Myb3 2017 18 Congo Kinshasa

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2017–2018 Minerals Yearbook


U.S. Department of the Interior March 2022

U.S. Geological Survey
The Mineral Industry of Congo (Kinshasa)
By Thomas R. Yager

Note: In this chapter, information for 2017 is followed by information for 2018.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo [Congo (Kinshasa)] The revised mining code encourages private sector development
played a globally significant role in the world’s production of of the mineral industry; the principal role of the Government is to
cobalt, copper, diamond, gold, tantalum, and tin. In 2017, the encourage and regulate the development of the industry. Mining
country’s share of the world’s mined cobalt production was rights are vested with the Government. The petroleum sector was
more than 60%; tantalum, 42%; diamond, 12%; copper, 5%; tin, governed by law No. 15–012 dated August 1, 2015.
3%; and gold, 1%. Congo (Kinshasa) accounted for about 49% In December 2017, the National Assembly approved a new
of the world’s cobalt reserves. Crude petroleum production also mining code that increased royalties on cobalt, copper, and gold
played a significant role in the domestic economy. The country to 3.5% and introduced a windfall profits tax. The new mining
was not a globally significant consumer of minerals or mineral code also increased the Government’s free-carried and non-
fuels in 2017 (République Démocratique du Congo Ministère dilutable share in mining projects to 10% from 5% and reduced
des Mines, 2018, p. 36; Shedd, 2018, 2019; Anderson, 2019; the guaranteed period for contract stability (the period during
Flanagan, 2019; George, 2019; Olson, 2019a, b; Padilla, 2019). which the Government was not allowed to renegotiate contracts)
to 5 years from 10 years. The Senate was expected to address the
Minerals in the National Economy new mining code in a session that was scheduled to start in early
January 2018 (Clowes, 2017).
The manufacturing sector accounted for an estimated 19.7%
In April 2013, the Government issued a decree that banned the
of the gross domestic product (GDP) in 2017, and the mining
export of cobalt and copper concentrates to promote domestic
and mineral processing sector, 17.4%. The value of output
downstream processing of cobalt and copper. Companies were
in the mining sector increased by 7.8% in 2017 compared
given a moratorium to comply with the ban; the moratorium
with a decrease of 0.7% in 2016 (Banque Centrale du Congo,
was scheduled to expire at the end of 2015. In December 2015,
2018, p. 28, 33).
the Government extended the moratorium until the end of 2016
In 2015 (the latest year for which data were available), large-
because power shortages limited downstream processing of
scale mines employed at least 75,572 Congolese nationals.
concentrates. As of early 2017, it was unclear when the ban would
Copper and cobalt mining accounted for the majority of reported
be implemented (Roskill Information Services Ltd., 2017).
formal mining employment. The top five copper producers in
Congo (Kinshasa) is a signatory to the Kimberley Process,
Congo (Kinshasa) employed 31,850 Congolese nationals in
which is a certification system that was put in place to
2015. The large-scale gold mines employed 6,502 Congolese
reduce the trade in conflict diamond; it became effective
nationals, and the large-scale diamond mines, 3,259 Congolese
on January 1, 2003. In 2017, the Diamond Development
nationals (Moore Stephens LLP, 2017, p. 141–143).
Initiative (DDI) trained artisanal miners in compliance with
About 450,000 artisanal miners were estimated to be
the Kimberley Process. DDI was in a program to formalize
employed in diamond mining in Congo (Kinshasa) in 2016.
artisanal diamond mining through the formation of cooperatives
An additional 100,000 artisanal miners were estimated to be
(Diamond Development Initiative, 2017).
employed in cobalt mining. Between 2013 and 2015, a survey of
In July 2010, the U.S. Congress passed the Dodd-Frank
1,615 mine sites was conducted in the former Katanga Province
Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-
(which was divided into Haut-Katanga, Haut-Lomami, Lualaba,
Frank Act) which contains provisions concerning the use
and Tanganyika Provinces in 2015), Maniema, Nord-Kivu,
of minerals to finance military operations in eastern Congo
and Sud-Kivu Provinces, and Ituri Province (formerly the
(Kinshasa). The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Ituri Interim Administration of Orientale Province) by the
(SEC) issued regulations in final form in accordance with the
International Peace Information Service (IPIS). Gold mining
Dodd-Frank Act in August 2012. In 2017, the SEC suspended
was reported to employ about 193,000 miners; tin mining, about
enforcement of the provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act requiring
32,000; niobium and tantalum mining, about 15,500; diamond,
audits and due diligence for conflict minerals in companies’
about 4,100; tourmaline, about 3,900; and tungsten, about 1,800.
supply chains (Woody, 2019).
Niobium, tantalum, tin, and tungsten mining employed a total
In March 2011, the Government of Katanga Province
of about 42,800 miners; some mines produced at least two types
and the International Tin Research Institute (ITRI) started
of minerals (Frankel, 2016; James, 2016; Weyns and others,
the ITRI Tin Supply Chain Initiative (iTSCI), which is a
2016, p. 15–16).
traceability mechanism for domestically produced tantalum,
Government Policies and Programs tin, and tungsten to meet end users’ requirements under the
Dodd-Frank Act and Organisation for Economic Co-operation
The mining sector was governed by law No. 007/2012 of and Development due diligence guidelines. In December
July 11, 2002, which replaced law No. 81–013 of April 2, 1981. 2017, 286 mine sites were covered by iTSCI in the former

Congo (Kinshasa)—2017–2018 [ADVANCE RELEASE] 12.1

Katanga Province (which was divided into Haut-Katanga Sud-Kivu Provinces in at least 1,431 mines; niobium, tantalum,
Province, Haut-Lomami Province, Lualaba Province, and tin, and tungsten, in at least 738 mines; and tourmaline, in
Tanganyika Province in 2015), 96 of which were active at least 14 mines. Some mines produced more than one type
(International Tin Research Institute, 2018). of mineral (Matthysen and others, 2018). Capacity, location,
In Maniema Province, 326 mine sites were covered by iTSCI ownership, and production information were not readily
in December 2017, of which 208 were active. In Sud-Kivu available for many artisanal and small-scale operations. Table 2
Province, 115 mine sites were covered, of which 92 were active. is a list of major mineral industry facilities.
In Nord-Kivu Province, 142 mine sites were covered, of which
101 were active (International Tin Research Institute, 2018). Mineral Trade
Between 2013 and 2017, armed groups were reported to be
Total reported exports were valued at $11.5 billion in 2017,
present at 938 of the 2,150 mine sites surveyed by IPIS. Gold
and imports, $11.3 billion. Copper accounted for 54% of the
mines accounted for 813 of the mines with armed groups; tin
value of Congo (Kinshasa)’s exports; cobalt, 29%; gold, 9%;
mines, 89; diamond mines, 16; niobium and tantalum mines, 15;
crude petroleum, 3%; and diamond, 2%. Other mineral exports
and tungsten mines, 5. Gold mines accounted for 604 of the mines
included germanium, niobium, tantalum, tin, tourmaline,
without armed groups; tin mines, 418; niobium and tantalum
tungsten, and zinc. Cobalt and copper were exported to
mines, 139; tungsten mines, 30; and diamond mines, 12. Armed
countries that included China and India; gold, to countries
groups present at mines included Congo (Kinshasa) military units
that included South Africa; and tantalum, tin, and tungsten, to
and various local groups (Matthysen and others, 2018).
countries that included Belgium, China, and Malaysia (Banque
Production Centrale du Congo, 2018, p. 90–92; République Démocratique
du Congo Ministère des Mines, 2018, p. 54–56, 61).
In 2017, the production of cement increased by 255% In 2017, the share of Congolese copper and cobalt production
compared with 2016; refined cobalt, by 140%; tungsten, by that was refined prior to export was 76% and less than 1%,
an estimated 64%; smelted copper, by an estimated 62%; tin, respectively (table 1). Additional cobalt and copper mine
by an estimated 55%; diamond, by 23%; and mined cobalt, production was exported after processing to intermediate
by 18%. Between 2013 and 2017, tin output increased by an products, such as cobalt carbonate, cobalt hydroxide, and
estimated 197%; niobium, by an estimated 191%; tantalum by black copper. Low levels of domestic cobalt refining could be
an estimated 184%; tungsten, by an estimated 118%; cement, by attributable to power shortages. Most or all Congolese diamond,
101%; and gold, by an estimated 86%. Germanium production niobium, tin, tantalum, and tungsten production was exported
decreased by an estimated 27% in 2017 compared with that of prior to downstream processing.
2016. Lead and silver production shut down in 2016. Between
2013 and 2017, refined cobalt production decreased by 96%; Commodity Review
germanium, by an estimated 39%; and smelted copper, by an
estimated 38%.
Cement and black copper production increased in 2017
Cobalt, Copper, Germanium, and Silver.—In 2017,
because of the opening of new plants; the increases in cobalt
production at the Tenke Fungurume Mine was 213,843 metric
and tin production may be attributable to higher prices on world
tons (t) of refined copper and 16,419 t of contained cobalt in
markets. Data on mineral production are in table 1.
hydroxide compared with 215,942 t of refined copper and
Structure of the Mineral Industry 16,054 t of contained cobalt in 2016. Planned production
for 2018 was between 190,000 and 205,000 t of copper and
La Générale des Carrières et des Mines (Gécamines), which between 16,000 and 17,500 t of cobalt. At the start of 2017,
was a state-owned company, produced cobalt and copper. Other Tenke Fungurume was a joint venture of China Molybdenum
cobalt and copper mining companies were privately owned; Co. Ltd. (56%), Lundin Mining Corp. of Canada (24%), and
Gécamines held shares of between 5% and 40% in numerous Gécamines (20%). Lundin sold its share to China Molybdenum
cobalt and copper mining operations. The Government held an in April (Lundin Mining Corp., 2017, p. 24; China Molybdenum
80% share in the large-scale diamond producer Société Minière Company Ltd., 2018, p. 18, 20).
de Bakwanga (MIBA). Mutanda Mining SPRL (Glencore plc of Switzerland, 100%),
Artisanal and small-scale miners accounted for most operated a copper solvent extraction and electrowinning
Congolese output of diamond, niobium, tantalum, tourmaline, (SX–EW) plant at the Mutanda Mine with a rated capacity of
tin, and tungsten. Artisanal and small-scale miners also played a 200,000 metric tons per year (t/yr). The capacity of cobalt in
significant role in the country’s cobalt and gold mine production hydroxide was 28,000 t/yr. In 2017, production at Mutanda was
(Weyns and others, 2016, p. 4; République Démocratique 192,100 t of copper, of which 167,400 t was refined. In 2016,
du Congo Ministère des Mines, 2018, p. 11, 48, 50, 52, 59). production was 213,300 t of copper, of which 196,100 t was
Before the Kibali Mine’s first full year of production in refined. Cobalt output in concentrate and hydroxide decreased
2014, artisanal and small-scale miners accounted for most to about 23,900 t in 2017 from 24,500 t in 2016. In early 2017,
domestic gold production. Glencore purchased the 31% interest in Mutanda held by
In IPIS’ surveys between 2013 and 2017, gold was produced Fleurette Properties Ltd. of the Netherlands (Kibawa, 2017,
in Ituri, the former Katanga, Maniema, Nord-Kivu, and 2018; Glencore plc, 2018, p. 11).


Eurasian Resources Group (ERG) of Luxembourg produced production was 31,546 t of refined copper and 4,638 t of
107,000 t of copper in concentrate at the Frontier Mine in contained cobalt compared with 32,129 t of refined copper and
2016 compared with 79,000 t in 2015. Increased output was 3,391 t of contained cobalt in 2016. Increased cobalt production
attributable to greater operating efficiencies. In 2017, production was attributable to higher ore grades and improvements in the
decreased to 104,000 t (Mining Review Africa, 2017; Eurasian recovery process. At yearend, reserves were 8.1 million metric
Resources Group, 2018b). tons (Mt) at grades of 2.1% copper and 0.3% cobalt (Jinchuan
Boss Mining SPRL [ERG, 70%, and Gécamines, 30%] Group International Resources Co. Ltd., 2018, p. 12, 19).
produced copper and cobalt at the Mukondo Mountain Mine In 2017, Jinchuan completed the reopening of the Kinsenda
and the Luita SX–EW plant. Refined copper production at Mine and started pilot production. The company planned to
Luita increased to 37,295 t in 2017 from 26,308 t in 2016. Boss restart large-scale production in early 2018. Planned production
Mining also produced 7,836 t of copper in concentrate in 2015; was 24,000 t/yr of copper in concentrate during the estimated
production increased to an estimated 9,700 t in 2016 before 10-year life of the mine. Jinchuan planned to study increasing
decreasing to about 3,000 t in 2017. Cobalt production was an production after reaching full capacity. Reserves at Kinsenda
estimated 5,400 t in 2017 compared with 4,600 t in 2016 and were estimated to be 5.9 Mt at a grade of 4.8% copper (Jinchuan
6,109 t in 2015. The company planned to produce between Group International Resources Co. Ltd., 2018, p. 14, 19).
2,000 and 3,000 t/yr of cobalt in concentrate in 2018 and 2019 In 2014, Jinchuan completed a feasibility study of a new
(Kibawa, 2016, 2017, 2018; Moore Stephens LLP, 2017, p. 150; mine and SX–EW plant at the Musonoi project. The company
Eurasian Resources Group, 2018a). planned to produce about 40,000 t/yr of copper and 7,000 t/yr
Boss Mining planned to produce about 50,000 t/yr of refined of contained cobalt in hydroxide, depending on its approval of
copper from oxide ores. Reserves were expected to be depleted the project, which was scheduled in 2017. Mining could start
in the mid- or late-2020s. The company was considering the in 2021. As of yearend 2017, the approval of the project was
extension of mining operations by between 20 and 30 years by delayed until 2018 as Jinchuan revised the feasibility study and
mining sulfide ore deposits and re-treating tailings (Eurasian conducted optimization studies. Resources at Musonoi were
Resources Group, 2018a). estimated to be 32.1 Mt at grades of 2.7% copper and 0.9%
ERG was engaged in the construction of the Roan Tailings cobalt (Jinchuan Group International Resources Co. Ltd., 2017,
Re-treatment (RTR) project at yearend; construction started p. 8–9, 25; 2018, p. 15, 17).
in June 2015. In the first phase of the project, ERG planned to At the start of 2016, Chemaf SPRL (a subsidiary of Shalina
produce 77,000 t/yr of refined copper and 14,000 t/yr of cobalt in Resources Ltd. of the United Arab Emirates) produced
hydroxide by re-treating tailings from previous mining operations copper and cobalt at the Etoile Mine and the Usoke Avenue
near Kolwezi. The company planned to increase production to copper SX–EW and cobalt hydroxide plants. The company
105,000 t/yr of copper and 21,000 t/yr of cobalt in the second started refined copper production from its new Etoile plant in
phase of the project. Production could start in the fourth quarter of October 2016, and cobalt hydroxide, in February 2017. Refined
2018 (Cann, 2017; Eurasian Resources Group, 2018c). copper production increased to 27,900 t in 2017 from 18,600 t
MMG Ltd. of China operated the Kinsevere Mine and in 2016 and 24,400 t in 2015. Cobalt production in hydroxide
SX–EW plant. In 2017, production was 80,186 t of refined increased to 5,160 t in 2017 from 1,600 t in 2016 and 2,200 t in
copper compared with 80,650 t in 2016. Production exceeded 2015. Chemaf’s capacity was 51,500 t/yr of refined copper and
the target of between 75,000 and 80,000 t. MMG planned 6,200 t/yr of cobalt in hydroxide at the end of 2017 (Chemaf
to produce 80,000 t of refined copper at Kinsevere in 2018 SPRL, 2018, p. 9, 13).
(MMG Ltd., 2018). The joint venture of Tiger Resources Ltd. of Australia (60%)
In November 2015, Sicomines (China Railway Group Ltd. and Gécamines (40%) mined copper at the Kipoi project.
and Sinohydro Corp., 68%; Gécamines and Société Immobilière Production from the mine’s SX–EW plant was 17,738 t in
du Congo, 32%) started production at its cobalt- and copper- 2017 compared with 23,119 t in 2016 (Modern Mining, 2017;
mining operations. Refined copper production was 35,951 t Kibawa, 2018).
in 2017 compared with 44,115 t in 2016; the company also Gécamines operated the Kamfundwa and the Kilamusembu
produced copper in concentrate. China Railway Group and Mines. The company’s total copper production was about
Sinohydro pledged to build infrastructure with a value of 13,000 t in 2017 compared with 11,000 t in 2016. Refined
$3 billion in return for its stake in Sicomines. Initial planned copper production increased to 11,844 t in 2017 from 10,039 t in
copper production at the Mashamba West and Dikulwe deposits 2016, and cobalt metal, to 120 t from 50 t. Gécamines had
was 125,000 t/yr (Inside Mining, 2016; Kibawa, 2017, 2018). planned to increase its total copper production to 50,000 t
Shituru Mining Corp. SPRL (a subsidiary of Pengxin in 2017, 75,000 t in 2018, and 125,000 t/yr starting in 2019
International Mining Co. of China) operated the Shituru Mine. (Kibawa, 2016, 2017, 2018; Cornish, 2017c).
In 2017, the company produced 35,647 t of refined copper at its Gécamines and joint-venture partner Enterprise Generale
SX–EW plant compared with 33,583 t in 2016 (Kibawa, 2017, Malta Forrest SPRL (EGMF) produced cobalt and copper at La
2018). Société pour le Traitement du Terril de Lubumbashi’s (STL) Big
Ruashi Mining SPRL (Jinchuan Group International Hill tailings treatment plant in Lubumbashi. Cobalt production
Resources Co. Ltd. of China, 75%) produced cobalt and copper was 5,065 t in 2015; output decreased by an estimated 29% in
from the Ruashi Mine; refined copper and cobalt hydroxide 2016 and by an additional 30% in 2017. STL also produced
were produced at the company’s SX–EW plant. In 2017, germanium at the estimated rate of 21 t/yr in 2015, 15 t/yr in

Congo (Kinshasa)—2017–2018 [ADVANCE RELEASE] 12.3

2016, and 11 t/yr in 2017 (table 1; Kibawa, 2016, 2017, 2018; period of between 7 and 8 years. Production could start by
Moore Stephens LLP, 2017, p. 151). August 2018. Kasombo was a hard-rock project located between
Mawson West started mining at the Kapulo project in the first 3 and 5 kilometers (km) from the Kipushi processing plant;
quarter of 2015. By yearend, the company produced 13,790 t of development depended on the results of a drilling program
copper and 2,072 kilograms (kg) of silver in concentrate. (Cornish, 2017b).
Mawson West produced 5,468 t of copper and 835 kg of silver at In October 2017, Nzuri Copper Ltd. of Australia completed a
Kapulo in 2016 before placing the mine on care-and-maintenance feasibility study on a new mine at its Kalongwe project. In the
status because of low copper prices. Mining was expected to first stage of mining, production was expected to be more than
restart at Kapulo in September 2017. As of yearend, it was unclear 19,000 t/yr of copper and 1,500 t/yr of cobalt in concentrate.
if mining had restarted (Mawson West Ltd., 2016, p. 1–2, 4). The life of the first phase was estimated to be 7 years. Nzuri
Black copper, which is a form of smelted copper that has a Copper also was considering a second phase of mining in
copper content of between 80% and 98%, was produced by which refined copper would be produced at an SX–EW plant.
numerous companies in the former Katanga Province. Some Estimated reserves at Kalongwe were 6.98 Mt at a grade of
companies produced black copper from concentrate sourced at 3.03% copper and 0.36% cobalt (Kotze, 2018).
their own mines and others sourced concentrate from artisanal In November 2017, Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. of Canada completed
miners. In 2017, Rubamin SPRL (a subsidiary of Rubamin Ltd. a new preliminary economic assessment (PEA) on a two-stage
of India) produced nearly 18,000 t of copper in black copper and mining operation at its Kakula and Kamoa deposits. Under
Congo Dongfang International Mining SPRL (CDM) of China the PEA, the first mine would be developed at Kakula with
produced about 7,300 t (Moore Stephens LLP, 2017, p. 153; a capacity of 6 million metric tons per year (Mt/yr) of ore.
Kibawa, 2018). The second mine, with a capacity of 6 Mt/yr of ore, would
CDM, Congo International Mining Corp. (CIMCO), La be developed at Kamoa. Depending on the results of further
Minière de Kalumbwe Myunga (MKM), Societe Minière studies, total production at Kakula and Kamoa could be more
du Katanga SPRL (Somika) of India, and other companies than 500,000 t/yr of copper in blister. The estimated capital cost
operated small copper refineries in Haut-Katanga and Lualaba of the mine at Kakula was $1.2 billion. The life of the project
Provinces. CNMC Huachin Mining Mabende’s production of was estimated to be more than 44 years (Engineering & Mining
refined copper increased to 29,765 t in 2017 from 23,697 t in Journal, 2018).
2016; MKM’s, to 25,723 t from 19,431 t; Compagnie Minière Gold.—Artisanal and small-scale miners produced gold
de Luisha’s (COMILU), to 21,358 t from 20,606 t; Somika’s, to in Ituri, Maniema, Nord-Kivu, Sud-Kivu, and Tanganyika
18,352 t from 15,478 t; CDM’s, to 17,753 t from 12,732 t; and Provinces in eastern Congo (Kinshasa). Most of the gold
Kai Peng Mining Ltd.’s, to 16,909 t from 12,330 t. CIMCO’s exported from artisanal production was undeclared. Production
production decreased to 2,388 t in 2017 from 11,926 t in 2016 by artisanal miners in eastern Congo (Kinshasa) was estimated
(Kibawa, 2017, 2018). to be nearly 12,000 kilograms per year of gold between 2013
CDM processed cobalt ore purchased from artisanal miners to and 2015 (Weyns and others, 2016, p. 4).
cobalt concentrate and cobalt hydroxide. In 2017, the company IPIS’ survey between 2013 and 2017 reported that gold was
produced an estimated 7,800 t of cobalt, which was nearly produced at 1,431 mines in eastern Congo (Kinshasa). The
unchanged from that of 2016. Macrolink Jiayuan Mining SARL Paris Soir-Bagdad Mine in Sud-Kivu Province employed about
of China produced 3,400 t of cobalt in concentrate in 2017 5,000 miners; the Misisi Mine, nearly 3,800; the Bigobe Mine,
compared with nearly 1,600 t in 2016. Metal Mines and Somika 3,500; the Ngoma Mine, nearly 2,800; and the Carriere
produced an estimated 2,000 t each of cobalt in concentrate in G7 Nord Mine, 2,500. The Musigha Mine in Nord-Kivu
2017 (Frankel, 2016; Kibawa, 2017, 2018; Moore Stephens Province employed more than 16,000 miners; the 7 eme Seau
LLP, 2017, p. 151, 153, 157). Mine, 3,000; and the Omate Mine, 2,200 (Matthysen and
Katanga Mining Ltd. of Switzerland produced copper and others, 2018).
cobalt at the KOV open pit mine, the KTO underground AngloGold Ashanti Ltd. of South Africa and Randgold
mines, and the Luilu refinery. In September 2015, the company Resources Ltd. of the United Kingdom started operations at the
placed its processing operations on care-and-maintenance Kibali Mine in 2013. The companies produced 18,545 kg of
status during the construction phase of its Whole Ore Leach gold in 2017 compared with 18,225 kg in 2016 and 19,991 kg
project. The Whole Ore Leach project was commissioned in in 2015; decreased production in 2016 and 2017 compared
December 2017; Katanga Mining planned to produce an average with that of 2015 was partially attributable to lower ore
of 300,000 t/yr of refined copper and 30,000 t/yr of cobalt in grades. Planned production was more than 22,000 kg in 2018
hydroxide. Katanga Mining planned to produce 150,000 t of (van Vuuren, 2018).
refined copper and 11,000 t of contained cobalt in 2018 and Banro Corp. of Canada operated the Twangiza Mine in
300,000 t of refined copper and 34,000 t of contained cobalt in Sud-Kivu Province; the company produced 3,417 kg of gold in
2019 (Katanga Mining Ltd., 2017). 2017 compared with 3,248 kg of gold in 2016. The increase in
In May 2017, Cape Lambert Resources Ltd. of Australia production was partially attributable to higher recovery rates.
signed a joint-venture agreement with Paragon Mining to The company also operated the Namoya Mine in Sud-Kivu
develop the Kasombo project and the Kipushi tailings project. Province; production decreased to 2,150 kg in 2017 from
The companies planned to produce 8,000 t/yr of copper and 2,900 kg in 2016. Namoya’s production was limited in the
4,000 t/yr of cobalt by retreating tailings from Kipushi for a


fourth quarter of 2017 by civil unrest (Kilian, 2017; Banro employed 1,200 miners, and the Bisie Mpama Mine, more than
Corp., 2018). 1,100 (Matthysen and others, 2018).
In July 2017, Amani Gold Ltd. of Australia estimated that In 2017, Alphamin Resources Corp. of Mauritius was engaged
resources at its Kebigada prospect were 48.7 Mt at a grade of in construction of a new underground mine at the Mpama
1.5 grams per metric ton gold. Kebigada was part of the Giro North deposit, which was part of the Bisie project in Nord-Kivu
project, which was located in Haut-Uele Province. Amani Province. Alphamin planned to produce about 9,600 t/yr of tin
Gold hoped to identify total resources of at least 93,000 kg of in concentrate at Mpama North during the estimated mine life
contained gold at the Giro project (Kotze, 2017). of nearly 12 years. Mining was expected to start in early 2019.
Niobium (Columbium) and Tantalum.—In 2017, Congo Resources at Mpama North were estimated to be 5.1 Mt at a
(Kinshasa)’s production of columbite-tantalite decreased grade of 4.5% tin. Estimated capital costs of the mine were
to 2,174 t from 2,414 t in 2016. Production decreased in $160 million (Cornish, 2017a).
Tanganyika Province to 516 t in 2017 from 897 t in 2016 and Tungsten.—Wolframite was mined in Maniema, Nord-Kivu,
to 1 t from 32 t in Maniema Province. Nord-Kivu Province’s and Sud-Kivu Provinces. Congo (Kinshasa)’s production of
production increased to 1,284 t in 2017 from 1,220 t in 2016; wolframite increased to 252 t in 2017 from 154 t in 2016 and
Haut-Katanga Province’s, to 308 t from 237 t; and Sud-Kivu 106 t in 2015. Production in Sud-Kivu Province was 120 t in
Province’s, to 65 t from 29 t (République Démocratique du 2017; Nord-Kivu Province, 80 t; and Maniema Province, 52 t
Congo Ministère des Mines, 2017, p. 47; 2018, p. 50, 59). (République Démocratique du Congo Ministère des Mines,
IPIS’ survey reported a total of 153 columbite-tantalite mines 2018, p. 52, 59).
in eastern Congo (Kinshasa); columbite-tantalite also was Zinc.—Cape Lambert and Paragon were engaged in a joint
mined as a coproduct of cassiterite or wolframite at 91 mines. venture to develop the Kipushi tailings project. The companies
Columbite tantalite was produced at 79 mines in Tanganyika planned to produce 2,000 t/yr of zinc by re-treating tailings;
Province and 75 mines in Nord-Kivu Province. In Nord-Kivu production could start by August 2018 (Cornish, 2017b).
Province, the D4 Gakombe Mine employed about 3,500 miners; In December 2017, Ivanhoe completed a prefeasibility study
the Ngoriba, 500; and the Luwowo-Gasara, 270. A total of on reopening the Kipushi zinc-copper mine, which was located
nearly 1,200 miners were employed at 14 columbite-tantalite 30 km southwest of Lubumbashi. Depending on the results of a
mines near Katatu in Tanganyika Province (Matthysen and feasibility study, Ivanhoe could produce about 225,000 t/yr of
others, 2018). zinc in concentrate during the estimated 11-year mine life. The
Niobium and tantalum were also contained in cassiterite. company planned to complete its feasibility study in the second
Based on historical production of niobium and tantalum from half of 2018. Resources at the Big Zinc deposit at Kipushi were
slag at smelters in Congo (Kinshasa), the estimated tantalum estimated to be 10.2 Mt at a grade of 34.9% zinc. Capital costs
and niobium content of cassiterite in 2017 was 280 t and 190 t, of reopening the mine were estimated to be $337 million
respectively. In 2016, the estimated tantalum and niobium (Moore, 2017).
content of cassiterite was 180 t and 120 t, respectively (World
Mining, 1979; Ellis, 1981; République Démocratique du Congo Industrial Minerals
Ministère des Mines, 2018, p. 48).
Cement.—National cement production increased to 899,533 t
Tin.—Artisanal and small-scale miners produced cassiterite in
in 2017 from a revised 253,201 t in 2016. Increased output was
Haut-Katanga, Haut-Lomani, Maniema, Nord-Kivu, Sud-Kivu,
attributable to the opening of new plants. The plant owned by
and Tanganyika Provinces. Cassiterite production increased
Lucky Cement Ltd. of Pakistan and Groupe Rawji opened in
to 18,893 t in 2017 from 11,824 t in 2016 and 8,304 t in 2015.
October 2016 and had a capacity of 1.26 Mt/yr. The plant was
Production in Tanganyika Province increased to 6,636 t in 2017
located at Songololo in Bas-Congo Province. PPC Ltd. of South
from 2,647 t in 2016; in Haut-Katanga Province, to 3,286 t from
Africa and Barnet Group completed construction of a new plant
2,984 t; in Maniema Province, to 3,017 t from 2,160 t; and
with a capacity of 1 Mt/yr near Kimpese in 2017 (International
in Sud-Kivu Province, to 2,819 t from 1,944 t. In Nord-Kivu
Cement Review, 2017, 2018; Banque Centrale du Congo, 2018,
Province, production decreased to 1,555 t in 2017 from 2,089 t
p. 40).
in 2016. In Haut-Lomani Province, production was 1,579 t in
Diamond.—Artisanal and small-scale miners accounted
2017 (République Démocratique du Congo Ministère des Mines,
for most Congolese output of diamond. In 2017, artisanal and
2017, p. 45; 2018, p. 48, 59).
small-scale diamond production was 15.4 million carats compared
IPIS’s survey reported a total of 507 cassiterite mines
with 12.4 million carats in 2016. Miners in Kasai-Oriental
in eastern Congo (Kinshasa); cassiterite also was mined
Province produced 12.2 million carats in 2017; Kasai Province,
as a coproduct of columbite-tantalite, gold, tourmaline, or
2.01 million carats; Kasai Central Province, about 971,000 carats;
wolframite at 52 mines. In the Manono Territory of Tanganyika
Kwango Province, about 98,000 carats; and Tshopo Province,
Province, the Mille Beches Mine employed 1,000 miners; the
about 81,000 carats (République Démocratique du Congo
Congo Mine, 800 miners; the Musafiri Mine, 600; and the
Ministère des Mines, 2017, p. 8; 2018, p. 11).
Djibende and Malenge Mines, 500 each. The Kalimbi Mine
Societe Anhui-Congo d’Investissment Minier SPRL
in Sud-Kivu Province employed 1,000 miners; the Kachuba
(SACIM) (Anhui Foreign Economic Construction Group of
Mine, 800; the Kasenge Mine, 700; and the Nzombe Mine, 500.
China, 50%, and Government-owned Société Congolaise
The Kalay Boeing-Mont Agoma Mine in Nord-Kivu Province
d’Investissment Minier, 50%) produced diamond at the
Tshibwe Mine in Kasai-Oriental Province. In 2017, SACIM

Congo (Kinshasa)—2017–2018 [ADVANCE RELEASE] 12.5

produced about 3.24 million carats compared with 2.76 million Manganese production restarted in 2018. Germanium and zinc
carats in 2016. The company planned to increase its output to production decreased by 91% each in 2018; diamond, by 21%;
6 million carats per year (République Démocratique du Congo refined cobalt, by 50%; and tin, by an estimated 11% (table 1).
Ministère des Mines, 2017, p. 4; 2018, p. 8, undated, p. 12, 14). Cement production increased in 2018 because of the opening
MIBA mined mostly industrial and near-gem-quality diamond of new plants in 2016 and 2017. Mined cobalt production
at Mbuji-Mayi in Kasai-Oriental Province. In 2017, the company increased because of the opening of new mines and the
produced 72,262 carats from its alluvial deposits compared with reopening of previously closed mines. Higher sulfuric acid
188,376 carats in 2016. Société Minière de Lupatapata’s output output was attributable to increased use in copper refining.
decreased to 51,967 carats in 2017 from 198,259 carats in 2016 Decreased germanium and zinc production was attributable to
(République Démocratique du Congo Ministère des Mines, 2017, the closure of the Big Hill operations.
p. 4; 2018, p. 8).
Gemstones.—Artisanal miners produced amethyst and Commodity Review
tourmaline at Rwangara and Shakubangwa in Nord-Kivu
Province; amethyst production was sporadic. Tourmaline also
was mined in other locations, including Sud-Kivu Province.
Cobalt and Copper.—Katanga Mining produced 152,358 t of
After a rush in the second half of 2014, production decreased
refined copper and 11,112 of cobalt in hydroxide in 2018. In the
at Rwangara and Shakubangwa in 2015 and nearly shut
fourth quarter of 2018, Katanga Mining suspended its sales of
down in 2016. Small amounts of tourmaline were mined at
cobalt because uranium levels in its cobalt hydroxide exceeded
Rubaya in Nord-Kivu Province as a byproduct of industrial
the limits allowed in the main ports used by the company for
minerals mining. Starting in June 2017, mining of gem-quality
exports. Planned cobalt production for 2019 was 26,000 t.
bicolored and tricolored tourmaline increased at Rubaya
Depending on Government authorization and the results of a
(Laurs and others, 2017).
feasibility study, Katanga Mining planned to start a new ion-
exchange plant to reduce uranium levels in the fourth quarter of
2019 (Katanga Mining Ltd., 2019).
In 2018, Chemaf’s cobalt production increased to an
Minerals in the National Economy estimated 7,800 t in 2018 from 5,160 t in 2017. Chemaf planned
to open a new mine at its Mutoshi project in Lualaba Province in
In 2018, the GDP of Congo (Kinshasa) was about
October 2019. The company planned to produce 20,000 t/yr of
$41.6 billion.1 The mining and mineral processing sector
refined copper and 16,000 t/yr of cobalt in hydroxide at Mutoshi
accounted for 19.7% of the GDP in 2018. The principal
(Chemaf SPRL, 2018, p. 9, 13; Roskill Information Services
mineral commodities exported from Congo (Kinshasa) were (in
Ltd., 2018).
decreasing order of value) copper, cobalt, gold, crude petroleum,
In 2018, Jinchuan produced 24,108 t of copper and
and diamond (African Development Bank Group, 2019).
4,752 t of cobalt at Ruashi compared with 31,546 t of copper
In March 2018, the President of Congo (Kinshasa) signed
and 4,638 t of cobalt in 2017. The company started large-scale
law No. 18/001 of March 9, 2018, which was the county’s new
mining at the Kinsenda Mine in 2018 and produced 27,492 t of
mining code. The new law increased royalties for precious
copper by yearend. Jinchuan also approved the Musonoi project,
metals to 3.5% from 2.5% and for nonferrous and base metals,
which was expected to start construction in 2019 and production
to 3.5% from 2%. The law also introduced a royalty of 10%
in 2022. Planned production was 38,000 t/yr of copper and
on minerals deemed to be strategic by the Government, which
7,800 t/yr of cobalt (Jinchuan Group International Resources
included cobalt, germanium, niobium, and tantalum. Other
Co. Ltd., 2019a, p. 9, 14, 19; 2019b, p. 13).
provisions included a reduction in duration of mining licenses
In the fourth quarter of 2018, ERG completed the RTR
to 25 years from 30 years; a reduction of the guaranteed period
project. In the first phase of the project, ERG planned to
for contract stability to 5 years from 10 years; an increase in
produce 77,000 t/yr of refined copper and 14,000 t/yr of cobalt
the Government’s free-carried and nondilutable share in mining
in hydroxide. The company could increase production to
projects to 10% from 5%; and a 50% tax on windfall profits.
120,000 t/yr of copper and 24,000 t/yr of cobalt in the second
Under the new law, exploration licenses were renewable only
phase of the project. ERG also produced 102,058 t of copper
once (Asselineau, 2018; Thomson Reuters, 2018).
in concentrate at Frontier and 26,206 t of refined copper and
Production 4,800 t of cobalt at Mukondo Mountain in 2018 (Kibawa,
2016; Moore Stephens LLP, 2017, p. 151, 153, 157; Division
In 2018, the production of cement increased by 105%; Provinciale des Mines de Haut-Katanga, 2019; Eurasian
tungsten, by an estimated 50%; mined cobalt, by an estimated Resources Group, 2019a, b).
30%; gold, by an estimated 18%; refined copper, by nearly In 2018, production at Tenke Fungurume was 168,309 t
15%; mined copper, by an estimated 13%; smelted copper, of copper and 18,747 t of cobalt compared with 213,843 t
by an estimated 12%; and crude petroleum, by 11%. of copper and 16,419 t of cobalt in 2017. Mutanda produced
199,000 t of copper and 27,300 t of cobalt in 2018 compared
with 192,100 t of copper and 23,900 t of cobalt in 2017 (China
Where necessary, values have been converted from Congolese francs (CDF) Molybdenum Company Ltd., 2018, p. 18; 2019, p. 18; Glencore
to U.S. dollars (US$) at an average exchange rate of CDF1,839.41=US$1.00 for
plc, 2019, p. 10).


In 2018, Sicomines produced about 81,000 t of copper, of The development of these projects depends heavily upon
which 58,562 t was refined. Shituru Mining produced 34,592 t political and economic stability and favorable conditions in
of refined copper in 2018; CNMC Huachin Mining Mabende, world markets. The outlook for gold, niobium, tantalum, tin,
32,318 t; and COMILU, 28,023 t (Division Provinciale des and tungsten is particularly dependent upon political stability
Mines de Haut-Katanga, 2019). because of continued civil unrest in eastern Congo (Kinshasa)
CDM’s production of cobalt in hydroxide was about 7,000 t and upon international concerns about the reported use of
in 2018. Metal Mines produced about 6,300 t of cobalt in minerals to finance military operations.
concentrate and hydroxide in 2018; Comika Mining SAS, about
3,200 t; and Somika, about 3,100 t. Minière de Kasombo and References Cited
MPC started operations in 2018 and produced about 2,300 t and African Development Bank Group, 2019, Congo Dem. Republic, in African
2,100 t of cobalt, respectively (Kibawa, 2016; Moore Stephens statistical yearbook 2019: African Development Bank Group, p. 204–209.
LLP, 2017, p. 151, 153, 157; Division Provinciale des Mines de (Accessed September 6, 2019, at
Haut-Katanga, 2019). document/the-african-statistical-yearbook-2019-109564.)
Anderson, C.S., 2019, Tin: U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Commodity
Gold.—AngloGold Ashanti’s and Randgold’s production at Summaries 2019, p. 172–173.
the Kibali Mine increased to 25,108 kg in 2018 from 18,545 kg Asselineau, Christophe, 2018, DRC mining code changes—Where to now?:
in 2017. Increased production was attributable to higher ore Mining Review Africa, no. 4, April, p. 19–21.
grades and recovery rates (Randgold Resources Ltd., 2019, Banque Centrale du Congo, 2018, Rapport annuel 2017 [Annual report
2017]: Banque Centrale du Congo, 266 p. (Accessed February 7, 2019,
p. 10–11). at
Niobium (Columbium) and Tantalum.—In 2018, [In French.]
columbite-tantalite production increased to 2,267 t from 2,174 t Banro Corp., 2018, Banro Announces Q4 2017 Production results: Toronto,
in 2017. Mining started in Haut-Lomani Province in 2018; Ontario, Canada, Banro Corp., January 10. (Accessed September 18, 2018,
production was 623 t. In Sud-Kivu Province, output increased production-results-668678293.html.)
to 269 t in 2018 from 65 t in 2017. Production decreased to 881 Cann, Chris, 2017, Cobalt express still chugging: Mining Journal, June 30–
t in 2018 from 1,284 t in 2017 in Nord-Kivu Province, to 260 t July 13, p. 16–17, 20.
from 308 t in Haut-Katanga Province, and to 210 t from 516 t Chemaf SPRL, 2018, Meeting demand for today and tomorrow: Chemaf
SPRL, 19 p. (Accessed November 30, 2018, at
in Tanganyika Province. The estimated tantalum content of Chemaf-corporate-brochure.pdf.)
cassiterite in 2018 was 240 t (World Mining, 1979; Ellis, 1981; China Molybdenum Company Ltd., 2018, 2017 annual report: China
République Démocratique du Congo Ministère des Mines, 2018, Molybdenum Company Ltd., 260 p. (Accessed February 7, 2019, at
p. 48, 50, 59; 2019).
China Molybdenum Company Ltd., 2019, 2018 annual report: Luoyang,
Tin.—Cassiterite production decreased to 16,273 t in Henan Province, China, China Molybdenum Company Ltd., 268 p.
2018 from 18,893 t in 2017. Production in Haut-Katanga (Accessed July 19, 2019, at
Province decreased to 1,591 t in 2018 from 3,286 t in 2017; in DOC/2019/E_03993_20190424.pdf.)
Tanganyika Province, to 1,251 t from 6,636 t; and in Nord-Kivu Clowes, William, 2017, Mining companies urge top Congo lawmakers to block
new law: Bloomberg News, December 27. (Accessed September 10, 2019, at
Province, to 975 t from 1,555 t. Production in Haut-Lomani
Province increased to 4,720 t in 2018 from 1,579 t in 2017; in urge-top-congolese-lawmakers-to-block-new-law.)
Maniema Province, to 3,954 t from 3,017 t; and in Sud-Kivu Cornish, Laura, 2017a, Alphamin Resources’ Bisie tin project—Building a new
Province, to 3,342 t from 2,819 t (République Démocratique du mine history in North Kivu: Mining Review Africa, no. 8, August, p. 32–34.
Cornish, Laura, 2017b, Cape Lambert Resources—Cobalt market drives near-
Congo Ministère des Mines, 2018, p. 48, 59; 2019). term production acquisitions: Mining Review Africa, no. 8, August, p. 28–31.
Cornish, Laura, 2017c, Gecamines chairman Albert Yuma-Mulimbi delivers on
Industrial Minerals ambitious growth strategy: Mining Review Africa, no. 1, January, p. 8–9.
Diamond Development Initiative, 2017, Two big steps forward for DDI
Diamond.—In 2018, artisanal and small-scale diamond cooperatives: Diamond Development Initiative, November 21 (Accessed
production decreased to 11.9 million carats from 15.4 million February 5, 2019, at
carats in 2017. Production in Kasai-Oriental Province was Division Provinciale des Mines de Haut-Katanga, 2019, Statistiques de
9.55 million carats in 2018 compared with 12.2 million in 2017, la redevance miniere par quotite emises pour la periode de Janvier
and that in Kasai Province was about 765,000 carats compared a Decembre 2018 (Haut-Katanga, Guichet-Lubumbashi, Lualaba et
with 2.01 million carats in 2017 (République Démocratique du Fungurume) [Mining royalty statistics by quota issued for the period from
January to December 2018 (Haut-Katanga, Guichet-Lubumbashi, Lualaba
Congo Ministère des Mines, 2018, p. 11; 2019). and Fungurume)]: Lubumbashi, Congo (Kinshasa), Division Provinciale des
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Outlook Ellis, M.W., 1981, The mineral industry of Zaire, in Area Reports—International:
U.S. Bureau of Mines Minerals Yearbook 1977, v. III, p. 1087–1092.
Cobalt and copper output in Congo (Kinshasa) are expected to Engineering & Mining Journal, 2018, Kakula-Kamoa’s world class potential:
increase in the near future. At least seven companies planned Engineering & Mining Journal, v. 219, no. 2, February, p. 16.
to increase or start copper mining, and at least six planned to Eurasian Resources Group, 2018a, Boss Mining—A DRC cobalt and copper
producer: Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Eurasian Resources Group. (Accessed
increase or start cobalt mining. The Bisie project could increase September 18, 2018, at
tin production starting in 2019. The opening of new plants is boss-mining/.)
expected to result in increased cement production in 2019. Eurasian Resources Group, 2018b, Frontier Mine—A copper sulphide
Diamond mining also could increase because of the expansion at concentrate producer: Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Eurasian Resources Group.
(Accessed September 18, 2018, at
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Congo (Kinshasa)—2017–2018 [ADVANCE RELEASE] 12.7

Eurasian Resources Group, 2018c, Metalkol RTR—A greenfield, tailings Kibawa, E.K., 2017, Statistiques des notes de debit relatives a la redevance
retreatment project: Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Eurasian Resources Group. miniere emises de Janvier a Decembre 2016 [Statistics of debit notes relating
(Accessed September 18, 2018, at to the mining royalty issued from January to December 2016]: Lubumbashi,
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(Accessed September 5, 2019, at miniere emises de Janvier a Decembre 2017 (ex Katanga déclarées a
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Eurasian Resources Group, 2019b, Metalkol RTR—A greenfield, tailings from January to December 2017 (ex Katanga declared in Lubumbashi)]:
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Summaries 2019, p. 70–71. p. 38–41.
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31 December 2017: Baar, Switzerland, Glencore plc, February 1, 18 p. potential in the DRC: Mining Review Africa, no. 4, April, p. 34–37.
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International Cement Review, 2017, New plant horizons: International Cement Matthysen, Ken, Jaillon, Alexandre, and Bouuaert, M.C., 2018, Interactive
Review, January, p. 16–27. map of artisanal exploitation in Eastern DR Congo—2018 update: Antwerp,
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Congo (Kinshasa)—2017–2018 [ADVANCE RELEASE] 12.9


(Metric tons, gross weight, unless otherwise specified)

Commodity2 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Mine, Co content, recoverablee, 3 65,000 r 72,000 r 68,000 r 80,000 104,000
Refinery, metal 4
2,859 3,141 50 r 120 60
Mine, Cu content:5
Concentratese 164,000 r 168,000 r 212,000 r 276,000 280,000
Solvent extraction 866,407 870,589 811,274 818,730 945,607
Total 1,030,000 1,040,000 1,020,000 1,090,000 1,230,000
Smelter, primary, black 56,000 r 34,000 r 26,000 42,000 47,000
Refinery, primary:
Electrowon 866,407 870,589 811,274 818,730 945,607
Other 11,559 15,347 10,039 11,757 7,631
Total 878,000 886,000 821,000 830,000 953,000
Germanium, mine, Ge contente kilograms 21,000 21,000 15,000 11,000 1,000
Gold, mine, Au contente do. 36,000 r 40,000 r 39,000 r 39,000 46,000
Lead, mine, Pb content7 764 653 101 -- --
Manganese, mine, ore8 -- -- -- -- 14,884
Niobium and tantalum, mineral concentrate:
Gross weight 7,295 8,304 11,824 18,893 16,273
Nb content 74 r 84 r 120 190 160
Ta content 110 125 r 180 280 240
Gross weight 1,140 2,102 2,414 2,174 2,267
Nb content 200 370 420 380 400
Ta content 250 465 r 530 480 500
Silver, mine, Ag content kilograms 6,492 2,412 835 -- e -- e
Tin, mine:
Gross weight 7,295 8,304 11,824 18,893 16,273
Concentrate, Sn contente 4,400 5,000 7,100 11,000 9,800
Tungsten, mine:
Gross weight 16 106 154 252 380
Concentrate, W contente 8 51 r 73 120 180
Zinc, mine, Zn content 12,737 12,675 12,587 12,337 1,129 7
Cement, hydraulic 329,205 r 398,749 253,201 r 899,533 1,842,782
Diamond, by type:
Artisanal thousand carats 14,689 14,284 12,377 15,415 11,929
Large-scale do. 244 1,505 3,182 3,688 3,202
Gemstones, tourmalinee 35 28 14 14 14
Stone, crushed, unspecified 285,100 306,800 r 326,100 r 340,000 e 340,000 e
Sulfur, compounds, sulfuric acide 3,000,000 3,000,000 2,800,000 2,900,000 3,300,000
Coal, bituminous 5,600 r 6,900 r 8,200 r 8,000 e 8,000 e
Petroleum, crude thousand 42-gallon barrels 8,362 8,247 7,837 7,536 8,393
Estimated. rRevised. do. Ditto. -- Zero.
Table includes data available through September 5, 2019. All data are reported unless otherwise noted. Estimated data are rounded to no more than three
significant digits.
In addition to the commodities listed, amethyst and crude construction materials, including brick may have been produced, but available information was
inadequate to make reliable estimates of output.
Determined from estimated cobalt content of ores, concentrates, refined cobalt metal, and intermediate products such as crude cobalt alloys, crude cobalt
hydroxide, and crude cobalt carbonate, produced from cobalt ores and concentrates, tailings, and slags sourced from Congo (Kinshasa).
Does not include production of cobalt in alloys, carbonate, hydroxide, and other materials that would require further refining.
Recoverable content.
The copper content of solvent extraction output at the mine level is the same as electrowon refinery output because copper produced in the solvent extraction and
electrowinning process is typically reported only at the refinery level.
Reported exports.



(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)

Major operating companies

Commodity and major equity owners Location of main facilities Annual capacity
Cement Lucky Cement Ltd. and Groupe Rawji Plant at Songololo in Bas-Congo Province 1,260,000.
Do. PPC Barnet DRC Manufacturing SA (PPC Plant near Kimpese 1,000,000.
Ltd., 69%, and Barnet Group, 21%)
Do. Cimenterie de Lukala (HeidelbergCement AG, Lukala plant near Kinshasa 420,000.
Do. Interlacs (HeidelbergCement AG, 85%) Kabimba plant near Lubumbashi 50,000.
Do. Cimenterie Nationale SARL (Nova Kimpese plant, 40 kilometers south of 300,000.
Cimangola, 58%) Kinshasa1
Do. Ciment et Matériaux du Katanga [Enterprise Lubudi plant in Lualaba Province 87,000.
Malta Forrest SPRL (EGMF), 50.27%, and
Générale des Carrières et des Mines SA
(Gécamines), 49.73%]
Coal La Générale des Carrières et des Mines SA Luena Mine in Haut-Katanga Province NA.
Copper and cobalt:
Mine Katanga Mining Ltd. (Glencore International KOV, KTO,1 and Mashamba East Mines 300,000 copper;
AG, 75.2%, and Générale des Carrières et near Kolwezi 30,000 cobalt.
des Mines (Gécamines), 24.8%]
Do. Tenke Fungurume Mining SARL [China Tenke Fungurume Mine in Lualaba Province 225,000 copper;
Molybdenum Co. Ltd., 80%, and Générale 18,000e cobalt.
des Carrières et des Mines (Gécamines), 20%]
Do. Mutanda Mining SPRL (Glencore plc, 100%) Mutanda Mine in Lualaba Province 220,000e copper;
28,000e cobalt.
Do. Eurasian Resources Group (ERG) Frontier Mine in Haut-Katanga Province 100,000 copper.
Do. do. Roan Tailings Retreatment project near 77,000 copper;
Kolwezi 14,000 cobalt.
Do. Boss Mining SPRL [Eurasian Resources Group Mukondo Mountain Mine near Kakanda 40,000e copper;
plc, 70%, and Générale des Carrières et 10,000e cobalt.
des Mines SA (Gécamines), 30%]
Do. Sicomines [China Railway Group Ltd. and Mashamba West Mine in Lualaba Province 125,000 copper.
Sinohydro Corp., 68%, and La Générale des
Carrières et des Mines SA (Gecamines) and
Société Immobilière du Congo, 32%]
Do. MMG Ltd. Kinsevere Mine near Kinke 80,000 copper.
Do. Ruashi Mining SPRL (Jinchuan Group Ruashi Mine near Lubumbashi 38,000 copper;
International Resources Co. Ltd., 75%) 5,000 cobalt.
Do. Jinchuan Group International Resources Co. Kinsenda Mine in Haut-Katanga Province 24,000 copper
Ltd., 77%
Do. Chemaf SPRL (subsidiary of Shalina Etoile Mine near Lubumbashi 51,500 copper;
Resources Ltd.) 8,700e cobalt.
Do. La Compagnie Minière de Musonoie Global SAS Kolwezi Mine in Lualaba Province 50,000 copper;
(Zijin Mining Group Company Ltd., 72%) 3,000 cobalt.
Do. Congo Dong Fang International Mining sprl Plants in former Katanga Province 45,000e copper;
8,700e cobalt.
Do. Shituru Mining Corp. SPRL Shituru Mine in Haut-Katanga Province 40,000e copper.
Do. Anvil Mining Congo SARL (Mawson West Dikulushi Mine1 near Lake Mweru 20,000 copper.
Ltd., 90%)
Do. do. Kapulo Mine1 near Kapulo 19,400 copper.
Do. CNMC Huachin Mining Mabende Mine at Mabende 33,000e copper.
See footnotes at end of table.

Congo (Kinshasa)—2017–2018 [ADVANCE RELEASE] 12.11

TABLE 2—Continued

(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)

Major operating companies

Commodity and major equity owners Location of main facilities Annual capacity
Copper and cobalt:
Mine—Continued Tiger Resources Ltd., 60%, and La Générale Kipoi Mine in Haut-Katanga Province 32,500 copper.
des Carrières et des Mines SA (Gécamines), 40%
Do. La Minière de Kalumbwe Myunga (MKM) Mine near Kolwezi 29,000e copper.
Do. CNMC-Mabende Metal Leach SPRL Plant at Lwisha 20,000 copper.
Do. La Générale des Carrières et des Mines SA Kamfundwa and Kilamusembu Mines 20,000e copper;
(Gécamines) 900e cobalt.
Do. Société Minière du Katanga SPRL (Somika) Mine near Lubumbashi 20,000e copper;
3,500e cobalt.
Do. La Société pour le Traitement du Terril de Big Hill tailings treatment plant at 3,500 copper;
Lubumbashi (STL) [Enterprise Générale Lubumbashi1 5,500 cobalt.
Malta Forrest SPRL (EGMF), 70%, and La
Générale des Carrières et des Mines SA
(Gécamines), 30%]
Do. Metals Mines Mines in Haut-Katanga Province 7,000e cobalt.
Do. Macrolink Jiayuan Mining SARL do. 3,800e cobalt.
Do. Comika Mining SAS do. 3,600e cobalt.
Do. Minière de Kasombo do. 2,600e cobalt.
Do. MPC Mines in former Katanga Province 2,400e cobalt.
Do. Feza Mining SPRL do.1 1,000e cobalt.
Smelted La Compagnie Minière de Musonoie Global SAS Plant in Lualaba Province 32,000e copper.
Do. Congo Dongfang International Mining SPRL Plant in Lubumbashi 30,000e copper.
Do. Rubamin SPRL Plant in Likasi 25,000 copper.
Refined Katanga Mining Ltd. Luilu plant near Kolwezi 300,000 copper.
Do. Tenke Fungurume Mining SARL Plant near Tenke Fungurume Mine 225,000 copper.
Do. Mutanda Mining SPRL Plant near Mutanda Mine 200,000 copper.
Do. Sicomines Plant near Mashamba West Mine 80,000e copper.
Do. MMG Ltd. Kinsevere plant near Kinke 80,000e copper.
Do. Eurasian Resources Group Plant at Roan Tailings Retreatment 77,000 copper
Do. Chemaf SPRL Usoke plant in Lubumbashi 51,500 copper.
Do. Boss Mining SPRL Luita plant near Kakanda 40,000 copper.
Do. Shituru Mining Corp. SPRL Plant in former Katanga Province 40,000e copper.
Do. Ruashi Mining SPRL Ruashi plant near Lubumbashi 38,000 copper.
Do. CNMC Huachin Mining Mabende Plant at Mabende 33,000e copper.
Do. Tiger Resources Ltd., 60%, and La Générale Plant near Kipoi Mine 32,500 copper.
des Carrières et des Mines (Gécamines), 40%
Do. Compagnie Minière de Luisha (COMILU) Plant near Kolwezi 31,000e copper.
Do. Congo International Mining Corp. Plant in former Katanga Province 30,000 copper.
Do. La Minière de Kalumbwe Myunga (MKM) Plant near Kolwezi 29,000e copper.
Do. La Générale des Carrières et des Mines SA Shituru plant near Likasi 21,600 copper.
Do. do. Fonderie Electrique de Panda cobalt plant 1,200 cobalt.
Do. CNMC-Mabende Metal Leach SPRL Plant at Lwisha 20,000 copper.
Do. Société Minière du Katanga SPRL (Somika) Plant near Lubumbashi 20,000e copper.
Do. Kai Peng Mining Ltd. Plant at Likasi1 19,000e copper.
Diamond carats Artisanal miners Mines in Kasai-Oriental Province 13,000,000.e
Do. do. do. Mines in Kasai Province 2,200,000.e
Do. do. do. Mines in Kasai-Central Province 1,400,000.e
Do. do. do. Mines in Kwango Province 150,000.e
Do. do. do. Mines in Tshopo Province 130,000.e
Do. do. Societe Anhui-Congo d'Investissment Minier Tshibwe Mine in Kasai-Oriental Province 6,000,000.
SPRL (SACIM) [Anhui Foreign Economic
Construction Group, 50%, and Société
Congolaise d’Investissment Minier, 50%]
See footnotes at end of table.


TABLE 2—Continued

(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)

Major operating companies

Commodity and major equity owners Location of main facilities Annual capacity
Diamond— carats Société Minière de Bakwanga (MIBA) Mines at Mbuji-Mayi in Kasai-Oriental 900,000.
Continued [Government, 80%, and Sibeka Group Province
(Mwana Africa plc), 20%]
Do. do. Société Minière de Lupatapata (SMDL) Mines in Kasai-Oriental Province1 220,000.e
Amethyst Artisanal and small-scale miners Mines at Rwangara and Shakubangwa in NA.
Nord-Kivu Province
Tourmaline kilograms do. do. 15.e
Germanium do. La Société pour le Traitement du Terril de Big Hill tailings treatment plant at 20,000.
Lubumbashi (STL) Lubumbashi1
Gold do. Artisanal and small-scale miners Mines in various locations, including: 15,000.e
Do. do. do. Ituri Province NA.
Do. do. do. Maniema Province NA.
Do. do. do. Nord-Kivu Province NA.
Do. do. do. Sud-Kivu Province NA.
Do. do. do. Tanganyika Province NA.
Do. do. Coomid, Fametal, and Gold Dragon Resources Ituri Province1 2,000.e
Do. do. AngloGold Ashanti, 45%, and Randgold Kibali Mine in Ituri Province 29,000.
Resources Ltd., 45%
Do. do. Banro Corp. Namoya Mine in Maniema Province 4,100.
Do. do. do. Twangiza Mine in Sud-Kivu Province 3,500.
Niobium (columbium) Artisanal and small-scale miners Mines in Nord-Kivu Province 1,500e columbite-
and tantalum tantalite.
Do. do. Mines in Tanganyika Province 1,000e columbite-
Do. do. Mines in Haut-Lomani Province 700e columbite-
Do. do. Mines in Haut-Katanga Province 340e columbite-
Do. do. Mines in Sud-Kivu Province 300e columbite-
Do. do. Mines in Maniema Province 80e columbite-
Petroleum, thousand Perenco REP (subsidiary of Perenco plc) and Kifuku, Kinkasi, Liawenda, Makelekese, 5,480.
crude 42-gallon Congolaise des Hydrocarbures SARL Muanda, Nsiamfuma, and Tschiende
barrels onshore wells
Do. do. Muanda International Oil Co. (subsidiary of Mibale, Motoba, and Tshiala offshore wells 3,650.
Perenco plc), 50%; Inpex Corp., 32.3%;
ODS Ltd., 17.7%)
Silver, mine kilograms Anvil Congo Mining SARL Dikulushi Mine1 near Lake Mweru 60,000.
Do. do. do. Kapulo Mine1 near Kapulo 3,000.e
Stone, crushed Chemaf SPRL Kilimasimba quarry near Lubumbashi 440,000.
Sulfuric acid Tenke Fungurume Mining SPRL [La Générale Plants at Tenke Fungurume Mine 760,000.
des Carrières et des Mines SA (Gécamines)]
Do. Ruashi Mining SPRL Plant at Ruashi Mine 190,000.
Do. Chemaf SPRL Plant in Lubumbashi 170,000.
Do. Mutanda Mining SPRL Plant at Mutanda Mine 130,000.
Do. La Générale des Carrières et des Mines SA Plant at Likasi 68,000.
Tin, mine Artisanal and small-scale miners Mines in Tanganyika Province 7,400e cassiterite.
Do. do. Mines in Haut-Lomani Province 5,300e cassiterite.
Do. do. Mines in Maniema Province 4,400e cassiterite.
Do. do. Mines in Haut-Katanga Province 3,700e cassiterite.
Do. do. Mines in Sud-Kivu Province 3,700e cassiterite.
Do. do. Mines in Nord-Kivu Province 2,300e cassiterite.
See footnotes at end of table.

Congo (Kinshasa)—2017–2018 [ADVANCE RELEASE] 12.13

TABLE 2—Continued

(Metric tons unless otherwise specified)

Major operating companies

Commodity and major equity owners Location of main facilities Annual capacity
Tungsten Artisanal and small-scale miners Mines in Sud-Kivu Province 240e wolframite.
Do. do. Mines in Maniema Province 110e wolframite.
Do. do. Mines in Nord-Kivu Province1 90e wolframite.
Zinc La Société pour le Traitement du Terril de Big Hill tailings treatment plant at 15,000 zinc in zinc
Lubumbashi (STL) Lubumbashi1 oxide.
Estimated. Do., do. Ditto. NA Not available.
Not operating at the end of 2018.


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