowance.

3.2.10 (1) (a) The rates for payment of overtime allowance are as
follows –

Period Hourly Rate

Between 6 a.m. and 11 p.m. 1.5 times of

on week days hourly rate

Between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m twice hourly rate

on week days

On Sundays or other public twice hourly rate

Holidays and on officially
declared cyclone days

(b) Hourly rate shall be calculated as follows

(i) for officers putting in 40 hours weekly,
Workmen's Group including Watchmen and for
shift workers

Annual salary for the financial year

52 x 40

(ii) all other workers

Annual salary for the financial year

52 x 33.75

(2) Where an officer performs the duties of a higher office,

overtime allowance shall be computed on the basis of the
total emoluments of the officer, inclusive of any acting or
responsibility allowance drawn by him for the
corresponding period.

3.2.11 (1) A shift worker who effectively works on night shift, shall be
eligible for the payment of a night shift allowance at the
approved rate for the hours between 11 p.m and 5.00 a.m
excluding any lying in hours.

(2) Night shift allowance shall not be paid to an officer working

overtime or who is paid any other allowance for work
performed from 11 p.m to 5 00 a.m.

Section 3: Duty and Other Allowances

3.3.1 (1) An officer who is not entitled to overtime allowance may be

granted an extra/special duty allowance for -

(a) working under exceptional pressure and extra and

irregular hours for timely completion of projects and
in connection with special assignments such as
conferences, enquiries, seminars and workshops; or

(b) undertaking work not within the normal scope of his

schedule of duties.

(2) Any amount payable under sub-paragraph (1) shall be
determined by the Head of the Ministry/ Department on the
basis of both effort and time, but not exclusively related to time
in a uniform manner, and shall be subject to the approval of the
Senior Chief Executive, Ministry of Civil Service and
Administrative Reforms.

3.3.2 An officer who performs higher/special/extraneous duties shall not be

eligible for extra duty or special duty allowance, as the case may be, for
any period of absence exceeding 12 days at a stretch.

3.3.3 Subject to the prior authority of the Senior Chief Executive, Ministry of
Civil Service and Administrative Reforms having been obtained in each
case, the following rates of remuneration may be paid to an officer
other than a Shorthand Writer for special work undertaken in
connection with the proceedings of Commissions of Enquiry and in
other similar instances -

Work involved Rates payable

Shorthand Rs 3.25 per folio of 90 words

Copying Rs 1.90 per folio of 90 words

3.3.4 An officer who is required to work during cyclonic conditions or who is

unexpectedly retained on duty for at least 31/2 hours beyond his
normal working time, shall be eligible for -

either the provision of meals where catering facilities are available;

or the payment of a meal allowance of Rs 90 for each meal.

3.3.5 An officer who is domiciled in the Island of Mauritius and who proceeds
on a short official visit to any of the islands forming part of the Republic
of Mauritius, shall be eligible for an Out of Pocket allowance of Rs. 135

Section 4: Fees and Allowances in connection with Lectures

and Examinations

3.4.1 Fees and allowances, at the approved rate, shall be paid for the delivery
of lectures or the conduct of examinations or for tasks connected
therewith with the approval of the Head of Ministry/Department.

Section 5: Travelling Allowances

3.5.1 (1) (a) An officer who is not drawing a travel grant and who
travels by bus for a distance of not less than 1.6 kms, to
attend duty, shall be entitled to a monthly refund of his
travelling expenses by the most economical route as
follows -

20 days if he works on a five-day week basis;

24 days if he works on a six-day week basis;

total actual expenses if he serves in a purely temporary

capacity or works on shift/roster.
(b) For teaching staff, the monthly refund of travelling
expenses shall be as follows -

15 days - for Primary School Teachers;

14 days - for Secondary School Teachers;

(c) As regards shift workers, Supervising Officers may, for

administrative convenience, work out an appropriate mode
of refund, subject to the approval of the Senior Chief
Executive, Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative

(d) An officer who is required to perform official travelling by

bus, shall be refunded his travelling expenses in toto.

(2) An officer shall establish his claim for refund on the form
specified at Appendix 3A.

(3) An officer shall be refunded his travelling expenses for overtime

work performed on non-working days.

3.5.2 An officer who uses his bicycle, autocycle or motor-cycle to attend duty
shall be entitled to a monthly allowance of Rs 220 or the amount that
would have been refunded to him for travelling by bus during the
month, whichever is the higher.

3.5.3 The "place of work" of an officer who has been sponsored to attend a
course locally shall, for the purpose of computing his travelling
expenses to attend duty, be the institution where the course is run.

3.5.4 (1) Subject to paragraph 3.5.5, a travel grant at the rate of Rs 4,650
monthly is payable to an officer drawing a monthly basic salary
of Rs 19,400 up to Rs 27,200 (except those entitled to 100%
customs duty remission on the purchase of a car).

(2) An application for travel grant shall be made on the form

specified at Appendix 3B.

(3) An officer drawing a monthly basic salary of Rs 18,800 and who

is not eligible for a travel grant under sub-paragraph (1) above,
shall be paid a commuted travelling allowance of Rs 1,000 a
month, irrespective of whether he owns a car or not, or be
refunded bus fares, whichever is the higher.

(4) An officer drawing a monthly basic salary of Rs 19,400 or more,

who is not in receipt of a travel grant or any other travelling
allowance, shall be paid a commuted travelling allowance of Rs
1,000 a month or be refunded bus fares, whichever is the higher.

3.5.5 (1) A travel grant under paragraph 3.5.4 (1) may be authorised by
the Supervising Officer or by a senior officer duly authorised by
him, subject to the following conditions -

(a) the officer must use his private car to attend duty
and for official travelling;

(b) the car must be registered in the name of the officer
or that of his/her spouse with the National Transport

(2) The travel grant is payable as from the date the officer
satisfies all the conditions specified in this section.

3.5.6 No two officers shall be granted travel grant in respect of one and
the same car.

3.5.7 An officer eligible for a travel grant under paragraph 3.5.4, who
during a whole calendar month is on approved leave with pay
either locally or abroad including study leave with pay, on official
mission or on school holidays but not having to attend duty at all,
shall be eligible for a monthly commuted allowance of Rs 2,400.
3.5.8 (1) An Accounting Officer who is also the Responsible Officer of
a Ministry/Department drawing a monthly basic salary of
Rs 45,000, and who is entitled to a self-driven Government
vehicle, and who opts to purchase a car with 100% duty
remission, in lieu, shall be eligible for a travelling allowance
of Rs 6,980 a month both for attending duty and for official

(2) An officer drawing a monthly basic salary of Rs 42,500 or

more and who is entitled to 100% duty remission under
paragraph 5.10.1, shall be eligible for a travelling allowance
of Rs 6,980 a month both for attending duty and for official

(3) An officer drawing a monthly basic salary of Rs 40,000 as

well as an officer drawing salary in a scale the maximum of
which is not less than Rs 40,000, shall be eligible for a
travelling allowance of Rs 6,980 a month both for attending
duty and for official travelling.
(4) (a) An officer drawing a monthly basic salary of Rs 28,000
and up to Rs 39,000 as well as registered professionals
who belong to the following grades -

Medical and Health Officer/Senior Medical

and Health Officer
Dental Surgeon/Senior Dental Surgeon
Senior District Magistrate
District Magistrate
Senior State Counsel
State Counsel
Senior State Attorney
State Attorney
Senior Quantity Surveyor
Quantity Surveyor
Senior Engineer
Senior Architect
Senior Pharmacist
Senior Veterinary Officer
Veterinary Officer
Town and Country Planning Officer
Senior Town and Country Planning Officer

shall be eligible for a travelling allowance of Rs 6,980 a

month both for attending duty and for official travelling.

(b) Where an officer is appointed in a temporary capacity in

any of the posts mentioned at sub-paragraph (a) above,
he shall be eligible for a travelling allowance of Rs 6,980
a month both for attending duty and for official travelling,
provided the temporary appointment is made vice
vacancies which will become permanent.

(5) (a) An officer eligible for a travelling allowance under sub-

paragraph (2) above, may opt for a mileage allowance at
the rate of Rs 3.65 per kilometre together with a car
allowance of Rs 2,880 a month and a fixed cost allowance
of Rs 2,000 a month, both for attending duty and for
official purposes.

(b) The option under sub-paragraph 5 (a) shall be applicable

only in case the officer performs official travelling during
the month.

(6) An officer eligible for a travelling allowance under sub-

paragraphs (1),(3) and (4), may opt for mileage allowance at
the rate of Rs 3.65 per kilometre together with a car allowance
of Rs 2,880 a month, both for attending duty and for official

(7) An officer eligible for a travelling allowance under sub-

paragraphs (1), (2), (3) and (4) who, during a whole calendar
month, is on approved leave with pay either locally or abroad
including study leave with pay or on official mission, shall be
eligible for a commuted allowance of Rs 3,500 a month.

3.5.9 (1) An officer drawing a monthly basic salary of Rs 47,500 or

more, who is allowed the exclusive use of an official
Government vehicle both for official duties and private
purposes, shall be eligible for a petrol allowance as follows -

Monthly Basic Salary Monthly Petrol Allowance

Rs 47,500 and up to Rs 52,000 .. Rs 6,820

Above Rs 54,000 and up to Rs 65,000 .. Rs 8,530

Rs 70,000 and above .. Rs 11,870

(2) Where an officer who is entitled to an official Government

vehicle opts for the purchase of a car with 100% duty
remission, in lieu, he shall be eligible for travelling
allowance as laid down at paragraph 3.5.8 (1) or (6).

3.5.10 An Accounting Officer who is also the Responsible Officer of a
Ministry/Department drawing a monthly basic salary of Rs
45,000, who opts for the exclusive use of a self-driven
Government vehicle, both for official duties and private purposes,
shall be eligible for a petrol allowance of Rs 5,115 a month.

3.5.11 Save in exceptional circumstances, an officer who is in receipt of

travel grant, travelling allowance or petrol allowance or has been
granted loan facilities to purchase a car shall not use Government
vehicles for official travelling.

3.5.12 (1) An officer who is not eligible for travel grant and who is
authorised to use his private car on official travelling shall
be paid mileage allowance for distance between office and
site of work at the rate of Rs 7.25 a kilometre for the first
800 kilometres in any month and at the rate of Rs 3.65 a
kilometre for each additional kilometre in that month.

(2) (a) The official mileage performed by an officer carrying

out field duties in respect of official travelling in any
financial year, shall be recomputed at the rate of Rs
7.25 per kilometre for the first 9,600 kilometres and
Rs 3.65 for mileage in excess of 9,600 kilometres.

(b) Refund if any, under sub-paragraph (a) above, shall

be made to eligible officers.

3.5.13 (1) (a) An officer who is eligible for travel grant and who is
required to perform official travelling either
occasionally or regularly in any month, shall either
be refunded the travelling on the total distance
covered from home to site of work/office by the most
economical route at the rate of Rs 3.65 a kilometre
together with a monthly commuted allowance of Rs
2,880 a month or be paid a monthly travel grant of
Rs 4,650, whichever is the higher. The option for the
payment of mileage allowance shall be applicable only
in case the officer performs official travelling during
the month.

(b) Where the officer does not perform official travelling

but attends duty only, he shall be paid a monthly
travel grant of Rs 4,650 irrespective of the number of
kilometres travelled for attending duty only.

(2) An officer who is not eligible for travel grant, shall be

refunded -

(a) on days on which he is required to carry out field

duties, the running costs for the distance which is
not considered as official mileage (residence to office)
at the rate of Rs 3.65 per kilometre and mileage for
official travelling on distance between office and site
of work or for official travelling by the most
economical route at the rates mentioned at sub-
paragraph 3.5.12 (1);

(b) on days on which he is required to attend office only,
travelling expenses by bus by the most economical
route provided the distance covered is not less than
1.6 kilometres.

3.5.14 (1) An officer who is required to use his bicycle on official

travelling shall be entitled to an allowance of Rs 135 a
month provided the distance travelled from site of work and
back is at least 1.6 kilometres.

(2) Where bicycles are used on bad roads for official travelling,
an additional monthly allowance of Rs 45 shall be payable.

3.5.15 (1) An officer who is required to use his autocyle or motorcycle

on official travelling shall be entitled to an allowance as
follows -
Autocycle Rs 1.75 a kilometre
Motorcycle Rs 2.25 a kilometre

(2) An officer, performing field duties and using his autocycle

or motorcycle to attend duty, shall, on days on which he is
required to carry out field duties, be refunded the running
costs for the distance which is not considered as official
mileage, i.e., from residence to office, at the rates specified
hereunder or be refunded travelling by bus, whichever is
the higher -
Autocycle Rs 1.15 a kilometre
Motorcycle Rs 1.55 a kilometer

3.5.16 Where an officer has been granted a loan to purchase a car under
paragraph 5.10.6 (4) he shall be eligible for mileage allowance for
official travelling at the rates recommended at paragraph 3.5.12.

3.5.17 An officer who does not draw any form of allowance for official
travelling shall, if he performs official travelling by bus, be
refunded the expenses incurred by him.

3.5.18 (1) No official journey shall be made by car at Government

expense which, without detriment to the public service, can
be undertaken by bus.

(2) Where the journey cannot be undertaken by bus, the

Supervising Officer shall so certify before any refund of
travelling expenses by car is made.

3.5.19 Where an officer suddenly falls ill on duty and it is necessary to

have him conveyed at once to his place of residence or to a
hospital, the travelling expenses may be met from public funds.

3.5.20 Claims for travelling allowances shall be submitted, as early as

possible, on the prescribed form and supported, where applicable,
by proper vouchers for all disbursements.

3.5.21 A Supervising Officer shall -

(a) ensure that official travelling is done as economically as

possible; and

(b) disallow any unnecessary or excessive claim.

3.5.22 (1) An officer who, in the discharge of his duties, has to walk
over 2 1/2 kilometres daily because motorcycles or other
vehicles cannot be used, shall receive a walking allowance
of Rs 110 monthly.

(2) An officer in Rodrigues, who has to walk over 2 1/2

kilometres to attend duty owing to transport difficulties,
shall be paid a walking allowance of Rs 90 monthly.

3.5.23 (1) Travelling allowance shall be paid -

(a) in full, except where the officer has been absent for a
complete calendar month;

(b) in full, where an officer who is entitled to a monthly

commuted travelling allowance of Rs 6,980 or a
monthly travel grant of Rs 4,650 or a monthly
commuted allowance of Rs 1,000, is on leave prior to

(c) on a pro-rata basis for the first month when an

officer becomes eligible and in the month of

(2) Petrol allowance shall be paid –

(a) in full, except where an officer has been absent for a

complete calendar month;

(b) in full, where an officer is on leave prior to


(c) on a pro-rata basis for the first month when an

officer becomes eligible and in the month of

3.5.24 An officer shall not be eligible for travel grant/travelling

allowance/petrol allowance for any period of unauthorised
absence or leave without pay.

Section 6: Uniforms

3.6.1 As from 1 July 2003, the grades presently entitled to uniforms

have been classified into the following three categories -

Category 1

Grades whose nature of duties warrants a means of identification

or authority shall be classified under Category 1. An officer in this
category shall wear uniforms on duty and shall be eligible for a
uniform allowance for the purchase of all items of uniforms and
the payment of tailoring fees.

Category 11

Grades whose nature of duties requires them to wear uniforms as

and when the need arises, shall be classified under Category 11.
A Responsible Officer shall, in consultation with stakeholders,
decide under which circumstances and when the officers in this
category shall wear uniforms. An officer in this category shall
wear uniforms as and when required and shall be eligible for a
uniform allowance which shall include the element of rapid wear
and tear.

Category 111

Grades whose nature of duties causes excessive wear and tear of

clothing shall be classified under Category 111. An officer in this
category shall normally not be required to wear uniforms on duty
and shall be eligible for a Rapid Wear and Tear Allowance

3.6.2 A Supervising Officer shall determine from the list of grades

presently entitled to uniforms, in consultation with stakeholders,
which of the grades in his organisation shall fall under one of the
categories mentioned at paragraph 3.6.1 above.

3.6.3 The quantum of uniform allowance and wear and tear allowance
payable shall be determined and adjusted on the basis of changes
in the prices of the relevant items of uniforms as determined by
the Central Statistics Office for the preceding financial year and
shall take into consideration whether cardigans are due in the
year or not.

3.6.4 (1) Where a Supervising Officer considers that an officer in a

new grade shall be required to wear uniforms for exercising
authority or on grounds of tradition and/or international
etiquette, he shall seek the approval of the Standing
Committee on Uniforms.

(2) The Supervising Officer shall thereafter, in consultation

with appropriate stakeholders, arrange for the timely
supply of all items of uniforms to eligible officers in a cost-
effective manner.

3.6.5 (1) A Supervising Officer shall set up an internal audit system

in his Ministry or Department to ensure that an officer, who
is required to wear uniforms, does so on duty.

(2) Failure to wear uniforms on duty may lead to disciplinary

action and the stoppage of the uniform allowance.

Section 7: Subsistence Allowance

3.7.1 An officer proceeding on training or mission overseas may be paid

a subsistence allowance at such rate as may be approved by the
Financial Secretary.

Section 8: Disturbance Allowance

3.8.1 An officer who is domiciled in the Island of Mauritius and is

posted on a tour of service to any of the islands forming part of
the Republic of Mauritius, shall be paid a monthly disturbance
allowance as from the date of assumption of duty as follows -

(a) Rodrigues 25% of salary (basic salary

plus extra remuneration)

(b) Outer Islands 50% of salary basic salary

plus extra remuneration)

3.8.2 Payment of the disturbance allowance shall, save in exceptional

circumstances and subject to the approval of the Senior Chief
Executive, Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms,
be limited to three tours of service only.

3.8.3 The disturbance allowance of an officer who is called upon to act

in a higher capacity or is assigned higher duties shall be
computed on the basis of 25% of his aggregate earnings (basic
salary plus extra remuneration plus acting/responsibility

Section 9: Inducement Allowance

3.9.1 An inducement allowance of 50% of salary (basic salary plus extra

remuneration) instead of disturbance allowance shall be paid
monthly to a professional who is in scarce supply and who is
posted on a tour of service in Rodrigues.

3.9.2 The inducement allowance of an officer who is called upon to act

in a higher capacity or is assigned higher duties shall be
computed on the basis of 50% of his aggregate earnings (basic
salary plus extra remuneration plus acting/responsibility

Section 10: Rent Allowance

3.10.1 An officer who is eligible for Government quarters and who has
not been allocated such quarters shall be paid a rent allowance at
the approved rates.

3.10.2 Where an officer who receives a rent allowance for privately-

rented accommodation, proceeds overseas on paid leave or
training, he shall continue to draw such allowance during his
absence provided he retains the accommodation.

3.10.3 Where an officer who receives a rent allowance for privately-

rented accommodation is on leave without pay for a continuous
period, he shall be eligible for rent allowance for a maximum
period of 120 days provided he retains the accommodation.


Paragraph 3.5.1(2)

Application for Refund of Travelling Expenses by Bus

Name of applicant: *Mr/Mrs/Miss ...........................................................

* (Delete as necessary)

Post held: .................................................................................................


Place of Work: ..........................................................................................

Home Address: .........................................................................................

Bus Route No: ..........................................................................................

Bus fares paid daily: ...............................................................................

2. I certify that the information given above is true.

3. I hereby undertake to notify my Supervising Officer immediately of

any change in my home address or place of work.

4. I understand that failure on my part to give true information or to

report any change in my address or place of work may render me liable to
disciplinary action.

Date ............ Signature .................................

Paragraph 3.5.4 (2) APPENDIX 3B


I ............. holding the post of ............ in the Ministry/Department of

................. and drawing salary at the rate of Rs ........ in the scale of
Rs............ hereby apply for travel grant in respect of my car bearing
registration no ....... which I am using to attend duty/for official travelling.
I certify that no other officer is drawing travel grant in respect of that car.

Date ................ Signature .....................................

Post ............................................
Verification by Officer Authorised by the Supervising Officer

1. I certify that:-

(i) *Mr/Mrs/Miss ............. is drawing basic salary at the rate of

Rs ....................... a month w.e.f ...........................

(ii) Mr/Mrs/Miss .................. was entitled to travel grant before

1st July, 2003 or would have been eligible for travel grant on
1st July 2003 or on 1 July 2004 with the Pay Research
Bureau Report 1998.

2. The car bearing registration no ........... is registered in the name of

*Mr/Mrs/Miss ........... with the National Transport Authority with
effect from ............................
*spouse of Mr/Mrs ............................

3. The number of the registration book issued by the National

Transport Authority in respect of the car is .............................

Date .................. Signature .....................................

Post ………………………………….…..
Payment of Travel Grant w.e.f .............................................approved

Date ................. .................................................

Supervising Officer


Copy to: Director of Audit

*delete as appropriate




Section 1: Leave - General 74

Section 2: Casual Leave 74-75

Section 3: Annual Leave 76

Section 4: Sick Leave-General 76-77

Section 5: Sick Leave-Officers holding 77-80

a substantive appointment

Section 6: Sick Leave-Officers not holding 80

a substantive appointment

Section 7 Sick Leave – Part-time Employees 81

Section 8: Maternity Leave 81

Section 9: Vacation Leave 82-85

Section 10: Study Leave with Pay 85-87

Section 11: Study Leave without Pay 87-88

Section 12: Leave without Pay 88-89

Section 13: Passage Benefits 89-93


Appendix 4A: Sick Leave 94

Appendix 4B: Vacation Leave 95

Appendix 4C Procedures to be followed for the 96

accumulation of Vacation Leave
beyond ceiling

Appendix 4D: Bond 97-98

Appendix 4E: Guidelines on Report on in-service 99

Training Courses/Seminars/Workshops

Appendix 4F: Passage Benefits Entitlement 100-102

Appendix 4G: Application for Passage Benefits 103-104

Appendix 4H: Computation of Passage Benefits 105


Leave and Passages

Section 1: Leave - General

4.1.1 (1) Leave is a privilege which is granted subject to the

exigencies of the service.

(2) An officer who absents himself from duty without

permission or who, without reasonable excuse, fails to
resume duty in time shall be regarded as being absent
without authorisation.

(3) All cases of absence without authorisation shall be dealt

with as provided in the Regulations.

4.1.2 (1) An officer who intends to spend his leave abroad must
inform his Supervising Officer accordingly and give the
address at which he may be contacted.

(2) Where a Mauritius High Commission or Embassy is given

as an address, it shall be the officer's responsibility to keep
in touch with it.

4.1.3 Where an officer holding a substantive appointment is

subsequently enlisted as Trainee/Student/Apprentice etc., he
shall continue to benefit from the leave privileges that his
substantive status confers on him.

4.1.4 Where a person is enlisted to undergo pre-registration practical

training for which a fee or an allowance is payable, he shall not
be entitled to any leave.

Section 2: Casual Leave

Officers holding a substantive appointment

4.2.1 Casual leave is normally non-accumulative, and is designed to

cater for brief absences, for recreation or to attend to personal
matters, including religious obligations.

4.2.2 (1) The grant of casual leave shall be subject to prior approval.

(2) A Supervising Officer shall satisfy himself of the

reasonableness of applications for casual leave submitted
on grounds of "unforeseen circumstances", prior to the
grant of such leave, which shall otherwise be considered as

4.2.3 (1) Except as provided under paragraph 4.2.4, an officer shall

be eligible for eleven working days' casual leave in a
calendar year.

(2) Where additional leave is required, the officer may be

allowed to take, in a calendar year, up to five days from his
accumulated vacation leave either at a stretch or on and off
on the same basis as casual leave.
(3) Casual leave shall be granted by a Supervising Officer to
any officer, including an officer of the General Services, who
is serving in his Ministry or Department.

(4) Subject to the exigencies of the service, a Supervising

Officer may allow an officer to combine his casual and
vacation leave only in cases where by taking either casual
or vacation leave alone, the number of days' leave required
cannot be made up.

4.2.4 (1) An officer who is appointed in a substantive capacity,

whether directly or after a period of temporary service of
less than one year, shall be eligible for casual leave on a
pro-rata basis in the year of appointment.

(2) An officer who has served in a casual/temporary capacity

for more than one year, shall, on being appointed
substantively, be eligible for the full quantum of casual
leave less annual leave already taken since the beginning of
the year.

(3) An officer who is absent from duty for a period of less than
a complete calendar year for any of the following reasons -

(a) leave prior to retirement/resignation

(b) injury leave
(c) leave with/without pay
(d) interdiction

shall be eligible for the full quantum of casual leave for the

(4) An officer who is absent from duty for a complete calendar

year for any of the following reasons -

(a) leave prior to retirement/resignation

(b) injury leave
(c) leave with/without pay
(d) interdiction

shall not be eligible for casual leave for the calendar year.

4.2.5 (1) Casual leave shall be taken in the calendar year in which it
falls due.

(2) Where owing to the exigencies of the service, an officer

cannot be granted a part or the whole of his casual leave
entitlement in the year it falls due, his Supervising Officer
may allow him to carry over such leave to the following
year, provided that the quantum of his casual leave in any
particular year, does not exceed his entitlement for two

4.2.6 Casual leave for shift workers shall be computed as at paragraph


Section 3: Annual Leave

Officers not holding a substantive appointment including

Trainees, Students, Apprentices, part-time employees etc.

4.3.1 (1) An officer shall not be eligible for annual leave with pay
during his first year of service. After one year's continuous
service, except as provided under sub-paragraphs 2 and 3,
he shall be eligible for annual leave as follows in a calendar
year -

(a) 14 working days if he works on a five-day week basis;

(b) 16 working days if he works on a six-day week basis.

(2) A Trainee Teacher/Trainee Teacher (Secondary) shall be

eligible for 10 working days of annual leave after the first
year of training.

(3) A part-time employee who has been in continuous

employment for 12 consecutive months shall be eligible for
14 working days of annual leave.

(4) A day of leave under sub-paragraph (3) shall be reckoned

as the day or part thereof the employee is expected to be on

Section 4: Sick Leave - General

4.4.1 Subject to eligibility, absence from duty on ground of illness shall,

as a normal rule, be considered as sick leave and shall be granted
by the Supervising Officer, except for officers of the administrative
cadre where the approval of the Secretary to the Cabinet and
Head of Civil Service is required for any period of sick leave
exceeding one week.

4.4.2 An officer who absents himself from duty on the ground of illness
shall report the matter to his Supervising Officer as far as
practicable on the same day. He shall, on resumption of duty,
explain his absence in writing, stating the nature of his illness.

4.4.3 Where the period of absence exceeds three consecutive working

days, the officer shall furnish a medical certificate showing the
date of its issue, the nature of the illness, the quantum of sick
leave recommended and the name of the medical practitioner.
Such certificate shall reach the Supervising Officer on the day
following the fourth day of absence, failing which the officer may
be regarded as being absent without authorisation.

4.4.4 (1) A Supervising Officer may, where malingering is suspected,

require an officer to submit a medical certificate for any
absence on ground of illness, even if that absence is less
than four working days.

(2) An officer shall produce a medical certificate for any

absence on ground of illness during a strike period.

4.4.5 (1) Where a Supervising Officer considers that the sick leave
record of an officer is unsatisfactory, he shall arrange for
the officer to be examined by a medical board to determine
his fitness for further service.

(2) A Supervising Officer may place an officer on sick leave as

from the date arrangements are made for his examination
by a medical board if the interest of the service so requires.

4.4.6 (1) An officer shall appear before a medical board where he is

instructed to do so by his Supervising Officer.

(2) Where the officer fails to comply with the instructions

given, he may render himself liable to disciplinary action.

4.4.7 Where the sick leave record of an officer who has been found fit
by a medical board, continues to be unsatisfactory, the
Responsible Officer may initiate action for his retirement in the
interest of the service in accordance with the Regulations.

4.4.8 Where an officer has been found unfit by a medical board, the
Responsible Officer shall initiate action for his retirement on
medical grounds in accordance with the Regulations.

4.4.9 (1) Where an officer has been found temporarily unfit by a

medical board, he shall be granted sick leave against his

(2) A Supervising Officer shall arrange with the Ministry of

Health and Quality of Life for the timely re-examination of
an officer found temporarily unfit.

Section 5: Sick Leave

Officers holding a substantive appointment

4.5.1 (1) (a) Except as provided under paragraph 4.5.2, an officer

shall be eligible for 21 working days sick leave on full
pay in a calendar year.

(b) Sick leave for shift workers shall be computed as at

paragraph 3.2.6.

(2) All leave not taken at the end of the year shall be
accumulated up to a bank maximum of 90 days.

(3) (a) After the bank maximum has been reached, the
annual unutilised entitlement of sick leave up to a
maximum of 11 days shall be paid in cash each year
at the rate of 1/22 of the monthly salary.

(b) As from January 2004, any remaining balance of sick

leave, over and above the 11 days, up to a maximum
of 5 days, shall be paid in cash at the discounted rate
of 1/44 of monthly salary per day.

(4) Sick leave and accumulated sick leave entitlement as at 30

June 2003 are as shown at Appendix 4A.

(5) Where an officer has exhausted his annual sick leave
entitlement, any additional sick leave granted shall be
deducted from his accumulated sick leave, in terms of
working days.

(6) Where an officer has exhausted all his accumulated sick

leave, he may, on the recommendation of the Ministry of
Health and Quality of Life, be granted, not more than twice
in his career, further sick leave up to a maximum of six
months on full pay followed by six months on half pay
inclusive of non-working days.

(7) (a) Any sick leave granted under sub-paragraph (6) shall
be considered as an advance refundable on
resumption of duty at the rate of 14 days a year. The
refund shall be effected on the basis of the actual
number of working days.

(b) The quantum refundable shall be calculated on the

following basis -

(i) one day for each working day sick leave with
full pay;

(ii) half day for each working day sick leave on half

(c) Any unutilised sick leave at the end of the year shall
be used to offset leave advanced.

(d) No officer shall be allowed to cash or 'bank' sick leave

until all leave advanced has been refunded.

(8) An officer who has been granted six months’ sick leave
on full pay and is subsequently granted sick leave on
half pay, may, subject to eligibility, opt for vacation leave
in lieu of the sick leave on half pay.

4.5.2 (1) An officer who is appointed in a substantive capacity in the

service, whether directly or after a period of temporary
service of less than one year, shall be eligible for sick leave
on a pro-rata basis in the year of appointment.

(2) An officer who has served in a casual/temporary capacity

for more than one year, shall, on being appointed
substantively, be eligible for the full quantum of sick leave
less sick leave already taken since the beginning of the

(3) An officer who is absent from duty for a period of less than
a complete calendar year for any of the following reasons -

(a) leave prior to retirement/resignation

(b) injury leave
(c) leave with/without pay
(d) interdiction

shall be eligible for the full quantum of sick leave for the

(4) An officer who is absent from duty for a complete calendar

year for any of the following reasons -

(a) leave prior to retirement/resignation

(b) injury leave
(c) leave with/without pay
(d) interdiction

shall not be eligible for sick leave for the calendar year.

4.5.3 (1) On retirement, an officer having accumulated sick leave to

his credit may opt -

(a) to take such leave as leave prior to retirement to be

granted as working days sick leave; or

(b) for a cash allowance in lieu calculated on his retiring

salary at the rate of 1/22 of monthly salary.

(2) Where an officer has opted to retain the accumulated sick

leave in excess of 90 days as at 30 June 1993, such leave if
taken as leave prior to retirement shall be inclusive of non-
working days and if cashed, shall be calculated on his
retiring salary, as follows:-

No of days sick leave x annual salary


(3) The computation of accumulated sick leave shall be made

on the basis of pensionable service up to the date preceding
that on which an officer proceeds on leave prior to

(4) On the death of an officer, the total value of accumulated

sick leave shall be paid to his heir(s).
4.5.4 (1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), any period of illness abroad
on expiry of any period of vacation leave shall be without

(2) Any period of illness abroad where an officer is hospitalised

shall, subject to documentary medical evidence, be
reckoned against the officer's sick leave entitlement.

4.5.5 Where an officer has exhausted his sick leave entitlement, any
absence on ground of illness shall be reckoned as leave without

4.5.6 (1) Where an officer has been absent from duty in a calendar
year for any of the following reasons-

(a) leave prior to retirement/resignation

(b) injury leave
(c) leave without pay
(d) interdiction

he shall be paid unutilised sick leave on a pro-rata basis in
respect of the period actually served in that calendar year.

(2) Where an officer who is on leave with pay, has been absent
from duty for a period of less than a complete calendar
year, he shall be paid unutilised sick leave as at paragraph
4.5.1 (3) provided he has attended duty for at least 22
working days in the calendar year.

(3) For the purpose of this paragraph, period actually served

includes any paid leave with the exception of (a), (b) and (d)
mentioned in sub-paragraph (1).

Section 6: Sick Leave

Officers not holding a substantive appointment

including Trainees, Students, Apprentices, etc.

4.6.1 An officer shall not be eligible for sick leave with pay during his
first year of service. After one year's continuous service, he shall
be eligible for 12 working days' sick leave on full pay in a calendar

4.6.2 (1) Where an officer has exhausted his 12 days sick leave
entitlement, he may, in case of prolonged illness and on
production of a medical certificate, be granted additional
sick leave on full pay up to a maximum period of 14 days
inclusive of non-working days. Any absence not covered by
a medical certificate shall be reckoned as leave without pay.

(2) An officer who has been granted 14 days' additional sick

leave on full pay may, in case of prolonged illness and on
production of a medical certificate, be granted further sick
leave on half pay for a maximum period of 62 days,
inclusive of non-working days.

(3) The additional 14 days sick leave on full pay and the 62
days sick leave on half pay shall be deemed to be grantable
over a period of one year.

4.6.3 "Prolonged illness" means illness involving stay in a

hospital/clinic as an in-patient and any period thereafter or
illness necessitating absence from work for a minimum period of
12 consecutive working days.

4.6.4 Any absence on account of illness in excess of 88 days shall

invariably be without pay.

4.6.5 Any paid sick leave in excess of 12 working days shall be

considered as an advance and shall, on the officer being
appointed on the permanent and pensionable establishment, be
refunded at the rate specified in paragraph 4.5.1 (7).

4.6.6 Sick leave unutilised at the end of the year out of the annual
entitlement of 12 working days, up to a maximum of 6 days, shall
be paid in cash each year at the rate of 1/22 of the monthly
Section 7: Sick Leave – Part-Time Employees

4.7.1 (1) (a) A part-time employee who has been in continuous

employment for 12 consecutive months and who puts
in 40 hours of work weekly, shall be eligible for 12
working days’ sick leave on full pay in a calendar

(b) A part-time employee who has been in continuous

employment for 12 consecutive months and who puts
in less than 40 hours of work weekly, shall be eligible
for sick leave on a pro-rata basis depending on the
number of hours of work per week.

(2) (a) The refund of unutilised sick leave in respect of a

part-time employee who puts in 40 hours of work
weekly shall be computed on the same basis as at
paragraph 4.6.6.

(b) The refund of unutilised sick leave in respect of a

part-time employee who puts in less than 40 hours of
work weekly shall be computed on a pro-rata basis
depending on the number of hours of work per week.

Section 8: Maternity Leave

4.8.1 (1) (a) A woman officer shall be granted in the event of a

confinement 12 weeks maternity leave. The leave
shall be on full pay where the officer -

(i) holds a substantive appointment; or

(ii) has completed one year's continuous service.

(b) Where the officer does not satisfy the conditions at

sub-paragraph 1 (a), she may, on application, be
granted up to a maximum of 12 weeks maternity
leave without pay.

(2) A maximum of 4 weeks' leave out of the 12 weeks

entitlement, may be granted as maternity leave before

(3) Maternity leave with full pay shall be limited to three

confinements. Any leave required for subsequent
confinements shall be reckoned against the officer's
vacation leave entitlement or as leave without pay, as

4.8.2 Where a woman officer gives birth to a still born child, her
absence from work may be reckoned as sick leave on production
of a medical certificate, or as maternity leave.

4.8.3 A pregnant officer may, on application, be granted by her

Supervising officer time-off for pre-natal treatment, which shall be
reckoned against either her sick, casual or vacation leave

Section 9: Vacation Leave

4.9.1 The grant of vacation leave is the responsibility of the Supervising

Officer except for officers of the administrative cadre where the
approval of the Secretary to the Cabinet and Head of Civil Service
is required for any period of vacation leave exceeding twelve days.

4.9.2 (1) Vacation leave shall, as far as possible, be taken every year
and an officer shall apply for such leave before reaching his
normal maximum entitlement.

(2) A "Leave Programme" shall be established at the beginning

of each calendar year to ease the taking of vacation leave
and to minimise disruption in the smooth running of the
Ministry or Department.

4.9.3 (1) An officer shall earn vacation leave as from the date he is
appointed in a substantive capacity.

(2) As from 1.7.98, the quantum of vacation leave shall be

computed on the basis of length of service as shown at
paragraph 4.9.4.

(3) Vacation leave entitlement for period ending 30.6.98 is as

shown at Appendix 4B.

(4) Vacation leave shall not be granted in advance. It shall be

computed on a pro-rata basis in respect of the actual period

(5) An application for vacation leave shall be made well before

the date an officer proposes to proceed on leave.

4.9.4 (1) Vacation leave shall be computed as follows -

Length of Service Leave Earning Rate Maximum Leave that

(in years) per annum (in days) can be accumulated
(in days)
Up to 5 25 90
5+ to 10 30 120
10+ to 15 35 150
Over 15 35 180

(2) For the purpose of determining eligibility for vacation leave,

the length of service of an officer shall start from the date
he joins the public service and begins to be paid from
public funds irrespective of the capacity in which he is

(3) Any period of break or leave without pay or secondment to

outside bodies shall be deducted in determining length of

4.9.5 (1) A teacher of the Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary

Schools shall not earn vacation leave during periods of
school holidays, except for those periods when they are in
attendance officially.

(2) Subject to the exigencies of the service, a teacher of the Pre-

Primary, Primary and Secondary Schools may be granted a
maximum of up to 50% of his annual vacation leave
entitlement during term time.

(3) Where, in a calendar year, a teacher of the Pre-Primary,

Primary and Secondary Schools has not taken advantage of
his annual vacation leave entitlement during term time, he
will be allowed to cumulate up to 50% of his annual leave
entitlement over and above the leave ceiling annually.

(4) The vacation leave accumulated at sub-paragraph (3) may

be taken as leave prior to retirement.

(5) In case the services of the officer are required during the
leave prior to retirement granted under sub-paragraph (4),
he shall be refunded the accumulated vacation leave at the
rate of 1/30 of the last monthly salary per day at the time
of retirement.

(6) Notwithstanding the provision at sub-paragraph (2) above,

a teacher of the Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary
Schools may, subject to the exigencies of the Service, be
granted vacation leave in excess of 50% of his annual
vacation leave entitlement during term time in the following
cases –

(i) where the officer proceeds on leave prior to


(ii) for medical treatment overseas for self or to

accompany an immediate member of the family for
treatment abroad when such treatment is not
available locally;

(iii) to attend to an immediate member of the family

staying abroad and undergoing medical treatment;

(iv) for any other case, once in the officer’s career.

4.9.6 (1) An officer falling in sensitive, critical, essential or scarcity

areas shall only be authorised to earn vacation leave over
and above his normal maximum entitlement, provided that-

(a) he has made a written application for vacation leave

and on reasonable grounds, he has not been released
by his Supervising Officer or Responsible Officer or
the Authorities due to the exigencies of the service;

(b) he has been informed in writing that his request for

vacation leave has not been entertained.

(2) An officer other than an officer under sub-paragraph (1),
who applies for vacation leave and cannot be granted such
leave due to the exigencies of the service, shall be allowed
to earn vacation leave over and above his normal maximum
entitlement, subject to the approval of the Senior Chief
Executive, Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative
Reforms. The procedures to be followed are set out at
Appendix 4C.

4.9.7 (1) No officer shall be allowed to earn vacation leave over and
above his normal maximum entitlement until he has
reached his ceiling.

(2) Vacation leave accumulated over and above the normal

maximum entitlement shall be kept in a separate account
to be known as "Beyond Ceiling Vacation Leave Account".

(3) Such leave shall be granted to an officer, on application,

only when he has exhausted the balance of vacation leave
accumulated in the normal vacation leave scheme.

(4) On the retirement of an officer, any balance of vacation

leave accumulated in the "Beyond Ceiling Vacation Leave
Account" shall-

either be taken as leave prior to retirement or earlier;

or be cashed at the time of retirement at the rate of

1/30 of the last monthly salary per day.

4.9.8 The minimum vacation leave that can be taken at any one time is
seven consecutive days except where it is granted as casual leave
under paragraph 4.2.3 (2).

4.9.9 Where an officer retires from the service, his vacation leave shall
be computed up to the date preceding the day on which his leave
prior to retirement starts.
4.9.10 An officer shall not earn vacation leave during any of the following
periods -
(a) vacation leave;
(b) vacation leave taken as casual leave;
(c) sick leave in excess of 21 working days in any
calendar year;
(d) accumulated sick leave taken prior to retirement;
(e) leave without pay;
(f) injury leave;
(g) maternity leave;
(h) study leave with or without pay;
(i) interdiction.

4.9.11 (1) An officer shall take all the vacation leave granted to him
unless recalled to duty by his Supervising Officer.

(2) An officer recalled to duty shall be credited with the balance

of leave not taken subject to his maximum entitlement.

(3) Where, to suit his own convenience, an officer resumes
duty before the expiry of his vacation leave, he shall forfeit
the balance of leave not taken.

4.9.12 (1) Where an officer normally domiciled in the Island of

Mauritius, is posted to Rodrigues or in the Outer Islands for
a tour of service, he shall during the period of his service
there, earn vacation leave at the rate of 50% more than
what he is eligible for in respect of that period.

(2) The additional leave granted under sub-paragraph (1) may

be accumulated over and above the normal entitlement.

(3) An officer on a tour of service in Rodrigues or in the Outer

Islands shall not be allowed to enjoy vacation leave, save in
exceptional cases.

4.9.13 An officer who is required by his Supervising Officer to undertake

any official work during his vacation leave shall be credited with
the leave foregone subject to his maximum entitlement.

4.9.14 For the purpose of this section -

(a) "sensitive, critical or essential areas" means areas having

grades in a small establishment size (1-2),and where the
services are of vital importance involving either policy
formulation at the highest level or forming part of personnel
responsible for security of the state or belonging to such
essential areas where the officer cannot be replaced.

(b) "exigencies of the service" means where the demand of the

service does not allow the release of an officer and the
remaining labour force cannot compensate for the absence
of the officer.

Section 10: Study Leave with Pay

4.10.1 An officer shall be eligible for study leave with full pay where he is
nominated for -

(a) in-service training, that is, training under an approved

scheme; or

(b) an open scholarship which is considered as in-service

training and the course is a priority field of study.

4.10.2 (1) Study leave with pay may be granted to an officer by his
Responsible Officer for attending a training course provided
the following conditions are fulfilled -

(a) the officer is confirmed in his post;

(b) the course is of less than 4 months' duration;
(c) suitable arrangements have been made for the
officer's duties to be performed during his absence;
(d) the officer has not attended any course for the last
three years;
(e) any financial implications are cleared.

(2) Where any of the conditions specified in sub-paragraphs
1(a) to (d) are not met, the approval of the Senior Chief
Executive, Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative
Reforms, shall be sought.

(3) The procedures specified in the Regulations shall be

followed where the training is likely to enhance an officer's
qualifications or fit him for promotion to a higher post.

4.10.3 (1) The period of study leave with full pay shall be from the day
the course starts to the day the course/examination ends.

(2) For overseas courses, the officer shall be granted two

additional days paid leave for travelling each way, from and
to Mauritius.

4.10.4 An officer who wishes to await the result of his examination

before resuming duty may apply for an extension of leave. Such
extension shall be reckoned against his earned vacation leave, or
be without pay, as the case may be.

4.10.5 (1) An officer who fails his examinations may, on submission of

relevant documentary evidence, be granted an extension of
study leave up to three months on half pay immediately
following the examination results. Any extension beyond
three months shall be without pay.

(2) Any extension of leave either on half pay or without pay

may be reckoned against an officer's earned vacation leave,
if he so wishes.

(3) An officer who takes vacation leave in lieu following

examination results automatically forgoes study leave on
half pay.

(4) An officer may combine his vacation leave with study leave
on half pay where the former leave is not adequate to make
up for three months’ leave. The aggregate of leave taken
should not be more than three months.

4.10.6 An officer who is nominated for training, whether locally or

overseas, shall be required, before he proceeds on study leave, to
enter into a bond as specified in Appendix 4D, where -

(a) the course/training is of one academic year or more; or

(b) irrespective of the length of the course/training;

(i) he has been selected by, or nominated with the

approval of the appropriate Service Commission; or

(ii) he follows a course leading to an examination and the

award of a certificate.

4.10.7 (1) An officer entering into a bond shall be required on
resumption of duty to serve as follows -

(a) three years, where the course/training is of twelve

months duration or less;

(b) five years, where the course/training is of more than

twelve months duration.

(2) The period to be served shall be specified in the bond.

4.10.8 The bond shall be drawn up in the Ministry or Department in

which the officer is serving, and typed in two copies. The original
shall be registered with the Registrar-General's Department and
the second copy handed over to the officer.

4.10.9 Where an officer who has entered into a bond, fails to observe any
of the conditions thereof, the Ministry or Department concerned
shall take the following steps -

(a) inform the officer, without delay, in writing that the amount
of the bond has become due and should be settled within
15 days, failing which legal action would be taken;

(b) report the case immediately to the Ministry of Finance.

4.10.10 (1) Where an officer has been sponsored to follow an in-service

training course including attendance to workshops and
seminars, he shall, on resumption of duty, submit to his
Supervising Officer a report, in writing, on the training and
its relevance and usefulness. The Supervising Officer shall
forward a copy of the report to the Ministry of Finance and
Economic Development and to the Senior Chief Executive,
Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms.

(2) The report shall, as far as possible, be based on the

guidelines provided at Appendix 4E.

Section 11: Study Leave without Pay

4.11.1 (1) An officer who intends to pursue higher studies may be

considered for leave without pay where he satisfies the
following conditions:-

(a) he holds a substantive appointment;

(b) the course is full-time;

(c) he holds at least a Higher School Certificate or

equivalent; and

(d) he produces documentary evidence of having been

admitted to a full-time course specifying its duration.

(2) An officer may, notwithstanding the condition at sub-

paragraph (1)(c), be considered for leave without pay in
respect of technical/vocational/religious studies.

(3) An officer shall be granted leave without pay under sub-
paragraphs (1) and (2) for the duration of the course,
subject to a maximum of 4 years in aggregate.

(4) An officer who wishes to await the result of his examination

before resuming duty, may apply for an extension of leave
without pay.

(5) An officer who fails his examination shall, on application

and on submission of relevant documentary evidence, be
granted an extension of leave without pay.

4.11.2 (1) An officer who holds a substantive appointment and is

nominated for an open scholarship which is not
considered as in-service training shall be granted study
leave without pay.

(2) The period of study leave without pay shall correspond to

the length of the course.

4.11.3 (1) An application for study leave without pay in respect of an

officer in the General Services grades shall be submitted to
the Senior Chief Executive, Ministry of Civil Service and
Administrative Reforms, for consideration. When
submitting the application, the Supervising Officer shall
state whether the officer satisfies the conditions specified at
paragraph 4.11.1.

(2) (a) An application for study leave without pay in respect

of an officer in the departmental grades shall be
granted by the Supervising Officer, subject to the
officer satisfying the conditions specified at
paragraph 4.11.1.

(b) Study leave without pay granted under sub-

paragraph (2) (a) above, shall be for a maximum
period of one year in the first instance. Any extension
of such leave at the end of each academic year shall
only be granted on production of documentary
evidence of continued studies in the same field,
subject to a maximum of 4 years in aggregate.

Section 12: Leave without Pay

4.12.1 Subject to the interest and exigencies of the service, an officer

holding a substantive appointment in the Government Service
may be granted leave without pay -

(a) to take up employment -

(i) in Parastatal and other Statutory Bodies and other

approved services during the probationary period of
employment up to a maximum aggregate period of 2
years in a period of 10 years;

(ii) in the private sector in Mauritius for an aggregate

period not exceeding one year in a period of 10 years.

(iii) in international organisations, (World Health
Organisation, World Bank etc.) of which Mauritius is
a member, in foreign countries under a scheme
approved by Government and in member countries of
regional organisations like SADC, for the duration of
the first contract;

(b) to accompany overseas their spouses -

(i) who are public officers when the latter proceed

overseas on approved leave;

(ii) who are not Government employees, under any one of

the conditions listed at sub-paragraph (a) (iii) above,
for the duration of the first contract;

(c) to a woman officer who has already benefited from

maternity leave with full pay for three confinements, a
period of 12 weeks leave without pay in the event of a
subsequent confinement;

4.12.2 A woman officer, including a woman officer not holding a

substantive appointment may be granted leave without pay up to
6 months’ in the period of 12 months following confinement to
look after her baby.

4.12.3 An application for leave without pay, supported by documentary

evidence, shall be submitted to the Senior Chief Executive,
Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms, for

4.12.4 Subject to the interest and exigencies of the service, a Supervising

Officer may grant leave without pay for private purposes
including family commitments –

(a) for a period not exceeding an aggregate of 90 days that can

be taken every 10 years to an officer holding a substantive
appointment in the Government Service. The 90 days leave
without pay may be taken either at a stretch or be
staggered in not more than three times; and

(b) for a maximum period of 14 days to an officer not holding a

substantive appointment.

4.12.5 Any leave without pay shall be taken into account as pensionable
service, provided the officer contributes 25% of the salary of his
substantive post to Government.

Section 13: Passage Benefits

4.13.1 Where an officer was eligible for passage benefits before 1.7.2003,
such benefits shall be computed on the basis of his substantive
post as shown in Appendix 4F.

4.13.2 (1) As from 1.7.2003, an officer on the permanent and

pensionable establishment, drawing a minimum monthly
basic salary of Rs 13,000 or reckoning 10 years of service,
shall earn passage benefits at the rate of 5% of his annual

salary (basic salary plus extra remuneration) or the
equivalent cost of 3900 kilometres of the Group Tour Air
Fare Mauritius-London-Mauritius at off peak (low season)
rate whichever is higher.

(2) In case of medical emergency, the equivalent cost of the

Group Tour Air Fare at the time of travel shall be

4.13.3 The computation of the length of service of an officer shall be on

the same basis as specified in paragraph 4.9.4 (2).

4.13.4 Passage benefits shall not accrue to an officer in respect of any of

the following periods –

(a) vacation leave;

(b) vacation leave taken as casual leave;

(c) sick leave in excess of 21 working days in any calendar


(d) accumulated sick leave taken prior to retirement;

(e) leave without pay;

(f) injury leave;

(g) maternity leave;

(h) study leave with or without pay;

(i) interdiction;

(j) probationary period.

4.13.5 (1) An officer may use his passage entitlement to meet the cost
of tickets towards the destination of his choice provided
that the balance standing to his credit is Rs 12,000 or

(2) Where an officer and his spouse are public officers and they
are both eligible for passage benefits under paragraph
4.13.2, they may use their passage entitlement for travel
purposes once the balance standing to the credit of the two
officers amounts to an aggregate of Rs 24,000 or more.

4.13.6 (1) Passage benefits may be used by an officer towards the cost
of passages for himself and/or immediate members of his

(2) For the purpose of this section, "immediate members of a

family" means:-

(a) spouse;

(b) dependent children, including step-children and

legally-adopted children, below the age of 21 years;
(c) dependent children up to 27 years who are or are
about to be full time students in a tertiary education
institution abroad, subject to documentary evidence
being produced;

(d) dependent children up to 27 years who are following

full-time course in a tertiary institution locally once
in five years; and

(e) mother and/or father.

4.13.7 (1) Passage benefits shall be granted subject to funds being


(2) Notwithstanding paragraphs 4.13.5 and sub-paragraph (1),

where an officer or any immediate member of his family
must proceed overseas for medical treatment not available
locally, he may, subject to the approval of the Senior Chief
Executive, Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative
Reforms, be allowed, as an exceptional measure, to make
use of his passage benefits.

(3) An officer shall not be granted passage benefits under sub-

paragraph (2) except on the recommendation of the
Ministry of Health and Quality of Life.

4.13.8 (1) Subject to paragraph 4.13.5, an officer who wishes to make

use of his passage benefits to travel abroad shall submit his
application to the Accountant-General through his
Supervising Officer, well in advance on the prescribed form
as specified at Appendix 4G.

(2) The Supervising Officer shall transmit, three weeks before

the date of departure, the application form, duly filled, and
the necessary documentary evidence to the Accountant-
General together with a detailed statement of passage
benefits earned by the officer up to the end of the month
preceding the date of departure on leave, as per pro forma
at Appendix 4H.

(3) The Accountant-General shall confirm to the travel agents

concerned the passage arrangements and state the extent
of Government's liability towards the passage costs of the

4.13.9 An officer who wishes to use his passage benefits to meet other
expenses in connection with his travel overseas shall, subject to
availability of funds, be allowed to cash, partly or wholly the
balance of his passage benefits standing to his credit.

4.13.10 (1) An officer who cancels or alters his passage arrangements

shall immediately notify, in writing, his Supervising Officer
and the Accountant-General. Any liability arising out of
such cancellation or alteration must be met by the officer.

(2) In case the officer has been paid partly or wholly the
balance of his passage benefits to meet other expenses in

connection with his travel overseas, he shall refund the
amount, in toto, immediately to the Accountant-General.

4.13.11 (1) Where an officer or any immediate member of his family

has travelled abroad at his own expenses, he may, on
application and subject to paragraph 4.13.5, be refunded
the amount disbursed on overseas travel up to the amount
of his passage benefits accumulated at the time of travel
provided the application is made within three months from
the date of arrival. The application shall be made on the
prescribed form as specified at Appendix 4G.

(2) The officer or any immediate member of his family may, on

application and subject to paragraph 4.13.5, be refunded
the amount disbursed for spending vacation at inland
hotels/recreational resorts, provided the application is
made within three months as from date specified on the
payment voucher of the hotel/recreational resort.

(3) The Supervising Officer shall transmit the application form,

duly filled, and the necessary documentary evidence to the
Accountant-General together with a detailed statement of
the passage benefits earned by the officer as at the end of
the month preceding the date of departure on leave.

4.13.12 (1) Subject to funds being available, an officer shall, on

production of documentary evidence, be allowed to use
partly or wholly the balance of his passage benefits for
spending vacation at licensed inland hotels/recreational
resorts once he has accumulated an amount of Rs 12,000
or more. The refund shall represent only the amount
disbursed at the licensed inland hotels/recreational resorts.

(2) Passage benefits granted under sub-paragraph (1) may be

used in respect of the officer himself or immediate members
of his family, as defined at paragraph 4.13.6 (2).

4.13.13 An officer shall, at the time of retirement, be paid the monetary

value of all passage benefits standing to his credit.

4.13.14 On the death of an officer, the monetary value of accumulated

passage benefits shall be paid to his heirs.

4.13.15 (1) A Supervising Officer shall arrange for a passage benefits

account to be kept in respect of every officer of his Ministry
who is eligible for passage benefits.

(2) Passage benefits shall be worked out on a financial year

basis, that is 1 July to 30 June.

(3) For the purpose of sub-paragraph (2), a financial year shall

be considered to be of 365 days or 366 days, as applicable.

(4) Where an officer is transferred, details of his passage

benefits account shall be forwarded to his new

4.13.16 (1) Where an officer retires from the service, his passage
benefits shall be computed up to the date preceding the day
on which his leave prior to retirement starts.

(2) On the death of an officer, his passage benefits shall be

computed up to the date of death.

(3) In all other cases, the passage benefits of an officer shall be

computed up to the end of the month preceding the date of
departure on leave.

4.13.17 (1) An officer, using his passage benefits, shall make his travel
arrangements with Air Mauritius or any IATA approved
travel agents to be entitled to the following discount on the
cost of airfare or on his accumulated passage benefits
entitlement, whichever is the lower –

(a) 10% if the travel is on board of Air Mauritius;

(b) 5% if the travel is on board of other carriers.

(2) The 10% discount is applicable only for point to point travel
on Air Mauritius services. Multi-sector routings involving
Air Mauritius sectors and non-Air Mauritius sectors are

(3) The passage credit discount is not applicable for infants,

students, senior citizens, promotional and other discounted

Paragraph 4.5.1 (4)


(a) For service before 1.8.87: 3 days for each completed year of
pensionable service.

(b) For the period 1.8.87 to 30.6.93 -

(1) Sick leave entitlement in a calendar year: 28 days

(2) Maximum number of cumulative days annually: 20

(3) Maximum number of cumulative days in all: 240

(4) Maximum number of cumulative days for period 1.8.87 to

31.12.87: 8

(5) Maximum number of cumulative days for period 1.1.93 to

30.6.93: 10

(c) For the period 1.1.93 to 30.6.93, the amount of sick leave taken in
excess of 14 days shall be debited from the sick leave bank as at
30.6.93. Where the bank balance is insufficient, the excess leave
shall be considered as an advance.

(d) For period 1.7.93 to 30.06.2003 -

(1) Sick leave entitlement: 11 working days

(2) Sick leave not taken at the end of the year to be accumulated
to a bank maximum of 90 days

(3) Subject to eligibility, maximum number of days refundable in

cash: 5 1/2 days

Paragraph 4.9.3 (3) APPENDIX 4B


A. Vacation Leave Entitlement as at 30.6.93

Officers holding a substantive appointment

Length of Service Leave Earning rate Maximum Leave to be

(in years) per annum (In days) accumulated (in days)
Up to 5 20 75
5 + to 10 25 90
10 + to 20 30 120
Over 20 35 120

B. Vacation Leave Entitlement for period 1.7.93 to 30.6.98

(1) Non-Teaching Staff

Monthly Salary Length of Leave Earning Maximum

inclusive of CSAT Service Rate per Leave to be
Award 1996 (in years) annum accumulated
(in days) (in days)
Up to 5 20 75
5+ to 10 25 90
Less than 10+ to 20 30 120
Rs 9, 300 Over 20 35 150
Rs 9,300 – Less than Up to 5 25 90
Rs 15,000 5+ to 10 30 120
Over 10 35 150
Rs 15,500 Up to 5 30 120
and above 5+ to 10 35 150
Over 10 35 180

(2) Teaching Staff in Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary


Monthly Salary Length of Leave Earning Maximum

inclusive of CSAT Service Rate per Leave to be
Award 1996 (in years) annum accumulated
(in days) (in days)
Less than Up to 5 15 60
Rs 9, 300 5+ to 10 20 70
10+ to 20 25 95
Over 20 30 120
Rs 9,300 – Less Up to 5 20 70
than Rs 15,000 5+ to 10 25 95
Over 10 30 120
Rs 15,500 Up to 5 25 95
and above 5+ to 10 30 120
Over 10 30 145


Paragraph 4.9.6 (2)

Procedures to be followed for the Accumulation of Vacation

Leave Beyond Ceiling

1. Where an officer who has accumulated vacation leave up to his

prescribed ceiling, makes a written application for vacation leave and
cannot, on reasonable grounds, be released due to the exigencies of
the service, the Supervising Officer shall inform the officer in writing
that his request for leave has not been entertained.

2. The Supervising Officer shall refer the matter immediately to the

Senior Chief Executive, Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative
Reforms, specifying the reasons why the officer cannot be released
and stating the date on which the officer could, according to him, be
granted such leave.

3. The approval of the Senior Chief Executive, Ministry of Civil Service

and Administrative Reforms for the accumulation of vacation leave
above ceiling shall be subject to the reasonableness of the grounds
put forward by the Ministry/Department concerned for not
approving the request for vacation leave of the officer.

4. Where the approval of the Senior Chief Executive, Ministry of Civil

Service and Administrative Reforms is obtained, the Supervising
Officer shall inform the officer in writing and request him to re-apply
for vacation leave as from the date specified by the Supervising
Officer under paragraph (2) above.

5. In case the officer re-applies for leave on the date specified and he
cannot again be released due to the exigencies of the service, the
same procedure as above shall be followed.

6. A “Beyond Ceiling Vacation Leave Account” shall be kept as a

separate account in respect of the officer, and vacation leave earned
over and above the prescribed ceiling, i.e, as from the date the officer
would have proceeded on leave up to the date specified by the
Supervising Officer at paragraph (2) above, shall be credited in the


Paragraph 4.10.6

KNOW ALL MEN by these present that WE,

1. ............................................................................................................

of .......................................................................................... Principal

2. ........................................................................................................

. .of ..............................................................................................Surety

3. ........................................................................................................


are held and firmly bound unto the Government of Mauritius, in the sum
of ........................................ to be well and truly paid to the Government of
Mauritius, for which payment to be well and truly made we bind ourselves
and each and every of us in the whole, our and each of our heirs,
executors and administrators jointly by these presents.

The Sureties shall be liable jointly and severally with the principal debtor
for the amount of this bond.

Signed and dated this ............ day of .............Two thousand ......................

*Good for the sum of rupees .......................................................................


*Good for the sum of rupees .......................................................................


*Good for the sum of rupees .......................................................................


WHEREAS the abovenamed ...........................was selected for and

awarded a scholarship to attend a course of training/study at the
................................ in .........................................

AND WHEREAS the expenditure for salary, passage expenses,

subsistence, tuition and contingencies on the said training is estimated to
amount to the sum of ...........................................

AND WHEREAS as a condition of the award to ........................ of the

scholarship ........ undertook and agreed that if he does not attend the said
course at ........................, he does not follow it regularly and complete it,
and if on completion of the said course he does not immediately resume
duty and, unless the Government otherwise approves, **does not serve the
........................../remain in the service of the Ministry of ...........................

APPENDIX 4C(contd.)

and serve in a capacity for which he has been trained for a period of
............. consecutive years from the date of his resumption of duty he will
pay to the Government of Mauritius the sum of ......................................

AND WHEREAS as a further condition to the award of the

scholarship to .............................. two sureties have to enter into a bond
to ensure the observance by the said ………………….. of all the conditions
attached to the award of the said scholarship.

NOW THE CONDITION of the above written obligation is such that -

Where ………….…… does proceed to ................................... to follow
a course of the .............................................

Where ……………….. follows such a course regularly and without

absenting himself for any reason other than ill health, and terminates such

Where after completion of the said course …………………..

immediately resumes duty and, unless the Government otherwise
approves, **does not serve the ............................/remain in the service of
the Ministry of ........................... and serve in a capacity for which he has
been trained for a period of ................... consecutive years from the date of
his resumption of duty.

Then the present obligation shall be void otherwise it shall remain in

full force and virtue.

Dated this ................... day of ............... Two Thousand





*(to be in the handwriting of the parties)

**(to delete, as applicable)

Paragraph 4.10.10 (2)

Guidelines on Report on In-service Training


The report shall be on the following lines -

1. A brief description of the whole programme with a concise

description of its salient features.

2. A statement on the objectives of the programme and how these relate

to the developmental needs of the nominating organisation.

3. Relevance and utility of the programme to the officer's present

functions and future responsibilities, and to the profession in
general wherever applicable.

4. Recommendations as to whether the authorities should take

advantage of similar training programmes in future.

5. General comments on the programme to include information on the

venue, duration, course administration, board and lodging facilities,
visits, and the level of the other participants.

6. Proposals.

Paragraph 4.13.1

Passage Benefits Entitlement

(1) Passage Assistance (up to 31.12.73)

Category Tour of Service Overseas

(years) Leave

(a) officers drawing an 4 4

annual salary of
Rs 19,080 or more

(b) officers drawing an 6 4

annual salary of
Rs 12,840 but less
than Rs 19,080

(c) officers drawing an 8 4

annual salary below
Rs 12,840

Note: The computation of passage assistance shall be made on the basis of

Rs 5,392, representing the then cost of two return air passages
Mauritius/London/Mauritius provided the following conditions were
fulfilled -

(a) the officer was civilly married before that date;

(b) his wife was living with him;
(c) his wife was not a public officer eligible in her own right for
passage assistance;

otherwise the computation shall be made on the basis of Rs 2,696 -

representing the cost of one return air passage
(2) Passage Credits (1.1.74 to 30.6.77)
Passage credits at the rate of 3 1/2% of pensionable emoluments for
each year of residential service as from 1.1.74, subject to a maximum of Rs
2,100 per annum. The eligible officers were those drawing -

(a) a salary of Rs 1,625 or more monthly;

(b) a salary of less than Rs 1,625 monthly but not less than Rs
1,000 monthly and who had completed 20 years' continuous

(c) a salary of less than Rs 1,625 monthly and who were eligible
for passages under the 1969 Leave and Passage Regulations,
i.e. those who were appointed to the permanent and
pensionable establishment as follows -

(i) before 1.1.58 and had opted for overseas leave;

APPENDIX 4F (contd.)

(ii) on or after 1.1.58 but before 1.7.69 and were drawing a

salary of Rs 12,840 or more yearly; and

(iii) on or after 1.7.69 but before 1.7.73 and were drawing a

salary of Rs 14,520 or more yearly.

Note: C.O.L.A/E.R shall be integrated with salary with effect from

1.7.75 and the salary levels which attracted passage credits shall be
adjusted accordingly.

(3) Air mileage Credits (1.7.77 to 31.7.87)

Salary per month Annual Air Mileage

(Basic salary excluding Credit
Extra Remuneration)
Rs Miles

Less than 1,625 with

20 years service 4,230

1,625 - 2,499 5,920

2,500 - 3,999 8,460

4,000 and above 11,840

Note: Air mileage credit accumulated as at 31.7.87 shall be converted

at the then prevailing rate of Rs 1.19 per mile.

(4) Passage Benefits (1.8.87 to 30.6.93)

As from 1.8.87, passage benefits shall be earned on the basis of

salary in the substantive post as follows-

Category Earning rate

An officer drawing a monthly basic 5% of annual salary
salary of Rs 5,000 or more

An officer drawing a monthly basic 5% of annual salary or

salary of less than 5,000 who Rs 1,700 per annum
has completed 15 years' service whichever is the

(5) Passage Benefits (1.7.93 to 30.6.98)

As from 1.7.93, passage benefits shall be earned as follows -

Monthly Salary Annual Credit

Inclusive of CSAT Award 1996

less than Rs 7,500 5% of annual salary

but with 15 years service or 3,900 kms

Rs 7,500 - less than 5% of annual salary

Rs 11,200 or 4,800 kms

APPENDIX 4F (contd.)

Monthly Salary Annual Credit

Inclusive of CSAT Award 1996

Rs 11,200 - less than 5% of annual salary

Rs 15,500 or 6,900 kms

Rs 15,500 - less than 5% of annual salary

Rs 17,000 or 8,200 kms

Rs 17,000 and above 5% of annual salary

or 10,000 kms

(6) Passage Benefits (1.7.98 to 30.6.03)

As from 1.7.98, passage benefits shall be earned on the basis of

basic salary in the substantive post as follows-

Category Earning rate

Less than Rs 9870 but 5% of annual salary

with 12 years service or equivalent cost
of 3,900 kms of
Group Tour Air Fare
Rs 9870 and above Mauritius-London-
Mauritius at off
peak (low season)
rate whichever is
the higher

Paragraph 4.13.8 (1)



SURNAME: ................................ NIC No.

NAME: ................................................................................................

MAIDEN NAME: ..................................................................................

MARITAL STATUS: .................... DATE OF BIRTH.............................

PRESENT POST HELD: ......................................................................

MINISTRY/DEPARTMENT: .................................................................

HOME ADDRESS: ..............................................................................

TEL No.OFFICE: ........................ HOME...........................................

NAME OF BANK/BRANCH: ................................................................



(Photocopies of Marriage/Birth/Studentship Certificates to be submitted, where applicable)

SELF : .......................................................................................

SPOUSE : .......................................................................................

CHILDREN : .......................................................................................



MOTHER : ........................................................................................

FATHER : ........................................................................................

APPENDIX 4G (contd.)


(Quotation or Receipt from Travel Agent/Hotel to be submitted where applicable

NAME OF TRAVEL AGENT/HOTEL : ....................................................

ADDRESS OF TRAVEL AGENT/HOTEL : ...................................................

DETAILS OF TRIP/STAY : ....................................................................

AMOUNT QUOTED : ................................................................................

AMOUNT REQUESTED AS POCKET MONEY : Rs .....................................

(In case travel is not effected, the Accountant-General should be informed and the
pocket money should be refunded in toto)

DATE OF DEPARTURE/PERIOD OF STAY: .................................................

DATE: ...................... SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT ........................



I certify that:-

(1) the officer has been granted .............. days leave from
.............................. to be spent abroad or otherwise;

(2) the particulars of the application for the use of Passage Benefits of
the abovenamed officer are correct; and

(3) the computation of passage benefits as at Annex, earned by the

officer from .............. to ........... is Rs ................... and is correct.

NAME OF OFFICER: .................................................................................

*STATUS: ..................................................................................................

SIGNATURE: ....................................................... STAMP OF MINISTRY

DATE: .................................................................

PHONE NO.: ........................................................


Paragraph 4.13.8 (2)


NAME OF OFFICER: ....................................................................................

STATUS: ....................................................................................................

DATE JOINED SERVICE: .............................................................................

BREAK IN SERVICE: No. OF DAYS: ...............................................................

DATE ELIGIBLE FOR PASSAGE BENEFITS: ...................................................








NAME OF OFFICER: .................... NAME OF OFFICER: ...............................

STATUS: ..................................... STATUS................................................

SIGNATURE: ................................... SIGNATURE..........................................

DATE: ...................................... DATE: ................................................

PHONE No.................................. PHONE No. ..........................................




Section 1: Establishment Proposals 107

Section 2: Scarcity Areas 107

Section 3: Staff Relations 108-109

Section 4: Injury on Duty 109-111

Section 5: Time-Off on Special Occasions 111

Section 6: Trade Testing 111-112

Section 7: Government Quarters 112

Section 8: Official Government Vehicle 112-115

Section 9: Self-driven Government Vehicle 115-117

Section 10: Loans and Duty-concessions on Vehicles 117-126

Section 11: Salary during Interdiction 126

Section 12: Issue of Tools 126

Section 13: Tour of Service in Rodrigues/Outer 126-127

Islands: Special Conditions

Section 14: Appointment on Contract 127-131

Section 15: End-of-Year Bonus 131-132


Appendix 5A Guidelines for the Submission of Proposals for the 133-134

creation of New and Additional Posts

Appendix 5B: Estab Form 1 135-136

Appendix 5C: Estab Form 2 137-138

Appendix 5D: Estab Form 3 139-140

Appendix 5E Short-term Measures to tackle 141-142

recruitment/retention problems

Appendix 5F: Departmental Board Report 143-144

Appendix 5G: List of Grades entitled to Free Government Quarters 145

Appendix 5H: List of Grades eligible for a Loan to purchase a 146-153

60% Duty-free Car for Official Travelling

Appendix 5I: List of Grades eligible for a Loan to purchase a 154-156

Duty-free Autocycle/Motorcycle for Official Travelling


Section 1: Establishment Proposals

5.1.1 Establishment proposals relate to -

(a) creation of new posts;

(b) creation of additional posts in an existing grade;

(c) regrading/restyling of existing posts.

5.1.2 Before submitting Establishment proposals, a Supervising Officer

shall make an objective analysis of the manpower requirements of
his organisation in relation to the prevailing workload. The basic
guidelines to be followed for the submission of proposals for the
creation of new and additional posts laid down at Appendix 5A,
should be complied with.

5.1.3 Establishment proposals for inclusion in the annual Estimates

shall be submitted to the Senior Chief Executive, Ministry of Civil
Service and Administrative Reforms, on the appropriate
Establishment forms specified at Appendices 5B, 5C and 5D, by
the end of January with copy to the Ministry of Finance and
Economic Development.

5.1.4 Failure to use the appropriate form or to provide full and accurate
information may result in delay in considering the proposal.

5.1.5 A Supervising Officer shall, where possible, mention in the

Departmental Whitley Council any new proposal to enable the
staff side to comment thereon.

Section 2: Scarcity Areas

5.2.1 (1) Entry grades requiring professional or technical

qualifications will be considered as "scarce" provided -

(a) these grades have registered a vacancy rate of 20%

and above for a continuous period of one and a half
years or more and;

(b) the vacancies have not been filled despite recruitment

attempts made by the appropriate authorities.

(2) A Supervising Officer shall examine persistent cases of

recruitment and retention problems in the light of the
measures and options on alternative modes of employment
at Appendix 5E.

(3) The course of action proposed under sub-paragraph (2)

above shall be submitted to the Senior Chief Executive,
Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms for
consideration and approval.

Section 3: Staff Relations

5.3.1 (1) It is the policy of Government to encourage and promote

smooth and harmonious staff relations in the public

(2) An officer may join a civil service trade union.

(3) An officer shall be conversant with the provisions of the

Industrial Relations Act and the Whitley Councils
Regulations which govern industrial relations in the public

5.3.2 The Civil Service Arbitration Tribunal, established under the

Industrial Relations Act, is responsible inter-alia for arbitration of
industrial disputes in the public service.

5.3.3 The Civil Service Industrial Relations Commission, set up under

the Whitley Council Regulations, is responsible inter-alia for
conciliation of, or investigations into, industrial disputes that are
referred to it.

5.3.4 In matters of personnel management, a Supervising Officer

should stand guided by the Industrial Relations Act and in
particular by the Third Schedule of the Code of Practice.

5.3.5 (1) The Whitley machinery comprises a Central Whitley

Council and a Departmental Whitley Council as established
under the Whitley Councils Regulations 1986.

(2) A Whitley Council shall consist of the official side and the
staff side each having an equal number of representatives.

5.3.6 The Central Whitley Council is the forum for discussing matters
of common interest pertaining to the service as a whole; the
Departmental Whitley Council deals with departmental matters
relating to a Ministry/Department.

5.3.7 Time-off facilities for trade union activities may, on request, be

granted to office bearers of recognised unions subject to the
exigencies of the service.

5.3.8 Any trade union official who is nominated by the Government to

form part of a delegation proceeding on mission, or to attend
training courses, conferences and seminars abroad shall be
granted special leave for the purpose.

5.3.9 (1) Any trade union official who is sponsored by his trade
union or a Federation of trade unions or an international
recognised labour organisation to attend conferences,
training programmes or annual/ regional meetings abroad
shall be granted special leave subject to a maximum of
three weeks.

(2) Any period of leave in excess of three weeks shall be

reckoned against the officer's normal vacation leave
entitlement or as leave without pay, as appropriate.

5.3.10 Any trade union official shall be granted special leave under
paragraph 5.3.8 and 5.3.9 only once in a year.

5.3.11 The grant of special leave under paragraphs 5.3.8 and 5.3.9 shall
be approved by the Supervising Officer and shall be subject to the
exigencies of the service and to satisfactory evidence being

5.3.12 Where possible, government buildings may be placed at the

disposal of recognised staff associations for trade union activities.

Section 4: Injury on Duty

5.4.1 (1) An officer injured on duty must, subject to his consent, be

taken to the nearest Government Medical Institution.

(2) In case of refusal, the officer shall sign a statement to that


5.4.2 All cases of injury on duty must be reported immediately to the

Supervising Officer. For employees belonging to the Workmen’s
Group and other manual grades, the Supervising Officer shall
report the matter not later than 3 days after the accident, to the
Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment.

5.4.3 (1) The Supervising Officer shall, as soon as possible, convene

a Departmental Board of three officers whose Chairman
must draw salary in a scale the initial of which is at least
Rs 13,000 monthly.

(2) The Departmental Board shall -

(a) record the exact circumstances of the accident;

(b) obtain statements from the injured person and/or

witnesses; and

(c) express an opinion as to whether -

- the accident occurred while the officer was on duty;

- the officer was acting in accordance with rules and
regulations in force at the time of the accident;
- the accident was not due to the fault of the officer.

(3) The Departmental Board shall submit its report on the

prescribed form as specified at Appendix 5F, at the earliest
possible, to the Supervising Officer.

5.4.4 (1) The Supervising Officer shall, within a fortnight after

receiving the Departmental Board's report, –

(a) subject to the findings of the Departmental Board,

approve all cases requiring injury leave up to a
maximum of 30 days;

(b) submit all cases requiring more than 30 days injury

leave to the Injuries Committee.

(2) When submitting the cases under sub-paragraph (1) (b)
above, the Supervising Officer shall enclose all relevant
documents, stating whether he concurs with the Board's
opinion and, if not, the reasons for his dissent.

(3) Notwithstanding sub-paragraph (1) (a) above, a Supervising

Officer may refer to the Injuries Committee any case,
where, in his opinion, the circumstances of the injury
require further investigation

5.4.5 (1) The Injuries Committee falls under the aegis of the Ministry
of Health and Quality of Life and comprises a Government
Medical Practitioner and a State Counsel.

(2) The object of the Injuries Committee is to investigate the

circumstances of any accident in which a public officer is
involved while on duty and which results in injury to him.

(3) The Injuries Committee shall advise whether the injury is of

such a nature as might possibly form the basis of a future
claim for compensation.

5.4.6 The Ministry of Health and Quality of Life shall communicate the
findings of the Injuries Committee to the Supervising Officer

5.4.7 An officer who is eligible for compensation as a result of injury

sustained on duty shall receive either a compensation under the
Workmen's Compensation Act or additional benefits under the
Pensions Act, as appropriate.

5.4.8 (1) Where the injured officer is found to be eligible for a

compensation under the Workmen's Compensation Act, the
following procedure shall be followed -

(a) the Supervising Officer shall submit to the

Accountant-General a statement of earnings,
inclusive of regular overtime allowance drawn by the
injured officer over a period of one year immediately
preceding the date of the injury, for the computation
of his average weekly earnings;

(b) the Accountant-General shall compute the average

weekly earnings and return the statement to the
Supervising Officer who shall seek the advice of the
Attorney-General's Office about the compensation

(c) the Supervising Officer shall, thereafter, request the

Accountant-General to compute the compensation
payable and have it examined by the Audit

(2) The procedure outlined in sub-paragraph (1) shall also

apply where an officer dies as a result of injuries sustained
on duty and not arising out of his own fault.

5.4.9 (1) An officer holding a substantive appointment and who is
injured on duty shall be granted injury leave on full pay
provided the officer was acting in accordance with rules and
regulations in force at the time of the accident and the
accident was not due to the fault of the officer.

(2) A Supervising Officer may, pending the findings of the

Departmental Board, grant sick leave to an officer on
production of a certificate from a Government Medical
Officer in respect of his injury.

5.4.10 An officer, not holding a substantive appointment, who is injured

on duty, shall be granted injury leave on full pay, up to a
maximum of 15 days, although he has not completed one year’s
continuous service provided the procedures laid down at
paragraphs 5.4.3 and 5.4.4 are followed.

Section 5: Time-off on Special Occasions

5.5.1 (1) A Supervising Officer may, subject to the exigencies of the

service -

(a) release officers (except officers of the Disciplined

Force) as from noon on the eve of Christmas and New

(b) grant two hours time-off to officers (except officers of

the Disciplined Force) in respect of any two religious
festivals of their choice during the year.

(2) Where, owing to the exigencies of the service, it may not be

possible to release officers under sub-paragraph (1),
specially in areas where services are offered to the public,
the Supervising Officer shall decide whether the services
can be provided with a skeleton staff or not and, if so, shall
make appropriate arrangements.

Section 6: Trade Testing

5.6.1 Trade testing shall be the responsibility of the Industrial and

Vocational Training Board.

5.6.2 (1) A Supervising Officer shall make arrangements with the

Director of the Industrial and Vocational Training Board for
the trade testing of Tradesman's Assistants.

(2) Such arrangements shall be made at regular intervals.

5.6.3 A Tradesman's Assistant shall be given not less than seven days'
notice of the date fixed for his trade test.

5.6.4 A Tradesman's Assistant who passes his trade test shall be

considered for appointment as Tradesman as and when there is a
need to fill vacancies in the grade.

5.6.5 A Supervising Officer shall arrange for a Tradesman's Assistant

who has failed his trade test to undergo another test as and when

5.6.6 Travelling expenses incurred for trade testing purposes shall be

5.6.7 Overtime allowance is not payable if the trade test goes beyond,
or is carried out after, normal working hours.

Section 7: Government Quarters

5.7.1 The categories of officers specified in Appendix 5G are eligible for

free quarters.

5.7.2 (1) An officer who is not normally eligible for free quarters, but
is required, owing to the exigencies of the service, to live in
specific quarters, shall not pay any rent if such quarters
are unfurnished.

(2) Where the quarters are furnished, he shall pay rent at the
rate of 5% of his salary.

(3) Where such an officer is no longer required to reside in

Government quarters, he shall not be eligible for any rent

5.7.3 An officer who is not eligible for free quarters but is allowed to
reside in Government quarters shall pay rent at the rate of 10% of
his salary.

5.7.4 An officer posted to Rodrigues or any Outer Island shall not pay

5.7.5 An officer must personally use the quarters allocated to him for
residential purposes.

5.7.6 Where an officer who resides in Government quarters proceeds

overseas on leave with pay, he may be allowed by his Supervising
Officer to retain the quarters.

5.7.7 Where an officer has been granted leave without pay he may be
allowed by his Supervising Officer to retain the quarters allocated
to him for a maximum period of 120 days.

5.7.8 An officer must vacate within a reasonable delay, the Government

quarters when he is required to do so.

Section 8: Official Government Vehicle

5.8.1 As from 01 July 2003, an officer including an Accounting Officer

who is also the Responsible Officer of a Ministry/Department who
draws a monthly basic salary of Rs 47,500 or more, shall be
eligible for the exclusive use of an official Government vehicle
both for his official duties and for his private use on such terms
and conditions as may be determined from time to time.

5.8.2 (1) An officer who is entitled to an official Government vehicle

under paragraph 5.8.1 may opt for the purchase of a car
with 100% duty remission. The engine capacity of the car
shall not exceed that of the official Government vehicle to
which he is entitled.
(2) Where an officer opts for a duty-free car under sub-
paragraph (1) he shall be eligible for loan facilities
equivalent to 18 months' salary at interest rate of 7.5% per
annum refundable in 60 consecutive monthly instalments.
The car may be renewed every five years or as may be
determined from time to time.

(3) An officer who wishes to renew his duty-free car at the

expiry of the five year period, shall be eligible for loan
facilities up to a maximum of 15 months' salary at interest
rate of 7.5% per annum refundable in 48 consecutive
monthly instalments.

5.8.3 Where an officer is entitled to an official Government vehicle

under paragraph 5.8.1, he shall retain responsibility of the car
while on leave prior to retirement.

5.8.4 (1) Where an officer including an officer posted at Mauritius

Embassies/missions abroad, is entitled to an official
Government vehicle under paragraph 5.8.1, he shall retain
responsibility of the car while on mission or leave with pay
for a period of up to six months.

(2) In case the officer wishes to retain responsibility of the

official Government vehicle beyond a period of six months,
he shall submit his request to the Senior Chief Executive,
Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms for

5.8.5 (1) Where an officer who has already benefited from the use of
a self-driven Government vehicle under paragraph 5.9.1,
subsequently qualifies for an official Government vehicle
under paragraph 5.8.1 and a driver's allowance under
paragraph 5.8.6 (2), he shall be eligible for a new official
Government vehicle only after five years have elapsed as
from the date of purchase of the self-driven Government

(2) Where an officer who is entitled to a 100% duty-free car,

subsequently qualifies for an official Government vehicle
within four years as from the date of purchase of the duty-
free car, he may retain his duty-free car and take the
official Government vehicle.

(3) The officer shall be exempted from the reimbursement of

proportionate excise duty on his duty remitted car except if
the car is sold within four years as from date of purchase.

5.8.6 (1) A Judge or an Accounting Officer who is also the

Responsible Officer of a Ministry/Department drawing a
monthly basic salary of Rs 47,500 or more and who prior to
01 July 2003, was entitled to a chauffeur-driven
Government vehicle, shall either continue to benefit from
the services of a driver on the establishment of the
Ministry/Department or from a pool of drivers on the
establishment of the Ministry of Civil Service and
Administrative Reforms or may opt for an all-inclusive
allowance in lieu of the services of a driver.

(2) As from 01 July 2003, an officer eligible for an official
Government vehicle under paragraph 5.8.1, shall be paid
an allowance in lieu of the services of a driver.

(3) Where an officer who is eligible for an allowance under sub-

paragraph (2) above, wishes to be provided with the services
of a driver either from the establishment of the
Ministry/Department concerned or from a pool of drivers
on the establishment of the Ministry of Civil Service and
Administrative Reforms in lieu of the allowance, he shall
submit his request to the Senior Chief Executive, Ministry
of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms for

5.8.7 (1) Where an officer is appointed in a temporary capacity in a

post carrying the benefit of an official Government vehicle,
he shall be provided with a Government vehicle from the
pool of cars of the Ministry/Department concerned, both for
his official duties and for his private use.

(2) Where the officer under sub-paragraph (1), wishes to be

provided with the services of a driver, he shall make a
request as laid down at paragraph 5.8.6 (3) above.

5.8.8 (1) Subject to sub-paragraphs (2) and (4), an officer who has
been appointed to act in a higher grade shall be eligible
exclusively to the car benefits of his substantive post.

(2) An officer who has been appointed to act or has been

assigned higher duties in a position of an Accounting and
Responsible Officer carrying a monthly basic salary of
Rs 47,500 or more, may exceptionally, be granted the use of
a Government vehicle, if available, provided the actingship
or assignment of duties has been made on the basis of
seniority or selection by the appropriate Service

(a) vice a permanent vacancy or a temporary vacancy

which will become permanent, or

(b) vice an officer holding a substantive appointment who

has proceeded on leave with pay or on mission for a
period exceeding one year.

(3) An officer who has been appointed to act or has been

assigned duties in a position of an Accounting and
Responsible Officer under sub-paragraph (2) above and who
wishes to be provided with the services of a driver, shall
make a request as laid down at paragraph 5.8.6 (3) above.

(4) An officer who has been granted the use of a Government

vehicle under sub-paragraph (2) above, shall be eligible for
petrol allowance under paragraph 3.5.9 (1), but shall forego
the car benefits of his substantive post during the period of
actingship or assignment of duties.

(5) An officer who has been assigned the duties of

Administrator, Office of the President or Secretary, Public
and Disciplined Forces Service Commissions and who is
subsequently appointed to act in another grade carrying the
benefit of an official Government vehicle, may be allowed to
retain the official Government vehicle allocated to him or be
provided with a Government vehicle from the pool until his
appointment in a substantive capacity in that grade.

(6) An officer who has been granted an official Government

vehicle under sub-paragraph (5) above, shall be paid a
monthly allowance in lieu of the services of a driver.

(7) Where the officer wishes to be provided with the services of

a driver instead of the allowance, he shall make a request
as laid down at paragraph 5.8.6 (3) above.

5.8.9 (1) Where an officer is eligible for an official Government

vehicle under paragraph 5.8.1, the monetary value of the
private use of the official Government vehicle shall be
reckoned for the computation of his retiring benefits.

(2) Where an officer who is eligible for an official Government

vehicle under paragraph 5.8.1, cannot take advantage of
the official Government vehicle because -

(a) of his posting at Mauritius Embassies/Missions

abroad; or
(b) he has been running his own duty-free car under the
provisions of paragraphs 5.8.2 and 5.8.5 (2); or
(c) of reasons beyond his control;

the monetary value of the private use of the official

Government vehicle shall be reckoned for the computation
of his retiring benefits.

5.8.10 (1) On retiring at the age of 50 or above, an officer may opt to

purchase the official Government vehicle allocated to him or
a new car with engine capacity appropriate to his grade, on
which excise duty would be remitted.

(2) Where an officer opts to purchase a new car in accordance

with sub-paragraph (1), the duty-free certificate issued to
him shall remain valid as from the date the officer proceeds
on leave prior to retirement up to six months after the
effective date of his retirement.

Section 9: Self-driven Government Vehicle

5.9.1 An Accounting Officer who is also the Responsible Officer of a

Ministry/Department, drawing a monthly basic salary of Rs
45,000, shall be entitled to the exclusive use of a self-driven
Government vehicle, both for his official duties and for his private
use, on such terms and conditions as may be determined from
time to time.

5.9.2 (1) An officer entitled to a self-driven Government vehicle may

opt for the purchase of a car with 100% duty remission.
The engine capacity of the car should not exceed that of the
self-driven Government vehicle to which he is entitled.

(2) Where an officer opts for a duty-remitted car under sub-
paragraph (1), he shall be eligible for loan facilities
equivalent to 18 months’ salary at interest rate of 7.5% per
annum refundable in 60 consecutive monthly instalments.
The car may be renewed every five years.

(3) An officer who wishes to renew his car at the expiry of the
five year period, shall be eligible for loan facilities up to a
maximum of 15 months’ salary, at interest rate of 7.5% per
annum refundable in 48 consecutive monthly instalments
for the purchase of another car with 100% duty remission,
provided he clears with the Accountant-General any
outstanding balance on his previous car loan.

5.9.3 (1) Where an officer who is entitled to a 100% duty-free car,

subsequently qualifies for a self-driven Government vehicle
within four years as from the date of purchase of the duty-
free car, he may retain his duty-free car and take the self-
driven Government vehicle.

(2) The officer shall be exempted from the reimbursement of

proportionate excise duty on his duty remitted car except if
the car is sold within four years as from date of purchase.

5.9.4 Where an officer is entitled to a self-driven Government vehicle

under paragraph 5.9.1, he shall retain responsibility of the car
while on leave prior to retirement

5.9.5 (1) Where an officer is entitled to a self-driven Government

vehicle under paragraph 5.9.1, he shall retain responsibility
of the car while on mission and/or leave with pay for a
period of up to six months.

(2) In case the officer wishes to retain responsibility of the self-

driven Government vehicle beyond a period of six months,
he shall submit his request to the Senior Chief Executive,
Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms for

5.9.6 Where an officer is appointed in a temporary capacity in a post

carrying the benefit of a self-driven Government vehicle, he shall
be provided with a Government vehicle from the pool of cars of
the Ministry/Department concerned, both for his official duties
and for his private use.

5.9.7 An officer who has been appointed to act or has been assigned
duties in a position of an Accounting and Responsible Officer
carrying a monthly basic salary of
Rs 45,000, may exceptionally, be granted the use of a
Government vehicle, if available, provided the actingship or
assignment of duties has been made on the basis of seniority or
selection by the appropriate Service Commission -

(a) vice a permanent vacancy or a temporary vacancy which

will become permanent and will, in normal circumstances,
be followed by substantive appointment; or

(b) vice an officer holding a substantive appointment who has
proceeded on leave with pay or on mission for a period
exceeding one year.

5.9.8 Where an officer is eligible for a self-driven Government vehicle

under paragraph 5.9.1, 75 per cent of the monetary value of the
private use of the self-driven Government vehicle shall be
reckoned for the computation of his retiring benefits.

5.9.9 (1) On retiring at the age of 50 or above, an officer entitled to a

self-driven Government vehicle, may opt to purchase the
self-driven Government vehicle allocated to him on such
terms and conditions as may be determined or a new car on
which duty shall be remitted within the prescribed ceiling.

(2) Where an officer opts to purchase a new car in accordance

with sub-paragraph (1), the duty-free certificate issued to
him shall remain valid as from the date the officer proceeds
on leave prior to retirement up to six months after the
effective date of his retirement.

5.9.10 For the purposes of this section, “Accounting and Responsible

Officer” means, an officer appointed Accounting Officer by the
Minister of Finance under Section 21 (1) of the Finance and Audit
Act and includes a “Responsible Officer”.

Section 10: Loans and Duty Concessions on Vehicles

5.10.1 (1) An officer drawing a monthly basic salary of Rs 42,500 or

more, who does not qualify for an official Government
vehicle or a self-driven Government vehicle, shall, as from
01 July 2004, be entitled to 100% duty remission on a car
of up to 1850 c.c, which may be renewed every five years.

(2) An officer under sub-paragraph (1) who already owns a

duty-remitted car of engine capacity of up to 1600 c.c, shall
be allowed to purchase another car of up to 1850 c.c only
on renewal of his present duty-remitted car at the expiry of
the five-year period as from the date of purchase.

(3) The officer shall not be eligible for reimbursement of excise

duty on the duty-remitted car purchased prior to 01 July

(4) Subject to the provisions governing changes in the

entitlement of car benefits, an officer who wishes to renew
his car at the expiry of the five-year period, shall be eligible
for loan facilities up to a maximum of 15 months’ salary, at
interest rate of 7.5% per annum refundable in 48
consecutive monthly instalments for the purchase of
another car with engine capacity of up to 1850 c.c with
100% duty remission, provided he clears with the
Accountant-General any outstanding balance on his
previous car loan.

5.10.2 (1) An officer, drawing a monthly basic salary of Rs 40,000 as

well as an officer drawing a monthly basic salary in a scale
the maximum of which is not less than Rs 40,000, shall be

entitled to 100% duty remission on the purchase of a car
with engine capacity of up to 1600 c.c, which may be
renewed every five years.

(2) An officer entitled to a duty-remitted car under sub-

paragraph (1) shall be eligible for loan facilities equivalent
to 18 months’ salary at interest rate of 7.5% per annum
refundable in 60 consecutive monthly instalments for the
first purchase of a car.

(3) Subject to the provisions governing changes in the

entitlement of car benefits, an officer who wishes to renew
his car at the expiry of the five year period, shall be eligible
for loan facilities up to a maximum of 15 months’ salary, at
interest rate of 7.5% per annum refundable in 48
consecutive monthly instalments for the purchase of
another car of engine capacity of up to 1600 c.c with 100%
duty remission, provided he clears with the Accountant-
General any outstanding balance on his previous car loan.

(4) Where an officer who has already purchased a 1400 c.c or

1500 c.c duty-free car, subsequently qualifies for a 1600 c.c
duty-free car under sub-paragraph 5.10.2 (1), he may

(a) retain his car and be refunded proportionate excise

duty, if any, thereon as from the date he qualifies for
a 1600 c.c duty-free car;
(b) purchase a new car on the same terms and
conditions at sub-paragraphs (1) and (2) provided he
reimburses the outstanding balance on his previous
car loan and pays the proportionate excise duty, if
any, on the duty-remitted car.

(c) An officer who opts to retain his car under sub-

paragraph 4 (a) above, shall be eligible for the
purchase of another car either five years as from the
date the excise duty was refunded or when the car is
seven years old or more.

(5) An officer who opts to purchase a car of engine capacity

exceeding 1600 c.c but not more than 2250 c.c, shall pay
the excise duty on the difference between a 1600 c.c car
and a car of engine capacity of up to 2250 c.c.

(6) An officer who has purchased a car of engine capacity of up

to 2250 c.c and has paid excise duty on the difference
between the 1400 or 1500 c.c duty-free car and a car of up
to 2250 c.c shall, if he opts to retain his car, be refunded
proportionate excise duty, if any, thereon as from the date
he qualifies for a car of up to 1600 c.c.

5.10.3 (1) An officer drawing a monthly basic salary of Rs 28,000 and

up to Rs 39,000 as well as registered professionals, namely-

Medical and Health Officer/Senior Medical

and Health Officer
Dental Surgeon/Senior Dental Surgeon
Senior District Magistrate
District Magistrate
Senior State Counsel
State Counsel
Senior State Attorney
State Attorney
Senior Quantity Surveyor
Quantity Surveyor
Senior Engineer
Senior Architect
Senior Pharmacist
Senior Veterinary Officer
Veterinary Officer
Senior Town and Country Planning Officer
Town and Country Planning Officer

shall be entitled to 100% duty remission on the purchase of

a car of engine capacity of up to 1500 c.c which may be
renewed every seven years.

(2) An officer entitled to a duty-remitted car under sub-

paragraph (1) shall be eligible for loan facilities equivalent
to 18 months' salary at interest rate of 7.5% per annum
refundable in 84 consecutive monthly instalments, for the
first purchase of a car.

(3) An officer who wishes to renew his car at the expiry of the
seven-year period, shall be eligible for loan facilities up to a
maximum of 15 months' salary, at interest rate of 7.5% per
annum refundable in 60 consecutive monthly instalments
for the purchase of another car of up to 1500 c.c with 100%
duty remission, provided he clears with the Accountant-
General any outstanding balance on his previous car loan.

(4) An officer who wishes to purchase a car with engine

capacity exceeding 1500 c.c but not more than 2250 c.c,
shall pay the excise duty on the difference between a 1500
c.c car and a car of up to 2250 c.c.

5.10.4 (1) Where an officer under paragraph 5.10.3 (1) is appointed in

a temporary capacity, he shall be allowed to purchase a
100% duty remitted car on the same terms and conditions
mentioned at paragraph 5.10.3, provided the temporary
appointment is made vice vacancies which will become

(2) In case the officer leaves the service or is reverted to his

former substantive post, he shall reimburse proportionate
excise duty if the departure or reversion of the officer
occurs within four years as from the date of the purchase of
the duty-remitted car.

5.10.5 Where an officer eligible for 100% duty remission on a car under
paragraph 5.10.1 and 5.10.2, retires at the age of 50 and above,

the duty-free certificate issued to him shall remain valid as from
the date he proceeds on leave prior to retirement up to six months
after the effective date of his retirement.

5.10.6 (1) An officer who belongs to any of the grades listed at

Appendix 5H shall be entitled to 70% duty remission or
duty remission up to a maximum of Rs 100,000, whichever
is the higher -

(a) for the first purchase of a new car of up to 1400 c.c

which may be renewed every seven years;

(b) for the purchase, every seven years, of an imported

second-hand reconditioned car of up to 1400 c.c of a
maximum age of four years, duly certified by
Government sources in the exporting country as
being in good running order;

(2) An officer who belongs to any of the grades listed at

Appendix 5H, shall be eligible for duty remission under
sub-paragraphs 1 (a) and 1 (b) up to a maximum of four
times unless he becomes eligible for 100% duty remission
by virtue of salary or promotion.

(3) Where an officer eligible for a 70% duty-remitted car or

duty remission up to a maximum of Rs 100,000 under sub-
paragraph (1) wishes to purchase a car with engine
capacity exceeding 1400 c.c but not more than 2250 c.c, he
shall pay the excise duty on the difference between a 1400
c.c and a car of up to 2250 c.c.

(4) An officer entitled to a 70% duty-remitted car or duty

remission up to a maximum of Rs 100,000 under sub-
paragraph (1) shall be eligible for loan facilities up to a
maximum of 21 months' salary at interest rate of 7.5% per
annum refundable in 84 consecutive monthly instalments
for the first purchase of a car.

(5) An officer who wishes to renew his car at the expiry of the
seven-year period shall be eligible for loan facilities up to a
maximum of 15 months' salary at interest rate of 7.5% per
annum refundable in 60 consecutive monthly instalments,
for the purchase of another car of up to 1400 c.c with 70%
duty remission or duty remission up to a maximum of
Rs 100,000, whichever is the higher.

(6) An officer who, after having benefited from 70% duty

remission or duty remission up to a maximum of Rs
100,000, whichever is the higher, for the purchase of a car,
subsequently qualifies for 100% duty remission, may -

(a) retain his car and be refunded proportionate excise

duty, if any, thereon, as from the date he qualifies for
100% duty remission;


(b) purchase another car on the same terms and
conditions laid down at paragraphs 5.10.3 provided
he reimburses the outstanding balance on his
previous car loan and pays the proportionate excise
duty, if any, on the previous duty-remitted car.

(c) Where the officer opts to retain his car under sub-
paragraph (6) (a) above, he shall be eligible for the
purchase of another car either seven years as from
the date the excise duty is refunded or when the car
is nine years old.

(7) Where an officer who is eligible for a 70% duty-remitted car

or duty remission up to a maximum of Rs 100,000 under
sub-paragraph (1), is subsequently promoted to a grade
carrying salary in the bracket of Rs 22,400 and up to Rs
30,000, he shall be allowed to renew the duty-remitted car
only after seven years have elapsed as from the date he
purchased the duty-remitted car.

5.10.7 (1) An officer drawing a monthly basic salary of Rs 21,600 or

more and who has never benefited from duty remission for
the purchase of a car, shall be eligible once during his
career for 70% duty remission or duty remission of Rs
100,000, whichever is the higher, for the purchase of a car
with engine capacity of up to 1400 c.c or an imported
reconditioned car of up to 1400 c.c of a maximum age of
four years duly certified by Government sources in the
exporting country as being in good running order, provided
he is 53 years of age and above and reckons at least 22
years service.

(2) Any outstanding loan on the previous purchase of a car

shall be reimbursed prior to the purchase of the car under
sub-paragraph (1) above.

(3) An officer, though less than 53 years of age, and drawing

either a monthly basic salary of Rs 27,200 or a monthly
basic salary of Rs 22,400 or more in a salary scale the
maximum of which is not less than Rs 30,000, and who
has never benefited from duty remission on a car, shall be
eligible once during his career for the purchase of a car
with 70% duty remission or duty remission up to a
maximum of Rs 100,000, whichever is the higher, on the
same terms and conditions as at sub-paragraph (1) above,
provided any outstanding loan on previous purchase of car
is reimbursed.

(4) (a) An officer eligible for duty remission under sub-

paragraphs (1) and (2) above, shall be eligible for duty
deferred facilities again only by virtue of eligibility
through promotion or on reaching monthly basic
salary point of Rs 28,000, subject to the provisions
laid down at paragraph 5.10.3.

(b) The grant of incremental credit in the master salary

scale up to monthly basic salary point of Rs 28,000

or more, under paragraph 1.2.1 (4) shall not qualify
an officer to any additional duty deferred facility.

(5) (a) An officer entitled to a duty-remitted car under sub-

paragraphs (1) and (2), shall be eligible for loan
facilities up to a maximum of 21 months' salary at
interest rate of 7.5% per annum refundable in 84
consecutive monthly instalments.

(b) Where the officer wishes to purchase a car with

engine capacity up to 2250 c.c, he shall pay the
excise duty on the difference between a 1400 c.c car
and a car of up to 2250 c.c.

(6) (a) Where an officer has already benefited from 60% duty
remission for the purchase of a car with engine
capacity of up to 1400 c.c prior to 01 July 2003, he
shall be eligible for 70% duty remission or duty
remission up to a maximum of Rs 100,000,
whichever is the higher, for the purchase of a car
with similar engine capacity only at the time of

(b) An officer under sub-paragraph (1), shall not be

eligible for a refund of excise duty on the difference
between the 60% and the 70% duty remission.

5.10.8 (1) Where an officer eligible for a 70% duty-remitted car or

duty remission up to a maximum of Rs 100,000 under
paragraph 5.10.6 travels regularly on slopy, rocky and
uneven roads to work on sites not easily accessible by
saloon cars, he may, subject to the approval of the
Supervising Officer, be exceptionally allowed, in genuine
cases only to purchase a 2 x 4 or 4 x 4 double-cab pick-up
vehicle on which customs duty is remitted.

(2) An officer who is eligible for a 2 x 4 or 4 x 4 double-cab

pick-up vehicle under sub-paragraph (1) and who has
purchased a saloon car, shall compulsorily use the car for
official purposes even on slopy, rocky and uneven roads.

5.10.9 (1) An officer, normally eligible for loan facilities to purchase a

car and who is required to perform field duties to some
extent on a regular basis, shall, on an individual basis, be
allowed to purchase a new car or an imported second-hand
car of up to four years old of engine capacity of up to 1400
c.c on which excise duty will be remitted up to a maximum
of Rs 100,000.

(2) An officer eligible for duty remission under sub-paragraph

(1) shall be eligible for loan facilities up to a maximum of 21
months’ salary at interest rate of 7.5% per annum
refundable in 84 consecutive monthly instalments for the
purchase of a car.

(3) An officer, generally not below the grade of a Higher

Executive Officer and who is entitled to loan facilities
without duty remission for the purchase of a car, and who
is called upon to perform official travelling particularly in
connection with control/enforcement duties on a regular
basis, may , on an individual basis, be eligible for the loan
facilities to purchase a car on the same basis at sub-
paragraphs (1) and (2) above.

(4) The criteria for eligibility for the remission of duties under
sub-paragraphs (1) and (3) shall be determined by the
Committee set up for that purpose.

5.10.10 As from 01 July 2004, where an officer chooses to purchase a

car of engine capacity higher than his normal entitlement, the
quantum of duty exemption he shall benefit from, shall not
exceed the quantum he shall have benefited had he purchased a
car corresponding to his entitlement in terms of engine capacity.

5.10.11 (1) (a) An officer drawing a monthly basic salary of Rs

19,400 and up to 27,200 and not entitled to duty
remission shall be granted loan facilities up to a
maximum of 21 months’ salary at interest rate of
7.5% per annum refundable in 84 consecutive
monthly instalments for the first purchase of a car up
to eight years old.

(b) The officer shall be allowed to renew his car after

seven years have elapsed as from the date of
purchase or when the car reaches eleven years as
from the date of its first registration, whichever is the
earlier, provided any outstanding balance on the
previous car loan is cleared.

(c) The officer who has been granted loan facilities for
the purchase of a car prior to 01 July 2003, may be
allowed up to 30 June 2005 to renew his car after
seven years have elapsed as from the date of
purchase or when the car reaches ten years as from
the date of its first registration, whichever is the
earlier, provided any outstanding balance on the
previous car loan is cleared.

(d) The loan facilities granted under sub-paragraph (b)

shall represent a maximum of 15 months’ salary at
interest rate of 7.5% per annum refundable in 60
consecutive monthly instalments.

(2) (a) An officer drawing a monthly basic salary of Rs

15,000 or more and who is required by his
Supervising Officer to attend duty on a fairly regular
basis at such hours when public transport and/or
official transport is not available, may, on an
individual basis, be granted, subject to the approval
of the Supervising Officer, loan facilities for the
purchase of a car of a maximum age of eight years
without excise duty remission.

(b) An officer irrespective of his grade who is called upon

to perform official travelling by car from time to time
on a regular basis, may, on an individual basis,

subject to the approval of the Supervising Officer, be
granted loan facilities for the purchase of a car of a
maximum age of eight years without excise duty

(c) The loan granted under sub-paragraphs (a) and (b)

shall represent a maximum of 21 months' salary at
interest rate of 7.5% per annum refundable in 84
consecutive monthly instalments.

(d) Where the officer wishes to renew his car, he shall be

granted loan facilities as at paragraph 5.10.12 (1).

(3) (a) An officer who is eligible for a loan to purchase a car

under sub-paragraph (2) may opt for loan facilities to
purchase an autocycle not exceeding 50 c.c or a
motorcycle of up to 150 c.c. Such officer shall not be
entitled to any duty remission on the

(b) The loan granted under sub-paragraph 3(a) shall

represent a maximum of 15 months' salary at interest
rate of 7.5.% per annum refundable in 84 consecutive
monthly instalments.

5.10.12 (1) An officer belonging to any of the grades listed at Appendix

5 I shall be entitled, once every seven years, to 100% duty
remission on the purchase of an autocycle which does not
exceed 50 c.c or a motorcycle of up to 150 c.c.

(2) An officer entitled to a 100% duty-remitted autocycle/

motorcycle under sub-paragraph (1) shall be eligible for
loan facilities equivalent to the duty-free price of an
autocycle/motorcycle subject to a maximum of 15 months'
salary at interest rate of 7.5% per annum refundable in 84
consecutive monthly instalments.

(3) Where an officer wishes to renew his autocycle/motorcycle

at the expiry of the seven-year period, he shall be eligible
for loan facilities up to a maximum of 15 months salary at
interest rate of 7.5% per annum refundable in 84
consecutive monthly instalments for the purchase of
another duty-free autocycle not exceeding 50 c.c. or a
motorcycle of up to 150 c.c.

(4) (a) An officer who is entitled to a duty-free autocycle/

motorcycle under sub-paragraph (1) and who is in
receipt of a monthly basic salary of Rs 12,200 and
above or is drawing salary in a scale the minimum of
which is not less than Rs 8,200 or who would have
been entitled to a duty-free autocycle/ motorcycle on
01 July 2003, may opt for loan facilities up to a
maximum of 21 months' salary at interest rate of
7.5% per annum refundable in 84 consecutive
monthly instalments for the purchase of a car of a
maximum age of eight years without duty remission.

(b) An officer who wishes to renew his car at the expiry of
the seven year period, shall be eligible for loan
facilities up to a maximum of 15 months' salary at
interest rate of 7.5% per annum refundable in 60
consecutive monthly instalments.

5.10.13 (1) Where an officer drawing salary in a scale the maximum

of which is not less Rs 10,000 and who is required by his
Supervising Officer to attend duty on a fairly regular basis
at such time when public transport and/or official
transport is not available, as well as an officer who has to
attend different sites of work on the same day in the
performance of his duties, may, on an individual basis, be
granted, subject to the approval of the Supervising Officer,
loan facilities for the purchase of an autocycle or
motorcycle with engine capacity of up to 150 c.c.

(2) The loan granted under sub-paragraph (1) shall represent

a maximum of 15 months' salary at interest rate of 7.5%
per annum refundable in not more than 84 consecutive
monthly instalments.

5.10.14 (1) As from 01 July 2004, an officer who has been granted
loan facilities for the purchase of a
car/autocycle/motorcycle either for the first time or for
renewal and does not produce documentary evidence of
the purchase, shall be required to refund the amount of
the loan together with the interest accrued thereon by a
date to be set by the Accountant-General.

(2) An officer under sub-paragraph (1) shall forego the

privilege of the grant of another loan until such time he
qualifies anew for loan facilities after the prescribed

5.10.15 Where an officer uses a bicycle for official travelling, he shall be

eligible, every seven years, for a loan equivalent to the price of
an ordinary standard bicycle, which is free of duty refundable in
84 consecutive monthly instalments at interest rate of 7.5% per

5.10.16 (1) In general, an officer who is -

(a) on leave prior to retirement, or

(b) on leave without pay, or
(c) under interdiction,

shall not be eligible for loan for the purchase of vehicles.

(2) The refund of a loan shall be deferred for any period of

leave without pay which does not exceed one year.

(3) In case, the period of leave without pay exceeds one year,
the officer shall settle the outstanding balance on his car
loan within a period of six months following the initial one
year period, on such terms and conditions as may be
deemed appropriate by the Accountant-General.

5.10.17 (1) The grant of duty concessions is subject to the following
conditions -

(a) where an officer resigns or is dismissed from the

service or sells his vehicle within four years from the
date of its registration with the National Transport
Authority, a proportionate amount of excise duty
shall be payable to the Customs and Excise

(b) as a normal rule, no application for duty concession

on another vehicle shall be entertained before the
expiry of five or seven years, as appropriate, from the
date the vehicle is registered with the National
Transport Authority.

(2) It shall be the responsibility of the officer who has been

granted duty-free privileges to take a comprehensive
insurance cover for his vehicle on its market value with full

Section 11: Salary during Interdiction

5.11.1 (1) An officer who has been interdicted from the exercise and
functions of his office shall, pending the determination of
his case, continue to be paid his salary.

(2) Notwithstanding sub-paragraph (1), where an officer is

sentenced to a term of imprisonment, payment of his salary
shall be stopped with immediate effect even if the officer.

Section 12: Issue of Tools

5.12.1 A Supervising Officer shall ensure that Tradesmen are not called
upon to incur undue expenditure on tools and that, where
possible, tools be issued on charge to Tradesmen.

Section 13: Tour of Service in Rodrigues/Outer Islands:

Special Conditions

5.13.1 An officer may be required to serve a tour of service in Rodrigues

notwithstanding his terms of employment.

5.13.2 (1) An officer who is domiciled in Mauritius and is posted to

Rodrigues for a minimum tour of service of 12 months is
eligible for the following -

(a) Passages

(i) one free passage, to and from Rodrigues for

himself, his spouse and up to three dependent
children below the age of 21;

(ii) two free return tickets from Rodrigues for

medical treatment in Mauritius in respect of
himself or any immediate member of his family,
as at sub-paragraph (i) above, provided a
Government Medical Officer certifies that such
medical treatment is not available in Rodrigues
and cannot safely be postponed until the end of
his tour of service, and that the patient needs to
be accompanied.

(b) Transport

(i) free transport by sea of his personal effects to

the extent of 6 cubic metres;

(ii) subject to the approval of the Ministry of Local

Government, free transport by sea of his car/

provided that the total volume of (i) and (ii) does not
exceed 12 cubic metres.

(c) Vacation Leave as at paragraph 4.9.12.

(d) Disturbance Allowance as at paragraph 3.8.1.
(e) Inducement Allowance as at paragraph 3.9.1.
(f) Free Quarters.

(2) (a) (i) An officer, accompanied by his spouse and

children, whose tour of service in Rodrigues is
extended for another 12 months, shall be
entitled to two free return tickets to Mauritius.

(ii) A single officer whose tour of service in

Rodrigues is extended for another 12 months,
shall be entitled to one free return ticket to

(b) The entitlement of free return tickets under sub-

paragraphs (a) and (b) shall be limited to three tours
of service only.

5.13.3 An officer who is posted to the Outer Islands other than

Rodrigues will be eligible for:-

(a) One free passage for himself, his spouse and up to three
dependent children below the age of 21.
(b) Vacation leave as at paragraph 4.9.12.
(c) Disturbance allowance as at paragraph 3.8.1.
(d) Government Quarters as at paragraph 5.7.4

Section 14: Appointment on Contract

5.14.1 (1) The power to appoint officers on contract against

established posts rests with the appropriate Service

(2) (a) Appointment of Advisers on contract is made under

section 89(3)(h) of the Constitution and with the
approval of the Prime Minister.

(b) Recommendations made to the Prime Minister shall

be channelled through the Secretary to Cabinet and
Head of the Civil Service.

5.14.2 Subject to paragraph 5.14.1, the conditions of service should be
cleared with the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative
Reforms prior to recruitment or renewal of contract.

5.14.3 (1) The salary of officers appointed on contract under sub-

paragraph 5.14.1 (1) shall normally be the salary attached
to the established post.

(2) The salary of Advisers shall generally be determined on the

basis of existing posts with comparable levels of
responsibilities in the service.

5.14.4 The conditions of service of an Adviser/officer on contract, except

for leave, passage benefits and duty free facilities, shall be in line
with what obtains in the service.
5.14.5 (1) An Adviser/officer whose contract is of less than one year
duration shall not be entitled to any leave.

(2) (a) An Adviser/officer employed on contract for a period

of one year or more shall be entitled to leave as
follows –

Annual leave - at the rate of 21 working days for each

year of contract

Sick leave - at the rate of 21 working days for each

year of contract

(b) An Adviser/officer whose contract of one year

duration or more is extended for a further period of
less than one year, shall be entitled to leave on a pro-
rata basis.

(c) The annual leave as at (a) may be taken on and off to

cater for brief absences.

(3) At the end of each year of contract -

(a) annual leave not taken by an officer may either be
cashed or accumulated;
(b) unutilised sick leave shall not be convertible into

(4) An Adviser or an officer on contract shall not be allowed to

earn passage benefits during the 21 days annual leave,
whether taken or cashed.

5.14.6 Where an Adviser/officer on contract is a foreigner, i.e. his

permanent residence is not in Mauritius, he shall be eligible for -

(a) economy class air passages from country of permanent

residence to Mauritius on appointment and back on expiry
of contract, for self, spouse and up to three dependent
children below the age of 21, subject to the following -

(i) if the contract is of one year duration and is renewed,

passages will be granted after two years;
(ii) for subsequent extension of contract, passages will be
granted every two years, unless the contract is
extended for a final period of less than two years.

(b) an allowance to cover the cost of a maximum of 25 kgs of

excess luggage by air provided the cost thereof does not
exceed the amount that would have been payable had a
maximum of four tons (4.5 cu.m) of baggage been
transported by sea, on appointment to Mauritius and on
expiry of final contract.

(c) a transfer grant equivalent to five per cent of his annual

salary, to cover incidental charges, on expiry of final

(d) (i) Government quarters furnished with basic heavy


(ii) Where Government quarters are not available,

payment of a rent allowance at the approved rates.

5.14.7 (1) A Senior Adviser on contract at a level corresponding to a

Chief Technical Officer of a large Ministry, shall be eligible
for either 100% duty remission for the purchase of a car of
engine capacity of up to 1850 c.c or a car allowance of Rs
4,000 a month in lieu thereof and be paid either a monthly
travelling allowance of Rs 6,980 or mileage at the rate of Rs
3.65 per kilometre together with a car allowance of Rs
2,880 a month, whichever is the higher, both for attending
duty and for official travelling.

(2) (a) An Adviser or an officer on contract with salary in the

range of Rs 40,000 and up to Rs 45,000 a month,
shall be eligible for either 100% duty remission for
the purchase of a car with engine capacity of up to
1600 c.c or a car allowance of Rs 3,700 a month in
lieu thereof and be paid either a monthly travelling
allowance of Rs 6,980 or mileage at the rate of Rs
3.65 per kilometre together with a car allowance of Rs
2,880 a month, whichever is the higher, both for
attending duty and for official travelling.

(b) An Adviser or an officer on contract under sub-

paragraph (2) (a) above, may be allowed to purchase a
car with a higher engine capacity but not exceeding
2250 c.c, provided he pays excise duty on the
difference between a car of 1600 c.c and a car of up
to 2250 c.c

(3) An Adviser or an officer on contract with salary in the range

of Rs 28,000 and up to Rs 39,000 a month, shall be eligible
for either 100% duty remission for the purchase of a car
with engine capacity of up to 1500 c.c or a car allowance of
Rs 2050 a month in lieu thereof and be paid, either a
monthly travelling allowance of Rs 6,980 or mileage at the
rate of Rs 3.65 per kilometre together with a car allowance

of Rs 2,880 a month, whichever is the higher, both for
attending duty and for official travelling.

(4) An Adviser or an officer on contract who is not eligible for

the purchase of a duty remitted car by virtue of salary, but
is required to perform extensive field duties may, provided
he satisfies the conditions applicable for officers in the
service and subject to the approval of the Committee
mentioned at paragraph 5.10.9 (4), be granted either duty
remission up to Rs 100,000 for the purchase of a car with
engine capacity of up to 1400 c.c or a car allowance of Rs
1190 a month in lieu of the Rs 100,000 duty remission and
mileage for official travelling at the rate of Rs 7.25 per
kilometre for the first 800 Kilometres and Rs 3.65 per
kilometre for over 800 kilometres.

5.14.8 (1) An officer on contract, shall, at the beginning of the

contract, opt either for duty deferred facilities for the
purchase of a car or a car allowance in lieu thereof.

(2) The option under sub-paragraph (1) shall be, subject to

negotiation and, once exercised, shall be irrevocable for a
period of five or seven years, as applicable.

5.14.9 (1) An officer on contract appointed in the capacity of an

Accounting and Responsible Officer of a
Ministry/Department against an established post shall be
entitled to an official Government Vehicle and car benefits
as at paragraph 5.8.1.

(2) Where an officer on contract is eligible for an official

Government vehicle under sub-paragraph (1), he shall not
be allowed to purchase the official Government vehicle
allocated to him at the expiry of his contract unless he has
served in the capacity of an Accounting and Responsible
Officer for a continuous period of five years.

(3) An officer on contract who has been appointed in an

executive capacity against an established post other than
an Accounting and Responsible Officer shall be granted,
except for loan facilities, the same car benefits as applicable
for corresponding grades in the Service.

5.14.10 (1) An Adviser or an officer on contract employed in the

capacity of a professional under paragraph 5.10.3 (1), shall
be eligible for travelling allowance as at paragraph 3.5.8 (4)
(a) and (6).

(2) An Adviser or an officer on contract who is not entitled to

100% duty remission on a car and who draws salary in the
range of Rs 19,400 and up to Rs 27, 200, shall be eligible to
a monthly travel grant of Rs 4,650 for using his car to
attend duty.

5.14.11 (1) An Adviser or an officer on contract, of Mauritian nationality

as well as expatriates employed on contract, may be granted
loan facilities in accordance with what obtains for officers in
corresponding grades/salary levels in the Service, subject to
the production of a bank guarantee covering the full amount
of the loan.

(2) Where the Adviser or the officer on contract of Mauritian

nationality or the expatriate do not subscribe to a bank
guarantee, he may be granted loan facilities up to
maximum of 12 months’ salary at interest rate of 7.5% per
annum refundable in 48 consecutive monthly instalments.

(3) An officer on contract who has taken advantage of loan

facilities from the Treasury and benefited from duty
remission for the purchase of a car, shall reimburse the
outstanding loan and/or proportionate duty, if any, within
a month as from the date the contract expires/is

(4) An Adviser or an officer on contract who has benefited from

duty remission on the purchase of a car shall pay
proportionate duty if his contract expires/is terminated/or
if the car is sold within four years as from the date of
purchase of the car.

5.14.12 Where an officer employed on contract is a retired public officer

who has purchased the official Government vehicle allocated to
him or has benefited from 100% excise duty remission on the
purchase of a car and, but for this paragraph, would have
qualified for another official Government vehicle or duty-free car
on his employment on contract, he shall not be allowed to
purchase another official Government vehicle or duty-free car
within a period of five or seven years as appropriate, from the last
date of purchase.

5.14.13 (1) Subject to sub-paragraph (3), an officer on contract shall be

eligible for end-of-contract gratuity in lieu of pension at the
standard rate of 25% of salary drawn.

(2) The gratuity shall be payable after 12 months satisfactory

service, if the contract is for more than 12 months.

(3) The gratuity in respect of an officer on contract who has an

outstanding loan on the purchase of a car with the
Treasury, shall be payable at the expiry of the contract.
Such amount shall be offset against any outstanding loan
with the Treasury on termination/expiry of contract.

(4) An Adviser or an officer on contract who has not contracted

any loan with the Treasury as well as an Adviser or an
officer on contract who has been granted loan facilities and
subscribed to a bank guarantee covering the full amount of
the loan, shall be eligible for gratuity after each year of

Section 15: End-of-Year Bonus

5.15.1 An end-of-year bonus equivalent to one month's salary shall be

payable to an officer including students, trainees or apprentices
who draw an allowance instead of salary or wage, whether on a

monthly or daily basis, and who has served for a full calendar
year and is still in employment on 31 December.

5.15.2 (1) An end-of-year bonus on a pro-rata basis in respect of the

period actually served in a calendar year shall be paid to an
officer who -

(a) reckons less than one year's service and is still in

employment on 31 December;
(b) has retired during the year;
(c) was on approved leave without pay during the year
and has resumed duty; or
(d) has joined a parastatal body and is still in
employment on 31 December, provided he has not
resigned from the Service.

(2) An officer who is on approved leave on half pay during the

whole or part of the calendar year, shall be eligible for a
proportion of the end-of-year bonus which the monthly
salary actually drawn by him during the year bears to the
total annual salary.

5.15.3 (1) An end-of-year bonus shall be payable to the following

categories of employees who reckon continuous
employment with their employer for whole or part of the
year and are still in employment on 31 December –

(a) a Substitute employee who is employed on an “on

and off basis” and who is paid on a daily basis;

(b) a resource person who is employed on a sessional

basis and who is paid on a month-to-month basis;

(c) a person who is employed on a sessional basis under

a Bank Scheme.

(2) The employees mentioned under sub-paragraph (1) above

shall be eligible to a proportion of the bonus which the
salary/wage/allowance/fee actually drawn during the year
in respect of normal hours of work bears to the total annual
salary/wage of the corresponding grade or where there is
no corresponding grade, to a proportion of the bonus which
the fees actually drawn during the year bear to the total
annual fees of an employee who would have worked full

5.15.4 (1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), an end-of-year bonus shall

not be paid to an officer who has resigned or has been
dismissed from the service or is under interdiction.

(2) Where an officer has been reinstated, he shall not be paid

an end-of-year bonus in respect of the period of interdiction
except with the approval of the Financial Secretary.

5.15.5 As from 01 July 2003, on the death of an officer, an end-of-year

bonus on a pro-rata basis in respect of the period actually served
in the year, shall be paid to his heirs.
Paragraph 5.1.2

Guidelines for the Submission of Proposals for the Creation

of New and Additional Posts


(a) It is the responsibility of the Supervising Officer of the

Ministry/Department to ensure that optimum use is made of
the human resources of his organisation. In particular, he must
ensure that -

(i) manpower requirements match the prevailing workload;


(ii) the human resources of the organisation are fully utilised

at the level at which they are expected to operate.

(b) Supervising Officers should encourage managers/ supervisors

of administrative units at all levels to continuously monitor staff
requirements and ensure that individual officers have well
defined functions and tasks directed towards the
accomplishment of organisational goals and objectives.


(a) The need for the creation of a new post must be well

(b) It must be clearly stated whether the creation of the new post is
warranted as a result of -

(i) the staffing of a new function linked to a new (or a change

in) policy goal/objective or to the implementation of a

(ii) a new level of responsibility which must be created within

an existing structure to increase organisational
effectiveness and efficiency.

(c) Information must be provided on the activities/

operations/tasks associated with the new post and what they
are intended to achieve. Wherever possible, the benefits to be
derived must be quantified.

(d) The creation of the post must be envisaged only after the
following possibilities of carrying out the new function have
been explored -

(i) re-allocation of duties;

(ii) redeployment of staff;

(iii) improvement of work methods;

(iv) use of new equipment;

APPENDIX 5A (contd.)

(v) passing the work on to another organisation within the

public sector where it can be done more efficiently and

(vi) depending on priority of needs, postponing the work for

another budget;

(vii) contracting out.

(e) The number of posts to be created and their concommittant

levels must also be fully justified. If the posts constitute a new
structure, an organisation chart must be submitted depicting
clearly its interlinkages within the broader organisation of the

(f) The duties, responsibilities, qualifications (i.e. knowledge, skills

and abilities), experience and personal qualities required for the
post must be accurately and clearly spelt out.

(g) The following practices must be avoided -

(i) multi-layering, i.e the creation of grades without taking

into account the scope of the work and levels of
responsibility involved. A new level may be created only
when it brings added value to the work;

(ii) creation of supervisory posts for the mere sake of giving


(iii) creation of isolated posts which are not integrated in a

career structure;

(iv) creation of permanent posts to meet temporary needs.


(a) Additional posts are normally created when there is substantial

increase in the volume and complexity of work. This can only
be ascertained after a job inspection has been carried out.

(b) The creation of additional posts must be resorted to after all the
possibilities listed at 2(d) above have been exhausted.


Paragraph 5.1.3 ESTAB Form I

Proposal for Creation of New Post(s)

1. Ministry/Department ….......................................................
2. Title ..........................................................

Salary scale ..........................................................

No. of Posts ..........................................................

Additional annual cost ..........................................................

3. Proposed Duties and Qualifications
Attach statement if necessary)

4. Has proposal been discussed
in Departmental Whitley Council
or with Staff Association and
if so, with what result?
5. What arrangements are made for
carrying out the duties at present?
6. Reasons for creation of post/s.
State why reallocation of work
or redeployment of existing
staff cannot be effected.
7. State whether post/s to be filled by
(i) first appointment
(ii) promotion and from what
(iii) on contract
8. Has any candidate been sent on
training to qualify for
appointment to the post/s?

Date ....................... ........................................................

Head of Department

APPENDIX 5B (contd.)

9. Ministry's Comments
(Where applicable)

Date ...................... .....................................................

Supervising Officer
10. Recommendations of Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms

Date ...................... ...............................................

Senior Chief Executive
Ministry of Civil Service and
, and Administrative Reforms

11. Ministry of Finance and Economic Development's Decision

Date ...................... ..................................................

Financial Secretary


Paragraph 5.1.3 ESTAB Form 2

Recommendation for Creation of Additional Post(s)

in an Existing Establishment

1. Ministry/Department ....................................................................
2. Title ......................................................................

Salary scale .....................................................................

Present number of Posts ......................................................................

Additional post(s) required .....................................................................

Additional annual cost .....................................................................

3. Reasons for the increase
(to be supported by statistics
where applicable)

4. Has proposal been discussed
in Departmental Whitley Council,
and if so, with what result?

Date ....................... ..................................................

Head of Department

APPENDIX 5C (contd.)

5. Ministry's Comments
(Where applicable)

Date ...................... ............................................

Supervising Officer
6. Recommendations of Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms

Date ...................... ..............................................

Senior Chief Executive
. Ministry of Civil Service and
Administrative Reforms
7 Ministry of Finance and Economic Development's Decision

Date ...................... ......................................................

Financial Secretary


Paragraph 5.1.3 ESTAB Form 3

Recommendation for Restyling/Regrading of Post(s)

1. Ministry/Department .....................................................................
2. Existing Title ......................................................................

Proposed Title ......................................................................

(where applicable)

Number of posts ......................................................................

Present Salary ......................................................................

Proposed Salary .....................................................................

(where applicable)

Additional annual cost ......................................................................

3. Reasons for restyling/regrading

4. Present Scheme of Service
(attach statement if necessary)

5. Proposed Scheme of Service
(attach statement if necessary)

6. Has proposal been discussed
in Departmental Whitley Council,
and if so, with what result?

Date ....................... ..................................................

Head of Department

APPENDIX 5D (contd.)

7. Ministry's Comments
(where applicable)

Date ...................... .....................................................

Supervising Officer

8. Recommendations of Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms

Date ...................... .........................................

Senior Chief Executive
Ministry of Civil Service
and administrative Reforms

Appendix 5E
Paragraph 5.2.1 (2)

Short-term Measures normally resorted to by public sector

organizations to tackle recruitment and/or retention problems can be
broadly classified under the following four categories –

1. Employment Practices

(a) Employment on contract or consultancy basis of locals and

(b) Employment on sessional basis
(c) Employment on a month-to-month basis under delegated
powers of the Public Service Commission
(d) Setting up of Internal and External Bank Schemes of officers
for employment on sessional basis.

2. Training Schemes

(a) Mounting of appropriate courses locally

(b) Setting up of training schemes for recruitment of
cadets/trainees for local and overseas training

3. Organisational Remedies

(a) Assignment of duties to existing staff

(b) Restructuring existing schemes of service to widen scope of
recruitment e.g consideration to be given also to candidates
who lack part of the basic pre-professional qualification.
(c) Insertion of first intake provision to give consideration to
officers who have been performing the duties of the grade
(d) Reduction in the duration of training period for trainee grades
(e) Waiving of age limit
(f) Assignment of duties to less qualified persons

4. Reward Strategies

(a) Grant of privilege of private practice as a joining –in

inducement, subject to certain conditions and ministerial
(b) Improvement of career structures to enhance the scope of
(c) Negotiable point of entry in salary scales
(d) Grant of allowances for performance of additional duties.

Alternative Modes of appointment which can be considered as a

means to overcome the problem of shortage of experts or skilled
personnel in specific areas

1. Fixed-term Appointments

Fixed-term appointments (FTAs) are appointments which are made

for a specified period of time. Such arrangements are presently
being used in the Civil Service only where there is a genuine
management need to make an appointment of limited duration,
rather than a permanent appointment. For example, the task may
be of limited duration or there is a short-term need to employ staff
for a particular period.

Appendix 5E (contd)

2. Casual Appointments

Casual appointments are temporary appointments to meet short-term

needs. Departments may use casuals only where there is a genuine
management need to employ people for a short period, rather than make a
permanent appointment. For example, they may need to cover unexpected
increases in workload, maternity leave, prolonged sick leave or to help re-
deploy staff in the case of the closure of an office. In general, the
maximum length of a continuous casual appointment is 12 months, but it
can of course be less.

3. Recurring Temporary Appointments

These are arrangements under which staff are contracted to work for short
periods each year. The dates for employment for each year and the
number of years of which the employment is offered are agreed in advance
and set out in the letter of appointment. Such appointments can be useful
when a department needs extra staff at certain periods of the year, for
example to cover peak periods of work or to provide back-up when staff are
absent on leave and work cannot be held over. The temporary option helps
maintain organisational flexibility and may avoid unnecessary workforce
adjustment costs particularly overtime.

5. Employing People to Work at Short Notice

This arrangement allows managers to employ people to work at short

notice, usually for short periods at a time. It may be used when a
department needs extra staff to cover unforeseen or temporary shortages of
permanent staff, or to deal with tasks which occur on an irregular basis.
This might include covering prolonged sick absences or annual leave,
covering short-term peaks of work or offering work to former members of
staff who have retired but would still like to work for short periods.

6. Standby Appointments

This is a more formal arrangement than short notice employment. Under

standby appointments, people contract to make themselves available for
work for short period each year and to accept work whenever they are
called upon, subject to an agreed period of notice. The dates of
employment for each year, the number of years for which employment is
offered and the period of notice before each work assignment are all agreed
in advance and set out in the letter of appointment.

6. Part-time Employment
Part-time employees are those working less than the standards hours
(inclusive of lunch time) a day. Because this employment type can
increase resource flexibility, it is done by approving requests of existing
full-time employees who voluntarily wish to work part-time hours and by
staffing more vacancies on a part-time basis.

7. Specified Period (term) Employment

Term appointments are made for a specific period of time to deal
with such things as specific projects, workload fluctuations, and
programmes which have sunset funding. Term appointments are
also used to deal with organisational change or downsizing.

Paragraph 5.4.3 (3)

Departmental Board Report

(G.O.A 526 to 531 - Injuries Committee)

1. Name of person injured ................................................................

2. Residence .....................................................................................

3. Post ............................. Wages p.year .....................

4. Nature of injury ............................................................................

5. Description of accident .................................................................

(a) Date ...................... Place ......................................................

(b) How happened (very briefly) ..................................................


6. Date to which full wages/salary have been paid ………………........

7. Date from which absent ........... Date of resumption ....................

8. Period recommended by Medical Certificate (annexed) from ...... to

........ (including stay at hospital). State how many certificates
annexed ...............

9. Period for which full wages/salary are recommended: from

.......... or ............ working days.

10. If period at 9 does not agree with period at 8 give reasons:-


11. Statement(s) from .............. witness(es) of the accident is/are


Report of Board:-

(i) Did accident occur while injured person was on duty?

(ii) Was accident due to fault of injured person? ......

(iii) Was injured person acting in accordance with Departmental

rules and regulations at time of accident?

Signed ................................................
Date: .................. ................................................

APPENDIX 5F (contd.)

Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health and Quality of Life


2. I concur in the Board's findings ........................................................



3. I recommend that full wages/salary be paid for the time the employee
was incapacitated:

from ................... to …………....... or ...........................working days

at Rs. ...................................... or Rs. ............................................

Date .......................

Head of Ministry

Paragraph 5.7.1

List of Grades entitled for Free Government Quarters

Ministry/Department Grade

Police All disciplined staff

Mauritius Prisons Service All disciplined staff

Agro Industry and Fisheries

Forests Deputy Forest Ranger

Divisional Forest Assistant


Forest Guard

Forest Ranger

Paragraph 5.10.6

List of Grades eligible for a Loan to purchase a 70%

Duty-free Car for Official Travelling

Ministry/Department Grade

Agro Industry and Agricultural Superintendent

Fisheries Laboratory Technologist
Research and Development Officer
Senior Agricultural Analyst
Senior Agricultural Superintendent
Senior Laboratory Technologist
Senior Research and Development Officer
Senior Technical Officer
Technical Officer

Cane Planters and Area Superintendent

Millers Arbitration Senior Area Superintendent
and Control Board Senior Technical Officer
Sugar Technologist
Technical Officer

Forests Assistant Conservator of Forests

Divisional Forest Assistant

National Parks and Research and Development Officer

Conservation Service (Wildlife)

Fisheries Controller, Fisheries Protection Service

Deputy Controller, Fisheries
Protection Service
Assistant Controller, Fisheries
Protection Service
Scientific Officer (Fisheries)
Senior Technical Officer (Fisheries)
Technical Officer (Fisheries)
Arts and Culture Arts Officer
Events Management Officer
Principal Arts Officer
Secretary, Board of Film Censors
Senior Arts Officer
Senior Events Management Officer

Attorney-General’s Office Curator of Vacant Estates

and Ministry of Justice
and Human Rights

Education and Human Assistant Supervisor (The Arts)

Resources Assistant Supervisor (Oriental
Educational Psychologist
Music Organiser
Physical Education Organiser

APPENDIX 5H (contd.)

List of Grades eligible for a Loan to purchase a 70%

Duty-free Car for Official Travelling

Ministry/Department Grade

Education and Human Primary School Inspector

Resources (contd) Senior Primary School Inspector
Senior Supervisor of Oriental Languages
Superintendent, Specialised Schools
Supervisor (The Arts)
Supervisor of Oriental Languages

Careers Guidance Service Careers Officer

Senior Careers Officer

Electoral Commissioner’s Electoral Officer

Office Principal Electoral Officer
Senior Electoral Officer

Environment and National Development Unit

Department of Environment Environment Officer

Scientific Officer (Environment)
Technical Officer/Senior
Technical Officer (Environment)

Living Environment Unit Chief Inspector

Senior Inspector

National Development Unit Assistant Regional Development Officer

Regional Development Officer
Senior Regional Development Officer
Technical Officer

Finance and Economic Development

Customs and Excise Chief Customs and Excise Officer

Income Tax Chief Inspector of Taxes

Investigating Officer
Principal Inspector of Taxes
Senior Investigating Officer

Large Taxpayer Tax Investigator

Management Audit Bureau Financial and Management Analyst

Senior Financial and Management

Treasury Accountant

Valuation Chief Valuation Technician

Government Valuer
Principal Valuation Technician
Senior Government Valuer
Senior Valuation Technician

APPENDIX 5H (contd.)

List of Grades eligible for a Loan to purchase a 70%

Duty-free Car for Official Travelling

Ministry/Department Grade

Value Added Tax Chief Revenue Officer

Investigating Officer
Principal Revenue Officer
Senior Investigating Officer

Health and Quality of Life Assistant Health Information, Education

and Communication Officer
Blood Donor Organiser
Chief Pharmacy Dispenser
Chief Radiographer
Chief Medical Laboratory Technician
Clinical Psychologist
Community Health Development
Deputy Chief Health Inspector
Health Engineering Assistant
Health Information, Education
and Communication Officer
Health Promotion Co-ordinator
Medical Social Worker
Occupational Therapist
Principal Community Health
Nursing Officer
Principal Health Information, Education
and Communication Officer
Principal Health Inspector
Principal Health Surveillance Officer
Principal Supervisor,(Female)
(Family Planning)
Regional Health Services Administrator
Scientific Officer, Vector
Biology and Control Division
Senior Health Inspector
Senior Nurse Educator
Senior Health Engineering Assistant
Senior/Principal Health Economist
Senior Medical Social Worker
Senior Speech Therapist and Audiologist
Supervisor/Senior Supervisor
(Female) (Family Planning)
Senior Community Health Nursing
Senior Health Information, Education
and Communication Officer
Speech Therapist and Audiologist
Transport Superintendent

APPENDIX 5H (contd.)

List of Grades eligible for a Loan to purchase a 70%

Duty-free Car for Official Travelling

Ministry/Department Grade

Housing and Lands Principal Town and Country

Planning Draughtsman

Industry, Small and Medium Industrial Analyst

Enterprises, Commerce and Manager, Industrial Co-ordination
Co-operatives and SME Development
Senior Industrial Analyst

Assay Office Assistant Controller of Assay

Senior Technical Officer (Assay Office)

Commerce Commercial Officer

Legal Metrologist
Senior Commercial Officer
Senior Technical Officer (Legal Metrology)
Technical Officer (Legal Metrology)

Co-operatives Co-operative Officer

Co-operative Development Officer
Divisional Co-operative Officer
Principal Co-operative Officer
Senior Co-operative Officer

Information Technology and Telecommunications

Central Information Systems Analyst

Systems Division Senior Systems Analyst

Judicial Chief Court Usher

Official Receiver
Principal Court Usher
Senior Court Usher
Court Usher

Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment

Labour Administration and Labour and Industrial Relations Officer

Industrial Relations Principal Labour and Industrial
Relations Officer
Senior Labour and Industrial
Relations Officer

Occupational Safety and Occupational Safety and Health

Health Inspectorate Inspector
Principal Occupational Safety
and Health Inspector
Senior Occupational Safety and
Health Inspector

APPENDIX 5H (contd.)

List of Grades eligible for a Loan to purchase a 70%

Duty-free Car for Official Travelling

Ministry/Department Grade

Registry of Associations Inspector of Associations

Principal Inspector of Associations
Senior Inspector of Associations

Boards and Commissions Remuneration Analyst

Senior Remuneration Analyst

Employment Service Chief Employment Officer

Deputy Director, Employment Service
Senior Employment Officer

Local Government

Solid Waste, Beach Local Government Enforcement Officer

Management and Field Principal Local Government
Services Unit Enforcement Officer
Senior Local Government
Enforcement Officer

Fire Services Deputy Chief Fire Officer

National Audit Office Auditor

Senior Auditor

Prime Minister's Office

Defence and Home Affairs Co-ordinator, Security Matters

Civil Status Deputy Registrar of Civil Status

Principal Civil Status Officer
Registrar of Civil Status
Forensic Science Laboratory Forensic Technologist
Forensic Scientist

Government Information Senior Information Officer


Meteorological Services Meteorologist

Pay Research Bureau Survey Officer

Police Chief Catering Administrator

Public Infrastructure, Assistant Quantity Surveyor

Land Transport and Chief Draughtsman
Shipping (Public Infrastructure Chief Inspector of Works
(Division) Materials Testing Officer
Principal Draughtsman
Principal Technical Officer
(Civil Engineering)
APPENDIX 5H (contd.)

List of Grades eligible for a Loan to purchase a 70%

Duty-free Car for Official Travelling

Ministry/Department Grade

Public Infrastructure Division Principal Technician (Quantity

(contd) Surveying)
Senior Inspector of Works
Senior Technical Officer (Civil
Senior Technical and Mechanical Officer
Senior Technical Officer
(Materials Testing Laboratory)
Senior Technician (Quantity Surveying)
Technical and Mechanical Officer
Technical Officer

Land Transport and Principal Technical Officer

Shipping (Civil Engineering)
Senior Technical Officer
(Civil Engineering)
Senior Inspector of Works
Technical Officer (Civil Engineering)

National Transport Assistant Transport Planner

Authority Chief Road Transport Inspector
Principal Road Transport Inspector
Road Transport Inspector
Senior Road Transport Inspector
Public Utilities

Energy Services Division Chief Inspector (ESD)

Chief Technician (ESD)
Principal Inspector (ESD)
Principal Technician (ESD)
Senior Inspector (ESD)
Senior Technician (ESD)

Water Resources Unit Hydrological Officer

Senior Hydrological Officer
Technical Officer

Social Security, National Assistant Commissioner, Social Security

Solidarity and Senior Head, Disability Unit
Citizens Welfare and Principal Social Security Officer
Reform Institutions Disability Officer
Senior Social Security Officer

Social Welfare Deputy Social Welfare Commissioner

Principal Social Welfare Officer
Senior Social Welfare Officer

APPENDIX 5H(contd.)

List of Grades eligible for a Loan to purchase a 70%

Duty-free Car for Official Travelling

Ministry/Department Grade

Reform Institutions Assistant Commissioner of

Probation and After Care
Principal Probation Officer
Probation Officer
Senior Probation Officer

Tourism, Leisure and Senior Tourism Planner

External Communications Tourism Planner

Civil Aviation Officer-in-Charge, Outstations

(Civil Aviation)

Women’s Rights, Child Development, Family Welfare and Consumer


Women’s Unit Home Economics Officer

Home Economics Organiser/Senior
Home Economics Organiser
Senior Organising Officer,
Women’s Centre
Senior Home Economics Officer

Consumer Protection Unit Principal Consumer Protection Officer

Senior Consumer Protection Officer
Consumer Protection Officer

Youth and Sports Assistant Director of Youth Affairs

Principal Youth Officer
Senior Sports Officer
Senior Youth Officer
Sports Officer
Youth Officer

Rodrigues Regional Assembly

Chief Commissioner’s Office

Central Administration Transport Superintendent

Cadastral Division Surveyor

Fisheries Officer-in-Charge (Fisheries)

Scientific Officer (Fisheries)

Deputy Chief Commissioner’s Office

Agriculture Agricultural Superintendent
Scientific Officer
Senior Technical Officer (Agriculture)
Technical Officer (Agriculture)

APPENDIX 5H(contd.)

List of Grades eligible for a Loan to purchase a 70%

Duty-free Car for Official Travelling

Ministry/Department Grade

Public Infrastructure Chief Inspector of Works

Senior Inspector of Works
Technical Officer (Civil Engineering)

Commission for Arts and Culture, Women’s Affairs, Family Welfare and
Child Development, Community Development and Library Services

Arts and Culture Arts Officer (Rodrigues)

Commission for Education, Employment, Information Technology and

Telecommunication, Museums, Archives, Historical Sites and Buildings
and Vocational Training

Education Primary School Inspector

Senior Primary School Inspector

Commission for Health, Co-operatives, Prisons and Reform Institutions

Co-operatives Co-operative Officer

Officer-in-Charge, Co-operatives
Senior Co-operative Officer

Medical and Health Senior Health Inspector

Supervisor/Senior Supervisor
(Female) (Family Planning)

Reform Institutions Probation Officer

Senior Probation Officer

Commission for Youth and Sports, Consumer Protection, Trade, Commerce

and Licencing and Handicraft

Youth and Sports Principal Youth Officer

Senior Youth Officer
Sports Coordinating Officer
Youth Officer

Consumer Protection Consumer Protection Officer

Commission for Social Security, Labour and Industrial Relations

Industrial Relations Labour and Industrial Relations Officer

Paragraph 5.10.12

List of Grades eligible for a Loan to purchase a

Duty-free Autocycle/Motorcycle for Official Travelling

Ministry/Department Grade

Agro Industry and Fisheries

Cane Planters and Millers Test Chemist

Arbitration and Control Board

Forests Deputy Forest Ranger

Forest Guard
Forest Ranger

Fisheries Fisheries Protection Officer

Principal Fisheries Protection Officer
Senior Fisheries Protection Officer

Finance and Economic Development

Central Statistics Office Senior Statistical Officer

Statistical Officer

Health and Quality of Life Community Health Development

Health Inspector
Health Surveillance Officer
Rodent Control Assistant Supervisor
Rodent Control Supervisor
Rodent Control Attendant
Senior Health Surveillance Officer
Senior Statistical Officer
Senior Survey and Demographic
Statistical Officer
Survey and Demographic Officer
Time Keeper(Health)

Industry, Small and Medium Enterprises, Commerce and

Co-operatives Co-operative Assistant/Senior
Co-operative Assistant

Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment

Labour Administration and Labour Field Assistant

Industrial Relations

Employment Service Employment Officer

Local Government Assistant Inspector of Works

Public Infrastructure, Assistant Inspector of Works

APPENDIX 5I (contd.)

List of Grades eligible for a Loan to purchase a

Duty-free Autocycle/Motorcycle for Official Travelling

Ministry/Department Grade

Land Transport and Chief Tradesman

Shipping Foreman
Inspector of Works
Senior Gangman

Sea Training School Petty Officer

National Transport Senior Traffic Warden

Authority Traffic Warden

Public Utilities
Energy Services Inspector

Water Resources Unit Gauge Reader

Social Security and Higher Social Security Officer

National Solidarity and
Senior Citizens Welfare
and Reform Institutions

Social Welfare Social Welfare Officer

Youth and Sports Coach

Coach (Swimming)
Senior Coach
Senior Coach (Swimming)

Rodrigues Regional Assembly

Chief Commissioner’s Office

Central Administration Foreman

Senior Gangman
Senior Statistical Assistant
Statistical Assistant
Chief Tradesman

Fisheries Fisheries Protection Officer

Principal Fisheries Protection Officer
Senior Fisheries Protection Officer

Forestry Deputy Forest Ranger

Forest Guard
Forest Ranger

APPENDIX 5I (contd.)

List of Grades eligible for a Loan to purchase a

Duty-free Autocycle/Motorcycle for Official Travelling

Ministry/Department Grade

Deputy Chief Commissioner’s Office

Agriculture Agricultural Assistant

Field Assistant

Public Infrastructure Assistant Inspector of Works

Inspector of Works

Water Resources Unit Hydrological Technician

Commission for Education, Employment, Information Technology and

Telecommunication, Museums, Archives, Historical Sites and Buildings
and Vocational Training

Employment Employment Officer

Commission for Health, Co-operatives, Prisons and Reform Institutions

and Fire Services

Medical and Health Health Inspector

Commission for Youth and Sports, Consumer Protection, Trade, Commerce

and Licencing and Handicraft

Youth and Sports Coach

Commission for Social Security, Labour and Industrial Relations

Social Security Higher Social Security Officer


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