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What are Proteins?

Proteins • Proteins are one of the primary compounds in the formation of life and are
present in all organisms of the animal and plant kingdom.

• These compounds play important roles in cell function and the processes of
tissue formation.

• Proteins vary in composition both between species and within the same
body in different tissues and various cellular fluids.

• The human proteins have different characteristics depending on the tissue:

Lecturer: Junayet Hossain Khan epithelial, muscle, brain, kidneys, etc. which established physical and
chemical differences in all life processes in which proteins are involved

Structure of Amino Acid

Structure of Protein Various Amino Acids
• The structural basic composition of the proteins are carbon, hydrogen,
oxygen and nitrogen.
• Sulfur and Phosphorus may also be present. Other occasional elements
are iodine, copper, iron and zinc.
• Nitrogen is the characteristic element constituting about 16% of most
proteins and is the atom that is used for its analytical determination.
• The structural unit of proteins are amino acids of which about 20 are
actually involved in its constitution.
• These molecular structures have at least one carboxylic group and an α-
amino group. From these simple structures form long chain of amino
acids linked by hydroxyl groups ending with the subsequent amine
• The polymers so formed are called peptides.

Levels of protein structure

• Primary: determined by the sequence
of the constituent amino acids.
• Secondary: they are folded
polypeptide chains organized in a spiral.
• Tertiary: Arrangement of the folded
chains in layers.
• Quaternary: Levels of organization
comprising the previous formations and
finally determines the specific function
of the protein in the biological process.
With the loss of this structure by some
external agent, the protein is denatured.

• Finally there is a fifth level, considering

the clustering of several proteins into
macromolecules complex structures,
involved in anabolic processes
("building up" organs and tissues).
Based on composition and solubility:
Simple Proteins, Conjugated Proteins, Derived Proteins
Classification of Proteins
Based on shape of protein molecule:
• 1. Globular e.g. heamoglobin
• 2. Fibrous e.g. collagens, keratin

Based on composition and solubility:

• 1. Simple proteins e.g. histones, albumin
• 2. Conjugated proteins e.g. glycoprotein, lipoprotein
• 3. Derived proteins e.g. polypeptides

Classification of Proteins Classification of Proteins

Based on biological functions: Based on biological functions:
1. Enzymatic proteins (or enzymes, are proteins that speed up chemical
reactions in the body. They can make the reaction happen a million times
2.Structural proteins (Structural proteins serves as structural components of
the body, such as bones and cartilage. The most common example is collagen
which is found in the bones, cells and skin. Structural proteins are also found
in cellular level, providing internal structure to the cell)
3.Transport or carrier (are proteins involved in the movement of ions, small
molecules, or macromolecules, such as another protein, across a biological
membrane. Carrier proteins are integral membrane proteins; that is, they
exist within and span the membrane across which they transport
Classification of Proteins Tests for proteins
4. Nutrient and storage (Storage proteins serve as biological reserves of • Biuret test: An aqueous sample is treated with an equal
metal ions and amino acids, used by organisms. They are found in plant volume of 1% strong base (sodium or potassium hydroxide
seeds, egg whites, and milk. Ferritin is an example of a storage protein
that stores iron. Iron is a component of heme, which is contained in the most often) followed by a few drops of aqueous copper(II)
transport protein hemoglobin) sulfate. If the solution turns purple, protein is present.
5. Contractile or motile (They include MUSCLE PROTEINS. In tissues, these
proteins participate in localized contractile events and in cell aggregation
phenomena. ) • Millon’s test: Millon's reagent is made by dissolving metallic
mercury in nitric acid and diluting with water. A few drops of
6. Defense (for example Antibodies)
the reagent are added to the test solution, which is then
7. Regulatory (e.g Genetic regulatory proteins bind to segments of DNA and heated gently. A reddish-brown coloration or precipitate
bring about gene regulation or could be Enzyme regulatory proteins)
indicates the presence of tyrosine residue which occur in
8. Toxic (Protein toxicity is the effect of the buildup of protein metabolic nearly all proteins. It mainly detects phenolic compounds.
waste compounds due to insufficient kidney function.)

Papain Papain
Synonyms : Papain, Papayotin Chemical Constituents:
Biological Source: Papain is the dried and purified latex obtained from the milky juice ✓ Papain is referred to as vegetable pepsin as it contains enzymes similar to those in
of unripe fruits of Carica papaya Linn, Family: Caricaceae. pepsin.
✓ Papain contains several proteolytic enzymes (digests proteins into smaller units)
such as peptidase-I, rennin like milk coagulating enzyme, amylolytic enzyme
(causes breakdown of starch into sugar) and a clotting enzyme similar to pectase
(an enzyme occurring in certain ripening fruits, involved in transforming pectin into
a soluble form). Peptidase - I has the ability to convert proteins into dipeptides and
• Being proteolytic enzyme papain is used as a digestant for proteins. It shows the
Characteristics: proteolytic activity, it can act in acid, neutral or alkaline media. It can be combined
Purified papain is white or grayish white, slightly hygroscopic powder. It is completely with other enzymes such as amylases to produce digestive aids. It is extensively
soluble in water and glycerol, and practically insoluble in most organic solvents. Its used as a meat-tendering agent in the meat packing industries.
potency varies according to process of preparation. Papain can digest about 35 times
its own weight of lean meat. The best quality papain digests 300 times its own weight • Papain (10%) is used in ointment for wound debridement, that is, for the removal
of egg albumin. It should be kept in well-closed containers. The best pH for its activity of dead tissue.
is 5.0 but it functions also in neutral and alkaline media. • It is also used in the treatment of contact lenses to prolong wearing time.

Bromelin Bromelin

Synonyms: Bromelin, Bromelain

Biological Source: Bromelin is a mixture of proteolytic enzymes isolated
from the juice of Ananas comosus, pineapple. Family Bromeliaceae.
Characteristics: Bromelin is incompletely soluble in water. The bromelin
obtained from the fruit is acidic in nature while that derived from the
stem tissues is a basic protein.
Chemical Constituents: Bromelin is a glycoprotein. Pineapple
endopeptidases are ananain and comosain.
Uses: Bromelin has the ability to dissolve fibrin (insoluble protein of
fibrinogen during blood clotting) in conditions of inflammatory oedema.
It is used for tenderizing meat, as a bating reagent for hides.
Malt Extract
Synonym: Diastase, Malt extract
Biological Source: Malt extract is the extract obtained from the dried barley
grains of one or more varieties of Hordeum vulgare Linne, Family Poaceae.
Malt extract contains enzymes, which are most active in neutral solution. The
acidic conditions destroy the activity. It converts starch into disaccharide maltose
(diastase). The enzyme is destroyed by heat. Many heat sterilized malt extracts
do not contain diastase. It is completely soluble in cold water, more readily in
warm water. The aqueous solution shows precipitation on standing.
Chemical Constituents:
Malt extract contains dextrin, maltose, traces of glucose and about 8 % of
amylolytic enzyme diastase.
Malt extract and purified diastase, both are used as amylolytic enzymes and as
an aid in digesting starch. They are used as bulk producing laxatives.
Malt Extract

Streptokinase Streptokinase
Synonym: Estreptokinase, Plasminokinase
Biological Source: Estreptokinase, Plasminokinase is a purified bacterial protein
produced from the strains of group C Beta- haemolytic S. griseus.
Characteristics: Streptokinase is a bacterial protein.
Chemical Constituents:
Streptokinase is the purified bacterial protein with about 484 amino acid residues.
Streptokinase is the first available agent for dissolving blood clots. It binds to
plasminogen in a 1:1 ratio and changes molecular conformation. Thus, the
complex formed becomes an active enzyme and promotes the activity of
fibrinolytic enzyme plasmin. Plasmin breaks fibrin clots.
Streptokinase is used in the treatment of pulmonary embolism, venous and
arterial thrombosis and coronary artery thrombosis. It is also sometimes
administered along with heparin to counter act a paradoxical increase in local
thrombin (enzyme promoting platelet aggregation).
Gelatin Gelatin
Synonym: Gelatinum

Biological Source:
Gelatin is a protein derivative obtain by evaporating an aqueous extract
made from bones, skins and tendons of various domestic animals. Some
important sources are, Ox (Bos taurus), and Sheep (Ovis aries) belonging
to family Bovidae.

Gelatin occurs in the form of thin sheets or as shredded flakes or
powder. It is nearly colourless or pale yellow devoid of odour and taste.
Gelatin is hard and brittle but breaks with short fracture after
preliminary bending. It swells in cold water and completely dissolves
when heated. It is soluble in acetic acid and glycerin but insoluble in
alcohol and organic solvents. Gelatin reacts with hydrochloric acid to
obtain gelatin-peptone.

Chemical Constituents:
Gelatin consists of a major proportion of protein glutin.
Thank You
1.Gelatin is used as a nutrient and as a styptic (capable of stopping bleeding
when applied to a wound).
2.It is largely used for the manufacture of hard and soft gelatin capsules.
3.It is also used for the preparation of suppositories, pastilles (lozenge) and
4.It is a component in the bacteriological culture media.
5.Gelatin is also employed in the micro encapsulation of drugs, in injections
(causes rapid coagulation of blood treating hemorrhages) and perfumes.
6.It is used for the production of absorbable gelatin sponge and gelatin films.
What are Alkaloids?

Lecturer: Junayet Hossain Khan


Alkaloids-Plant Secondary Metabolites Effects of Alkaloid in Humans

Distribution and Occurrence Functions in the Plant
• Rare in Lower plants
• Families rich in Alkaloids: Apocynaceae,
Rubiaceae, Solanaceae and Papaveracea
• Families free from Alkaloids:Rosaceae, Labiatae
• Present in any parts of the plant

Physical properties of alkaloids Chemical properties

• Alkaloids are colorless crystalline solids and contain C, • Most are basic in nature due to presence of lone
H, N and O pair of electrons on nitrogen
• A small number of them are liquids and oxygen free
• The alkaloid turns neutral or acidic if the
• Alkaloid bases are soluble in most organic solvent and
adjacent functional group are electron
sparingly soluble or insoluble in water
withdrawing like amide group which reduces the
• Alkaloid salts are more soluble in water and other
aqueous solution and sparingly soluble or insoluble in availability of the lone pair of electron
organic solvents • In natural form alkaloids exist either in free state,
• Majority of alkaloids are colorless except few like as amine or as salt with acid or alkaloid N-oxides
colchicine is yellow
Classification of alkaloids Classification of alkaloids
On the basis of various ring structure alkaloids are broadly Tropane alkaloids:
divided into the following major groups: - possess a dicyclic compound, tropane, as their basic nuclei which is
formed by the condensation of piperidine and N-methyl pyrrolidine ring
Pyridine-piperidine alkaloids:
- possess pyrrolidine, pyridine, piperidine ring structure or
a combination of these rings as their basic nuclei

- alkaloids of this group are used as spasmolytic and anticholinergic

- alkaloids of this group are used as anthelmintic (anti and mydriatic agents
parasitic drugs), respiratory stimulants and as insecticides Examples are: Atropine, Hyoscine, Hyoscyamine, littorone, tigloidine,
Examples are : Lobelia, Ricinus, Tobacco cocaine


Classification of alkaloids Classification of alkaloids

Isoquinoline alkaloids :
Quinoline alkaloids:
- possess an isoquinoline
- possess quinoline as their basic nuclei basic structure
- alkaloids of this group are used in the - alkaloids of this group are used
treatment of malaria
as anti-amoebic, skeletal muscle relaxants,
analgesics, hypnotics and astringents
Examples are: quinine, quinidine,
Examples are:
- Alkaloids in Ipecac (causes vomiting)( emetine, cephaeline, psychotrine)
- Alkaloids of opium( morphine, codeine, thebaine)

Drug to fight covid-19

Classification of alkaloids Classification of alkaloids
Indole alkaloids : Steroidal alkaloids:
- possess a cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene. nucleus
- possesses an indole ring as a
- alkaloids of this group are used as hypotensives,
part of structure
cardiac depressants, sedatives and anti-dysenteric
- alkaloids of this group are used in the treatment of high
blood pressure, leukemia and as oxotocics Examples are:
Examples are: Rauwolfia and its alkaloids(reserpine, - protoveratrine, veratramin, veratridin and germidine
deserpidine, rescinnamine)
- Ergot and its alkaloids (ergotamine, ergometrine)


Classification of alkaloids
Alkaloidal amines:

- possess nitrogen atoms inside

chains and called non- heterocyclic alkaloids
- alkaloids of this group are used as bronchodilator,
vasoconstrictor and cardiac stimulant and as a
suppressant for gout
Examples are:

- ephedrine, colchicine H-C-NH-CH3
Alkaloids have traditionally been of great interest to humans because of their pronounced Taxol (Fig. 4) considered as cytostatic drug, applied for the treatment of lung cancer, breast
physiological and medicinal properties. From the beginning of civilization, alkaloid- cancer, neck cancer and ovarian cancer (Heinstein and Chang, 1994). Coniine, tropine,
containing plant extracts have been used in all cultures as medicines and poisons. Greek vendoline, morphine and tyrosine showed significant anticancer activity (Hartwell and Abbot,
philosopher Socrates died in 399 B.C. by consumption of coniine containing hemlock 1969). Nicotine isolated from Nicotiana tabacum of family Solanaceae is a highly addictive
(Conium maculatum) and Egyptian queen Cleopatra (69-30 B.C.) used atropine stimulant of the nervous system in small doses, such as those obtained by smoking tobacco
containing plant extracts (such as belladonna) to dilate her pupils. The physiological in cigarettes, whereas higher doses can be extremely toxic. Nicotine is also used as an
effects of alkaloids have made them important compounds in medicine. They are used as insecticide in the form of nicotine sulfate. Various alkaloids like codeine, heroin, morphine
a remedy for painkillers, stimulants, muscle relaxants, tranquilizers, anaesthetics, and opium, derived from the sap of Papaver somniferum are widely used as medicines or
antimalarial, antimicrobial, antidiabetic, anticancerous, anti-HIV, antioxidants etc. highly addictive and recreational drugs. An addictive narcotic drug cocaine, derived from the
Proaporphines and crotsparine isolated from Cocculus sparciflorus (Bhakuni et al., 1968), foliage of Erythroxylon coca used as a stimulant and local anaesthetic (Novak et al., 1984).
showed significant hypotensive and anticancer activity (Bhakuni et al., 1969). Quinine, a bitter tasting alkaloid extracted from Cinchona ledgeriana is well known for its
Homoerythrine derived alkaloids isolated from stem of Galipea bracteata (Vielra and antimalarial activity. Morphine is a powerful painkiller, often given to terminally ill patients.
Kubo, 1990) showed molluscicidal activity. In modern times, the stimulants caffeine in Codeine having similar pharmacological functions to morphine, but is less potent. Heroin is a
coffee, tea and cacao and nicotine in cigarettes are consumed worldwide. Alkaloids with synthetic derivative of morphine that is highly addictive. Papaverine isolated from Papaver
hallucinogenic, narcotic or analgesic properties have found applications in medicine e.g. somniferum (Pictet and Gums, 1909) has relaxant effects on smooth muscle of the intestinal
morphine, atropine and quinine. Some alkaloids served as model compounds for modern and bronchial tract and the blood vessels. Strychnine is a powerful CNS stimulant and
synthetic drugs whereas several are abused as illegal drugs e.g. cocaine. A number of lysergic acid produced by a fungus grows on rye in the form of lysergic acid diethylamide
alkaloids are too toxic for any therapeutic use e.g. coniine and strychnine. Moreover the (LSD), is a powerful hallucinogen.
plant constituents are still screened for new biologically active compounds.

Atropine (Mann et al., 1994) acts as a smooth muscle relaxant and used to dilate the pupils
of the eye. Roots of Rauwolfia serpentine used in North India as a sedative, led to the
isolation of ajmaline, ajmalinine and serpentine (Siddhiqui and Siddhiqui., 1931).
Tylophorine, 21 tylophoridine and tylocrebine (Hartwell and Abbot, 1969) isolated from
different genus of Tylophora showed anticancer activity. The bark of Holarrhena
antidysentrica containing couessine, conessimine and conssidine (Siddhiqui and Pillay,
1932; 1934) is widely used in the treatment of dysentery. Ergotamine (Fig. 5) in the form of
ergotamine tartrate combined with caffeine is used as a specific analgesic in the treatment of
Chemical Test for Alkaloids Chemical Test for Alkaloids

Botanical source:
Stramonium consists of the dried leaves and flowering tops of
Datura stramonium

Family: Solanaceae

Chemical constituents:
Stramonium contains 0.2-0.45% percent of tropane alkaloids.
Principle tropane alkaloid is hyoscyamine and hyoscine.
Other tropane alkaloids like atropine, littorine, tigloidine,
tropine and pseudotropine are also present in smaller quantities.
Stramonium Stramonium

i) Parasympatholytic ( agent that reduces the activity of the parasympathetic
nervous system. Parasympatholytic drugs can increase heart rate in patients with
bradycardic heart rhythms, and open up airways and reduce mucous production in
patients suffering from asthma.)
ii) Decreases the flow of secretions of saliva, milk and
iii) Used as mydriatic agent (dilation of the pupil)
iv) Used as sedative
Datura Stramonium
v) Used as an anodyne ( drug used to lessen pain through
reducing the sensitivity of the brain or nervous system.)

Botanical source:
Belladonna consists of the leaves and other aerial parts of
Atropa belladonna

Family: Solanaceae

Chemical constituents:

Belladonna contains 0.2-0.6% percent of tropane alkaloids.

Principal tropane alkaloid is hyoscyamine.
It also contains small amounts of some other tropane
alkaloids and some volatile bases.

Belladonna leave

• Used externally as a painkiller
• Used as a sedative and antispasmodic
• Used as a mydriatic and parasympatholytic drug
• Act as a local anaesthetic and anodyne

Leaves Coca…


Botanical source:
Coca consists of the dried leaves of Erythroxylum coca

Coca leaves
Family: Erythroxylaceae Uses:

Chemical constituents: 1) It is used during convalescence (gradual recovery of health and strength after
illness or injury).
Coca leaves contain 0.5-1.5% of tropane alkaloids, of which most 2) Cocaine hydrochloride is used as a local anesthetic in minor
important is cocaine. Others tropane alkaloids are cinnamylcocaine, surgical operations
truxilline, benzoylecgonine and ecgonine.
**Cocaine is an addicting alkaloid and is drug of abuse. Its general
use as a drug is legally prohibited.

Botanical source:
Nux-vomica consists of the dried seeds of
Strychnos nux-vomica

Family: Loganiaceae

Chemical constituents:
The seed drug Nux-vomica contains the indole alkaloids, strychnine
(1,24%) and brucine (1.5%). It also contains caffeotannic acid, a
glycoside, loganin and a fixed oil.



Strychnine (R= -H)

Use: Brucine (R= -CH3)
1) It is used as a bitter tonic and stomachic and is given in
2) It increases blood pressure. Thus it is useful in certain cases of
heart failure
3) In large doses it causes convulsions and thus is used in
pharmacological research.
Calabar bean
Calabar bean Calabar bean

Botanical source:
Calabar beans are the ripe seeds of the legumes of
Physostigma venenosum

Family: Papilionaceae
Physostigmine Calabar bean
Chemical constituents: 1) Physostigmine, extracted from the calabar bean is used to
The chief constituent of Calabar bean is the physostigmine (0.04-.3%), produce contraction of the pupil of the eye.
which is the medicinally useful alkaloid. It also contains starch (48%) 2) It has been employed in the treatment of tetanus and as an
and proteins (23%). antidote for strychnine (pesticide particularly for killing small
vertebrates such as birds and rodents) poisoning.

*** Large dose of the alkaloid causes death by increasing blood

pressure and suffocation.

Botanical Source:
Cinchona consists of the dried bark of various species, races and
hybrids of Cinchona, particularly of Cinchona succirubra

Family: Rubiaceae

Cinchona bark contains four important quinoline alkaloids, which are
quinine, quinidine, cinchonine, cinchonidine. It also contains quinic
acid, cinchotannic acid, cinchona red and many minor alkaloids.


Quinine / Quinidine (R= -OCH3)
Cinchonine / Cinchonidine (R= H) Cinchona bark
Cinchona possesses febrifuge properties and has been used in the
treatment of malaria fever.


Botanical Source:
Ipecacuanha consists of the dried, enlarged, adventitious roots
and slender rhizomes of Cephaelis ipecacuanha

Family: Rubiaceae

Emetine (R= -CH3)

Constituents: Cephaeline (R= -H) Ipecacuanha root
Ipecacuanha contains 2-5% of total alkaloids, which include Uses:
emetine(70%), cephaeline (30%), psychotrine, methyl psychotrine and 1) The drug is mainly used as an expectorant and emetic
emetamine. It also contains a glycoside, ipecacuanhic acid, starch and 2) Used as a remedy for amoebic dysentery.
calcium oxalate. 3) It possesses diaphoretic and cholagogue properties.
Botanical Source:
Rauwolfia consists of the dried roots of Rouwolfia serpentina

Family: Apocynaceae

Rauwolfia contains 1.2-1.4% of total indole alkaloids, the most
important of which are reserpine, deserpidine and
rescinnamine. Its other constituents include resinous matter,
fatty acids, unsaturated alcohols, dextrose and sucrose.



Rauwolfia root
Reserpine (R=-CH3)
Deserpidine (R= -H)
1) Rauwolfia is used in reducing high blood pressure.
2) Used as a sedative in the treatment of insomnia, anxiety, insanity
and certain other neuropsychiatric disorders.
Opium Opium
Biological source:
Opium is the dried latex obtained from the mature but
unripe capsules of Opium poppy, Papaver somniferum

Family: Papaveraceae

Chemical constituents:
Opium contains principally about 25 isoquinoline alkaloids, the most
important of which is morphine. Other opium alkaloids include
narcotine, codeine, papaverine,thebaine and others.
It also contains meconic acid, meconin, resin and gum.

-Opium is a narcotic drug, chiefly used as a strong analgesic agent to
relieve pain.
-It is also used as a hypnotic drug and as a diaphoretic.


The End

Lecturer: Junayet Hossain Khan

What are Resins? Uses of Resins
1. Flavoring Agent – Ginger
Resins are solid/ semi-solid amorphous products of complex
chemical nature, containing large number of carbons. 2. Carminative – Ginger,
Sources Asafoetida
– Mostly plant and rarely from animals. Example: Shellac and 3. Expectorant – Genzoin
Lac. 4. Stimulant/ Diuretic –
Chemical Nature Colophony
–Volaitle Oils + Oxygenated products and carboxylic acid 5. Anti-cancer – Podophyllum
[Complex mixture of hydrocarbon, acids, alcohols, esters]
6. Cathartic – Jalap, Ipomoea
7. Antiseptic – Benzoin,
–Spermatophyta – [Seeds bearing plant]. End product of
Metabolism and waster products.
Occurance 8. Anti-inflammatory –
–Secreted in special structures [ Resin cell, Ducts/ Cavities
Guggul, Turmeric
–Growth/ Developments
–Injury / Incision [ Protection]

Classification of Resins
1. On the basis of their formation.
a. Physiological resin – Formed as normal product of
metabolism. Example: Cannabis, Podophyllum, Ginger.
b. Pathological Resin – Formed as a result of wound, injury or
abnormal circumstances. Example: Benzoin.
2. On the basis of occurrence with other Secondary
metabolites [Resin Combination]
a. Oleo Resins - Resin + Volatile Oils [Ginger, Capsicum]
b. Gum Resins – Resin + Gum [Colophony, Cannabis]
c. Oleo Gum Resins- Volatile oils + Gum + Resin [ Guggul]
d. Balsams Resins – Mixture Resin + Benzoic acid and/ or
Cinnamic acid or esters of these acid. Free or combined form.
[Benzoin, Tolu Balsam, Peru Balsam]
e. Glycoresin – Resin + Sugar linked by glycosidic linkage [Jalap]
Biological source: Ginger consists of the dried rhizomes of cultivated
Zingiber officinale
Family: Zingiberaceae
Chemical constituents:
- Resinous substances (5-8%), the chief constituent of which is gingerol
- Volatile oil (0.25-3.0%), which contains zingiberene, citral, borneol, camphene
and phellandrene

Chemical constituents:
- Starch (50%)
- Proteins (2-3%)
- A small amount of sugar

• Used as a carminative(prevents formation of gas in GIT) and aromatic stimulant
• Also used as a condiment (spice)

Turmeric Jalap
Biological source: Turmeric consists of the boiled and dried whole or split and
unpeeled rhizome of Curcuma domestica and Curcuma longa.

Family: Zingiberaceae
Chemical constituents:
- Volatile oil (about 6%)
- Curcumin (about 5%), a crystalline yellow substance
- Resin, sugars and starch

• The fresh juice of turmeric is used internally as a blood purifier
• The paste or cream of rhizome is applied externally for brightening the color
of the skin
• Hot paste of the rhizome is used as a poultice (soft, moist mass applied
over skin) in the treatment of inflammation and joint pains
• Used as a coloring and dyeing agent
• Used as a condiment, particularly in Asian and African countries
• Used to block the haemorrhagic effect of snake venom
Biological source: Jalap consists of the dried tubercules of Ipomoea Capsicum
purga , a climbing twining plant
Family: Convolvulaceae
Chemical constituents:
- a glycosidal resin (20%)
- others include mannitol, sugars, starch, calcium oxalate and
ß-methyl aesculetin

• Used as a hydragogue cathartic (Produces a discharge of watery
fluid; increases the fluid content of the feces.) (accelerates
• In smaller doses, used as a laxative
• In larger doses, it causes active purgation (to evacuate)

Capsicum Cannabis
Biological source: Capsicum consists of the dried ripe fruits of
Capsicum minimum and also of Capsicum frutescens
Family: Solanaceae

Chemical constituents:
- Capsaicin (0.05-0.14%), a pungent principle
- Volatile oil (1.5%)
- Ascorbic acid (0.2%)
- a small quantity of a volatile liquid alkaloid

• Used as a stimulant and counter-irritant
• Used externally in the form of ointment and plaster
• Used internally as a pungent stomachic (increase appetite),
carminative and stimulant in the treatment of flatulence and
Cannabis Tolu Balsam
Biological source: Cannabis consists of the flowering and fruiting tops
of the female plants of Cannabis sativa
Family: Cannabinaceae
Chemical constituents:
- Resins
- Cannabinol
- Cannabidiol
- the alkaloid, choline
- small amount of volatile oil
• It is a strong addicting narcotic drug and *** The various forms of
causes hallucination cannabis are named
• Used as a sedative in mania and hysteria variously, such as,
and as an antispasmodic Marijuana, Hashish,
• Because of its addicting property,the use of Bhang, Ganja and
the drug is discouraged Charas

Tolu Balsam
Biological source: Obtained by incision of stem of Myroxylon
Family: Leguminosae
Chemical constituents:
- Resin (~80%): A mixture of resin alcohol combined with cinnamic Fibers, Surgical Dressings &
and benzoic acids
- Free aromatic acids (8-15%) sutures

• As expectorant, stimulant and antiseptic
• Used as an ingredient of cough mixtures and Compound Benzoin
• Used as a pleasant flavouring agent in medicinal syrups, Lecturer: Junayet Hossain Khan
confectionary, chewing gums and perfumery Email:
Fibres and Surgical Dressings Absorbent cotton

• Natural and artificial fibres are used in surgical dressings

• Natural fibres are obtained from vegetable sources (e.g.
cotton, flax, jute etc.) or from animal sources (wool, silk
etc.) Biological source: consists of epidermal hairs of the seeds of
Gossypium herbaceum
• These fibres are made up of long-chain molecules which Family: Malvaceae
may be carbohydrate or a protein molecule Chemical composition: Absorbent cotton consists of cellulose which
• Vegetable and regenerated carbohydrate materials are is composed of glucose units
composed of cellulose units. Uses:
• Animal fibres and regenerated protein fibres are • Used for surgical dressings
proteinous compounds containing peptide linkage. • Serves for mechanical support to absorb blood, mucus, pus etc.
• Protects the wound from bacteria.
• Used in textile industry for manufacturing explosives and other
cellulose derivatives.

Wool Silk

Biological source: Obtained from the protective covering or fleece of Biological source: Obtained in the fibre-form from the
the sheep, Ovis arries cocoons of Bombyx mori, commonly known as silk worm
Family: Lepidoptera
Chemical composition:Raw wool consists of wool fibres(31%) which
are protein ‘keratin’, ‘wool sweat’ composed of potassium salts of Chemical composition: Silk is composed of protein fibroin
fatty acids (32%), dirt and dust (25%) and wool grease (lanolin) which on hydrolysis yields mainly glycine and alanine.
Uses: Uses: Silk is used for making ligatures
• Wool is used to prepare crepe bandages and dressings
• Also used as a medium for filtration.
Sutures and ligatures Sutures and ligatures

• Sutures may be absorbable which are digested in animal

tissues, e.g. catgut, kangaroo tendon and synthetic

• If the sutures are not absorbed in the body, they are

• A surgical suture is a thread or string used for sewing called non absorbable sutures, e.g. silk, cotton , nylon,
or stitching together tissues, muscles and tendons with synthetic polyester fibres and stainless steel wire.
the help of a needle .
• If these threads are used to tie a blood vessel to stop • A good quality of suture should be well-sterilized,
bleeding without the use of needles, then they are called non-irritant, having well mechanical strength, fine
ligatures gauze and with minimum time of absorption.

Tannins Tannins
• Derived from the French word “Tanim”
• Natural polyphenols – Containing sufficient hydroxyl
group and other suitable group (such as carboxyl
group) to form strong complex with protein and other

• Complex Non-nitrogenous plant product.

• Astringent property – precipitate protein
Lecturer- Junayet Hossain Khan (JKH)
• Mostly high molecular weight compound.
• Water soluble
Medical uses of Tannins:
▪ Antidote→in the treatment of alkaloid poisoning.
• Present in the aerial parts, e.g. leaves, fruits, barks or ▪ Antiseptic→ During healing of burns proteins of the exposed tissues
stems, generally occur in immature fruits but disappears are precipitated to produce a mildly antiseptic protective layer under
during ripening process. which tissues are regenerated.
• Serve as a protective to the plant during growth and get ▪ Astringent (causes contraction of skin cells and other body tissues)
destroyed or deposited as end products of metabolism in → Tannins precipitate and combine with proteins to form a complex
some dead tissues of the mature plant. which is resistant to proteolytic enzymes. This property is known as
• Non-crystalline substances. astringent action.
▪ Anti-carcinogenic→ inhibits the development of cancer. However,
• Freely soluble in water, alcohol, acetone, and dilute
prolonged use of tannin containing plant can cause cancer.
alkalis but sparingly soluble in chloroform.
▪ Other uses includes ink manufacture, preservatives, used in the
• Aqueous solutions are acidic in nature and posses process of tanning i.e treating skins and hides of animals to
sharp puckering taste. produce leather by permanently altering the protein structure of
skin, making it more durable and less susceptible to decomposition.

Hydrolysable tannins
Classification of TANNINs
• These tannins are hydrolyzed by enzymes or acids.
• Yield phenolic acids → gallic acids and ellagic acids; and glucose
1. Hydrolysable tannins residue.

2. Condensed tannins
3. Pseudotannins Ellagic acids

• Phenolic acids are combined to a central glucose residue by ester

• Tannins derived from gallic acid→ GALLITANNINS (found in
Rhubarb, Cloves, Chestnuts, Rose petals, Turkish galls). Rapidly
soluble in water
• Tannins derived from ellagic acid→ ELLAGITANNINS (found in
Pomegranate bark and rind, Eucalyptus leaves, Oak bark e.t.c).
Slowly soluble in water.
Condensed tannins Pseudotannins
• These Tannins are derivatives of flavanol, catechins and flavan-3, 4-
• On treatment with acids or enzymes they are decomposed into • Phenolic compounds of lower molecular
phlobaphenes (alcohol-soluble and water-insoluble phenolic
substances). weight
• Dry distillation produce catechol. Hence known as catechol tannins • Example is Gallic acid found in Rhubarb;
Catechins found in Guarana.

Condensed tannins are found in:

1. Bark (Cinnamon, Cinchona, Wild cherry, Oak).
2. Roots and Rhizomes.
3. Seeds (Guarana, Kola (kola nut is a caffeine-containing fruit of the kola tree,
native to the tropical rainforests of Africa, used as a flavoring ingredient in
4. Leaves

Contains: Tannins like catechins and catechu tannic acid and flavanoids.

(species of oak).

•Used as a cooling and digestive agent
•Used in cough and diarrhoea
•Externally used as an astringent medicament and applied to
ulcers, boils and skin erruptions
•Mainly used as an ingredient of betal leaf (paan) and paan
masala. and inks.
• Also used for tanning and dyeing.
Tannic Acid
• Synonym: Tannin, Gallotannin, Gallotannic
• Uses:
1.In solution for burns.
2.Heavy metal antidote.
3.Manufacturing of ink, rubber, printing
Traditional Medicine
fabrics Lecturer: Junayet Hossain Khan (JKH)

4.Commercial preparation of gallic acid.

5.As a reagent in analytical chemistry.

What is Traditional Medicine

It is a system of medicine or medical practice, which is based on – WHO has defined traditional medicine as, “ the sum total of all knowledge
a) past and continual or traditional uses of articles, and practice, whether explicable or not, used in the diagnosis, prevention
and elimination of physical, mental or social imbalance, relying
medicinal or , in the treatment of diseases, and
exclusively on practical experience and observations handed down from
b) clinical experiences of the people of various generation to generation, verbally or in writing.”
generations throughout the ages
Systems of traditional medicine
The traditional health care systems practiced in
Bangladesh include the Ayurvedic, Unani, Homeopathic
and Folk medicine systems.

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Methods of Diagnosis Diagnosis
Diagnosis: c) Patient’s description of the ailment and his present physical or
psychological problems
Diagnosis of diseases in traditional medicine, particularly in
d) Observation of the patient for any gross abnormality in his posture or
the older forms, is based on mainly physical and breathing or body temperature or any change in his eating habit or
psychological symptoms. These symptoms are determined social behaviour
by the following methods: e) Visual examination of the patient’s eyes, particularly its colour (for
a) Directly questioning the patient about the onset of the disease and anaemia or jaundice), tongue (for any deposition) and skin (for
past history of the disease if it is a recurrence of any previous rashes)
problem f) Clinical examination of overall appearance, inspection of movable
b) Delving into the patient’s past life and his family history to find out parts,etc.
if he has inherited it from any member of his immediate family, as
happens with diabetes, asthma or sickle-cell anaemia

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Diagnosis Diagnosis
g) Biological examinations by the use of sensory organs, e.g., tasting J) Use of mind changing drugs to influence the patient to talk freely
urine by tongue for presence of sugar, smelling sores for putrefaction about his disease, life-style and other personal habits, which he wouldn’t
(check for any decomposition), observing stool and vomits for any reveal under normal condition
abnormality and change in color, consistency and smell k) Analyzing any recurring dreams of the patient
h) Divination, like bone- or seed-throwing for formation of any
characteristic pattern and consultation with the spirits or supernatural
creatures through a trance By a combination of these diagnostic methods and using
i) Use of astronomical signs to find any relationship , particularly in skill and experience a traditional practitioner often succeeds
case of mental diseases in correctly diagnosing the disease

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Methods of Treatment Treatment
The methods of treatment used in traditional systems 4) Subjecting the patient to physical torture, like beating, forced sniffing
of smoke from burning hot chilies, etc.
depend on the nature of the diseases and specialization of
5) Psychotherapy and spiritual or faith healing by the use of religious
the practitioner. Some are as follows: verses (blown on water to drink or on food to eat) and amulets are
1) Internal and external application of medicinal products, commonly used in traditional medicine
prepared by the respective traditional medicine practice. 6) Therapeutic fasting and dieting (reducing quantity, prohibiting certain
2) Physical manipulation of various parts of the body, similar to food and selecting the type of food)
physiotherapy of modern medicine. 7) Hydrotherapy. Hot baths are prescribed for fever, rheumatism,
3) Performing rituals like offering prayers, sacrificing animals in headache and body pain. Hot and cold water compressions are
the name of Creator or Deity, feeding distressed people, etc. frequently used in the treatment of sores, inflammations, swellings ,

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Treatment Scientific basis of Traditional Medicine

8) Heat therapy for treating pains, inflamed muscles and joints, The traditional medicine has enough scientific basis and
rheumatism, gout, muscle-pull, fractured bones, etc. credibility can be seen from the examples cited below:
9) Blood-letting (draining out or sucking out ‘impure’ or ‘bad’ blood from a) Phytochemical and pharmacological investigations have shown
the body by making incisions or opening of artery for bringing out blood that the plant components of most traditional medicines used in the
is often prescribed for headaches or vertigo) treatment of oral diseases, wounds and skin infections contain
10)Bone-setting (for fractured bones) and spinal manipulation (in the antibiotic and anti-inflammatory principles
treatment of slipped disc, spine dislocation and backache) b) Traditional medicine used in the treatment of GI and skin diseases
11) Massage (for muscle strains) and also minor surgical operations are have been found to contain tannins, which possess astringent and
commonly used as a means of treatment of traditional medicine antibiotic properties

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Scientific basis of Traditional Medicine Scientific basis of Traditional Medicine
c) Traditional medicine used in the treatment of stomach troubles f) The leaves and fruits of Coccinea cordifolia, seeds of Eugenia jambolana etc.
contain fixed oils, which as emollients diminish gastric acidity, are popularly used for the treatment and management of diabetes. Their
secretion, peristalsis and pyloric tone anti-diabetic properties have been proven clinically
d) Some medicines used to cure GI disorder and oral diseases contain g) Extracts of Senna leaves and the juice of Aloe leaves used to remedy for
constipation. The chemical constituent of these plant parts are now commonly
volatile oils. It is scientifically established that volatile oil enhance
used in modern medicine for their laxative properties.
appetite and facilitate digestion
h) Datura stramonium and Atropa belladonna have long been used in
e) The leaves of Neem tree and roots of Babla tree used for treating traditional medicine as popular pain-killer drugs. The chemical constituents of
fevers including malaria have now scientifically proved to possess these plants hyoscine, hyoscyamine and atropine, are now commonly used as
antipyretic and anti-malarial properties antispasmodic and mydriatic drugs in modern medicine

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Merits and demerits of Traditional Medicine

Scientific basis of Traditional Medicine
• Traditional medicine is more acceptable to the common people,
i) Roots of Rauwolfia serpentina have long been used in this particularly those of the developing countries, partly because of their
subcontinent for treating high blood pressure, insomnia and mental lower prices than modern medicine and partly due to the fact that
diseases. The active constituents of these roots, reserpine, it is deeply rooted in their cultures
deserpidine and rescinnamine, are used in modern medicine for the
same purposes • Preparation of traditional medicine is from natural raw materials
which is cheaper than modern medicine.
As evident from the examples cited above, it can therefore • People heavily rely on traditional medicine as modern medicines are
beyond their reach both in price and availability
be said that the traditional medicine is a scientifically valid
• As traditional medicines are mostly compounded from natural
system as the properties and actions of the drugs used in
substances, they are believed to be readily accepted by the
this system are backed and supported by scientific biological systems of human body

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Traditional medicines have the following draw-backs:
• Normally less toxic and show little or no side-effects
- Sufficient scientific investigations and clinical or pharmacological experiments have
• Causative organisms do not normally develop resistance against not proved the claims of efficacy of most traditional medicines
traditional medicines
- There are no precise or standard methods of diagnosis in traditional medicine
• Treatment procedure using traditional medicine is less complicated and
less time consuming than modern medicine - Treatments of diseases based on wrong diagnosis or on apparent symptoms often lead
to further complications
• Traditional medicine is a potential source of new drugs, a source of
cheap starting materials for the synthesis of new drugs - No definite dosage system is followed in preparing traditional medicines
• Traditional medicine practitioners serve as additional sources of health - Some unhygienic practices used in handling, processing and preparing traditional
manpower and contribute significantly in providing health care medicines make them unacceptable to many potential consumers and also affects the
services to a vast majority of population in the developing countries quality and safety of the products
- In traditional medicine practices, use of spiritual or supernatural methods, religious and
faith healing system, are questionable, as they cannot be verified scientifically

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