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Submitted to:
Submitted by

Pranjal A Bansod (100)

Siddhesh D Nakade (105)

Tejas D Ghonge (110)

Under the Guidance of

Prof Ms. Divyani Harpal Mam

NAAC Accredited with A+ Grade ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Vidarbha Bahu-uddeshiya Shikshan Sanstha’s

Tulsiramji Gaikwad-Patil College of Engineering &

Technology, Nagpur-441108
(An Autonomous Institute affiliated to RTMNU, Nagpur)

Session 2023-24

This is to certify that the micro project report entitled ‘CABEL-STAYED

BRIDGE-HISTORY ,FACTS & TYPES’ prepared by Pranjal A. Bansod
(100) ,Siddhesh D. Nakade (105) , Tejas D Ghonge (110) of second year
B.Tech Civil Engineering during the academic year 2023-24 has been
approved for further research.

Under the guidance of

Prof Ms. Divyani Harpal Mam

Ms. Divyani Harpal Mam Prof. Aasif Baig

(Micro Project Co-ordinator) (Head of the Department)

Place: Nagpur

Sr. No Contents
1. Introduction
2. Aim And Objective
3. Working Of Cable- Stayed Bridge
4. Types Of Cable Stayed Bridge
5. Advantages
6. Disadvantages
7. Construction
8. Cable Stayed Vs Suspension Bridge
9. India And Cable Stayed Bridge
10. Cable Stayed Bridge In Nagpur
11. Preparation Of Model
12. Conclusion
13. Reference
Cable-stayed Bridge - History, Facts and Types

Cable-stayed bridge is a bridge similar to suspended bridge

in that it has towers and a deck that is held by cables, but its cables
hold the deck by connecting it directly to the towers instead via
suspender cables. It usually carries pedestrians, bicycles,
automobiles, trucks, and light rail. It is used in places where spans
need to be longer than cantilever bridge can achieve (because of its
weight), but the span is short enough so a suspension bridge is not
practical there economically.

Venetian inventor Fausto Veranzio was the first to design cable

stayed bridges (he was also the first to design modern suspended
bridge). He published his works in 1595 in his book “Machinae
Novae”. First built cable-stayed bridges appeared in the 19th century
and many early suspension bridges were cable-stayed like footbridge
Dryburgh Abbey Bridge, James Dredge's Victoria Bridge, in Bath,
England (Built in 1836), Albert Bridge (built in 1872) and Brooklyn
Bridge (1883). Other early cable-stayed bridges in the United States
were Barton
Creek Bridge between Huckabay, Texas and Gordon, Texas (built in
1889), bridge over Bluff Dale, Texas, (built in 1890a and it still
largely stands).
Century when where built “Cassagnes bridge” (designed
Brittany, France (designed by G. Leinekugel and built in
1924), and aquedConstraction of this type of bridge continued into
the 20th uct at Tempul in 1926. Concrete-decked cable-stayed bridge
over the
Donzère-Mondragon canal at Pierrelatte was designed by Albert
Caquot in 1952 and was one of the first the modern cable-stayed
bridges but no other that came after, looked up to it. Strömsund
Bridge designed by Franz Dischinger in 1955 had more influence on
the design of the later bridges and is more often mentioned as the
first modern. Fabrizio de Miranda, Riccardo Morandi and Fritz
Leonhardt are the design pioneers of the modern cable-stayed bridge
and their designs had very few stay cables which was modern but
resulted in higher erection costs. Later designs have much more
cables which is more economic in the terms of building.
A cable-stayed bridge can be built in different variations:

• “A side-spar cable-stayed bridge” has only one

tower and is supported only on one side. One
bridge built on this principle is bridge in Winnipeg,
Manitoba, Canada and is made to carry pedestrians.
Other is Jerusalem Chords Bridge which is also
made to be curved which this design allows for.
• “Cantilever-spar cable-stayed bridge” has a
single cantilever spar on one side of the span. Its
spar is made to resist the bending caused by the
cables because cable forces of this bridge are not
balanced by opposing cables and bridge applies
large overturning
force on its foundation. Puente de la
Mujer (2001), Sundial Bridge (2004) and Chords
Bridge (2008), all in Spain, are bridges of this type.
• “Multiple-span cable-stayed bridge” is a
cablestayed bridge with more than 3 spans. It is a
more complex bridge because the loads from the
main spans are not anchored back near the end
abutments. This also makes structure less stiff so
additional design
solutions (like “cross-bracing” stays and stiff multi-
legged frame towers) have to be applied. •
“Extradosed bridge” has stiffer and stronger deck
and its cables are connected to the deck further
from the towers which are also lower than those of
standard cable-stayed bridges.

• “Cable-stayed cradle-system Bridge” is one of

the newest variants. It has so called “cradle system”
which carries the strands within the stays from
bridge deck to bridge deck. These cables are
continuous which means that this bridge has no
anchorages in the pylons and its cables can be
removed, inspected and replaced individually.
• To understand the various aspects of A Cable Stayed

• Working of the cable stayed bridge is known.

• What role do Cable stay bridge play in modern

construction methods and Materials.

• To Find out the Construction Techniques of Cable

Stayed Bridges

• To find out places where a Cable stayed bridge can be


• To understand the various terrains and Climatic

Conditions where A Cable stayed Bridge can be

• Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cable stayed

The world’s longest cable-stayed bridge is the
JiaxingShaoxing Sea Bridge in Shaoxing, China. From one
end to the other, it is 10,138 m (6.3 miles) long and has 6
traffic lanes.

The working principle of a cable-stayed bridge

can be explained as being the balanced transfer of all
the forces and tensions. All bridges are built to connect
two separate land masses, and are required to be rigid
enough to withstand the load that they will be subjected

Just like gloves, in bridge designs, there is no one size

which fits all. Different geographies of different sites
calls for specific design strategies to be adopted.
Sometimes, designs are even changed just for better
aesthetic appeal. The following are the different
variations introduced to the standard cable-stayed

In cable-stayed bridges, the load on the bridge creates

vertically downward-acting stress. This stress gets
converted to tensile forces, acting on several cables
which are attached at regular intervals along the span of
the bridge’s deck. All these cables are further attached
to a central pillar or tower. They transfer their tension to
the pillar in the form of compressive load. The pillar
must also be strong enough to overcome the shearing
stress applied by the cables pulling at it laterally. Thus,
for this system to work, a balance needs to be
established between all these tensile and compressive
Figure showing the important parts of the cable
stayed bridge.

Cantilever Spar:
In this design, the cables run down to the bridge’s deck
from one side of the supporting tower or spar alone.
This exerts a lot of bending stress on the spar, which it
must be strong enough to withstand.
A span is the length of the bridge supported by the
cables running from a single tower or pylon. As the
overall length of the bridge increases, the number of
spans, and thus, pylons increase. Bridges with more
than 3 spans are called multi-span bridges.

Extra Dosed:
The extra-dosed cable stayed bridges have a stronger
bridge deck design. Thus, the cables near the base of
the central supporting tower can be omitted. Also,
lesser number cables mean that the height of the tower
too can be smaller.

Cable-stayed bridges are usually compared with
suspension bridges, over which they have several
distinct advantages.

1. Cable-stayed bridges take less time to complete than

other options.
One of the most significant advantages to consider
when evaluating a cable-stayed bridge is the amount of
time required to complete the construction. This option
does not require the same levels of anchoring that you
will find in alternative designs. There are also fewer
cables required to help support the deck because of how
it ties to the support pillars or towers.
2. The strength of a cable-stayed bridge is
Because the cable-stayed design is similar to a
suspension bridge, it is only natural to compare the two
option. In most situations, the former will offer more
strength to span a gap than the latter. The cable-stayed
bridge can handle more pressure on a consistent basis
compared to the suspension design, allowing the deck
to have more resilience against wear and tear because
there is greater rigidity in its construction.
There is also an element of resilience against natural
pressures which may impact the bridge in negative
ways over time. It withstands the shaking mechanisms
of an earthquake better than most other bridge types.
You can potentially place it in locations where a cross-
wind might make other designs unsuitable for the span.
It will even maintain its shape better while supporting
the heavy loads.

3. It can be significantly cheaper to build a cablestayed

Because there are fewer labor elements to consider with
this design, the installation costs can be significantly
less because there are fewer manhours involved. Most
designs are roughly 30% cheaper to construct when
comparing the cost to other design options that are
available today to cross that span. This advantage is one
of the primary reasons why this type of bridge is the
most common type that you will see when traveling on
roadways around the world. The cost factor is so cheap
that some communities have found that a new bridge
using this design is less expensive than trying to
maintain an older design indefinitely.
4. Cable-stayed bridges can be constructed to almost
any length.
Although the span length of a cable-stayed bridge is
restricted because of its design, what is unique about
this option is that engineers can connect different spans
together with the support pillars or towers to create a
bridge of almost indefinite length. The Jiaxing-
Shaoxing Sea Bridge is one such example of this
advantage at work, offering consistent support for a
span that is over 6.2 miles in length.
Sometimes called the Jiashao Bridge, this span allows
drivers to cross Hangzhou Bay without difficulty as it
can accommodate up to eight lanes of traffic at once.
Drivers can travel at speeds above 60 miles per hour
safely while using the structure. Local laws prevent
vehicles with a max speed of 45mph from using the
span. Construction was completed on July 6, 2013, with
traffic using it about two weeks later.

5. There are multiple design options from which to

choose with a cable-stayed bridge.
Engineers have several different options that they can use
when designing a cable-stayed bridge to cross a span. The
side-spar design tends to be the most common as it offers
only one tower, requiring supports that are on just one side
of the structure. Some locations may require a
cantileverspar design, which provides a single spar that is
found on one side of the bridge. You can also use cradle
systems, multiple span options (like the Jiashao Bridge),
or extradosed options to create the needed supports for a
consistent deck that can support the expected weight that
will be placed on the structure one day.
6. The design of the cable-stayed bridge supports itself.
The cables that are used to create consistency and stability
this bridge design provide the structure with the temporary
and permanent supports it requires
simultaneously. Whenever more weight is added to one
specific section of the bridge, then the cables will help to
displace the extra pressure throughout the remainder of
the structure to prevent one section from receiving the
brunt of the stress. These cables will also maintain the
stability of the structure as it distributes the unexpected
pressure, allowing for safe usage in almost any situation.
7. Cable-stayed bridges offer the possibility of a
symmetrical design.
Although a suspension bridge and a cable-stayed bridge
look very similar in their final design, the one
significant advantage that you will find with the latter
option is that the symmetry one can build into the span
can help it to provide more stability and strength. When
the spans on either side of the pillar or tower are of the
same length, then the horizontal forces help to balance
out the effects of each other. That means there are
fewer requirements for

large ground anchors to ensure the structure can remain

supportive as traffic passes along the deck.
8. Designers can use four different classes of rigging to
create results.
When the decision is made to install a cable-stayed
bridge to cover a span that is usually 3,000 feet or less
in length, then there are four different types of rigging
for the cables from which to choose. Each offers unique
benefits that can lead to a better user experience for the
local community.
• The mono design for a cable-stayed bridge uses a
single cable from its towers to provide support. This
option is rarely seen unless the span being crossed is
relatively small.
• The parallel design, sometimes referred to as a
harp option, offers cables that are virtually parallel to
each other so that the height of their attachment is
proportion to their distance from the tower and their
deck mounting. • The fan design requires that the cables
all connect to or pass over the top of the towners. This
option is preferred when access is necessary to the
cables while maximum supports are needed to create a
stable deck. Engineers can modify this option for
specific environmental requirements too.
• The star design spaces the cables apart on the
tower, connecting to one point or closely-spaced points
on the deck instead of being spread out across the entire

9. Cable-stayed bridges can also use four arrangements

for their support columns.
One of the most common design options for a cable-
stayed bridge is called the “single arrangement.” This
option uses on column for cable support, usually
through a projection in the center of the deck. It can
also be placed along one of the sides of the structure. If
a double arrangement is used, then pairs of columns are
placed on both sides of the deck. The portal
arrangement adds a third member that connects the tops
of the two columns to create a visual effect that is
reminiscent to a door-like shape, offering additional
strength for traverse loads.
The final option is called the “A-shaped arrangement,”
which achieves the same goal as the portal design by
angling the two columns toward each other so that they
meet at the time.
1. Cable-stayed bridges do have a maximum length to
The introduction of computer-aided design for
cablestayed bridges has helped architects and engineers
make the maximum range of a span longer now than
ever before, but this option still has limits. Most of
these bridges will cover a span that is between 100 to
1,100 meters in length. That is why they are an
exceptionally attractive option for pedestrian bridges or
places where unusual loading configurations might be
The main body of the Jiashao Bridge in China is
measured at 2,680 meters, which makes it the most
significant span using this design option when multiple
connections are in place to create the final crossing.
When looking at a single span option for a bridge, the
longest in the world today is the Russky Bridge in
Vladivostok Russia, which offers total coverage of
1,104 meters.

2. This design option can become unstable in specific

Although a cable-stayed bridge can help to provide a
consistently supportive deck when there are crosswinds
present over a span, this option does not work well
when the speed of that wind remains consistently high.
This disadvantage occurs because of the rigidity that the
cables provide for the overall structure. In regular
situations, this would contribute to a higher level of
durability. Under the pressure of a high-speed
crosswind, the deck would start rocking. Over time, this
issue begins to loosen the support cables, making it
possible for the structure to eventually fail over time.
We saw this disadvantage occur when a cable-stayed
bridge collapsed in Genoa, Italy, on August 14, 2018.
This bridge was built in 1967 and made largely of
concrete, which is typical for the design. When it
collapsed, the failure claimed 43 lives as motorists
found themselves plunging into the depths below.

3. Cable-stayed bridges can be challenging to inspect

and repair.
The design of most cable-stayed bridges will place the
bundle areas for the support structures in regions where
a physical inspection becomes very challenging. When
you add in the reduction of anchors for the support
structure, the routine maintenance for this design option
can be intensive. Although communities might be able
to save upwards of 30% on the installation costs for this
option, the increase in labor costs for ongoing
maintenance will eventually eat into those savings.
When you start talking about a bridge that must last
50100 years, then a community will eventually pay
more for this structure than they would with other
designs despite the lower initial capital costs.

4. It is a design that can sometimes be susceptible to

rust or corrosion.
Most of the cable-stayed bridges that are built today use
a combination of concrete and steel to create a rigid,
supportive structure. Unless there are protections in
place that maintain the quality of the metals used for the
span, the support cables can be highly susceptible to
corrosion and rust. Even if the materials do not show
signs of this issue, the higher levels of fatigue that even
a minor problem might create could have a devastating
effect on the health of the bridge.
That is why you will see coastal regions painting their
bridges with a water-resistant material to prevent the
effects of corrosion due to the salt in the air. This issue
is why you do not typically see cable-stayed bridges of
a significant length anywhere in North America. The
Baluarte Bridge in Mexico, at 520 meters in the longest
on the continent. It is also the highest bridge, standing
over 1,320 feet over the river below. In just 6 years of
use, the total maintenance cost for the structure are over
$132 million.

5. The strength advantages typically apply to short

The cable-stayed bridge design fell out of favor in the
early 20th century because it simply lacked the strength
to support traffic. Although it was still used for
shorttomedium spans, suspension bridges and other
design options grew in use because they offered more
durability despite the higher costs of installation. It was
only when funds became scarce during the massive
rebuilding efforts of the 1940s and 1950s that this
option made a dramatic comeback.

cable-stayed bridge: Bridge form in which the

weight of the deck is supported by a number of
nearly straight diagonal cables in tension running
directly to one or more vertical towers. The
towers transfer the cable forces to the foundations
through compression.

Construction of cable-stayed bridge usally follows

the cantilever method, so their construction begins
with the sinking of caissons and the erraction of
towers & anchorages. After the tower is built,one
cable and a section of the deck are constructed in
each direction .each section of the is of deck is
petressed before continuing .the process is
repeated until the deck sections meet in the
middle, the ends
are anchored at the abutments.

Cable-stayed bridges offer a variety of possibilities to the
designer regarding not only the materials for deck and cables
but also the geometric arrangement of the cables. Early
examples, such as the Strömsund Bridge in Sweden (1956),
used just two cables fastened at nearly the same point high on
the tower and fanning out to support the deck at widely
separated points. By contrast, the Oberkasseler Bridge, built
over the Rhine River in Düsseldorf, Germany, in 1973, used a
single tower in the middle of its twin 254-metre (846-foot)
spans; the four cables were placed in a harp or parallel
arrangement, being equally spaced both up the tower and
along the centre line of the deck. The Bonn-Nord Bridge in
Bonn, Germany (1966), was the first major cable-stayed
bridge to use a large number of thinner cables instead of
relatively few but heavier ones—the technical advantage being
that, with more cables, a thinner deck might be used. Such
multicable arrangements subsequently became quite common.
The box girder deck of the Bonn-Nord, as with most cable-
stayed bridges built during the 1950s and ’60s, was made of
steel. From the 1970s, however, concrete decks were used
more frequently.
⚫ Sunshine Skyway Bridge

This bridge, which you'll cross on the drive from St.

Petersburg to Bradenton, is one of the longest cable-
stayed concrete bridges in the world offering
breathtaking panoramic views of Tampa Bay and the
Gulf of Mexico. Park at the lots at either end of the
bridge to capture postcard-worthy photos. The piers are
a popular fishing spot—you can rent fishing gear and
join in the fun. Stay for sunset and watch as the scene
changes when the bridge lights up at night.
⚫ Bayview Bridge

The designs of cable-stayed bridges in the United States

have reflected trends in both cable arrangement and deck
material. The Pasco-Kennewick Bridge (1978) over the
Columbia River in Washington state supported its centre span
of 294 metres (981 feet) from two double concrete towers, the
cables fanning down to the concrete deck on either side of the
roadway. The same designers created the East End Bridge
(1985) across the Ohio River, which has a major span of 270
metres (900 feet) and a minor span of 182 metres (608 feet).
The single concrete tower is shaped like a long triangle in the
traverse direction, and the cable arrangement is of the fan type,
but, while the Pasco-Kennewick Bridge has two parallel sets
of cables, the East End has but one set, fanning out from a
single plane at the tower into two planes at the composite steel
and concrete deck, so that, as one moves from pure profile to a
longitudinal view, the cables do not align visually. The
Sunshine Skyway Bridge (1987), designed by Eugene Figg
and Jean Mueller

Over Tampa Bay in Florida, has a main prestressed-concrete

span of 360 metres (1,200 feet). It too employs a single plane
of cables, but these remain in one plane that fans out down the
centre of the deck.

The Dames Point Bridge (1987), designed by Howard

Needles in consultation with Ulrich Finsterwalder, was the
longest cable-stayed bridge in the United States until the
opening of the Arthur Ravenel Bridge in South Carolina in
2005. The Dames Point Bridge crosses the St. Johns River in
Jacksonville, Florida, and its main span is 390 metres (1,300
feet), with side spans of 200 metres (660 feet). From H-shaped
towers of reinforced concrete, two planes of stays in harp
formation support reinforced-concrete girders. The towers are
carefully shaped to avoid a stiff appearance. In 2011 the
Arthur Ravenel
Bridge in turn was surpassed by the opening of the John James
Audubon Bridge in Louisiana. The only bridge over the
Mississippi River between Natchez, Mississippi, and Baton
Rouge, Louisiana, the John James Audubon Bridge has a main
span of 482 metres (1,583 feet).
Cable-stayed bridges may appear to be similar to suspension
bridges, but they are quite different in principle and
construction. In suspension bridges, large main cables
(normally two) hang between the towers and are anchored at
each end to the ground. This can be difficult to implement
when ground conditions are poor. The main cables, which are
free to move on bearings in the towers, bear the load of the
bridge deck. Before the deck is installed, the cables are under
tension from their own weight. Along the main cables smaller
cables or rods connect to the bridge deck, which is lifted in
sections. As this is done, the tension in the cables increases, as
it does with the live load of traffic crossing the bridge. The
tension on the main cables is transferred to the ground at then
anchorages and by downwards compression on the

Supension Bridge

Cable -Stayed Bridge ,Fan Design

In cable-stayed bridges, the towers are the primary load-
bearing structures that transmit the bridge loads to the ground.
A cantilever approach is often used to support the bridge deck
near the towers, but lengths further from them are supported
by cables running directly to the towers. That has the
disadvantage, unlike for the suspension bridge, that the cables
pull to the sides as opposed to directly up, which requires the
bridge deck to be stronger to resist the resulting horizontal
compression loads, but it has the advantage of not requiring
firm anchorages to resist the horizontal pull of the main cables
of the suspension bridge. By design, all static horizontal forces
of the cable-stayed bridge are balanced so that the supporting
towers do not tend to tilt or slide and so must only resist
horizontal forces from the

One question that frequently comes up during our community

presentations and tours is the difference between cable-stayed
and suspension bridges. Since the Bridge Project is the first
cablestayed vehicular bridge in California, people are still
becoming acquainted with this new-to-the-area type of design.

The primary difference between the two kinds of bridges is

how the weight of the road deck is borne. With suspension
bridges like the Golden Gate Bridge, the cables that support
the road deck are attached to main cables that drape over the
towers and are anchored at both ends of the bridge. These
anchorages, which typically are massive concrete structures,
bear a great deal of the load of the road deck. The remaining
load is borne through downward compression on the towers
caused by the weight of the draped main cables.

In cable-stayed bridges, cables directly connect from road deck

to the towers, and they become the primary load-bearing
structures that transfer the weight to the ground. A few key
advantages of cable-stayed design include the following:

• Using balanced-cantilever construction whereby bridge

segments are added symmetrically to both sides of the tower
to balance the load, the cables act as both temporary (during
construction) and permanent supportsor the road deck.
• The symmetrical building of the road deck balances the
load, eliminating the need for large ground anchorages.

• Cable-stayed bridges are far less costly for road-deck

lengths of 500 to 3,000 feet (the Bridge Project has a 2,000-
foot main span); and they can be built in far less time.

• They require much less steel cable and use more precast
concrete sections, which accelerates construction.

In short, cable-stayed bridges bear the road-deck weight

differently, are faster to build and require less construction
materials than suspension bridges.

The first cable-stayed railway bridge of India is nearing

completion and the deck of the bridge is expected to be ready
by May this year on the Anji river in Jammu and Kashmir,
Northern Railway officials said.

Once ready, trains will run at a speed of 100 kilometres per hour on
the bridge being constructed around 80 kilometres away from

Anji bridge between Katra and Reasi stations falls in the Reasi
district of the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. The
upcoming structure is part of the ambitious
UdhampurSrinagarBaramulla-Rail Link (USBRL) project that
railway minister Ashwini Vaishnav had announced would be
completed next year.

According to officials, the last deck portion of Anji bridge

which is designed to withstand wind speeds of 213 kilometres
per hour is expected to be completed in May this year as six
more segments of the bridge are yet to be launched.

The cable-stayed portion of Anji bridge is 472.25 metres while

the total length of the bridge is 725.5 metres, which is divided
into four parts including an embankment, officials said.

The deck level of the 193-metre tall bridge from the

foundation is 51 meters, while the invested Y-shaped pylon
above the deck level is 142 meters, the officials said, adding
that the bridge work started in 2017. However, the main cable-
stayed bridge work started in April 2018, after the completion
of the approach portion, an official said.

The official said the bridge has a codal life (normal average
life of machines, equipment, infrastructure calculated as per
working shift) of 120 years and it will be able to bear the
explosion of 40kg of explosive material. The bridge will also
have an integrated monitoring system with numerous sensors
installed at various locations.

"Site-specific earthquake parameters studies were carried out

by the Department of Earthquake Engineering, Indian Institute
of Technology,

Roorkee, to define the seismo-tectonic framework for the

region," the officer said.

According to railway officials, the bridge is located in the

youngfold mountains of the Himalayas having extremely
complex, fragile and daunting geological features in the form
of faults, folds and thrusts. Besides seismic proneness of the
region, detailed site-specific investigations were carried out by
IIT, Roorkee and IIT, Delhi, they added.

The Ram Jhula consists of two parallel cable-stayed

railway over-bridges in Nagpur, India. The 606.74
metres (1,990.6 ft) long bridge crosses the railway
tracks north of
Nagpur Junction railway station. The Blue Line of the
Nagpur Metro will run along the centre of the bridge on
the eastern side.

A bridge was originally built by the British in 1927 to

connect what was then Old Nagpur and New Nagpur
that lay across the tracks of the Great Indian Peninsular
Railway (GIPR, the precursor to Central Railway. The
South East Central Railway and Nagpur Municipal
Corporation were informed by the British contractors
that the bridge had lasted its guaranteed service life and
hence be kept out of bounds for heavy vehicles.
Subsequently, the Maharashtra State Road
Development Corporation (MSRDC) was handed over
the responsibility to demolish and reconstruct the

The MSRDC began work in 2006 by building a three-

lane cable-stayed bridge parallel to the old bridge. The
bridge was built by Afcons, a subsidiary of the
Shapoorji Pallonji Group.[4] As per the plan, the old
bridge would be demolished once the parallel bridge
was open to traffic following which a second three-lane
bridge would be built, bringing the total number of
lanes to six.[5] However, a dispute arose between
MSRDC and the Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation
Limited (MahaMetro) over the alignment of the Blue
Line of the Nagpur Metro. MahaMetro sought
permission to build the metro between the two bridges
but the MSRDC refused. In 2016, the Nagpur bench
of the Bombay High Court asked Maharashtra Chief
Minister Devendra Fadnavis to resolve the matter.[6]
Subsequently, MSRDC and MahaMetro agreed to
integrate the two structures. The last 200 metres (660 ft)
of the second bridge would be built by the latter with
two levels with the metro at the upper level before
proceeding towards the railway station.


After studying about cable stayed bridges we

have concluded that the cable stayed bridges
are a very efficient and easy to construct in
areas where a normal bridge cannot be
It has proved that the bridge works efficiently
in every aspect compared to other bridges.
The cost of construction is also economical
that other bridges. It also improves the
aesthetic view of the area or place as it could
be a good attraction in the place.
The cable stayed bridge is also very efficient
in varying loads. It’s bending moment is also
more compared to other girder bridges.


1. https://www.britannica.com/technology/cable-stayed-bridge
2. 16 Advantages and Disadvantages of Cable Stayed Bridges
ConnectUS (connectusfund.org)
3. Roy, Ashish (28 November 2018). "Ramjhula ROB phase
two to open for public in January". Times of India.
Retrieved 1 January 2019.
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