Bro. Francis Hermit
Bro. Francis Hermit
Bro. Francis Hermit
A blessed day, brothers and sisters in Christ. Today we shall witness the First Profession of a
Diocesan Hermit, Bro Francis Maria of Crucified Christ & the Sorrowful Mother. Let us join him in prayer
for perseverance in following the Lord. Our mass presider is Most Rev. Jose A. Cabantan, D.D
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
ALL: Amen.
The Lord be with you.
Brothers and sisters, let us now acknowledge our sins and so prepare ourselves to celebrate the
sacred mystery:
May Almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life.
ALL: Amen
Let us pray.
C/o Sacramentary
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the
Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
ALL: Amen
Please be seated.
Bro Francis Maria of Crucified Christ & the Sorrowful Mother, what do you ask of God and the
Bro Francis Maria of Crucified Christ & the Sorrowful Mother will now make his profession to the
evangelical counsel
Bro.Francis Maria of Crucified Christ & the Sorrowful Mother, you have already died to sin & have
been consecrated to God’ service. Are you now resolved to untie yourself more closely to God by the bonds
of profession
Are you resolved,with the help of God, to undertake that life of perfect chastity, obedience & poverty
chosen for yourself by Christ & His Virgin Mother & to persevere in it forever?
Bro.Francis Maria of Crucified Christ & the Sorrowful Mother: I am
Are you resolved to strive steadfastly for perfection in the love of God & of your neighbor by living
the gospel with all your heart & keeping the Rule of Life which you have espoused?
Are you resolved, to give yourself to God alone in solitude & silence, in persevering prayer &
willing penance, & humble labor & holiness of life?
Bro.Francis Maria of Crucified Christ & the Sorrowful Mother: O am and with the help of God!
Dear friends in Christ, let us pray to God the Almighty Father for this servant of yours who has been
called to the eremitical life. May he be blessed by grace & love of God who consecrated him in His holy
ALL: Amen.
We will now have the investiture of the scapular. In wearing the scapular, there is the promise to
pray and perform acts of charity and devotion.
(Blesses the Scapular)
Lord Jesus Christ, bless this scapular for which your servant Bro.Francis Maria of Crucified Christ &
the Sorrowful Mother will wear devoutly, so that through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, he
can persevere in prayer and performs acts of charity and devotion.
ALL: Amen.
Bro. Zaldy Pacurasa Pagaspas (Kneel to be invested by his sponsor, right after being invested, he
will make his profession)
I, Bro. Zaldy Pacurasa Pagaspas, who have taken the name Bro.Francis Maria of Crucified Christ &
the Sorrowful Mother, vow to God almighty & into the hands of my bishop, Most Reverend Jose A.
Cabantan D.D
I choose to live in poverty, chastity and obedience according to Canon 603 & my personal Rule of
Life as an hermit in the service of the Church.
I choose Jesus, my Lord & my God, as the only object of my love. I consecrate to His divine majesty
my body, soul & life. Receive me Lord Jesus that I may abandon myself forever & truthfully to Your Love
& Your service. May the grace of the Holy Spirit & the intercession of May, Mother of God, Our Lady,
Mediatrix of all graces and model of consecration. St. Joseph, patron of interior life and protector of the
Universal Church, and all the Angels & Saints, be my help all the days of my life,
With joy, I seal this covenant of solitude & penance, in the name of the Father and of the Son of the
Holy Spirit. Amen.
May God, make you partakes of His divine vision and charity and become its witness and
sign before all nations.
May God graciously make lasting in heaven the bonds by which He has undertaken with you
today and forever. Amen.
ALL: Amen.
COMMENTATOR: As a sign of support, let us give our temporary profess of brother a round of applause.
I, Bro. Zaldy Pacursa Pagaspas, who have taken the name Bro.Francis Maria of Crucified Christ &
the Sorrowful Mother, vow to God Almighty and into the hands of my Bishop, Most Reverend Jose A.
Cabantan D.D.
I choose to live in poverty, chastity and obedience according to Canon 603 and my personal Rule of
Life as a hermit in the service of the Church.
I choose Jesus, my Lord and my God, as the only object of my love. I consecrate to His divine
majesty my body, soul, and life. Receive me Lord Jesus that I may abandon myself forever and truthfully to
Your love and Your service.
May the grace of the Holy Spirit and the intercession of Mary, Mother of God, our Lady, Mary
Mediatrix of All Graces and model of consecration. St. Joseph, patron of interior life and protector of the
Universal Church, and all the Angels and Saints, be my help all the days of my life.
With joy, I seal this covenant of solitude & penance, in the name of the Father and of the Son &
of the Holy Spirit. Amen.