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To become reputed in providing technical education in the field of electronics and

communication engineering and produce technocrats working as leaders.


1. To provide congenial academic environment and adopting innovative learning process.

2. To keep valuing human values and transparency while nurturing the young engineers.
3. To strengthen the department by collaborating with industry and research organization
of repute.
4. To facilitate the students to work in interdisciplinary environment and enhance their
skills for employability and entrepreneurship.

PSO1: Analyze specific engineering problems relevant to Electronics & Communication

Engineering by applying the knowledge of basic sciences, engineering mathematics and
engineering fundamentals.

PSO2: Apply and transfer interdisciplinary systems and engineering approaches to the
various areas, like Communications, Signal processing, VLSI and Embedded system, PCB

PSO3: Inculcate the knowledge of Engineering and Management principles to meet demands
of industry and provide solutions to the current real time problems.

PSO4: Demonstrate the leadership qualities and strive for the betterment of organization,
environment and society.


PEO1: Recognize and apply appropriate experimental and scientific skills to solve real world
problems to create innovative products and systems in the field of electronics and
communication engineering.
PEO2: To evolve graduates with ability to apply, analyze, design in Electronics &
Communication Systems.
PEO3: Motivate graduates to become responsible citizens with moral & ethical values for the
welfare of Society.
PEO4: Inculcate the habit of team work with professional quality of leadership to become
successful contributors in industry and/ or entrepreneurship in view of Global & National
status of technology.
Advanced Communication Lab


AIM: Time division multiplexing and recovery of two band limited signals using PAM

Preamble / Theory:

Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) is a type of digital or analog multiplexing

in which two or more signals or bit streams are transmitted simultaneously as sub-
channels in one communication channel, but are physically taking turns to ON the
channel. It enables the joint use of a common transmission channel by plurality of
independent message sources without mutual interference.


In Time Division Multiplexing (TDM), different time periods are allotted for
different signals so that a common communication channel is utilized for transmission
of these signals without interference. Thus in TDM all the samples obtained from
different signals are accommodated on a time shared basis within one sampling
interval Ts.

Each input message signal is first restricted in bandwidth by an LPF to remove the
frequencies that are not essential to adequate signal transmission. The LPF outputs are
then applied to a commutator that is usually implemented using electronic switching
circuitry. Following the commutator process, the multiplexed signal into a form that is
suitable for transmission over the common channel.

At the receiver end of the system, the received signal is applied to pulse
demodulator, which performs the inverse operation of the pulse modulator. The narrow
samples produced at the pulse demodulator are distributed to the appropriate low pass
filters. By means of decommutator, reconstruction filters operates in synchronization
with the commutator, since the synchronization is essential for satisfactory operation of
the system.

Equipments & Components required: Transistor -

SL100,SK100Resistors - 1KΩ, 10KΩ, 1.5KΩ, 67KΩ.

Function generators, Power supplies, Oscilloscope.

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1. Rig up the circuit as shown in the circuit-diagram for multiplexer.

2. Feed the input message signals ml and m2 of 2 volts P-P at 200 Hz.
3. Feed the high frequency carrier signal of 2V (P-P) at 2 kHz.
4. Observe the multiplexed output.
5. Rig up the circuit for demultiplexer.
6. Observe the demultiplexed output in the CRO.


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AIM : To study the performance of the circuit that is used for generation and detection of
Amplitude shift keying.

Preamble/Theory: Amplitude-shift keying (ASK) is a form of modulation that represents digital

data as variations in the amplitude of a carrier wave. The amplitude of an analog carrier signal
varies in accordance with the bit stream (modulating signal), keeping frequency and phase
constant. The level of amplitude can be used to represent binary logic ‘0’s and ‘1’s.The carrier
signal being switched by a ON or OFF switch. In the modulated signal logic ‘0’ is represented by
the absence of a carrier and logic ‘1’ represents the presence of the carrier, thus giving OFF/ON
keying operation and hence the name given.

The simplest and most common form of ASK operating as a switch is using the presence
of a carrier wave to indicate a binary one and its absence to indicate a binary zero. This type of
modulation is called ON-OFF keying.


Its is used at radio frequencies to transmit MORSE code(referred to as continuous wave

operation)In aviation to turn on runway lights.

Equipments & Components Required: Transistor - SL100,

Resistors - 2.2K, 67K, 33K, 200K, 100K potentiometer

Capacitor – 0.01µF

Op amp - µA 741

Diode - 0A79

Function generators, Power supplies, Oscilloscope.

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Figure.1: ASK Modulator circuit



Given IE =IC =2.5mA , hfe =100, VRE =2.5V,Then,

RE =VRE / IC = 1KΩ

Assuming peak to peak amplitude of message signal V m(P-P)=7V& fm = 300Hz,Appling KVL

across the Base-Emitter loop in circuit above we get,

VRB = Vm(p-p) – VBE –VRE

= 3.5V -0.7V -2.5V = 0.3V

IB = IC / hfe = 25µA, therefore IBSAT = 1.2IB= 30µARB=


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Figure.2: ASK Demodulator circuit


Given fm = 300Hzfm

= 1/ 2∏R1C1

Assuming C1 = 0.1µF then

R1 = 1/2∏fmC1 =1/2∏*300*0.1*10-6 = 5.6KΩ

Vref is varied from 0.5V to 2V


1. Rig up the ASK modulation circuit as shown in circuit diagram(fig.1).

2. Check for the ASK signal across the emitter terminal of the transmitter
3. Feed the ASK input from the ASK modulator output to the OPAMP peak detector.
4. Adjust the reference voltage suitably (between 0 to 2 Volt) to get an undistorted
demodulated output. Compare it with the message signal used in modulation.
5. Record all the waveforms as observed.

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AIM: To design an FSK modulator and demodulator and study the performance of the circuits.

Preamble / Theory:

Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) is a frequency modulation scheme in which digital

information is transmitted through discrete frequency changes of carrier wave. The simplest FSK
is binary FSK (BFSK). BFSK literally implies using a couple of discrete frequencies to transmit
binary (0’s and 1’s) information. With this scheme, the “1” is called the mark frequency and “0”
is called the space frequency.

Audio Frequency-shift keying (AFSK) is a modulation technique by which digital data is

represented by the changes in the frequency(pitch) of an audio tone, yielding an encoded signal
suitable for transmission via radio or telephone. Normally the transmitted audio alternates
between two tones: one, the “mark”, represents a binary one, the other the “space”, represents a
binary zero.

AFSK differs from regular frequency-shift keying in performing the modulation at

baseband frequencies. In radio applications, the AFSK-modulated signal normally is being used
to modulate an RF carrier for transmission.

AFSK is not always being used for high –speed data communication schemes. In addition
to its simplicity AFSK has the advantage that encoded signals will pass through AC-coupled
links, telephone links, including most equipment originally designed to carry music or speech.

The simplest and most common form of FSK operates as two switches, using the
presence of one carrier wave to indicate a binary one and another one to indicate binary zero.

Equipments & Components: Transistor SL100 and SK100,

Resistors -1KΩ, 10KΩ, 5.6KΩ, 560Ω

Capacitors – 0.1µF - 2 Nos.

Op amp - µA741

Diode - 0A79

Function generators, Power supply, Oscilloscope.

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Figure.1: FSK Modulator circuit


Ic = Ic = 2.5mA, hfe =100, VRE = 2.5V

Then, RE = VRE / IE = 2.5 / 2.5mA = RE = 1KΩ

VRB = Vm(t)p-p / 2 –VBE(sat) – VRE(sat)

= 3.5 – 0.7 – 2.5

VRB = 0.3V
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IB = Ic / hfe = 2.5 / 100 = 2.5µA

IB(SAT) = 1.2IB

IBsat = 30µA

RB = VRB / IB(SAT) = 0.3 / 30 = RB = 10KΩ


Figure.1: FSK Demodulator circuit

fm = 1 / 2RC

Assuming C = 0.1µF

R = 15.9KΩ

fm = 100Hz

fc1 = 1 / 2R1C1

fc1 = 1 KHz

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C1 = 0.1µF



1. Rig up the circuit as given in the circuit diagram for generation of FSK.
2. Apply m(t ) > 7Vp-p ,300Hz square wave.
3. Apply c1(t) = 3Vp-p, 2KHz and c2(t) = 3Vp-p, 10KHz Sine wave.
4. Observe FSK output at the transmitter at the emitter of the transistor on an oscilloscope.


1. Rig up the circuit as per the given circuit diagram.

2. It may be observed that after the first RC network, which is a low pass filter, the
waveform becomes that of an ASK.
3. Observe the amplitude and waveform at pin no.3 of the op-Amp, which is the output
of the envelop detector-RC combination, a ramp.
4. Since the Op-amp is working as a comparator, vary the reference dc voltage applied
at pin no. 2 from 0V to a desired value such that a square waveform appears at the
5. It may be observed that the reproduced signal, m’(t) matches with actual message
signal interms of frequency but not in amplitude.


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AIM: To design a Phase Shift keying (PSK) modulator and demodulator circuit, and study their

Preamble / Theory

Phase-shift keying (PSK) is a digital modulation scheme that conveys data by changing, or
modulating the phase of a reference signal (the carrier wave).Any digital modulation scheme
uses a finite number of distinct signals to represent digital data. PSK uses a finite number of
phases; each assigned a unique pattern of binary bits. Usually each phase encodes an equal
number of bits. Each pattern of bits forms the symbol that is represented by the particular phase.
The demodulator which is designed specifically for the symbol it represents thus recovering the
original data. This requires the receiver to be able to compare the phase of the received signal to
a reference signal- such a system is termed coherent PSK (CPSK).

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BPSK or PRK (Phase Reversal Keying) is the simplest form of PSK. It uses two phases which
are separated by 180 and so can also be termed as 2-PSK. It is however only able to modulate 1
bit/symbol and so it is unsuitable for high data-rate applications when bandwidth is limited.

Equipments & Components required: Transistor SL100, SK100

Resistor – 1KΩ, 100KΩ, 5.6 KΩ

Capacitor – 0.1µF

OP Amp - µA741,

Diode - 0A79

Signal generators, Power supplies, Oscilloscope.



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5. Rig up the circuit as given in the circuit diagram for generation of FSK.
6. Apply m(t ) > 7Vp-p ,300Hz square wave.
7. Apply c1(t) = 3Vp-p, 2KHz and c2(t) = 3Vp-p, 10KHz Sine wave.
8. Observe PSK output at the transmitter at the emitter of the transistor on an oscilloscope.


6. Rig up the circuit as per the given circuit diagram.

7. It may be observed that after the first RC network, which is a low pass filter, the
waveform becomes that of an ASK.
8. Observe the amplitude and waveform at pin no.3 of the op-Amp, which is the output
of the envelop detector-RC combination, a ramp.
9. Since the Op-amp is working as a comparator, vary the reference dc voltage applied
at pin no. 2 from 0V to a desired value such that a square waveform appears at the
10. It may be observed that the reproduced signal, m’(t) matches with actual message
signal interms of frequency but not in amplitude.

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AIM: Measurements of Frequency, Guide Wavelength, Power, VSWR and Attenuation in a

Microwave Test Bench

Equipments / Components required: Micro wave test bench, CRO, VSWR meter, Klystron
power supply, cooling fan, wave guide stand, matched termination, detector mount, cables.


Tunable probe

Klystron Isolator Variable Frequenc Slotte Termination

attenuator y meter d line



1. Set up the components and equipments as shown in figure.

2. Set up variable attenuator at minimum attenuation position.
3. Keep the control knobs of VSWR meter as given below:
Range : 50 db

Input switch : crystal low impedance

Meter switch : Normal position

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Gain (coarse & fine) : mid position

4. Keep the control knobs of Klystron power supply as givenbelow

Beam voltage : OFF

Mod – switch : AM

Beam voltage knob : fully anticlockwise

Reflector voltage : fully clockwise

AM – Amplitude knob : fully clockwise

AM –Frequency knob : fully clockwise

5. Switch ‘ON’ the Klystron power supply, VSWR meter, and cooling fan switch.

6. Switch ‘ON’ Beam voltage switch and set beam voltage at 300 V with help of beam
voltage knob.
7. Adjust the reflector voltage to get some deflection in VSWR meter.
8. Maximize the deflection with AM amplitude and frequency control knob of power
9. Tune the plunger of klystron mount for maximum deflection.
10. Tune the reflector voltage knob for maximum deflection.
11. Tune the probe for maximum deflection in VSWR meter.
12. Tune the frequency meter knob to get a ‘Dip’ on the VSWR scale and note down the
frequency directly from the frequency meter.
13. Replace the termination with movable sort, and detune the frequency meter.
14. Move the probe along the slotted line. The deflection in VSWR meter will vary. Move
the probe to minimum deflection position, to get accurate reading. If necessary increase
the VSWR meter range db switch to higher position. Note and record the probeposition.
15. Move the probe to next minimum position and record the probe position again.
16. Calculate the guide wavelength as twice the distance between two successive minimum
positions obtained as above.
17. Measure the wave guide inner broad dimension, ‘a’ which will be around 22.86
mm for X- band.
18. Calculate the frequency by following equation.

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Where C= 3* 108 meter / sec. i.e. velocity of light and 1/λo2 = 1/λg 2 + 1/ λc2

19. Verify with frequency obtained by frequency meter.

20. Above experiment can be verified at different frequencies.


Guide Wavelength:

(i) λg 1 = 2( dmin 1≈ dmin 2)

(ii) λg 2 = 2( dmin 1≈ dmin 2)


(i) VSWR 1 = Vmax / Vmin

(ii) VSWR 2 = Vmax / Vmin


F = C/ λ = C *λg 2 + λc2



C= 3* 108 meter / sec

λo =λgλc

λg2 + λc2

For dominnant TE10 mode rectangular wave guide λo, λg, λcare related as below:

1/λo2 = 1/λg 2 + 1/ λc2

Where λo is free space wavelength

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AIM: Study of different types of losses in optical fiber.

(a) To measure propagation or attenuation loss in optical fiber.

Preamble / Theory: Attenuation is loss of power. During transit light pulse lose some of their
photons, thus reducing their amplitude. Attenuation for a fiber is usually specified in decibels per
kilometer. For commercially available fibers attenuation ranges from 1 dB / km for premium
small-core glass fibers to over 2000 dB / km for a large core plastic fiber. Loss is by definition
negative decibels. In common usage, discussions of loss omit the negative sign. The basic
measurement for loss in a fiber is made by taking the logarithmic ratio of the input power (Pi) to
the output power (Po).

Where α is Loss in dB / Meter


Attenuation Loss orPropagation Loss

1. Connect power supply to board

2. Make the following connections (as shown in figure 1).
a. Function generator’s 1 KHz sine wave output to Input 1 socket of emitter 1 circuit via
4 mm lead.
b. Connect 0.5 m optic fiber between emitter 1 output and detector l's input.
c. Connect detector 1 output to amplifier 1 input socket via 4mm lead.
3. Switch ON the power supply.

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4. Set the oscilloscope channel 1 to 0.5 V / Div and adjust 4 - 6 div amplitude by using X 1
probe with the help of variable pot in function generator block at input 1 of Emitter 1
Observe the output signal from detector tp10 on CRO.
5. Observe the output signal from detector tp10 on CRO.
6. Adjust the amplitude of the received signal same as that of transmitted one with the help
of gain adjust pot. In AC amplifier block. Note this amplitude and name it V1.
7. Now replace the previous FO cable with 1 m cable without disturbing any previous
8. Measure the amplitude at the receiver side again at output of amplifier 1 socket tp 28.
Note this value and name it V2. Calculate the propagation (attenuation) loss with the help
of following formula.

Where α is loss in nepers / meter

1 neper = 8. 686 dB

L 1 = length of shorter cable (0.5 m)

L 2 = Length of longer cable (1 m)

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(b) Study of Bending Loss.

The objective of this experiment is to determine the bending loss in an optical fiber cable.

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Whenever the condition for angle of incidence of the incident light is violated the losses are
introduced due to refraction of light. This occurs when fiber is subjected to bending. Lower the
radius of curvature more is the loss.


1. Repeat all the steps from 1 to 6 of the previous experiment using 1m cable.
2. Wind the FO cable on the mandrel and observe the corresponding AC amplifier output on
CRO. It will be gradually reducing showing loss due to bends.


AIM: The aim of this experiment is to measure the numerical aperture of the optical fiber
provided with kit using 660nm wavelength LED.


Numerical aperture refers to the maximum angle at which the light incident on the fiber end is
totally internally reflected and is transmitted properly along the fiber. The cone formed by
rotating of this angle along the axis of the fiber is the cone of acceptance; else it is refracted out
of the fiber core.


1. It is very important that the optical source should be properly aligned with the cable
& the distance from the launched point & the cable be properly selected to ensure that
the maximum amount of optical power is transferred to the cable.
2. This experiment is best performed in a less illuminated room

Experimenter kit, 1-meter fiber cable, Numerical Aperture measurement Jig.

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1. Connect power supply to the board

2. Connect the frequency generator's 1 KHz sine wave output to input of emitter 1 circuit.
Adjust its amplitude at 5Vpp.

3. Connect one end of fiber cable to the output socket of emitter 1 circuit and the other end
to the numerical aperture measurement jig. Hold the white screen facing the fiber such
that its cut face is perpendicular to the axis of the fiber.
4. Hold the white screen with 4 concentric circles (10, 15, 20 & 25mm diameter) vertically
at a suitable distance to make the red spot from the fiber coincide with 10 mm circle.

Figure. 4

1. Record the distance of screen from the fiber end L and note the diameter W of the spot.
2. Compute the numerical aperture from the formula given below
NA = W / √4L2 +W2

3. Vary the distance between in screen and fiber optic cable and make it coincide withone
of the concentric circles. Note its distance
4. Tabulate the various distances and diameters of the circles made on the white screen and
compute the numerical aperture from the formula given above.
Inferences: The N.A. recorded in the manufacturer's data sheet is 0.5 typical.

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Propagation loss:

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Bending loss:

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Result:- We have Studied different types of losses in optical fiber

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