Harsha Vardhan Record
Harsha Vardhan Record
Harsha Vardhan Record
The word finance comes from the Latin word "firms". Finance si the art and
science of handling money. Finance is different from money. Finance may
be defined as the provision of money at the time when it is needed. Every
enterprise whether big medium or small needs finance at carry out on its
operation and achieve its goals. It rightly described as the life blood of
business. Finance function or business finance is concerned with
procurement of funds and their effective utilization in the business.
According to, PARTHER & WERT "Business finance deals primary with
rising, administration and distribution of funds by privately owned with
operating in non-financial fields
of industry."
Profitability refers to situation where output i.e., the value created by the
use of resources is more than the total of the input resources. Used in this
sense, profit maximization would imply that a firm should be guided in
financial decision making by one test, select assets, projects and decisions
which are profitable and reject those which are not.
The success of business, among other things depends upon the manner in
which its capital is managed in the dynamic business setting, the
Operating expenses essential out lays may have to be postponed for want of
funds, operating plans will go out of gear & enterprise objectives on
investment slumps the suppliers & creditors of the firm may have to wait
longer to raise their dues & will hesitate to extend further credit to the firm .
Primary Data
Secondary Data :
DEF: The data which have been already collected & comprised for another
purpose. Secondary data was collected various reports / annual reports,
documents charts, management information systems, etc in SRI SAI. And
also collected various magazines, books, newspapers and internet. The
analysis of the information gathered has been made on the basis of the
clarifications sought during the personal discussions with the concerned
people and perception during the personal visits to the important areas
services .
3. The data used in this study have been taken from published annual report
4. This study in conducted within a short period. During the limited period
the study may not be retailed, full fledged and utilization in all aspects.
5. Financial accounting does not take into account the price level changes
Chokes have a long history dating back to the early days of electrical
engineering. They were initially used in telegraphy and early radio systems
for signal filtering and tuning. Over time, their applications expanded to
various industries, including power electronics, telecommunications, and
audio equipment. Today, chokes are essential components in power
supplies, motor drives, inverters, and electronic filters, contributing to the
efficiency and reliability of modern electrical systems.
Winding: Winding coils around the core is a delicate process that requires
precision. The number of turns, the arrangement of windings, and the
spacing between layers all affect the performance of the transformer or
Assembly: Once the coils are wound, they need to be carefully assembled
into the final product. This may involve mounting the coils onto the core,
connecting terminals, and adding any necessary insulation or shielding.
Energy Storage: Chokes store energy in their magnetic fields when current
flows through them. This energy can be released back into the circuit when
needed, providing a form of energy storage in applications such as DC-DC
converters and inverters.
Rise of AC Power Systems (late 19th to early 20th century): With the
introduction of practical transformers, AC power systems became more
viable for long-distance power transmission. This led to the "War of
Currents" between proponents of alternating current (AC), led by George
Westinghouse and Nikola Tesla, and proponents of direct current (DC), led
by Thomas Edison. Ultimately, AC power systems, enabled by
transformers, prevailed due to their ability to efficiently transmit power
over long distances.
Types of chokes
Line Chokes: Line chokes, also known as power line chokes or input
chokes, are used to smooth out fluctuations in AC power lines and reduce
electrical noise in power supplies. They help improve the efficiency and
stability of power systems by filtering out harmonics and other
Phases of choke
Single Phase Chokes: These chokes have a single winding or coil. They
are commonly used in single-phase circuits where the current needs to be
controlled, filtered, or regulated. Single-phase chokes can be found in
various applications such as power supplies, motor drives, and lighting
Three-Phase Chokes: These chokes have three windings or coils and are
designed to operate in three-phase electrical systems. Three-phase chokes
are used to control current, reduce harmonics, and improve power quality in
industrial and commercial applications. They are often employed in motor
drives, variable frequency drives (VFDs), and power distribution systems.
Types of transformer
Transformers are essential electrical devices that transfer electrical energy
between two or more circuits through electromagnetic induction. They are
categorized based on various factors such as construction, application, and
voltage regulation. Here are some common types of transformers:
Phase of transformer
Transformers can also be classified based on the number of phases they are
designed to handle. The most common types are:
Safety Precautions:
Ensure that the transformer and all associated equipment are de-energized
before starting any work.
Inspect Equipment:
Check the transformer and associated equipment for any signs of damage or
Verify that the transformer is the correct size and rating for the application.
Ensure there is enough space around the transformer for safe access and
Clear away any debris or obstacles that may interfere with the installation.
Electrical Connections:
Properly ground
Insulation Testing:
Once all connections are verified and tested, energize the transformer and
monitor for proper operation.
Check for any abnormal noises, vibrations, or overheating during the initial
startup phase.
Measure voltage, current, and other relevant parameters to ensure they are
within acceptable limits.
Safety Checks:
Label all terminals and connections with appropriate markings for future
.The major current assets are cash marketable securities accounts receivable
and inventory, current liabilities those liabilities, which are their inception
to be paid in the ordinary course of business with in a year current liabilities
are amount payable, bills payable bank overdraft and outstanding expenses.
Thus the current assets should be large enough to cover its current
Liabilities in order to ensure a reasonable margin of safety. Each of the
current asset must be efficiently in order to maintain the liquidity of the
short term be managed efficiently in order to maintain the liquidity of the
short term sources of financing must be continuously managed to ensure
that they are obtained and used in a best possible way. Therefore interaction
between current assets and current liabilities in the main theme of working
capital Management. The current assets should be large enough to cover is
current liabilities in order to ensure a reasonable margin of safety. The
interaction between current assets and current liabilities in therefore the
main theme of the threat of working capital management. The two concepts
of working capital are:
Methodological Framework
The data for the period 2001-2005 used in this study have been taken from
primary and secondary sources. The necessary primary data have been
collected from corporate office of the organization; secondary data have
been collected from the financial statements published in the report of the
PRAGATOOLS LTD. Data was analysed through various established
techniques of working capital and personal observation. Editing the data,
clarification and tabulation of the financial data collection from the above
mentioned source have been done as per the requirements of the study. Data
has been analysed using various comparative statements and working
capital ratios. The data is analysed in the chapter-4 ‘Analysis of Working
Capital SRI SAI TRANSFORMERS AND CHOKES under the following
as operating cycle or cash cycle. The operating cycle determines the need
for working capital .The operating cycle represents the period during which
investment of one unit of remain blocked till recovery out of revenue, in
other words, the operating cycle refers to the time necessary to complete.
a)Conversion of cash into Raw Material. b)Conversion of Raw Material
into finished goods. c)Conversion of finished goods into cash sales or credit
sales. d)Conversion to credit sales or receivable into cash .Thus, it is said
Management must know the length of time required to convert cash into
resource used by the firm, the resource into the resource used the firm
the resource into final product. The final product into receivable bank into
cash. This is the operating cycle of an enterprise .Thus, it is said
Management must know the length of time required to convert cash into
resource used by the firm, the resource into the firm the resource into final
product. The final product into receivable bank into cash .This is the
operating cycle of an enterprise. The pattern of operating cycle depends
upon the nature of the enterprise. The financial institution may have a
shorter cycle while trading concern has and extended one. The usual
operating cycle of manufacturing concern is shown. In real business
situation, the operating or cash flow cycle in not as simple and smooth
going as the depicted above. A going concern by nature undergoes the
process of liquidity the besides, a circular flow among working capital
itself, all process of liquidity valued added to the product of the firm.
Therefore, we can say that, working capital in needed not only for financing
current assets but also to meet various other requirements like payment of
dividends, interest etc. Therefore, it is recovery for a product financial
manager to provide correct amount of working capital at the time to provide
for operating reach.
Since a firm has to maintain a sound working position and there should be
optimum investment in working capital, effective management involves
The main components of working capital are currents assets & currents
Current assets comprised items that would get converted in to cash in short
term, within a year, through the business operations current asserts include.
Inventories including stock of raw material, work in progress, finished
goods & factory supplies. Packing, shipment material, office supplies etc
Loan & advances, other balances; include sundry debtors, bills receivables
and others including loans and advances, prepaid expenses etc. Marketable
securities including government securities and semi government securities,
cash and bank balances.
Current liabilities are those which are expected to fall due of mature for
payment in short period of one year and they represent short term source of
funds. They include:
Include bank borrowings other than those against own debentures and other
mortgages, trade creditors and other labializes sundry creditors, outstanding
expenses and advances received etc. Provision for taxation, dividends and
other current provisions.
Gross working capital in represented by the sum total of all current assets of
the enter price adequate funds have to be provided to sustain the movement
of the row material through the work in process to the finished goods stage
and then to receivables and up to realization of cash.
Net working capital in excess of current assets over current liabilities the
concept of net working capital highlights the character of serves from which
the funds have been obtained to support that position of current liabilities.
The above figure shows permanent level is fairly constant, working capital
is fluctuating some times increasing and some time decreasing in
accordance with seasonal demands, in the case an expanding firm the
permanent working capital may not be horizontal. This is because the
demand for permanents current asserts might be increasing or decreasing
support a rising level of activity. In that the line should be a rising one.
1.It stages growth and become difficult for the firm to undertaken profitable
projects for non-availability of working capital funds.
2.It becomes difficult to implement operating plans and achieve the firms
profit target.
4.Fixed assets are not efficiently utilized for the lack of working capital
funds thus the firms profitability would deteriorate.
6.The firm losses its reputation when it is not in position to honour its short
term obligation as result the firm faces tight credit terms.
5.Larger firms have to manage their current assets and current liabilities
very carefully and should see that the work should be done properly in
order to achieve predetermined organization goals.
Funds flow analysis design effective management toll to study how funds
have been procured for the business and how they have been employed. The
statement of variation in working capital is based fundamentally on the
same approach used for the preparation of funds flow statement. This
technique helps to analyses changes in working capital between dated or
two balance sheets. The comparison of current assets and current liabilities
as shown in the balance sheet at the beginning and the ending of a specific
The working capital flow or fund arises when the net affect of a transaction
is to increase or decrease the amount of working capital a firm will have
same transactions that will change net working capital and same that will
cause no change in net working capital transaction which change net
working capital include most of items of the profit & loss account and those
business events which simultaneously effect both current and not current
balance sheet items. On the other based transaction, which do not increase
or decrease working capital include those which effect only current
accounts or only noncurrent accounts.
1.A Funds Flow statement show how the resource has been obtained and
the uses to which are put it helps in analysing the financial operations.
3.It is useful in judging whether the fund has expanded at too faster rate
and whether financing is trained.
4.It points out the effectiveness with which the management has handled
working capital during the period under review.
6.It gives an insight into the evaluation of the present situation it provides
certain useful information about the firm financial policies to out side
world. The funds flow statement is becoming popular with the management
because it helps to explain why in spite of earn sizeable amount of profits
the company is experiencing difficulty in making payment to creditors the
rate of dividend on equity shares cannot be increased and bank balance is
getting thinner.
2.To lay emphasis on the most significant change that has taken place
during specified period.
5.To give reorganization to the fact that a business exists on flow of funds
and is not a static management
Cash is the important assets for the operations of the business cash is the
basis input to keep the business running on continuous basis. Cash shortage
will disrupt the firms manufacturing operations while excessive cash will
simply remain ideas without contribution any thing towards the firm’s
profitable way .Cash management is concerned with the managing of cash
flow into and out of the firm cash flow with in the firm and cash balances
held by the firm at appoint of time by financing depict investing surplus
cash. Cash management is to obtain adequate control over cash position to
keep the firm sufficiently liquidate and to use excess cash in some
profitable way.
Cash planning is technique to plan and control of the use of funds. It protect
the financial condition of them firm by developing a projected cash
statement from a forecast of plans are very crucial and developing the
overall operating plans of the firm.
1.It indicates company’s future financial need especially for its working
capital requirement.
3.It pinpoints the cash required to finance these projects as well as thecash
to be generated by the company to support them.