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1st Max Marks 80 20 100 75 75 60 60
YEAR Marks Secured 75 P 20 P 99 P 57 P 68 P 60 P 60 P
Eligibility Rules
1. A Candidate is declared as passed in the 1st/2nd Year examination if he/she gets a minimum of 30% marks in
each paper and 35% aggregate in one attempt.
2. Minimum pass mark for individual papers of 1st/2nd or both under compartmental appearence is 35%.
3. Blind, Deaf, Deaf & Dumb candidates are declared as passed 1st/2nd Year, if the candidate gets a minimum of
25% marks in each paper. The award of Grade will be as per usual procedure.
4. The Deaf, Deaf & Dumb, Dyslexia and Mentally handicapped candidates are exempted from one language
under Part I or Part II. The Grade will be awarded as usual in consideration of papers appeared.
5. The "Environmental Education" examination is compulsory from the academic year 2006-07. The Candidates
will be issued pass certificates only after qualifying the said subject. The Blind Candidates are exempted
from appearing the Environmental Education Examination only.